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The Wonder of Two Nostrils, Two Witnesses & Politics

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
August 1, 2023 10:58 am

The Wonder of Two Nostrils, Two Witnesses & Politics

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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August 1, 2023 10:58 am

The Bible is clear on the need for two or more witnesses, have you ever noticed all your senses have two or more witnesses, Two Eyes, Two Ears, Two Nostrils, Two Hands, And our taste takes a tongue and two nostrils....  What does that have to do with Politics - come wonder with us.....

My Coffee Recipe -

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Abidan Shah

Did you ever wonder? Did you ever wonder?

I do. Did you ever wonder? Why the sun always rises, but the stars never fall?

Why dry land is never satisfied by water? And why fire never says enough? Enough. And in doing that, the whole idea of He came as a witness to the light, you know, that whole idea of John the Baptist and the idea of witnesses. And so I've been studying the idea of witnesses and thinking about the idea of the Holy Spirit, obviously tweaking my wonder factor on about two witnesses. And I started to think this morning, like, Oh my goodness, all of our five senses have at least two witnesses.

Some have more I'll explain. So, you know, you have two eyes, right? Two ears. You have one nose, but it's true. You have two nostrils. And very interestingly, they've done some studies.

We're going to talk a lot about that in a minute. But then you have this sense of touch, right? And you have at least two hands and two feet. In other words, you got all kinds of witnesses as far as your sense of touch. And then you, of course, have the whole idea of taste.

And so when you think about and hearing, obviously have two ears. But when it comes to taste, you not only have your your tongue, obviously, which does both some type of taste and also texture, but you also have your nose. And so it's interesting all the witnesses that you have as far as how something tastes, because I know there are certain things that don't taste good to me just based on their texture, i.e. beans. There's other things I don't like because of the way they smell, i.e. beans. But anyway, and then there's other things that are just simply you don't like the taste, i.e.

beans. However, that works for you. But nonetheless, so an idea of witnesses, don't you find it fascinating, right, that so many scriptures speak about two or more witnesses? Well, you think about the idea of the witnesses that you have with your eyes. And I don't know if you're like me, but for whatever reason, you know, I have I see things at a distance with my right eye and I see things better closer with my left eye. And so I actually wear two different contacts, one to see long ways away, which is my right eye and my left eye is close up. And so it's very interesting to me that you've got the same thing with your hearing.

You hear things differently in your right ear than you do in your left ear. And it's really cool to do some experiments with yourself to listen to a certain noise and think about what you're feeling between, you know, if you just close up one ear or one eye and how that works. Well, the same thing works with your nostrils. And so the part of this experience I'm going to talk about experiment I'm going to talk about today because I want you to try it and then we're going to talk about it. But I don't want to suggest my results to you until you've actually tried it. And so tomorrow or the next time I do a podcast based on what God tells me, we'll talk about my results. But here's the experiment I want you to do. And I think you'll find it absolutely fascinating. I blew my mind because I just the Holy Spirit kind of tempted me to do it. And I did it.

And then, boy, am I glad. So essentially, I took all I know how much I love the ingredients that go into my coffee every morning. You may have heard about of my recipe.

I'll put it in the podcast notes from today's show. But simply put, I use ginger and turmeric and cinnamon and black pepper and cocoa and peppermint and sometimes coconut milk all in my all in my coffee. And so I love all these different smells.

In fact, speaking of different witnesses, I had a listener when I shared this recipe tell me to look in my cup before I poured in the coffee and see how the different colors of all the witnesses are. So you got, you know, the turmeric, which is sort of orange and the ginger, which is sort of brown. And you got, you know, the honey, which I use sometimes as well, which is a different color. In other words, you get all these different colors, which, by the way, honey has a delightful smell as well.

And so you take I took all these different things that I put in my coffee with the cocoa and the peppermint and all these different things. And I would hold my finger over my right nose nostril or my left nostril on each different smell and see what my brain was telling me about it based on what I was experiencing and what I smelled. And I very quickly came to an astounding understanding of what the difference is between my right nostril and my left nostril.

I was like, wow, that's absolutely amazing. And it got me to pondering the whole idea of, you know, the Jews teach much on the idea of right and left. And again, we're talking about the letter I in because the letter I in has to do with the letter with the word witness, and it's the first letter in the word witness, and it looks like a Y. And the reason it looks like a Y is you have two eyes, but you only have one optic nerve. And so somehow your two eyes create one image and your two nostrils create one smell. And and clearly your two hands create one feel and your two nostrils and your tongue and all that create one. Taste, very interestingly, and when you think about all the different organs you have in your body, there's many that you have two of, like you have two lungs, but you only have one heart and you have two kidneys, but you only have one liver.

