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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
July 25, 2023 4:36 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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July 25, 2023 4:36 pm

The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE---Time stamps are approximate due to commercials being removed for PODCAST.--Topics include---- 05- New movie release -Oppenheimer-.-- 08- Techniques and advice for dealing with and Unitarians and Oneness Pentecostal Members.-- 25- The Rapture.-- 32- Revelation 3-20, What Is meant by Jesus knocking at the door---- 37- When is the 1000 Year Millennial Reign, 1 Thessalonians 4-16-5-2, 2 Peter 3-10-- 46- Eschatology and witnessing.-- 57- Do animal souls go to heaven-- Do our pets have souls--


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. If you want to give me a call as usual, all you have to do is dial 877-207-2276.

We have nobody waiting right now. Hope you had a good weekend. I rebuilt my computer and by doing that I'm still making adjustments here.

Minor adjustments and I'll be making some during the show here. Not a big deal. But it's a good thing I was a computer tech for years and so I can do all that kind of stuff. I needed to do that so it was a lot of fun. I enjoy it.

I do enjoy it. There you go. Hey look, if you want to give me a call, like I said, 877-207-2276. I want to hear from you.

Give me a call. I hope you all had a good weekend. I went and saw the movie Oppenheimer last night. I almost walked out a couple of times.

That's something to tell you. I'm going to probably do a review on it. I've read all these reviews and I wasn't really going to go see it but I thought, okay, all this stuff people are saying, oh, how great it's going to be or how great it was and stuff like that. So I went and saw it and I was bored. I'm not the best movie critic, let's put it that way, but I was bored and it was episodic. That means it went from scene to scene, backwards, forwards, present.

Then you had to really pay attention the whole time and then several times, several times things are happening. What are they talking about? What's going on? Why this? Why that? It really bothered me so it was just difficult. It was tough. Like I said, I go, I'm going to leave. I'm just bored. But I didn't and I stayed through.

I almost have to warn you. I had to turn my head a few times because there was guys and girls doing stuff. I had to turn my head more than once and it just was not necessary for the movie. It's the kind of stuff that, you know, it was bad. It was just bad and my recommendation is don't waste your money.

That's my recommendation. I know a lot of people like it and I read some reviews, how great it was. We saw one of the greatest movies. I am bewildered why they would say that. I honestly am bewildered. I just don't get it. But that's just me.

I like movies that are to the point and simple and the kind of movie. I don't like the kind of movie you have to, what's going on? If my wife had been there, because I went late last night, if she had been there, I'd have said, do you understand what's happening? So maybe it's just me. Maybe it's just me that I can't seem to follow what is going on because I had a lot of trouble doing that.

It wasn't about so much the building of the bomb kind of a thing. It was everything. Well, it's long too, so I just don't recommend you see it. My daughter, boy, my daughter, she said she saw the Barbie movie. She goes, Dad, you've got to see it. I cried. That's when I wanted to go see a Barbie movie.

I had to go in with a mask on. I don't know if you've seen it in a movie like that. She said, no, it's pretty good. So I don't think I'll be seeing that, but apparently it's made a lot of money. So I don't know. I guess I'm hard to please. If it's not as good as Aliens, forget it. That's how I look at it.

I'm wasting my time, probably yours too. It's all right. Hey, let's get on the phones here with Elijah from Pennsylvania. Elijah, welcome.

You're on the air. Welcome. Before I get to my question, I just want to say thank you for giving us that movie review because when I first saw the trailer for Oppenheimer, I was like, this movie looks boring. But then since researching the history of the atom bomb, I was going to think about maybe going to go see it, but after your review, you just confirmed what I originally thought is that that movie just looks so boring. For me, it was. I'm a little autistic, and I'm using that as an excuse because it was very well acted, very well directed. Cinematography was great. It was all really well done. But it was as though a bunch of guys got in a room and said, okay, we have three plot lines and let's put them into three by five cards. Now, let's mix them up and then make them work together. It was like that to me.

