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Who is the Tallest Family on the Internet?

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
April 20, 2022 7:00 pm

Who is the Tallest Family on the Internet?

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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April 20, 2022 7:00 pm

It's That Tall Family! Stu sits down with Rob, Rachelle, Carter, Abbey, Avery, and Luke to talk about their story, their online platform, and Jesus.

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This is Darren Kuhn with the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we search the ancient paths to find ways that God brings light into a dark world and helps set men free from the struggles that we all face on a day-to-day basis. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it.

Share it. But most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. If you've heard of TikTok, Instagram, and all these other media, then you have heard of that tall family. And that tall family is sitting right now in the world headquarters of the Truth Network, where Truth Talk originates. I'm with them right now, and I'm going to talk to the coach of that tall family.

His name is Rob. Your brother and I played college basketball together. We connected, and I've just been so blessed to connect with you guys.

Welcome to Truth Talk, my friend. Thank you for having us, Stu. Now, I've got to get this out of the way.

When you said Instagram, did I hear you wrong, or did you say Instugram? No, just a slip. Just a slip. Okay. Well, thank you for having us. We'll go around the table here and introduce everyone. Maybe I'll just, we'll introduce to our left and go around. So, to my left, we're going to go around the table. We're going to introduce everyone. Maybe I'll just, we'll introduce to our left and go around. So, to my left is Carter Clark, who is the firstborn of that tall family and happens to be the tallest right now at 7'1", but with three younger kids, he may not hold that title forever. All right. So, like Dad said, I'm Carter, 7'1", 17, turning 18 in a week from now, I guess, like that.

So, pretty cool. To the left of me, my youngest of the two sisters, Avery Clark. She's 13. She's 6'1", and yeah, this is Avery. Hi, I'm Avery, and yeah, like Carter said, I'm 6'1", and yeah, I guess I've just always been tall like that. To the left of me, this is Luke. Hi, my name is Luke.

I am 10 years old, and I'm 5'1", and I love playing basketball and hanging out with my friends and family. To the left of me is Abby, my older sister, the third oldest in the family. Hi, I'm Abby. I guess since we're sharing our heights, I'm 5'9", as you can tell, so tall, crazy tall.

I love playing basketball and volleyball, and I love to make music as well, so that's fun. So, here's my mom. Her name's Rachelle. I am the wife to Rob and the mom to all these crazy kids, these tall kids. I'm only 5'9".

I think I have a little bit of height on Abby, not much. We're kind of, you know, I'm 5'9-and-a-half, and she's maybe 5'9-and-a-quarter kind of thing, so I'm holding on to not being the shortest in the family, hopefully, at some point, but yeah. So, that is that tall family. You heard from them all, and we want to know, how did you get to that tall family?

Before there was that tall family, there was a young baller who went and played ball at a school, a Christian college, and he met a tall Canadian gal. Tell us a little bit about, Rob, how you met, and Rachelle, feel free to jump in, because you may interject some things on that that will shed some color on the situation. So, I happened to see Rachelle. It was early in her freshman year. I was a junior, and so she didn't know much about me at that time, and you know how it is when you're an older classman and a new freshman come in, and it probably was day one or day two when I saw Rachelle, and I knew I was going to date that girl. Unfortunately, she did not know that, and so, but one of the things that I tell all my kids all the time is perseverance pays off. And so, I just unfortunately didn't realize it was going to take over a year of perseverance, but eventually, I convinced her to go on a date with me, and all these years later, we're the co-creators of that tall family, and so, yeah, I'll let Rachelle fill in, because I think sometimes she forgets. I talk about the day that I first saw her.

The first day that I talked to her, unfortunately, she says she doesn't remember that day. Yeah, so I'm Canadian, and I was at that time the only Canadian student on campus. It was a school in southern Illinois. I think there was a few professors that had spent some time in Canada, but I was a bit of an oddity there. I think a little bit of a fascination for a lot of people, this foreign student, so there wasn't a lot of us on campus. So, Rob was a big fan of a Canadian band at that time, the Bare Naked Ladies. So, Rob was a big fan.

