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Blessings Are Everywhere!

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
November 3, 2023 7:00 pm

Blessings Are Everywhere!

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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November 3, 2023 7:00 pm

Stu interviews Jesse Conners, Co Host of Share The Truth radio. Listen as Stu shares some powerful words and stories while he travels doing the good work for Jesus Christ.


This is Darren Kuhn with the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we search the ancient paths to find ways that God brings light into a dark world and helps set men free from the struggles that we all face on a day-to-day basis. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it. Share it. But most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network.

Please like, subscribe and share this video. My whole story on here how I was the most religious guy in the youth group But on my way to hell before I found Christ and she took it. She smiled real big and we're in a hurry There's my waiting. I don't want to make people mad I don't want to be a bad testimony and pull her off her job, but it was just a neat little opportunity But you could see she had that kind of you know that kind of twinkle in her eye like she knew the Lord You know like the cross was real to her and so hey, how you doing?

What's your name? What one hey why just like the Bible a first second third one in the Bible and then the gospel of one? Guiding alive awesome real example of one three sixteen for God so loved the world You know that verse sharing the gospel unbelievable one was the beloved disciple, okay? One three sixteen is the most famous verse on the planet I'm just gonna get that for my plight, but one I want to give you this card, okay? This is a card that will prove you that God loves you, okay? That's my whole story how I was in church.

I knew Bible verses I was the most religious kid in the youth group in junior high But I didn't know Jesus in a personal safety, and it's not a religion what we do for him It's a relationship what he's done for us to love us and to know us. He loves you so much He died for you now There's a little bit of line here, and it's people busy you're busy, but I'm gonna give you that card and listen to us on The radio here, I'm gonna write this down to you, and then you're this card with someone else one But we watch that video life's questions, okay God why he came right in evolution creation Mormonism and there's this radio station one of five point seven and my name is new in my whole stories right there, okay? I'm on a I'm on a live national radio show right now and that cool. Say. What's up everyone.

It wasn't real out Awesome, that's one you guys and awesome one. Hey. God bless you on hey They said God bless you they can't hear you, but you could I mean you can hear me But they can't hear you, but um one.

This is the most important thing. Maybe this is why I came here They're not even to get those little dark chocolates They're a little unhealthy side because they got the dark chocolate in them But so that I could tell you a little pain for Jesus and my friend who's on the phone Hey one that my friend has got a hundred or two hundred people He's talking to that are praying for you right now. You'll come and know the Lord okay I'm gonna go see help this sweet lady and one you speak Spanish.

Oh, okay. We have a Christian Spanish station here in town It's a.m.. I'm a 1240 we can hear the gospel there too, and you can hear share the truth on there, okay? You'll hear Jesse Connors an amazing evangelist you got to get to work the website Share the truth now calm has all kinds of videos and ways for you to know the Lord okay one through important That's the most important thing one day. You'll stand before God and the only answer is Jesus So so read you give a Bible by this oblivion. Oh, man. You pray for me read that Bible man, okay, great Thank you so much one.

Hey. I'm praying for you where I pray for you as I walk away Okay, help this young lady here and take that card and watch that video. Okay, and pray the prayer at the end Okay to receive Christ all right. He's one prayer away.

Okay, awesome. Let's pray we're working one's heart Thank you for him open his eyes Lord It's a busy airport everyone's kind of yelling loud and clamorous and that sweet lady kind of was waiting a little bit She was patient But I just pray that you're working his heart take that share the truth card and just helping to see this videos Everything's on there Lord It's so easy and he's such a nice young man And I pray that you'll work in this life and save his soul in Jesus name amen so Jesse We got to do this everywhere. We go. It's so Wow happened because of the card all radio listeners need to know that happened because of the card that was and then it developed into this Incredible conversation do God is using you with these cards and anyone listening can be a part of this Do you have to say it the way stew does you don't have to do it the way do does he wants you to? God wants you to do it the way he created you to do it amen That's so true and everyone has unique gifts everyone has a different way of carrying cards some of you carrying your purse your pocketbook I actually have a cool Truth Network phone wallet, and I've got a bunch of them in here I run out all the time. I have to call Uncle Jesse, and he has to mail me more and But I put him in I put I put him in this little phone wallet, and you know what guys this is crazy I'm in the wrong officer. I'm in the wrong gate.

