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Christmas Lightning Questions

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
December 16, 2022 9:00 am

Christmas Lightning Questions

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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December 16, 2022 9:00 am

In this show, Dr. Shah answers some listener-submitted questions. If you'd like to have your questions answered on the show text us at the number below!

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30 Days to a New Beginning:


Happy Friday, everyone.

It is December the 16th. I'm Ryan Hill. I'm John Galantis. You're listening to Clearview Today with Dr. Abbadon Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can find us online at, or if you have a question for Dr. Shah, anything you'd like to write in and suggest that we talk about, send us a text at 252-582-5028. You can also email us at contact at

That's right. You guys can help us keep the conversation in the airwaves by supporting this podcast. You can share it online.

You can leave us a good, positive, friendly review over there at iTunes or Spotify. Just help us keep the conversation of Jesus Christ alive. That's right. Something that's uplifting and encouraging. That's right. And maybe both. Yeah, it could be both. It doesn't have to just be one.

Uplifting or encouraging or both. Yeah. Why it's got to just be one?

Right. Why it's got... Why does it have to just be one? Why it's got to be just one.

Why it's got to just be one. Now, you can do both. And you know what you can do is hit them with the word of the day.

I would love to. The verse of the day. The verse of the day. Well, the verse of the day is from the word. That's true. It is the word of the Lord today. You're right.

You're right. Comes from Psalm 112, verse 7. He will not be afraid of evil tidings. His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

That's right. That's what causes us to be steadfast, is just that trust, just that dependence on the Lord, dependence on His word, dependence on His provision in our life. That's what creates that steadfastness. There's too many times where we're shaky. We just... At the first wind of trouble, at the first just hint, we start falling apart. But that trust in the Lord, that creates that steadfastness. There's no need to be afraid of evil tidings because I know that He's with us.

Right. That's how we can not worry about bad news that comes our way. People get bad news and they fall apart. That's what it's saying there. He will not be afraid of evil tidings. That's bad news. That's right.

He'll not be afraid of bad news because his trust is in the Lord. That's right. Because there's gonna be bad news. Right. Rest assured on that. You can bet your bottom dollar. It's gonna be some bad news. Bad news. And if you are betting your bottom dollar, that is bad news. Yeah.

Don't do that. What does that mean? Like your last dollar? The last one.

The bottom of the account. Oh, Annie. Annie knew what was up. She knew it was gonna be some bad news.

You can bet your bottom dollar. But she trusted in the Lord, I hope. I don't know. Maybe she did. Not enough evidence in the text.

She was fictional, so I'm not sure. I feel like I've been kind of a grouch, a Scrooge, a miser, a Grinch as far as your Christmas has been. And I've decided to turn over a new leaf on today, the 16th of December. A new holly leaf. A new holly leaf.

At Christmas. Oh, good. I want to, I brought in something that's going to make your cheer just become real.

This stuff right here, I don't know if y'all can see this on the, I know the radio audience can't see it. This is eggnog. Y'all know what eggnog means? What's eggnog?

180, 180 calories per half cup. Ryan is a Christmas aficionado. And I know, but I hate, I know he loves this stuff, dude. Look how thick it is. Look at that, dude.

Oh, that's so much. Good gracious. Merry Christmas, Ryan. Drink it for the show, man. It's Christmas.

What are you doing? I like eggnog. You like Christmas? I do, but this is Santa's tears.

This is what Santa cries out of his eyes from when Mrs. Claus tickles him too much. Cheers. Merry Christmas, gang.

That did not make it any more appetizing. Oh yeah. Go on, man. Drink your Christmas drink. David, you want a cup?

Oh no. Dave, you want to cut me? I'll pour you a little cup. Yeah, I'll pour you a little cup. Look at that.

You like that? Here you go, buddy. Merry Christmas, Dave. Share that with Nicholas. Okay. Oh yeah. It's so what do you, what is your, uh, it tastes like medicine. You don't like Christmas no more.

Not that Christmas, dude. Check this out. This is what I like right here.

Yeah, man. That's good stuff. That is good stuff. Just recently discovered wisdom coffee. I don't like eggnog. Y'all don't like, you don't like eggnog either. Just recently discovered that a few seconds ago. So there is one, one eggnog that I have tried and hiked one singular one eggnog and I tried every year in the hopes that, you know, I'll be able to complete my Christmas checklist and like eggnog.

