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Do the Demons Know Your Name?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
September 19, 2023 4:30 pm

Do the Demons Know Your Name?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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September 19, 2023 4:30 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 09/19/23.

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The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network.

So, I've got an honest question for you. Really, truly, are you a threat to the kingdom of darkness? It's time for The Line of Fire with your host, biblical scholar and cultural commentator, Dr. Michael Brown.

Your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. Call 866-34-TRUTH to get on the line of fire. And now, here's your host, Dr. Michael Brown. I wouldn't do anything in partnership with him.

I wouldn't because I think he is dangerous. Potentially even more dangerous than Heidi Baker. Dangerous, Dr. Brown. You are well advised to avoid him. All right, it is dangerous, Dr. Brown. Michael Brown, delighted to be with you. Thanks to my dear brothers who did not intend to speak so kindly of me a few years back, but I pulled that clip up because I thought it was appropriate.

Some of my non-charismatic brothers who consider me dangerous, but, but I took the positive side that by God's grace, I'm dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. That's my prayer. That's my hope. That's my prayer. That's my hope for you and you who've tuned in to the right broadcast today.

I am not a conservative talking head on a political news channel. I am not simply expositing the scripture. Each one has a place.

Each one has a calling. My goal, standing on the front lines of the culture wars, standing at the intersection between the church and Israel, standing at this critical moment together with you in world history. My goal is to be your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity and to put a fresh fire and hunger and thirst and desire in you to glorify God, to make a difference for your life to count for us to glorify him while we have breath to live lives worthy of the Lord. So we're going to encourage you today in that regard. We're going to open the word.

We're going to encourage you. I do want to talk about a couple of political things going on to get some gospel perspectives and the phone lines are open. If you'd like to weigh in, if you're a cessationist, non-charismatic friend and want to weigh in on things I talked about yesterday, phone lines are open 866-344-TRUTH. If you decide to weigh in on a clip we'll play from President Trump, from President Trump about abortion you'll be able to do that.

Same number 866-344-TRUTH and if I have time I'll take some random questions as well. Okay so what do I mean about being dangerous to the kingdom of darkness? Well let's just think in the natural for a moment. Light is dangerous to darkness. If darkness is the goal you flip the light on and the light works against the darkness.

We understand that. In many ways one of the most dangerous things if you're trying to keep people oppressed, keep them ignorant, keep them down, one of the most dangerous things to your power is knowledge. For example if the people in North Korea knew the truth about the rest of the world and about the dictatorial destructive regime they're under there would be a national revolt that could even overthrow the military. Something would change. It's often said that knowledge is power.

When you get truth out, that truth can be dangerous if it upsets the status quo, if it challenges the societal norms of the prevailing narratives. There's another dimension to this though. There is a spiritual realm. The spiritual realm in a sense is more real than the natural realm because it was here before the natural realm. Hebrews 11 reminds us that what is visible was created by that which is invisible and that spiritual realm is eternal and it is very very real.

There are angels, there are demons, and of course there is almighty God and there is a devil who is not almighty, who is not all-knowing, who is not omnipresent, but he is a powerful destructive foe. Now let's take a look at this scripture. Let's look at Acts chapter 19 beginning in verse 11.

Acts 19 beginning in verse 11. God did extraordinary miracles through Paul so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them. Some Jews who went about driving at evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon possessed, were demonized. They would say, in the name of the Jesus whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out. Seven sons of Shephah, Jewish priests, chief priests were doing this. One day the evil spirit answered them, Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you? Then the man who would, the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding. Wow, that's remarkable.

What an account. And for those who've had some experience with demonic powers, you realize how real these demons are, how destructive these demons are, and how people can be gloriously liberated by being set free from them in Jesus' name. Though not everything is due to a demon, but there are demons, there is real demonic power. And more importantly, there is a spiritual realm and there is a kingdom of darkness, there is a kingdom of Satan. And what's interesting is the demons knew all about Jesus, Jesus of course.

Every creature in the spiritual realm knows who he is. The demons that were being driven out by Jesus, they said you're the son of God, they knew who he was. They also were acquainted with Paul. Jesus we know, we know about Paul, but who are you? The demons not only recognized Jesus, they recognized Paul. Paul being a man full of the spirit, devoted without compromise to the lordship of Jesus, devoted to making Jesus Yeshua known to Jew and Gentile alike, Paul the servant of the Lord was known to demonic powers.

