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Tuesday, February 27th | Spiritual Furniture

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
February 27, 2024 6:00 am

Tuesday, February 27th | Spiritual Furniture

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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February 27, 2024 6:00 am

In this episode of Clearview Today, Dr. Shah talks about what it means that we furnish our spiritual lives.

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Can We Recover the Original Text of the New Testament?


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We're going to leave a couple of links in the description so you can do just that. And today's verse of the day is coming to us from Galatians 2-20, very famous verse, one of my all-time favorite in the Bible, I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And now the life I live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. This lines up directly with what we're talking about through this series that we've started on the Clearview Today show, based on a series that Dr. Shaw preached through. But the Christian life is not about us just trying to Christian harder. We're not just trying to mean it harder. We're not trying to just love Jesus more. It's about Christ living in us. What does that mean that he is living in us? What does it mean that we're partakers of the divine nature?

And what does it look like? Is Christ enabling us to make godly choices? Is Christ enabling us to pursue him more and develop these concepts of spiritual discipline? And the circular structure of just this one verse is so beautiful.

Paul is a genius writer. The way that he starts off, I've been crucified with Christ. This is what Christ has done for us. It's no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. Again, all the focus is on the fact that it's Christ in us. And the life I now live, I live in the flesh. I'm sorry.

The life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith. So it's my response. This is what I'm to do.

I'm going out. It's not because of me. It's because of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me, right back to what Christ has done for us. It's circular in the most beautiful and profound way. This is what he's done. This is my response.

I can only give this response because of what he's done. And that's a good reminder for us of what the Christian life... I mean, that's the posture of the entire Christian life is it all goes back to Christ.

If you end up anywhere in your Christian walk other than Christ, you've made a wrong turn. So even the structure of the verse is a good reminder for us. Oh, yes.

Absolutely. Today's episode, we're going to continue the conversation that we started even last week, Friday, but continued yesterday in the series on track what it means to develop these concepts of spiritual discipline and how do we apply them in our lives. We've got a great episode planned for you guys today. Stay tuned. If you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, write in and let us know, 252-582-5028. Of course, you can visit us online at

We'll be back after this. Not to mention the number one best-selling Christian talk show of all time. I don't know if that's accurate. Well, maybe not yet, but that's why we want people to download the app. If you're listening from the Triangle area, we encourage you to check out Clearview Church in person. But if not, you can still follow all of our content on the Clearview app.

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If you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text, 252-582-5028. That's right, and we're here in the Clearview Today studio with Dr. Abbadan Shah, who is a PhD in New Testament textual criticism. I've got to tell you, I'm really digging this inner-studio. I'm really digging it a lot.

It's nice. You disagree? No, I like it. You felt you hesitated, though. No, it sounded like you were continuing that statement. No, I feel like you were trying to levy a personal attack on me personally.

I didn't paint the room. No, I think it's good. I like it. It looks nice, though. It does look nice, the way that we've set everything in here. I like these panels here.

It looks like it was coordinated and furnished together well. I'm thinking about getting some blue panels. Ooh, blue would be good.

Maybe blue would be nice. Just make the room feel, I don't know, have some contrast. Furnish it well. Yeah, furnish together well, but sometimes that doesn't happen in our lives. I can remember when Elizabeth and I first got an apartment, and we were trying to make this space our own. It was like piecemeal, like this thing that we got at a yard sale and this piece of furniture that somebody was getting rid of. We still have the entertainment center we have to this day. We got it for free.

It's the first one we've ever had, and we got it for free. There's a bunch of TikToks right now of husbands trying to help decorate the house, and the women are like, no, get that out of here. Some can be very good at that artistic eye. I'm not. I'm okay in some areas.

Other areas are like, I don't know, what do you want to do? See, it's crazy because I would say that I am really good at it, but everyone I know says the opposite. Everyone I know, they're like, don't bring that in here. When we were designing this room, I was like, the walls need plants all the way down. Wouldn't acoustic slats Edison bulbs?