What is going on? He was not a good guy, morally. He was not. So, you know, yeah. Okay.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it. What do you got, man? What's up? Yeah. So, I watched your debate, I think it was a couple of weeks ago. I can't remember his name, but anyway, it was one of those debates where it was like four hours long. And then after the debate, you guys had basically a second debate, and you kept hammering him on Jesus saying that no one has ever seen the Father. So, if they weren't seeing the Father in the Old Testament, then who are they seeing? So, for me, that's basically like a checkmate verse against oneness and Unitarian. So, my question is, do you have any other checkmate verses that are like mentally impossible for oneness and unitarianism to answer? Yes.

So, here's one of the things I'll do with them. I'll go to John 6. Now, I have to lay the foundation here. So, in oneness theology, Jesus is the Father. They're one and the same person. So, I say, okay, is that what's going on? Right. Okay. And Jesus has two natures.

Yeah. So, he has a divine nature and a human nature. So, this is what I'll do with him. We go to John 6.37 and Jesus says, all that the Father gives me. So, who's the me? Because if the Father is giving to the Son, me, then who's the me? Well, that's Jesus. Okay. But you said Jesus is the Father.

So, why does it say the Father gives me? Well, that's his human nature talking. Oh, it's his human nature talking. Okay. All that the Father gives, which is the divine nature, really gives it to the human nature.

Okay. That will come to me. When it comes to me, the human nature is talking. I will not cast out, for I've come down from heaven. So, did the human nature come down from heaven? Well, no. Well, then, who came down from heaven? Well, that's the Father.

Okay. So, it comes to me. That's the human nature. And then, all of a sudden, it's no longer the human nature. Now, it's the divine nature talking?

Yes, that's right. You know, for I came down from heaven. So, I is the Father came down from heaven, right? Not to do my own will, but that... What? So, Jesus is the Father who came down from heaven, but not the human nature, but the divine nature came down from heaven, right?

Yes. Not to do my own will. Not to do whose will?

Well, that's the human nature. So, the Father came not to do the will of the human nature? Came down from heaven?

But the will of him who sent me? So, you see the problems when you start doing this? It makes sense? Yes.

You start doing stuff like that. Yes. They've got problems. One, this is just bad.

It's bad. Yes. Also, I have a question about what you think about this.

Okay. So, this is YouTuber that I found about a year ago. I don't really follow her anymore, but she's not popular. And so, basically, she used to be a Trinitarian, and she said that when she was studying, she was clearly convinced that the Trinity is biblical. But then she said one day, one day she heard a voice, like literally audibly speak to her in her house, and the voice said, no, I am one. And so, she believed that this was the Holy Spirit speaking to her. Now, I'm not trying to speak against her experience or whatever, but the Bible says that we should test the Spirit. So, then she started giving verses where she believed that it's speaking about the oneness of God. So, she's not oneness because she believes that, I mean, she doesn't adhere to oneness Pentecostalism, but she does believe in the oneness of God doctrine. So, this is all because she believes that she heard the Holy Spirit actually speak to her and say that he is one. So, my question to you would be, should we not listen to a person that would say something like that and instead go with the Scriptures and go with what they teach and not what a person says that they think the Holy Spirit says to them? Well, that's an easy one to answer. Of course you go with Scripture. Yeah, of course.

Because people come along and they want to boast. Oh, God, talk to me. God told me. In my spirit, I know. And I say, but that contradicts Scripture.

No, you're wrong. I know what God told me. And that's foolishness. And there are people who believe this.

It's bad. So, you always go with Scripture. You know, I had an incredible experience dealing with God's presence. I really did when I was 17.

It was life-changing. I submit it to Scripture. Just simple. We just submit it to Scripture. If it contradicts Scripture, then it's wrong.

I don't care how powerful it was, and it was powerful. Okay? So, the oneness people, it's a cult, and it's really bad. They don't know what they're doing. I've offered to have debates with them and ask them difficult questions. What I like to do is let them ask me difficult questions. They ask me, you know, go ahead, for a while, and then I'll answer. And I say, now it's my turn. And that's when I turn the heat up on them.

