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Delighting in God’s Will (pt. 2)

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
July 28, 2023 9:00 am

Delighting in God’s Will (pt. 2)

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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July 28, 2023 9:00 am

In this show, Dr. Shah finishes our conversation on what it means to delight in God’s will for our lives.

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Happy Friday, everyone. Today is July the 28th. I'm Ryan Hill.

I'm John Galantis. And you're listening to Clearview Today with Dr. Abbadan Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can visit us online at If you have any questions for Dr. Shah or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028, or you can email us at contact at And you guys can keep the conversation going by supporting the show, sharing it online, leaving us a good review on iTunes or Spotify, anywhere you get your podcasting content from.

We're going to leave some links in the description so you can do just that. Today's verse of the day is coming to us from Isaiah 6-8. It says, Also, I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?

Then I said, Here I am, send me. That spirit of just instant obedience. How different would our lives, would our churches, would our communities look if we said yes? God, here is my yes. Do with it what you will. We essentially hand God the blank check of our lives. And whatever you want, God, however you want to use me, I'm here.

Yes is powerful. And there's a lot of Christians, whether it's from fear or from slothfulness or whatever, that are just sticking with no or no because. We can't do it because of this. I won't do it because of this. This is my boundary. This is my that.

This is my whatever. People don't realize how powerful yes is. And another thing, too, is that it's send me. Not only, yes, I'll allow you to do this, God. I'll just be passive and do whatever you want to do through me. Send me out. I will go.

Absolutely. Give me orders. Give me a mission.

Give me a job to fulfill. What a privilege it is to be used by the creator of the universe to reach people with the gospel. God is so much more capable and competent than we could ever be, and yet he chooses to use us to fulfill his plan. That's so beautiful.

That's right. Corporate worship in public is very important, but that's just part of our goal. The singing is just part of our worship. If we're praising God in church, but we're not out evangelizing to the lost, then that Christian life is incomplete. Speaking of things that are incomplete, I saw your kids the other day with some fast food. Now, some of them.

Well, you go ahead. I was going to say, it's funny that you talked about yes being powerful. I've realized as a parent just how powerful yes can be, especially when it comes to the concept of a happy meal. A kid's meal that comes complete with, of course, a toy. The toy. That's what they want.

That's what they want. I noticed that the twins were eating not a happy meal. Somehow ended up with toys. I have five children, for those of you who are just tuning in for the first time. Five kids ranging from the ages between four and almost eleven.

They'll be eleven in just a couple days. We are in that stage where there are some that are still firmly in the kid's meal category, but there are specifically the older ones who are like, this isn't enough food for me anymore. I'm hungry.

I want to get an adult-sized meal. They're still kids enough that they want the toy. When you have multiple children, there's lots of wheeling and dealing that goes on. I'm going to get this meal, and I'll give you some of this, or I'll do this for you if you let me have the toy that you're not going to play with anyway.

Or, can I see the toy and then somehow, miraculously, the toy never gets back to the original owner. Shen That clears things up. They're not wheeling and dealing with you or with McDonald's. They're working this out with each other. Originally, there was some wheeling and dealing going, can I get a kid's meal and also a quarter pounder? I'm like, no, we're not doing that. If you're hungry enough for a quarter pounder, you're hungry enough for an adult combo. You're hungry enough that you don't get a kid's toy anymore.

That's how we're going to play this game. What if I get the adult combo and you just pay a little extra for the toy? See, they asked that, too. They're like, is there any way that we can order a toy?

I was like, no. McDonald's does not do that. Even if they did, mom and I are not doing that. Shen Yeah, but, yeah, daddy doesn't do that. Shen No, we're not doing that. Shen Can we just order the toy? Shen Can we get an adult meal and then go buy a toy?

I was like, no. Shen Like from Walmart? Shen Yeah. Fast food does not equal you get a toy.

That's not how that works. Shen It's like, we got fast food, but I didn't get the toy, so I guess we need to go to it. Shen Something is not right here. Shen Should we go to Walmart or something? Shen There's an itch in my brain. I mean, I don't even set up a dollar store. No, we're not getting a toy for you today.

