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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
November 9, 2022 3:00 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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November 9, 2022 3:00 pm

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- Can anyone see God the Father- Are visions that claim to see God the Father guilty of modalism---2- Why does the Psalmist say that God will establish the earth forever- Won't it be destroyed in judgement---3- Matt reads hate mail--4- What do you mean when you say that Jesus is God in flesh---5- Can you make sense of the doctrine of the Trinity---6- If Jesus was teaching for three years, why didn't he teach the Trinity---7- What does it mean in Job 2-2 when it says that Satan wanders in the earth-

Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. It's Matt Slick live. Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry found online at When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick live for answers, taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick.

Hey everyone, welcome to the show, which means Matt Slick and you're listening to Matt Slick live. If you want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 877-207-2276. And as usual, I want to hear from you. If you're new to the show, uh, sometimes on Fridays, we do hate mail, which I am. I'm always looking forward to hate mail.

I like hate mail. And so, uh, I'm going to read here in a little bit, uh, some of the stuff people say about the ministry, about myself and other stuff. No, that reminds me, um, in the often common about debates. I thought I had a debate tonight.

No, it's next week. Uh, I made a mistake on my calendar debating a Muslim guy on is the Trinity necessary for reality? It's going to be interesting topic. And I'll be getting into some sophisticated, uh, argumentation about, um, preconditions for intelligibility as they relate to the physical world. Now this is going to be, uh, in my opinion, it's going to be a fun discussion and debate.

We'll see. All right. Okay. Let's see if I have open lines, eight, seven, seven, two, zero, seven, two, two, seven, six, and, um, so what we do here, uh, for the newbies, the newbs, as some people like to be called is, uh, enter questions on the Bible, Christianity, Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, uh, Islam. Uh, that's all kinds of politics at 45 minutes on politics last night on the yesterday's show. And, uh, I know that that's not really my forte except that the politics is logically necessarily understood to be under the domain of God's sovereignty. And so Christians are obligated to, um, uh, to pay attention to that. Now that reminds me, we had a, uh, a seminar on Wednesday and we had, uh, Vern Poitras and Brent Bosserman and Eli Ayala, and we had them on, we discussed, uh, the doctrine of the Trinity. Well, the next one that we want to do is, uh, related to the Christians obligation, uh, in the political realm. What are we to do?

How are we to vote? Uh, what are things we to look for all kinds of stuff? And we're doing this, we want to get it out before November 8th, because we, uh, well, I think it's just timely. And then we're going to do another, uh, seminar on, um, a Christian worldview.

We'll do that a couple of weeks after we're going to push this one in between because it's quick, but we're trying to do one seminar a month. And one of the things that we're doing in that is, uh, hold on. My wife's coming. Yes, hon. Get her something. Okay.

Hold on. There we go. Um, and so, uh, she's doing calm stuff and she needs my phone for a code. So I try to get her on the air too. She needs to be on the air.

I need to have her on the air. And, uh, uh, so let's see. There we go. Whoops.

That's not it. Hold on. This is live radio and okay. Look at, there we go. All right. She just, she's like, she put her face, her hands over her face. Is he after all these years, hon, she just, she forgot about the radio.

So, uh, it was a good expression on her face. So what we're going to do is with these seminars and, uh, we created a a Patreon page for calm the website. Now I'm going to give you a little bit of insight about it. Uh, if I get taken off the air, uh, because of the things I say, or because the economy is what it is and support is decreasing, then we may go off the air. Then what we're going to do is move towards, uh, something on Patreon, where we're going to, what we'll probably do is have a regular show, uh, and you'll just have to have access to it, uh, by, by supporting it in that effort. And we'll have guests on and I'll talk about topics and we'll just have, uh, either a daily show or a Monday, Wednesday, Friday kind of a show thing, uh, where we can do that.

So if you're interested in checking that out in advance, um, we haven't got it all settled out yet, but you can go to forward slash calm org, and, uh, you can check things out. We may have to do that because of how things are going. Uh, it's just how it is, you know, just how it is. All right.

Three open lines. If you want to give me a call eight, seven, seven, two, zero, seven, two, two, seven, six, let's get to David from Kansas city. David, welcome.

You are the air. Do it. All right, man.

