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The Song of the Steadfast – Part 1 of 2

Baptist Bible Hour / Lasserre Bradley, Jr.
The Truth Network Radio
November 19, 2020 12:00 am

The Song of the Steadfast – Part 1 of 2

Baptist Bible Hour / Lasserre Bradley, Jr.

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November 19, 2020 12:00 am

“For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright” (Psalm 11:7).

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Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer's praise, the worries of my God and King, the triumphs of his grace. This is Lecair Bradley, Jr., welcoming you to another broadcast of the Baptist Bible Hour. I'm certainly thankful that you're with us today, and I would ask an interest in your prayers that the Lord will use the messages to his glory. We're going to be looking at one of the psalms today for the next few days, in fact, and so I would appreciate it if you will write and let us know that you've listened to the program.

Our address is the Baptist Bible Hour, Box 17037, Cincinnati, Ohio 45217. As we continue our series, Sermons from the Psalms, we turn to Psalm 11. In the Lord put I my trust. How say ye to my soul, flee as a bird to your mountain? For lo, the wicked bend their bow.

They make their arrow upon the strand, that they may privilege shoot at the upright in heart. If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? The Lord is in his holy temple. The Lord's throne is in the heaven. His eyes behold, his eyelids try the children of men. The Lord trieth the righteous, but the wicked and him that loveth violence, his soul hateth. Upon the wicked he shall reign snares, fire, and brimstone, and an horrible tempest.

This shall be the portion of their cup. For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness, his countenance doth behold the upright. In his commentary on the Psalms, Charles Spurgeon entitles this, the song of the steadfast. The song of the steadfast.

And I was unable to come up with any title that would be any more suitable than that, and so we'll use that as our subject. The song of the steadfast. There are many different opinions about the circumstances under which David wrote this Psalm. Some believe that he wrote it during that period of his life when Saul was in constant pursuit, and seeking to kill him.

Others believe that it was during the time that Absalom, his own son, was trying to overtake the kingdom. No matter what the particular situation may have been, the lessons to be learned here are certainly of great value. This Psalm differs from many of the other Psalms of David, in that often there is a prayer incorporated into his writings. This one is more of a theological declaration, giving us some facts, giving us some basic information about the righteous, about God, and about the wicked.

So first of all, we'll note what we see in this Psalm concerning the righteous. According to verse 1, they trust in the Lord. These who are righteous trust in the Lord. That means they do not trust in themselves.

Now that's a concept that is diametrically opposed to the thinking that is popular in our culture today. People are constantly being taught they must believe in themselves. They must have self-confidence.

They need to esteem themselves highly if they're going to succeed and get ahead. But the righteous, rather than trusting in self, trust in the Lord. Let's notice the words of the Apostle Paul in writing to the church at Corinth, 2 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 9. He says, But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead. Now if God was so working in the life of this great apostle, a man of deep knowledge and outstanding experience, to teach him not to trust in himself, but to trust in God, the one which raiseth the dead.

Do you not think then it is tremendously important for us today to get that point? I'm sure everybody here would readily agree I ought to trust in God and not trust in myself. But must you not admit that there are times and seasons that you're doing just exactly that? You're trusting in yourself. You're trying to pull yourself together. You're trying to dig your heels in to stand firm.

You're trying to convince yourself that with a more positive outlook you can get ahead. You're trying to convince yourself that you're tough enough that when challenges come you can get through it and you forget that you are to trust in the Lord. The righteous trust not in self-righteousness. That very familiar lesson that Jesus gave contrasting the Pharisee and the publican talks about this self-righteous religious leader who is thanking God, I'm not as other men, boasting about what he does. I fast twice in the week and give tithes of all that I possess.

What was he depending on? What he perceived to be righteousness, his own righteousness. But God was not pleased with that prayer.

The publican on the other hand who smote upon his breast saying, God be merciful to him of the sinner went down to his house justified. But the Pharisees' prayer, the Pharisees' pretended righteousness were not acceptable in God's sight. You sometimes try to make a case out for yourself, oh you know you're a sinner, but you decide I want a certain blessing and maybe if I can review some sacrifices that I've made, some good decisions, some times that I've resisted temptation and kind of remind the Lord of that, the Lord may feel somewhat obligated. Let me tell you, we cannot come before God on the basis of our righteousness saying, Lord look at me, look what I have done. We must plead alone the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

We ask that he would forgive our sins and that he would bless us alone for Jesus sake. In Psalm 20 verse 7, it says, some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. The righteous then do not trust in horses and chariots.

I know we're living in another era. We're living in the day of airplanes and bombs and well-equipped armies with all kinds of technical equipment, but the fact, the principle that's here taught is still the same. We must not trust in that which is made of man. We cannot trust in man's inventions. We cannot trust in that which appears to be strong. The horses that were used in battle in the long ago were beasts of great strength and great ability and great endurance, but the psalmist said, we're not trusting in horses. We're not trusting in chariots.