And everyone was like, no, absolutely not going to happen. So I would say I'm good at it, but everybody would disagree. I think you have good ideas. You have creative ideas. It just doesn't always match the space that we're going for.

It would work somewhere else, but not in this application. I was thinking like open concept coffee bar for the new sanctuary. See, like Dr. Shah sits at a counter. That's a good idea.

It's the wrong space. Should we roast, John? Should we roast, John?

We may need to. I mean, the first audiovisual room, what color did you pick? Oh, my goodness. Okay, so I asked Dr. Shah, I said, hey, listen, I have an idea. We can have a room and it will be our audiovisual room. He was like, yeah, go for it. And I was like, can I pick the color? He was like, you can pick the color. I was like, I want it to be vivid, like Barney the dinosaur purple.

And oh boy, it was. Well, that's what I was going to say. Anybody else would have shut that down and been like, we're not painting the audiovisual room purple. No other room in the church is purple. I was like, but with the acoustic foam, it's going to look great.

He was like, yeah, go for it. Paint it purple. And it was purple. It was purple.

It was marketed as this helps the acoustic. Even though he didn't say it, it came across like, I was like, okay, the paint is going to make the sound better. That wasn't me. I went along with the person saying it. I know who said that. Yeah, that was crazy.

I know who said that. But I did play. I was like, I mean, yeah, listen to that.

I was young. It's the purple. It's really going to enhance the acoustic space. He was like, purple, you got to understand. What you got to understand about purple is it's low down on the spectrum. Okay, so all those sound waves, those light waves, they play together. Okay. And I was like, it was so much pseudoscience. I was like, huh. Okay. Huh. And then after we thought about that, that was baloney.

It makes no sense. This guy just made up stuff and we actually bought it. The room is quieter because the walls are purple. But I wanted the walls to be purple like really bad.

And it was funny because I remember him putting that first glob of purple paint and I was like, ooh, this wasn't a mistake. Yeah. But that brings up a good point that it matters how you dress a space. It matters how you furnish a room.

You can't just throw things in there, but that's a lot of times what people do, not necessarily in a room, but in their lives and their spiritual lives. Yes. Yes. They have the little mermaid life. Ooh. You know what the little mermaid is?

Isn't it neat? Like all that stuff she's collected. Yeah. Yeah. They pick up things from a Bible study. Yeah.

A friend at work, some preacher on TikTok, some influencer on social media, somewhere somehow at a concert driving down the road on a podcast. I mean, they collect all these things and they have a lot, I would call them dingle hoppers. That's weird. Wow. I've never heard that term before. Dingle hoppers. That little mermaid.

I 100% saw the idea to paint a purple room with black acoustic foam online and I was obsessed. Yeah. And what you're saying is exactly right because that was where I got it from. But at least there was a planned purpose behind it. Right. But a lot of people's spiritual lives are just a mishmash of whatever.

True. And then we try to make it work and make sense out of this furnishing. And we're talking about those furnishings in your spiritual house. We're not talking about your home or your marriage or your family. We're talking about your spiritual house. Those things that should be in your mind and your heart.

But they are furnished with a little bit of that, a little bit of that. Nothing comes together. It doesn't work. And what works is wonderful. And then you try to fit the rest of these to match this one piece of furniture in the room of your heart and it doesn't match. Yeah. It's like you put that wrong centerpiece in first and then everything else has to match that.

But nothing works. That's the wrong centerpiece. Yeah, exactly. And then you spend stumbling over those things, using them for a purpose that they were not designed to be used for. And we even get defensive over some of those furnishings in our home because we feel like, hey, that thing right there helped me at such and such a time in my life. That was a great chair to sit on. That was a great coffee table to have in my house.

Now you're telling me that that doesn't belong and that's not a coffee table? That was a... Give me something. Like a lamp? Yeah.

