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Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
January 12, 2024 5:46 pm

Truth Talk Live

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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Truth Talk
Stu Epperson
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
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Hi, this is Nikita Kolov, The Russian Nightmare, from the Man Up Podcast, where we explore men's and women's fascinating life stories that will challenge you to man up, because it's time. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a moment. Sit back, enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for choosing the Truth Podcast Network.

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. It's Freedom Fridays, where we get to hear the best of your freedom stories, how Jesus set you free. We would love to hear your story.

You call us, 866-348-7884. Where did Jesus set you free? Yes, today on Truth Talk Live, it's Freedom Friday and it is Truth Talk Live, and so we have some of the best freedom stories we've heard so far on Truth Talk Live. You're going to get to hear those today, but the best is yet to come, because we haven't heard your story yet, so we would love to hear you.

866-348-7884 is the number to call in. It is Freedom Friday. I don't know if you've heard the second verse of the 119 Psalms says, Blessed are they that keep his testimonies and seek him with their whole heart.

Well, that's what we're doing today on Freedom Friday. We are keeping his testimonies, and you have no idea how much it encourages me when I hear these stories, but I have listeners all the time tell me, oh, that lady with the gourd, or that lady, and so we're going to play some of those sound bites today to remind you of some of those stories that we've heard, but again, unless we have the new stories, right, it doesn't just keep building, and so just think about that. Blessed are they, right, that keep his testimonies, and so we're going to do some of that today, but actually I'm going to start off with one of my favorites so far. This one literally almost took my breath away when I heard it, and as my family will tell you, Robbie cries maybe easier than he laughs.

You never want to take him to a Disney movie because you're just going to wonder where everybody's looking at him. Here come the tears, and this one, this particular story that Rachel gave us a couple weeks ago took my breath, and I'll play it, and then we'll talk a bit about it. Well, so I've been to church my whole life. My dad's a Baptist minister. I got married right out of school, moved to Arizona. I've listened to music and sermons and everything my whole life, and honestly I never understood a word, and last year I met an older couple. I was buying their mower from them.

Mind you, I was going to have to have surgery on my right knee because I tore my meniscus, and I went to buy the mower from them, and they immediately knew something was wrong. They got down on their knees and started praying, and I felt warm and cold. I was laughing. I was crying. I couldn't even talk about it for months, to be honest, even though I'd been in church my whole life, and once I could finally say that that was God, it has opened me up to a whole new world of love and peace and restoration of faith. When I go to church, I almost cry every song because I hear the words. I hear and understand the words that I heard my whole life, and that's no clue what they were saying, and I just love him, and I hope and pray that everyone can actually hear the sermons and hear the hymnals because he is amazing, and I just want everyone to feel him and know what real he is, and there's miracles every day.

Darrell Bock Wow, right. And I'm hoping that stirs something up in your memory, something about your own story that you would share with our audience and people everywhere, and again, it's just a keepsake. We can keep these testimonies in our heart to recall us that God is around every corner, and he's just right there, and he wants to touch you, and please call us.

It's 866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH if you're digitally gifted. Of course, I will share some dad jokes today, and we certainly have some quotables on the idea of freedom, but as you think about what Rachel just said, I don't know if you noticed how she got choked up right there before she even began to talk about the older couple. Now, I've thought about this older couple's boldness ever since I've heard this story.

I've thought about it for two or three weeks now. Like, how many people did you ever meet that you saw they were in need and you hit your knees? I mean, I understand to pray for somebody. I get a chance to do that often, but literally the effect of seeing somebody fall on their knees on your behalf obviously touched Rachel. She hasn't forgotten. I'll never forget this. And like, man, what does that look like in your life? And since I'm on such great sound bites, I'm going to play one of those that literally changed my whole radio career. This is from actually the Christian Car Guy show in 2009. When this man called with this testimony, I knew that God was telling me that this, what he loves to do on the radio is share amazing stories. And so the question this day in 2009 was, where were you when Jesus took the wheel? And Joe blew my mind with this one.