Leonard Ravenhill, the great prayer warrior and champion of revival who passed away in 1994 at the age of 87 and who was a dear friend and mentor in my life the last five years of his life. Leonard Ravenhill asked the question, based on this, are you known in hell? Meaning, are you known in the kingdom of darkness? Does Satan know who you are?

Do demons know who you are? Over the years I have looked at my life, my goal is not to be a troublemaker. My goal is to honor the Lord and speak the truth in love without compromise. My goal is to glorify Jesus by being obedient to the word, living a godly life, walking in the spirit and doing whatever he calls me to do. In doing that, I understand that I should be a threat to the kingdom of darkness. In obeying the calling on my life, I understand that I should be helping call others to righteousness, that I should help in bringing the message of repentance to turn people away from sin to God, that I should be one who sets captives free, that I should be instrumental in seeing large numbers of Jewish people come to the faith.

No, no, just look at it totally in the natural. If it was a natural kingdom I was working against because I'm seeking to advance the claims of my own kingdom, then I would be considered dangerous. So, over the years, I have prayed that prayer, Lord, make me dangerous, make me dangerous, not by being obnoxious, not by being self-righteous, not by being stupid, not by just trying to be confrontational and controversial, rather by obeying the Lord, by being a vessel in his hand, but by being an arrow in his quiver. May I be dangerous to the kingdom of darkness, may I be known in hell.

Again, metaphorically speaking, when we say in hell, we mean kingdom of darkness. And that's why a few years back when these brothers on the Richard radio show, Todd Friel and Phil Johnson, men that I respect in the Lord and believe are doing much good for the Lord in the midst of our differences, somehow I came up in discussion and they branded me dangerous, dangerous Dr. Brown. My producer heard that, sent me the clip.

I felt the Holy Spirit fall on me instantly. I know they meant it negatively and I'm on too many radio stations, et cetera. I know they meant it negatively. But when I heard those words, it was confirmation for the Lord, yes, you are dangerous. No, not the way they mean it, but dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. And I want to be far, far, far more dangerous.

And that's the way it should be now. Now, please hear me. I've used myself as an example, but my whole reason for bringing this up is for each of you. Do you know, homeschooling moms, that every day you make a quality investment in your kids? Every single day you make the determination, I'm going to pour into them. I'm going to set a good example for them. I'm going to point them to solid educational resources so they can think clearly and understand who God is and understand who they are. Do you understand every day you do that you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness? Do you understand that? Do you understand this if you are older and not physically well and shutting it home and you spend hours crying out to God in intercession and you pour out tears of brokenness before him or you name people by name and lift them up to the throne and say, God save them. Do you know as you're doing that you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness? Do you know, young person in high school on college campus, when you look for opportunities to share the good news of Jesus and tell them, even though you might be rejected, misunderstood, hated, excluded, when you reach out to them and tell them who the Lord is and why they need him, that as you do that during the work of the vanishes you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness? Do you know, businessman, businesswoman, they're often in a cutthroat culture, often where goals are so worldly, as you stand for righteousness, as you set an example that often swims against the tide and goes against the grain, as you make determination to make wise investments of the funds that God's entrusted with you to advance the gospel around the world, do you know you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness? Do you know, my pastoral ministry leader colleagues, do you know when you refuse to compromise the word of God? Do you know when you refuse to back down from ethical stands?

Do you know when you give yourself for the good of your people rather than just try to be popular in some polls? Do you know as you do that you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness? Do you know, those who are fellow social media influencers, when you use your influence to glorify Jesus and advance the kingdom of God you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness?

Do you know, athletes in the locker room, when you walk in integrity and people see your life and see that you don't do what others do because you love Jesus? Do you know as you do that you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness? Do you know, those of you who are on the front lines of politics, when you refuse to play the political game and they all scratch your back, if you scratch my back, compromise, deal-making kind of thing, and if you are a person of principle and you won't move from godly principles and you're looking to God to back you or else, do you know you're a threat to the kingdom of darkness? It is my prayer that all of us will be much greater threats to the kingdom of darkness by walking in greater obedience, greater intimacy with God, greater focus on the lordship of Jesus, greater fullness of the spirit in our lives, greater boldness, greater compassion. May we be dangerous to Satan and the kingdom of darkness. May it be so.