And so, that's what I do with them. And the verses that you brought up, seeing the Old Testament, seeing God, but not God Almighty. I mean, not God the Father.

And who is it? And then this stuff with John 6. And there's other verses like this.

That's just a good pericope to show you. In one nature speaking, they alternate back and forth. And then what that ultimately does is it's, and I can get into more complicated stuff, but it ultimately is denying the doctrine of the Trinity.

Or the two, I should say this, the two doctrine of the Incarnation. That's what I meant to say. Okay, so, this is one of the problems that exists with that cult. Okay?

It is, it's a problem. So, what was I going to say? So, what's my train of thought? It's all right. All right, so, yeah, go ahead.

No, it's okay, you go ahead. So, basically she just gives scripture now of what she believes and how she believes that the Bible basically proves oneness. And then when I had sent her an email, I tried to talk with her about it and all this stuff, but she just, she blocked me.

She didn't want to talk about it. Okay, hold on a sec, because you reminded me, made me laugh. I'll get back from the break. I'll tell you something. Yeah, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Hey, everybody, welcome back to the show. I hope you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. I want to hear from you.

Give me a call. Let's get back on the air with Elijah. You there, Elijah?

Yes, I'm still here. Yeah, the reason I chuckled when you said what you said, she blocked you, is because one of the guys in the radio show last week or something told me about this guy named Gabe, some evangelist guy, and oneness or whatever it is. Yeah, that was me.

It was you? Okay, well, I contacted him, right? And I said, hey, you know, email exchange. And I said, why don't we have a discussion? And he said to have a debate is sinful, Romans 1.29, and then he blocked me. And so, you know, I kind of chuckled because it's like he was arguing why I was wrong, which was debating, and then said it would be sinful to debate, and then he blocked me. So I thought it was rather childish, so I'm writing an article.

I've never written an article that's okay for Christians to debate, and so I'll be releasing it today, as a matter of fact, and doing a video about it and mentioning him a little bit, you know. So I chuckled. That's why. Because it's like, yeah, it's wrong for you to do that, so I'm not talking to you anymore. Goodbye. You know, it's like, what?

What was that? So anyway, it was sad. Sad but true. Okay. Yeah, I think that's just what happens when people have weak positions.

They just don't want to debate, and they just block you. Yeah, he took the verse out of context. I don't understand. And he used the King James, and that's just another reason. Don't use the King James if you can do serious studies. Just don't. That's all.

It just hinders you. I'm not saying it's going to kill you or anything, but you've got to just correct it. You know, I had to go in, look at the Greek.

That's why he got it wrong, because he doesn't understand what's going on, because of the King James. Anyway, so there you go. All right? Yeah. All right. All right, big man. Did it answer it? Say that again?

Did that answer it? Let me ask you a question, though. Are you really getting into studying the oneness stuff? Am I getting into studying it? Yes. Are you really studying it a lot? Because you're calling me a few times. I'm not complaining. I'm just saying you're getting into it, right?

Is that it? Actually, I first became a Christian. I was Trinitarian. And then I think about maybe three years ago, I got deceived, and I started believing in oneness for about, I think, maybe for about two and a half years. And now I'm back into believing in fraternity again after watching many of your debates and others. And I also bought a book from Bishop Jerry Hayes on what's called Godhead theology. I'm really sad to see him try to understand his position. And I am studying it, because I'm not trying to like, you know, shut my eyes to it.

I just want to, you know, study it to see where they're coming from and stuff. All right. Well, a couple of things. You know I've debated Bishop Hayes, right? You know that.

Do you know? Mm-hmm. Yep. I'll call you a debate. Yep. What'd you think of that debate, incidentally? What pointed out to me the most was the part, I think, where you said that it's the opposite.

His theology leads to a damnable heresy where he rejects the divine nature on the cross or something like that. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, I think that's the part that stuck out to me the most. But I remember that he had responded with a counterverse, which I don't think is a counterverse anymore. But he responded with Acts 20-28 where it says that the Holy Ghost purchased a church with his blood.