You know, and why is that? And then, you know, your sexual organs, you know, women have two ovaries, men have two testicles. You know, there's all sorts of interesting little things that are going on in there. And you got this idea of two witnesses, but you also have this idea of right and left. And so and a lot of people would say, right, that if you go to the right is the more spiritual side of things. If you go to the left, it's a more physical side of things. In fact, the Jews would teach that to the right is a spiritual principle, but then it's what's on in heaven becoming what it is. In other words, what spiritual is becoming manifest in the physical. And then neither is necessarily evil or bad, but as they get corrupted, they both can be.

And so thus you'd think about politics, right? But it's very interesting to me that you also have, like in the book of James, it talks about you got faith without works, right? And so that idea of you got people that believe all sorts of things, but they never put their feet to the pavement, right? You know, you can believe, you know, I'm sure that that Satan believes in Jesus a great way, but he never has experienced Jesus, right? He hasn't experienced his forgiveness.

He hasn't experienced so many things. John Eldridge has this wonderful podcast. I couldn't, you know, the Wild at Heart podcast this week is out of this world.

Cool. And he talks about, you know, you can talk about love. You can become an expert on love. You could you could memorize all of First Corinthians 13.

You could do all sorts of things. You'd understand Agape and understand David and all sorts of things about love. But if you've never been in love, you know, you are missing out, right? So you haven't experienced it. Well, you can believe all sorts of things. You can have all sorts of faith. You can understand all sorts of spiritual things.

But if you've never experienced them, you know, then you're missing out. I mean, and that's why they say don't go to the right or don't go to the left, but go down the middle. The path is narrow, you know, and it isn't to the right or to the left, but it's actually right. You know, you got faith with works and thus the idea of like you got two nostrils, right?

And how do things smell from your politics standpoint? Right. And just if we could take all the corruption out of a minute and just think about this logically for a minute. OK, this person could believe in the Constitution. That would be on the right side. Normally, this person, you know, could believe in the Bible. That could be on the right side.

You know, they could believe on all sorts of things. But if they didn't ever take care of the people over here on the left side, which is a progressive sort of side of things. Right.

Then, you know, we're missing the boat. Right. And so if you go too far to the right, you get caught up in these really bizarre behaviors. And if you go too far to the left, in other words, faith without works is dead and works without faith is dead. OK. And so you don't get there either way, but you get there way somehow by finding the middle of the whatever, you know, the situation.

And I think you'll find if you do this experiment with your nose that I talked about something very fascinating in your own situation. Right. I love a great sermon or somebody who's doing great Bible teaching. But if they don't show you how to apply that to your life. Right.

I mean, it's like today's lesson. Right. If you learn that you have a right and a left or you have two witnesses.

Right. So you can see whether or not something is true. Well, you can see that the reason that John the Baptist came was to provide proof and more depth.

I don't know if you thought about it. I thought a lot about it when it comes to these witnesses and the idea there are four gospels. Right. And the reason that they're because there's four witnesses here and four witnesses gives a great deal of depth perception.

In other words, we are missing out on Matthew or Mark or Luke or John. We wouldn't have near the depth of understanding of what's there. OK. So as we as we take in more information and we begin to understand, you know, certainly what is true. Now we have two choices. You can either do nothing or you can do something. And of course, you can obey or you can disobey.

But again, you can only obey if you know what the law is. So, you know, obviously God's word is absolutely critical to the experience. But after you've experienced God's worth, what is what is he putting on your heart to go love on somebody?

Right. And in other words, you've got to put feet to that. You've got to say, OK, I've smelled it and I can see this. This smells good or this smells bad. If it smells good, what can I do to get in on what God is doing? I've tasted it right. I've tasted and see that the Lord is good. I've tasted love and seen that's good. I've tasted encouragement and seen that's good.

How can I do those things for other people? Right. And so I find this whole thing like a real smorgasbord.

I'm sorry. It's all over the place because my mind is all over the place. And I just am sitting there and wondering like, man, I had never thought about you got two nostrils and all this information. But it's really helpful to see that as you begin to see how true something is and you begin to build the depth of perception of it. And you really sense it, you know, near and far and east and west. And the more you can help other people experience that light. Right. Like John the Baptist did in so many different ways, then it will help us run to the Father like we talked about in the last episode. Thanks for listening. With both ears, I hope.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-08-01 13:13:53 / 2023-08-01 13:19:00 / 5

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