What have you got for us? Well, I was at some back problems and I was catching a ride with my girlfriend to a chiropractor. Wow. And she ran a stop sign and we got broadsided and I lived through it.

And that's the day Jesus took control of my car. Oh wow. Really?

Really? And so was there more injuries because of the accident? Oh yeah. I'm paraplegic now.

Oh wow. So you found yourself just in a whole different world on the other side of that accident. Way different world, but my eyes were opened.

Can you share that just a little bit with our listeners, Joe? Well, I was off onto some Hindu stuff that a friend of mine had got me into and given up my beliefs in Jesus. And after that accident, everything came home for me. And that was that something that you had been taught as a younger person and then you started to see it again?

Yeah, I was raised as a Christian, but this friend of mine got me into his Hindu business. But after that accident, I was awakened. And Joe awakened me that day.

That call was from Salt Lake City. I will never, ever forget it because I realized how powerful that was because Joe's call started a number of people calling who all had had actually pretty tragic accidents that had led to freedom. I mean, it was just like one after the other had very similar stories and God caught me totally by surprise as he stole the show and that's what I would very much like him to do today. And so what is your freedom story? What is your testimony? 866-348-7884 is the number to call in and share your story because, again, you just don't understand.

Like, man, all of us can save these and ponder them and restore faith and build faith. Who knows what you could do with your story? Call us, 866-342.

We'll be right back. With your freedom stories, how Jesus set you free. We would love to hear your story.

You call us, 866-348-7884. Where did Jesus set you free? Yes, it's Freedom Friday and we would love to hear your freedom story. We got some of the best of that we heard throughout the week and so excited to share these with you because I've certainly enjoyed putting them together and recalling, you know, as they say in the 119th Psalm, second verse says, blessed are they who keep his testimonies and seek him with their whole heart. And so every time that somebody calls us with one of these stories, I keep it in my heart. It's like this is one of the things that really builds my faith and I guarantee you everybody listening is hearing something new that reminds them of something that God did and so your story is critical. It really is to God's revealing himself to everybody and so we need your call, 866-348-7884.

Sometimes it's life-changing and radical like the last two that we just did in the first segment, but here's one that was a little bit simpler but still, you know, as a lady looking for God and by hearing from him, it set her free in her prayer life and listen to this. Okay, my story is called the gourd story. A couple of years ago, it was in September and I have a farm and my husband had given me about an acre of soil and I could plant on it what I wanted to so I decided I wanted to plant gourds, those ornamental gourds and we were going to put them in baskets and let the church sell them to make money for the church. So the gourds did really great and wonderful. They were just absolutely beautiful and you would find yourself going through the gourd patch and you'd be like, look at this one. Oh, look at this one. This one's so pretty. So it was going to be a great way for the hospital, excuse me, I'm a lab person.

So it was a good way for the church to make money. Well, as it turned out, on this September afternoon, it was a beautiful September afternoon, the sun was shining and I was going through the gourd patch with my 5-gallon bucket and I was feeling a little, you know, like, just feeling a little sorry for myself. Like, you know, I need a little help down here picking up these gourds but I was doing it anyway and as I was picking up the gourds, I was talking to God and I said, God, you know, I know that I'm not as good a person as Abraham was or Moses or all the people that you have in the Bible.

I know I'm not as good as those people but, dear Lord, I wish you would just give me a sign to let me know that you're listening to me, that when I'm praying, I'm talking to you up here, that you will just listen to me. Well, I happened to come across a thought and I said, God, if you would let me find a black gourd, I would know that you were listening to me. So I looked and about a few seconds later, I found a solid white gourd and I laughed and I cried and I laughed and I cried and I said, God, I'm so silly. You know, your gourd wouldn't be black, it would be white, it would be pure. That's the kind of gourd you would want me to find.