If you're hungry enough for an adult meal, you're going to sacrifice the toy. Shen So now the racketeering is happening with each other? Shen Mm-hmm. Shen Do you stop it or do you just let it run?

Shen I let it run. Shen What if someone gets swindled out of a toy? Shen Tough. You're going to learn how to not get swindled, then. Shen A four-year-old getting swindled out of a toy? Shen If anybody's going to have to worry about it, it's not a four-year-old. I'll guarantee you that. Shen Really?

Shen He is the craftiest and most conniving of all five. Just as long as you're not being mean to each other. Shen We're learning to negotiate, man.

That's awesome. Shen We're going to start the show in just a minute with Dr. Shah, but if you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text at 252-582-5028, or you can visit us online at We'll be back after this. John Hey there, listeners. I'm John Galantis.

Elly And I'm Elly Galantis. John We just want to take a quick second and talk to you about Dr. Shah's and Nicole's book, 30 Days to a New Beginning, daily devotions to help you move forward. Elly This is actually the second book in the 30 Days series, and the whole point of this devotional is to help us get unstuck from the ruts of life. John And when it comes to running the race of life, it matters how you start, but a bad start doesn't ultimately determine how you finish the race. You can have a good finish even with a bad start, and that's where this book comes in.

Elly No matter who you are or where you are in life, you're going to get stuck. Instead of going out and buying some gadget or some planner, like I know I've done several times, 30 Days encourages you to find your first start in God's word. John This is a reset button, but our God is a God who does new things. His mercies are new every day, which means every day is a new chance for you to start over. Elly You can grab 30 Days to a New Beginning on

We're going to leave a link in the description box below, and if you already have the book, let us know what you think about it. John That's right. Send us a text, 252-582-5028.

Share what God has done in your life through this devotional. Hey, maybe we'll even read your story on the air. Elly, you ready to get back to the show?

Elly Let's do it. John Alright. Elly Welcome back to Clear View Today with Dr. Abbadon Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can visit us online at, or if you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text at 252-582-5028. John That's right. If today's your first time ever joining us on the Clear View Today Show, we want to welcome you, let you know exactly who's talking to you today. Dr. Abbadon Shah is a PhD in New Testament textual criticism, professor at Carolina University, author, full-time pastor, and host of today's show.

You can find all of his work on his website. That's Dr. Shah, when was the last time, when was the last time you got a toy in your fast food order, like your like your Happy Meal or something like that?

Dr. Abbadon Well, for one, I didn't get a Happy Meal. But I remember when Nicholas and Thomas when they were young. Yeah. Because I mean, our other kids too, but but they were the last one to be the youngest. Yeah.

So I would say maybe, gosh, maybe 10 years ago. John Don't do that thing where like, somehow there were Happy Meal toys that you still have in your house today. Like, like just scattered around, even though the kids are grown.

Dr. Abbadon But the funny thing about it, I guess the story about the kids. So this would happen all the time, like we're about to go somewhere. And immediately the boys would make a dash for their room. And then there was a little argument, something, no, yeah.

And then, and then come out. And so this was happening. I knew they had a toy in their hand.

This one time, you know, these are moments you feel bad as a parent. I saw they had each had something in their pocket. This is unrelated. I was like, what is it?

I thought they stole something, something, something really bad. They're done. I said, let me see it now.

Now. And they're like, I still pulled it out. It was a little, little McDonald's toy. I said, why are you hiding it?

We were not. I said, well, why did you act like you were hiding it? John You were hiding something. Dr. Abbadon Yeah. John Were you all out in public? Dr. Abbadon No, we were, I remember, I forgot where we were, but I do remember that incident and I'm like, okay, that's okay. All right, put it away. That's fine.

Let's just go. I felt terrible because I was like, I just, you know, bust at a beggar for having a piece of bread. John I did that the other week.

I did that when we were on the staff retreat. I can't remember what it was. Dr. Abbadon It was a Pop-Tart. John It was the Pop-Tart.

