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Obedience: The First Step of Faith

Leading the Way / Michael Youssef
The Truth Network Radio
November 2, 2021 8:00 am

Obedience: The First Step of Faith

Leading the Way / Michael Youssef

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November 2, 2021 8:00 am

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With insight into chasing after God, Dr. Michael Youssef.

How many times have you come to your end of your resources and said to yourself, this is where I will settle? And God is saying, no, I want to take you further. Don't let fear keep you from going further. Don't let fatigue stop you from climbing the mountain of God. There are lessons that's to be learned as you keep on going. Welcome to Leading the Way with pastor and author, Dr. Michael Youssef.

Passionately proclaiming uncompromising truth in 27 languages all around the world. One of the most beloved men in the Bible is Abraham. And today, Dr. Youssef begins a deep dive into Abraham's life, his choices and his failures.

All of these ingredients coming together in his legendary faith. Do remember that Leading the Way is listener supported. To stand with Dr. Youssef, call 866-626-4356. Or you can visit us online at Let's join Dr. Michael Youssef now in Genesis chapter 11. I had an opportunity to listen to a speech that was given by a leader in the art community. This speech was given in a local school.
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