And there were no, there were like not really other white gourds in the patch, just that one that I found. And, you know, it helps me to understand that, you know, sometimes you don't always ask for the right thing, but yet God is listening to you. So the next day when I went to church, because that was on a Saturday, and the next day when I went to church, I had been asked to do a lead prayer and when I did, before I did, I went walking up to the church with a basket and I had gourds in the basket and I had the white gourd underneath. And as I told the story about God listening to your prayers, no matter where you are, even if you're in Lamsburg, Virginia, down in the bottom, picking up gourds, under the Blue Ridge Mountains, God can hear your prayers. And then I told them the story and then at the end I pulled out the white gourd. So that is my story about the gourds. Darrell Bock Yeah, that's just absolutely, you know, I just love that story. It has so many angles to it. And what does it bring up in your own heart?

What does that bring up in your mind? We would love to hear yours. 866-348-7884, 866-348-7884.

Very cool. We do have Don is in Virginia. He's got a testimony for us. Don, you're on Truth Talk Live. Good afternoon. Don Harrell Good afternoon. Appreciate you taking my call. Darrell Bock Oh, and you have a radio voice, my friend.

Don Harrell I was just going to give you a quick salvation testimony. I was not raised in a Christian home. There was plenty of issues at home. We had a lot of alcohol issues and there was just a lot of violent things going on. My mom tried to make everything right, but it just didn't work out good. So it was just not a great place to grow up.

But it's just that's just how it was. I was in the same boat as a whole lot of other people. I wanted to do good as a young person. I always tried to, but I was bad at it. I couldn't do it very well.

Darrell Bock I resemble that remark. Don Harrell I was great at being bad, unfortunately. And I wanted to do good. I tried to do good, but I couldn't do good. Of course, I knew nothing about anything. My mom would always try to tell me that, you know, you've got to pray to God.

You've got to pray to Jesus. And I would do that, but I just didn't understand that. I thought that it was all dependent on what I could do. So fast forward several years in my life.

I got to be 33 years old. I was married, had a couple of small kids. I was successful at work and everything.

Things worked out as far as I was able to work hard and get out of the type of environment I grew up into and was not involved in the things I was. But I was still not happy. I was miserable. Make a long story short, I went through a divorce. My wife had divorced me. And for someone who things had gone pretty well for as far as having success at school and sports and just life in general, I was like, got the rug pulled out from underneath my feet. It was the worst thing I ever went through and didn't know what to do. And somebody had put a tract in my mailbox.

It's called religious but lost. And I thought, what is this thing? And I threw it on the table and didn't look at it. And life was getting worse. I felt miserable. I felt just that I'd completely let everybody down in life. I didn't know what to do. I had no idea what to do. And I was about at that point where I was like, well, there's no reason for me to be here. I was ready to check out. And I remember sitting at home one night about two o'clock in the morning, couldn't sleep. And so I just started reading this tract.

And it was a very clear gospel presentation. But I remember the first part of it started off talking about do you believe in heaven, believe in hell? I had a mind thought about it. It's like, yeah, I believe there's a heaven and hell.

But I had no idea what that really meant. I said, yeah. And it says, are you happy?

I'm like, no, I'm miserable. Oh, Don, I hate to jump in mid-story, but I can guarantee you everybody's going to hang on through the break to hear the rest of this. What a powerful story. I'm so grateful for your call and so anxious to hear the rest of it. So you stay on with us through the break?

I'll stay on, yes. That would be wonderful. And of course, you listening, we would love to hear your story. 866-348-7884. Call us, 866-344-TRUTH. Where did Jesus set you free? Yes, it is Freedom Friday.

And today, if you've missed the first segment or the first two segments, you can certainly get the podcast at, or you can look on Facebook, watch the video, like, oh, my goodness, the stories. But right now, certainly if you're listening, we have Don in Virginia, and we left Don in a situation where, Don, you were divorced. You had two kids by that marriage, right?

