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Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gifts | Part 2

Love Worth Finding / Adrian Rogers
The Truth Network Radio
February 4, 2021 7:00 am

Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gifts | Part 2

Love Worth Finding / Adrian Rogers

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February 4, 2021 7:00 am

When we are born again and become children of God, we receive one or more spiritual gifts. Discovering, developing, and putting to work our spiritual gifts is how we find joy and fulfillment in this Christian life. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains how children of God can unwrap their spiritual gifts.

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What are our spiritual gifts?

Welcome to Love Worth Finding. Pastor, teacher and author Adrian Rogers said, Now, when you got saved, you got your spiritual gift. Just as you got your natural proclivities, when you were born naturally, you get your supernatural proclivities, when you are supernaturally born, and your spiritual gift is a salvation gift. When the Holy Spirit came to you, you got your spiritual gift. When the Holy Spirit came into you, he did not come in empty-handed. When you were born, you were born a gifted child.

Do you have that? When you were born spiritually, when you were born again, you were born a gifted child, and for by one spirit have we all been baptized into one body. The moment the Holy Spirit of God placed you into the body of Christ, he placed you into the body of Christ to do a particular thing. Everybody has a ministry. Now, you may not have a ministry because you don't know you have a ministry, but you have a ministry.

That is that when you were saved, you had a sovereign supernatural gift that God equipped you with. Now, you may not yet have discovered it. A little baby that's born in the natural world has hands. Have you ever watched a baby discover his hands? That little baby, when it's born, doesn't know it has hands, but later on, that baby can become an artist, a pianist, a violinist, a surgeon, as he learns how to use these hands. But he didn't get the hands later on. The parents didn't take the baby back to the hospital and say, now put the hands on. The hands came at birth. The child has to discover his hands. The child has to develop his hands and then deploy his hands and put his hands to work.

Do you have it? These gifts are salvation gifts. Now, let me say something else.

They are support gifts. Look, if you will, in verse 17 of this same chapter. It says, if the whole body were an eye, you today were 195-pound eyeball. If the whole body were an eye, you couldn't hear a thing, could you?

But you could sure see good. If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? In other words, suppose you are a great big ear, but you can't smell anything. But now notice, but God hath set the members, every one of them, in the body as it hath pleased him. And he goes on to say that the eye needs the ear and the nose needs the rest of the body and so forth.

What's he saying? That God gave us different gifts. And the reason that God gave us different gifts is to make us one.

Now, if you don't learn anything else that I'm trying to say to you today, I want you to learn this. That God made us different that he might make us one. God gave me some gifts he didn't give you. God gave you some gifts he didn't give me. And each of us have individual gifts. And together we must depend upon one another and that is what makes the church the church.

These are support gifts. And therefore, if you try to exercise your gift apart from your relationship to the body, it's going to be absurd. Now, my hand, there's my hand. There's nothing particularly wrong with that hand.

I think it's a pretty nice hand myself. And I don't think you'd necessarily repulse by it. But if it were cut off from my body and flung out there on the floor, I think you'd say ugh. If you walked in and saw a hand lying on the floor this morning, you'd say that's grotesque.

That's repulsive. The hand is significant only as it is a part of the body. Your spiritual gift is here to support the rest of the body to profit the whole body. God put us in the body and God gave us gifts to support one another. It is sheer pride for you to say I don't need the church. You need the church.

And I'm going to tell you something else. The church needs you. Now, let's talk about the diversity of the gifts. There are many, many gifts. You say, well, pastor, if I am a gifted child, I want to know what my spiritual gift is.

Well, I'm going to read some of the gifts here and I want you to see if you can hear your name called. Look in verse 4. There are diversities of gifts.

Diversities of gifts. Now, let's skip down to verse 8 and begin to look at them. In verse 8, he mentions wisdom. For by one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom. What is wisdom? Wisdom is a spiritual gift. Have you ever known people who are gifted with wisdom? I'm not talking about common sense.

You can be unsaved and have common sense. I'm not talking about horse sense. You know what horse sense is? That's what keeps a horse from betting on a track meet. That's horse sense.

But I'm not talking about that. Wisdom is not common sense. It is uncommon sense. People who have the gift of wisdom make wonderful, wonderful counselors.

Maybe that is your gift. Or in verse 8, a word of knowledge. Now, it doesn't say that you know everything.

