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The Names and Attributes of God

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
January 15, 2022 12:30 pm

The Names and Attributes of God

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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January 15, 2022 12:30 pm

Welcome fellow adventurers! This week's discussion is all about the different names and attributes of God. The clips are from "The Shack," "The Fault in Our Tears," and "The Names of God" by Laurell Hubick. The journey continues, so grab your gear, be blessed, right here on the Masculine Journey Radio Show.

Be sure to check out our other podcasts, Masculine Journey After Hours and Masculine Journey Joyride.

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This is Chris Hughes with the Christian Perspective Podcast with Chris Hughes, where we encourage our listeners to engage the culture with Jesus Christ. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds, so enjoy it, share it. But most of all, thank you for listening to the Truth Podcast Network.

This is the Truth Network. The heart of every man craves a great adventure, but life doesn't usually feel that way. Jesus speaks of narrow gates and wide roads, but the masculine journey is filled with many twists and turns.

So how do we keep from losing heart while trying to find the good way when life feels more like a losing battle than something worth dying for? Grab your gear and come on a quest with your band of brothers who will serve as the guides in what we call the masculine journey. The masculine journey starts here now. Chris Welcome to the Masculine Journey, and I want to assure you that Andy is glad that you're here with us this week, because we talked about that earlier today, Andy, and you're excited about this show. Andy Yeah. Chris You are, you are. Yeah, because partly it's your topic, but first, Jim, it's really kind of both your topics.

You want to help me understand what that is and what it is? Jim This was kind of a group effort. I opened up with the attributes of God and kind of what's your favorite attribute? And then Sam added to that, well, we need to do two to see what the attribute is that we see in others.

And then Andy, along the same lines, was looking at the names of God. And then while I was just indisposed before we came in here, I was thinking, maybe we also need to go to the names God's given us for three weeks. So we might have a pillar of pillars here. Chris We may. That's how pillars start.

You start with one and think you just have a pillar, and then it goes on from there. And so you're part of the contribution, as we talked about what the topic would be, would be the attributes. Jim Right. And tonight, we're going to look at both attributes and names of God. We sort of combine that for God. And we're kicking it off with Andrew. Andrew So, Andy, question.

Although they may seem like very different topics, there's a lot of similarities, as Jim was pointing to, because don't the names kind of follow attributes to some degree? Jim Yeah, actually, they get to our identity, or his identity, actually. And that concept of identity, you know, we get from getting our new name at boot camp and, or whenever. And the idea behind that is, is, you know, I mean, I've been given my name was Andrew, which means strength, which is like a name name. But there's an attribute to it, strength. And I think that's a lot of it. It's, you know, it's, it's whatever defines you or defines him.

And what I felt like is we had really, rightfully so, it's so cool to get our own name. But God does, goes through a lot in the Bible to define who he is. You know, there's, there's straight up names, but it also says God is love. I mean, that's an attribute. So there's plenty of, of a name name, like, and sometimes these names people give to him based on the character and the love or whatever they receive from him back. So we'll talk a little bit about that.

But it had been on my heart for some time. And then Jim had brought up attributes. And we just felt like it was a logical merge of the topic.

So before we get to your clip, I want to ask Robby a question. Now, Robby, you know, going back into, you know, the Bible and Hebrew specifically names had a big deal to do with, with who people were, right? I mean, all through Scripture, Ishmael, Israel, they all had names, Jacob, Abraham, Abraham, right, father, and so many different not, not just, you know, their identity came out of how they were named.

And of course, in a lot of cases, God specifically changed names, you know, like Gideon's mighty warrior, you know, that came along when he was shenanigans down in the wine press, you know, or has, you know, Peter got his name and Paul got his. So we now have a plural version or a action item from shenanigans, which is good. Shenanigizing, yes. Shenanigizing.

That's what I'm going to be doing this weekend, just shenanigans. All right, we'll go back to the topic at hand. Thank you, Robby.

I appreciate that. No, well, no, it brings us up, you know, partly the name is such a huge deal. And so when I get back to names and attributes have been tied all through Scripture, right? And so all we're doing is just rediscovering it a different way. But it's been laid out before us for so long that it's almost been forgotten. Yeah, because clearer picture we can get of God, the clearer picture we can get of ourselves, and back and forth, as I, you know, I love that concept of the more we can become ourselves, the more God can be himself around us. And, you know, that's where we're headed.

Andy, you have a clip that you'd like to set up, don't you? Yeah. And before we get there, that whole idea, though, of identity and name, though, it is core to who we are, obviously. And I feel like everything within our relationship with God is based on what we believe about him and about ourselves. And what identity is and getting that right identity defeats what the enemy's trying to do and putting those names and those identities on us.

