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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
February 18, 2023 12:38 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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February 18, 2023 12:38 am

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- Virgin Birth-1- Hate mail

Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. If you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 8772072276 and I want to hear from you. Please give me a call. You can also email me at info at

We have a couple of emails waiting for me yesterday, so if you want to, you can email me info at instead of calling in on the show and I can hopefully get to your question and deal with it. So let's see, let's see, let's see, we've got so much stuff going on. Okay. All right. Yeah, I spent a lot of time working on some stuff today with the part of the staff and man I'll tell you. Tech can be good and tech can be bad. Oh man, there was some, I was like, okay, I'm done. I'm just not going to deal with this anymore.

Have you ever had that happen? Yeah, I'm a tech guy and I was frustrated. So trying to get our Karm phones going and oh man, the system, you just can't get it to work.

I want to build a habit so that everybody on staff can access the same Karm phone thing from their computers and respond and things like that. And you'd just be amazed at how difficult things can be. But that's just life. It's with ministry. When you've got to figure it out yourself, it can become a little bit, let's say, like banging your head against a wall and stuff so you can pray for us about that. All right. Now let's see. We have five open lines, 8772072276. And what we often do here on YouTube, on Karm radio is to do hate mail on Fridays.

We haven't done it for, I think a few weeks, I don't know. So I thought I would do some because let's see, nobody's calling in and we got some other stuff there. So that's what I'm going to do. Get you some hate mail. Now if you're new to the show and you're thinking hate mail, yeah, hate mail, I don't know what it is, but I enjoy hate mail more than I do love mail.

I do get love mail occasionally. Oh, thanks for the site and thanks for the ministry. I appreciate that. I really do. It was just nice. Nice to be appreciated. But for some reason I enjoy the hate mail more. I just think they're more fun and so I'm going to do is read some.

I know that people in the text like to hear that, like to hear some hate mail. That reminds me, for those who missed the Bible study last night, I did have a Bible study and I set everything up, but we almost always have a slight tech problem getting things ready. And get this, man. So everything was fine.

It was one of those rare nights. We're getting the computer ready and people are coming in for the study. And there was one problem and it wasn't a tech problem for the computer and the internet so that I could do the Bible study online also. One of our smoke alarms started going off like two hours earlier and I spent 40 minutes trying to get it to stop beeping and I couldn't do it. I tried everything. I looked at directions. I couldn't get it to go. And so we did some guys got there for the Bible study. So we're spending our time working on that because it beeping and it's like driving me crazy and others crazy. And we finally got it going. So a couple of guys got in there and they just happened to hit the right combo of whatever it was. So because of that, when I finally got to the tech issue of getting the Bible study online, I had to frantically hit these buttons.

I think I hit the wrong button. And it was displayed on rumble and on something, I don't know, maybe Laura can tell, but we did it. All of that.

How about that? I'm just going to jump on the air here and get to Clay from North Carolina because, really, why not? Hey, Clay. Welcome. You're on the air. Well, on top of the fan table this Friday to you, Brother Matt, Merry Christmas.

Thank you. And I hope and pray that you were having a blessed New Year so far, even though we're getting to the 13th day. So I am all about going to Christmas Eve services, and I went to three, you know, Christmas of last year.

And I really get into it because, you know, I tell people, I'm like, think about the first six letters of saying Merry Christmas, especially when it comes to Christ-ness. So I went to this first one and I got to hear a wonderful pastor preach about having a video of an angel at Christmas with Jesus. And so, you know, got into the thing about, you know, talking about how Angel Gabriel and, you know, how Mary was approached and, you know, Mary was talking about, well, how can this happen?

I'm a virgin. So then I go to the second Christmas Eve service and I did not hear that. I heard something completely different that really, really, I won't say rocked me to the core, but I just didn't care for the way it was introduced. They talked about the same thing, but when they got to Mary's questioning of the situation, it's brought out having sexual relations.

That really... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on, hold on, let me ask some clarifying questions. I want to be careful what you say because children are in cars and stuff.

So I'm going to talk about this in general terms. Are you saying that one of the preachers said that there was that issue, coitus, with Mary in order to produce Jesus? Well, okay, but I really have, you know, all the years that I have been in church, I have gone to Bible study, prayer meetings, especially Christmas Eve, I've always instilled in my heart that Mary, you know... Hold on, hold on. I just asked you the question, did you say that at one of the services that's what's happened? That a preacher said that?