What do you got buddy? Good. Um, I have a couple of run-ins with some people that have these heavenly tourism books where they actually go to heaven. And the one book that I read recently was called chair time.

And he actually goes to heaven and sees God, the father in heaven, and then sees Jesus Christ standing next to him on the throne. Now, to me, that's modalism, but well, I have a real problem that not necessarily because to see them at the same time would not be modalism, but, but go ahead. Okay. No, good. No. Yeah. Go ahead. They explain that.

Yeah. That's, that's the problem I had is that I believe that God, the father cannot be comprehended at any time because he's just too immense to, uh, omnipotent to everywhere, all at the same time. You can't take in God, the father.

He's too much. The only time anybody ever seen God, the father was at theophany or Christophany where it was concentrated in Jesus Christ. Well, let's, let's back up a little bit. No one has ever seen the father. Jesus says so in John six 46 and the father was an unapproachable light whom no man has seen or can see it's not possible to see the father and this incidentally proves Mormonism completely false because now their theology, the first vision is Joseph Smith song by the father, but the Bible clearly tells us it's not possible whenever they see God in the old Testament, it is the pre-incarnate Christ that's it.

The father is not seen the Bible specifically states that's the case. Okay. Okay. Okay.

All right. Now, um, will the God will, I, you know, my contention is God will never be comprehended by any being ever, even in heaven, because he's just too immense. The only time we will, we'll be in the, we'll be in the presence of God.

We can't take them all in ever. Well, yeah, we, we, we're never going to be able to see God the father. The Bible says so and it's not an issue of comprehension. Our minds are fine.

I T is infinite. We won't be able to comprehend his great grace. We can understand him analogically, which means he, we, we rec, rec, uh, we recognize him and observe him by analogy. The true and living God is the being who exists in all places at all time. And so therefore we need an imprint of him and that's found in Christ. And we can only observe the nature of God to the person of Christ, but the false religious systems, cults like to make God comprehensible and so they're man centered, God's an exalted man or God's not a true man. God's an exalted man or God's not a Trinity or whatever it is. And they will, uh, they, they lower God for their own comprehension and stuff.

Well, that was two books that got me in trouble with two different organizations. One was, um, you know, both of them had these heavenly visions where they actually saw a vision of God, the father seated on the throne and Jesus Christ next again, and I have a problem with that. I just don't see that the modalism there, I see it as modalism. No, no, no, it's not a modalism. I'm going to explain that and I'm going to go to, to act 7, 95 through 16, talk about this to modalism is that God is one person who takes three modes or forms consecutively mode of the father, then becomes the mode of the son, who then becomes the mode of the Holy spirit to see them simultaneously would be the opposite of modalism.

Okay. Now, some might be saying is as, uh, X 7 55, they say, well, what about Stephen, he saw God, the father. And the answer is no, he did not. And I'll read this so you can see, but being full, the Holy spirit, he gazed intently into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. So what it says there is he saw the glory of God. He didn't say he saw God, but the glory. Well, what is that glory? It's that emanating light and presence.

He saw that is to say he saw God, the God, the father. Okay. Okay. That clears the, you know, and, and I think it may be hopefully on some of these people, I can give them a pass and say it was just a matter of their semantics, not this.

Okay. So let's talk about this a little bit, because this is important. I like to, uh, I know it's important. I like to look at NDEs near death experiences. I like to look at them and listen to them the way they're done on these, a lot of places that they take forever to get to the. Oh, these heavenly towards horrible.

Yeah. Well, the thing is people are being deceived by demonic forces all the time and people who are unbelievers go and they have an experience of white light and bliss and everything's good. They're one with the universe. This is demonic and we have to understand that the scriptures are the final authority, not experiences. And so they, uh, you know, if anyone says they saw God, the father saw God, the father and Jesus, that contradicts scripture and they're not of God. It's just that simple.

God is quite capable of communicating us to us in his word and preserving his word, because if his word isn't trustworthy, that it reflects on his ability to be sovereign in the world and you know, it's trustworthy is there. Okay. Yeah. Well, we, I went to a garage sale last week and they were selling these books and I told them that this heavenly tourism book that they had was blasphemous and they, well, I don't, you know, and it was just kind of a witness. And I said, look, you know, there's two, there was two different ones.