So it's the positive response. So, again, I tie it to us getting our own name, too. But in this clip, it's from the shack. Mac is the guy that meets the Trinity in this, and they'll be talking about their names. And in doing so, Mac's got a lot of problems in his life. He's kind of stuck, and he doesn't have a deep relationship with God. And from what I hear and hear is he doesn't really feel seen by God, and God calls that out on him.

And we'll go ahead and listen to the clip and talk about it when we get back. Yeah, Mac actually probably has an adversarial relationship with God. Right, yes, because he's got trauma. His daughter was murdered, and he goes to this shack thinking he's going to go after the guy that may have done it or kind of get some peace or reconciliation from it. But he actually meets God at that shack. He'll even hear that he's carrying a gun on him just for protection. Mackenzie Allen Phillips.

My, my, my. Look at you. Do I know you? Not very well, but we can work on that. I've been so looking forward to this, to finally see you face to face. Can I take your coat? And that gun.

We wouldn't want anyone to get hurt, now would we? I understand it's confusing. We all do.

We will do this on your terms and time. How about some introductions? I'm Aluja. I have a lot of names, but that's one of my favorites. Or if you want, you can call me what Nan does. You know Nan? Oh, yes.

Very well. Are you saying that you're... I am. The I am? I am that I am. I am that I am.

Look at that. Already quoting scripture. You bet my son. Ready to see you, Mack. Your son?

Of course. And, um, son are you? Sarah who?

Sarah, it means a breath of wind. All right. So which one of you is?

I am. And you have no idea how much I love you. Yeah, I love that clip. And, um, you know, you hear, you know, the, the, I am, I, you know, that's first time God introduced himself that I recall was I am to Moses. And, uh, you know, you see the Trinity there saying they're all I am. Now there's other names.

They kind of took a theatrical license on some of those. I wouldn't get hung up on it, but it really gets into God. You know, I am, he's everything that we need. We've heard those sermons from church, but I mean, it essentially is the consistency of who God is. He's unchanging. He is.

And I think that's cool. But another thing, there's another name in there that I'm, uh, I'm going to talk about real quick. It's L. L. Roy is then as, um, when Hagar, uh, was, uh, had been banished by Abraham. She didn't really feel like God really had saw her and she named God. She said that your Jehovah, uh, well, it's actually L. Roy. And it means the God that sees me.

And I think a lot of people aren't don't feel seen. And you can hear God saying to Mac, you know, Mac, I've so wanted to see you. So both of those names and, you know, there's this, God is constantly coming after us with what his names are and his character and who he is. So. Absolutely. As you guys were talking earlier and it may just been, became obvious to me when it's already been obvious to all of you, but you know, when we go to bootcamp and that's primarily where we've gotten our new names, it's been at other places, but where God shared our new names with us, he's actually kind of sharing his name. Right.

Because we're made in his image. Yeah. Right.

And so if you get the name strength, he's saying that you represent my strength. Absolutely. Yeah. Right. You represent whatever that is in that. And it's part of your gifting. Yep.

Sure. Right. And so it gives you just another layer, at least for me anyway. And you guys may have all realized that it gives me another layer to kind of dig in and say, okay, God, what do you, what do you mean by that at another angle?

Well, that, that goes back to the last week when we were talking about the word of the year and it's not our word personally, but it's our word shared between us and God's again, this is community with him and that's relational, you know? Yeah, exactly. I don't know that we have time to get Robby's clip in. We may be able to get it in and come back and talk about it.

So you know, I don't think we do. You can check your head, but I can't see that on the radio. Well, the clip's two minutes and he just gave us two minutes. Oh, I was looking at you, Robby.

It's all right. But the, you know, the cool thing is that what you say is, is really pretty deep when you think about it, that as we get an idea of what he sees in this and the thing I was thinking about in Andy's clip, and I've heard that clip a number of times is, do you notice how she slash God started out with his name and she, and then, and she gives that the full McKenzie that, which, you know, when you hear Jim later talk about one of the, one of his times he met God, one of the things that God did was lay out his full, you know, given name as Andy's given name. And so often it's interesting to me that the guys at the guys at bootcamp, when they go out and hear their new name, it turns out to be their old name. Yeah.

And you happen to be one of them. Oh yeah. That was that way for me when I struggled with my new name and he's like, I already gave it to you. It was Samuel, you know, God hears, right.

Which tied into my past, which I shared on other shows and, and it's been perfect. So maybe we ought to change the name of the talk from the new name to the name, you know, or your name, the rediscovered name, rediscovered name. Let's just have said Hashem. Yeah. Which means the name. Oh, okay.

And so that was really, really cool. When you think about what God is doing with this identity idea is, you know, we're coming into this relationship and what's one of the first things that you do in a relationship, right? Is beginning to introduce each other through, well, you know, what's your name?