Yes. That before... It was read. Okay, let me ask you, before or after... Hold on, let me ask you a question, hold on. Did he say that this occurred after the birth of Jesus or before? Well, this is where they're talking, I'm not quite sure, brother Matt, this is where the angel is before Mary and we were going to be blessed and have a child and Mary's there questioning how can this happen when I have not had sexual relations. Just say it this way, have not known my husband, just say it that way so that we don't have to worry about kids in the car, okay? Okay.

Okay. Now, I still am not understanding, so I'm going to ask a specific question. Did the preacher, the one that you're concerned about, say that she knew Joseph before the birth of Jesus or was it after?

I don't recall that, all I know is they were reading, it was a Christmas Eve service and they were reading lessons and singing carols and they go into the lesson about where the angel is before Mary and Mary is all the stuff that is going on. I'm so confused. So I don't understand what the problem is. You said they were talking about stuff, okay, so if you can say it in one or two sentences and use the word knowing instead of other, just for the children in the car, what's the issue? I'm just not getting it.

Try it again. I'm not used to hearing the words that I heard when they read it because it was read, one of the people that read one of the lessons and I'm not used to hearing those two words that I shared with you and I understand. Okay, so then you're saying that they were reading the text and said that that did not happen, it did not have those two words, relations, right? That Mary talks about in the first, that Mary is a virgin, but then when the second Christmas Eve service that I went to, that was not mentioned, it mentioned those two words. Before?

Yes, but I'm asking. I'm not meaning to confuse you, I'm just trying to get a better idea. So look, they never had relations until after Jesus was born. After that they had relations and other children. That's all.

So basically more than likely before. No relations before his birth. And it wasn't no relations, it was the six letter word that rhymes with text. So, they didn't have relations until after the birth of Jesus, okay?

That was it. They had relations afterwards, no problem. So she was a virgin the whole time and then afterwards, because it says in Matthew 1.25, he kept her a virgin until Jesus was born. Until and that's just as simple as what it means. So they didn't have any relations before that. It's confusing to me when you hear a church introduce two specific words and saying, well Mary was a virgin. I'm trying to get a better understanding of that. I don't know what they were saying. So I'm still confused. Is there a way I can get a hold of you off the air or anything like that? Yes.

You can just call the office or leave a message and try to get a hold of something like that. So look, here's the official doctrine, okay? Mary and Joseph had no relations at all, period. Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. After he was born, then they had relations. Okay? I know a lot of people don't like that, but that's what I believe the Bible teaches.

He said he kept her virgin until Jesus was born. What does that mean? You know, you just think.

Right. I completely understand that it just threw me off balance when I hear something like that. When I'm used to hearing something specific and something that's talked about in the Bible.

Well I don't know what it was specifically, maybe you could email me and say this is what was said exactly here and exactly there and then we can get to it, because I'm not understanding the problem. I mean, I don't know what the one guy said that caused you to raise your eyebrows if you used it. It was a woman that read the scripture, but it's okay. Was the woman in the pulpit reading the scripture? Yes, ma'am. I mean, yes, sir. There was a woman that read this lesson from the Gospel of Luke about this situation.

Okay. Did she preach? Did she give a sermon? She read one of the lessons from it and see that's why I was going to say if I could talk to you. Did she give the sermon?

That's what I'm asking. Did she give? No, she did not. Okay. So she just read the scripture.

I don't think I need a big deal with her reading the scriptures, but she's not supposed to give a sermon or be in. I'm sorry, what? You're breaking up. You're breaking up what?

She read off sheets of paper that were directed in the part of what they were trying to introduce as the lessons for, you know, for some reason. Clay, I'm not following you. I'm not following you. So maybe you could write it out and send it to me in an email.

That would be good. Info at and I can take a look. Because I'm getting conflicting comments and it's confusing me, so I'm not sure what the thing is. Okay. Okay. I understand and I'm not meaning to confuse you.

I'm just trying to get a better understanding of what it means and I will send that to you and maybe you can watch what I'm talking about. Sounds good. No problem. All right. Thanks a lot.

There's the break. Okay. God bless, brother.