It was kind of a new thing in the US, but for me, I was like, yeah, this band's been around in Canada, whatever. But he tried to use that as a pickup line of some kind, and I don't know. I just wasn't having it.

So, took about a year and a half of some serious persistence, and he wore me down, so. So, this is such a blessing. This is Truth Talk.

I'm Stu Eppers. Thank you to all our awesome affiliates that carry this program from coast to coast internationally. A lot of listeners are listening on the stream of the Truth Network free app that you can download. I'm with the tallest family on the internet.

They have just such an awesome way of entertaining but bringing good content, which is very important now because there's a huge consumption among young people in particular on TikTok and on Instagram and all these media. And you guys are doing clean humor. You're doing, obviously, when you're this tall, you have a story to tell right there.

But Rob Clark, you're the father. It's so awesome to meet all the kiddos and your wife. Talk about how much faith has played a part in your life and how you met the Lord and kind of how that has been an impact. And maybe we could go around and each of you could talk about maybe something that God has meant to you in this journey for a family that can't go anywhere.

I mean, you've already been visiting us here in Winston-Salem and everyone's like, hey, can I take a picture with you guys? You know, it's hard to hide from it, but you all are leaning into it to try to be redemptive with it. Can you speak to that a little bit, the faith component? So I didn't grow up in a Christian home, but in some ways that I did, meaning that my mom, my dad divorced when my brother, my older brother, who played basketball with Stu, went out to Masters. At that time, he knew about God. He would say that he wasn't following God, though.

He didn't have a relationship with Jesus. So when he was away was the same time that I started going to church just because I wanted to go to the VBS program. And it was at that VBS program, I made some friends. They invited me back to church on Sunday, so started going back. And then over the course of the next two years, I put my faith in Jesus, was baptized. At the same time, my older brother, halfway across the country out in California, came to faith there.

And my dad, who was a couple of hours north of me, had a new family. They started going to church and eventually put their faith in. My younger brother and my mom and my stepdad, who I lived with, they all started coming to church, eventually put their faith. And so in a couple of years, we went from none of us being Christians to the entire family in different places all around the country, putting their faith in Jesus. And so it was one of those things where early on I could tell that something was happening, that God was doing something. And actually it was years later after I was married to Rachelle that her mom would always talk about how that she always prayed that Rachelle's husband would come from a Christian home.

And so it's kind of cool to see how God answered a prayer from someone that wasn't from a Christian home, but in some ways did. And so growing up sort of in a Christian home, but yet being actually a believer for a longer period of time than my mom and my stepdad. And so all these years later, one of the things that's most important to Rachelle and I, and Rachelle grew up in a Christian home, parents that love Jesus for almost their entire lives.

And so she never knew anything different. And so that's what we want for our family as well. And so one of the things that we want to instill in our kids as they put their faith in Jesus as well is to always follow whatever God calls us to do. And so one of the reasons why we created that Tall Family as a social media platform is that we felt that God has always been calling us to these places. And as we answer, the last time that we made a move, we felt it was a way that allowed us to make a move, you know, going to a new place, didn't have a job. But yet having this background in marketing, knowing social media, thought that this is something that could actually allow us to make these moves. And over the last year, it's been something that's allowed us to do this and to allow us to step out in faith.

And so I don't know if my wife sitting next to me here, if she wants to fill in at all on any of that. She's, she's, so this is kind of a fun thing, a family that, and you're right, Stu, like even before we started doing social media, Rachelle's always been a bit of an introvert. And, but no matter where we go, that people would always look at us and make comments. And it doesn't matter where we go.

We could be in Disney in the bathroom and someone's trying to talk to Carter. And he's like, can you wait till we get outside at least? So we thought we'd lean into that. And it's been a blessing and we feel like God's blessed us and it allows us to take a step in faith.

And we just want to be obedient in whatever he calls us to next, wherever he takes us, we just want to be obedient. That's so cool. That's Rob.