So he thinks that the Holy Ghost in that verse is Jesus Christ. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it was a good comeback for him. But that's what it is.

That's what it is. Yeah, I've talked to him a few times afterwards, or since then, I should say. We've had some encounters, and he's still believing false doctrine. Yeah, that's true. Oh, well, what are you going to do? You know? Okay.

Yep. Okay, brother. All right. All right, man. God bless, buddy. Okay. God bless. God bless. All right. Let's get to Ken from Idaho.

Welcome. You're on the air. Ken? Hello? Ken, where are you?

Hey. I'm talking to you. I'm not hearing anything.

Ken, can you hear me? I'm going to put them on hold here, and we'll talk. You go and talk about the rapture, which is good. I love talking about the rapture. I think the rapture is a great topic. I believe we're going through it, through the tribulation. I think we're going to be suffering. I think the work of the Antichrist is going to increase, and that we're not going to have a pre-trib rapture. That's my position. I hope I'm wrong, though.

I do hope I'm wrong. Let's try them again. Hey, Ken, are you there? Oops. I guess not. We lost them. Don't know what happened. Call back. We had a little bit of an issue there.

Okay. Now, in Clubhouse, I want to say thanks to Ernie for your $2 rant and Jesus freak $5 rant. I just want to thank you guys. They're trying to get my attention in order to turn the Clubhouse stuff back on because I rebuilt my computer over the weekend, and at the last minute, I realized it was this one little thing that wasn't... I forgot to do just one little thing for the radio show, and I had to do it, and it caught me off guard. I was a little bit slow and missed a button or two that I had to go through. All right.

No big deal. Now, hey, look. What do you think about the rapture? Do you believe it's going to happen? Do you think we're going to go through the tribulation? Do you think we're going to get raptured out before the tribulation? Do you think there's going to be a literal 1,000-year reign of Christ?

Now, I know that most churches teach that blond-haired, black-location surfer Jesus dressed in a woman's nightgown is so loving and kind that he's not going to let the Christians go through tribulation and persecution problems, and so we'll get raptured out. This is basically a pretty American doctrine. It is. It's pretty dominant here in America, which is kind of a fishbowl mentality. You go outside and you talk to people outside our country. Christians are being murdered in India. They're being imprisoned in Iran. In Nigeria, they're being hacked to death with machetes and shot with guns. Their villages and churches are being burned down. And here in America, where it's comfortable, where we can drive in our air-conditioned, GPS-driven cars or guided cars, I should say, get to church, and I'm not knocking this.

I mean, I'm just saying this is our world, right? It's comfortable, and we can go in, and we can be in church. Now, what would happen? What would happen? Say there's a church of 500 people, right, 500 people, and you hear some noise out in the parking lot, and you find out that people are taking ice picks and planting your tires in your cars, all over the hundreds, because they're against Christianity. Hey, you going to go to church next week?

What would you do? You don't even have that kind of persecution, but there are Christians all over the world suffering, and yet we're going to get raptured out. I'm not good. Hey, folks, give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Hey, everybody, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 877-207-2276.

Let's get to, let's see, Grant from Utah. Grant, welcome. You're on the air. How you doing, sir? Doing all right, hanging in there.

So what do you got? I got a question about, you know, the Book of Revelation, talking about, I think it was in chapter 7, talking about Jesus knocking at the door. Revelation 3.20. Mm-hmm.

3.20, yes. Uh-huh. And I want to know what it really means, because I've asked other Christians, they're like telling me that we need to give Christ permission to come into our lives, blah, blah, blah, you know. And I don't see any verses in the Bible telling that we give God permission to come into our lives when we surrender to him, when we got saved.

You are so right. We surrender to him. We don't give him permission. Yeah, that's humanist philosophy, that we're the ones who decide, we're the ones who give him permission. So let's look at this.

It's in Revelation 3, starting in verse 14, to Laodicea. And just so you know, I've been there. I've been to Laodicea in Turkey.