So it's okay, it happens a lot with people, they do that. Okay. Hey. So there you go. There you go. All right, folks. We'll be right back after these messages. Wide open lines. Give me a call.

877-207-2276. We'll be right back. All right, everybody.

Welcome back to the show. All right. Okay. I'm going to tell you about Friday the 13th at the bottom of the hour and where it came from. But for now, now I want to do some hate mail and I'm in the mood for hate mail. We have nobody waiting, so if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276.

So here it goes. That's going to be hate mail. Now for those of you who are new to the show, okay, I get a lot of hate mail. And over the years I've had death threats, I've been swatted, threatened with this, Satan's going to kill me and my family.

I've had emails, I've been followed in cars, just a lot of stuff, okay. I got some issues because I like hate mail. I really like hate mail. If I get a praise mail, it's like, oh, thank you, I really appreciate that, that's really good.

But I enjoy hate mail. So let's get into one of them, let's see. This has been my second email to you, Matthew.

Now my name officially is Matthew and the only one who will ever call me Matthew was my mom when I was in trouble. So this guy is either tuning into the mom thing. Let's see. It doesn't say it's a guy or girl. I'm going to assume it's a, I don't know. We'll see.

So he's probably tuning into the mom, Matthew, somehow my mom would say that a lot around me. I don't know what it was. Anyway, so why not at least reply to me personally? What are you and your organization so afraid of? This is all I'm saying in this email, I don't even know what the context is.

He goes on and he says, being proven wrong and made complete fools of, is that what you're afraid of? No. I do that on my own. I don't need any help. Let's see. No, I know what it is. Oh good.

This is fresh to me, so I'm enjoying this. So apparently this guy wrote and Matthew and he wants to be read personally and that our organization is afraid of being proven wrong and made complete fools. Oh boy. And he knows the reason why I won't respond to him. Oh boy.

This is from a few years ago, so I don't know if we did or didn't. So here it goes. Okay. Let's see. The reason you continually attack, oh, now I get it. Pastor Murray is you're afraid of him.

Okay. Andrew Murray was, he's a wacko, he passed away, but he's a wacko preacher teacher and teaches the serpency doctrine and rapture's faults and all kinds of stuff. And I did a lot of research on him and spoke on him about him and I offered to debate him in public. Never heard anything. I asked such questions to them.

Can you please answer these questions so we know exactly what your position is? Never heard back. I contacted him, did what I'm supposed to be doing, my due diligence, and I'm not afraid of the guy. You know, I wasn't then, but this guy goes, because you're afraid of him. Now here's the thing, you become like the one you follow.

That's true. But Murray, I actually have a recording of him saying, here, take this gun to that guy or this man or fellow, but he actually talked about it and it's recorded. When somebody got up and said, you're a heretic for teaching this, he heard some sound of rustling and then he said, take this gun to that guy.

I mean, it was seriously, it was like, what? And this is who this guy is. And he would talk down to people who didn't agree with him.

So his followers do the same thing. All right. So that's how I used to be able to tell him right away, you know, you think you're so smart, you're so stupid, you don't know what you're doing. And I go, that's a Murray follower and I'll be right most of the time.

Let's see. He goes on, you and others like yourself get your theology from seminary schools. I do.

I do. I didn't know that. I thought I got it from the Bible. I thought I got it from my hundreds and thousands of hours of studying the word of God in Greek, in the new Testament, studying, debating, teaching, reviewing, going through the word of God, the word of God. I thought that's what I did, boy, but no, the correct answer is I got all of it from my seminary. I did go to seminary. Okay.

And, uh, yeah, so, uh, which is so outdated and pathetic. What, what a blanket statement of ignorance and it's seminary schools, so outdated and pathetic. Wow. He just, in one sentence, condemned all seminaries. Wow.

This guy is really something. Tell me Matthew, would you have driven away John the Baptist because he hadn't attended seminary? Wow.

What a dumb thing to ask. Sorry, John the Baptist, you to go to seminary. Go away. Oh man, seminaries are late inventions. Uh, so, uh, boy, uh, or St. Matthew, oh, he's just getting word Saint in front of my name or Luke or John, man. And please prove to me there is a rapture by other means than using first Thessalonians in chapter four. This is awesome. This is awesome. First Thessalonians four is where the rapture is taught.