That was like a lamp. That was a nightstand? Yeah. Yeah.

That's right. Nightstand. That's not a coffee table. It doesn't matter.

It's a coffee table to me. Yeah. Okay. Well, you're not going to be able to fit much on it.

It just sits in the room in an odd way and everybody laughs at you as long as it's good for me. And translate that to your spiritual life. Right. Right. Are you picking this, that and the other and just trying to furnish your spiritual house and it doesn't work. It doesn't match. It doesn't give you the benefits that a good, well-furnished house should.

And that doesn't have to be very expensive. That's true. We're laughing at it. I mean, it's a funny example to think about somebody using an end table as a coffee table or even more outrageous like a refrigerator as a bed or something crazy. That would do it. I like that. That's a good one. Like just slap a pillow on top of a fridge and go to sleep.

Indiana Jones style. Yeah. But people do that in their spiritual lives.

I mean, this thing that helped me here and we end up with this Christianity, this belief system that doesn't really serve the purpose that it was intended to. And it's not biblical. Right.

It's not biblical. And it ultimately ends up leaving you kind of stranded. Yeah. You know, you don't helpless, frustrated. Yeah. There's no structure. You know, it's just a hodgepodge of beliefs and ideas. Yeah.

Yeah. The whole idea of furnishing for our listeners or viewers is coming from second Peter again. Second Peter chapter one, verse five says, but also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith, virtue to virtue, knowledge, to knowledge, self-control, on and on. The word add is a very interesting word because that is the word that gives us furnish. It is epi kodageo.

Epi kodageo means to furnish or to fully supply. Now, I don't think for a single moment that when Peter chose that word under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that he was thinking about a house or furnishing. Right. Right.

I don't believe he was thinking that. But for our illustration purposes, it works. To supply your house with everything that it needs to function. Right. Or even to supply like an office space or to supply your life or to supply your restaurant or whatever it needs.

You need these things. That's right. That's right. That's a good point.

So let's look at it together and see what are the things that are needed and what does that mean to furnish? Yeah. Right. So if you back up on verse five, in verse five again, it says, but also for this very reason giving all diligence. The word is spude, which means be earnest, which means make haste, make every effort.

There's an importance in being earnest. Yes. Right. This is not.

I was waiting for somebody to get it. I have no idea what you mean. It's like a old book, The Importance of Being Earnest.

It's like a comedy. No idea. Yeah. Yeah. I can't remember who wrote it.

Yeah. I mean, it is Importance of Being Earnest. If it's a book, great.

But Christianity or Christian life is not just a casual exploration. You have to give all diligence. You have to make haste. There's an urgency behind it.

Do you feel like a lot of people view that as just kind of like, I'm just going to stroll through this life with Jesus and I'm just going to, you know, just kind of meander and make my way and I'm saved. So I'm good. Yeah.

But I'm trying to figure things out. Exactly. I guess there's no real drive. Yeah.

It's just kind of, if it works, it works. I don't know if you guys dealt with this in high school, but like in my school, everybody in the hall has walked so slow and they're, because they didn't want to go to class. So they're just kind of meandering through the halls. You got somewhere to be like, I got to make it to the opposite end of school in the next three minutes. But I can't get through because there's this sea of people who are just coasting, just meandering. And at least they're headed somewhere.

Yeah. When it comes to the Christian life, most people don't even have that direction. Good point. You know, they just, I mean, imagine if those same students would just walk and all of a sudden they sit down.

Oh no. They just start laying down, texting on their phones. They just decide to just turn around and go back or leave the school premises. That's what Christian life looks like for many people. That's a good point.

But you stop coming to school altogether. Yeah. Yeah.

They're like, we don't need it. I'm going to try something else. Yeah.

It didn't work. Right now in this stage in our lives, you know, we're just going to take a break. Yeah. So, okay.

Let's begin. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. You get one shot.