I'm not even the right gate. I got to go farther Oh my god the Lord the Lord had me evangelizing me for two well Well, I'm not gonna miss this one. Thank the Lord on the way to Salt Lake City for a mission strip And there's a fellow baller right there. I always like to share the Lord my baller friends But I'm on my way, but you know what maybe I missed that gate and went the wrong down the wrong Hall so I could share the Lord with one and encourage all of our listeners But Jesse talk to our listeners about what just order the cards It's just a simple process or the cards and then you give the card Who do you give the car to Jesse tell everyone you give the card to whoever God puts on your heart? And also be praying that God puts their people on the heart Yeah, I gave and like you always tell me God You know they give you something to hand you a lot today You give them a card like this guy won He gave me these chocolate things in this bottle of water and very kind I gave my credit card of course and paid for it I don't get so it fervors don't get half such fervor in your evangelism that you're that you are not That you forget to pay so make sure you take care of that, but but but so I gave him the card So if someone gives you something it's an open door right Jesse. They bring you your feet Valley parking right yeah, oh my gosh, and yeah, I mean like they're on the radar Jesus loved every single person We have to be asking ourselves are we loving God the way we're supposed to here's a quick question Jesus said come follow me, and I'll make you what fishers of men So can you say that you're falling after Jesus if you're not fishing for men and women that don't know Jesus Maybe we ought to know amen Hey, Jesse Maybe we should change the name of the show instead of calling it share the truth every week at the end of truth talk Maybe we should call it your bait and tackle show is we are we are loading our listeners up with bait or tackle you were at the campus of Liberty University Yeah Delivering thousands of cards and they are spreading those cards like wildfire those cars gonna go all over Lynchburg and those kids from New Hampshire And from California and from overseas they're gonna take cards home They're gonna mail a car I mean trouble cards the mail to someone like how important is this you know if you found someone's Absolute favorite collectible baseball card, and they were someone you loved and you said hey, I want to send them this card They'll never forget it. They'll cherish it and you drop it in the mail. It's worth dropping in the mail I do this all the time if I find something someone likes well Mail them a share the truth card write a little note on it say God loves you watch the video hit this QR code There's a way at the website to customize a video of you Sharing the gospel Jesse talk about that real quick. It's real simple a pastor can do it first church, right? It's so that's right talk about that right so option Yeah, sure so if you go to the pastor section on true life org right now You can learn that it actually is an option for you to be on top of the true lack of org website Sharing the gospel and inviting the person to church that gets that card, and that's the pastor that is able to do that now It's not just that for the pastor if you go to the Jesus story challenge You can do that too and do it with your own testimony get your own personalized cars made So that imagine the power and you get your own URL and well share it online all that Jesse Jesse you should you showed me how to do this and by the way, it's loud.

It's distorted. I'm in there for it There's thousands of people here. I'm looking. I'm looking like an assassin to who I can share Jesus with you know Oh, we got one. We got one. We got one. We got one. We got one We got the sweet lady that checked me in I gave her the car Yeah, and she had that she had that cross earring, so I'm looking for some more, but here's the here's the cool thing Jesse I think you're the one that shared this with me You're at a wet restaurant you give a car to someone to a waitress say and you don't have time and to monopolize your time But you can share a little bit of the gospel and say hey watch this car later. Leave her a good tip Imagine she hits that QR code that night after she sorted out her tips and caught got home and tuck the kids in a bed And imagine she sees you you're like hey.

I just gave you a card. This is what she just did to change my life That's how customized these little cards can be Jesse just a little card a little QR code can be It can everyone listening can personalize it their pastor can do a message right now. It's got me on there talking and You know, but whoever Everyone is called to be a witness the Samaritan woman led her whole town to cry or brought her whole town to Christ She didn't have a PhD in from a seminary or a master's degree. She's even she had never even attended.