Yeah. Dr. Abbadon I remember that. John He was like, I thought he was getting another one and I was like, Hey, put it down. And he turned around.

He still had his first one. I was like, Oh, that's okay, buddy. You can have it.

Dr. Abbadon I've done that too. Like you think the kids are doing something like, what are you doing? It's just this thing that you gave to me. Well, and then that's fine.

John Then they cry even louder. And I was like, okay, I can milk this one. Yeah. He's like, I was in the right.

It's crazy how even two years old, they're doing that. Dr. Abbadon Nobody has to teach them how to manipulate. Just know that. Speaking of like kind of knowing things and manipulating, we're talking about, you know, delighting in God's will and not dreading it. We were talking on yesterday's episode about how people talk about God's will. And oftentimes it's with that sense of like gloom and doom, like we're going to obey God's will and we know it's going to be tough and we know it's going to be hard. But in reality, that's not how God intended for us to live. That's not how God wants us to live. So we talked yesterday about, you know, what kind of what that looks like. And I remember yesterday you were reading Dr. Shaw from Romans chapter one, and you were talking about this list of, you know, people who aren't following God's will. So people who are like the wicked, the covetous, malicious, full of envy, murder. And as you were reading that list, I was like, gosh, is this like written today?

Because this is pretty, pretty current. Jon Moffitt Nothing new under the sun. Dr. Abbadon That's right. That's right. We began with Romans chapter 12, right? And verse two, do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

So you prove it. It's not like you go try to discover it. It's not a God has hidden it somewhere like a scavenger hunt that you have to go discover God's will for your life. But there's certain things which are do not be conformed to this world, because if you try to become like the world, don't expect God's will to happen, right? Be transformed by the renewing of your mind means your mind needs to be transformed to bring it in line with the word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit. And as I mentioned last time, you guys really like that statement, you know, God's will is what you would want for yourself if you had enough sense to want it. Jon Moffitt That's right.

That's exactly right. And part of I think a big part of life and a big part of really even growing up is learning to want the right things. Dr. Abbadon And that's what it becomes when you are allowing yourself to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Jon Moffitt We live in a culture where we want to pretend like there's there are no bad things to want. Whatever you want is acceptable. You know, whatever you want, it must be good. If you want it, it must be good or it must bring you some sort of joy and you can have it.

Dr. Abbadon And that's not true, right? So first things first, you cannot have the world's will as well as God's will. You cannot keep hanging on to what Satan has to offer for your life and still want what God wants to offer. So do not be conformed to this world. Let's just do away with that. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind and that transformation, as you just mentioned, Ryan, things of the world like being filled with all unrighteousness, all immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful, a lot of uns there. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So instead of going in that direction, we have to choose what God has for us. Jon Moffitt Well, I like that you put it that way because it is a choice. You know, we think that, okay, once you get saved, that stuff's just going to come.

It's automatic. It's like, like, I'm saved now, the Holy Spirit's living within me. I can cruise and the Holy Spirit's just going to change who I am as a person. Dr. Ahmad Saira Not if we don't cooperate with him. He will.

Okay. He will do that. That's the progressive sanctification. God begins to work in us what we have confessed.

So that's going to happen, but we have to cooperate by, number one, as we just mentioned, do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed. And once you do that, it says that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. So it's a three part test, good, acceptable and perfect will of God, but you prove it. So as I mentioned previously, you live your life, but in time, when you look back, you begin to realize, wow, that was good.

And that was acceptable. And that was the perfect will of God. If you say, well, show me the will and I'll follow it. Most of the time, it doesn't happen like that.

Dr. Justin Marche And I feel like that's what a lot of people are waiting for. I've had conversations with a lot of people, usually like high school seniors. They're like, I really want to know God's will for my life.

I really want to know what's the best school to go to. You know, if this relationship is God's plan for me, like, am I in God's will? And so for you to phrase it that way, like, you know, take steps of obedience and be obedient to what God has called you to. Dr. Ahmad Sallalhi Do not be conformed and be transformed. And go ahead.