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As a new customer introductory offer, use promo code BROWN25 for a 25% discount on your purchase of Nopalaya. And 100% of your first order will go to the support of Line of Fire. Go to or call 800-771-5584. Again, 800-771-5584. It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks, friends, for joining us on the Line of Fire. Hey, Rene, I do want to get to your call, so hold on. I'll get you a little later in the broadcast. 866-348-7884. And encourage you, if you've not, with all the months we've been talking about, if you still haven't visited the TriVita website, check it out,

Use the code BROWN25. I believe you will be enriched and helped by the great wellness products there. And in doing so, you'll also help us reach more people with the Line of Fire broadcast. Let me talk to you a little bit more about being dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. We are in a battle. We are in a war.

That's a reality. We don't fight the way the world fights. We overcome evil with good. We overcome hatred with love. We overcome lies with truth. We overcome the flesh with the Spirit. We don't fight with intimidation and raging and threats.

Well, we may be passionate. We may have a righteous indignation, but that's not to take over other people's lives and assert and impose our will on them. When we talk about revolution, we're talking about the radical change that Jesus has brought in us. And through the gospel, we bring that change to society. It's all gospel-based principles, and it's not by taking over. It's by laying our lives down for others. This is the gospel way.

But please hear me. We are in a war like it or not. That is the reality. A. W. Tozer said decades ago that the most fundamentalist Christians have concluded that this world is more of a playground than a battleground. No, we're in a war. That's why Paul writes to Timothy, for example, and refers to him as a fellow soldier, endure hardship as a good soldier of Messiah Jesus, 2 Timothy, the second chapter. That's why he writes to the Ephesians. He says, put on the full armor of God. You put on the armor of God because you're in a battle. And most of us are not nearly as effective as we could be for the Lord.

I don't want to lay a trip on you. I don't want you to feel guilty, but I do want to speak the truth. Many of us in America are so distracted by so many other things that we do not give ourselves as we could to a strong spiritual focus. I don't mean that you have the luxury of praying four hours a day without break. You have the luxury of studying the Bible four hours a day that every single day you're going to find a new person and share the Gospel with them.

Now, some of you do have hours to pray and study, and some of you do share the Gospel with someone new every day. That's not the case with most of us. But I know that, look, from much of my life, I'm convinced that I have been subpar in terms of what God could do through me. I don't just mean some absolute abstract possibility.

No, I mean in real-life terms. Look back and think, I could have gone after him more faithfully. I could have been more focused.

I could have been more obedient. And it's not to get his favor. I'm not working hard.

I just work harder. He'll like me. No, he loves me. He loves you. Dr. Brown, I didn't pray enough. He loves you. Dr. Brown, I kind of fell asleep as I was reading the Bible. He still loves you. Dr. Brown, the other day, I thought some wrong thoughts.

He still loves you. We're not earning our salvation. We're saved by grace as an expression of gratitude now. Lord, how can my life glorify you? So I want to encourage you to give a prayerful thought. Are you dangerous to the kingdom of darkness? If you're doing good, can you stand even stronger?

If you're making an impact, can you make an even greater impact? My dear friend, Stu Epperson, who leads the Truth Radio Network, which is our anchor in which we go out around the nation to go on our great Salem stations, to go on our great stations on American Family Radio and other great networks. Stu sent me this text today. February 11th, 2008, Can You Be Gay and Christian?

It is Stu holding a CD of that interview that we did. February 11th, 2008, Can You Be Gay and Christian? He said, Look what I just found, the debut of Dr. Michael Brown on the Truth Network.

Remember what happened during the break. Grateful for you, brother. Friends, for years, I had been journaling that God wanted me on daily national talk radio and that this was part of my calling. This was part of how I would participate in this gospel-based moral and cultural revolution that would sweep through America.

I knew it. I journaled. I began journaling for the first time some of these thoughts in the mid-90s.

And then with increasing frequency in the late 90s, I thought, How? How's this going to happen? How am I going to get on the air? No two days of my week are the same. I travel so much.

I'm speaking in so many different settings. How could that be? I've got no connections.

We have no funding for it. And I listened to others on talk radio and thought, You're supposed to be doing that. And I love preaching to this day. I travel around the world and preach. I love teaching in ministry schools. To this day, I do it on a regular basis. I love doing Jewish outreach and debates.

I do that on a regular basis. I'm writing all the time, all these other things in life I'm doing, but I felt clearly distinctly this is something God wants me to do. And I was doing a series of interviews for a publisher, and the publicist was working with them, and I was just doing lots of interviews he presented to me. And he said, Mike, I really like what you're doing. Is there a topic you want to talk about?

