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Q&A With Koloff- #141

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff
The Truth Network Radio
October 3, 2023 1:00 am

Q&A With Koloff- #141

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff

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October 3, 2023 1:00 am

Today, Nikita speaks with Lex Lugar for another great episode of questions and answers.

It's Time to Man Up!
Nikita Koloff
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This is the Truth Network. Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one flaw. Introducing first, from Lithuania, he weighs 123 kilos, the Russian nightmare, Nikita Kolov. Welcome to another episode of Q&A with Kolov, the devil's nightmare. Today, today, on the Q&A, this is extra special for me today because I have, well, I call him my peak performance partner. We have been accountability partners over the years. We have learned from each other.

We have encouraged one another. And if you're an avid wrestling fan, you might know his, gosh, my mind just went blank. Well, let's just say that he was known as the total package. All right, I'm going to give you just 10 seconds to think about who I'm talking about. Some of you have already figured it out.

Some of you have not, but that's okay. With me today, Lex Luger. Welcome to Q&A with Kolov, Lex. Hey, glad to be here. Thank you. Well, great to have you with us.

And, you know, Lex, there may be actually one or two people out there who don't know who Lex Luger is, believe it or not, you know. So let's just give a quick synopsis. Born and raised in Buffalo, New York, right? Correct. Beautiful Buffalo. Beautiful Buffalo.

And by the way, your brother Barry still lives back in Buffalo, is that right? Big Bear still in Buffalo. The Big Bear.

The Big Bear. I want to get him out of there. He loves it. You're trying to pry him out of Buffalo?

I'd like to be nearby me. I'm down in Atlanta, but selfishly, but he loves Buffalo. I love Buffalo, too. But things are location-wise better for me in Atlanta to make a long story short right now, but yeah, he's born and raised.

He's a Buffalo boy, Big Bear. And Buffalo, just for those who don't know, just really considered a blue collar city? Yeah, great folks. Great atmosphere there. City of Good Neighbors, it's called. It was a great place to go off. I love to go back. Got so many friends there and just still have family there.

Love it. Great, great place. And so you're down in Atlanta and your sister is in Atlanta, correct?

Correct. Yeah, my family. Good part of my family lives here in Atlanta now. Nephews, nephews, nieces, right? Yeah. And so it gives you the opportunity, really gives you the opportunity really to really enjoy a lot of the family down there.

Now, does Barry ever... I still travel a lot. I'm an ambassador with WBE and do quite a few events with faith-based events, et cetera. And if you have to fly, Atlanta has those direct flights anywhere, which is nice. Yeah, Atlanta is a good hub for flying. So Barb is in Atlanta, Barry is up in Buffalo. And does Barry... I think you told me in the past, when I said pry Barry away from... Like, he doesn't travel much, right? No, I tell him he's a hermit. He comes down to Atlanta and he wants to turn around and drive back the next day. He's like, my dad was the same way. My dad would like to sleep in his own bed, in his own house.

My brother does not like to travel. No doubt about it. And so...

Which is the opposite of you. You love travel. Yeah, I do. I guess you might say... A road warrior. Yeah, it is in my blood. I predated the road warriors, I think, actually. And some don't know.

Now, Lex, you'll know. When you came into the Carolina Territory, I mean, we were averaging, at least I was averaging, anywhere from 2,000 to 2,500 miles a week in an automobile back in the old Territory days. Oh, easily. Absolutely.

Yeah. You remember some of those road... Hey, I'll never... I'm having a flashback right now.

I'll do a rubber on an asphalt, man. I'm telling you. I'm having a flashback. I don't know where... You and I, we're riding to a town together.

I'll never forget this, right? We're riding to a town together. We're actually just leaving Charlotte. You're driving. And so I'm in the passenger... I'm riding shotgun.

I'm co-piling. I'm in the passenger seat. And I'll... And you may or may not remember this conversation, but we're in... And you were driving a Mercedes Benz, and it was the big one. Red, tiny new one, top end. Yeah, like a...

I mean, what was it, like a 5-6? Mr. Boyer, goodbye. I can assume my consultant was on that. Who? Mr.

Image Enhancement. Rick? Rick?

Flair. I said, Rick, I want to go buy a car. He goes, go here. I go, what should I get? He goes, nothing but the top end Mercedes.

I don't buy anything else. My gosh. I walked in there, man, that car, I was like, it blew my mind how expensive it was. I was... And then I asked Rick, hey, Rick, where do I tint the windows? It's hot in the summer. And he goes, don't you tint those windows.

