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Transforming Your Workplace!

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
April 9, 2021 1:00 am

Transforming Your Workplace!

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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April 9, 2021 1:00 am

It's back into the Truth Talk vault! Stu talks with Jim Anthony about transforming your workplace into a place of ministry.

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Every gift counts and now every gift is doubled. I'm Brianna from the Outer Brightness Podcast. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening to the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Hey, when's the last time someone did a prayer walk around your entire ministry or business? Jim Anthony did it for us and this is going back in the vault from Truth Talk.

I'm Stu Everson. You're going to be blessed by today's program. Stay tuned, be encouraged. This is going back over a decade, back when we were on the air live with Truth Talk Live. Please share this with others.

The podcast is there. Just subscribe to our Truth Talk Podcast channel and also all the great programs there. Thank you to our wonderful affiliates that carry this program across the country. We're so grateful for you. We couldn't do it without you. We couldn't do it without all those prayer warriors out there, including my mom, who pray for this program every week. God bless you.

Stay tuned. Be encouraged with this week's Truth Talk. Events all come together, cutting edge topics. We are sort of a Christian subculture, but sometimes it seems as if some believers want to live in a bubble. Truth for the now generation. Guests who push your hot button.

We're one election away from all kinds of things happening, folks, and so Christians, the key to that happening is just don't go out and vote and let's not get involved. Our guest disagrees with that notion and maybe Richard does too. Richard, you're on the air. Relevant, real radio confronting the culture. This is Truth Talk Live. Now from the Truth Booth, your host, Stu Everson, Jr.

Ever had one of those elevator or quick taxi cab conversations that changed the way you look at things, changed your whole life? Welcome to Truth Talk Live, everyone. Today on Truth Talk Live, I'm sitting across the table from a man who God has used in incredible ways in my life. He's been on Truth Talk Live. It's been a little bit since he's been on, but he's on right now and he's going to talk about something that could radically change how you look at everything in your life. Your work, your family, your relationships, the power of prayer.

Get ready for some sensational testimonies. He is Jim Anthony. Jim Anthony, it is great to be looking at you, sir. Good to have you on Truth Talk Live, my friend. I'm delighted to be here, Stu.

This stuff that God is doing in your life and it's not going far too far back. You had an encounter. I had the encounter with you. I didn't have the encounter at the seminar that you had, but we want to get into all that. This is a special pre-recorded edition of Truth Talk Live because some guys are such power players and they're such Type A all over the world and globetrotting that you can't.

But I had a chance, Jim, to sit down with you like we're doing right now and so I grabbed it. So we're pre-recording this, but people don't need to worry about calling in. But they are going to be blessed and they're going to hear about this diabolic dichotomy. What is up with a diabolical dichotomy? What is that all about?

It's about misunderstanding what the world is and what your life is. We have been lied to, Stu. We've been told that there's a sacred place and there's a secular place. There's a sacred job or ministry and then there's a regular old money-making job.

We've been told and lied to that there's places where you can do Christian things and then there's the rest of the world where you don't do that stuff. Okay, so if you're about to quit your career as a fill-in-the-blank to go to full-time ministry, you better stop right now. Just hold it. Don't touch that dial and don't turn in that resignation that you've so nicely typed up and printed.

Jim Anthony, why not? Well, when I first came to Christ my initial reaction was exactly that. Gosh, I must be called to the ministry. Well, that in fact was true except that I misunderstood what the ministry was. The ministry is not going to seminary and getting brainwashed into doing ministry inside little brick boxes called churches.

Or, for that matter, going into a foreign mission endeavor. The ministry is serving Christ wherever we are. Now that's taken you to, of all places in the world, Niagara Falls, which the things you're going to tell our listeners about that place are going to do. I just was in a room of close to 200 men and you shared that stuff with them. They were floored and there were tears.