Okay. That's what it teaches. It teaches the rapture.

We who are alive are made of a kind of the gutter medium in the air and all this kind of stuff. That's the rapture. He goes, prove to me the rapture, but just don't use those verses. Okay.

But you prove it to me, but you can't go to where it's where it's taught. Oh yeah. Yeah. Okay. And document this so-called rapture theory outside of first Thessalonians four 17, which I just quoted. Okay.

Document outside of that. So it's, it's so stupid. Okay. I'm sorry, but I've had a good time.

I'm loving this. He's saying, Oh man. It's like saying, prove to me, Jesus changed water to wine. You just can't use John chapter two where he did it. Okay. But aside from that, you prove it to me stupid. What? This is the kind of thing.

So uh, prove to me there's a rapture, but don't use where the rapture is taught. Oh yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Because the Murray guy taught the rapture. Wasn't true. He didn't.

He couldn't argue his ways for wet paper. Parasy. Okay. He goes on.

This guy goes on because that just doesn't cut it for me. You mean where it says it? Oh yeah. Yeah. Oh man. Okay.

An actual documentation. Please. Oh, you know, when you get stuff like this, you just have to appreciate the inane perciflage that is coming forth. You know, I do not think you understand the words that are coming out of your mouth.

And so, uh, this is whack. He goes on one more, one more, don't two sentences more biblical documentation documentation other than first Thessalonians, but I await your reply. Okay.

Well keep waiting buddy because that's where it's taught among other places. But that's it. Okay. Here's another one. I'm enjoying this.

I like heat mail. You can tell. I'm enjoying me enjoying it. You know? All right.

I haven't read this. I'm going to go. Here he goes. It says, uh, dear sirs and madams, despite the fact that you attempt you, that you attempt to present yourself as an objective Christian website, I find it a flagrantly disingenuous claim since you lump in Roman Catholicism in the same text line with Islam, Jehovah's witnesses or Wicca and it's no, actually it's not or it's and it should be and because I do it with all of them, you know, Islam, Jehovah's witnesses and Wicca and a Roman Catholicism, they all teach false gospels.

Yes, they do. Okay. Anyway, let me go on. Since I was raised a Baptist and have been in Roman Catholic for eight years, I know only too well the pres, the protest and protest hyphen and personality cult that passes for pristine Christianity. That's a personality cult. Let me tell you about something.

Anybody who'd follow a guy named slick on the radio. You got problems. Okay. There's no personality cult unless you like hearing hate mail.

Now, if you like hearing hate mail, that's obviously because you're so intelligent, but uh, you know, I mean, come on, pristine Christianity, certainly not Catholicism. Oh, okay. There's the break. When we get back to the break, I'm gonna tell you for what I understand where Friday the 13th came from and why it's considered bad. We'll be right back after these messages and then we'll continue with some hate mail. It's Matt slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276 here's Matt slick. All right everyone. Hey, welcome back.

Now, uh, if you want to give me a call, five open lines, 877-207-2276. All right, Friday the 13th. So each Friday the 13th, I kind of tell the story, uh, where I I've heard historically began the Jews were in Egypt under bondage and they were freed on the 14th of Nissan, the 14th of Nissan, which occurred at sundown on sundown, which is, let's just say 6 PM. The Egyptian calendar, the day would change at midnight later in the evening. So for the Egyptians, it was the 13th between, let's just say 6 PM and midnight. It was, it was still the 13th would change at midnight, this kind of thing. And the Jews, uh, by the time 6 PM came around to a sundown, then, uh, it was not the 14th and that's when the angel of death came over. Ooh, interesting.

So it looks like the angel of death on the 14th was Friday the 13th for, um, uh, them. I've heard that I got to check out and see if that's true. It's interesting.

I've known, said it's not true, but I don't know if I could check it out. All right. All right. All right. Now, um, we don't have any callers waiting and, uh, I'm going to do some more of this at one hate mail and then I'm going to get to some, cause I know we have some emails coming in. All right.

We're ahead. This person, again, this is a Catholicism says, okay, or this guy who's a Catholic now, he says, uh, you say you have no Pope or Bishop yet. What else would Billy Graham and others be de facto? Well, what, uh, he was not our Pope.

We don't hold to that. And, uh, he goes, I feel like I was raised by cultists, not Christians. You interpret the Bible according to your own lights. Yeah.