It was the burpo one and there was the other one. They don't, wait, wait, wait, wait, this is not give the information out over the year. It's all false stuff. Okay. But, uh, yeah, so we don't want titles and stuff.

So people would, Hey, I'm going to look it up. We don't mean, no, we don't want that. All right.

So, uh, anyway, we judge everything by scripture. Okay. And, uh, that's what I'm trying to do. Okay. All right. Thank you. Good for you. Good for you, man. All right. God bless.

All right. Hey, we have four open lines. Why don't you give me a call?

877-207-2276 Mike from Winston Salem, North Carolina. Welcome. You're on the air. Well, yeah, hi, Matt. Uh, I'm back again. Uh, I'm like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I'm back.

Uh, I called you yesterday and, um, I'm now, okay. I was reading in Psalms, the Psalm 78, um, uh, verse 69 and got verse 69. But a little bit of backup on that. It says, but he chose a tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which he loved and he built his sanctuary like the height. Like the earth, which he has established forever. Now we say that the earth is going to be consumed by fire, but here it's saying that he established the earth forever. And then it says that again, in Psalm 114, uh, I think it's Psalm 114, let's see what verse it is.

No, 148, excuse me, Psalm 148 verse, um, versus one through six, but I think it's close to down to six, um, it's hard to do things. Okay. That's all right. That's the same thing, right?

The earth will last forever, right? Right. Is that weird? Can you break it off about that?

Um, oh, he's saying that he is, how about now you're, you're in the matrix here. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Go ahead. So I'm going to four or five, establish the earth upon his foundation.

So it will not taught her forever and ever. Yes. Yeah. And then again, in Ecclesiastes one, we got, we got it. We got, we got, we got verses that we, we know the concept is there and taught. So what's, what's the question then?

What is that? Okay. How can the question is, how can he is the Bible say that he established the earth forever, and then we go into the new Testament and we read about how he's going to destroy this earth and create a new one. That's easy. And we'll get back from the break and I'll show you how. Okay.

It's just an issue of logic. That's all no problem, but we'll be right back. Hey folks, four open lines. You want to give me a call? Eight seven seven two zero seven two, two seven six, right now it's Matt Slick live taking a call at eight seven seven two zero seven two, two seven six.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show. We have four open lines.

If you want to give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two, two seven six. All right. Mike, are you still there? Yes. And you said you'd make it easy. He said, by the way, I do have an MacArthur study Bible and the MacArthur study Bible does not address in any of the three sections and the cleat one in clean the ass is the two in Psalms does not address my question. Okay. Which I find strange, but okay.

So both are true. The earth is to be established forever. It means that it will always be there just as our bodies are eternal.

So was the earth. Our bodies are remade and so to the earth is remade. Our bodies are the same ones that are resurrected in the same way. The earth will be resurrected. It'll be reborn through fire just as we are reborn through blood.

That's what's going on. Oh, is it going to be the same? Or yes, it'll be the same earth. It's not going to be like 80% bigger or smaller.

It's going to be the same one. A sin has affected the world because of Adam. So Ryan, Adam sinned a sin entered the world through him. And so the earth was affected. It'll be cleaned up. It will be cleaned up. It will stay, but how it's going to stay. What if, you know, if you took a glass of water and, you know, you look at the molecules, H two O and you were to separate the molecules out and put them back, rearrange properly.

Let's say it's still the same thing. And this is the idea of the earth. The earth can be disassembled and reassembled. It can be purified. And notice it says, it'll be purified with intense heat. Fire is a form of purification.

So it talks about the issue of the work of God in purifying the earth, removing sin from it. That's what's going on. Oh, okay. Oh, even though it wasn't easy. Yeah, we'll be good. Okay. All right.

You're going to be too concrete. Okay. All right. I like it quick and slick. All right.

Quick and slick. Thanks a lot. Bye-bye. God bless me.

Okay. Hey folks. If you want to give me a call, we have wide open lines.

All you have to do is dial 877-207-2276. We got nobody waiting. So, uh, drum roll. I don't like drum. I don't like, no, I listen to radio shows and they have sound effects or you're listening to somebody and they need to do some stupid effect. I, I turn a channel. I don't like them. My people do. I don't like them.

So not my thing. What I want to do now is, um, get, okay, wait a second. The hate mail.

Why is it not working? Oh boy. He looks like my computer may have crashed a little bit. Nope. There it goes.