I'll just see if I can get you interviews unrelated to your current book. I said, How about Can You Be Gay and Christian? The next thing he says, Okay, you're going to be on with Stu Epperson. Stu Epperson Sr., who recently went to be with the Lord as a pioneer in Christian media and radio, was one of the most respected evangelical leaders in America for years. This was his son, Stu Jr.

I didn't even know there was a father, son. I just knew the name Stu Epperson then. I was going to be on his show. And that afternoon, before the interview, I journaled that he's going to ask me to be on the air on a regular basis. I just sensed it.

And that's what Stu is referencing during the break. I'm doing the interview with him, and during the break, he says, Doc, Doc, I'm hearing your name more and more. We've got to get you on the air. You need to have your own show. You need to be on the air. Yeah, and the rest is history. I journaled it was going to happen. He felt to ask it and raise it. And I began on a Saturday broadcast.

I would drive about an hour and a quarter to Winston-Salem and do the show from there. And then it's like, no, I'm supposed to be doing this every day. And I journaled it. He reaches out to me and says, Doc, we've got an opening for you to go on daily.

What do you think? I said, it's the Lord. Let's do it.

So, since the summer of 2008, we have been on five days a week, one hour daily, in some cases two hours daily. By God's grace, we are expanding to reach more and more people. This is part of how I can be dangerous to the kingdom of darkness, by edifying you, by strengthening you, by encouraging you, by infusing you with faith and truth and courage, by being a resource and a voice for you, to tackle some of the difficult things and say, hey, let's do this together. Hey, let me model this for you. Let me put tools and resources in your hands so you can go and do what God's called you to do, because here's the deal. You can't, you could never, ever, ever, ever touch what God has called me to do. You simply can't. And I could never, ever, ever touch what God's called you to do.

I can't. But together we can make a massive difference. So, I'm praying for you. I'm standing with you.

I'm here to hold up your hands to say, come on, let's do this. Don't be discouraged. Don't throw in the towel.

Don't give up now. God is with you. God is in you. Jesus is Lord.

All authority in heaven and earth belongs to him. Let's advance the kingdom of God together. Let's push back against the darkness by shining the light of God's truth. Let's do it full of grace and compassion without compromise. Let's do it with, as we always say, hearts of compassion, backbones of steel.

If not now, when? Come on, friends. And if not you and me, then who? Here we are for such a time as this. Whether you're 18 or 80, whether you're 13 or 33, here we are for such a time as this. Let us do this together and let us know how we can be of help to you. Let us know how we can be a resource to you. Let us know how we can hold your hands up on the front lines because that's what we are here to do.

Let me say it again. Together we're making a difference. Oh, if you want to stand with us, take a quick listen to the special announcement. This is how you can stand with us. And in doing so, we've got a ton of resources to pour back into you. If you stand with us and help us reach more, we want to pour back into you in many, many different ways. So give this a careful listen. We'll be right back. Take some calls. And I've got an interesting clip from President Trump to play and some interesting some interesting news from Harvard.

Don't go anywhere. Hey, friends, Dr. Michael Brown here. Do you remember when people thought I was crazy when I said it's not too late for America, that God can still do something in our country, that there is going to be a pushback, a gospel based moral and cultural revolution? And do you remember when people thought that you were crazy because you felt the same way because you believe what I was saying and already felt it in your heart? Well, friends, that pushback is here. The gospel based moral and cultural revolution we've been talking about for 25 years is unfolding and we are right in the thick of it.

And the line of fire broadcast is divinely positioned for such a time as this. Friends, you would be so gratified and blessed as I hear, if you could hear what I hear, testimony after testimony as leaders, young people, old people, moms, dads, students, people from all backgrounds come up to me and say, Dr. Brown, you're providing a template for us. You're providing a blueprint for us. You're showing us how to do this, how to have hearts of compassion, backbones of steel. But friends, it's a joint effort.

We do this together. And with your support, we can amplify this broadcast around the nation and amplify this voice to shake the nation. Join our support team today. Become a torchbearer with a dollar or more per day. Here's the number to call to sign up, 800-538-5275. That's 800-538-5275. Or go to,, and become a monthly supporter. Click on donate monthly support.