We're going to remember the name of the Lord our God. So the righteous do not trust in the flesh, in the arm of the flesh, in man's ability and what man has made and what man may have devised in his schemes and his plans. In the book of Jeremiah chapter 17 verse 5, the writer says, thus saith the Lord, cursed be the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm and whose heart departeth from the Lord. Notice this makes it very clear that if you're trusting in man, your heart has departed from the Lord. Where is your trust today? In whom do you trust in the hours of difficulty and trouble? When great problems arise, when you see that there's a need in your life, when there's sickness, when there's conflict, when there's misunderstanding, when there are financial needs, when there are a variety of problems that you may encounter, in whom do you trust? The righteous trust not in the arm of the flesh, not in man, but in God.

We must learn not to trust in our own understanding, not in our own wisdom. David said in Psalm 13 of the fifth verse, but I have trusted in thy mercy, for my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. Further, as we see the righteous in this 11th Psalm, we see as David begins in the Lord, put I my trust. We see further that the righteous stand firm in difficult times. David's advisors, those who are close to him and no doubt have his interested heart, are telling him, flee as a bird to your mountain.

Whether it was that Saul was seeking his life, or even his own son Absalom at a point was willing to kill his father that he might occupy the throne. Those who respected David, those who cared for him and loved for him, said the best thing for you to do is run for your life. Leave the throne, leave Jerusalem, go.

Go to a place where you can hide out in the mountains, flee as a bird to your mountain. Now as we study David's life, we see that there were in fact times that he did run from those who were seeking his life. But whatever the situation here, David responds negatively to their recommendations. He's willing to stand firm because he is trusting in the Lord. Look at Psalm 56 verse 3. What time I am afraid I will trust in Thee. Here David is trusting.

He's depending upon God to protect him. Then continues in the same passage, same Psalm verse 10. In God will I praise His word. In the Lord will I praise His word.

In God have I put my trust. I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. So even though I may be gripped by fear, what time I'm afraid I'm going to trust in the Lord, and I'm not going to fear what man can do to me.

That's a wonderful relief, isn't it? To have such faith, such confidence in God, that you don't have to be afraid of man. You don't have to be afraid of what he does. You don't have to be afraid of what he says. Now the advice that was given to David is the same advice that's often given to people today.

It seems reasonable. If there is danger, if there is a problem that you cannot adequately deal with, if you're frustrated, if you're tense, flee. Run from the problem. Get away from it all. See a lot of the advertisements that encourage people to take expensive vacations present the thought that you deserve it.

Do it for yourself. That doesn't mean that it's never appropriate to take a vacation or to take a rest. But if you're taking it with the idea that this is an escape, I'm going to get away from my troubles. When I come back, everything's going to be fine. You know, the big problem with that is that when you take the trip, you take you with you.

And when you come back, you bring you back. And the problems still continue. You see, the Lord teaches us in His Word not to run away, but to confront things and deal with things in a biblical way. How many times today if there is problems in a marriage, a counselor will say, well, you're just not compatible. You two are not suited for each other. How make each other miserable? Go your separate ways.

Flea to your mountain. Go to your own place, your own hideout. Get away. Or sometimes it's saying maybe you need to separate for a while. How are you going to fix a marriage when the husband and wife are separated? You stay together. You fulfill your commitment. You keep your vows. You pray together. You study God's Word together.

You work at the problem. You trust in the Lord. And so the idea of escaping our troubles and running away may sound reasonable and good from the standpoint of human logic, but it just doesn't hold up biblically. The enemies of Nehemiah approached him with this same concept. And of course, Nehemiah saw through it.

He saw that the very ones who were recommending this were hired by his enemies, although they wanted to make it appear that they had his best interests at heart. In the sixth chapter of the book of Nehemiah, verse 6, wherein was written, it is reported among the heathen, and Gash must sayeth it, that thou and the Jews think to rebel, for which cause thou buildest the wall, that thou mayest be their king according to these words. In other words, he says, we've gotten this gossip.

It's being spread around. I believe that the people in general are making the assumption, and no doubt it must be correct, that you're thinking about rebelling. You're going to try to become king yourself. And thou hast also appointed prophets to preach of thee at Jerusalem, saying, there is a king in Judah, and now shall it be reported to the king according to these words, come now therefore and let us take counsel together. Then I sent it to him, saying, there are no such things done as thou sayest, but thou faintest them out of that own heart. Nehemiah says, the charge is not valid.

This is a false accusation. You've fainted them out of your own heart. For they all made us afraid, saying, their hand shall be weakened from their work, let it not be done. Now therefore, O God, strengthen my hands.

Nehemiah sees that the whole purpose here is to discourage this effort of building the wall. But he's praying, O Lord, strengthen my hands. He says, these who are coming trying to reason with him say, let us meet together in the house of God within the temple, and let us shut the doors of the temple, for they will come to slay thee. Yea, in the night will they come to slay thee. See the effort to intimidate Nehemiah?