It hasn't happened yet, except for one. There's one brand of eggnog camera, the brand, but it is vanilla cinnamon. And it tastes like a snickerdoodle cookie. Southern comfort. Yeah. Southern comfort. Yeah.

That's the brand. It's delicious. This is just pet eggnog. It's just tastes like cough medicine.

No, man. This is good stuff. That makes good nose burn cough medicine. Yuck.

Not for me. You got a lot left. Can you finish it by the time we finished the intro?

No, I don't think I can finish it in December. Here's what I like to do. I like to take me some eggnog right here. What will I get in my coffee? Oh gosh. Somebody got a coffee stir.

What a coffee stir. Could you grab one? Will I get something if I finish it? Yeah, I'll give you, uh, I'll Apple pay you.

Ooh, excuse me. I'll Apple pay you $10. $10. If you took it right now, I'll do it live on the air. If you, if you drug it, I just put some in my coffee, man. It's your stomach is going to be hurting.

Oh man. Your stomach's gonna be hurting. I'm about to owe this dude cash on air. He's chugging it. He's chugging it. Oh, Ryan, your stomach's about to be hurt and dude. Oh my good gracious. Well I'm a man of my word.

Tell them how you're feeling while Apple pay you cash. This episode got away from us. You don't like it?

No, I don't like it. Golly. Well, Hey, listen, hats off. I'm in pain.

Kudos to you. You're, you're going to be in pain here in a minute because that stuff is thick. I said it was real thick. I wonder, I wonder if Dr. Charlotte said, uh, well today while I'm trying to recover from that, I gotta, I gotta Apple pay this dude some money. Yikes. Why does it hurt my eyes?

Did you put soap in it now? It's just, it's just, it's just a Christmas treat. It shouldn't hurt you.

It shouldn't be hurting. Today is lightning round questions. And with it being, with it being a Friday or with it being Christmas, it is Christmas themed lightning round questions. Yeah, this is gonna be fun. So if you have any questions for Dr. Shaw or any suggestions for future episodes, send us a text at two five two five eight two five zero two eight or visit us online at Clearview today We're going to get Dr. Sean.

We'll be right back. Hey there listeners. My name is Kelsey and I'm John and we want to pause the show for just a second to talk to you guys about Clearview Church's original EP Together Forward. Yeah, these are five songs, five original songs that we wrote right here at Clearview Church. Myself, Dr. Shaw, David Williamson, our engineer on the Clearview Today show, some of the other guys on the worship team. But sometime during all the shutdowns of 2020 we noticed this really horrible isolationism setting in all over the world.

It was like nothing we've ever seen before. That's right. And one of the things that we've always been about here at Clearview is forward motion and community. Those are both very important. So the whole heart behind the EP was, hey, let's just take these two things and let's put them together because we truly feel like that's the antidote to what's happening in the world today. We're right in the middle of writing a whole bunch of new material as a church. But while all of those projects are still in the works, we want to help point you guys towards these songs that God has given us.

You can listen to all of them right now on Spotify. Just look up Clearview worship. Or if you want to support what we're doing here at Clearview Church, you can buy it on iTunes right now. And always remember, you can support us directly at the Clearview Today Show by visiting us online at

That's right. Thanks for listening. We hope these songs are as much a blessing to you as they were for us. Amen. Let's get back to the show. Welcome back to Clear View Today with Dr. Abidan Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can visit us online at

Or if you have any questions or suggestions for future episodes, send us a text at 252-582-5030. Dr. Shah, it is Friday. How are you doing this Friday? I'm doing very well.

Ready for this weekend? Amen. Amen.

Well, if you guys are new to the show, you're just joining us for the first time. Dr. Abidan Shah is a PhD in New Testament textual criticism, professor at Carolina University, author, full-time pastor, and the host of today's show. You can follow his work on his website at That's right. Make sure you follow him on Facebook as well.

You can find his public figures page there, AbidanShahPhD. Make sure you follow along for important content and cool updates on Facebook as well. We have not done lightning questions in a New York minute. I was just about to say it has been a while since we've done lightning round questions. We've had so much fun stuff to talk about.

We have. We've had a lot of great content to talk about, lots of fun stuff. But today the phones were overflowing with questions.

People had been texting. My inbox has exploded. Oh, are you okay? I am.

My phone's not. It's in smithereens. So sorry. It's in smithereens.

So sorry to hear it. I'm just kidding. But today is lightning round questions on this Friday.