He was doing something. Okay. And there we go. So I guess some hate mail. And for those of you who don't know what hate mail is, it is mail filled with hate. But there's also wacko mail and my wacko mail is my favorite, but I'm going to read some hate mail here, uh, comment about stuff that sometimes it gets me going.

I haven't even read these, so I'm going to go through and check some out. Uh, and Joanne doesn't like hate mail, but, um, I do. I think it's cool. I like it. Okay. So let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Um, well, that's one. I'm not going to get into that one. How about this?

Let's see submitted values. I am here to answer some of your questions because I believe that all of you are simply bigoted, I'm sorry, smiling. I just love this stuff.

Something bigoted, unintelligent beings who wish to sound nice upfront, but who want to continue to throw salt in the wounds of everyone your ignorance has harmed, that is a, that's good. You know, that's how you do it folks. Oh man. Okay. Because I have questions for Wiccans. It's okay for Wicca, which is a form of witchcraft.

They'll say it's not, but it is. Do the gods and goddesses of Wicca actually exist? This is one of the questions I have because in Wicca, uh, they don't really exist unless you want them to, but then you believe in them. And so therefore you, they exist if you want them to, it's really dumb. Anyway, do the gods and goddesses Wicca exist much like your God, Yahweh, they don't exist, see, uh, but it is a teaching and togetherness.

They harbor that holds power. I actually read this one a couple of weeks ago, three weeks ago. I think I remember now. Let's see.

Let's try this one. Uh, how do you feel about believing in the religious system that you cater where you cater your religion to your desires? Not all Wicca is like this.

Once again, your biased opinion show through making me laugh at your pathetic site, he didn't answer the question. Oh man. What is wrong with me that I enjoy this stuff that I do or let's try this one. I've been struggling over ever since I left my church two years ago.

Uh, struggling with spirituality, the character and heart of God, the importance and reality of love in this world. Then through a series of misleading events, I happened across some of your radio interviews and here it comes well done. You have been working. You have truly been working the will of the Lord note, the lower case L. Uh, you are just another notch in the belt of the misogynistic male dominated feeling church. Oh man.

That is awesome. Oh, why do I enjoy that? I just do.

I got to read that sentence again. You're just another notch in the belt of the misogynistic male dominated failing church. Wow, man, your theology is not only flawed at its core, but you blindly cling to your scripture without even the slightest admission that you might be wrong yourself.

Wow. You know, what's here is if hypocrisy, because this person is absolutely declaring that I'm basically wrong and that person is absolutely right. And what's a person complaining about that? I claim to be right, but it can't be because that person says she's right. So the hypocrisy is there.

It's an arrogance on her part and she can't even see it. Anyway, so ultimately whether or not you'd ever say, although you no doubt think it, you are putting your theology thus yourself right up there next to God. Wow. I don't put my theology up next to God. I'd get it from the scriptures. The very things God himself revealed about himself. Wow. And she goes on.

How does it feel? You are claiming to know the answers. Hold the truth to be subject, to be subject, the grandest sort of enlightenment. Anyway, your truths are nothing but a meager attempt to further your own life for selfish reasons.

Wow. This person is so full of condemnation and mockery and arrogance. Anyway, how can you love and know the God of love and treat people like you do?

Well, wait a minute. How do I treat them? I treat them nicely.

I just tell people the truth. Women are not to be pastors and elders. The Trinity is true. Islam is false. Roman Catholicism teaches the false gospel. Hey, don't bother with me. Take it up with what the word of God says. Anyway, why do you think that God would prefer us not to think for ourselves and ask the hard questions? Where did this person ever get the idea that I don't want people to think? It's quite the opposite.

Actually, theology is not best left to theologians. How ignorant you are. Well, how would she know? I've been joining this for the school on the go to this. Yeah, Joanne, I'm a mental chauvinist. Thanks to it. I don't have any answers, not one. Wow. This is ridiculous. So she's complaining that I claim to have answers, but she doesn't have any answers. Not one. And yet she can tell me how I'm wrong.

But how can you do that? If you don't have any answers for anything, you wouldn't know, you know, where's the logic barrel? I can shoot the fish in brother. There we go, folks. There's a break. We'll be right back after these messages.