Blue light is really good. No matter how uninformed by credible scholars it happens to be, take no regard for historical context and adamantly refuse to accept anything by the church fathers who are historical fact and were the leaders of the only Christian church for the least for at least five, 1500 years until Martin Luther came along. So this person is just ill informed. It's often the case, uh, you know, all credible scholars, all the church fathers taught the same thing. They did not. This is someone who's just believing, uh, drinking the Kool-Aid. He says it was the protesters, which is what you are by your own admission, who took books out of the Old Testament that had always been there. No, that's not true. They were never added. They were added in 1546 by the Roman Catholic church. Not it.

Yeah. There's actually lists of books by the church fathers that don't include the apocryphal books. So anyway, uh, it's time you took a page from the Roman Catholic book.

Which one? Which heresy book you want me to take a Catholic, a page out of, uh, and started practicing the kind of tolerance that we've always practiced towards you. That is a flat out lie. That is a lie.

This guy has no clue. The Catholic church murdered hundreds of thousands of people when it was in power. Uh, and you can go to Fox's book of martyrs and you can read account after account after account where the Roman Catholic church tortured, murdered, killed all kinds of people who left the Catholic church and became Protestants. And so they were exceedingly intolerant.

This is a fact. In fact, before that even happened, you were not allowed to have a Bible and only the church could tell you what it meant and could interpret it. You are not allowed to disagree with the papacy, et cetera. And so the person says, uh, he'd start practicing the kind of tolerance that we've always practiced towards you. That is just nothing.

The person has no clue. C.S. Lewis books are all are sold in Catholic bookstores and used in teaching the catechism, not because they're superior, but because we believe he had many good things to bring up. I wouldn't ever have Roman Catholic stuff in my library in a church unless it was in the false doctrine section so people could research. To date, I have never ever, I have never ever seen this reciprocated on the part of protesting churches because you believe in the truth of the Bible and not the Catholic church. That's why he goes on, despite the fact that someone like St. Thomas Aquinas is generally regarded as one of the greatest apologists and one of the greatest thinkers in Western civilization.

Yeah, he was not to mention St. Teresa of Avila, John, blah, blah, blah. If you are really that the tolerant protesters, you'd like to pretend you are, man, this is a condescending insulting email, you know, if you were that, that would you pretend to be what an insult, you know, it clearly are not. You would be featuring these writings in your church, boy, this guy doesn't know what he's doing. Sometimes, you know, I like the kind of hate mail that's kind of mixed with wacko-ness, but when someone's just arrogantly condemning, well, come on, that's just not good. All right, let's see, let's see, okay, that's good, praise God for Andrew, got a new social worker, et cetera, like that, that's good, let's see, let me get in here, because I got some emails, I want to get to, hey, if you want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 8772072276, you can do that. All right, last night I had a verbal exchange with a YouTube atheist, he mentioned that he debated you and claimed that you didn't believe in categorical imperatives, that's something out of Kant, and anyway, that your morality consists of hypothetical imperatives only, no, it does not, so a hypothetical imperative is a type of ought that can only be derived from a person's goals, wants, desires, aversions, no, I don't hold to that, essentially he claimed that your moral realism consisted of I want X, I ought to do Y, that's ridiculous, okay, if I want to avoid hell, divine punishment, I ought not murder, no, that's not what it is, I know who this guy's talking about, and it's pretty frequent that atheists misrepresent me.