Dr. Justin Marche Yeah. Well, I was just saying, and then you can look back and say, you know, this was God's will for me. Just kind of that shift in perspective is so helpful. I feel like that frees people up a lot from, you know, worrying, am I going to make the wrong step?

Dr. Ahmad Sallalhi Yeah. You're not the same person anymore once you've been saved. And so you start living better. You start living according to the word and the power of the Holy Spirit and that transformation, like you said, it begins to take place within you, but it's not something I can take a back seat and just let God do it.

You know what I'm saying? Like I have to, like you said, cooperate, be obedient, walk in obedience. Dr. Ahmad Sallalhi Do not be conformed and be transformed.

So let's take that. Let's put it to the test when it comes to finding a life partner, finding a wife or a husband. How do you know that this person is God's will for your life?

Well, start with the first statement. What is the first statement in Romans 12? Do not be conformed to this world. Dr. Ahmad Sallalhi So if you try to find someone who is like the world, don't expect God's will to be done.

If you want somebody who is raunchy, you want somebody who is very worldly, doesn't have much for God or just gives lip service to God. And then you want God's will for a happy, joyful life that you cannot have both ways. So you have to decide, am I going to have the world's definition of a great person or am I going to have God's definition? So do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed.

So be transformed means you need to understand what is your goal in having this person in your life as your wife, as your husband, or as your girlfriend, boyfriend working towards marriage one day? Well, definitely don't want the Romans chapter one kind of person. You know, you do not want somebody who is full of unrighteousness. You don't want somebody who's full of sexual immorality or wickedness and covetousness. You don't want that kind of a person. You don't want to be that kind of a person. Sometimes people want somebody so wonderful, and yet they are so full of secrets. Jon Streeter I know the two of you guys probably, probably live in this world a lot more than me because you do a lot of premarital counseling, Dr. Shah. And you talk, I mean, you are around teenagers who are dating and trying to figure life out. Does this, does this line of reasoning come up a lot when you, when you talk to people?

Dr. Shah I wish it did, but it doesn't. People talk about many of the things, but they don't talk about this, this, these attributes that are contrary to God's perfect or wonderful will for you. Maliciousness means just being hateful in our words, thoughts, and actions. So you have somebody who's just hateful. Why would you want that as your life partner? Full of envy, always wanting to be like somebody else. Murder, murder is not just taking a knife or a gun and shooting it or stabbing somebody.

Murder can also be worse. Why do you want to be with somebody who's murdering somebody else's reputation? Their old friends or their ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend.

They're always like, I want to tell them this. Why would you want somebody like that? Jon Streeter And people, people will be quick to say, well, I don't know. I think that's kind of a stretch, but Jesus himself said that, you know, if you hate your brother in your heart, you're already guilty of murder haters of God. Why would you want to be with somebody who doesn't believe in God or is angry at God? Sometimes people think that's cool. Oh, I'm a boyfriend or man.

He doesn't, but I know I'm praying for him. Uh, you should not be in that relationship because I'm going to change him. I can change. Yeah. Yeah.

He's going to come around. Yeah. My mom's husband as well. Oh, blah, blah, blah. It's like, uh, you're going for somebody who's a hater of God. Dating evangelistically is not a good choice.

And you want this to be God's will? Jon Streeter Yeah. You want God to bless this marriage when one of the people in the marriage hates him. Jon Streeter How does that work? Make that make sense. Jon Streeter Think, think about that.

Like I'm praying that God will bless my marriage when half of the marriage is not only ambivalent, but hates him. Jon Streeter Against him. Yeah.

No, that's not going to work that way. Jon Streeter Violent, proud, proud as just, just arrogant person. Um, you know, the Bible says God gives a grace to the humble, but God hates the proud. So you want to, you are with somebody who is proud and arrogant, and then you want God's will.

Boasters just brag on themselves, disobedient to parents. That's a good telltale sign in a relationship. When you are with somebody who does not like their parent, it's like, oh my goodness, something's wrong with you. Jon Streeter Yeah.