It was just powerful. What's going on there? You're headquartered out of Raleigh, North Carolina and you're one of the key guys that really helped the Truth Radio Network station there, AM 1030. You worked with that whole team, which is a great affiliate of Truth Talk Live. I understand you're the landlord. You're the real estate guy that you took the team around the first time in a car to show them all the places in Raleigh.

Tell us a little bit about who Jim Anthony is. I operate a commercial real estate company with some great partners and associates who, as I've said to you before, we are a missionary organization cleverly disguised as a commercial real estate company. I happen to believe that every Christian is in fact a missionary who happens to be disguised as a workplace person, whatever that might be. A nurse, a mother, a student, a garbage collector, a business executive.

It does not matter. We all have the same purpose in this world. You introduced me to Kent Humphries for the first time I had met him. I've spent some time in Raleigh with that affiliate there and I'm seeing God move in Raleigh. This city is just, there's a fire for the Lord there. The churches are working together.

But Jim Anthony, I just kind of park on something you said. You see yourself as your business as a ministry. So many people, business leaders listening and people that work at companies listening, we don't see it that way. I clock in, I clock out. I pass the time so I can earn money. Some of us even look at our business as a way to earn money so we can put money in the offering plate on Sunday.

Why have we got, how have we got our paradigm wrong on this? Well, I happen to think it is a diabolical strategy clearly intended by the Prince of Darkness himself to delude us into thinking that what we have to do for the Lord, what we have to give for the Lord is limited to these small little spaces and places and small portions of our pocketbook or our assets. I mean it isn't 10%. It's 100% belongs to the Lord. It isn't an hour or two a week in church.

It is 100% 24 by 7 deal. And the devil doesn't want you to know that. So I think that this is a demonically contrived and extremely effective strategy for neutralizing the body of Christ. But you told me that revelation leads to revolution. Amen. And what do you mean by that statement? Those are some of the first things you ever told me when I first met you. Yeah, I believe that this revelation, when it sinks into your heart and begins to transform your world view, everything changes.

It's how you write your checks, who they go to, what you do at work, how you treat your household, your real estate, your assets, your responsibilities. It's all seen from God's perspective. And it is revolutionary. He's a warrior for Christ in the marketplace, a real estate businessman who sees his business as his ministry and is going to share some pretty powerful things with us all hour long on Truth Talk Live. I'm your host, Drew Epperson. Don't call in.

This is a special pre-recorded show. You got a phone call like many of us do from a friend of a friend on a Sunday night. And she was very kind, and she said, Mr. Anthony, I just got called into the ministry. Tell that conversation, relay that to our listeners, just to show the straw man of full-time ministry of sacred versus sacred, this dichotomy you're talking about, Jim.

Yes. In fact, I've had the opportunity to share this same response in multiple situations now where I've been called and requested to have a meeting to review this person's ministry plan, which involves support from people like you and me making donations to some organization who in turn gives the cash to them to survive on a college campus or in a foreign land or whatever it might be. Well, when I began to have this paradigm shift, I realized that the response was not, yes, I'll send you a check.

It was to ask some questions about where is it that you want to serve and what are the opportunities that might exist there for you to get paid by the place that you're serving. So, for example, in a college campus setting, instead of being supported and spending 50% of your time running around trying to collect money to pay your bills, what if you spent 50% of your time working for the university, even if it's sweeping the floors, but getting paid at the university to be around university students and staff and faculty and build your ministry and let them pay you to do it? So you're saying someone says to you, I'm going to spend time during the day building relationships with non-believers and encouraging saints, and then at night I'm going to have Bible studies and I'm going to spend the other balance of my time trying to raise funds and get support. You're saying spend your time during the day, go back to the university that you're going to be the campus minister at, and be a campus minister but go work in the athletic training department or go work in the library or go be a teacher. And let the pagans, you'll be around unbelievers all day, let them pay you.

And they'll even maybe pay a 401k or a dental plan on top of it. And then at night you get off at 5 or 4 or whatever, have your Bible studies still and let them pick up the tab. And guess who comes to the Bible studies? The people you've been meeting all day long, that you've been praying with, and that you've been sharing the Gospel with all day long.