How do I relate to you? You know, what does that come about? And then if you're in another relationship, there's pet names, there's all sorts of names, right? That's right.

Right. So come on Snooki, let's go ahead and go on to the, no, Masculine Journey. Stop the shenanigans. Stop the shenanigans.

I'm shenanigans again. Go to to register for the bootcamp coming up March 31st, through April 4th. We'd love to see you there. Plan to be with us for A Call to the Nation, a weekly message by Carter Conlon from Times Square Church in New York City. David says, no, let them do what they do.

They're only allowed to do it because God has appointed them to do it. And when God's trying to get ahold of us again, he will allow us to be driven into the wilderness. Make sure to be with us every week for A Call to the Nation with Carter Conlon.

In his brand new teaching series about integrity, Chuck Swindoll tackles a sensitive topic. Run from sexual sin. We're never told to argue with it or reason with it or try hard to resist it. We're told to run from it.

Get out. Become equipped with proven tools for winning over temptation when you listen this week to Insight for Living with Chuck Swindoll. I'm pretty sure in his humor, God gave me this and I haven't been able to get it out of my brain. But one of the lyrics that were probably hard to understand, but it says, how can I measure up to anyone now that such a love as this has hit him? And I do believe, and this is the who, in case you don't know who they are. And that's really old humor. But this is a group that was struggling, and I do believe this was written to and about God from what was going on with the band.

They'd lost their drummer and were going through a rough time. And it is the question we're asking tonight. You know, who are you, God? What's your name? That is such a perfect bump, Jim. That was such a good bump. That was really good. Thank you.

All right. So the clip that we've long awaited here, but anyway, is from a movie, The Fault in Our Stars, which the setup on that is – and again, we're getting to, you know, the attribute that stuck out to me of God. And in this case, you've got two cancer patients who have, you know, months to live that fall in love and have this unbelievable relationship for a very short period of time, both understanding that they weren't going to be here for very long. And so here we have the young lady who is eulogizing her lover who has passed away. And in doing that, she points out an attribute. Actually, it was sort of a revelation to me as what I was going for was a sense of being God's favorite in his grace, and then we'll explain where she went with that.

Hello. My name is Hazel Grace Lancaster, and Agustus Waters was the star-crossed love of my life. Ours is an epic love story, and I probably won't be able to get more than a sentence out without disappearing into a puddle of tears. Like all real love stories, ours will die with us, as it should. You know, I'd kind of hoped that he'd be the one eulogizing me, because there's really no one else.

I'm not going to talk about our love story, because I can't. So instead, I'm going to talk about math. I am not a mathematician, but I do know this. There are infinite numbers between zero and one. There's 0.1, 0.12, and 0.112, and an infinite collection of others. Of course, there is a bigger infinite set of numbers between zero and two, or between zero and a million. Some infinities are simply bigger than other infinities.

You know, I want more numbers that I'm likely to get. Thank God. Do I want more days for Agustus Waters than what he got? But Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. You gave me forever within the numbered days.

And for that, I am eternally grateful. So, remarkable insight there into the fact that there is an infinity in numbers between zero and one. And for those of us who've had an encounter with God's grace, feeling his forgiveness in spite of unbelievable rebellion and crazy attitude and all that goes on, like when we actually do encounter him, we get that infinity. We get that if you've experienced it.

You know what I'm saying? There is a little infinity, or maybe a lot of infinity, more than I can really even begin to describe, but it's completely there. And when he says that his grace is sufficient for Paul, there are times in your life where you're like, you would never think. But when he touches you, that infinity comes with it. And it is more than you need. And in fact, it's more than you even knew existed.

And so, it's grace, but it's also eternal. Thank you, Robby. So we have another clip. Who wants to set this clip up?

Because it's kind of like a tag team clip. So I'm not really sure who's setting it up. It looks like you, but it looks like none of you are sure. Danny. Danny's setting it up.

I've been drafted. This is a clip that was kind of an extra, but I've had an eventful past few days. And the clip is actually out of a song, The Names of God.

And it just names over some of the names of God, and the one that I have chosen is in there. Okay. How's that first set up? Works for me.

We'll go ahead and play it. The God who sees. You are my banner. Jehobah Nissi. The all sufficient one. And the Shaddai. Jehova Jireh.

You will provide. So tell us which name is yours, not yours, the ones that you chose for God. Jehovah Jireh, which the Lord will provide. And I spent the last few weeks of 2021, which was a incredible year on many different levels. But where I ended up with the year was just reminiscing over all God has provided in our lives. You know, family and friends and all different kinds of things. I mean, story after story.

And we were doing the word of the year. And the one he's given me is content. And Paul says, I have learned to be content.