You want to bring a series driving it. Well... Rick is... Man, people don't realize Rick lived it, didn't he? Oh, my gosh.

Oh, he still does, lived it, breathed it. But it was like a, I don't know, like a 5-60 or something, whatever the biggest, like you said, the biggest one, right? Top-end Mercedes, Mercedes, yeah. But here's the point I want to make, though. So we're driving down the road, and I'm like, you know, I don't like to get in a guy's business, right? Like, I really don't, but I'm like, the curiosity was killing me, right?

Like, curiosity... The 20 reminds wanted to know. I remember this now. And I'm like, Lexi, if you don't mind me asking, I'm just out of curiosity, what's the monthly payment on this car?

And I don't even remember what it was, but that's irrelevant right now, because what I do remember is when you told me what the monthly payment was, I was like, that's like more than my mortgage, like my monthly mortgage. And you go, got a style and profile, you know? Right. I was infected by the best.

The Nature Boy. Oh my gosh. You can't buy it, you can't buy it, finance it. Image is everything. Image enhancement.

Image enhancement. What a great line. Influenced by the Nature Boy. There you go. So there's some inside baseball talk right here. Hey, I want to say one other thing regarding that, though. You mentioned the tinted windows, right?

Well, unlike you, Kay, you know, Ivan and I, Uncle Ivan, I mean, we had death threats, right? So I tinted my Cadillac. I had a big Fleetwood Cadillac, the biggest you could possibly, it was like a, it was like a cruise liner ship, you know?

I mean, it was huge, right? And I had it limousine dark tinted, like beyond like regulation, but the cops never gave me a hard time on it because one, if I did get stopped, most of them in those days, as you recall, knew who we were, or at least a lot of them, right? Big wrestling fans, all law enforcement, right? Yeah, always kind of give us a break and somebody out there right now, oh, there you go again, favoritism, you know, whatever, but it was what it was back in those days. But we loved our law enforcement though, because they protected us as well, right?

So they really did. So we love our law enforcement. Well, nothing, nothing but respect. Well, and you know, you mentioned being, you know, an ambassador for WWE and, and so you are still in a very high demand for autograph signings. And I know you, I know you love the fans, right?

Absolutely. Great program. Get, get out there, mix and mingle with the guys we wrestled with and the fans. It's a blast.

Love it. And, and, and on that note, and of course, you know, we've had the opportunity, of course, we've been on a number of autograph signings together, but we've also just kind of shift gears for just a moment. We've also done a lot of ministry work together.

You know, there may be some out there who don't know your whole story. I want to just encourage people to, to go and find a book called Wrestling with the Devil. It is Lex's life story. And I'm going to tell you, if you're not familiar with Lex's story, you will be blown away, you know, outside of the, it's a roller coaster ride Space Mountain. You might say, but, but go get a copy of that book because you're going to be blown away how, how Lex went from a professional football career to, to a storied professional wrestling career to suffering a spinal cord injury that has led to him being very involved. Not just in, in legends signings and in the wrestling world, but involved in a lot of ministry work, especially, especially there around the Atlanta area. Right, Lex?

Absolutely. I love Shepherd Center within my rehab. It's a special place. I love to go down there and, and visit, encourage people.

I like to speak a lot of local churches here and share my testimony and just shine the light. I'm so thankful for Jesus and what he's done in my life. From the sand, from the life built on sand, which is a very unstable foundation to now a life built on the rock, April 23rd. 24, 25, your life's built in the sand, the rock, the rock being Jesus Christ.

Absolutely. My life has never been the same standing on the rock. Since April 23rd, 2006, when you surrendered your life to the Lord, of course that's led you and I to do a lot of ministry together. We do a camp together called man camp every spring, every fall. And you're an integral part of, of both praying and interceding for that camp as well as sowing and investing your life experience into men who, who come and, and experience a man camp for themselves and are empowered.

And so many testimonies. If you go to those listening out there, go to,, read some of the testimonies of men who have attended camp and how their lives, how their marriages have been restored. How families have been put back together from the experience of these men coming to camp and lecture an integral part of that.

Just what would you say to a man or a wife out there to encourage them to consider coming to man camp one day? Would your company, business, or you personally like to partner with me in supporting Koloff for Christ Ministries, the Man Up Show and Man Up Minutes? Go to and click the donate button.