I want to immediately give you two classic books, Compassionate Father or Consuming Fire, Who is the God of the Old Testament and Revolution, which will really show you what it means to be a Jesus follower today. Plus, you get free access to our online classes and so much more. Sign up today. Ask Dr. Brown. It's The Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Right before the broadcast, immediately before the broadcast, I had the joy of signing a bunch of these books, Compassionate Father or Consuming Fire, Who is the God of the Old Testament.

Beautiful little hardcover. And Revolution, The Call to Holy War. Holy War the Jesus way.

Not by taking up the sword, but by taking up the cross, putting down the sword, taking up the cross, giving our lives to change this world. We send these out to our new torchbearers and then immediately you get access to many, many hours of classes I've taught, free classes that you can take instead of having to pay for, access to other exclusive video content, and we pour back into you every month. I was just preaching this past weekend thinking, ah, good, this message I just preached here, I want to send it out to torchbearers. So thank you for standing with us.

If you've been blessed, help us to bless others and then we'll bless you in return. Call this number 800-538-5275. Just say I'd like to become a torchbearer, dollar a day or more. Make sure torchbearers, some can give much more than that easily to help us reach more people with the line of fire.

Others a dollar a day is a stretch. We trust God will help and bless. 800-538-5275. Or go to or on your app just click on give or donate monthly support. monthly support. I think donate monthly support and then read all the benefits so you know how we pour back into you.

But I just got to sign a bunch of these for new torchbearers so thank you for standing with us. All right, by the way Rick, your question about why Isaiah 714, this variant spellings of Immanuel, that's just spelling differences. That sometimes if you go straight from Hebrew into English you come one way, you go Hebrew into Greek into English, you go another way. It's just like from the Old Testament, many names are spelled differently from the Old Testament into the New Testament.

Just read the genealogies in Matthew 1 or Luke 3 and compare them with Old Testament genealogies. It's this one from, it's going from English, excuse me, from Hebrew into English and others going from Greek into English. There's nothing to it. It's absolutely meaningless, of no significance whatsoever. So, I just wanted to explain that. No need to bring you on the air for that. Okay, let's play this clip. This is an interview that former President Trump is doing. He's being asked about a federal ban on abortion. Let's listen to what he had to say.

Mr. President, I want to give voters who are going to be weighing in on this election a very clear sense of where you stand on this. I think they're all going to like me. I think both sides are going to like me.

What's going to have to happen is you're going to have to, you're asking me a question. What's going to happen is you're going to come up with a number of weeks or months. You're going to come up with a number that's going to make people happy because 92% of the Democrats don't want to see abortion after a certain period of time. If a federal ban landed on your desk, if you were re-elected, would you sign it at 15? Are you talking about a complete ban? A ban at 15 weeks? Well, people are starting to think of 15 weeks.

That seems to be a number that people are talking about right now. Would you sign that? I would sit down with both sides and I'd negotiate something and we'll end up with peace in that issue for the first time in 52 years. I'm not going to say I would or I wouldn't. I mean, DeSantis is willing to sign a five-week and six-week ban. Would you support that? You think that goes too far?

I think what he did is a terrible thing and a terrible mistake. Oh. Oh. Oh.

Okay. Let's put aside first the idea of getting a consensus on a 15-week ban. At least do that.

Save as many baby lives as you can and then work to change more hearts and lives until we get a complete ban on abortion. Let's put that aside. To say what Governor DeSantis did is terrible by saying, okay, if heartbeat can be detected at five or six weeks, that's when you say no to abortion. Even that, as others would say, is a compromise.

What about even before that? But as a result of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, where God used Donald Trump in an instrumental way, God used Donald Trump in an instrumental way in the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I appreciate that. I'm grateful for that. I recognize the significance of it.

It's something I prayed for. It's a major reason. The foremost, that was the first reason that I voted for him twice, was the abortionist in Roe v. Wade and him appointing justices to the Supreme Court.

That's what, and he did it. And those justices voted rightly there for the overturning of Roe v. Wade. As a result of that, now laws can be passed in different states. It goes back to the people. It goes back to the states, which should have been in the first place, of course, should have been counted and should have just been banned. But it goes back to the states.

That's the way we work out. It goes back to the people. And in Florida, Governor DeSantis did the right thing, but by saying, yes, we're going to sign this into law. For former President Trump to call this terrible, that's terrible.