I support a lot of these ministers, you do too. You're not saying don't stop doing that, but you're trying to get us to think about how we can see this very thing we're doing. It seems like a grind. Jim, it seems like a daily grind.

I get beat up and chewed up and spit out at this job. How can I see it as a ministry? You know, Paul asked the same question. He went to Asia Minor, traveling the states, countries there, as a Jewish guy trying to convert people to the knowledge of Christ.

Of course he remained a Jew to his dying breath. And until he got a job working with Priscilla and Aquila in their tent making business, he wasn't effective. Okay, follow up on that point.

Very interesting. What about a bivocational pastor? What happened that rocked this man's world, that caused Jim Anthony to change everything? You'll hear about that encounter in Niagara Falls, some cool things about prayer. When we come up and transform your community, more Truth Talk Live after this. Ever had one of those divine encounters? You walk into a room, you think it's just another meeting, another lecture, another speech, and you walk out a transformed person. Let me tell you something, folks.

I got to tell you, I not only have had one of those, but the person that is responsible, the guy to blame, is sitting across from me right now on Truth Talk Live. Jim Anthony is here on Truth Talk Live. I'm Stu Everson, your host. This is a pre-recorded show, because to get this guy to pin him down on this particular topic, I wanted to just grab him while I had him. We'll have him on again for other things on a live basis, you can call him.

But don't worry about calling in. Hold your powder, but you can find out all about him, his ministry, stuff that's going on in his business at our website, Jim, I'm going to tell you when we play the show back, you can go up there and respond to listeners and callers that have questions about the diabolical dichotomy and what is going on there. Let me tell you something. Before the show today, something supernatural happened that has never happened ever at the studios and in the office complex where Truth Talk Live is housed.

It's ground shaking. And Jim, I want to tell everyone about that, not to brag because it was humbling, but maybe it will encourage other folks to do these prayer walks that you're talking about that you've seen the prisoners set free, literally. You've seen people in the bondage of abortion set free and healed. So we want to get into that. But first, the diabolical dichotomy, tell everyone what it is again real quick, coming back, and tell everyone what happened to you in 2003 that just rocked your world.

Yep. I'm just your regular old garden variety Western Christian, go to a conference at the Cove and Mountains of North Carolina called his presence in the workplace, and I get to hear from a bunch of the leading edge guys in this workplace ministry movement, get my, get whacked upside the head big time. And I came back just completely obsessed with the notion that I needed to start living the gospel 24 by seven, not an hour or two a week.

And what does that mean? So I started asking God, show me, Lord, what do you mean by living this thing out in my workplace? And he answered those prayers with very specific ways that have transformed our business, transformed people's lives. We've seen hundreds of people come to Christ.

And you told me that having a ministry mentality with your business, I heard you speak about this recently, it's far more than just having a prayer time once a week or a company optional Bible study once a week. Right. That's right.

I mean, that's not bad. But they're just scratching the surface. What we're seeing is from the receptionist desk to the accounting department to the salespeople, having them begin to understand that they are missionaries to all the people they interact with inside the company and outside the company, that they begin to think strategically, what is God saying to me right now about this person that I'm with? What can I pray for in their life that God wants to see changed? And so for us, we began prayer walking office buildings, just calling on tenants with the sole purpose of blessing them. Well, you're supposed to be going by there to get rent checks, Jim.

I mean, you got your priorities wrong here? We have been radically reprioritized by the Spirit of God. And now we see that whether a person is able to pay the rent or not, they're a child of God, that our stewardship extends into their life spiritually, not just as a tenant, an impersonal landlord-tenant relationship or manager-tenant relationship. It's an awesome thing to see these folks respond to requests for prayer with the five most powerful words in ministry. May I pray with you.

When they say yes, which 99.9% do, even if they don't pray on their side of the prayer equation, we pray, God answers. But you haven't turned down before. Have been turned down once. Of all the multitude of times you've gone into businesses?