Three open lines, eight, seven, seven, two, zero, seven, two, two, seven, six. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at eight, seven, seven, two, zero, seven, two, two, seven, six. Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody. Welcome back to the show. Let's see bottom of the hour and we have three open lines.

Eight, seven, seven, two, zero, seven, two, two, seven, six. All right. Let's get on the air with, let's see.

I am Bojo from Louisiana. Welcome. You're on the air. Hey Matt, I am back with you and I'm glad I enjoyed your hate mail deal just a minute ago, but it was pretty interesting. Yeah, I know what it is, but I enjoy it. I enjoy the insults. I just get a kid out of it.

I don't know why, but most people, most people, they don't, they don't depressed. Someone insulted me. I just love it. And so, you know, I make a good public figure in the sense of, hey, send me your hate mail. I love it.

It's awesome. So anyway. Yeah, I got you. But anyway, last time we talked, I mentioned the first time was in, I think, First Corinthians chapter two, 14, about the mind of Christ.

You recollect that one. And then the last time I called, I said, Christ and Messiah are two words, neither of which refers to God. And I think you said that I was wrong. Well, Messiah in Christ is anointed to what refers to Jesus, who is God in flesh. Okay. All right, you there? How is, yeah, yeah, I mean, but I don't understand exactly what you mean when you say he is God in flesh.

Okay. So the doctrine of the Trinity is that there's one God in three distinct, simultaneous, co-eternal persons. When we say person, we don't mean like you and me, which is a separate being.

We mean the attributes of personhood, being self-aware, aware of others, can speak, can love, can hate, things like that. And we see the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We see that the Father speaks to the Son and the Son speaks to the Father. The Son speaks about the Holy Spirit. The Father and the Son send the Holy Spirit, yet all three are called God. So this is how the doctrine of the Trinity is arrived at.

Now, I can get into it a lot more, but I just want to lay a real brief foundation there. Biblically speaking, it is the Word that became flesh. John 1, 1, in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Verse 14, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

So God became flesh and dwelt among us. But this is the second person of the Trinity. And what we say in biblical theology is that Jesus has two natures, a divine nature and a human nature, and we call this the hypostatic union, that in the one person of Christ are two distinct natures, a divine and human one, and that's who Jesus is. So we have to be careful with the fallacy of equivocation, because a lot of people fail to understand when we say Jesus is God. We don't mean he's the creator God and the totality of God, because God's only one person.

That's who Jesus is. Nope, we mean he's God and that he is divine. The same way the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, each are the one being who is God, but each of the persons shares the divine essence. And so Jesus is God in the sense that he is divine. He is the Word, second person of the Trinity, who became flesh. So I teach on this a lot, and I answer questions about this a lot, and then we get other doctors too related to God, the Trinity, and the person of Christ, okay? There's several people that are, you know, into teaching that doctrine of the Trinity.

Yes, that's true. I just hadn't seen it make sense. Let me ask you this. Let's do an analogy. Time is yesterday, today, and tomorrow, past, present, and future, right? Yes, today was, today is, yes, sir, yesterday was, today is, and tomorrow will be, I got ready. And they are all time, right? So time is past, present, and future, right?

Would you agree? Yeah. And then, would you then say that the present is also the same thing as the past and the future? Are they the same?

Well, there's a way we could say yes and no. They're the same in that, well, time is what it is, but there's different aspects of time that we look at, the past, the present, and future. We actually divide time up into three aspects, past, present, and future, yet they are all the one thing, time.

God is the one thing, God, who has three aspects, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Okay? Yeah. Now, I don't mind today, yesterday, and tomorrow, but I thought ancient of days, where does that fit in? Well, that's just a phrase. The ancient of days? Yeah, it's a phrase used in... Would that make it before time? It's a phrase used in Daniel, and it's in reference in Daniel 7 to the one who is the ancient of days, and most people think it is a pre-incarnate Jesus. We call it the pre-incarnate Christ. So when Adam and Eve were in the garden, for example, they're walking with the Lord.

The Lord walked with them. And we know from the Scriptures that God, the Father, has never been seen. Jesus says so in John 646, Paul the Apostle says that God the Father cannot be seen. He dwells in unapproachable light, who no man has seen, or can see, that's what Jesus says. Actually, 1 Timothy 6, 16, Paul says that no man has seen or can see. And so he knows about Adam walking in the garden with God, who was never the Father who was seen. He was the pre-incarnate Christ, and he's called God. This is what the Scriptures reveal, the one being who is the Trinity, God, and we believe that He's one substance, one thing, one essence, the one being. And when He reveals Himself to us, He reveals Himself as three simultaneous persons.