You can give monthly, annually, or one time. God bless you for making a difference around the world. You're listening to the Truth Network and Nikita Koloff here and I am excited. Did you hear the huge announcement, the big announcement?

Well, maybe it's a minor announcement. Anyway, Facebook, go look up my new fan page, Nikita Koloff Fans, and like it and follow today. For a gift of $50, Nikita will include his book, Wrestling with Success.

And for a gift of $100 or more, Nikita will include a signed copy of his newly updated life story, A Tale of the Ring and Redemption. Go to and donate today. You're listening to the Truth Network and

We do those in a little town called Royston, Georgia, home of baseball camp little light home. Jerome Stratton is our host and right there with Ty Cobb, baseball player Ty Cobb was born. Well, Lexi, it is called Q&A with Koloff.

I just want to give people an introduction in case they just for whatever reason weren't familiar with the whole package, Lex Luger. So let's segue, let's shift gears here and give you the opportunity to ask me a couple questions and just see what happens here. Fire away.

Wow, I didn't prepare for this. I'm just going to wing it. Now we know our last meal won't be here on earth because Jesus, after the resurrection, had fish ready for the guys on shore at the lake. So we will be eating in heaven. However, if you had a last meal, if you were on death row, which I hope you're never in, Nick, what would be your last meal you could pick? Wow.

Well, I have. We both love to eat, so I'm like, I'm interested to hear this one. I think I know what your dessert would be, but I'd like to hear what you would do. If you could combine it, what would be mine? My answer is easy because I'm a carnivore, but what would be your last meal?

Man, we do love these. And you have treated me to some pretty good meals, by the way, over the years. And the dessert part is much easier than the entree, right? Because you know I'm going to say cheesecake for dessert, right? And if it's a street day, Sunday morning, you'd like a good cinnamon roll. Well, Cinnabon cinnamon rolls are, yeah, depending on the time of day, because a Dairy Queen Blizzard, boy, we're putting a lot of plugs out here for all these other companies. Oh yeah, in the evening, we go with ice cream in the evening usually, yeah. A good Dairy Queen Blizzard. I don't know if you remember, but one time I was at your house, it was either Shake Shack or Dairy Queen. You didn't know which flavor, because you got three different large shakes. Well, one of the… I was like, whoa, Nick, that's a good one.

Man, I never thought about that. You were like tripping on each one. You couldn't decide, you got all three. Hello?

I mean, indecision leads to prosperity. Well, maybe not. But, well, and hey, one of my fondest memories when we were living together back in 2015 was on Friday nights when you and I would go to the grocery store and walk the ice cream aisle and scour all the different flavors. And it was like, we were like two kids in a candy store, right? We're like… Oh, we pre-planned our treat day, for sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And for the record, you listening out there, you heard what he said, right? Treat day. Don't call it a cheat day. It's a treat day.

That's right. But we would scour the… like two kids were like, what kind of flavor are you going to get? I don't know. There's so many good flavors to choose from.

I don't know. We had a blast, man. We did have a blast doing that. All right, all right. Dessert entree, entree, entree. Well, you know, I've always been partial.

You know what? I'm going to… it might be a little curveball for you, though. You know, I've become over the years more… really kind of prone to some really good ribs, barbecued ribs. Of course… Oh, barbecued, yeah. I live in the South, you know.

I live in the South. And, of course, Porky Pig is prevalent. Do you like the big, big ribs that fall off the bone? Or do you like the ones that cling to the bone? Fall off the bone, good. Lip smacking. Lip smacking, fall off the bone, sweet barbecue.

I'm not into the vinegar-based and all that, or the dry rub and all that kind of stuff. That's for somebody else. Sweet-based, fall off the bone, full slab, not half slab. Full… I've got to have… if this is my last meal, I've got to have a full slab. Hey, I'm going for the full slab of ribs, St. Louis chips, and I'm getting a tomahawk ribeye. Well, so… It was like Fred Flintstone?

I'm going for that, too. I know I'm asking you this question, I shouldn't reveal mine, but is that all you're going to have is a slab of ribs and a piece of cheesecake? Well, no.

No, no, no. I like… What's the size you like? You like mac and cheese?

What's your favorite size? Fries, onion rings, mashed potatoes? No, no, no, no. Baked potato with… not fully loaded, because I'm not a sour cream guy, so I've got to go with some cheese and bacon bits, okay? And or sometimes, you know, the whole brown sugar and, you know, sweeten it up sometimes if it's a sweet potato. Now, that's a loaded baked potato. Sweet potato, I've got to have the butter and sugar, you know, cinnamon sugar or brown sugar, you know, the mix, right?

