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The Joy Ride #44

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
April 8, 2021 5:00 am

The Joy Ride #44

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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April 8, 2021 5:00 am

Welcome fellow Joy Riders to the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast! On this podcast you will hear funny stories, exchanges, and thought provoking moments that will amuse you, make you smile, and draw you closer to Jesus Christ in your journey of life.

Harold wasn't in studio this week. Though he was missed, the guys still managed to make him part of the show.

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Woodrow Crowell here. When you train one pastor in Ecuador, some donor friends are standing by to train a second pastor. Call 833-443-5467 or go online at

Every gift counts and now every gift is doubled. Welcome, fellow adventurers, to the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast. This is a brand new show from the guys you know.

I'm talking, of course, about the Band of Brothers. My name is Keith and I'm the producer for Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey After Hours. In this podcast, you will hear funny stories, exchanges, and thought-provoking moments that will amuse you, make you smile, and draw you closer to Jesus Christ in your journey of life.

Harold couldn't be in the studio this week. Though he was missed, the guys found a way to make him a part of the show. The poser completely is integrated into the wound because you need to understand what's standing in the way of you finding the wound. But two of those talks between the wound and the poser line you up perfectly to begin to accept this concept of, wow, I get a new name. And so one of the things that somebody said from the stage, maybe my second bootcamp might have been the first, but one of those times that it impacted me and I've never forgotten it was that we each bear the image of God. In other words, we reflect him in some way very uniquely. And you personally, whoever's listening, you reflect him in a way that only you reflect him, the way that you were designed, the way you were created. And if you don't do that, if you don't take on that identity, that reflection, nobody else can. And the whole world misses out. All of the universe misses out on what that would be. And the example would be just like tonight, we're missing Harold, which really is a sad thing because, you know, he was there when God invented all this stuff. So from the guys on Masculine Journey, I'm Keith, and we'll see you down the road. This is the Truth Network.
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