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The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
January 9, 2021 12:30 pm


The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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January 9, 2021 12:30 pm

Welcome to Masculine Journey fellow adventurers! The conversation this week turns to heritage, both natural and spiritual. The clips used come from the films "Thor," and Disney's " The Kid." The journey continues, so grab your gear and be blessed, right here on the Masculine Journey Radio Show. Pray for our country.

Be sure to check out Masculine Journey After Hours as well as the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast.


Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul

Hey, this is Mike Zwick from If Not For God Podcast, our show.

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Welcome to The Masculine Journey. We're glad that you're with us today and we can have a small studio gathering today, don't we, Robby? Yeah. For the first time in a long time, we've been separated by COVID. We have. We got just three of us in studio, two of us on the phone calls. We got in studio, Rodney, Robby, and Sam. It's easier to remember my name because they don't, they're not similar.

And then on the phones, we got Danny and Andy. And so I'm sure I'll confuse somebody at some point today. But this is, we don't really, I guess we're January 9th Eve. That's about the only Eve we got. You know, that, not really exciting.

It's not like Christmas or New Year's or any big event. Yeah. Yeah.

Nothing really. So yeah, we have to look back. We have to go post if we want to do any of that stuff now. Yeah.

Well, enjoy your tomorrow. But Danny, why don't you tell us a little bit about the topic because you kind of, you kind of brought it to the team indirectly. I mean, God actually brought it to the team, but he spoke through you.

Yes. Well, we have been praying about this word for the year and the word heritage came to me and I thought, okay, this, this, this might be an interesting ride. So as I began to dig a little bit into the, uh, started a little bit digging with the Hebrew word and, and, and, and just looking at heritage and what it meant, because I think we had talked about, you know, legacy a while back and the difference, you know, legacies, what you want to leave. Well, heritage is you're actually receiving somebody else's legacy. So, and looked at the aspect of, you know, my spiritual legacy and, you know, my natural legacy, you know, worldly or struggling with how to label that. But, and so just kind of just beginning to unpack this and kind of excited and a little nervous about what the year brings because the year sure has started out with a bang at this house. So, but that's just kind of in a nutshell, you know, thinking about why is Danny Lee Marsh who he is and, you know, is the heritage and the, and the things that came downstream to make this happen.

Why, why, why? Yeah. And then in the midst of that, as you really start to unpack some of your, your heritage, you find that the enemy's been there also trying to twist and turn and get you to see things differently along the way. And so there's, there's opportunities for even agreements in there or healing in that as well. And so, you know, we'll get to that a little bit here in our first clip in just a second, but, you know, Danny, you'd sent out that, that thing to us about a week ago on, you know, spiritual heritage and, you know, natural worldly heritage, you know, that's not spiritual related necessarily, you know, how, what type of parent I want to be, that type of thing. And yeah, some of that's spiritual, but you know, where's that all come from? You know, we like to think sometimes that we're all kind of self-made people, but the more you think about it, we're just, we've just kind of taken other people's legacies and adopted them. Or we've said, I don't want to be that way, which is still their legacy impacting you. You know, when you think about it, no, yeah.

If I make a choice not to be like my dad on something, his legacy still impacted me in my heritage. Yep. That's a lot of words. Yeah. Very. Danny, you want to go ahead and set up the first clip? It comes from Thor, the original movie of Thor, right? Yes.

I actually had a lot of time at home past several days, though. I actually watched the war the other night and I saw this clip and I'm like, this would probably be a good clip for the show. And the scene is that Loki, who is Thor's brother, is there's this ice crystal that has to do with, I won't explain the whole movie, but he's either going to steal it or whatever, but his father stops him. And the interchange in a clip is he learns where he truly comes from. He was actually one of the ice people.

I don't know what they're called, but the and his father rescued him from a temple and basically adopted him. And the interchange between the way they see his life unfold is day and night difference. But he learns something about himself. And just like you said just now, Sam, he sounds like he's choosing not to be that way. The legacy of his father has impacted him. His father thought he was doing something noble and he's viewing it as you've put me on a shelf as a trophy and that kind of thing. And it impacts the decisions he makes going forward.

And so true with us that as we are impacted by other people's legacy, be it from a spiritual, I think about all the men and women in my life that have, from a spiritual standpoint, have spoken to my life negatively and positively. And how it makes you make a turn. And then the enemy loves to take his twist on things.

And it ends up in an open face fishing reel that has backlashed. Yeah, and that's actually what we're going to hear a lot in this clip, aren't we? A big backlash going on. Absolutely.

