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NRB 2024: Jesus to the Rescue of Magen David Adom/ The Israel Red Cross

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
February 28, 2024 11:26 am

NRB 2024: Jesus to the Rescue of Magen David Adom/ The Israel Red Cross

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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February 28, 2024 11:26 am

God is clearly at work in the war in Israel, this story truly amazed me...

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Stu Epperson
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Stu Epperson
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Stu Epperson
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Stu Epperson
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Stu Epperson

Oh, I know you're going to be intrigued by this next guest that we have here on Truth Talk Live. We have Yuri Shakhad, and he is with Magendavid Israel. And that, for those of you who don't know, I think is beyond cool. It's the Red Cross, but in that case, it's the Star David. We have a cross in America, but it's the Star David that means what it means. But you guys are a worldwide organization.

It just isn't about Israel. You guys are going around the world helping people as God needs you. Indeed. Wherever there are people in need, whether in Israel, whether in the world, in Haiti, in Ukraine, in Turkey, Magendavid, the dome team will arrive there and will provide humanitarian assistance. I love it. I love it.

But especially in this season, you have a lot more than what we talked about last year, right? So there's a lot going on in Israel. Well, I think it goes back to October 7. When we woke up on October 7 to the barrage of rockets, very quickly we learned that Hamas was not only targeting the Israeli army, it was not only targeting the Israeli police, it was directly targeting Magendavid dome. Actually, Hamas terrorists invaded the kibbutzim, the cities in Israel, and one of the first things they looked for were Magendavid dome ambulances, Magendavid dome stations, and Magendavid dome personnel. We know this because, in fact, they found a document on one of Hamas terrorist buddies that says that his group is to go into one of the cities and seize control over Magendavid dome stations. And why did they do this? Because they knew that if somebody in Israel is in a distress, then Magendavid dome ambulances will be there to save their life, will be there to provide the humanitarian assistance needed. So they targeted us, they targeted actually an organization that brings hope to the people of Israel, that brings compassion, that brings the Jewish and the Israeli spirit for people, not only by means of medical assistance, but by means of assuring people that everything will be okay.

This was just devastating for us. Yeah, it's beyond thinking, but it's fascinating that evil, in fact you might know this, in the 119th Psalm, actually in the Mem section, it says, through thy commandments I am made wise by my enemies. And so, when you see your enemy coming after something, that's telling you that this is what has them afraid. This is something they need put to a stop.

And fascinating, they felt like, you guys were that, and so you must be... Indeed, I think that they thought that if Magendavid dome is there, their brutal attack will be seized. It will interfere with their vicious means or their vicious thoughts, targets, and this is why they targeted us. And that tragic day, we lost four team members of Magendavid dome to Hamas terrorist. We lost one of our volunteers that was 70 years old, that was murdered by Hamas terrorist, and we lost a 22 years old paramedic, that she was the future. She had hope to become a doctor one day, and Hamas terrorist killed. And we lost 14 ambulances that day, because Hamas, when they came into the kibbutzim and into the cities, they targeted Magendavid dome ambulances with RPGs, and with AK-47 Kalashnikovs. And at the end of October 7th, we felt like, how can we go on? What can we do next? We just lost 14 ambulances, it's 1% of the entire fleet of Magendavid dome.

And you know what? I think couple of days later, there was a knock on the door, and when we opened the door, there was Samaritan Purse over there, saying, I came here in the name of Jesus to help you, and what do you need? And we said, listen, we've just lost 14 ambulances, and Samaritan Purse, like a day later, said we will replace each ambulances that Magendavid dome lost that day.

And we will also provide you with bullet proof ambulances, on top of the 14 ambulances, we will provide additional bullet proof ambulances, so Magendavid dome teams will be able to reach dangerous locations, safe, and they can evacuate Israelis and Jewish people that are injured safely to a better, more secured places. And within this huge darkness that fell upon us on October 7th, Samaritan Purse was a ray of light. And we, Magendavid dome, we are used to being the ones that bring hope. And this time, the hope was brought upon us, and we were so grateful.