Your life is in danger. Flee to the temple, come, come in and counsel with us, close the doors behind us. Notice his response, verse 11, and I said, should such a man as I flee? Who is there that being as I am would go into the temple to save his life? I will not go in.

Nehemiah says, it's totally inappropriate that a man in a position of leadership, where God has placed him, flee for his life. I will not do it. You're trying to distract me? You're trying to keep me from the work at hand?

We're going to proceed with the building of the wall. That's the job God has given me, and I'm not going to be discouraged. Now, how do you apply that in your own life? You may say, well, I'm not in a position like Nehemiah was. I'm not a great leader. That doesn't necessarily apply to me.

Oh yes, it does. How many times in your own life, does Satan try to use some set of circumstances to discourage you? To say, you need to run. You need to hide. Just give up. Nothing should be gained by standing firm. So, the best thing to do is just give up on this marriage, or give up on my effort to serve God in this particular capacity.

There are too many challenges, too many problems. David says, in the Lord put I in my trust. So, how is it that you say to my soul, flee as a bird to your mountain? I'm not going anywhere.

I'm standing firm. You see, it's the song of the steadfast. And then, as we further look at the righteous, we see in verse 5, that they are tried or tested. The Lord trieth the righteous, but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.

And that's something that many of the Lord's people have difficulty understanding. Why is it, if God loves me, that he tries me? That he tests me? That God sends afflictions into my life? I would have thought that if God really cared for me, he would exempt me from all these great troubles that other people encounter.

Why can't I have a smoother path? But the Lord tries us or tests his people, because he loves them. It's contrary again to human reasoning, whom the Lord loveth, he chaseth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. That's an evidence of his love that he cares for you.

He's not going to just leave you alone to go your own way. You continually make mistakes, you continually sin and come short, but the Lord's going to correct you. And even when you're walking in an obedient pathway, he's still going to send trials from time to time to humble you, to bring you into closer fellowship and communion with him. He purifies us through afflictions. And so we get an interesting view here of the righteous. But then we also see in this psalm, God himself.

What do we learn about him? Verse 4, the Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven. First thing we see is that he is on the throne. He's on the throne.

God is sovereign. That's a wonderful truth to know. Somebody might say, well we've heard that many times and we need to hear it again. I think so. I think we have to be reminded.

I don't ever get tired of talking about it. How marvelous to recognize who God is, his exalted position, his position of authority, his position of power, his absolute right to work his will in the army of heaven. God is on the throne. Psalm 93 verses 1 and 2, the Lord reigneth. He is clothed with majesty. The Lord is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself.

The world also established that it cannot be moved. Thy throne is established of old and thou art from everlasting. Isn't there something reassuring about reading those words? The Lord reigneth. Things may appear to be chaotic. It may seem that there is great confusion in the world of which we're living today. It may seem at times that there's great confusion in your own life. But isn't it good to know God still reigns?

Nothing is out of his control. The Lord is on the throne. Let's look at another reference. Psalm 135, reading in the fifth verse. For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatsoever the Lord please, that did he in heaven and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places. He causeth the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth. He maketh the lightnings for the rain. He bringeth the wind out of his treasures. God is in control. Whatever he's been pleased to do, he has done it. Whether in heaven, in the earth, in the seas, in all deep places.

He's not lacking in power. If it's his will, if it's his purpose, he's going to accomplish that which he designs. Habakkuk used an expression very similar to what we find in this psalm. In the book of Habakkuk chapter 2, in the 20th verse, he said, the Lord is in his holy temple.

Let all the earth keep silence before him. You recall that Habakkuk was perplexed. He first was distressed because he saw the evil that existed among God's own people. And then he was further disturbed when he learned that God was raising up the Chaldeans to invade the land and to inflict great suffering upon them. He had to go to the watchtower and give it a lot of thought and deep meditation.

But he ultimately came to this conclusion. The Lord is in his holy temple. God is able to run his own business. I may not understand it. I don't understand what he's doing.

I don't understand why he's doing it that way. But he's God and he has a right to operate as he pleases. So let all the earth keep silence before him. I'm not going to complain.

I'm not going to reply. I'm going to close my mouth and bow in humble submission. We see that he is sovereign because he rules over all. We certainly find much comfort and instruction in the Psalms.

And we find often that the Psalms are quoted in the New Testament giving further confirmation of their value to us today. I encourage you to write us. Let us know you've listened today. If you can help us with the support of the program, we'll certainly be grateful for that. Our address is the Baptist Bible Hour, Box 17-037, Cincinnati, Ohio 45217. Till we greet you next time, this is LaSara Bradley Jr. bidding you goodbye and may God bless you. Raising my Savior. Raising my Savior. All the day long.
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