All right, we'll go ahead and play it and we'll come back and unpack it a little bit. Okay. Stop!

Am I cursed? No. What am I? You're my son.

What more than that? The casket wasn't the only thing you took from Jotunheim that day, was it? No. In the aftermath of the battle, I went into the temple and I found a baby. Small, for a giant's offspring. Abandoned, suffering, left to die. Laufey's son. Laufey's son?

Yes. Why? You were knee deep in Jotun blood. Why would you take me? You were an innocent child. No, you took me for a purpose. What was it?

Tell me! I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day, bring about an alliance, bring about a permanent peace through you. But those plans no longer matter. So I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up here until you might have use of me. Why'd you twist my words? You could have told me what I was from the beginning. Why didn't you?

You're my son. I wanted only to protect you from the truth. Well, because I'm the monster parents tell their children about at night. You know, it all makes sense now why you favored Thor all these years.

Because no matter how much you claim to love me, you can never have a frost giant sitting on the throne of Asgard. Wow, Danny, you can kind of hear in that clip, you got a loving father that's trying to explain himself, but you got something that's almost whispering in Loki's ear there, trying to tell him, you know, you're nothing more than a pawn in this big thing that your supposed dad who supposedly loved you was trying to do. Yeah, and I think one of the enemy's greatest tricks in my life, and I would assume everybody's, I don't think I suffer from terminal uniqueness like I used to. But the is that there's always that whisper of, you're different.

And you they're not going to accept you the way you are. And that kind of twists and turns and ends up, like I said earlier, in a backlash fishing reel. So yeah, you definitely have Loki who's found out something he didn't know about himself and then and definitely takes him in a lot different direction. And what's really weird, I've been watching another TV series.

And I won't tell you what it is. Because if you're watching the series, you don't want to know what happens, right. But there's at one point, the father in this stories, one of the kids finds out that he's adopted. And it takes an almost identical turn, you know, completely to the negative side that there was nothing good or, or holy about what the father was trying to do in that scenario. You know, and I think if we listen to the clip, those are probably called Yodenites would be my guess, you know, they're from Yoden.

So yeah, they'd be Yodenites, biblical, biblical expression of people from Yoden. Yeah, and how often do we have something that we think is true, and we know and we put some faith and belief and trust behind something that is false on the fullness of it. But there's still a lot of reality. But once we get just a little hint of falseness of that truth, what do we like to do? We often will go off the rails, we'll run with that lie, and think that's the truest thing about everything, right. And then we, we internalize that and come out with this backlash, you know, and that, how often does that happen in our lives, we could think back and probably find so many areas where that has happened to us. You know, whether it's something small recently, or something even major in our lives, you know, it just, I think it just happens very often.

It does. Yeah, I was thinking as that clip was playing about another clip that we've used many, many times, and it's, everybody loves Raymond clip. When they're betting, they go to bet, you know, on horse races, instead of going to the therapist. And so they're making up all this stuff. But what you see in there is you see what the boys think their heritage is. And then through healing and discovery, they find out more about what their true heritage is. You know, and so that's one of those opportunities that God's going to open up to us as we dig into this topic, especially you, Danny, over this next year, but you know, us along with you, as we walk with you, you know, one can't be impacted without everyone else being impacted. And so I'm really looking forward to some of the disbelief in my heritage being unpacked along the way as you unpack yours.

Yeah. So Danny, who's had some impact on you? We got a few minutes before we go to break, but why don't we talk on the spiritual side? Who's had some positive impacts on you spiritually in your heritage? Well, my dad's mother would be my grandma, she was, she was a just a devout Southern Baptist lady, and just was just constant. And so her spiritual impact was, and she wasn't one of those fire-breathing Baptists, but she would be well to correct you in Scripture and, you know, the error of your ways sometimes.

But the impact of her life has been a positive role, and even my mom's mom, who was a Presbyterian lady, and I found out later how deep her faith was, just that, you know, and I think... Hey Danny, let's pick this up when we come back from the break. I'd like to ask you more about that. In the meantime, go to

You can download past podcasts, you can get contact information if you'd like to reach out to us. We'd love to hear information from you on topic ideas or clip ideas, Now what do we do?

Just be yourself. Where are you going? I'm going to pick a fight. If it feels like every day is picking a fight, then you might want to come listen to The Masculine Journey and find out why we use clips like these to illustrate the story God is telling in the lives of men today. The truth is God designed you to pick a fight, but which fights do we pick?

Well, grab your gear and come on a quest. Every Saturday at noon, and now The Masculine Journey After Hours Podcast. Masculine Journey Radio. mail it to P.O.