Questions you guys have sent in for Dr. Shah, things you'd like to hear him answer. And today's episode is very special because it is all Christmas themed. Every question is Christmas themed, much like my life. I did notice that.

I was looking at the run sheet. I was like, these are very Christmas-like centric, which, I mean, people like it. People love it.

I'm very excited about that. You want to take the first one? Yeah, I'll take it. Okay.

It's from Eleanor J. It's kind of a silly question. What would your elf name be?

Ooh. Like if you were, I guess if you were a workshop up at CC, when I think elves, I'm thinking like in the forest of like Lothlorien and stuff like that. No, not those, not those elves. We're talking about North Pole elves. Not, not tall, pretty blonde elves.

These are short, rosy cheeked elves. Golly. Tell me, we were talking about like the Swiss mountains.

I mean, is it, I think like, yeah, yeah, I guess so. Yeah. What's like a, what's like a Swiss elf name? I would go with Zwingli. Zwingli? Yeah. Zwingli, nice.

The Swiss Reformer. Very Zwingli. Okay. Yeah.

Okay. So, you know, I mean, think about his, one of his quotes come to mind. It says, he said, our confidence in Christ does not make us lazy, negligent or careless, but on the contrary, it awakens us, urges us on and makes us active in living righteous lives and doing good.

There is no self-confidence to compare with this. Imagine having an elf like that working in your shop. That's like, that's like upper management position for sure. Yeah.

He's for sure at least a supervisor. Zwingli? Zwingli.

I like it. Zwingli the elf. Ulrich Zwingli. Ulrich Zwingli the elf. Now he's an NPC. Now I think this dude has like a quest for me. Yeah. There's an exclamation mark over his head. Oh, yes sir.

I can, I can help you in some way. Ulrich Zwingli is definitely a buff. Oh yeah. Like war hammers. Still elf sized. Still elf sized, but he's like, almost like a Tolkien dwarf, but he's an elf.

Right? Yeah. So Tolkien dwarf, but smaller. Oh, okay.

Still just as buff. What would your elf name be? Hmm. I don't really know why this popped into my head when this question came up, but I think Bartleby. Bartleby. Bartleby. Bartleby. Bartleby the elf.

I'd be a bookkeeper. I'd be like a poplar for sure. Poplar? Yeah. I'd be poplar the elf. Like a tree? Uh huh.

For seemingly no reason. No, I just think that's a cute elf name. Poplar. Poplar the elf. Poplar the elf. Do you have one? What would your elf name be, Dave? I don't have one. Well, you have something?

I mean, what would it be? Why not just Clovis? Yeah, Clovis. I'd be Clovis the elf. Clovis the elf. And it works because that's your actual name.

That's my middle name, but now I was trying to keep that a secret, but now it's so sorry. Blasted. Blasted on the airwaves. You got another question for us? I do. Yeah. The next one comes from Michael H. What is your favorite Christmas carol? Oh, Christmas carol.

Oh my goodness. Oh, I mean, I would go with, I don't know. I'm trying to think.

Um, a little town of Bethlehem. What did y'all, what did y'all sing in India? You would go when you, when you guys would go caroling, what were, what were some of the ones? Oh, they were in Hindi. So they were, they were, um, uh, sometimes like Oh Come All You Faithful.

Um, that was one of them, but in Hindi. Okay. Now that I didn't know. Yeah.

Yeah. I have pictures of us at the carol singing. I'll bring it next year. That'd be awesome. We can put them up on Facebook too. We can scan them and put them in the, uh, in the video episode as well. Sounds good.

That'll be really fun. Wow. Very cool. I like, uh, Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel. I was going to say that one.

Just a very minor sound. I love that one. Yeah. Yeah. That one. And, um, Oh gosh, the name, uh, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, whatever, whatever the actual title of that song is.

I just call it Hark the Herald Angels Sing. Yeah. Is that the full title? I think so.

I think it is. That's, that's one of my favorites. Yeah. That's a good one. That's a good one. Good King Wenceslas from, um, or Wenceslas or something.

Good King Wenceslas is the priest of Stephen, brightly shone the moon that night. I was like, what? I can't remember how to pronounce it, but it's one of the ones that nobody ever, everybody knows, but nobody knows.

Like the old school, the ones that are like the classics, but people don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, Martin T, what is your favorite holiday movie? Oh wow.

I like the Home Alone. The first two. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry guys. Not the third, fourth one.