And really, really sweet. Well, I'll go with baked potato, though, if it's my last one. I'm choosing potatoes, because it's my last meal and I don't have to go with the healthy sweet potato. I'm going baked potato. Well, you've got to point… now, listen, if it's going to be mac and cheese, it's got to be like a very tasty mac and cheese. It can't just be, you know, just any mac and cheese. It's got to be tasty. Absolutely.

Thick and cheesy, oh yeah. All right. All right. So, okay. So, but I'm with you on the, you know, the ribs, steak and ribs. I'm with you on that as well. I do like a good steak.

I do like a good steak. You're a carnival builder just like me, absolutely. Yep. So, all right. So, well, we've got time for one more question if you've got another spontaneous question to throw at me. I've got an easy one.

It should be an easy one. Favorite movie of all time. Mine's easy.

I know what mine… I've got a couple, but I've got one that's like my all-time fave. Remember the Titans. Ooh, that's a good one.

That's up on my list, too. Remind… I'm a Braveheart guy, but because I'm from… my parents, my grandparents were from Scotland, but I love the movie, the scenery, Braveheart's my all-time fave probably, but yeah. Remember, that was a good one.

Left side, right side, left side, right side. And I can really relate, and I know you can, too, because the reason I can relate so well… now, and by the way, you and I have a lot in common. We could do 10 shows together. Because the Scottish background… so I am a Braveheart fan. I am a William Wallace fan as well, but because of my football background… The greatest opening fight scene, I think, was the Gladiator.

Oh my gosh. That opening scene… Yes. Man, the way they fought back then, wow.

Yeah, the whole lineup across from each other, that still kind of blows my mind. All those old school tactics of war, but… The only opening war scene that might have come close to that for me was the Tom Hanks movie with Storm Normandy. I'm not recalling the name of that movie, but oh my gosh. Private Ryan? Yeah. Private Ryan. Yeah, wow.

Well, there's a bunch of good ones. Even the other one where… What about the courage of those men who stormed that beach? Yeah, the one with the cliff where he saves all the guys. Hacksaw Ridge.

Oh my gosh. Hacksaw Ridge. I mean, boy, we're taking people down memory lane here. But back real quick. So off of war for a moment, back to the war on the gridiron.

The battle on the gridiron. Because your football background, my football background, and I vividly remember back in the days when they were, you know, bussing us. You know, I grew up in the projects of Minneapolis, went out to the suburbs, but then when they were trying to integrate everyone and they started bussing me from my neighborhood, you know, 10 miles away to a junior high school when all my friends from elementary school went a mile away.

And I got separated from all my friends and had to make a whole bunch of new friends. But that's why, so I can really identify with, remember the Titans. Yeah, it almost personalizes it for you. It really does. It really brings it close to home, you know. That was a great movie though, man.

It was. So, well, you have brought out some conversation that I don't know that, honestly, of course I'm not surprised, Lextre. You are a very insightful man. And your questions have brought a conversation that some of our listeners will have never heard before. So thank you for your questions. I appreciate you. I appreciate you more than you know. You know, you have such a special place in my heart. I just, you know, I just love you, love your family. And I'm so grateful that the Lord reconnected us back together those number of years ago and all the things that we get to do now and in the future.

Love you too, my brother. Alright, before I let you go, okay, I'm going to throw this out there. Favorite scripture, for those listening out there, what's your favorite scripture?

I've got so many, my gosh. I'll go, this morning I'll go with Joshua 1.9. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.

Do not be discouraged or dismayed, because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. In other words, he goes into Joshua 1, where you step, I step. Joshua was, he was kind of not scared, but Moses was gone.

He had that leadership role. He was a little nervous. And man, God just gave him a big power hug and said, hey, don't worry about Joshua, I got this. Where you step, I step. I love that verse.

That's a good one. Well, that's a good, good note to end on for those of you listening out there. Yeah, well, that's a great verse for any man, woman or child. Be encouraged. Be encouraged.

The whole package, once the total package, now the whole package, body, soul and spirit, Lex Luger. Thank you for being on Q&A with Kolov today. Thank you for having me, bud. Love ya. Thank you for all of you tuning in today.

Go out and have a God filled, God blessed day. This podcast is made possible by the grace of God and your faithful prayers, support and generous gifts. May God bless you for your continual contributions. Go to and donate today.

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