I'm going to go back next year. It's really interesting to see the ruins and the big area that it was. There were a lot of homes there. There was a lot of commerce. Okay, a lot of stuff going on there. And so he says in verse 15, Jesus says, I know your deeds are either hot or cold. I wish that you were hot or cold.

Because you're lukewarm, neither one will spit you out because you say I'm rich. And so they had a lot of commerce there. I remember we walked down one of the main roads. And it's a little wonky because of Earth's change over the years.

It's a little rippled. But the stones were beautiful. And it was a really nice walkway. And it really was like a sidewalk, except of stones. It was beautiful. I remember it whitish, light whitish kind of stones.

It was great. Anyway, so he said, you say you're rich and become wealthy. It was a big area with lots of money and commerce, like I said. But yet you're really wretched, poor and blind. I advise you to buy from me gold, et cetera. Those whom I love, I reprove or discipline. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I'll come in to him and dine with him and he with me. All right, so he's talking to the churches, the angel, to the angel of the church in Laodicea.

Right. So he's talking generically to the churches or seven churches. And it's really a great opportunity to go and be at all those churches, which I've done, and get to go again next year.

So I'm just looking forward to it again. So what's happening here is it's not that it's you giving permission, an individual giving permission to ask, to let Jesus into your heart. He's standing at the door and knocks if anyone hears.

Now, why would you hear? Well, Jesus is the one who opens the mind to understand the scripture, Luke 24, 45. He opens the – God opens the mind of Lydia to understand the scriptures in Acts 16, 14.

Now, some say, well, if it's going to be here, that just – if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I'll come in to him and dine with him and he with me. And they assume that what that means is you have absolute libertarian free will, that it's simply up to you. Well, if that's the case, if it's the case that that is how it works, then why is it that God has to grant that we believe – Philippians 1, 29 – why does he have to grant we come to Christ?

John 6, 65. They're assuming just the issue of it's just up to you, but that's not what's going on here. Anyone who hears his voice does so because God has opened their hearts and their minds to understand. It's not up to the individual's sinfully enslaved will. It's up to God to open their hearts, and then when he does, they respond. And that's what's going on there. It's not the issue of the libertarian free will idea, and it's just up to you and your wisdom, that kind of a thing. And I always want to know what the rules are.

You've got to speak up a little. I like the way you translate it. It really helps me out. There was another question I was confused about was the rapture you were talking about earlier where the rapture is taken and then the element, everything is burnt up. Where does that thousand rains fit into that? That's the thing.

It doesn't. When I first, a friend of mine showed them to me, and he didn't explain anything. He said, hey, just want to read some scriptures. And I did. Then I looked up and I said, oh, there's no literal thousand year millennium. I was converted right there on the spot. And the verses, 1 Thessalonians 4, 16, chapter 5, verse 2, the angels will descend from heaven and the voice of the trumpet will be caught up. That's the rapture.

No problem. And chapter 5, verse 1, as to the times and the epics, brethren, you won't have anyone need to teach you anything about this. You know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. So the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night. Okay, that's the rapture, right?

And then, this is for the people who don't know, I'm reviewing it. And then when you go to 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 2 Peter 3, come on, here we go, come on. Yeah, there we go. 2 Peter 3, 10, it says, but the day of the Lord will come like a thief. Oh, okay, that's the rapture, right? It says, in which the heavens will pass away with the roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat. Well, that's supposed to happen after a thousand year reign of Christ, the premillennial view says. But when I read those two sections, I went, okay, that's it.

It just doesn't work. So those are the verses we're talking about, yeah. Right. Absolutely, I agree with that too. And I just want, you know, people need to read.

Yeah, they do. And instead of listening to the pre-trib rapture, blah, blah, blah, you know. I hope pre-trib's true. It might be.

I don't think it is. It might be true. But when I read stuff like that, that's just about the millennium. That's just the millennium. And that doesn't prove or disprove the pre-trib rapture. But what really throws a monkey wrench in that view for me is when you read through Matthew 24, and it talks about saying immediately after the tribulation of those days. And then it talks about Jesus returning. Well, some people say, well, that's two returns.