It's not impossible, but it is paradoxical. The same way how is time able to be both, or each, past, present, and future, yet we only occupy one of them. And they are realities, and some physicists talk about A theories, B theories of time, and time's really quite an interesting topic.

Is it the fourth dimension, as Einstein implied? So it's really interesting, but as we perceive time as past, present, and future, we're seeing the three things at the same time, but we only experience, in our realm, we only experience one that's present. So you could look at it this way, that we only experience Jesus, which is not exactly true, we experience the Father and the Holy Spirit too, but the emphasis of the indwelling of God in us and upon us is through the present, through Jesus, who is the one present with us, eternally. And He is also the one in the past who manifested Himself, the pre-incarnate Christ, to Adam, to Moses, and to others, and He will forever be the one with whom we indwell, and we will know God through Him, who Himself is God, the way present is time, and we recognize what time is through our experience of the present, and that's how we recognize what time is. We will recognize what God is through our experience in the presentness of Jesus.

Okay? Well, yeah, I thought Jesus was present with God in heaven. He is, because He has two natures, yes He is, He has two natures, He is both divine and human, God and man.

So because of the attributes of divinity, He is everywhere all the time, and yet He is also one of us, and so He is localized also. When I read here where in chapter 17 of Genesis, Abram was 99 years old, it says, the Lord appeared to Abram and said, I am God Almighty. Now, am I supposed to believe that was Jesus? Pre-incarnate Christ, Jesus did not come into existence until about 2,000 years ago. Jesus is by definition the word that was joined to a human nature, and that union is the person of Jesus. But the divine nature of Jesus was eternal, was the pre-incarnate, and that's who was walking with Abraham in Genesis 17.1 and 18.1. That's who it was, the pre-incarnate Christ. Claiming to be God Almighty.

Yes, He is. Because remember, in Exodus 6 or Exodus 3.14 and 15, God appears to Moses at the burning bush, and Moses says, well, what's your name? And God says, my name is I am. I am that I am. Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, I am has sent me to you.

And Jesus says in John 8.24, unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins. Okay? Hey, hold on. We've got a break. All right. Bye. Hold on. Hey, folks.

There we are at a break. And if you are interested, you can stay tuned. We'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking a call at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Hello, everybody. Welcome back to the show.

Let's get back on here with Bojo, I guess. So you stay there? Yes, sir. All right. Yes, sir. I'm still here and I'm and I'm looking at the Bible in front of me and and I see in Luke chapter 4 that Jesus is asked for the book of Isaiah, the prophet. It's in chapter 4, verse 17.

Okay. Jesus said, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He anointed me. Yes. That's the Trinity to preach the Father to the poor and the Father anointed him.

Absolutely. The anointing was with the Holy Spirit. And that's what happened. It is baptism. The Father said, my beloved son, who am I well pleased and the Holy Spirit came upon Him.

All three are there at the same time. I read earlier that that Gabriel said the Holy Spirit would cause Mary to be with child. Yes, but that's a different topic altogether. It just overshadowed Mary and she became pregnant.

Okay. Now, if you were if you were to go to Mark, for example, all right, this is a lot of people don't realize that Mark actually promotes Jesus being God in flesh because in Mark, verse 2, it says, as it is written in Isaiah, the prophet, behold, I will send a messenger ahead of you who will prepare your way. The voice of one crying in the wilderness, make way to make ready the way of the Lord, make His path straight. So that phrase make way, make ready the way the Lord is from Isaiah 40, verse 3. And that word Lord there in Isaiah 40, verse 3 is Yahweh. It means the name of God and what it says here in Mark 1, verse 1, the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the son of God, as it is written in Isaiah, the prophet. So it's about Jesus who's and that the messenger that's on the Baptist is to prepare John.

The Baptist is to prepare the way of Jehovah of Yahweh, the name of God. That's Jesus. Okay. The Lord or the Messiah, wouldn't it? Yes.

Yes. That's who Jesus is. He has two natures, a divine nature and a human nature.