Dr Wheeler's freshman evangelism class at Liberty University But she brought the whole cotton pickin town in some area to Jesus the Samaritan woman Jesse. That's how important this is. I Know and that I mean you're hitting the nail on the head left and right It's amazing when you're walking around an airport You just conceal the love of God for people that don't know Jesus that don't know Jesus still I mean That's how powerful God's love is they don't know they don't know Jesus, but he knows them He would come to the world just to die for them And that's why we need to work on and putting on God's lenses when we're out in public like Jesus went to the cross For for that personally, you gotta believe we're supposed to go to that person. We're not going to the cross Thank God, but we're supposed to go to those people. Amen. Amen. Hey, Jesse. God bless you, man. Get some rest You're listening to the truth network and truth network com. Hey everyone.

It's Stu Epperson. So glad you're with us We're joining our previous conversation in our wonderful talk with Jesse Connors some Opportunities to share the gospel in the airport and all kinds of fun stuff right here right now Thank you for listening to share the truth. Remember share the truth now calm. Hey, man. Hey, give us a quick update Jesse you were with Jonathan Falwell the Liberty University Family is so pumped about this because they're trying to reach the world for Christ All of the Christian colleges out there are gonna love this share the truth card share the truth now calm Give us an update.

How did that go real long? I want to tell you about where I'm at. Oh really quick I got someone really special. I want to put on the radio with something at The distribution center right now with Andrew from Valtan Valtan is a very good large distribution center that's Christian based And we were talking about nine months ago about the project like this and it turns out now that we are on National radio Andrew talking about what we were dreaming about just nine months ago we shipped out 250 cards to start with and there's a picture inside of the Sweet Jessica a fulfillment worker She took we had a picture taken of the first 250 cards I get in there today with a truckload of a thousand car and I see a picture of me with the 250 right there Looking at me in the face. I'm like, that's the picture 50 like oh I hung that up because I love that day and she's been praying for us and now now I'll write a picture with the with a u-haul of 6,000 boxes with 1.4 million cards. I cannot thank God enough for Andrew and what he's meant about him Andrew, you know as you saw as you saw true life Just you know grow and over the years we've known each other for a long time. We never had this multiplication tool What are you thinking? You know, you have I don't know how many companies are shipping out of here right now Yes about him has anywhere from 30 to 50 companies and these you know, most are all cause on a face-based Organism and these are large ones.

Like I do think I can't yeah, yeah, I can't share the names of them for contract That's all right. Well, praise the Lord Andrew Andrew You're obviously fired up about this give our listeners a challenge about What they what what they should be doing right now and how they why this is so important, will you? yeah, so I up in the state of Vermont one of the most lost states in the whole country and I actually spent several years as a youth pastor there and it was just I've seen what the lost need and and they need Jesus and so my challenges is absolutely You know take these cards use it as a just a daily Example on a daily practice of sharing the Word of Jesus is just in the most simple way possible That's water for what a blessing.

This is so cool. What a great testimony Jesse give the website. Tell everyone right now how they can get involved All right right now. It's share the truth now calm it's a global movement already all over the world that we're focusing domestically here in America first and Share the truth now calm if you go there you can get your own cards You can start living the life that God has planned for you. God has a story waiting His story is including evangelism. Everyone's let's do the work of an evangelist Everyone and that's why we are in trouble today is because we've been brainwashed into thinking that it's just the extrovert It's not true. It's not biblical and so we repent of that in the name of Jesus. It won't move forward with faith We can't be called a faithful servant in front of God when we get judged So I want to challenge everyone to go to share the truth now calm and get your free cards ordered That's share the truth now calm and you guys can get a 250 box Ordered from bow Tim to your doorstep for free from us because God is good He loved you I'll support this ministry your donation is doubled by gifts and go calm gifts and go calm your donation is doubled and We are so thankful partnered with them moving this process forward I'm telling you what, sometimes it's just amazing to see the needle kind of match the orders people are just seen sometimes and those are like basically meeting the order that we have coming and God we are excited God's moving and I can't thank you enough with in your car listening and Wherever you're at.

I love you. I know God has a plan for you and I'm asking you not to miss out on God's plan Amen now calm Okay, this is share the truth. I'm Stu Everson Jesse Connors our co-host. He's with Andrew with by the way Every time you meet Andrew in the Bible, he's bringing people to Jesus. In fact, his nickname is Andrew the bringer Jesse introduced Andrew again a little bit.