What I've noticed when I debate, this happens, impromptu discussion, you know, disagreements, it's very, very common that people don't listen to what I say, I generally pick my words very carefully, sometimes I make mistakes, of course, and I'll recant, oh, I didn't mean to say it that way, it didn't come out right, and I'll quickly correct it, but for the most part, I really pick my words very carefully, and I've noticed, it happens within, for Christians as well as non-Christians, that they will often repeat what they heard, not what I said, that means they're listening for something else, they're not listening to what I'm actually saying, and I've had to repeat many times the things I've said, I have even written out statements that I will say in a certain situation, literally written them out, and then read it, and then listen to them misrepresent what I said, and then I'll read it again, and they'll say, I thought you said this the first time, oh, yes, it was, I was exactly reading, I said, this is what I did, I got a sentence, and I read it to you, you know, and a lot of times, I'll write down what they say, and then I'll argue from what they said, yes, you did, I wrote it down, and they don't like when I do that kind of thing, anyway, this person says, I followed your work over a decade, and this doesn't seem to be an accurate summation of your view, that's correct, it's not, so let me ask you on your view, you ought not murder true independent of a person, it doesn't make any sense, goals, wants, or aversions, we ought not murder because it goes against the character of God, that's why, God is the ultimate standard of all righteousness, or I ought follow Christ, it's true independent of what I want, yeah, that's true, you ought to, it has no bearing on whether you want to or not, it's a truth value that rests in the nature and heart of God, or are such utterances on your view non-cognitive expressions of desire for human beings to engage in, non-engage in given activity, that would have to be ferreted out as a question, let's see, by the way, within this email, what I meant by categorical imperatives is an ought that isn't contingent upon subjective goals or preferences, what he's talking about here, the idea of categorical and moral categories and imperatives deals with ought that ought to be done, things that ought to be done, why, because there's some inherent value within them, but that's problematic, how do you have an inherent moral value in something, because of what I perceive and what someone else may perceive as an inherent moral value in an action or an attitude does not mean that it does have a moral value, the only way that I can see justifying a universal moral value is if there's a universal mind, God, who is behind all things and that the universal moral emanates and is revealed out of his character, and therefore we are the ones who are obligated simply because it's true that we are then obligated to do what is morally correct, that's why he says you shall not lie, you shall not murder, because God cannot do these things, it's against his character, so I teach that morality rests in the heart and mind of God, it's universally true, and that whether you agree with it or not is irrelevant, because the truth is not dependent upon your desires. So he goes on, he says, I just mean a moral imperative rather than a hypothetical imperative, I want X, I ought to do Y, now that's just, see that's kind of a logical cognition issue, and then there's some kinds of habit, different kinds of knowledge, one is habitual knowledge, one is logical knowledge, one is intuitional, and so we get into that kind of stuff. Don't you believe that God bridges the is-ought in such a way that makes a statement like you ought to obey God, true, and propositional independent of an if clause, yes. Because the is-ought gap, here's the thing, is that the is-ought gap, this is what is and therefore you ought to do something.

So there is a woman who is in a wheelchair, or she's really decrepit, whatever, and she's sitting or looking down at the flat tire on her car, you ought to stop and help her, that kind of thing, that's what is and ought, it's called the is-ought relationship and the atheist can't bridge the is-ought gap, because they can't, they don't have a universal is-ought relationship. Hey folks, Thursday Music will be right back after, please match it, just please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276, here's Matt Slick. All right, and welcome back to the show, I just want to let you know that we stay on the air by your support, please consider supporting us, all you got to do is go to forward slash donate and right there, all the information you need is right there, we ask $5 a month, hopefully that's not too much for you and that with enough people donating $5 a month, we can then meet our bills and we're definitely trying to do that in this difficult and increasingly difficult world, where eggs are becoming more expensive, gasoline is too.

If you could squeeze $5 out of that to help this ministry continue and preach the gospel and defend the Christian faith, that would be greatly appreciated, forward slash donate, it's right there. All right, so I'm going to finish reading this email, hope it wasn't too heady, these are some of the conversations I will have with atheists on these kind of topics and this guy goes on, he says one last thing, he says he's not trying to argue, he's just trying to make sure that he understands my meta ethics. Meta ethics are the conditions by which that must exist in the presuppositions before an ethical construct is developed. So he says, I suspect he's misrepresenting you and he was, yeah this guy was. In other words, I think he doesn't have a way to bridge the is-op gap, and he doesn't, atheists don't, and is thus attempting to redefine moral realism. Realism is the view that there are actual things like morals, that they actually exist, moral realism and stuff like that, and there's different kinds of moral realism too, it gets tough. And anyway, he says he's trying to redefine moral realism as a system of hypothetical imperatives so that he can then try to pull a Sam Harris on, I would agree.

