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The Diabolical Duo

Pathway to Victory / Dr. Robert Jeffress
The Truth Network Radio
October 14, 2024 3:00 am

The Diabolical Duo

Pathway to Victory / Dr. Robert Jeffress

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October 14, 2024 3:00 am

At this very moment, evil forces are working behind-the-scenes to bring about total destruction. And in the final years of Earth’s history, Satan will receive some additional help from two key individuals. Dr. Robert Jeffress explains who the antichrist and the false prophet are and what they will be doing during the Tribulation.


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Hey, podcast listeners! Thanks for streaming today's podcast, From Pathway to Victory. Pathway to Victory is a nonprofit ministry featuring the Bible teaching of Dr. Robert Jeffress. Our mission is to pierce the darkness with the light of God's word through the most effective media available, like this podcast. To support Pathway to Victory, go to slash donate or follow the link in our show notes.

Now, here's today's podcast, From Pathway to Victory. And it is that final great world leader and his assistant who will play a role in his ascent to power that is the focus of our chapter in Revelation today. If you have your Bibles, I want you to turn to Revelation chapter 13, as we look at the diabolical duo, the Antichrist and the false prophet. Welcome to Pathway to Victory with author and pastor, Dr. Robert Jeffress. At this very moment, evil forces are working behind the scenes to bring about total destruction.

And in the final years of Earth's history, Satan will receive some additional help from two key individuals. Today on Pathway to Victory, Dr. Robert Jeffress explains who the Antichrist and the false prophet are, and what they'll be doing during the Tribulation. Now, here's our Bible teacher to introduce you to today's message.

Dr. Jeffress. Thanks, David, and welcome again to this Monday edition of Pathway to Victory. As we continue our study in the book of Revelation, we're calling Final Conquest. Revelation is one of the most fascinating books in the Bible. But for those who don't traffic in biblical prophecy, it's not always easy to follow.

Some of the strange imagery John employs seems, well, otherworldly, like something out of a science fiction movie. Well, as we venture deeper into John's Revelation, I'm pleased to offer two significant resources that will help you understand this important book of the Bible. The first is a booklet I've written called Bible Prophecy Made Simple. It's only 40 pages in length, so it won't take long to read. But my booklet will help you understand major events like the Tribulation, the Millennium and the Rapture.

The second resource is a comprehensive book I've written for you. Final Conquest contains a deep dive into the mysteries of John's Revelation. But most importantly, it describes the glorious unveiling of the person of Jesus Christ. And I'm pleased to send you a copy of Final Conquest when you give a generous gift to support the growing ministry of Pathway to Victory. We'll say more about these two resources later on, so be ready for the next book. Right now, let's give our complete attention to Revelation chapter 13.

I titled today's message The Diabolical Duo. Freedom and Security. Most people will choose security.

You know, that's a debate we're having, by the way, in our country right now. Where is the balance between freedom and security? In the past, tyrants like Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, have all used the promise of security to their people to accumulate great power and become the dictators that they were. And the Bible teaches that in the final seven years of Earth's history, there will be another dictator who will rise to power, not by force, but by people willingly saying, we will give up our freedom in order for you to promise us security. And it is that final great world leader and his assistant who will play a role in his ascent to power that is the focus of our chapter in Revelation today. If you have your Bibles, I want you to turn to Revelation chapter 13 as we look at The Diabolical Duo. Revelation chapter 13. The last time in chapter 12, we looked at the dragon, Satan, and the role that he plays in the great tribulation.

And now in chapter 13, we look at the other two members of that unholy trinity, the antichrist and the false prophet. Let's first of all look at the beast who comes out of the sea, the antichrist. And before we look at the text, let me just make three observations about the antichrist that might dispel some common misconceptions you have about him. First of all, in fact, he will be accepted by the mass of people, not rejected. Secondly, he will be attractive, not repulsive. And thirdly, he will be extraordinary, not ordinary. He will be unlike any leader this world has ever seen. Someone has written about the antichrist, everything about him will be extraordinary.

He will possess the eloquence of Abraham Lincoln, the charm of John F. Kennedy, the wit of Winston Churchill, the military genius of Napoleon, the vision of Martin Luther King Jr., and the intelligence of Albert Einstein. Now with that introduction, let's look at the antichrist, his characteristics mentioned in verses one to four. And the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore, remember the dragon, Satan. And then I saw a beast coming out of the sea, having 10 horns and seven heads, and on his horns were 10 diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names. And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority.

I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast. They worshiped the dragon, Satan, because he gave his authority to the beast, the antichrist.

And they worshiped the beast, saying, who is like the beast and who is able to wage war with him? Well, you notice the four characteristics John mentions of this antichrist. First of all, he is empowered by Satan.

The picture is the dragon. Satan is standing on the seashore, looking out over the sea. And just like a magician waving his hand over a hat and then pulling out a rabbit, you find Satan in a sense waving his hand over the sea, and out of it comes this horrible beast, the antichrist.

He is empowered by Satan. Secondly, he will be a Gentile. He'll be a Gentile.

How do we know that? The sea in Scripture always represents the Gentile nations. In Daniel 7, Daniel talks about the sea of humanity, and out of the sea came four Gentile nations, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. He will be a Gentile.

Thirdly, he will be a powerful ruler. He's described as having ten horns. Horns were always symbols of strength in the Bible. And these ten horns represent most probably the ten final world nations over which the antichrist will preside, and he will amalgamate them into one world empire under his reign. The seven heads, what are we to make of that? That represents all of the worldwide empires in history from John's perspective. In verse 10 of Revelation 17, John talks about five world kingdoms that have already occurred and passed, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece. Five have already passed, and then John says, one is currently, that is Rome. And then he says, but one is yet to come.