He's the, he's the dad of the family. And I'm in the conference room at the Truth Network with the whole crowd. And I got the youngest whippersnapper of this crowd, young Luke, who is not camera shy one bit. But Luke, what's it like for you tagging along with this crowd?

Well, I'm not in like a lot of the TikToks, but it's still fun to do it. Well, you're not seven foot yet, but it's coming, right? Probably won't be as tall as seven one, but I'll definitely be probably around the height of my dad.

That is so cool. Now we're going to hear little clips from each of you guys. I want you to be thinking about when we come back, maybe kind of the craziest thing about being a part of that tall family. Maybe think about the weirdest thing or kind of the, you know, we see your videos and people are like, I wonder what, is that person real?

You know, just like anybody you see, even on TV. So when we come back and talk about that, some of the fun things and maybe some of the crazy things on Truth Talk with Stu Everson. Don't touch that dial. We'll be right back. Be sure when this comes out in podcast form, you download it and tell all your friends about it and you'll be encouraged.

And by all of our episodes of Truth Talk. Hang on. So what happens when you're sitting there in the coffee shop and seven foot one walks in the door?

You're like, wow. Well, some common questions. What are your favorite questions? Carter, who's the tallest of the tall family, that tall family who we've had a great discussion with. If you just jumped in here, be sure you listen to the first part of this segment when it comes out in podcast.

What are some I don't even want. I'm glad I'm kind of a distance away from you because you get some wonky questions when you're seven one. And you're someone. They look up to the first level of the shelf at Wal-Mart and then they look into the second level and they look at the third level. And then they look even higher.

And there's another human being staring back at them that's on the other aisle. And that's you. But what's it like? What are some of the crazy questions you get? So being seven one, it's funny because everybody has like the obvious stuff, like do you play basketball and they try and be funny, like what's the weather like up there and all that stuff. But which I'm fine with those and stuff is just what you get with being tall and going out in public.

But the funniest one, I was probably like 14, 15. We're in Hawaii. One of the housemaids in the hotel, she like saw me. And so she was just making small talk or whatever when I was waiting for the elevator and she gets sued. So do you play ping pong? And I look at her.

She was dead serious about it, too. And I look at her and I forget what I said exactly, but some long lines of like, oh, I dabble or whatever. And because we've got a table at our cabin at the lake and stuff like that. And so I'll play and stuff. And she's like, are you any good? I'm like, goodness, no, I stick to like basketball and volleyball and top person sports. And she's like, oh, yeah, that's good.

That's good. And stuff like that. But a lot of the questions are pretty normal ones that you'd associate from being tall, like basketball and how tall are you and where do you play and stuff like that.

But now it's getting to the point where I'm getting stuff like have you have like colleges reach out or something or, you know, like where do you currently play for high school and how many offers and stuff like that. But now it's fun. And that's awesome. OK, now let's go to your younger sister, the youngest of the sisters, Avery, who is, I believe, five eleven or six foot six one. You're five nine. OK, I'm getting OK.

Awesome. The good thing is they're sitting down, so they're not towering over us right now. But when they stand up, you'll know it. But Avery, what about you? What's kind of maybe something crazy that's happened to you or maybe someone said you comment. So what's the kind of things that you bump into out there after being on social media, you know, when people come up to you? Well, the thing I find weird is like a lot of people will wish that they're famous and like celebrities. And I wouldn't like call myself famous, but like people have called us a celebrity before, which is just really weird to think because it still feels like we're just like a normal family. But like I'll be going out and I'll be like, I wonder if we'll see any like famous people or like people I know from TV. And then I realize, like to some other people, we are the famous people. Like we are the celebrities.

And I just find that so weird to think of because like it's just it happened so fast. So Abby, the big sister of the tall family, and yet your little sister is taller than you and you are a super good sport about it because, you know, you all have such a good relationship. And we had dinner with you all last night with my daughter, Faith, who I call a little cub.