Oh yeah? Yeah, you may, I don't know if you know this, but the young lady that helped set up your interview, her father works for Samaritan Purse, she told me this. And see, I think that, besides having additional medical equipment that was so needed, it also provided us assurance that we are not alone in this world. You know, many Israelis, especially Jews that live in the state of Israel, are not aware of the evangelical world, how much support, how much love we have from the evangelical world. And once we see this love towards Israel coming to practice, and once we came to the families of Magendavid dome murdered heroes, and said, listen, we are going to dedicate an ambulance on your daughter's name, or your son's name, or on your father's name, and this ambulance is donated by Samaritan Purse, which is an evangelical humanitarian organization, it was like you should have seen their face. Their eyes opened up, like I've never seen before with people.

Their chest was full with air, it was amazing. And it assured us not only that we are supporting you, but America has our back. The Christians in America have our back. And it makes you feel that you are not alone in this world. Yeah, and vice versa, right?

I did an interview yesterday with, I think it's called Zaka. Like, oh my goodness, what they are doing, like identifying these bodies of the terrorists, and helping those people get back to the families, and the love God is showing to everybody, that this war should not be. I think that if we will all remember that we are all the sons and the daughters of the Lord Almighty, then peace might come to this crazy neighborhood of the Middle East, where at the end of the day, we believe in the same God. We are all His servants. And if we will serve His will, then we will use those ambulances, generously donated to us, to deliver babies. And this is my hope, that they will never be used to transport anybody that is injured, or is a victim of a terror attack, or is in distress. But only we bring new babies to this world.

Wouldn't that be absolutely amazing? So, I know our listeners are just delighted to hear your story, but they also, I'm sure like me, are anxious to know, what about right now? How can we pray for you guys right now?

What is it that you guys are up against, that you feel like God could come against? Right now, we are concerned of what will happen in the northern border with Hezbollah. Because we hear and we see that Hezbollah is actually targeting Israeli cities, Israeli kibbutzim, Israeli population with missiles, with anti-tank weapons, with drones. They send drones that carry explosives and they just explode on everything. Magen David Adam has to be prepared, if God forbid, anything develops in the northern border.

Exactly. We are still committed to provide humanitarian assistance to the 150,000 Israelis that were evacuated from their homes, both in the south and both in the north. So, I call upon all our listeners and say, Israel still needs your support. Magen David Adam, MDA still needs your support. And if you are interested in knowing what are the most urgent needs and how can you support, please go to That's You'll have all the information and you'll have all the data that you need.

And I'll ask two more things. Come to visit Israel. Come to visit. Jerusalem is completely safe. Nazareth is completely safe. Actually, I grew up near Nazareth and I live like 15 minutes from Nazareth. I go to Nazareth each weekend because the food is great, the city is wonderful.

It's completely safe. The Sea of Galilee is completely safe. And when Israelis see Christians coming to Israel, showing solidarity, assisting, it actually strengthens our resilience as Israelis. It makes us stay where we are and believe in the good will of Israel.

And one last thing. When you pray, please pray for the safe and immediate return of the 134 hostages held by Hamas since October 7th. Make them come back to their homes. Make them come back to their families, to their beloved ones, safe and sound, immediately. Not tomorrow, not the following day, but today. I'm so glad to hear you mention all those, because we definitely do need to be praying for the return of those hostages.

That God, because he's someone who's eventually going to just like you said at the beginning. But also, I was supposed to go, I was on a tour to go to Israel last December. They canceled it. The tour company canceled it, right?

I'm trying to get them to, in fact, I paid. And like, okay, well, we can go this year. So I'm going to tell them, I talked to them. We need to come, because I'm not afraid. I could have something happen here as much as I could have it happen there if God's will is.

But I would love, love, love, love. And so maybe that encourages you as you're listening. I hope it sure does me. I can tell you this interview has meant the world to me, Yuri. And God bless you. And we will be praying, my friend. Thank you so much. And God bless you. God bless all our audience. Thank you so much for your support. We will prevail. Yes, we will, because God will.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-02-28 12:09:01 / 2024-02-28 12:13:38 / 5

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