Nobody knows everything. But the charismatic gift of knowledge is the ability to know things that you could not know apart from the anointing, the guidance, the giftedness of the Holy Spirit of God. The devil's counterfeit of this is clairvoyance. But you can know things through the Spirit that you couldn't know any other way. The gift of faith, he describes it in chapter 13, verse 1. If I have faith that could remove mountains, this is mountain-moving faith. I thank God that he puts in the church people who have this kind of faith.

And I know some in this church how they encourage me because of their great and strong and mighty faith. And then in verse 9, he speaks of the gift of healing. Actually, the Greek word is healings, plural, because there are all kinds of healings. There are physical healings, mental healings, spiritual healings. And there are some that God has given the ability to heal. This does not mean if you're a doctor that you have the gift of healing, you can be saved and have the gift of healing and not be a doctor. You can read the Bible and you can see that there are gifts of healing. But, of course, God uses medicine and thank God for medicine. Jesus said, They that are whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. Jesus said, Sick people need a doctor.

That's pretty good advice to me. They that are whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. But they are the gifts of healing. Then there are gifts of miracles. Now look, if you will, in verse 10, to another, the working of miracles. Pastor, do you believe in miracles? Of course I believe in miracles.

Why? Number one, I believe the Bible. Number two, I believe there is a God. And to say there cannot be miracles is simply to limit God and to say that God is the prisoner of the world that he has created. Are there miracle workers today? There probably are.

Do you know any? No, I don't. Do you think it would be wonderful if we had some miracle workers today? Do you think there would be miracle workers in our church?

Well, they'd be nice. But I'll tell you this, that miracles are not much good in converting the unsaved. As a matter of fact, Jesus had to step over the miracle mongers in order to do his ministry sometime. But there are miracles that are performed.

And you're going to find as you study the Bible that miracles came mostly in clusters. There were the miracles surrounding the creation. There were the miracles, for example, surrounding the ministry of Elijah and Elijah. There were the miracles surrounding the ministry of Jesus. The miracles surrounding the ministry of the apostles and the miracles that are prophesied for the last days. And so there are gifts of miracles. You say, well, if your spirit filled, will you do miracles?

Not necessarily. The Bible says that John the Baptist was filled with the spirit from his mother's womb. But notice what the Bible said about John the Baptist in John 10, verses 41 and 42. Everything that John said about Jesus is true. And many believed on him, on Jesus there.

What a blessing. I tell you what, I'd rather have the power to point men to Jesus like John did than to raise the dead. I mean that with all of my heart and soul. John did no miracle. He was a spirit-filled man. But the ministry of John was that he pointed men to Jesus Christ. Now, maybe miracles are your gift. Then there's a gift of prophecy in verse 10. Now, what is prophecy? Prophecy is not primarily foretelling. It is foretelling. Although the prophets did sometimes foretell. There is the office of the prophet, like Isaiah and Jeremiah, and there's the ministry of prophecy.

You say, Pastor Rogers, what do you think your gift is? I think it is prophecy. I think it is prophecy. Well, what is prophecy? Prophecy is not telling people off. That's not what the gift of prophecy is.

Friend, not at all. If you want to know what the gift of prophecy is, 1 Corinthians, chapter 14, verse 3. Edification and exhortation and comfort.

There you have it. That's the three-fold ministry. Edification, exhortation and comfort. What is edification? To build up. What is exhortation? That is to fire up.

What is comfort? That is to shore up. I believe that that is one of the gifts that is greatly needed and specially to preach the Word of God. As a matter of fact, if you read chapter 14, you're going to find out that he spends almost an entire chapter showing the superiority of prophecy over tongues. And there is the gift of prophecy, to build up, to fire up, to shore up people. Now, there's another gift in verse 10, and that is the discerning of spirits.

Now, what does that mean? Well, we live in a world that is filled with malevolent spirits, wicked spirits, evil spirits, vile spirits, demon spirits. Do you believe in demons, Pastor? Yes, I believe there are demons. I'm not trusting them, but I believe concerning them that demons exist. And I believe these demons are lying spirits. And Satan himself has transformed himself as an angel of light and God gives some people a spirit of discernment. They can look in and say, that is of the devil. It's the devil parading around in an angel's garb.

It's a wolf in sheep's clothing. And we need in the church today those who have the discerning of spirits giftedness. It's a greatly needed gift. Then he mentions in verse 10 the gift of tongues, glossa, glossalalia, speaking in tongues. The word glossa means tongue or language.

In the back of your book is a glossary. In many books that means it's a listing of words, an explanation of words. And what is the gift of tongues? The gift of tongues is a supernatural gift to praise God in a foreign language that you have never learned.