Yeah. You have unresolved issues that are going to come up and it's going to affect our marriage. You know, you, you get with people who have those issues and have those baggage. It's not to say that they're a horrible partner, but you're fooling yourself.

If you think that's never going to affect me, that's never going to affect our, my Christian, my Christianity. Jon Streeter And I know there are times like families may have those issues, but if a person just perpetually hates their parents, undiscerning, you have a person who doesn't have any sense of discernment. They just do whatever feels good at the moment. Untrustworthy.

Now I know she messed up, but you know, we still love each other, but oh, come on now. Or something like this. I don't know about that. Jon Streeter Yeah.

Maybe a little bit of denial going on. Jon Streeter Unloving, unforgiving, holding grudges, unmerciful. So already we know there are plenty of things that we can see from the word of God that says, don't be with that person. So don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may approve what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. I heard a pastor say this one time, how do you, how do you know who you need to date?

Well, start following God. And when you're following God, look to your left and look to your right to see who else is following God. Jon Streeter That's a good, that's a good point. Jon Streeter Yeah. And that's how you met your wife.

Jon Streeter Yeah. I met my wife at church. She was, she, she actually came with a couple of friends and I think almost all of our friends were the all of all that friend groups were the only ones still either professing to be Christians or definitely the only ones still in church. And that's insane.

It's insane. But, but having that foundation, she got saved in December of, oh goodness, I want to say 20. I'm not going to say that cause I, cause I'm going to mess it up. I got saved in 2007. So I graduated in 2010. I'm going to say she got, she got saved in 2009. So I'm like, okay. So, so anyway, we, we, she was saved for about two or three years before we started dating.

So she already was growing and Ellie is that way where she is going to consume as much as she can. So she got saved instantly. Like I'm reading the Bible every day. She has every single bulletin with notes in it that you have ever preached. It's crazy.

She has every single one in a shoebox and goes through them, reads them. And you were not perfect at the time. Still aren't. She wasn't perfect at the time. Still is not because we're human beings work in progress. But at that moment in time, you were willing to refuse to be conformed to the world and you were willing to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

And in time you are proving what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. There was another girl that my family wanted me to date. There was, there was another, not, not over Ellie. I hadn't met Ellie yet, but there was another girl and she was, I hate to say it, but she was, this girl was a, she was Romans one in, in some ways, not, not in all those ways.

But when I saw that Ellie was living that Christian life and zealous for it, really, really passionate about it, that attracted me to her and that drew me to her. And in time you're proving it more and more. So again, the whole crux of today's podcast or radio show or video or YouTube is to say, don't stress over what is God's will for your life.

That's right. Start with what do not be conformed to this world means change your ways. Don't be walking along with the world. Be your believer. You are a work in progress. The Holy Spirit is working in you. You are, you are building your life on the foundation of the word of God.

So start by refusing to conform to this world and the worldly standards be transformed by the renewing of your mind means submit yourself to the leadership of the Holy Spirit, submit yourself to the work of the Holy Spirit in your life. You will have ups and downs. You will fall. You will stumble. You will make mistakes.

All habits may creep up on you. Things that you felt you had victory over years ago may pop back into your life, but repent. There's no substitute for true repentance. Getting before God and saying, God, I messed up. I messed up. I messed up. I'm the one and I need your forgiveness and I need your grace. You know, every time I prayed that way, God always came through and God's grace always forgive me and gave me the strength to press on.

That's right. And once you do that, do not be conformed, but be transformed. Start living in what you'll find it in that living. You are proving God's will.

Another example, vocation. People often talk about, I don't know what I need to do. Is this, is this what I'm supposed to do? But what is God's will for my life? I mean, if I only knew what I'm, what I'm supposed to do, man, I'll do it.

How do you think we should do it based on this pattern? Right. Start with don't be conformed to this world. If you, if you're trying to pursue a career that is, that is worldly, that doesn't glorify God in its nature. I mean that, I mean, I'm going to go out on a limb and say, that's probably not God's will for your life.