Box 550, Kernersville, North Carolina, 27285. Keith, thank you for that bump in. I don't know that song, so it gives me something to go look up. Is that the Oak Ridge Boys?

Is that who that is? Okay, I think that's what Robby had said. Yeah, I've never heard it either. It's just awesome. And I love the Oak Ridge Boys.

Good. Oh, yeah. Did you know that song? Didn't know the song.

It's been a long time since I've heard them. Then you really don't like the Oak Ridge Boys. Oh, I do. I'm just saying.

Stab the Brothers. One of his favorites. They're good. I've got lots of favorites.

That's one of their top hits. Come on. Rodney, you're just posing through the Oak Ridge pose again. Danny, when we left off, you were talking about some of your spiritual heritage. And so you talked a little bit about one of your grandmothers, and I think you were talking about the other.

Yeah. Both grandmothers were devout followers of Jesus. They were in their own ways. And one of them impacted me as she lived. And the other one, unfortunately, was after she passed away, because I spent a little time with her Bible. And Ma didn't talk much about her faith. But when I look back at her life and read some of the things she'd wrote in the margins of her Bible, I thought, wow, what a legacy she has left behind, because her father committed suicide. When she was a very young age, he was an alcoholic. And she married a man who struggled with the same thing, and Lord knows Pa had his struggles. But she just was one of those anchored souls that just kind of just sailed right on through life.

And obviously was impacted by it, but it never shook her from who she was and who she was. And that's kind of the heritage that funnels down, you know, on both sides in my life, that anchored, unfortunately, I've been one of those battered ships, but those kind of things are there. And the enemy's had his heyday in my life, but there is that heritage there that, hey, this thing we call Christianity, and this rock, you can stand on is a place to stand.

Yeah, thank you. It was reminded me, you know, when I was growing up, and my dad was 49 when I was born, I was not expected. I kind of came along, even though he didn't know that I was going to come along. And so his dad was quite a bit older as well when I got to know my grandpa, you know, I have my first memories of my grandpa. And all I remember about my grandpa was just being this very quiet, good-hearted Christian guy, right? But as I got older and I learned stories about my grandpa when he was younger, then you can really see, honestly, for me, it was very uplifting because he was a very hard man when he was raising his kids and some stories that I heard about how he raised my father. You know, and as I got to know more of the story, I could appreciate the heritage more because I could see, obviously, God had to change my grandpa a lot from the guy my dad saw growing up to the guy I saw later on, you know, but also just the stories of how, you know, my dad was not necessarily exactly like my grandpa either, you know, where I thought he had been really hard on me.

In comparison, he wasn't, you know? And so, again, it's going into that heritage gives you some clarity to help you kind of understand more about you and more about the story that you entered into when you were born. Yeah. Robby, I want to go ahead and get your clip in because it's a little bit different turn on heritage. And then in the after show, we can talk about kind of all of it.

And all of it. Yeah, my clip comes from the movie The Kid, which we use quite extensively in, you know, boot camp as Sean kind of what a poser looks like. And a man by the name of Russ Duretz, who's actually an image consultant.

So he's sort of a professional poser, teaches other people how to pose. And he comes off very much like a jerk. Um, and through the miracle of Walt Disney and movies, his younger self, young Rusty Duretz comes to, you know, show him how he ended up being the jerk that he had become.

And he actually had quit living from his heart. And when you see the young Rusty Duretz rather than Russ, you can see that this was really a cool little kid. Well, in the clip that I'm going to show, we kind of get a picture of a couple of things that Russ Duretz has just tried to help this guy out of a bad illegal situation and made sort of a bogus movie in order to try to make him look better than he is. And his girlfriend took part in it and she's ashamed of taking part of it. And so in order to try to appease his girlfriend, he tosses the movie in the trash in a restaurant.

Well, they're walking out of the restaurant, right to, um, you know, go home or whatever. And he's wanting to dump dive, you know, dive into the dumpster to get the movie out of there. And she's trying to talk him out of not doing it. She thought he acted like, you know, like he should have acted when he threw it. And so she wants to distract him by showing him the moon.

So, um, take a listen and see what happened. Yeah. And what they basically made was a PR clip, right? You know, trying to make the guy look like he's this, this great old, good old guy. Right.

Exactly. It's big. It's beautiful. It's revolving around the earth.

Proving once again that the universe does not revolve around you. Worth a look if you ask me. Are you looking? I looked. Look again. Okay. Amy.

Pulling around. All right. I looked. Can we go? Come on, grumpy. Hey, will you stop?