That's terrible. I don't care if he's, if Governor DeSantis is a political rival. It doesn't matter. Even if he means, well, politically, it wasn't wise because it's not going to be a consensus. Well, hey, the people of Florida voted for him, and this is something he platformed for, and he's still very popular in the state of Florida. And I have no knowledge that where he stood here in Florida is going to cause him to lose reelection, if he runs reelection and he doesn't successfully run for president. To the contrary, as far as I know, this was a reason many voted for him, and he's done the right thing here. I'm not saying he's the best man or the worst, but I'm simply saying what he did in Florida was a good and right thing. And he was voted in very, very, very strongly. Very, very strongly landslide vote for him to be reelected. And people knew where he stood on pro-life issues. So whether you mean it was a wrong political decision to say that it's terrible, it's terrible. There's, there's no spin on that. It's positive. Now you could debate the larger issue.

Do you take what gains you can? Someone posted using the name St. Pentecostal on my, my ex feed used to be Twitter, my ex feed and said, Hey, I may think that's a wrong idea that you just kind of make compromises along the way, but that's how slavery was outlawed in the UK. That's how it was ultimately banned in the UK. Uh, and I understand things did happen incrementally, but the idea that everybody, okay, everybody would be happy with a 15 week ban. No, not everybody will be happy. You have plenty of Democrats who won't be happy with that at all. And their radical leftist nature and pro-abortion nature will come to the surface even more. All right. The, the more you try to bring compromise, the more the radical element is going to rise to the fore. But at the same time, pro lifers, Oh yeah, we'll be happy with a 15 week ban. Yeah.

Well, we'll be good with that. No, the only, the only possible, the only possible way that anyone would accept something is right now, there's no law on the books right now. You could abort in certain States right up to the moment of delivery.

If there was a quote, justifiable reason for it in certain States that that is the case that often gets denied, but that is the case in certain States in America. So I could, I could see theoretically, I could see theoretically that someone would say, look, this Democrat governor has, has offered this now and it's 15 weeks is better than nothing. I could see some pro-life for say, okay, let's start here and we're going to keep working until we get abortion banned entirely.

I know some would say you don't do that anyway. It's a compromise, but I could, I could see someone theoretically doing that understanding this is holding a temporary measure. It's a temporary measure because babies are still being killed in the womb.

And this is completely unjustified. It's taking the lives of innocent babies in the womb, but December being pragmatic, you know, even others would say the heartbeat bill is just being pragmatic or when a baby can feel pain, you can't abort. That's just being pragmatic because it's not ultimately outlawing all abortions.

I understand the dynamics and the arguments in it, and I understand the idea of, of incremental change, but the thought that everybody's going to be happy with it and everyone's going to like Mr. Trump for it, that's a massive misconception. Now look, I know that, that the former, former UN ambassador Nikki Haley and former governor Nikki Haley has said similar things in terms of, look, let's, let's start where we agree. Let's outlaw late term abortions. Let's start there. Let's try to get some kind of consensus.

I'm strongly pro-life. Let's try to get some kind of consensus. It's not completely dissimilar from what former president Trump has said.

So I, I understand the mentality that you can weigh in your thoughts, eight, six, six, three, four, truth, eight, six, six, three, four, eight, seven, eight, eight, four. Feel free to weigh in for or against, but, but, but the point, the simple point is, is this to say first, Hey, this is, we got to see where people are at, what they like. No, it's not nothing to do with what people like. It's simply a matter of saying abortion is wrong. Abortion is evil. Abortion is destructive.

Abortion must stop. For those of you who had abortion, there is mercy. There is forgiveness. There is grace. Many of you had abortions, really an ignorance of what was happening, not understanding the significance or the consequences or even the reality of what was happening in your own body. Planned Parenthood propaganda was instrumental in, in, in the misleading of many a woman, millions of women in America over the decades. So there's no condemnation.

There's forgiveness and grace and mercy for you as, as for me, as for every one of us with the sins that we have committed. So I don't say this to condemn or to beat you over the head. I simply say this to say together, we must stand against this evil. And if president Trump said it's evil, it's wrong. The goal is to see it ultimately outlawed, but we're going to have to do it incrementally.

That would be different. I know this is his language and talking the master negotiator and kind of get everybody together, but you're not going to get everybody together on a 15 week ban because all the pro-lifers are already up in arms and very upset over this. And I'm sure there are plenty of, of, of Democrats and pro abort abortion people that are up in arms over the statement as well over the 15 weeks.

It's probably going to be this happy meeting ground where everybody likes you for it. And there, there's, there's no need, there is no need to attack Governor DeSantis for doing something that pro-lifers around America are cheering him on for and saying, yes, yes, yes. You say, Dr. Brown, don't you get it? Trump's the Republican nominee accepted.