Yes. Yeah, that's a really tough place, I bet. Yeah, it was awful. And yeah, so I was, at that point, I had just, like I said, I was ready just to step out because there was, I felt there was nothing, no hope for me. And I remember at that time thinking to myself, isn't this ironic?

Because I remember, I used to think anybody that would think about taking their life, that they were a complete coward and what kind of a human being would do such a thing. And now I am in this situation. And I was, even during that time when I had no idea about the Lord or God, I was thinking, oh, boy, isn't this just another bitter pill for you to swallow here?

You're thinking about the same thing that you used to be so critical of other people for. But then I'd read this Gospel tract that someone had put in my mailbox. And I started reading that one night about two o'clock in the morning and was talking about how it was a very clear Gospel presentation and it made it very clear to me how I was lost. I'd never heard a Gospel presentation.

I didn't know that. I knew about Jesus, we went to church, but it was not a Bible-believing church. And it was, I never heard a clear Gospel presentation. I didn't know that God, His Son, actually loved me personally, Don. It wasn't just about what Don could do for him and try to make his way into heaven, but it was that I just needed to believe in him.

And I'd never heard that before. And reading through this Gospel tract, I understood that I was lost and I needed a Savior. And at that time, I prayed to him and I said, Lord, I know I haven't lived my life the way you wanted me to. And I'm just, I'm at the end of my rope and I don't know what else to do, but I do believe that you are my Savior. And if you could save me and show me what to do, I'll follow you. And I went to bed that night and I woke up in the morning and I had a song in my heart.

I didn't know many religious songs. I knew the doxology, so while I was walking, just walking before I went to work, I was just thinking, praise God. That's awesome.

That's all I could do. And I was thinking to myself, what is going on here? What is going on? Why am I so happy? My circumstances haven't changed.

I'm still divorced. I went through all this, but I felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders. This was just, I could not believe it. And I just, I felt joy.

I don't, I've never felt joy in my life before. I didn't know what that was. And the next thought in my head was, I have to go buy a Bible. I didn't have a Bible, didn't have anything like that at home.

Yeah. So I just, so I went to work and this will date me and tell you, so I didn't know where to go to buy a Bible. I went to, so I went to Walden Books after work that day.

I bet they had them. They had Bibles there, I asked, but I didn't know what kind of Bible to buy. So I asked the poor girl up front and she was looking at me like I was crazy. And she goes, I don't know.

She says, just pick one. I'm like, okay. So I picked the Bible out and I took it home and started reading it. And it was just like, I couldn't believe it.

I'm reading through this and I'm reading through this. And I asked her, I said, where should I start at? And she's just looking at me like I was a man from the moon or something. And she says, I don't know. So somebody told me one time to read John. And I said, John, I said, is that a gospel? And she goes, I don't know. She just said, read John.

This is a crazy conversation. So I thought I'm going to go home and I'll find out where John is and I'll start reading it. So I'm looking, flipping through this Bible and it's like, well, okay, here's John.

It's one of the gospels. And so I started reading through it and I'm reading and reading. I get to the third chapter and he goes and talks about, he says, you know, rarely, rarely you cannot enter the king to heaven unless you be born again.

And, and I didn't, but this is making sense. I'm like, and so he was talking to Nicodemus and I'm like reading through this. I'm like, he's asking, is it, you know, he's given the explanation, what, can you go back and be born when you're, be born from your mother again? He goes, no, no, it's like the wind blows. It's like, you know, it's, you can't see it, you can't feel it, but it's, you know, being, he says, it's a spiritual rebirth, you know? And I'm like, this is what happened to me. And I don't know what, I don't know anything about anything.

So as far as I know, I'm the only person in the world like this right now. I don't know any people. I've never heard this stuff before.

I didn't know any people that talked about this. That's so awesome. So I'm just sitting at home, I'm sitting at home reading my Bible. So I don't know what to do other than go to work and come home. And then I, when I get my, get to see my kids, I'm so happy to see them. And then I just read my Bible and I don't know what to do.