I stopped. I want to show you something. Tell me if you think this is cute. Oh, look at the moon. It's so big and round. And when I look at it, I'm all perky and excited.

And no one would ever know that I'm almost 30. Oh, what do you think? Cute or just stupid? You know what? Just when I think I've seen the worst, that there's no possible way you could be more of a jerk, you outdo yourself. And then just when I'm about to leave, you do something. Like tonight, when you threw that tape away.

Then I get the tiniest, briefest glimpse of the kid in you. That's when I decided to hang around for five minutes. So as I had watched that movie, actually, like you, Danny, over the weekend, and I could not get that clip out of my mind, I was studying the word legacy that actually Danny and I had discussed what it looked like. Heritage or legacy. Excuse me.

I had to study the word heritage. I got mixed up. I'm sorry. That's okay. Yeah, in Hebrew, and as Danny and I had discussed heritage and what that looked like. And to just give a brief picture of it, because Hebrew letters are pictures, is you have this seed, which is a nun, but nonetheless, it's a seed followed by a stamp that really means truth or the cross, followed by a childlike heart.

Okay. And that's legacy. Well, I started to think about how I was impacted by the people in my life at that age that were living from their hearts. And I started to think, gee, what was it like when my dad lived from his heart?

Cause a lot of time he was pretty tight. He wasn't living from his heart, but when my dad took me fishing, he was, you know, that was the, that was my dad, you know? And he would sometimes actually, because he loved the automobile business and he loved financial statements, but I can remember my dad put me on his knee when I was six or seven years old and say, now, son, this is a General Motors operating statement. Now, right here is your working capital.

And this has got to be above this market. And he would take me through cause he loved that. And to the, I mean, and I developed a love for it because he had, he lived from his heart from, from those particular things. And I know the reason I got in the car business, that was my heritage was my father's love of, of the car business. But more than that, it was how he lived from his heart and how my mother lived from her heart.

And then as I began to process that, I actually got a little rusty Duritz healing. So I can't recommend enough that you watch the movie, the kid on the Disney app, but what happens is this younger kid finally shows him a way back to the guy that that girl would fall in love with, right? The real kid that's in all of us at Childlike Faith was I started to realize as I process this, that I had a sibling that would constantly tell me, Robby grow up, you're so immature, you just need to grow up.

Well, when you grow up, you don't tend to, you know, if you ever thought about it and you've watched the movie a lot, Sam little rusty wants to know why the moon turns orange, you know, when it, when it comes up and all these things that we wonder about, like one of the delights of my life, you know, is to wonder about the scriptures, just sit there and, and wonder. And so I think about the legacy that I actually did get. I mean, excuse me, the heritage that I did get from my parents on my childlike-ness that I really delight in. Well, you weren't wrong there. You got their legacy.

It just was your heritage. Right. There you go. I got to get those words back.

So you had it right. And we're just, we're just glad he never grew up. Yeah.

Yeah. I, I never thought you grew up, but that was just me personally. I'm like, I'm like, I keep saying the opposite. Please don't grow up. Uh, we've got a couple of minutes left.

Andy share a little bit, and then you can share more in the after hours, but, uh, some about your, your heritage. So you're putting me on the spot, huh? I am. It goes out of town. He's supposed to be able to, to, to relax and stuff. You've had 30 minutes. You knew the question was coming. At least a question. So, you know, I'll just start into this.

I'll probably talk a little bit more on the after hours about it, but you know, I've talked to the guys, uh, I think it was last year. Uh, God took me on a journey where I felt like he wanted me to dig into my heritage. I finally got around to doing the ancestry.

And when I did, I started finding some pretty cool stuff and, you know, I've gotten certain things from my dad about the family and stuff, but along with that also God took me to France on a trip with my daughter and ended up going to Normandy. And I felt like even that played into this whole. Hey, Andy, you can't hear it, but the music's playing. I, I didn't know I can't, I'm trying to, oh, no, that's okay.

But for 30 seconds there, Sam, that's all right. If you didn't pretend like you didn't know the question, we could have got through it, but if you want to know any story, which I'm dying to hear the rest of it, you're going to have to go to masculine or one of the other podcast locations and get the after hours podcast. So please go do that. And also reach out to us. We'd love to hear from you. We know you're home. We know you're home, it's COVID time.

We know you got a few minutes. Reach out to us. Let us know how you're doing. Let us know how we can pray for you. Let us know any topics you want us to cover, any great movies that you've seen that go along with this. Again, just reach out. We'd love to hear from you. We'll talk to you next week.
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