Correct. But this doesn't mean you're a soft on the business side. It doesn't mean you're a soft, wimpy businessman for the kingdom. I know that first hand because I know you, but our listeners are hearing, and they think, oh, this guy, he's just kind of giving the farm away and using the spiritualities and excuse. But you're counter to that as what? Well, it's a tough balance between justice and mercy.

I mean, the Lord struggled with this, or we think he struggles with it, but he's got it figured out. We are the ones who wrestle with this issue. As a steward of assets for other people, I am held responsible for how those assets are stewarded, and it is my responsibility to collect rent, and it is the responsibility of the tenant to pay the rent. However, there are life circumstances where I am privy to, because I'm there at a tender moment when they have to say, I can't pay the rent.

My wife is sick, and she has cancer, and I have no money to pay the bills. Well, am I just to throw them out on the street and say, well, I'm sorry you have to leave? Or do I have an opportunity at that moment to speak into their life and say, may I pray with you about this? And we are taking that responsibility seriously.

We're seeing miracles. Can you give us an example maybe of a prayer walk? Maybe you go in and pray for a teller, or something opens up as you're going into one of these tenants.

Take us with us real quick what that looks like. Sure. Interesting you should mention a bank, because that does bring to memory one particularly poignant experience. We went into one of our buildings where there's a bank headquarters, went to see the branch manager, and said that we had come to visit just to say that we cared for them and that we'd like to know, is there anything we can pray for for you and your family or your co-workers in this workplace? And the answer came back, yes, there is a woman here who is in the final stages of her battle with breast cancer, and she would love to have prayer. And so this person, after we prayed with them about some other issues and just general prayers of blessing for their business, because that's really what the people of God are intended to be, is a blessing to others, they then led us to this person's workstation in the office, bald head, wearing a scarf, just gray skin pallor, and struggling. But she welcomed us into her office, she did not want to be at home, she needed to get away from just thinking about her pain, and this particular workplace was led by a Christian who welcomed her back into the office. And so she allowed us to pray with her, and as we prayed with her, she said, would you pray for my feet, my feet are terribly swollen from the chemotherapy and I'm in a lot of pain. And we prayed for her, and her feet, the pain in her feet was instantaneously taken away from her. It was just a really powerful moment for our little team of four people who had come in to pray with her.

And she was in tears and so grateful for the visit, as was the staff of the bank around who were watching this happen. And that was an eternal impact, these people's lives are changed, because they've seen people who they didn't know before come in, cross the business boundary, integrate faith and work, and say, we're bringing the kingdom of God to this place. There are some spiritual strongholds in your place of work, in your home, in your family that you don't even know about. We're going to uncover those next on Truth Talk Life, and we're going to take a trip to Niagara Falls that you'll never be the same afterward.

Hang on, more coming up right after this. Do you see your work, your business, the day-to-day grind, your interaction with your family as your mission, as your ministry anointed upon you from Almighty God? Our guest today says yes. In fact, he says if you're a Christian and you don't see that work, you see it as drudgery and not as ministry, then you're missing the whole boat and you're not walking in God's will. He's talking about bringing God's kingdom to bear in your workplace, in your marketplace, in everything you do, whether you are in a quote-unquote full-called full-time ministry or whatever you do that may seem mundane, it is big. Jim Anthony, we're so glad you're with us. You're sharing these stories, these real stories. God has transformed your life in this area, and you've, on a personal level, really impacted me. I want to thank you for that.

You've really blessed me, and you've blessed. You spoke to the new Canaan group recently in North Carolina, and you speak all over the country about this now, but you took a little trip to Niagara Falls that you thought would be a financial black hole. You thought this was it. You thought, I've made a bad business decision.

But God has done something, and it's opened your eyes, too, to these spiritual strongholds that we have all over the place that some of us aren't even clueless about. Right, right. I was. Set that up and take us to Niagara Falls.