He's both God and flesh. I'm having trouble with, I'm having trouble with my connection. I can't. Okay.

My phone is breaking up. So anyway, thank you, Matt. I'll check back with you soon. All right.

And if you go to another format, I'll try to keep up. All right. Thank you.

If you go to the CARM website, go to the doctrine section and just read the articles about who Jesus is. There's a lot there. I've been talking about this, teaching on it, and writing about it for decades. Okay. Okay.

All right. Now let's get on the air with Jay from Dallas, Texas. Jay, welcome.

You're on the air. Hi. Hi.

I was just curious. Jesus. No, he fought for three years, right?

He what? Three years? Supposedly. He talked for three years. And is that not enough time to teach the truth? Yes.

And he supposedly died or whatever at 33. But is that not enough time to explain how the Trinity works? Yes, it would be enough time to explain how the Trinity works if he chose to do that. Isn't he supposed to be from God and he has knowledge of God and all that stuff?

Yes. He could have taught it, but the truth is, is like the Trinity isn't a real thing. It was invented, and what is it, none of the previous servants taught this concept either. So what is the Trinity?

I believe it's because of the Bible. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.

Excuse me. Stop. Stop. Stop. Let me ask you some questions. It's not your radio show. Now let me ask you, do you know what the Trinity is? It's a lie. Yeah.

No, no, no. I'm going to answer the questions or I'm going to get rid of you. I'm asking you, I'm trying to be polite with you. I'm just asking you, what is the Trinity? Define what it is first. What is it? The belief, the belief that within the Godhead there are three co-equal, co-eternal, co-substantial separate persons.

These persons are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Very good. Okay, I'm impressed. Very good. Okay. You've earned the right to be able to talk about this because you know what it is.

Thank you. Now, is Jesus called God? No. So he's not? Then what about Hebrews 1.8 where it says, and God is Father speaking, he says, but of the Son he says, thy throne, oh God is forever and ever. So how is it that he's not called God if he's called God right there?

Because something can't be God and man at the same time. That's a logical fallacy. No, it's not. No, it's not. Okay.

Excuse me. You, I asked you a specific question. I asked you in the Bible, is he called God?

You said no. I then went right to a verse where he is called God and you ignored it. So but of the Son, he says, thy throne, oh God is forever and ever. So God in the context here, the Father is calling the Son God. Do you admit that this is what the text says?

No. Well, then you deny scripture, so if you were going to tell me, you deny what it says, I'm just reading it to you, but of the Son, he says, your throne, oh God is forever and ever. I just read you, Hebrews 1.8 there. So you deny that, right? Can we prove the Son of God comes up wrong? Can I help you prove it wrong? It's called falsification, but you can't because I just showed you where it says the Son is called God. So you have to deal with this.

Don't forget about all the other sons God has in the Bible. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Right here.

Right here. For to what, to verse 5 of Hebrews 1, for which of the angels did he ever say, you are my son, today I've begotten you. So he's, he's distinguishing Jesus from the angels. And again, I'll be a father to him, to him and he'll she'll be a son to me. And when he again brings the first born into the world, he says, let all the angels of God worship him. Is that man?

Is that angels to be worshiped? Is Proskanetto? Are you a Jehovah's Witness? The word is trust in me. No.

Proskanetto. Are you a Jehovah's Witness? God, no. Are you a Jehovah's?

Jehovah's Witnesses were invented. Okay. I, I just ask, are you Jehovah's Witness? That's all I asked.

The answer is yes or no. N-O. N-O. Okay. Thank you.

So have you done a word study on Proskanetto versus Lutre'o? Um, I've looked deeper into the meanings and behind them and it does in fact show that he's like, uh, there's a hidden meaning just like when it says, I am, it's ego-e-me. It's ego-e-me. It's ego-e-me. It's ego-e-me.

Hold on. What he's doing, he says, let all the angels of God worship him. He's quoting Psalm 97, verse 7, which says, uh, uh, you know, he's talking about worshiping.

That's what it's talking about there in the, in the actual... Don't forget about all the other people in the Bible who are worshiped too. Excuse, excuse me. Excuse me.

