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God Will Provide, Part 2

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard
The Truth Network Radio
March 21, 2022 8:00 am

God Will Provide, Part 2

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard

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March 21, 2022 8:00 am

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I came to tell somebody if you will take care of God's business, do His will. God has blessings that are supernatural in nature and He will bless you in ways that don't even make sense.

I'm not telling you what I think, I'm telling you what I live. God has a long history of showing His power in miraculous ways, even in the most hopeless of situations. Hello and welcome to this Monday edition of Destined for Victory with Pastor Paul Shepherd, Senior Pastor at Destiny Christian Fellowship in Fremont, California.

We're always glad to have you with us. Well, the same God who parted the Red Sea and spared Daniel from the lion's den is able and willing to do the miraculous in your life as well. When you walk in accordance with His will, He will make a way even when there seems to be no way.

Today's message is straight ahead. Stay with us now or listen to any recent message online on demand at That's

You can also subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcast, at Spotify, or wherever you enjoy your podcasts. But right now with this message, God will provide. Here's Pastor Paul. God's not going to just supernaturally get everybody out of debt. Part of it is going to be through your means of assessing what you have, selling off stuff you don't need. Come on and putting it against your debt.

You already got it. Listen to Dave Ramsey. He trying to help us, trying to help you. And he'll tell you, you got to sell some of that stuff in Jesus' name. We all have too much stuff, just too much stuff.

I don't care how broke you think you are. I dare you to look at what you have and see what you can get rid of. And now with the Internet, see the Internet's not just a curse. There's some blessing there.

And there are some sites where you can sell things and make a little profit and what have you. And it'll help you get where you're going. God provides first by natural means. Look at what's in your hand. Look at what's in your house. Look at what's in your heart.

Look at what's in your sphere of influence and make it work for you. Not only though does he provide by natural means, but secondly he provides by supernatural means. You say, where do you get that in the text? Well, notice that when he went by the brook, God said I've commanded ravens to feed you. That's a supernatural blessing because ravens are scavenger birds.

They don't feed anybody but themselves. And so when God says I'm sending you by the brook where you can get the natural resource I've provided and I've commanded a supernatural blessing, I came to tell somebody if you will take care of God's business, do his will. God has blessings that are supernatural in nature and he will bless you in ways that don't even make sense. I'm not telling you what I think.

I'm telling you what I live, what I experience. God will bless you in ways. See, the old saints had it right. They said, not only will he open a door that no man can shut, but that means there is a door and God opens it but he won't let anybody shut it till you walk through it. But then they had something better than that. They said, and he'll make a way out of no way. You know what that means? See, it's one thing to have a door open.

That's great. But every now and then you in a room with no door. Oh, I wish somebody would just realize you've been in some rooms with no door at all.

No door whatsoever. Lord, how am I get out of here? How am I get out of this mess I made? How am I get out of this debt I created?

How am I get out of this emotional thing I've gotten involved in? I don't know. I'm trapped, Lord. He'll just stay focused on me and pledge to do my will. I know how to make a way where there is no way. See, God can get through the wall.

You said number walls in here. Well, God can walk through there and he can get you out through there. He'll make a way where there is no way. He'll create the way so that he can get you to the place that he has prepared for you. The supernatural blessing is a real thing. I will never forget.

There are so many ways, so many times when God has met my need. I told you before when I first got to California in 1989, I used to preach faith because I believed it. When I got to Cali, I had to live it because I got out here and I didn't know y'all roll like this with this high cost of housing and all of that. And I'm told way back in 1989, it was high for them.

Let's not even talk about what it is now. But back then, it was like, wait a minute, the trustees were taking me around to find where I was going to live with my family. And I heard him talking about asking God to give me a house for under a thousand dollars a month. And I said, what they talking about? So I walked over to explain to them, yes, I'm going to come. I'm going to move. My family's coming with me, but we're not trying to buy a house here. We got to get moved here and all that.