Sure. Year 2000, summer of year 2000, I make a loan to someone, strictly a business deal. I went up, looked at the property, made the loan, and came back home. Bought a piece of the property, but the primary investment was in a loan. Guy defaulted on the loan.

We wound up taking back the real estate and having to either walk away from a very large sum of money and write it off or develop our way out of the problem. Well, we then had to make a decision that was huge for us because the expenditure was going to be large. The community was devastated. The western New York area had been suffering terribly economically for lots and lots of reasons. Those reasons were really unknown to me at the time. I knew the superficial reasons, high taxes, high labor costs, or unions, and all these problems that everybody talked about, businesses closing.

But there were deeper issues, and God wanted to reveal what those were to me and to other people. So, amazingly, we began to see that the fact that the previous owner of this property, which was so dilapidated and literally falling down around us, the roof had some 630 buckets hanging from the rafters to collect the water. It looked more like a rainforest than it did a shopping mall. The ceilings, of course, were ruined. The air conditioning equipment was shot.

It was just a disaster. And it was a microcosm of the community. It really was a reflection of what was going on in the area.

We asked, what is going on here? Well, there's an abortion clinic out on the corner of the property. And we needed to repent of the previous owner's decision to sell a piece of land to an abortion clinic. Now, this was a radical idea for me to think that I needed to deal with some previous owner's evil in my life. I had to deal with this to make progress economically with a piece of real estate.

It seems so illogical. But now I've come to understand that this is a factor in every piece of real estate on the planet. That there's historical spiritual history where there's sin, where there's good.

These things need to be understood and dealt with in the now. You mentioned that where there's a battle that rages. We have these historic battlefields all over the country. I didn't know that Niagara Falls was a place of a lot of bloodshed. Share that and share about what that physical battle is reflecting in the spiritual.

Sure. Just as Jerusalem is the most war-over and bloodiest patch of earth on the planet, Niagara Falls, New York, and Canada is the most war-over patch, especially on the U.S. side, interestingly. It's not so much true on the Canadian side of the river. This has been a battleground for hundreds of years. Before the white man showed up, there were Indian wars over this area. Niagara Falls was considered sacred ground by the Indians, the Native American peoples. It was the holiest place that they knew in the area.

Of course, they knew nothing about Christianity or anything except their native religion, but they knew it was a spiritual place. They battled over control of the falls in the area around it. There's one story of two tribes ganging up on a third tribe and wiping out every man, woman, and child. Total genocide of an entire Indian tribe that occurred at Devil's Hole, which is a place that's got signs on it, but the signs don't tell you what really happened. You've been there?

Yes. Many of your listeners have probably been to Niagara Falls. They've heard the story of the geology and the geography and the hydrology of the river, but they're not hearing the theology. They're not hearing the God stuff. God said, I want you to start a tour company that tells the spiritual history of Niagara Falls.

We're doing that now. We talk about the meaning of the river that drains the Great Lakes, which are essentially 70% of North America's fresh water, all draining over Niagara Falls and out to the sea through the St. Lawrence Seaway. The fact that this river and this falls are a symbol of the grace of God falling from heaven, if you want to get a visual picture of what Ezekiel, I think it's Ezekiel 39 or 45, the river flowing out of the temple and flooding, that is Niagara Falls. When you get on that little bitty boat and you ride up to the face of the falls and you talk as a group and you pray about what the temple must look like in heaven when you're worshipping the voice that sounds as thundering waters, as described in Revelation, there you are. You are literally transported into the heavenly places, surrounded by the Spirit of God, the living water that's just coating you with his life.

It's an awesome experience to come into the experience of Niagara Falls from the spiritual perspective. But there's a big dark side there, a dark side you had to confront. Instead of walking away and just cutting your losses, you stayed there.

Tell everyone about how bad it was. What percentage of vacancy is there among business properties in the falls area? First of all, the mall got down to about 25 percent occupied. The problem with the mall is you've got to keep paying all the light bills, all the heating bills year round, regardless of how many people are in there, unless you want to shut it down. We came very close to just shutting it down and walking away. But God said through a number of people and confirmed it, I want you to renovate this property. So we did it.