On the day of Pentecost the apostles who had this gift began to praise God. And people from every nation under heaven that were there in Jerusalem heard them speak in his own language. They were praising God not in an unknown tongue, but in a known tongue. The word unknown is supposed to be supplied by the translators.

It's not there in the original. It simply is the word tongue, language, a foreign language. And these people were impressed.

They were impressed. They said, how did you learn these languages? We never learned them. The Bible says that tongues are not for a sign to believers, but to unbelievers. Tongues are not a sign to God's people about anything.

They are a sign to unbelievers. Paul said, I speak with tongues more than you all. Where did he do it?

On the mission field. God supernaturally gifted him. And it may be that God would give you the gift to praise Him in a language that you've never learned to convince unbelievers that they might come to the Lord Jesus Christ. Then there's the gift of the interpretation of tongues. What is the gift of interpretation of tongues?

Well, the word interpretation is the normal word which means the translation. Let's suppose that we had a busload of Russian tourists to come in here today. Let's say they're Russian Jews because tongues were primarily a sign to Jews.

And let's say that they were to come into this service and sit down today. And suppose that God were to touch me and give me the ability in perfect, fluent Russian to begin to praise God. I don't know Russian, but I begin to praise God in a foreign language. I begin to speak and say, Jesus, you're wonderful. How I love you.

I praise you. And these people come to me and they say, where did you learn Russian? I don't know Russian. Well, friend, they are convinced that something supernatural is going on. If I'm up here speaking in Russian, you're saying, what on earth is the pastor saying?

You don't know. Well, then he'd have to have the gift of interpretation of somebody because nobody's to be in the dark. I am praising God in a language I have never learned. You're interpreting a language supernaturally. God has given you the ability and so everybody is blessed and everybody is convinced and nobody is sitting in the dark.

These are spiritual gifts. And God does that. Now, does God still do that today? He can if He wants. He's God and I have resigned from being God.

Now, let me tell you something, friend. God is God and God can do whatever He wants whenever He wishes. But if He does do what He does, He's not going to contradict His Word right here in the Bible. Well, you say, pastor, I've been going down the list and I haven't found mine.

All right. Just turn to Romans chapter 12 and let's look at the other list because this is not the only list. Romans chapter 12 beginning in verse 4, he speaks of some more spiritual gifts.

For as we have many members in one body and all members have not the same office, so we being many are one body in Christ and everyone members one of another. That is, these are support gifts. Now look in verse 6, having then gifts differing. All right.

We're still on the same subject, still tracking. Okay. Having then gifts differing according to the grace, the word grace, charismata, according to the word grace, according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy. What is prophecy?

We've already mentioned that. It might be your gift of preaching, jail services, mission work, or ministry. Look, if you will, in verse 7. Ministry is acts of service. And oh, we need this gift.

Thank God for this gift. This is general church work. Those who type, those who usher, those who coach, those who work in the nursery. You say it doesn't take supernatural strength to work in the nursery.

No. Listen, the gift of ministry, a greatly needed gift. You ought to do every committee meeting, every choir practice, everything that we do ought to be done in the power of the Holy Spirit. Then he mentions the gift of teaching. Thank God for the gift of teaching. Now a gift of gab won't make you a teacher, but the Holy Spirit of God can in Sunday school, whether you're a missionary teacher, in mission organizations. If you're a mother, you might have the charismatic gift to teach your children at home.

Thank God if you have it. Then he mentions the gift of exhortation. What is the gift of exhortation? It's greatly needed in the music ministry. Have you ever heard a singer stand up and sing, maybe not have the same voice quality that somebody else has, but when they sing, God is all over them. And the message just comes home to your heart, and you are blessed and moved.

Why? Because it is more than just a display of beautiful music. They are exhorting you. They are firing you up. That's the gift of exhortation.

If you have it, fine. There's the gift of giving. Now all of us are to give like all of us to have faith, but thank God there is the gift of giving.

What is the gift of giving? It is the ability to make money and to give money wisely and to give money sacrificially. There's the gift of ruling.

He mentions that here in this same passage. What is the gift of ruling? It is the ability to coach, and you're coaching for Jesus and leading boys and girls, and you have the gift of ruling.

It means administration and leadership. There's the gift of mercy. Oh, how we need the gift of mercy, and maybe that is your gift. What is mercy?

It is showing the love of Jesus Christ. These people have the gift of mercy. We have many of them in our church, in hospital visitation, benevolence committees, in counseling.

They are the people who love and wrap arms of love around people. Thank God for church that has the gifts of mercy. Now, let me talk to you about the discovery of your gift.