We just want to rent something. They said, that's what we talking about. Y'all got to understand what that did for me.

What do you mean? Y'all pray for a house under a thousand dollars a month. They said, yes.

They said, and if it happens, it will be God. I didn't know because when I left Philly, we had bought a little house in the hood, but you know, it was a place to live. It was good. You know, neighborhood wasn't the best, but it was I. You know, cross the street was a crack house when we first got there, but they closed that down so we ever to make it. We were good that day. They rated it and said, thank you, Jesus. We were all right. Good to go. But the blessing was they said, you can buy this house next to your mother-in-law for 200 a month.

You can buy it. I said, yeah, that sounds like God. And my wife and I went over there and bought that thing right next door to my mother-in-law.

200 a month. We were good. And now the Lord sent me over here and these people talking about a thousand dollars and I'm taking a pay cut because I'm making good money as my dad's executive pastor because that church undermined leadership along with my dad. It had grown from 500 to a thousand members in the seven years I was the assistant pastor. And as it grew, God finally let the people give me some good money because at first he was trying to show them I wasn't going to get special treatment because I was his son. What he did was practice reverse discrimination.

Nobody else would have had to go through what I had to go through. I remember the day the leader said, pastor, we won't get his sister pastor raise. He said, no, no, he good.

He good. I said, excuse me? You don't know my bills. But he wanted me to prove faithful. So I proved faithful and broke in Jesus name. Finally they start blessing me and hooking me up.

And I'm in that season where I'm being blessed and got this $200 house now. Oh, I'm good. And now the Lord sends me out here and these people talking about praying for under a thousand dollars. Now where are y'all talking about? You can't pay me no money. Said the best we can do is 2000 a month. And they said, since you told us that the Lord gave you a vision and the church will eventually have thousands, when the thousands come, we're going to hook you up.

You don't use somebody vision against them. We're going to hook you up. Don't worry about it.

We got you. So, Hey, I'm these folks giving me a thousand and now they talking about praying for under a thousand dollars. And the Lord answered their prayer. My first house was nine 95. And it was supposed to be the owner wanted it to be a higher price rent. But somebody at the property management place had mixed it up and put nine 95 and I assigned before they found out what they mixed up. I told your God, I hooked you up supernaturally. God knew I needed that house and God knew I couldn't afford what that lady wanted. So he gave it to me for nine 95. I still got to believe God.

See, you got to walk by faith no matter what situation you're in. So they're paying me 2000 a month, nine 95. The first of the month goes right out the window. So I got a thousand five left for the whole month. I got to pay my ties out of that. Devil said, you're not making enough to tie. Don't you let the enemy talk you out of your blessing. I came to tell somebody, don't let him talk you out of your blessing. He said, just let your life be a tithe.

Trying to sound spiritual. I said, no, all my life, since I was a little boy getting a dollar allowance, I've been a tither. My parents taught me to tithe and taught me God will do more with what's left when you honor him with the tithe. And so what I did was I wrote that $200 check quick before I thought about it. They give me my 2000 for the month.

I write that 200 bam. That's gone. Now I got to believe God rents paid tithe paid. Now I've got eight hundred and five dollars a month to get me through the rest of the month. I got to pay my taxes out of that. I was self-employed. Then when the church came, they couldn't afford make me employed. But they said self-employment. That means I had to do self-employment taxes and just estimate a quarterly estimated tax. I estimated God was going to have to pay him.

That was how I estimated. But I had a car note. I drove across the country in a car that was costing me $320 a month.

So out of that 805, 320 is gone. Now I still got to pay the utilities in this house. My kids are five and three.

They get ready to start school. And we got to pay for gas and insurance on the car. Health insurance.

Church couldn't do any of that. Do you hear what I'm saying? Every month there was too much month at the end of the money. Every month. Anybody ever had too much month at the end of the money? Money gone. But month still looking at you.