We went from 25 percent, we're at 65, 68 percent now and rising. We've got some very exciting things going on with the property that are just going to confound the doubters. I can't talk very specifically about it except to say that I believe that God is working a miracle with the property. Person after person said this is bad, this will never work, this is a bad business proposition, but God's told you to stay there. This idea of bringing transformation into an entire city, an entire area, you're big on that. What is that about? God moving in the Raleigh area, in Niagara Falls, other places in the country.

Talk about that. It's so interesting that the Lord seems to want to use real estate as a detonator for transformation. So if you think about Jerusalem for example, the temple, building the temple was a transformational event.

Building the walls, rebuilding the walls, those were transformational activities and they make a statement on the ground of what's happening spiritually in the heavens and then you're manifesting it on earth. So when we go to communities we look for broken down properties, we look for trouble, we look for problems because that's where God's at work. Instead of just asking the questions about the deed, about the money, the land, the deal, you get into the spiritual implications, is that right?

Exactly. We're so used to just focusing on man's stuff like who used to own this property, get me a title report and now more recently get me an environmental report or physical inspection. We've learned that God wants Christian stewards of real estate to do spiritual reports, spiritual investigations. Who owned this place? What were they doing here? What are the spiritual consequences of the activity on this land? So here you have the bloodiest place in America, Niagara Falls, tons of wars, and you go in there and you try to find the spiritual sins of the past and then you did what? We actually have been down to the falls multiple times calling together pastors from the community, business people from the community, kings and priests coming together to pray deliverance and freedom, emancipation down at the falls. Okay and enter prayer, something that Jim Anthony is going to share with us after the break that you and I may have never done in our homes or our offices that happened for the first time ever at the world headquarters of Truth Talk Live. Hear about it next right here on Truth Talk Live.

Hang on. We talk about the power of prayer. We tell stories about it happening. We hear about it.

Sometimes it becomes almost this mythological thing that isn't real right here, right now. My guest today on Truth Talk Live, folks, believes in the power of prayer, and he's seen it transform his life and the lives of others. He's with us right now, special pre-recorded edition of Truth Talk Live. We've heard about Niagara Falls and what God is doing there, a place of complete darkness. God has brought you up there to be a part of redeeming this whole area for Christ, Jim Anthony.

Exciting stuff, but this idea of prayer walking, how did you get introduced to that? And how has that challenged us, like you challenged the group that you spoke to earlier about this? Bring it to home. Well, we first realized that we needed to deliver our mall from the enemy. The enemy had much greater control over the property than anybody else. And the reason you can know a community is in control of the enemy is you see the degradation of the community. You see buildings falling apart.

You see tenants fleeing. You see the rise of gangs and violence. Those are all signs that in the spiritual realm there is devastation going on. The destroyer is at work. The way you counteract this is you come against him with the power of the Spirit, the power of God. He is the only way we can demolish these strongholds. This is something that needs to be taken seriously in all of our homes and all of our workplaces.

You don't have to go to Niagara Falls to find devastation. You will find this in your own neighborhoods. You may have a brand spanking new house, but I still want everybody hearing this to prayer walk their property lines. How do you do that? What do you mean? Property lines go inside, even every bedroom, every living room, kitchen?

Yes, sir. And I'm not going to make any apologies for what God says in the Scriptures. For the chosen people, he defined the land.

He defined the boundaries of the buildings he wanted built. It's biblical. It's not popular to talk about it today because it just seems weird. But I don't mind being freakish on this if it means deliverance for my family. Just before this recording of this show on Truth Talk Live, I'm Stu Epperson. This is a special pre-recorded show.

Don't worry about calling in. Just sit back and be touched and challenged. Maybe you disagree and want to post a comment, go to Jim's stuff is up there too. Jim, you took a whole team of people that were in this building where Truth Talk Live originates, and you took us out and did a prayer walk through the whole building praying for people and praying for the perimeter.