There's a real problem, and I'll show you the problem. Because they'll say, yeah, he comes in the rapture, and then immediately after the tribulation, the stars will fall from the sky, then the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and the great trumpet, and they'll be gathered together. That's the rapture after the tribulation. And so there's two raptures. There's one before the tribulation and another one after. Well, the Bible never says there's two raptures.

It only says one. And so I look at that, and I say, okay, so then after, from their view, the second return of Christ or the full return of Christ with the, so to speak, second rapture, I say, okay, well, what do you do when you go to Matthew 13, 30, when Jesus says the wheat and the tares? He says allow them both to go together, tell the harvest. I'll say to the reapers, first gather the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up, but then gather the wheat into my barn. Well, he interprets that, and he says the tares are gathered up at the end of the age.

I didn't get into that, but I won't. So if Jesus says the first ones gathered are the wicked, then how is it that in the preacher of rapture the first ones gathered are the Christians? Absolutely. I agree. So there's stuff like that, you know? Right, because the Bible says, you know, the remnant. It's been like that since the beginning with Noah. There was a remnant.

Thought of it more, a lot was a remnant. At least all the way to chapter 13, same thing. That's right.

That's right. There's some issues there. I'm with you. I just keep reading. That's all I can do. That's all you can do. Keep reading. And when I do this with people, they get, well, I could talk a lot. You know, I'm not here to just ruin people's faith and stuff like that, even as the Christians. But, man, I'll tell you, the Christians are believing so much stuff they shouldn't be believing in.

Humanist philosophy. Yeah, yeah. I know.

Yeah, it's there. Anyway. Well, I'm glad you clarified that.

It really helped me out, like I said. Okay, good. Well, thank you, sir.

God bless you. All right, man. We'll talk to you later. All right. Okay. Hey, let's get to, let's see, we got, oh, we're about ready for a break, though.

Let's see how far we can go. Linda from Ohio. We had a break coming up, but, and there it is.

So, I'm sorry, Linda. Can you hold on, okay, till after the break, okay? Sure.

All right. Hold on. Be right back, folks. After these messages, please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show. Let's get on the air with Linda from Ohio. Linda, welcome.

You're on the air. Hi. I've listened to you several times now, and I agree with mostly everything you say.

Okay. And I have, I've been trying for the last few years after studying a lot with Revelation, and I know a lot more about it. I read all the main characters' books, you know, like everybody.

Greg Lowery's one of my favorites, and everybody that's read, you know, written about the end times. And I feel like I understand everything pretty well, but I'm having so much difficulty being able to share any of it, because most of the people that I, I'm not one to go out and try to preach to anybody, but I'm feeling burdened from the Lord to talk to more people before the rapture happens. And no matter how I start the conversation, no matter which direction I go, I was wondering if you have something that will hold their attention, because it seems like everybody just says, what do you want to focus on that for? Why do you want to dwell on that? That's all doom and gloom. Why don't you want to just think about the good things? And then they don't want to hear it, so I can't make my point.

Do you see what I'm saying? I wondered if you had enough experience with that to maybe, how do you get them to listen? What's the one clincher that will hold their attention?

One of the ways to listen is to wear a ski mask, and you get a big black van, and you have some friends, and you go on the sidewalk, you capture them, you take them to a dark room, and you tape their eyelids open. That's one way. It might be more like the little old lady from Pasadena, since I'm 74 years old. Oh, wow.

I'm going to take home around my own people. So I have a brother and an aunt. I tried talking to them a little bit. My brother will listen a little bit, but then one day he calls me up and he says, Hey, everything you said is true.

It's really happening. But now he won't listen to me again, and he's not any further than he was that I know of. See, think of it this way.

Your job is sales, not production. God is the sovereign king. He's the one who opens up the hearts and the minds.

Your job is to simply present the information. One of the things I like to do is just simply ask a question or two and see if they want to, so to speak, take the bait, see if they think it's interesting to talk more. What's a good starting question? Are you ready for it? Do you know about the rapture? Are you interested in knowing about the rapture? I don't talk about the rapture. Do you know that any day now?