You get one shot. And after this, there's a judgment. What people have done is they have made their own religion and they call it Christianity. Their version of Christianity. And it's not biblical Christianity. It's ineffective.

It is anemic. It's horrible. It's just not Christianity. So I want to focus on the house for a moment. And Peter is not thinking about a house, but it helps us to understand this.

If this is a house, how do we get in the house? Add to your faith. Furnish your faith with virtue. Excellence. To excellence, furnish knowledge, which is wisdom discernment. To knowledge, furnish self-control. So I guess to get in the house, you have to be saved.

You have to be a Christian. That's right. Is there any symbolism there when he says even to put off this tent? Or is that just his life, his physical life? He's thinking about his physical life. His physical life. But it's a great way to think.

I mean, he may not have a house as a furnishing in mind, but if he uses words like that, tent and all that, I don't think we're completely off the grid to say furnishing a house. Yeah, the symbolism kind of tracks. It's still there. So for you to be in the house, for you to have a house, you have to be saved first and foremost. You have to be a Christian.

You have to leave. See, it's kind of funny to me because when we were studying the letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor, right? One of them, I forgot which one it was.

I can't remember now, but anyways. But Jesus tells this church, look, I have set an open door before you. Typically, that imagery is used to claim that or to preach that you're locked inside. Here's an open door. Go be free.

I remember that. Go be free. Go out into the wild blue yonder.

See what all is out there. Yeah, like a Pocahontas style. Just running through the woods, jumping off. Have you ever seen the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? I love it. Love it.

He's a little mermaid and now Pocahontas. He does one more, he's in. But it's the opposite. It's not about running out in the wild. It's about coming into the house. The open door is not so you can run out. The open door is you're out in the woods.

You're out in the field camping under the hot blazing sun. Come inside. I picture Jesus. This is the house. This is where you need to live.

Stop hanging out on the outside. Jesus' little house in the prairie is like, come on in. It's supper time. And they're like, whee! Out in the woods.

No, no. They're scared to go inside. And there's a lot of imagery there, which I don't have time to get into. But how do you know that? Because Jesus tells them, I have the key. In that same letter, he says, I have the key. The key is not that I'm going to unlock and let you out.

You ain't never getting out again. No, it's the key so I can let you in. Right.

That's right. It says that through these, you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. So you have escaped the corruption of the world, and you have come into the house of God. Well, that word escaped, I mean, that implies that it's a bad thing. Like the outside world is bad.

It's not somewhere you want to be and explore and see from. There's a movement that takes place from the lost world of corruption and sin and death into the family of God. Here, I don't know how much the family of God is implied, but under the coverage of God.

I feel like modern Christianity just has this real passivity to it. Like we just want to invite you in. We just want to encourage you.

Come on into the house. I don't want to build you up and let you know it's safe to come inside. But where it's like, hey, you escaped, where you were was like terrible. It was bad. It was scary. Yeah.

You have escaped and can't come inside and you're safe here. Right. Yeah.

And there's that aspect there. So the word there for corruption, I want to focus on for a second or two, is apofiogo. It's found about three times in this little letter, corruption.

It means escaped or fled. In other words, when we receive Jesus Christ as our savior and our king, we simultaneously partake in the nature of Christ. I think we cover that in that partakers message and then in our last radio and podcast, we connect with that humanity of the Holy Jesus.

But we also escape since pollution and control over our lives. Wow. What a blessing. Yeah.

What a blessing. And a lot of people, unfortunately, will never have that. Right. Right. I think a lot of people don't even live like they believe that.

Yeah. We talk about sin and even in the Christian life, we struggle with sin. You use language like, I'm not perfect. I'm still a sinner. I still mess up.

I still make mistakes. And yes, that is true and we need to talk about that, but it's almost like you're giving yourself an excuse. Well, it's like corruption happens because of sin, but then it keeps causing more and more sin to happen. It's like you can't escape it without Christ. But because of Christ, we've been freed from that power, that hold of sin. Right.