The word is trust in you. I know what it is. I, I told you first, it's Proskanetto. Okay. Excuse me. Excuse me. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

You need to think. I'm showing you from the scriptures. I'm showing you where it says worship because the word worship is, it's from the Old Testament Psalms 97, verse 7, and it's the word worship there in the Hebrew and they're quoting it in reference to Jesus.

That's why it's referenced in the English as worship. That's why it says in, uh, in, um, he was one eight, but of the son, he says, thy throne, oh God is forever and ever. He's quoting Psalm 45, verse 6. So yeah, I saw this on, you quote John one, one a lot. Those are the words of Jesus, nor are those words attributed to him.

Those were invented. Jay, Jay, I'm showing you what the scripture is, Jay, I'm showing you what the scriptures call him. And where he's worshiped behind them and you should look them up.

And so you, Jay, Jay, wait a second, proof that the Bible is not the word of God is from what verse? Acts. What? Actually. I'm sorry, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, you talk about, hey, hey, hey, stop, stop.

Look, all the way up. Okay. I want you to stop for a second. Okay. You don't need to be an obstreperous twit. You need to pay attention and you need to focus, all right? Don't sit here and try and commandeer my radio show that I pay for and then start rattling off stuff at 80 miles an hour.

I'm trying to have a conversation with you. Go ahead. Are you aware of textual criticism and the issues of the different manuscripts?

Yes, I've looked into it and I've read more German books, Robert Price books. Excuse me. I just asked. I just asked. I didn't ask you what books you read. Do you think, I don't know how to ask a question. I don't say, hey, tell me anything you want to say. Go ahead. It's your show. I'm not telling you that. I just asked. Are you familiar with textual criticism? That's all I asked.

The answer is yes or no. Okay, great. Then you are aware, hopefully, of the textual variants that occur occasionally and Acts 3 or excuse me, 837 is one of them. It doesn't prove the Bible's false. It just means it's ancient and there's a textual variant there. That's all it means. Well, actually, there's other stuff, too.

There's other sources. Let's go. Hey, guy. Guy.

When I bring some. Okay. All right. Okay.

Okay. We're done. We're done.

We're done. Notice how he doesn't listen. And notice this. I hung up on him. Notice what happens. I show him something and notice how he ignores it and then goes to something else. I'll give him a couple of tries, but he's just not listening.

And he has an agenda and he's not open for dialogue. Let's get to... Let's see. The next longest would be Leon from Utah. Hey, Leon. Welcome. You're on the air, buddy.

Leon. Hello. Caught you. Caught you. Caught you. Caught you. Caught you. Caught you. Hey, Leon.

That's what you're doing, but I won't. So what do you got, man? I had a question about Job 2 and 2.

Job 2 too. All right. Yep.

So... Yes. The Lord said to see where you come from.

From roaming about in the earth. Okay. Mm-hmm. All right. So, but he says, from going to and from in, and put this on the, in the earth. What like, people are like, oh, well, hell was, must be in the earth because it says in the earth.

Safety walks in the earth, but I'm like, I beg your difference. Can you help you explain that? Well what you do, what I would recommend that you do is go to, like, Look up Job 2 too, and look at the interlinear, and look at words. I can do this real quickly. I'm like, you got a lot of noise, go out of the background there, okay?

So I can look and find out what the words are, what the translations are, and things like that, but trying to give you tools to be able to do it yourself. And the Hebrew translators render it in different Bibles differently, walking around on the earth, and as does the ESV, and the King James says, walking up and down in it, dude, what are you doing? Okay, okay. We're going to move on. Got a lot of noise, or I meant to put them on hold, I hung up on them accidentally.

So there's a lot of background noise, and we're not going to, we're not going to do that. Sorry, Alberto, by the time you ask your question, we're going to be out of time, because we're almost out of time here. So I'm just going to say that what we do in a case like Job 2 too is simply look at the other translations, see how the scholars are doing it.

And this is why another reason I say, stay away from the King James, sorry, but if you want to do good apologetics and be less confused, don't use the King James, use NASB, or the ESV, or other Bibles like that. Sorry, we're out of time, but interesting show today. May the Lord bless you, and by his grace. We're back on the air on Monday, and I hope you have a great weekend, and please check out forward slash C-A-R-M-O-R-G, carm org, that's the website, and we're going to be adding to that as time goes on. May the Lord bless you, we'll talk to you next week, folks, God bless, bye. Your program, powered by the Truth Network.
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