How would you ask? No, I don't talk about the rapture, and I believe we're going through it all. I don't think the rapture is going to happen after the tribulation. That's my view. Oh, okay.

Well, that's what I'm finding out. Well, here's the thing. The rapture isn't the issue. The issue is Jesus and him crucified.

Because if people tell people about the rapture and it doesn't happen when they say it, then their faith is ruined because they put it in the rapture. The issue is Jesus Christ and him crucified. Have you done anything wrong? Have you done anything bad? Yes, well, what ought to happen to someone who does something bad?

What should he do? That's the conversation. You want to show them that they're guilty of sin before God. Well, I'm guilty of sin in the past, sure, but not for the last ten years. I've been on the Lord's side the whole time and doing what I'm supposed to do. Now, since you mentioned it, I'm wondering if it's not an actual sin.

Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. You're making statements and jumping off different directions. Are you saying you don't sin anymore? Well, not intentionally. Okay, so you do sin. All right, yes, no, you do it. There's really two kinds of sin we commit.

The sin on purpose and the sin by accident. Okay, so here's the thing. You want to let them speak. You want to ask something and watch them and listen to them. So I'm unusual in that I have Asperger's, which is an autistic kind of a problem where I have difficulty understanding social cues, and I still do.

I'm 66, I still make mistakes, but my friends know it and they don't care. And so what I do is I watch body language, I watch how fast they talk, where their eyes go. I pay attention to see if they're interested, and I try and ask things that are provocative. Like today, I was at a guy's work, and I talked to this one guy impromptu about why he needs the Christian doctrine. And I watched him while I'm talking and then stopped because I look for any hint at all that he's not interested or it's time to change a topic or whatever because we can't force them.

You can only inform and then do that gently and patiently. I never get to second base, but my biggest problem is right now what you said really struck me. I didn't intend to ask this question, but I think I'm going through things that weren't supposed to happen until after the rapture from what I was taught. And I've got a plague in my life that is so bad that I am going crazy. I can't even figure out what to do, and it's killing me. I know the devil attacks more when you're more in the Lord, but I can't understand what to do about it because I have severe infections of might, and I have gone through this now for over three weeks, and it's killing me, and I am not getting anywhere with it very fast. I'm getting some medication, and I'm getting some sprays, but it's just like what the Bible talks about in what will happen during the tribulation. No, that's not it.

And it's that bad. Okay, that's not it. No, no, no. Look, don't be tribulation raptured minds. Don't have that mindset. Don't put your mindset on the rapture.

That's a wrong mindset of us getting out of here. Put your mind on the Lord Jesus Christ and that we may or may not go through persecutions and to have a mind and a heart to praise him through it no matter what. That's what I'm doing, but it's really hard sometimes. Yes, I know it's hard. But I know that, and I've been doing that, and I think about the people who are in prison in camps and stuff just for being a Christian and just for talking about the Lord, and that keeps me going. It helps, but man, it's hard, you know?

Yes, I know. It's one of the hardest things I've ever been through, and I've been through a lot. Well, let me tell you, my wife has worse issues than she's dealing with, and not to say yours is not a big deal, but she has... I don't know if there is anything worse.

She has a lot of medical issues, and she's dealing with constant pain. And through all of this, she keeps her eyes on Jesus, and that's what we're supposed to do, and praise him during all of those things. When people get their eyes set on the pre-trib rapture, then it can become an idolatrous thing. I'm not saying if you believe in pre-trib, it's idolatrous.

I know a person who's at that point. Okay, so I'm just saying that when people put their hopes in it rather than in Christ, that's a problem. That's what I'm saying, okay? So basically, you should just accept that whatever we're going through, it might be some of what we're going to go through through the tribulation or whatever you call it.

That's right. But it doesn't matter whether it is or not. You just still focus on the Lord. I tell the devil to get out of here every day. Don't talk to the devil. Don't pray to the devil. Don't pray to the devil. Don't pray to him. Well, he's real. Excuse me, excuse me.