And it's about, about a month went by and I pretty much got most of the Bible read through by now because I was just reading it just continuously. And I was like, Lord, I don't know what to do. I don't know where I'm supposed to go now. I said, I don't know. I should probably go to church, but I don't know where to go.

I don't know what to do. I said, I guess I'll just stay here and read my Bible unless, you know, you kind of help me out. And I said, thank you.

And this was on a Monday. And I remember Tuesday night, this elderly couple, I'll say their first names, Neil and Mary, came over and they knocked on my door. And they just, I'd never met them before in my life. And they said, would you like to talk about God?

And I looked at them. I'm like, yes, come in here, come in here, you know. And I'm sure that, well, I don't, they were shocked.

Because they probably never see that. And I said, oh my gosh, we're at the wrong house, you know. We better get out of here. But anyway, they were asking if I, you know, wanted to do anything about the gospel. I'm like, yeah. So I tell them the same story that I just told you. And they were like, well, that's wonderful.

And I'm just sitting there, and I was just so happy to meet someone. I said, so you folks obviously know about this, too. I said, so, they're like, yeah, you can come to a church. I said, well, I said, will they let me in? I said, I don't want to.

I said, I've done a lot of bad things in my life. And they're just like, no, no, no. There's, everybody else is like, they're all, I don't understand, you know, like I said, I thought I was the only person. I didn't know what happened that this is something everybody happened to.

I didn't know. And they're like, no, no, no. They're all, we're all lost until you basically be, yeah, you asked the Lord to save you out of your sin.

You confess that you're lost and a sinner and you need salvation. And they're like, no, they're people that are just like you. You know, I said, they said, everybody's got maybe a little different story, but they're set just like you. So I went to church. They invited me to come to church and I just thought, I cannot believe, I never met nice people before in my life. I'm like, who are all of these nice people? They are so nice to me and I just can't hardly believe it.

And it was just, oh, it was awesome. And they were wonderful to me. They took me under their wing and they just, you know, they helped me along. They answer all my questions and it was awesome. God heard the prayers, sent you exactly right. They knocked on your door. I was just so thrilled to death and so I tell you, the reason I called is just, I love to talk about the Lord and I, you know, I love to tell people my testimony because He's been so good to me and this has been 30 years ago now, almost 30 years ago.

And it's just, it hasn't changed even just a little bit on how good He's been to me and how grateful I am to Him and thankful. And I thought, you know, if you could save me out of the miserable life I was in, the least I can do is talk to other people, tell other people what you've done for me, you know? You have no idea how similar our stories are, Don, because I was a car salesman, clearly, and, you know, had no clue and same exact thing, like, I guess I better read this Bible because, you know, I read something on the Power of Positive thinking, you're supposed to read the Bible and I went to a bookstore, too, just to try to find something that would help me understand what I was reading and I had the same conversation with the lady in the car who looked at me like I was a good father.

And then I went to church and I thought the same thing you thought. I was like, why are these people so nice to me? Do they want to buy a car? Like, why are these people treating me like they actually, and no, they don't want to buy a car, they just want to be nice to me. This doesn't seem right, you know? What's up with all that? They're kind people.

I totally relate to your story and I'm so grateful and I know a lot of people are listening and they have similar situations and so we need them to call at 866-348-7884. Where are you listening, Don? We're in Virginia.

Right outside the Lynchburg. Oh, cool. Wonderful. So we are grateful, grateful, grateful for you listening to the truth and I bet you have even a greater hunger for the Bible today than you did back then.

Well, of course. The good Lord is so wonderful and God's word, it just blesses you every time you look at it and I just cannot believe, I still cannot believe how good he's been to me, how he saves somebody like me. Somebody as lost as I was and it's just just awesome and I'm just so thankful for that and so grateful to him and it's just wonderful.