Jim, it was powerful. I've never really been a part of something like that. There were ten or twelve of us following you and you were praying. Initially you were like, whoa, this is weird, but there's a fire now.

What is up with that? Well, either we believe the Bible or we don't. Either we believe that there is a spiritual realm or we don't.

You cannot be a Christian and not believe that there is a spiritual realm, something other than the natural realm. So if that is true, then there are consequences that flow from that truth that are really significant. So we began to walk that out here on this property today and it was really thrilling. And I know people felt awkward and they're kind of wondering, what the heck is Stu getting us into today? But by the end of it, they just were hungry for more. They didn't want to stop.

It was so thrilling. Well, people were doing their jobs and we pulled them out and they agreed to go on this walk and we saw tenants that you were praying for. We even know that we're next door as you circle the whole building.

How to do this practically, folks. How can prayer revolutionize your workplace, your home place? We'll wrap that up with Jim Anthony on Truth Talk Life.

Hang on, more coming up. It's five minutes before the hour on the fastest hour in radio and I could talk to this guy for many hours, many more than this show would allow today. But Jim Anthony, you've really blessed us and you have prayed for everyone on our staff before going on the air. You did a whole prayer walk around the whole Truth Talk Life where we originate our whole facilities, the affiliate stations that are in this building, the tenants that benefited from your prayer and your anointing there. You really believe in prayer and the power of prayer to change things, Jim Anthony, even at work.

Work is supposed to be like, I do that money through Friday, I don't really like it but I kind of eke away by, maybe pass the track out once in a while, but Sunday is when I do worship. Tell us about how this is infiltrated and how we can get this to infiltrate everything and how we think. I'd like to give a brief overview of what the prayer walking process looks like. I would encourage people to start at one corner of their property outdoors. They know where it is, it's not necessary to be exact, but start at a corner and begin by praising God and thanking him for the land and thanking him for the stewardship opportunity. And then welcome him to the property, welcome him in a way that he's never been welcomed before as the authority that he really is. And then in the name of that authority, cast down the principalities and powers, tear them down that have been pretending to have the authority over the land. We have a pretender who's ruling the earth today, he's an imposter, and yet we act as though it's his and we can't do anything about it. That is wrong, it's a lie from hell, and the truth from heaven is that you have the authority, declare your land to be freed and purified and do this for every part of it. And this is from Jesus Christ, and by the power of his blood and the power of his name, and it's bringing to bear, he already is Lord, but it's this prayer by kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. See, man, people, businesses listening, people that work there, are you encouraging us to even walk and pray for our neighbors?

Tell everyone about even how radical you've become with this. At work? At the ballgame? Now come on, that's supposed to be about cheering and fun. I mean, we've got to take a time off from this God stuff once in a while.

Jim, come on, you're burning us out! It's a joy to get burned out for the Lord, and I would encourage people who go to large stadium-style events to see these as opportunities to intercede for thousands, tens of thousands, maybe even a hundred thousand people at a time. We have an annual parade and rally that we participate in, and our specific declared purpose is to pray for all the people that we see when we ride through that parade. So when your team is on that big float going through Raleigh, North Carolina at the big Christmas parade, they're waving, but what are they really doing with those hands? We're waving like Moses does over the war, and we're setting people free, and we're declaring the power of God to come and seek out and save all these people.

Jim, 30 seconds left. Your passion and your challenge to everyone listening right now to your voice? Get on your knees and ask God to show you what He wants to do with you, where you are working today.

I don't care if you're a homemaker or if you're a student in school. God is desperate to reveal to you strategies and tactics that are the good works that He wants you to do today. Thanks for being on with us. You're a blessing to me. Thanks for discipling me in this area, and we're going to have a lot more conversations about this. All the information about Jim, what he's involved in ministry, and a place for you to make a comment about today's show is at our website,
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-12-03 13:54:33 / 2023-12-03 14:09:55 / 15

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