Yeah. I didn't know there was a fourth one until Sunday. I had no idea there was a fourth one. I knew there was a third, but it's a different little boy.

It's not Macaulay Culpepper. People loved that Home Alone 3. I didn't get that at all. Yeah. I love the first two.

This is great. The best part about the first two Home Alone movies is the burglars. I was going to say that. I think those are the guys that Jill Pesci and, um, I forgot the guy's name, but he is a tremendous actor. Oh man. Those are the two guys who really make the movie. I agree.

Although he's a great, was a great child artist, uh, actor, but, um, Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern. Yeah. He played Marv, Marv, Harry and the Wet Bandits. And then they became the Sticky Bandits. Yeah.

The Sticky Bandits. That's really Marv. Really Marv. You're going to do that, Marv. Right here on Christmas Eve, Marv. He's like, Harry, he's got the crowbar. I'm going to smack this spider. He's like, Marv, what are you doing, Marv?

I don't do it, Marv. Oh, now I want to go watch those movies. There's something about physical comedy that's just, it's always funny. And those two guys were masterful. They really sold that. That was a good choice. That was a great film. So funny.

That's awesome. John, what about you? What's your favorite? Uh, it was, it's Home Alone 2. Home Alone was up there.

Not Home Alone 2, but also Home Alone as well. Uh, I also think just Jim Carrey's Grinch. Love Jim Carrey's Grinch. Grinch is very good. It's going to be between Jim Carrey's Grinch and Muppet Christmas Carol. Love both of those.

Love both of those. But I think I got to go with Jim Carrey's Grinch. Yeah.

How about the guys in the back? Any ideas? What y'all like for your Christmas movie? Uh, I can't remember. It's a, it's one of the Disney, um, it's one of the Disney Christmas stories with Scrooge McDuck.

Which one is that? Is that the one where Scrooge McDuck is like Scrooge? Yeah. It's, it's a, it's like Mickey's Christmas Carol. Yeah.

I remember watching that as a child. How about you, Nick? Any, any favorite Christmas movies? Uh, I'm with John with the Grinch.

You like the Grinch? Yeah. Yeah. You two are still living? Right.

You got it. You two are still living? He's, he's, he's, he's not pudding. That Christmas hubilation scene, man, that will go down in history. That was one of the funniest things.

We were talking about this on an episode of the show as well. It just, it's a movie that holds up. I mean, even watching it now visually, like the, the Grinch shoot is just so funny and it's so quotable too. There are so many lines in that movie. It is. It's, it's iconic. I can't believe that movie is 22 years old.

Linda B, I believe Linda B has written in books before. How does decoration for Christmas in India compared to the U S? Um, we, we sort of went gaudy. So a lot of string lights and not, uh, you know, the crepe papers kind of rolled up and hung on the walls.

And then there was this thing that we had of how high we can put a star on top of our house. Really? Yeah.

So not everybody did that, but you know, the young people, like some of us would do it. So I would, I had these bamboos that I got and I mean the bamboos, each one would be at least, I don't know, 20 feet long. Wow.

I would tie two to three of them and then tie it up to a pole and be on top of the house. Wow. Yeah. Did you climb up there?

No, no. I mean, I mean, the star, I would get the star on it and then he shimmied up the bamboo. That does make more sense. He put the bamboo on top of his roof, Ryan, he shimmied up the bamboo.

That does make more sense. It's stuck in his like, how do I get down? I guess I'll slide down.

But I mean, we would, I would have it way up there. And so, you know, Christmas care all night as we're nearing the house, you could see our star way up there. Wow. That's pretty cool. A beacon to guide you back home. This isn't from Linda, but I'm just wondering cause, cause there's some, there's some elements like the lights and the star that were familiar coming to America. Were there any decorations or whatever that you weren't expecting or that you weren't prepared for or that were just new? Like decorations in America that I was not. Yeah. Just like the stockings stuff.

Stockings was one. I'm trying to think, you know, I guess it's just the way people decorate their homes here. It's different. Okay.

I think it's, I like it. You did the Christmas trees in India too? Yeah. Well, it was not a Christmas tree. Okay. We had an Ashoka tree.

Okay. Ashoka tree is kind of funny because you know how a, a, a fir tree or a, or a, what are the Christmas trees? Evergreens, you know how they kinda, they kind of, you know, spread out like this, the branches, Ashoka trees branches has come down like that. So they kind of droop down.