I couldn't agree with you more, my friend. God bless you. You have an amazing weekend.

So grateful for your call and we will talk to you again soon, I hope. God bless. Now it's your turn.

That stirred some up in you. We need to hear it. 866-348-7884. We'd love to hear your Friday Freedom Story. God bless.

We'll be right back. 866-348-7884. Where did Jesus set you free? Oh, the stories we have heard today but we've yet to hear yours. I'm still wanting more. I always do. 866-348-7884. We would love to hear your story.

You heard Donzo. So powerful. If you missed some part of that you can by all means go back to, listen to the podcast get that, however you can go about doing that and I don't know about you but stories like that, they're good for a good cry.

Like God saved me and he saved Don and he saved you but you know, we need to, anybody, I'm trying to think who said it maybe George Bernard Shaw. You should laugh every day and you should cry. So we had a chance to cry. Now I do have here recorded what I thought was the funniest joke anybody's told me. Although I always get funny ones but this one I really chuckled at and I bet you will too. This is Busbun.

He called in a couple weeks ago with this one. Busbun is in Ohio. He's got a dad joke. Oh, I love it too.

So Busbun, you're on Truth Talk Live. I am dying to hear your joke. Oh, I like riddles. Okay.

Here you go, everyone out there. Why did the chicken fall into the well? Why did the chicken fall into the well? He was trying to cross the road and it was, I don't know, what, what was it?

He couldn't see that well. Oh. Oh, man. Do you know where I keep my dad jokes, brother? Oh, I know this one. I know this one. Come on, you keep your dad jokes, where do you keep them? In a database. In a, I have a t-shirt that says that and I couldn't even think of it.

They had me on the spot, and after your, I couldn't see that well. You know, Nick, you're going to have to get his address. We have to send him something special, man. Absolutely.

This is just like, I'm going to be thinking about the chicken for the restaurant. Hey, tell that one. I mean, I get laughs all the time at work with that one. And then, you know, to start up a conversation about Jesus, I say, you can, you can tell that one at church.

Yeah, you can. And we could hear, tell yours if you've got one. We would love to hear it.

866-348-788-4866-34truth. And then, we had several amazing calls yesterday. But this one, this one touched me in a lot of different ways because we were talking about the whole idea of play. And my friend Darren had said, you know, if you think about your best memories of your dad, I'll bet you he was at play. And there's a quote I can't remember from who from. It was a powerful quote that said, you're never more yourself than when you're at play. And as I thought about my dad and how he was himself when he was at play and all those kind of things, well, that caused Mike to talk about his dad. And this is worth remembering, I think, for all of us that are dads, granddads, and all that stuff.

Like, wow, take this to heart when it comes to play. First of all, my dad was the neighborhood dad. Oh. He was the dad that played basketball, football, baseball. He was there.

He played with everyone in the neighborhood. Matter of fact, many of the neighborhood kids are saved now because of my dad. Wow.

It is awesome. And, sorry, I'm a little emotional. When I'm talking about my dad, I feel exactly the same way.

Yeah, it's really hard to talk, yeah. And he was an awesome person. There's so many stories that I could say that I can't even fathom. He was there for the kids in the neighborhood and there for me as well. He put their hands on them. He fed them. He preached to them. He was a Sunday school teacher. He was an awesome man. And we need more men like that.

And he raised a son that became like him, right? I wish. I wish I was better. You know what I mean?

It would be really hard to live up to that. I understand. You understand that? I do. Yeah. I mean, he was there for me so many times that I wish. And I wish I could be a better man and be more like that.

Well, just get out there and play with those kids and have fun. Yeah, and I'm a grandkid now. Oh, alright. Grandpa now. Well, there you go. That's the most fun in the world. Oh, my gosh. It's a blessing. I never thought in my life that I would want to be a grandfather.

Yes, yes, yes. Amazing things God does in your life for some of us. We had dads that played well with us. Others of us, we had God put some people in our life to play that role, right? That just, man, you loved to hang out with that guy because he played well.

