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Keys to a Healthy Brain

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
January 24, 2024 4:20 pm

Keys to a Healthy Brain

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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January 24, 2024 4:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 01/24/24.


We talk a lot about the health of our body. What about the health of our brain? This is your friend wanting to see you healthy and thriving in every single way possible, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, so we can honor God with all that we have and run our race as best as we can. So we believe a healthy church starts with a healthy you.

And normally once a month on the broadcast, we take one whole broadcast, either I'll share or we'll get our friend Dr. Paul Burnett, who's the director of wellness services at TriVita. We'll talk about aspects of physical health. Today we're going to focus on something we haven't focused on yet, which is brain health, a super, super important subject.

If you've had family members, friends who suffered from things like Alzheimer's, if you yourself have struggled with degenerative conditions, or if you just think, what's the use of having a healthy body if my brain, if my mind is not working well? So we're going to talk about that. It's going to be super informative, super helpful.

I'm prepared to learn a lot myself. So without further ado, our guest, Dr. Paul Burnett, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us. Thank you so much, Dr. Brown. Good to hear your voice again. And thank you for the message that you bring to your world.

For greater hope. We're going to talk about something today, as you described, that I think a lot of people are very interested in, you know, one of the fields of medicine that is not where we are in other fields of medicine is in cognitive decline. And I know that every person listening knows someone or maybe you're experiencing cognitive decline, I want you to know number one, you're not alone. But number two, I want to make sure you get a piece of paper and pencil because we're going to talk about some very practical things that you can do to maximize your cognitive health over the course of your lifetime.

All right. So the brain is a physical part of the body, and therefore there are physical principles that we're talking about. Most of us are deeply ignorant of these things.

But you dive in. I've got a bunch of questions I want to ask you. But dive in, lay some foundations for us, sir. Well, first of all, I have spent a lot of my career in brain health. I also have a degree in transformational psychology as well. And, you know, I've worked with a lot of the public in helping with their brain health. And, you know, not only do we have a brain, but different parts of our brain do different things. And one of those things is, you know, help us sleep. So let's just kind of go through this really quickly.

And then I want to tell a powerful story about the development of a supplement here, Triveda, and how it came to be. But maybe you're experiencing, you know, loss of focus. Very, very common, you know, we're looking for the earlier signs, right? Maybe cognitive function has slowed down, right? So the amount of time that it takes you to think about something and think it through, maybe it's coming up with words to say, and so on and so forth. You know, maybe it's that lack of focus. Maybe it's memory. Maybe you find yourself going from one place to the other, or you know someone who does and then they get in that other room. And what did I come here for?

Like, I can't remember. But there is a powerful story about a product that Triveda commissioned some incredible doctors to develop. It's called Neuroshine. And it's a brain support supplement. And it was developed by Mayo trained and Johns Hopkins trained doctors who are also certified in something called the Bredesen protocol, which I'm going to get into. You really want to hear this part because Dr. Bredesen is an incredible scientist focused on cognitive health and has really painted a path for all of us to follow to improve our cognitive health. And, you know, as a result of these doctors that we commissioned, in fact, Michael Ellison was the one who did this, we were able to come up with this product and also behind this product, the four pillars for brain health.

And I really want to get into this. I want to talk about this because there's so much that can be done. And we are not just a body, you know, that has DNA that, you know, we have some determined outcome as to how our brain is going to work. No, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. And with the right balance of nature and nurture, both science supported and Bible based, you can find the resources you are looking for to maintain your cognitive health. All right. So what's interesting here is, as I heard Michael Ellison talking about developing neuroshine, it was a very personal story watching his mother suffer with these things. So, yeah, friends, we're going to tell you about neuroshine.
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