That's right. And a lot of things happen simultaneously. Let's get a little technical for a moment. Theological, systematics here. There is a faith in Christ.

Right? There is a faith in Christ. Then there is a regeneration. And these are not like back to back. These are simultaneous. Moment you place your faith in Christ, you are born again.

That's regeneration. At the same moment, you're also justified. Christification takes place, which is instantaneous. In that moment, you have been set free from the penalty of sin. At the same moment, you're also sanctified. But keep in mind, sanctified is first definitive and then it is progressive.

So it starts at that moment, but then it keeps going. First it is positional that you are sanctified. You are cleansed. When God sees you, he sees Christ. But you and I know we're in this world of sin and we are a work in progress.

So first positional, but then it's experiential. It's throughout your life, you grow in sanctification. So when people confuse these categories is when we have a lot of distortion in our understanding of salvation. Because we put those, we'll put these regeneration, justification, sanctification, we put these as quote unquote tertiary issues. They're issues that really don't matter that much as long as I'm saved, as long as I'm going to heaven. But then these issues, like you said, they have implications down the road for how we live our Christian lives. And so when these are wrong, that's what happens when you get all these Christians who aren't directional.

That's right. You preach serious theories, Dr. Shaw, one of my favorite series that you've ever done. And it outlined each one of those things, the justification, sanctification, glorification, that whole process.

Because so many times we blur those categories or we don't even really dig deep enough to know that there are different categories. I would love to do that series as a radio show, but because they're so deep, we really just have to take it one step at a time. They're great, great. We did it last year or a year before, I think it was. Yeah. We walked through the entire process.

So helpful. And there's also glorification. Now complete glorification will not happen until we get to the other side, heaven, the new heavens, new earth. But at least for that moment, we are in a sense glorified.

So think about all that, justification takes care of the penalty of sin, the guilt of sin, but sanctification will take care of the pollution of sin. So I mean, when Peter just says these things, there's so much depth in his understanding and in his message. Yeah. I'm telling y'all, y'all are sleeping on Peter. Y'all are sleeping on Peter.

Don't sell him short. He's more than just a fisherman. Yeah. This is one of the greatest books that I think we've ever walked through. Yeah.

Because it is short. And we only spent like, we only looked at the first 11 verses. Yeah. That's it.

But we spent seven weeks in those 11 verses. Yeah. Yeah.

Well, it'll be eight, you know. Oh, yes. It's all done.

We're also looking at how we can help our children, our grandchildren, others climb this ladder of Christian growth. Yeah. But that was all written by a man who's typically written off as the loud mouth, the inexperienced, the immature one. Yeah. Yeah.

And it's so foolish on our part to treat him that way. Yeah. Like he's the, like he's the, the comedy jock.

Yeah. I like Peter because he reminds me of me. It's like, no. He's nothing like me. No, he's, he's so good at what he does. He was so humble that he allowed them to write about him in such ways. But he was the leader of the disciples for a reason. Exactly.

Jesus did not just take a village idiot and said, well, you lead my disciples. Yeah. And then he killed my church on you.

Yeah. No, no, no, no, no. Spaghetti Jeff over here. Spaghetti Jeff.

Spaghetti Jeff. You just made that up. I just, no, I've heard it somewhere, but I can't, I can't remember where. That was funny. I can't remember where I heard that.

It's like a moron. Spaghetti Peter. Yeah. Yeah. Humble. Peter was a humble guy. Yeah.

He even says about Paul, cause I'm sure people compared him to Paul. People do that. You know, they're dumb sometimes.

Don't do that by the way. Don't, don't compliment somebody in church and other settings like, man, did you see that? That's really good. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, what did you just do? Christians are funny, man. They do stuff like that. We're supposed to be bringing unity in the body of Christ. We're supposed to be bringing unity.