So yeah, good for you buddy, yeah, I like that. All right, let's get to Ernie, Ernie says, I was curious about your opinion on partial preterism, he's been reading stuff, here's, I do hold to partial preterism myself, it's within orthodoxy, full preterism is not. Full preterism says that every event that is talked about in Matthew 24, Luke 17, Matthew Mark 13, the idea of the return of Christ, destruction of Jerusalem, all this, the rapture, all of this, various things that you interpret different ways, all of it occurred by 70 AD and it did not. Because you can go to Acts 1, verses 9-11, and very clearly what happens there is the prophecy of Jesus' return is from the clouds as he descends, not in the armies of Jerusalem. So that right there refutes full preterism. Partial preterism says that Christ did not return fully and completely as he said he was, as the Bible said he was, and other things, that there's going to be a double fulfillment kind of thing, so that's within orthodoxy.

Let's get to, let's see, Matt Hayes, hey, how about that? We have been reading Acts and in several chapters they seem to expect the filling of the Holy Spirit. Will I speak on that? The filling of the Holy Spirit is understood in different ways in church contexts. Some would hold that the filling of the Holy Spirit is a low level kind of expression where God now has regenerated you. Others will say it is the manifestation of the speaking in tongues and stuff.

Now what's interesting is that when you pour something into a cup, you fill the cup up. So let's talk about the filling of the Holy Spirit, in fact I'm wondering if there's actually a phrase, now I'm curious, let's see, fill, fill of the Holy Spirit, be full, be filled. I wonder if there's a verse like that because, listen, I think there is, I can't remember off the top of my head, where that would be the case, filled, let me see if I can do this, I'm going to try this one more time, let's see, fill and spirit and see if I can get that to come up, yeah, Luke 1.15, he says drink no wine or liquor, he'll be filled with the Holy Spirit and Acts 2, they will be filled with the Holy Spirit, that's right of course, filled with the Holy Spirit. Okay, so the issue here is the pouring because the Holy Spirit is poured, this is what the Bible talks about and we can go to, let's see, Joel 2.28, the prophecy is, and it will come about after this, that I will pour out my spirit on all mankind and in verse 29, I will pour out my spirit in those days, that's interesting, I just saw something, that's interesting.

So, I'm going to go to Acts 2.17, I'm going to read this, that's what it says, it just kind of occurred to me and it shall be the last days God says I'll pour forth my spirit on all mankind, not just the Jews, but it was the Jews in the upper room who had the Holy Spirit poured out upon them and the Gentiles had the Holy Spirit poured out upon them also. Now, the reason I say that is because that's what the Bible says, so in Acts chapter 2, the Holy Spirit was poured and in Acts chapter 10, the Holy Spirit had been poured on the Gentiles, Acts 10.45, so that's consistent, good, okay, I was just thinking about something. So nevertheless, the issue of the Holy Spirit is poured, which would be consistent with the idea of being filled. So pouring is an action of God of the Holy Spirit upon and into a person. This is reminiscent of the way that the Bible would talk in the Old Testament about the pouring of the Spirit. So if I do a search for pour and Spirit, there's lots of places, behold, I will pour out my Spirit on you, Proverbs 1.23 and Isaiah, I tell the Spirit is poured out upon us from on high, Isaiah 32.15 and 44.3, I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, Lamentations, now that's a different kind of Spirit there, and Ezekiel, now pour it, see, for I will have poured out my Spirit on the house of Israel, and it goes on and on and on, there's lots of instances like this. So the point is that the Holy Spirit is poured. Now this is important for a lot of reasons, now think about this, okay, think about this, because if you go to Acts 1.5, for John baptized with water, but you'll be baptized with the Holy Spirit, that baptism of the Holy Spirit has to be a pouring of the Holy Spirit upon you, that's what it has to be, because that's how the prophecies of the arrival of the Holy Spirit upon an individual is, by the pouring. Now that's what it says, as a friend of mine mocks me and says, that's what it says, that's what it says right there, okay, so the reason I bring this up is because if the Holy Spirit is poured, and that's Acts 2, 28, 29, with Acts, I mean, excuse me, Joel 2, 20, 29, with Acts 1, or Acts 2, 17 and 18, and also with, let's see, I think it was Acts 10, 47, I'm trying to remember all these verses, 45, yes, 45. And so, if that's how the Holy Spirit's received by a pouring, and you're baptized with the Holy Spirit, then the word baptism there means pouring, that's what it means.

I get to see people right now drinking coffee, spitting out in the air, what, what did you just say? How dare you say baptism means pouring, well, right there it does. John baptized with water, you'll be baptized with the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit's told to be poured, that's how it is.