Well, this is 27th and this is a 31-day month. I got to believe God for nine more days. You're listening to Destined for Victory with Pastor Paul Shepherd. The second half of today's message comes your way next, so stay tuned. Listen to Destined for Victory wherever you go by downloading our free mobile app. The app allows you to select from any of Pastor Paul's recent messages.

You can order resources from our online store. You can even take notes on the sermon right on your mobile device. Search Destined for Victory in the app store and download our free mobile app today.

You can also download or subscribe to the Destined for Victory podcast at Apple Podcasts, at Spotify, or wherever you enjoy your podcasts. Well, if you're committed to following the will and purpose of God, he will bless you in miraculous ways. That's Pastor Paul's message to you today, and he doesn't just know it, he's lived it. Let's join him now for the rest of today's message, God Will Provide. So I know what I'm talking about when I tell you, if you take care of his business, I was here because he sent me here. All my friends will say, what's the matter with you going to a little church in California when your father's heir apparent?

You could just stay there, work with him till he retires, then you got that church? And what you doing out here fooling with these little handful of people? All my friends will try to talk me out of, what's the matter with you? When I was driving across the country, my car tried to talk me out of it. I was driving down 80, y'all think 80 is West Coast, 80 starts all the way over there. I took 80 all the way through, and on 80 my tire was saying, you fool, you fool, you fool, you fool, you fool.

You fool, you fool, you fool, you fool, you fool. I'm like, why don't you shut up, trying to obey God? I'm out here speeding, trying to hurry up and get there, obeying God. Oh, I saw places in the country I didn't know existed, just driving through all these various states I had never been to. I'll never forget Wyoming, I had to get some gas. I'll never forget that because there was a man, I had to stop this little rural place, man didn't even want to look at me. I wasn't the color he wanted to see in Wyoming. I'll never forget it, I got to the place and I had to go inside. So I said to the man, hello, I'd like to get some gas.

He wouldn't even look at me. And so finally I slid the money up under, I'm at pump number two. And I went out there and I said, okay, I hope this pump, he turned it on, he did turn it on.

And I pumped my gas and I was saying, well, I pumped that gas, bruh, you had to worry about me. I don't want to be here any more than you want me here. Yes, I'm going to get out your state as soon as I possibly can. This is a two way street, you don't want to see me, I don't want to see you either. I'm going across the country to win souls, obviously you ain't one of them, you won't even let me. So I'm going to let somebody in Wyoming win you. Go find me some folk in California that need Jesus.

And made it across the country. But walking by faith was a matter of lifestyle. And guess what, even now that God's blessing me financially, it's still a matter of lifestyle. Because even if money isn't the issue, you're going to have some areas in your life where you're going to need God to supernaturally provide for you. He going to have to give you resources you don't have in and of yourself.

I came to tell somebody if you will take care of his business, he'll take care of yours. And one of the ways he'll do it is supernaturally. Ravens don't feed anybody but God had commanded them. I don't know if anybody's ever seen God command blessings into your life. The blessings are coming is because he commanded them to be there. You can't even figure out why am I blessed with this? Not only with this money, why am I blessed with this resource? Why am I blessed with this peace? Why am I blessed with this joy? How come I'm not losing my mind according to everything I'm going through? I ought to be crazy right about now. But somehow or another, God has given me a supernatural blessing. And it's helping me get through what I got to go through. Oh, I came to tell somebody, just look at your life right about now.

You ought to be in a rubber room bouncing around. You've been through enough stuff. Some of you all could have gone all the way crazy. When you see these people out here just shooting people they don't even know. Not all of it is terrorists.

Not all of it is something that you can trace to an ideological idea. Some folk just snapped. They got a show now called Snapped. And that's about women who just stay through. This man done put me through enough. I'm sick of him.

I'm sick of everybody who know him. I'm snapping out. I'm telling you, you got to watch yourself. And you crazy folk who out here still blowing your horn all hard at folk, what's the matter with y'all? You better act like you know where you are. You in a world where folk are that far from losing everything. If somebody is texting, they supposed to be moving and you at the arrow and they ahead of you and the arrow goes green and you want to go. Some of you all are still crazy enough to say, Ahhhhhhh.