So stop having body parts antagonistic toward one another. Try not to compare somebody who gets up to speak in church and say, hey, not that, I like that. Pastor is good and all that, but I like that. Or singers. But that's a, but I like, man, I can hear that all day.

She sings. Oh my goodness. It transforms my soul. It's like, I thought Jesus was supposed to do that.

Pretty sure that's only Jesus. But I love how, how do everybody else feels at that moment? You know, when you say that. I don't know. But see, Peter was humble because he compliments Paul.

Even the Paul in his letter calls Peter out. Yeah. Yes. True. Yeah. Isn't that interesting?

He's on his shoulder for the rest of his life, but he actually says, you know, Paul's letters are so beneficial. They're deep. They're hard to understand.

And even simple minded people abuse them. Yeah. But man, Paul's letters. Yeah. Now that's, that's good stuff. Yeah. When you, when you find the security and the humility to be able to have that attitude, you know that Christ has done a work in you.

Yeah. But, but if we can take the next couple of minutes and kind of focus on this escaping the corruption, because that's very important in tracking your spiritual life. You cannot climb this ladder unless you have a good grasp on the escaping. Because if you don't understand how you have escaped, how you're no longer bond or bound by your old sin life, let me just clarify. I don't believe in sinless perfection. I don't believe you ever get to a point where it's like, I don't sin anymore. Hey, God called me to be perfect, right? The Bible says, be perfect as your heavenly father's.

I'm perfect. I'm not trying to be proud of anything. I'm just telling you the facts. That's not true. You know, up until recently, I would not have believed that there are Christians who think that. Oh yeah. I have, I've seen some, some things online of people claiming that and I did not, I thought they were, Oh, that person is just insane.

That's, there's a, he's a wacko. Yeah. But there are Christians who believe that once you're saved, you don't sin. Yeah. You get to a point where you arrive to a place where you don't sin like you used to anymore.

I can't believe it. Yeah. Here's what I would say. You will sin less, right?

Sin less, but you will not become sinless. Right. Yeah. He's in. Yeah. He's in. He said boom.

I love it. So yeah, this, this, we're going to talk about it for the next maybe a minute. We are no longer slaves of sin. We are free and many Christians have never experienced this, this, this, this freedom. Peter mentions it in passing, but Paul in Galatians five and Romans six through eight, he goes in depth and maybe one day we need to sit down and talk about that.

Oh, I would love that because I feel like a lot of people are almost in denial that they're actually bound to their sin. Like they, like I can quit looking at this. I can quit thinking this. I can grow up whenever I'm ready to grow up. Yeah. But ask yourself, are you ready?

And when are, and if not, when are you going to be? Yeah. Yeah. Because those same sins that you dealt with in high school and early college don't look so good in your thirties. They don't, they're, they're not as, uh, they're not as, they were never permissible, but you know what I mean? Like when you're still holding onto it into your life, you know that you should come to a point where you realize like I'm bound to this sin is my master. Right. It's not only that something that I like to indulge in, it's, I can't stop.

Yeah. So important for us. We have a way to continue the discussion on tomorrow's episode. If you guys enjoyed today's episode, if it was helpful for you, write in and let us know two five two five eight two five zero two eight. We love hearing from you guys or visit us online at Don't forget you can partner with us financially on that same website. Also want to encourage you to head over to mighty They're the sponsors of today's episode.

Check out their line of products. Use the promo code today, T O D A Y. When you check out, it's going to get you a great discount and a portion of your purchase comes right back here to your favorite radio show. John what's coming up tomorrow? We're going to continue this conversation where we left off talking about how sin is our master, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, he can show us exactly who we are in Christ. And we're kind of talking about that a little bit yesterday, being partakers of the divine nature of the Holy Spirit is going to help show us.

That's right. So awesome. Make sure you guys tune in tomorrow. Love you guys. Hope you have a wonderful degree today. you
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