I probably need to stop calling her that. But, you know, it's really neat to see your family get along. I know the kids, you know, I know those trips in the minivan and I know the children, you know, et cetera, et cetera. But Abby, what's it like for you and also your Christian faith? Like you want to shine your light for the Lord, but like you're under the spotlight all the time. You know, people turn you on and they're like, wait a second, that says my video on YouTube got 25 views. Oh wait, 27 views. And you're looking at yours like, wait, 27 million views.

You know, what's it like for you though? How do you balance that celebrity status with your Christian life and then maybe something crazy someone's ever said to you walking around or something? Well, like it's just like to think of ourselves as celebrities, like it's just weird, like I don't really think about it like that just because I don't know, it just doesn't really seem like that, I guess.

Because just for our whole life, people would like stop us and be like, you're so tall. So it's really nothing new. So I guess it's just kind of normal for us at this point, but I would say like it's not really like hard to balance anything.

And like going to a Christian school where like everyone else there like hears the word, it's not hard to step out and do that type of stuff. How do you feel about, there's so many negative things on the internet. There's so many bad things, people hurting people, violence, stuff like that. Do you guys, I might throw this at big brother here, let's put him on the spot, okay?

I'm putting all you guys on the spot. Carter, how does it feel like to be a part of the positive messages? You're trying to make a difference, you're trying to show people that they can.

That they can be tall and stand out and instead of like running and hiding, you're trying to show people that you can push through, you can dunk a basketball, you can be an encouragement to your teammate, you can make a pass, you know, that sort of thing. How do you try to make a difference with what you're doing instead of it just kind of being a show? I was reading this book about Walt Disney one time and it was saying how, like he was being questioned like this big entertainment media and stuff and why he makes cartoons for kids or whatever when he could make literally anything.

And he said because there's so much corruption and stuff that he doesn't want to be like part of polluting that stuff. So I thought that was really interesting because there's so much stuff out there and instead of just choosing to like follow the crowd and all that like corruption I guess you could say. But instead of doing that, like putting light into stuff like that and being different, I think it's really cool because, you know, we're supposed to be light of the world and stuff like that. And so to put light into darkness and lead others to Jesus, it's really cool to do that. So I'm with That Tall Family.

I'm Stu Everson. This is Truth Talk and it's such a delight to visit with you guys. Thanks for coming and hanging out with us here. And they're a neat family. You're going to love them. Go check out their videos. You'll be entertained. You'll be like, wow. And then when you actually meet them, you're like, wow, they're kind of cool. I was going to ask, go back to Rob as we kind of wind this down. One thing that encouraged me, I have daughters and I'm on TikTok and I'm on Instagram because those kids, you know, I got in trouble too because my daughters are all on Instagram.

This is like going back a decade maybe. So I opened an Instagram account and I did it to follow all the guys that were following them. And I got, just like your kids' reaction, Rob and Rachelle, when I just said that, my girls, they were not happy.

In fact, maybe they shouldn't hear this podcast. They were mad. And I don't know if they were mad or because all the guys I followed went and said, hey, your dad kind of followed me.

This is kind of weirding me out. I'm like, well, dude, you're going to follow my daughter. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to find out what's up. And I'm going to like your stuff and you're going to like my stuff.

Or I'm going to send a DM to you saying, hey, you really think that's good to use that kind of language? And hey, God loves you. And I attack doing Bible verses. Can you talk about, there's a dark side. There's a lot of kids struggling. There's drugs. There's divorce. There's, you know, cutting.

There's just horrible stuff. And can you talk about how you all are trying to make a positive impact through these medium that are big, that are growing, you know. And then also, what do you want people to think about? There's what people think about you. What do you want people to know about that tall family that maybe they don't know that, you know, what's really in y'all's hearts that you would want to say to everybody? Yeah, we found and this wasn't the plan from the beginning, but what we've found over time is the amount of messages that we have received from people because being tall isn't necessarily a negative thing. People don't see it as a negative thing where it would be highly inappropriate to look at someone and comment on how short they are. If you walked up to someone and saw how short they were and asked them, they probably would be offended. But yet people feel like it's OK to do that with tall people.

