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Psalms 119:120 Scared Straight

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
February 10, 2022 11:43 am

Psalms 119:120 Scared Straight

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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February 10, 2022 11:43 am

Psalms 119:120 My flesh trembleth for fear of thee; and I am afraid of thy judgments.

This the eighth or miracle verse of the Samech section shares the miracle of how we can actually sense the presence of God in dread and fear and yet be completely delighted... Robby shares a story

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Hidden Treasures of the 119th Psalm. I love these miracle verses and today we get to do the miracle verse or the eighth verse in the Psalmic section and this is a really kind of unique miracle.

And I hope you'll see it as I do or maybe I hope you see it, I really do pray you'll see it better than I do. But verse 120, if you read it in English, again realizing this is the Psalmic section which has to do with the surrounding love of God to some extent and how that holds us up. But also it's the depart you evildoers, there's a lot of power behind it and the fear of the Lord behind it and so here we have the 120th verse. My flesh trembleth for fear of thee and I am afraid of thy judgments. And you know I don't know if you've ever had an experience, I hope you have, with the actual fear of the Lord like you realized that you were in his presence and it just scared you a lot. And you think about it, it's easy for us to love on Jesus and to want his presence here and there's a sense of that but you might remember in Exodus 20 where we have the 10 utterances of God, what a lot of people say are the 10 commandments, but what happened there is there at Mount Sinai God literally talked to all the people and it scared them so bad that they're like no you talked to Moses, we don't want to hear that. It's a scary thing to actually be in his presence. As Peter saw that day on the get away from me Lord I'm a sinner or as Isaiah talked about when he came into the throne of God there's this idea there that it makes your hair stand on end so when that word trembleth there is a Psalmic as you might imagine as this verse would start with a Psalmic and he's quoting actually the psalmist King David is quoting a job verse it talks about his hair standing on end and so when he says his flesh trembleth is his flesh is literally standing on end the way that you might get goose pumps on steroids so to speak and so he's talking about a gigantic fear right and actually a dread this word fear is not the year a word that you that you normally would hear with fear of the Lord because when he says for fear of thee that word fear there has a sense because there's a pay in it of literally God's presence and when you are actually in dread like you know you might remember that God put the dread of the people in different countries because you know he's got that or you know how an animal dreads humans and they run from them and that kind of thing it's a different kind of fear than the fear of the Lord or or that all sense of fear and this is what David is saying he's experienced and that's a miracle isn't it because God is always there but I really think if we really knew how much he was surrounding us if we really understood the Psalmic of God the surrounding love of God it it is a something of unbelievable power and magnitude that really is is beyond our understanding and so I think it's a complete miracle that he had a sense of that and then he said I'm afraid of thy judgments and there he does use the word yireh and that idea of of judgment and so you know this idea of the fear of the Lord leads at some point in time you know when you get there to realize that God knows so much more than I do and there's so much more going on and there's so much power more than I understand just think of the power of what it takes to rotate the earth one time I mean and that idea of the Psalmic is right the the number 60 which you know there's 60 seconds all these things are going round and round and the idea of the circle it's all over the place and and the amount of power that's involved in all that is is really a lot to grasp so I've talked about it before but I I couldn't help but think about it again that my one experience with this was actually in the fall of 19 excuse me in the fall of 2005 because I have a journal entry the next morning when I wrote about it of what had happened I was praying about a lot of things that had to do with the car dealership at the time and and my life at the time and I'm so grateful to actually have this all documented in my journal because it's it's it's unbelievable to look back like you're you're going to go right back to the next morning after this experience but I'm I'm praying and all of a sudden just exactly what this miracle that that that King David described my flesh tremble it's like I was aware of a presence and a presence that was that was I like that word dread I mean it was like oh my gosh you know like this almost terror that that came upon me but I knew that it was the Lord and I and I knew that it was Jesus essentially and he said to me Robbie what do you want and I sensed it is a very sincere Robbie what do you want but because I was so terrified and I was so terrified it was like I'm gonna fall on my face terrified that I answered glibly to some extent and said well I just want to serve you Lord and and when he when I did you might remember that that he started to flash all these different things that he'd asked me to do that I hadn't done and there wasn't condemnation and it's fascinating that the dread and the fear and all that I've that I had going on was not connected to the conversation that I was having it had to do with I I just this the presence that I sensed that was there and I think I completely can relate to you know what the Israelites experienced there at Mount Sinai because it is a really terrifying thing but then you think about the courage of Moses to go up there and confront that and then and then the joy of what he experienced as as really experiencing that on a level that that that only he could understand that I mean it's unbelievable that came back with a face that was glowing and and so you know when you think about what Moses faced was that very judgment idea in other words he's right there and when you're in his presence right if you're able to stand then then there you go if you're able to stand in his presence the only way that's going to happen is if you have Jesus okay I mean there's no way that we can be in the presence of the father unless we are covered in his blood and and so that idea of judgment for us yes we get to do it and I'm really looking forward to seeing his face and present and all that but the only way that we do that is is is the way he made that we can actually be able to do that because if if you haven't heard or understood this before because Jesus died right he became my sin so that I would be made perfect but it's just like this psalm begins the very very first verse says blessed are the undefiled in the way okay those are the very first words well the only way you can be undefiled and in the way in the way meaning here you are standing in the way of God the only way you can be perfect and in the way of God is to be in Christ because he did die for us and when we accept that he was the son of God that he really did die for our sins and he really was put up on that cross just like the serpent was lifted up in the desert for our sin for my personal sin you see when I accept that believe that then right I can actually not only look at this verse realize the dread that I felt realize the fear that's involved but at the same time absolute delight to know that oh my goodness the whole earth is going to be perfect because of this refining of this psalm that that all the dross is going to be gone we are going to live in a world that is without blemish it's going it's going to be unbelievable thank you for listening and to this we get a chance to trance transition from the somic to the iron oh what a fun ride we're going to have coming up stay tuned you
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-06-06 19:29:06 / 2023-06-06 19:32:44 / 4

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