How can you discover your gift? Let me give you three principles. You're here still in Romans chapter 12. First of all is the principle of lordship. Look in Romans chapter 12 verses 1 and 2. Romans chapter 12 verse 1 and 2. Verse 1 and 2. Verse 1 and 2. First principle is the principle of lordship.

Second principle is the principle of stewardship. And finally, according as God has dealt to every man, the measure of faith. Three times there he says, think, think, think. Now, God has given you a gift. You're to be a steward of that gift. You're not to sit soaked and sour, but you're to say, now God, if you have given me a gift, what is my gift? Now, in verse 2, the Bible says that you're going to renew your mind. Well, if God gave you a renewed mind, what do you think you ought to do with it? May I suggest that you think with it?

Wouldn't that be a good idea? If God gave you a renewed mind, wouldn't it be a good idea if you have a renewed mind that you began to think? And how does he say to think?

To think, not more highly than you ought to think. Not to think that you have some gift that you don't have. You know, not to say I have this gift or I have that gift. But on the other hand, don't say you don't have a gift. Because if you say you don't have a gift, you insult God to think soberly according as God has dealt to every man a measure of faith.

God has given you a gift. You're a steward over it. There's the principle of lordship, the principle of stewardship. Now, here's the key in the wonderful thing. There is the principle of fellowship. Look, if you will, now in verses 4 and 5. There is the principle of lordship, the principle of stewardship, and the principle of fellowship. Now what does that mean?

Well, in plain English, listen, in plain English it means this. You belong to me and I belong to you. Do you know how you can discover your gift? Let me tell you how you can discover your gift.

Get in the body of Christ and go to work. It's hard to steer a ship that's not moving. How does my hand know it is a hand?

It can function in the body. How does my mouth know that my hand is a hand? My hand feeds my mouth. Now what I'm trying to say is this, that if God is giving you a gift, God will be confirming that gift to somebody else and your gift is going to bubble up. It's going to come out as you get in the church and you go to work. And you're going to find your brothers and sisters saying, would you do this? Would you help me here? May I talk to you? May I counsel with you? Would you please sing this song for me? Would you tell me what this verse of Scripture means?

And on and on you're going to find your gift coming to the surface. Why? Because we're members one of five.

We're not another. And you put those three principles together, the principle of lordship. You just say, Lord, I present my body to you. He'll renew your mind.

Then the principle of stewardship. God, if you gave me a gift, I'm going to think, what is it that I like to do? What is it that I feel good about doing? You need a ministry. And God has given you a gift. And the word charis means both grace and it means joy. When your grace gift comes and you put it to work, then the joy of the Lord is going to begin to flow.

In your heart. And when your grace gift comes, you put it to work, right? Have you experienced the joy of God's love flowing in and through your heart as you've served him with your spiritual gift? We love presenting opportunities for listeners to utilize their gifts. And one of them is our prayer wall.

You'll find it at the homepage. You'll pray for others. This resource is one of our favorite ways to keep the ministry and the community praying continually for each other's needs.

Let us hear from you today. Again, go to slash radio and scroll down to our prayer wall. Now, if you'd like to order a copy of today's lesson, unwrapping your spiritual gift, mention that title when you call to order at 1-877-LOVEGOD. This message is also part of the insightful Back to the Basic series where that complete collection, all 18 powerful messages. Again, call 877-LOVEGOD, or you can order online at slash radio or write us at Love Worth Finding Box 38600, Memphis, Tennessee 38183. Many of the messages in this series are also featured in our new resource, the What Every Christian Ought to Know Study.

You can utilize this tool at slash radio. Do you know your spiritual gift? Have you presented yourself to the Lord? Have you decided to be a good steward of whatever the Holy Spirit has confirmed in you?

Are you serving faithfully in your church? Spend some time thinking over these questions and be sure to join us next time for more real truth that never changes right here on Love Worth Finding. One of our Facebook friends sent a note that said, there are no words large enough for me to describe how much these messages mean to me. I am so incredibly grateful that God provided a way for these inspiring messages to be preserved and presented for many years to come.

Well, we are honored to share these timeless truths at a time when truth seems scarce. You know, at Love Worth Finding, we believe it's more important now than ever before to keep Christ at the center of our home. And when you donate to the ministry right now, we want to send you our It Takes a Family booklet collection. This bundle features four powerful booklets that deal with family matters from a godly perspective so that you and yours can honor God in the home. Request that bundle when you call with a gift right now at 1-877-LOVEGOD or give online at slash radio. And again, thanks for your generous support of Love Worth Finding. Thank you.
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