And we're not at all offended with that. Like when people come up to us, that's not a problem at all. But what we have found is that it's, and especially for guys, it's really not an issue at all.

Most guys want to be taller, but with girls, it sometimes is a struggle. So we've received so many messages where people have reached out, whether it's parents or even girls, that just said thank you because we feel like being tall, we stand out, especially at like a middle school age, right, where they're different anyway and they're changing and all these things. And so to get those messages and those positive messages has been really, it's been good. And so we try to respond to every single message that we get. Sometimes we can't get to them all.

There's just so many. But recently we were on a vacation. And I think this is kind of really what we want to do as a family. When we were on a vacation, we actually saw an NBA player that we were familiar with. And so we went in and said, hey, let's go grab a picture with them because this NBA player was 7 foot 1, just like Carter.

How fun would that be to get two seven footers standing next to each other? And he was and he did it, but he was reluctant. He you could tell he wasn't very happy about it.

So we're like, OK, we backed off and and we walked out and kind of like, oh, that's kind of disappointing. I mean, this guy probably doesn't run into that many seven foot one kids, you know, that often. And so as we walked out, another family saw us and they said, oh, could we get our picture with you? That tall family. And so they knew us. They follow us on social media. And what they said to Rachelle is like, oh, we saw this NBA player go in there, but we could tell he probably wouldn't want us to ask him for a picture. But we didn't think you guys would mind. You seem like a fun family. And so Rachelle actually had a talk with each of the kids and said, you guys need to remember this, that that people they're coming up to you and they want to have a conversation with you.

They want to have a photo with you. Like that's that's a blessing. And that's an opportunity to you know, we could be positive with someone.

And then if the opportunity is there to share, you know, our faith with them. Whereas and so that was I think that was a good moment for us as a family to see, like, you know, for someone to come up to you to be in a bad mood. And we all have our moments.

Every human being does where you're in a bad mood, but just realize that everyone's always watching. And I know with social media, sometimes we feel like now we go out and it's like someone's always going to be watching us. And even before we were big on social media, we thought that as well. But I think shouldn't as Christians, we always be thinking that way, that Jesus is always watching the words and how I treat my kids in public, how I treat my kids at home when no one's watching, how I respond to Rachelle.

Like Jesus is always watching and all my actions, all my words should be honoring whether or not people know us on social media, on Instagram or not. And so we're going to create that. So so so as a family, that's what we want to be. We want to be a positive family that that we know that we're loved and blessed by Jesus. And we just want to share that.

And if we could do that through social media, then we're going to use it as a platform as long as we can. Well, that tall family, a special family telling everyone else that they're also special in God's eyes. Even Zacchaeus, the wee little man, was an amazing evangelist. Even the probably one of the best selling books of all time in movies, The Lord of the Rings. The heroes were little bitty hobbits, the ring bearers.

There couldn't have been a victory if they hadn't taken that ring and destroyed it in the fires of Mordor. So the little bitty guys, the meek shall inherit the earth. So however, whatever your height, whatever is going on in your life, God has given you unique DNA to make an impact. And I just love seeing your family lean into that everywhere you go. And you guys are still growing up, so you're figuring it all out still.

I wish I had it figured out like you do when I was your age. But thanks for the positive impact. Who wants to tell me the website? Who knows what the website is for that tall family? Do you know, young fella?

Let's think about it now. Who wants to tell me real quick? Okay, we'll go over here to the elder sister Abby. Abby, what's the website if listeners want to find out how they can find you? If moms and dads and grandmoms and grandpops want to send their kids to something redemptive, they're like, well, they're going to go anyway on their screens to the internet, to TikTok and the other media. This is where we want them to go. Tell them how they can get there. Abby, you can take us home here on Truth Talk.

Just search up on TikTok, Instagram or YouTube. That tall family, we're not hard to miss. So you'll notice us, that tall family everywhere, just search it up and you'll be able to find us. Awesome. Thank you, guys. What a blessing. This is the Truth Network.
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