Tell us what he does and how you two met. Yeah Okay, so Andrew and I are Friends from years ago when we were trying to start a revival effort Through a viral revival where we were getting people to post the same video at the same time We had millions of emails We had all this stuff together then Facebook shut us down after we had 3.2 million views And of course, I was disappointed For it was just playing for me and through etc when it didn't work out But the reality is God wanted to do something better So he kept pushing through it man you get blockaded over and over again But many times that's fortuitous and if you don't and why and still actually you've lived by faith you see they come In and in the moment and then in the future You're gonna see God come through it in a way that you never thought it could happen So I just want to just say with with Andrew standing next to me now this huge distribution center millions They have six store shelves that go all the way back down these huge warehouses and you know All everywhere all over the place. I Gotta tell you Having about having the Val Timm Tfo marketing guy with me with his brain helping me move a revival effort forward like this I just want to I just want to say thanks Andrew And if you guys are listening you have companies out there or running and you need a distribution place Val Timm would be definitely the place for you.

What's the what's the website that they can go to? It's t-a-l-t-i-n Awesome, and obviously sue when we're in this moment here You know Andrew we were looking at the we were looking at just Complete faith about nine months ago just talking about how to get nonprofit tax exempt shipping and all of a sudden, you know I come with 250 orders, you know today I go to 6,000 and Take a great picture with that. What are your thoughts on this? trajectory You know, I really look forward to being on the ride effort Drop seven or eight pallets forward to the day that you build a truck or a semi How many pallets how many pallets seven or eight I didn't get a good count on how many out how many pallets do you think we Get 40.

Let's go 40 for this one. Oh With your house going truth now calm you will get us the 40 pallets. We have got to get a revival going To thank you so much for having us on well, this is exciting and Jesse. This is important The listeners are hearing like they're in the engine room Like this is you know, Andrew and his team are getting these cards assembled Organized and put in boxes and then they're doing this fulfillment This is huge. So people do you know they pick up the phone or they they go to share the truth now calm and at that website when they order all these cards for them to pass out and to evangelize with and to share the truth and to make a difference and Change lives start a revival They know that that that initiates a process Jesse it goes to your ministry and then it goes to Andrew and then they drop ship and then they get the the The cards it's a it's a beautiful thing. So thank you to everyone who's ordering cards.

Thank you to Jesse Thank you. So amazing thing available And but thank you also for our generous donors people that are sending in we've had gifts of all kinds of amounts you have other donors that are donating to this ministry because the more that comes in the more we're able to get out in the radio the more we're able to Get cards out the more we're able to be in loud airports like this broadcasting I'm looking at the masses of people or break my heart for these people little child there with pigtails being carried by our love we Got a dad over here holding the hand of this kid. We got a bunch of guys pushing bags I don't have any small talk Lord open doors to the gospel on this flight I'm about to get on more that I can sit by someone and point them to Jesus Ah, but you know give them a simply give them a card. Maybe they have their earbuds Or I got another story if you have time we have time for another story We have time for one more quick one Jesse, and then we'll give a call that over time No, yeah right, so I'm at the distribution center with 6,000 share the truth now boxes that are being ready to go out to the share the truth now calm people that are getting the Boxes ordered that was put together yesterday with about 500 Liberty students where Jonathan Falwell partnered Liberty University with us officially, we're working with the alumni at Liberty University to start a revival and then I have all these students helping working their hearts out Packing these boxes go to share the truth now calm.

You'll see this in action in a couple weeks this it actually the video productions over but But what was one of the best blessings of all was that at the very end? I have a brother Caleb and he came up to me up. I want to help for free I Got the GI Bill from the government from the government golden school golden school and And he and he said I just I believe what I what did you say?