And what that speaks to me, there's another song that I love. It's called, it's called he's more than enough, because he does exceedingly and abundantly above that what you could ask or think. And, you know, that's what he's reminded me of, but to learn to be content in him is to rest in Jehovah Jireh, knowing that whatever is on the table, he provided, whether it's a lot or a little, it's enough, and it's more than enough. And, you know, that's kind of the season I'm in is learning to be content, no matter where what's going on, you know, what's a bank account looks like, what's the job situation looks like, what the government, whatever it is, to be content in who he is. So just even in the last 24 hours, he's kind of provided for you, including this evening.

Yeah, he put it was a nonstop tour yesterday afternoon, because my truck breaks went out. And so, interestingly enough, you know, I'm thinking, okay, how am I going to get to work? And I'm the self sufficient one at times.

And it's part of that false self. And, you know, as I begin reaching out to people, okay, could you possibly give me a ride? I got responses from everybody. Yeah, we do this. Yeah, we do that.

And if you need me to do this, and then the boss actually hands me the keys to the company van and his credit card to put gas in it. And so he wouldn't let me buy y'all dinner, though. He just kind of frowned upon that. Well, yeah. Yeah.

And then you thought you were coming here clipless. Yeah. And then the clipless provided by Andy the the clipping wonder over there.

Yeah. The clipinator. The clipinator. Not a shenanigans, but a clipinator. Now, Wayne, this this clip is actually yours, too. Yeah.

Speaking of two for one, it's a two for Tuesday. You know, whatever, you know, you don't pick a clip, right? There you go. It's the Danny Wayne of it.

Maybe a six for Saturday on one of these clips we could do. I don't know. Good.

I'm not coming back in. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. This kind of, you know, with Danny talking about, you know, God's provision. You know, I'm kind of living in the midst of that. And, you know, if you've listened for any time, you know, as a listener, you know, a piece of my story in terms of what we're going through with the house and possible foreclosure and everything. But what you don't know is, you know, God recently provided a position, a job, and it was it's a good job. It's a good job. But now all of a sudden I have another offer on the table as well. And I'm actually already working the one job. And he's starting to give, you know, options.

You know, what do you do? He's giving us a place to stay after we fill our home. Now we'll end up doing fairly well from the sale of the home and come out debt free on the other side of this.

You know, once we do determine a new house and everything. So he's definitely standing in the place of our provision, even in the midst of, you know, when everything was going to crap. You know, we did. We didn't see it, but we still praise them. We, you know, but we did ask a lot of questions like most people would.

Yeah. It's not where you thought you were. I thought you would be a few months ago. This journey is, and even now, like, hey, I'm sitting here. I'm having conversations with father about why, why this new job now, you know, I'm already in this one position. I'm content, you know, I've, I've settled in my heart that this is where I was going to be. Just filled out the paperwork, even applied for insurance. You know, I was gonna, I was, I was there for the long term. Wow.

And applied for insurance and everything. I did. I did.

Hey, that's a big deal. We haven't done that in many, many years. Okay. Well, I don't know. I don't know the journey you've walked, so that's good. We don't have time to get to Harold's clip, but what I want to go around is go back to this concept. And I want to just kind of go around the room and name that God's given you that you took as a name that is actually an attribute. Right.

So who wants to go first? Give us a definition. Well, I'll give you one. One of the names God gave me was loyal. Right. But that's technically an attribute. Right.

And it, it, it reflects his loyal, his being loyal. You can't have that one. That one's mine. That's yours too. Well, I'll go back to another one. So take yours. All right. So loyal for you, right? I'm teasing. That's, that's what works.

Love to share it with you. Yeah. You represent it much better than I do. I'm pretty sure. Um, who else has one?

You guys are looking with blank stares. Well, yeah, you need a microphone. Let me get you a microphone. Robby.

So what's while I'm, while I'm moving that way, I'll do mine since I'm in there and this will keep me from saying it in the After Hours show. My life word, which is I got first five years ago, is chesed, which is love. Love. Okay.

Got a little bit of time there, Robby. Faithful. Faithful.

Andy? Yeah. I'm going with strength.

Strength. Yeah. Anyone else? Bueller?

Bueller? Anyone? No? Okay. All right. So we will talk about the upcoming bootcamp coming up. I said it incorrectly. We keep wanting to extend it.

That's how popular it is. Robby was giving it a month. I gave it a month last week.

I gave it an extra day earlier when I said it's a March 31st through April 3rd is bootcamp coming up. Going, go to to register. We'd love to see you there. God has some really cool stuff. Maybe a new name, maybe an attribute.

Maybe just wants to love on you and just show you how much He delights in you. Go register now. We'll talk to you later. This is the Truth Network.
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