What is the matter with you? Do you know these folk are driving around with guns and your horn could be the last thing. They said if one more thing happens and then there you go, baaaaa. Friend of mine said he was on the street years ago and the man was blocking and there wasn't a room to get around him and he just blew his horn to let him know, yo man, y'all going to have to stop talking in the middle of the street, pull over so you can talk to your friend, but let me around. And he said the man looked in his rear view mirror and got out with his gun and stuck it in his face and said, well, you blowing at me? But at least this one was asked a question. Yeah. If you have been asked that question, you need to thank God.

That was supernatural provision right there that God commanded him not to shoot you. Leave these people alone. If you got to, just do a little dip. That means it's green in case you're interested. That's what that means.

Just a little bit. Sometimes I do that, but sometimes I just leave them. They in there texting, doing whatever they're doing and every now and then, I don't know if it's the Lord or just my good upbringing. Every now and then, some say, don't touch the horn.

You're not in that big a hurry. He'll figure it out sooner or later and then let them go on about their business. So if you want to do a quick one, but don't insult these people. They are on the edge. They're living on the edge. They working on the edge. Every day, they're on the edge. Just let it be.

It's not that big a deal. You're out there road raging and won't let somebody into your lane. Cut it out. Jesus' name, if you want supernatural provision, let God give you supernatural peace.

I got the peace of God that passes understanding. I'm not going to be out here on the road acting crazy with you. You need to get in this lane and you rushed all by the way you should have turned in. Now I hear you all right at the exit and you want to cut me off. But when I see that, back off and let them have it. Some of y'all, you ain't getting in front of me.

I saw somebody get chased just for refusing to let somebody in and they wouldn't let them in and then they start chasing them. And I said, looking through the wind, I see what you brought on yourself. Uh-uh, wave them in. And when you wave them, let them see all of your fingers.

Don't let one stick out. I'm trying to help some of y'all watch them fingers. Yes, I know you never heard a prophetic message like this.

Yeah, and the Lord would say, watch them fingers. Supernatural means God is blessing you in ways you don't even realize. And I came to tell you, if you'll trust him, he's going to make sure every need in your life is met.

By natural means and by supernatural means. Thanks for being here for this Monday edition of Destined for Victory and Pastor Paul Sheppard's message God will provide. Listen to any of Pastor Paul's recent messages on demand at That's We're almost out of time, but before we go, I want to thank you for all you're doing to help Pastor Paul share the gospel through the Destined for Victory broadcast.

Your prayers and financial support are helping lead people all over the world to faith in Christ. And in appreciation of a generous gift today, Pastor Paul will send you his booklet, Trusting God in Scary Times. When the Lord told Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away from the family home, what followed was a great deal of uncertainty and angst.

God had promised Abraham that he'd make a nation out of his first born son, but circumstantially, it looked pretty bleak. You may have times in your life when fear instead of faith tries to take the wheel. In this helpful resource, Pastor Paul walks you through Genesis chapter 21 and shows you how to rely on the faithfulness of God in the darkest of moments. That's Trusting God in Scary Times, our gift to you this month by request for your generous gift to Destined for Victory. So please call 855-339-5500 or visit to make a safe and secure donation online. You can also mail your gift to Destined for Victory, Post Office Box 1767, Fremont, California 94538.

Again, the address is Destined for Victory, Box 1767, Fremont, California 94538. Get it out of your mind that if I do everything the Lord wants me to do, there'll be sunshine every day. You know, a whole lot of folk paint that pictures. Folk just say, you don't have any trouble, all you need is faith. Well, you do have trouble even though you have faith. But the good thing about walking by faith is faith is built for trouble. That's tomorrow when Pastor Paul Shepherd shares his message God will provide. Until then remember, he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion. In Christ, you are destined for victory.
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