I want you to hear me. Don't pray to Satan. Don't pray to him. I don't pray to him. Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on.

You've got to let me finish, okay? Don't pray to him. That's exactly what you're doing when you talk to him. I wouldn't pray to him. Okay, hold on.

I'm trying to help you, Linda, okay? When you talk to him, you're praying to him. When you talk to God, you're praying to God. When you talk to Jesus, you're praying to Jesus.

When the so-called Catholics think they talk to Mary, they're praying to Mary. Don't do that. Don't pray to the devil. Don't address him. You address the Lord Jesus Christ and ask the Lord Jesus to rebuke you.

Linda, I'm trying to help you. Ask Jesus. Talk to Jesus. You pray to Christ. And you ask Jesus to deal with him. You ask Jesus to rebuke him.

Okay, I do, I do. Don't pray to the devil. Don't pray to the devil. Don't talk to the devil. Don't do it, okay? Too many Christians, they start talking like in their prayers to Jesus, then they start praying to Satan. Don't do that.

That's idolatry. Don't do it, okay? So can you answer one more question real quick? Sure, real fast. I haven't heard you long enough yet to understand. What's your basis for not thinking that the rapture will happen before the tribulation?

Can you tell me where you got that? Two things I'll tell you. When you go to Matthew 24, Luke 17, it says, As it was the days of Noah, so shall it be the days of the coming of the Son of Man. For they were eating, they were drinking, they were giving in marriage, to the day that Noah entered the ark. The flood came in, took them all away. Matthew 24, Luke 17 says, The flood came and destroyed them all. The ones who were taken are the wicked.

Two men will be in the field, one is taken, one is left. That's the wicked who were taken. Now, in Matthew 13, 30, read the parable of the wheat and the tares. You should read all of Matthew 13. It talks about the first ones taken are the wicked, not the good. Jesus says so in Matthew 13, 30.

Well, yeah, I don't know why churches aren't teaching it, because it's right there in Matthew 13, 30. He says, first gather the tares. The first ones gather the tares.

That's what he says. So if the pre-tribulation rapture is there for the Christians to be taken first and the evil ones later, why is it reversed by Jesus himself? Okay, so check that out and then call me back. We got another caller. I want to get another caller. So check that out and then give me a call tomorrow, okay? Okay, I got another caller, so we're going to move on to the other caller. Luke from Washington, D.C. Luke, welcome, you're on the air. Hi, Matt, how are you? Good. What's your question, buddy? We've got less than two minutes.

What's up, man? What happens to animals when they die? I know that some people get very attached to them. They cease to exist. Okay. So the thing is we are created in the image of God. What differentiates between soul and non-soul? What differentiates between soul and non-soul? Yes. What differentiates is the fact that one is soul and one is not soul. That is what differentiates. Okay.

Are you there? Yes, yes, because we created, God created as a living, and a man is created as a living soul. It's a dog or something is not created as a living soul. Not living soul, right? Right, they're not made in the image of God. Nothing in the Scripture says that they continue on.

The only thing the Scripture says continues on are people. That's all. And also, Scripture tells us about the lion and the lamb and other animals being at peace with one another. What does that mean? It means that the lion and the lamb will lay down together. That's what it means. Okay.

So this looks like an imaginative language? No, you're not, okay, you're not, how do I say this, drawing logical conclusions based on the statements. You're doing inference without necessity, and so you're having problems, all right? So the one idea dealing with the issue of do animals exist when they die, continue on, nothing in the Scripture says so. That's one thing. Then another thing is the lion will lay down with the lamb. That's another topic, a different one. God can create animals to do that. It doesn't necessitate that they continue on.

It might be the case, but logic doesn't necessitate it. That's all I'm saying. And we're out of time, buddy, okay? So, hey, call back tomorrow. Hey, folks, I hope you enjoyed the show, and may the Lord bless you, and by His grace, look back on here tomorrow, and we'll talk to you then. Hope you have a great evening. God bless everybody. We'll see you next time.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-07-25 10:11:00 / 2023-07-25 10:30:14 / 19

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