My voice is getting high, I gotta be careful here, I wanna talk like a really excited person, but sometimes I'll do that when I talk to my wife and I'll say something in a high voice, I go, that's my girl voice, sorry about that, let me get back into character here. And so, you'll be baptized with the Holy Spirit, so here's the thing, I've just taken tangents here, but John baptized with water, he immersed you with water, but you'll be baptized, you'll be poured with the Holy Spirit. Or would it be better to say John poured water on you for your baptism? You'll be, the Holy Spirit will be poured upon you, ooh, which one makes more sense? Well I know which one makes more sense to me, all right, not that I'm the one who's true and right, but that's what I believe.

All right, let me see if I can get back into another email, cause this is kind of an interesting Friday, you know, we're just going through stuff and I'd love that, let's see, let's see, let's see. First of all then, I urge that requests be made, especially thanksgiving, on all people, yes, good and acceptable. If God wants all people to go to heaven, has he failed, or is it, no, he hasn't failed, because the word all means what it means in context, and so, if people want, it's a lot of things, we don't have much time to get into this, so I'm going to see it quickly. The people will go to, for example, they'll go to, let's see, look at 2 Peter 3, I think it's 3, 9, and, get over there, come on, get in there, 9, 3, 9, where it says God is not slow in patience, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance. Now I'm going to say this quickly, cause we don't have a whole bunch of time, but not too fast, so people will say, quote this verse, and I'll say, I agree with the verse, I do, because there's different senses in which the verse can be understood, and actually God can desire one thing and arrange another, now that's a concept people are not familiar with, they go that's contradictory, no it's not, and I can prove it from the Old Testament, where God desires one thing but he arranges something contrary, because there's different levels of his desires and what he wants to accomplish, this is a fact, I have to teach people the concepts, I read them the scriptures, I say, am I right, and yes, they don't like admitting it, and I show it to them, it's not a double mindedness in God, it's that he can have a desire, but doesn't arrange everything, I can desire to just hug my daughter, but what I'll do might be something different if I need to correct her on something, that kind of a thing, and so for all to come to repentance, and I'll say, okay, so he wants every individual to come to repentance, and I'll say, of course, and I'll say, then why does Jesus speak in parables, because in Mark 4, 10 to 12, he speaks in parables so people will not be saved, that's when you can just hear the monkey wrench falling into the gear shaft, and they're not sure what to do at that point, and then they say what verse, and I show it to them, and I say, look, I'm trying to tell you that you have to understand all of scripture, there is a way to make all of it work, if you were to look at all of it, but if you look at one verse and say that's just how it is, well then you've got problems, furthermore, I can show you, for example, I set people up, at this point I'll say, can I set you up, I want to show you something, I want to set you up, and they'll say, go ahead, and I say, good, I said, if, is it the case that whenever anyone is said to have died with Christ, or died to sin, it's only believers, right? Yes.

Okay, good. And I go to 2 Corinthians 5, 14, and I say this, I read them, read it, for the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, and they go, see, he died for everybody, you stupid Calvinist, you stupid Calvinist, I can't, it's awesome, and then I'll say, well, can I read the rest of the verse? That one died for all, therefore all died, I say, who's the all who died? They're not sure what to say. He died for all, therefore all died, well, we find all died, we find that phrase, those who've died in relationship to Christ, it's only the believers, uh-oh, so who's he talking about when he said he died for all, who's the all, and if you go to John 6, 37, Jesus says, all that the Father gives me will come to me, and I say, I can go to other verses, you know, Romans 5, 18, the result of justification of life to all men. And I get into stuff, and I do a study on this, on the all, and how God uses the word differently than we do, and I try and teach Christians this, in varying Bible studies and different teaching contexts, and I say, look, I want you to see another option right out of scripture, and most times people are not ready for that, but when they hear it, they say, man, that's interesting, I never saw that before, and I say, okay, good, now make it all work. And so we're out of time, and Natasha, I had a senior call coming in two minutes ago, but sorry about that, the characteristics of the Trinity, call back on Monday, let's talk about that, because that's an important question, important issue, may the Lord bless you everybody, have a great weekend, by his grace, and by his grace, oh, not on Monday, I don't think, do we have a holiday or something like that, anyway, God bless. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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