How can I? believe that be bigger than To be right and now he's been critical all day today to get everything around and we don't have any money cuz all this going to the card boxes and we're We're barely hanging on financially trusting God by faith, and he's over here telling me He can work free drive our drive our location work for free do it indefinitely and he's and he's incredibly Gifted incredibly smart. He was a marine for years and now he is the Lord's Army with me front line in the trenches and I can't not enough for how he keeps blowing my mind with these supernatural Events confirming the fact this is not about me Not about to do It's about Jesus's love for people and our responsibility to go reach them And I want to tell everyone that listen to me every listener. God has a plan that is bigger than your plan God has a vision that's bigger than your vision and it includes evangelism every single day And your life and you can do that easily at share the truth now calm We tell you what to say if you're talking to a stranger all you have to do is say I may never see you again So I want to give this to you. It's a website that proves you.

This loves you you also have the option of going online and Getting other options there with them. That'll help you share your Jesus story You can also go there share the truth now calm and see that and also our fabulous partners that are there So I want to encourage you tell you right now that you know, I'm trying for I only have three hours of sleep We just got done packing up two million boxes. I was in front of 450 students in one class today, right? Yeah One class they all got boxes and then the next class was 150 They all got boxes and tomorrow we have another 1,200 students getting boxes This is the revival push, you know that God wanted and we're bringing everyone together Well, listen, there's backgrounds whatever, you know, whatever we are. We are ready to serve in a united front A force for good at a critical time in our country history Well, there's no better time right than right now to spread the gospel Jesse.

You are exhausted. You've been going hard all week I've been getting the text I've been getting the flurries of emails and texts from Boxes and students and Jonathan Falwell and all these wonderful folks that have been helping get the word out and people listening Give your pastor a share the truth card. Well, why would he give to my pastor?

He's he's definitely safe. Well, oh Yeah, every Jesse every pastor that I know you listen every You know, I know they want their people to evangelize. They're like, why are people sharing the gospel? Well, here's the way to do it Here's the word take a call rate the church in a week now The church can sign up for free to get their cards for free their generic cards You don't have the church information on it, but they can get them to their people But they also get on our church location system for free So the people on true life dot org that are getting their questions answered can find them on our church directory and then also, of course you have to Do not forget to saturate usa dot Org bag saturate that's going to be coming to them as well.

What's in those bags? Well, it's enough Jesus film DVDs and gospel track and door hanging bags for your entire community And you can stick your own church information in there, too So there's a semi so it's a very no way get let's get out and do it. Yes I don't website one more time. Yes, it's share the truth now calm at the distribution center We just dropped off six thousand six thousand share the truth now calm boxes ready to go out to start that revival One side of the card helps an unbeliever go to church and find answers to their questions to call true life at work The other side allows a Christian to order their own cards for free So now we have unbelievers going online getting saved finding the church and believers getting an opportunity to scan the card And they are and since that's happening It's multiplying the effort over and over again to God be the glory grace is done revival is on the way I love you guys all you listening pray for us pray for us pray for us We need God's Holy Spirit his anointing power to be upon us as we move forward with this Incredible venture is a giant venture.

He can move mountains though And these are the mountains that he's talking about us moving. These are the these are them and then all I got is a mustard seed Hallelujah Jesse, this is a you're you blessed us all share the truth now calm Jesse Just one little word of advice try to stay away from eating a whole pizza. Okay, because that could really shut you back. All right I told you yeah, I was terrible. Oh my gosh. He saw my daughter in the middle of all this chaos He saw my daughter joy, and she went to give up with Jesse a big hug. He's like I can't stop right now I just ate a giant pizza and I have to go today. I didn't anything all day. I did. I yeah, right I didn't think I all day long I didn't eat yesterday and we gave out a hundred pizzas from Papa John and all there was one was just one left There's just one left and and then I decided to you know eat it at nighttime and I had nothing on my stomach and therefore I saw your daughter and I wasn't able to give her a hug if she would have Hug me it would have been really bad Hey, praise the Lord though, but she's excited and it got me to tell her what's going on And she's excited about passing out these cards. Hey, Jesse. God bless you, man.

Get some rest. Thank you for what you're doing Share the car now But give the noise I'm in a I'm in a loud Airport, but I was getting involved with this thing in our heavenly bodies We don't even have to go there anymore. We're working to that point. So well Talk to you soon. Bless you This is the truth network
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-11-03 21:07:22 / 2023-11-03 21:18:57 / 12

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