That's right. And be transformed by the renewing of your mind. If I'm a new, if I'm a Christian now, if I'm living my life for God, what does that look like? What are the things that I can do to serve, to help to further the kingdom of God here on earth?

As a living, what can I do? What are ways that I can leverage what I'm doing for the sake of the gospel? Maybe you're not working in a church context.

Maybe you're not working. It's a very small number of people who actually end up going into the ministry as a vocation, but all of us are called to ministry. So you could be working in law enforcement. You may be working in the medical field, business, army, or military. You could be in government service.

So many vocations. You could be a teacher, professor, and still apply this principle of do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. And as you begin to live your life, you will prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will. So if you're going, let's say you're going into law enforcement, do not be conformed to this world. Definitely don't become like the world, but be transformed.

Let God change you and work in your life. As you're going forward, you will see that even in that profession, which can be sometimes very dark, you will prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. You'll make an impact on the people you encounter, whether in the criminal world or even right next to you, fellow officers.

You'll be making an impact in your family's life instead of being, you know, sometimes it happens. I'm a chaplain with the police department, fire department, you know, first responders. And sometimes these guys go through a very hard time. It's very hard to shut off your mind because you're so into fighting crime and dealing with people who lie and cheat or dealing with victims who are going through some terrible abuse and it's your heart just breaks or you just become callous to these things. But if you're not being conformed to the world, don't become like the people that you are trying to help be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Daily you are in the word of God, daily you are praying, daily you have a group of people who are, who are breathing life into you. And in time you're looking back and you go, man, my job is not a mistake. People may be quitting my field, but I am so glad that God has called me to be a first responder, whether it's on that ambulance or the fire truck or the squad car. You are grateful and you know you're exactly where you need to be. Right?

That's right. Your people have that understanding that you have to discover God's will, like he's hidden it for you. Like I'm just going to wait around and do nothing, but I love how you're talking about it. The conditions in your life have to be right. You have to be, you have to refuse to be conformed to the world. You have to reject them.

You have to actively reject them and make a conscious decision, choose to do it and then choose to live in God's light. Right? Yeah.

Yeah. I've done the same thing with ministry and other things that we're doing right now. We're now into writing books, teaching at a college. I'm also, of course, full-time pastoring, writing songs, things like that. I don't sit there and say, is this God's will for my life? Should I be doing this?

No, I just focus on what's the next step. Do not be conformed to this world. Don't become like the world. Don't do this for yourself.

Gain popularity, some self-fulfillment or proving to somebody how good you are, how great you are. Put those things aside. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind means daily in your devotional time.

That to me is very critical. So we, I do my devotion every single day. Rejecting the world, being transformed by the renewing of my mind. I'm just living my life. I don't sit there and go, should I, should we, maybe I need to pray about this.

I don't know what to do. No, I'm just living. Do you feel like a lot of churches inadvertently cripple themselves from doing things because they do that. They're like, I want to start this new project, but I just don't know if it's God's will for me at this time.

Yeah. And they even sometimes turn down opportunity that actually were not necessarily against God's will. They're turning down and I think in heaven, that's how our pastors say this one time, you know, one day when we get to heaven, God's going to take us by this room and he's going to open it up and say, you see all these treasures here, all these accomplishments and wonderful things. These were supposed to be yours. If only you had asked for them. Wow.

If only you had asked for them, if only you were willing to trust me for them. That's awesome. That's right. And I love that posture of just like, Hey, I'm going to live my life. And, and you know, I can look back and discern this is God's will for me because that, because I'm not being conformed to the world, I'm being transformed and I'm being obedient to him.

And I can, by doing that, I can find the will of God. So helpful. If you guys enjoyed today's topic, or you have questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028. Or you can visit us online at And don't forget, you can partner with us financially on that same website. Make sure you click that donate button at the bottom. Let us know that it's coming from our Clear View Today Show family. Love you guys. We'll see you next time on Clear View Today.
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