Well, number one, I don't accept any such, we all know who the nominee is going to be. You don't know. I know how it looks today, but we don't know what's going to happen a year from now.

You do? Let's speak for myself. I don't, I don't. All right, let's start there.

I don't know what's going to happen. That being said, let us do our best to do our best to influence former president Trump, to think rightly when it comes to pro-life issues. Okay, he is the nominee and, or let's look for someone who will be a better nominee.

Those who are Republican GOP. Is that, is that sacrilegious to say that? Am I not allowed to say that? Did I break some kind of code if I said that?

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And 100% of your first order will go to the support of Line of Fire. Go to or call 800-771-5584. Again, 800-771-5584. It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34TRUTH.

Here again, it's Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome back to the Line of Fire, 866-34TRUTH, to weigh in on anything I have been talking about. Yesterday, I commented on a new book by Pastor, Professor Thomas Pennington on the subject of cessationism. What he said was a biblical case for cessationism being released in conjunction with a new documentary on cessationism.

I focused on that if you missed it yesterday. With all respect to Pastor Pennington, with all respect to Pastor MacArthur who wrote the foreword to the book, with all respect to my cessationist friends, I am 100% convinced the biblical argument for cessationism collapses on itself and it is undeniable that the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully with signs, wonders, and miracles, many of which are spoken of in the New Testament as normative then, have become normative again today around the world. That does not excuse charismatic abuses. Just like if you're a Calvinist, being a Calvinist does not excuse Calvinist abuses. Or if you're a Baptist, being a Baptist excuses Baptist abuses and on and on. So, the abuses must be dealt with as abuses. But I am quite sure that, again, this is my convictions, right?

Just as my friends are sure in their position, quite sure that being faithful to the Word will bring us into the fullness of the Spirit, including gifts, manifestations of the Spirit spoken of in the New Testament for today as well. So, we talked about that yesterday. If you missed the show, by all means, take a listen and I hope you hear the tone of respect and grace with which I differ with my brothers and sisters here and with which I offer public dialogue and discussion. Those who differ with me, feel free to call.

That's a big reason. The biggest reason we're on live radio is not just to talk about breaking news as it happens, which we do sometimes when appropriate, or be able to comment on the cutting edge issues happening all around us as they're happening. We do our best to do that. But to give you the opportunity to call in, not just with questions, but with differences. So, I love the fact that many of you that comment on social media, especially on platforms like YouTube, often comment because you differ with me.

Often comment because you disagree. I love that. I love that you're listening, that you're watching. But I love you even more when you call so we can have a chat about it. 866-4-TRUTH. Okay, I'm going to go to Harvard University in a moment, but I want to make an appeal. I may even get into this in a future show in more depth. But, please reserve accusations of lying for actual factual examples of lying.

What do I mean? So, I said on the air yesterday that, contrary to what Pastor Tom Pennington believes, that tongues, that charismatic believe that tongues is a learned or acquired behavior. I said I've been speaking in tongues since January 24th of 1972.

I've traveled around the world and ministered in many charismatic Pentecostal circles. I've never met anybody that believes it's a learned or acquired behavior. You open your heart to the Lord, the Holy Spirit fills you, and a manifestation of that in many cases is speaking in tongues, speaking in a spiritual language. In some cases, speaking in an earthly language, but the vast majority of times speaking in a spiritual language. It's not learned. In other words, you don't say, okay, here's how you pronounce the first word, the second word, here's how you put sentences together.

No, it's not learned at all. So, I see some posts from some, well, you're lying, Dr. Brown. Why are you lying? Because so-and-so encourages people this is how you speak in tongues. Okay, rather than say I'm lying, why not say I don't understand that you could say this and get this because you know this person.

So, I don't understand that. Why do we have to put the first step forward as you're lying? I mean, we do it to each other all the time.

I see it on social media all the time. You're lying, you're lying. Maybe we're misunderstanding each other.

Maybe they're facts we don't know. Look, have you ever done marital counseling? You talk to the husband and he lays out his case. And you talk to the wife, it's like one of them is lying. It's obvious one of them is lying. You get him in the same room, it's like, oh, okay, neither is lying. She said this, he said this, and this is how we explain it.

How many times does that happen? Or someone unintentionally says something that may have contrary, oh, okay, there's a contradiction. Thanks for pointing that out. All right, let me address that.