Okay. So it's very hard to get lights around the Ashoka tree. And the Ashoka trees are interesting because they, for the first 10 years of their lives, they are no taller than maybe five feet. Oh, wow. And then all of a sudden they realize they can grow.

I've got more in me. They grow to like 30 feet, 40 feet tall. Wow. Unbelievable. I mean, as tall as a steeple.

Unbelievable. I have pictures in my, you know, from the house, those Ashoka trees were there when I was growing up. They were just like five feet tall, but now they're like, you know, 30, 40 feet tall.

So did they, so I'm guessing once they got that tall, you just put them outside and they were always outside in the garden. I got you. Okay. And so we would try to wrap in lights around the Ashoka tree because they'd look, you know, shaped like that triangle look.

But you know, once they get past five feet, you can get around it. So did you guys do the caroling and stuff on Christmas Eve? Was that the Christmas Eve activities? Okay.

Or sometimes there was a time where our church was really large. So we would do it about 23rd and 24th. Okay. Okay.

How, cause I was going to ask if you did any Christmas Eve activities, but then the caroling was caroling was Christmas Eve. Yeah. Gotcha. Gotcha.

Very cool. Howard P writes in, have you ever seen a white Christmas? Like like snow, like a snow on Christmas day, like growing up?

I think just ever, just ever. Yeah. I've seen it here, but not in Pennsylvania when I went to visit family, friends, not family as much. Yeah. Yeah.

It was, it was beautiful. I can imagine. I don't know if I've ever seen a white Christmas.

I a hundred percent have not. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, in Pennsylvania when I was there, this was not Christmas time.

Right. So, you know, that I'm describing right now, but it looks like a Christmas card. Beautiful. But then I was there in, in slippery rock during Christmas and it was, it was white Christmas. Wow.

It's beautiful. I would love to see a white Christmas. Yeah.

That's kind of like the white. I don't like the headache that comes with snow. Like everything's shut down and all the roads and if it could snow and just stay off the road, that'd be great. And not like, just look out of the fields and it's nice. Right. Yeah. Like the fields are white and the trees are white and snow falling. Up north they do that because they clean it up so quickly.

They are equipped for it. But down here, you know, it's not the same. Yeah. I think the other thing with snow is like the first time you go out and to enjoy it, it's kind of ruined because you, you tear up the yard. Cause we get like snowed where like the yard is just like right visible underneath. So if I go walking in it, it's just muddy footprints underneath.

Yeah. That's the only thing with the snow here. Cause I'm, I would be with you if it was like, it would snow and then nobody goes outside to mess it up.

Just let it be. But everyone's like, let's go play in it. And then you get a snow angel that's like mostly mud. Yeah. Yeah.

If it snows and then you go out and play in it and then it snows again and covers up like what you've already kind of tracked through. Yeah. True. True.

Snow is beautiful except when it's that deep. Don't at me. Jackson R, if you had $1 million, what would you gift someone and who would it be? Like, I guess, I guess just like if you could give the ideal gift, that's a, that's a good one.

That is a, that is a tough one. Yeah. I mean, we as a church are doing so much. I mean, right now as it stands about 170 kids will have Christmas toys and gifts for Christmas.

Then we have over a hundred kids from different schools that we are sponsoring, helping some big, some not as big, but we are doing something even to this day. I mean, even till today we had seven more kids. Are they still waiting down to six now?

They're down to six. Okay. That we have sponsored and we are going to continue to do that. So that's what I would do, man.

I would invest in helping children in America, especially in our community and in small communities where people are struggling to have something they need, something they'll need, something that'll bring a smile on their face. That's, that's one of the things that I'm extremely grateful for and also proud of is that I think our church is known in our community for its generosity, especially around Christmas time. You know, this is something that we've always made it a priority to do. I know that's always been on your heart too, Dr. Shah, is that during Christmas time, it's, I mean, it's just going to be cold and there's lots of kids who are going to go without.

And so we don't want that to happen. And so we make it a priority and I know you've made it a priority in the past to make sure that our Kindle ministries really steps up around Christmas time. Right. Yeah. It's amazing to see, you know, some of those families, we get to see them take those gifts home, some that we don't, but just to hear the gratitude from those parents and those grandparents and those aunts and uncles who have gotten gifts for the kids in their lives. Cause you know, a lot of times those kids will go to go back to school with other students and they're, you know, seeing the, this person's got a new book bag and this person got a new shoes and this person got a new toy and they're like, I didn't really have anything that will be on Christmas. So to be able to provide that for a kid is, yeah, especially where we are in our country today and all the craziness that's going on.