And play is an essential part of life. And so another testimony of freedom was for Paul. And this came, I think, last week. And Paul had gone to his brother's funeral very, very distraught over his brother's salvation. But listen to how Jesus set him free in this particular story.

Of course, we would still have time for yours. 866-348-7884. Yeah, it was about seven or eight years ago. My brother died in a car accident. And at the funeral, I was just praying to God during the service. God, I haven't spoke to him in a while.

I don't know. If you could just let me know that he knows you and he's in heaven right now, I'd greatly appreciate that. And literally within like 60 to 90 seconds, the preacher had said that he had came to him months ago about that and that he did accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Wow. So there was the confirmation right there, right? The confirmation and the comfort. And it's a beautiful thing on all sorts of levels when you think about it, Paul, that clearly God knew your heart for your brother, but he was telling you how much he loved your brother as well as the pastor, who also must have all been involved in that, all in the same 60 seconds that obviously seven years it's like it happened yesterday, right?

Yes, sir. And even afterwards, when we went outside, there was a double right boat, too. So it was almost like another sign that he's taking care of everything.

Was there really? A double, like the covenant covenant. That's amazing. Wonderful, Paul. Thank you. Wow, that's another powerful story. I'm so grateful for your call today. God bless.

You have a great, amazing day. And so we've got Leroy is in Winston-Salem with his testimony. Leroy, you're going to have to go quick because we've only got about four minutes, but I want to hear it.

Okay, I believe I can do the support with this. Robby, it was just the fact that I experienced something supernatural with God. In church, I'm coming doing church, I'm coming, I believe I'm paying my tithes coming from the altar. Going back to my seat. Robby, what I experienced, man, is more than the most incredible that anybody, any Christian could ever experience, like Moses, similar to the burning bush.

Right. I'm going back to my seat, Robby, and there's a cloud. I'm thinking, okay, there's a cloud, like a cloud, like a wave of energy.

I'm like, okay, what is this? But then it moved and was moving, Robby, and it touched the woman, and she was shouting at me. It was the Holy Spirit. I've heard it called this kind of glory, but Robby, I know for a fact it was the Holy Spirit in my church. And it was the most incredible, exactly what it was, it was something supernatural.

Supernatural, brother, hear what I'm telling you? So we only got about a minute, so you're going to have to tell me, did it touch your side? What happened with that? It touched her. It touched the woman that was seated right behind me. But I'm thinking, well, I didn't touch me, though. But at least he allowed me to see her, Robby. It was the Holy Spirit. I know for a fact, I know it was the Holy Spirit. Well, I'm with you, man. Like, Leroy, if I saw a cloud and the lady behind me, like, I'm with you. Like, that's spectacular. How long ago did that happen?

About seven, eight years ago. And Robby, I was saved, but still, I'm going up and down with him. I walk with God.

At some point, I was in the back seat of the state. But Robby, he allowed me to see something supernatural. I mean, to see that, I truly, there was no problem with me believing in him. Pardon the breath of the sea. God can do anything. And I am so grateful that you called in and shared that today. That, again, all those, these just make my day, my friend. God bless you, and it's like it happened yesterday, although it was seven years ago, right?

Maybe a little bit more. But supernatural, Robby. That's the key thing. It was supernatural. Super miracles. When I think about it, I can still get chills today.

He'll love me to see something like that. Yeah, me too. Me too. Thank you, Leroy. God bless you. I really, really appreciate you calling in today.

You have a tremendous weekend, okay, my friend? I will. Thank you.

God bless you. Here's a couple quotes to think about to leave you with. David Foster said, The truth will set you free, but not until it's finished with you. I love that. And she said, or actually, Paula Cola said that in his book, now she had nothing to lose, so she was free. And isn't that an interesting way to look at it? I am so grateful that you listened today, Paul's Oh, so amazing. Thank you for listening.
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