Why put the first foot forward? You're lying. Well, you may actually believe people are lying, but it is so destructive. It is so judgmental.

It is so untruthful. You know, okay, well, Dr. Brandt explained it because you have a friend and he's told people, hey, just begin to like open your mouth and say something. Okay, I don't agree with that approach.

All right, I've said it. I don't agree with that approach. But he's not saying you learn how to do it. He's saying some of you are just sitting there waiting for years for God to take over your mouth and your tongue and force words out of you, so just begin to open your mouth and speak and then let the Spirit take it from there.

And the Spirit will take it. Now, again, I don't agree with, quote, that technique. All right? But I'm not, it's not a learned or acquired behavior. So, friends, must we always accuse one another of lying?

Must we always lead with that? Well, you're lying. Why not say, okay, I don't understand how you can say this and also say this? Or is it true that you hold to this position because it seems different than what you're saying now? Could you explain? There seems to be a contradiction.

Why not go that route rather than just call fellow believers liars all the time? How does that help anything? Well, you're lying about me lying. There you go. We just solved the problem. No, we just made it worse.

Just a friendly word from your older brother. Okay. Harvard student newspaper, College Fix, and others are reporting on this, Harvard student newspaper calls new 200 word limit on admissions essays racist. Let me read that again. Harvard student newspaper calls new 200 word limit on admissions essays racist. Harvard University's new application essay requirements, including a 200 word limit, put racial minorities at a disadvantage, the editors of its student newspaper wrote this week. They said, our foremost concern, how can students reasonably condense discussions about formative life experiences and their identities into 200 words or less? Okay, that's a fair question in general for everybody.

How do you get it down to 200 words or less? But then, it says that this is going to hurt certain people, all right? These requirements hurt marginalized students, force them to answer questions that may not be relevant to their background.

That's some of the other questions that are asked that you're supposed to respond to. Learn to package yourself within a shorter amount of space as a product of advanced education. Longer essays more equitably allow applicants to discuss their experience with students and discuss their experience in full, particularly if they're from non-traditional backgrounds and require more space to elaborate on nuanced qualifications. All right, here's my big, big, big problem with that. We're talking Harvard University. Oh yeah, I've got all kinds of issues with Harvard's ultra woke agenda and suppression of free speech and things like that and massive departure from its original Christ glorifying God honoring roots. But we're talking the most prestigious institution in America and one of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in the world. We're talking about a school in which, what, one out of maybe 25 applicants would be accepted and you got to be at a certain level even to think of applying there. I think that's what the number is four something percent of applications are accepted. So, if you want to get into Harvard and you can't figure out how to express what you need to in 200 words, maybe that's not the school for you. I could understand in other contexts where you've got a big, big, big, big net and people are coming from so many different educational backgrounds and from so many different life experiences and my cultural experience may be different than yours and my cultural expectations may be different than yours. So, you have a big, big net, but you're talking about Harvard.

If you can't figure out how to say what you want to say in 200 words, which is equally challenging for everybody, then that's not the school to apply to. To make it racist is mind boggling, but Christopher Rufell in his book America's Cultural Revolution points out how many of the radical Marxist, radical leftist ideas of the 1960s that were considered fringe and extremist, 1960s, 1970s, like Bernadette Dorn's Prairie Fire, which is a radical work for the Weatherman Underground. Those actually bombed buildings were actually responsible for killing people during their years of protest.

Some of the weathermen actually involved that far. Rufell says this, the general line of Prairie Fire, which was radical at the time, so going back what 50 years, now reads as something quite familiar. The United States was founded on racism, sexism, slavery, and genocide. The ruling class then said about, quote, with the institutionalizing of white supremacy, this is going back 50 years, which was maintained and perpetuated over the generations by the schools, the unemployment cycle, the drug trade, immigration laws, birth control, the army, the prisons, and as a result, the current system is full of rot, enriching the elites while oppressing racial minorities and appeasing poor whites with white skin privilege. This is 50-year-old manifesto that's just like standard mentality in our college campuses. So where there's racism, let's confront it. Where there's injustice, let's join together and expose it. But let's reject this nonsense and this drivel. What if you had a thousand words? Well, certain people, it's hard for them to write so long and you're making, you can make anything unfair. Friends, we're talking Harvard. If you want to fly to Harvard, you better be able to express what you need to in a couple of hundred words. Just my commentary for the day. We'll be back with you. Another program powered by the truth network.
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