It's time. We not only stand for the truth, but we also show grace and compassion. Right. Because those are inherently Christian ideals.

Those are a hundred percent the foundation of Christian culture. I like that. I have a, I have a question. It's not a, it's not one of our listeners submitted questions.

It's just one that I'm going to submit just right now. Okay. What is your favorite Christmas memory with your kids growing up? Oh, wow. Favorite Christmas memories to me was when we would when Nicole would get the whole family together and we would decorate the Christmas tree. And last year I think was probably the last time we did that.

Oh yeah. Because you know, now the girls are married, they have their own Christmas trees and they, they're going to decorate them. So, you know, they're starting their own tradition, which you, which is what you want. You know, you cannot just always be doing things at mom and dad's home.

So it's a good thing. But each year we would, we would record it or at least take pictures of us decorating the Christmas tree. Wow. You know, baby's first ornament. That was Rebecca or Nicholas's ornament from the year that he learned how to drive or played soccer or whatever. You know, Abby Gill when she was trying to, you know, get on TV, you know, and there's, there's that. And then of course Thomas playing soccer or something he did, which is unusual or new first time have those ornaments, you know, that, that was special.

Yeah. That's actually a bit of advice that I would, I would give and I would, I would have taken from you is to record those family moments, you know, even in the nineties, you know, I think especially in the nineties when that technology wasn't as ready, like, I mean, we can do it now. You know, it's easy to take, but back in the nineties and back in like the early two thousand, when that was kind of difficult to do, I know you prioritize doing that because one day, and I mean, we made the, when both of the girls got married, you had that footage of you guys decorating the Christmas tree every single year. And that came in hand, not only came in handy to make a fun video, but man, just the memories that you create that way. You know, we learned that from my dad.

Really? My dad recorded my, my crying the first time accidentally we lost the tape. Oh no.

It's gone. Oh no. He, for him to bring a tape recorder into the, the, the, the, the delivery ward right at the hospital in 1973 and record my crying as I'm being born.

Wow. That's he, I mean, he went, he talked through that growing up. We didn't think much about it. It's like, oh yeah, that's my crying video. Who did it? Who made it happen?

Oh wait, dad did. So that's where I learned it from. I think it's, I think it's great advice. And even now, like I said, it's, it's kind of advice that's been cheapened because it's like, yeah, we can do this. But to go the extra step and to have that effort to have that forethought of one day I'm going to be older, but this, I have these memories no other families do. I agree.

And you'll hear people push back against that. They're like, no, put your phone down, be in the moment, put in the moment. Okay. I hear, I hear what you're saying, but now you have that moment. I used to be that way.

I used to be that way and having kids change that. Yep. Any, anything in the back guys?

Quick. Favorite Christmas memory was probably the time that, so, uh, this is going to be, if kids are listening on the, on the radio, then you might want to turn the channel or maybe turn the volume down. Yeah, yeah. It's not anything bad. It's just my mom and dad didn't let me believe in Santa Claus. Oh, so they, they wouldn't let me believe in Santa Claus.

So they took me and they told me, Hey, he's not real. But my grandma was very against that. She was like, Hey, you're going to believe in Santa Claus. So she let my uncle break into our house to leave gifts. Oh, and that's probably one of my favorite memories just because of how crazy it is. How about you, Nick? Favorite Christmas memory?

I'd probably have to say the first time we did Christmas on Christmas Eve because like I didn't have to wait all night. Oh, okay. Not bad. Not bad.

I hear you. I like that. Well, if you guys enjoyed today's topic or you have suggestions for future topics, you want to hear your questions on lightning round questions, let us know by sending us a text at two five two five eight two five zero two eight.

You can also visit us online at and you can support us on the very same website. Make sure you partner with us as we seek to impact the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Dr. Shah, do you have a quote that you want to leave our listeners? Absolutely. Talking about Martin Luther, he's the one who introduced putting lights on the Christmas tree.

So might as well use them today. He said, peace, if possible, truth at all costs. Wow. These quotes hit hard. I love it. I need a graphic that I can like put on my desk and share with people. That's awesome. Yeah. We love you guys. We'll see you next time on Clear Read Today.
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