That kingdom that is yet to come is the revived Roman Empire, the ten nation confederacy over which the antichrist will preside. He is powerful. Notice here also, the antichrist possesses the qualities of three fierce animals.

He has the swiftness and agility of a leopard, the brutality and cunning of a bear, and the strength and majesty of the lion. What are his activities? What will he do here on earth? I want you to notice three activities verses five to eight describe. There was given to him, that is the antichrist, a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, an authority to act for 42 months.

How long is that? Three and a half years was given to him, and he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle, that is to those who dwell in heaven. And it was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. Verse eight, all who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name was not written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the lamb who has been slain.

Notice his three activities. First of all, the antichrist will not be fearful to blaspheme the name of God. He will claim to be God himself, and he will say horrible things about the true God. Secondly, he will attack God's people. And third, the antichrist will attract the worship of many.

Now that is the antichrist. But beginning in verse 11, John describes the third person of this satanic trinity who will assist the antichrist in his rise to power. We call him the beast out of the earth, or the false prophet. Look at his characteristics, three of them all in one verse, verse 11.

Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. First of all, John says, this false prophet comes out of the earth. What John is suggesting here is this false prophet is not quiet, as fearsome as the antichrist is.

He comes out of the earth. Secondly, he has less power than antichrist. The antichrist had 10 horns. This false prophet has two horns, two symbols of power.

He has less power than the antichrist. Thirdly, he speaks deceptively. He has two horns like a lamb. A lamb is warm and fuzzy and cuddly.

Everybody likes a lamb. He will have that appearance to people. He will speak very smoothly in an appealing way, and therefore attract many people to follow him, and therefore follow the antichrist. He's like a lamb, but make no mistake about it, he speaks like the dragon. He speaks for Satan himself, which is why he is called the false prophet in Revelation 16, 13.

Everything he says is a lie. How does he assist the antichrist? When you put this chapter together with the other chapters we're going to study in the future, it may look something like this. At the beginning of the seven years of tribulation, as the antichrist ascends to power, the false prophet is a primarily religious figure who presides over an apostate church. Revelation 17 calls that apostate church the Whore of Babylon.

Pretty descriptive, isn't it? We'll talk about that when we get to Revelation 17. However, halfway through the seven years, when the antichrist plants himself in the temple in Jerusalem and breaks his peace covenant with Israel, at this point, this false church is destroyed by the antichrist himself. He decides he doesn't need this false religion. The false prophet, instead of being the head of the church, now moves over into the political realm for the final three and a half years of earth's history. What are the activities of the false prophet?

What will he do? Look at verses 12 to 18. He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. He performs great signs so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given to him to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast, who had the wound of the sword and has come to life. And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, the antichrist, so that the image of the beast would even speak and causes many who does not worship the image of the beast to be killed. And he causes all, the small and the great and the rich and the poor and the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on the right hand or on their forehead. And he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man, and his number is 666. I want you to notice the activities of this false prophet. First of all, he will induce people to follow after the antichrist. Secondly, he will be able to perform miraculous signs.

But perhaps the greatest sign he will be able to perform is this. He will order that an image be made of the beast and placed in the temple in Jerusalem. And the beast will appear to come to life and be able to speak and be able to actually give orders to kill those who do not worship the beast. Whoever refuses to worship the beast during this period of time will be killed.

The third activity of the false prophet will be this. He will restrict commerce to those who do not worship the antichrist. Look at verse 16, and he causes all, the small, the great, the rich, and the poor, and the free men, and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead.

Again, the word all doesn't mean every human being alive. Some will refuse to take the mark of the beast. But by all, he's simply saying all classes of humanity, the rich, the poor, the free, and the slaves, all classes will be given a mark on the right hand or on their forehead. And he will provide that no one will be able to buy or to sell except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. In order to be able to buy necessities for yourself, your family, gas for your car, electricity for your home, food for you and your family, you'll have to have this mark either on your hand or on your forehead.

And you've read or heard countless speculations about how that's going to happen, a microchip, some other way to identify that you are a legitimate purchaser. If you did not worship the beast, you had no ability to buy food for yourself or for your loved ones. My friend Erwin Lutzer writes about this choice between security and freedom. He says after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a cartoon appeared in a Russian newspaper picturing a fork in the road. On one path was labeled freedom. The other path was labeled sausage. As we might guess, the path to freedom had few takers.

The path to sausage was crowded with footprints. When given a choice, most people probably will choose bread and sausage above the free market and individual liberties. The Bible says that in these final seven years, those who are alive will have a choice to make. One choice is to refuse the mark of the beast, to experience the horror of starvation.

That's one thing, but can you imagine watching your children, your grandchildren starve to death because you're not able to provide food for them? One option will be to worship Christ and refuse to take the mark of the beast. The other choice is to take the mark of the beast and experience the wrath of the Lamb for all eternity.

Amazingly, most people will choose to take the mark of the beast, to fill their stomachs rather than care for their eternal souls. Verse 18, John says, here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man and the number is 666. From the last part of verse 17 in this verse, we see there is a relationship between the name of the beast written out in Greek and the number 666. Six is the number of a man.

It always falls short of God's perfection, the number of seven. Somehow, the name of the beast and the number 666 are interrelated. In these final seven years of earth's history, those who have wisdom will be able to identify who the beast is by his name and the number 666. There's been all kinds of speculation through the years about who this antichrist is using some elaborate system of the number 666.

People have identified Stalin, Hitler, Henry Kissinger, and so many others as the antichrist. That's a fool's game to try to do that. I like what the late preacher J. Vernon McGee said.

He said, I would suggest that we not waste our time trying to identify a person by this number. Instead, we need to present Jesus Christ in such a way that we might reduce the population of those who have to go through the great tribulation and who will therefore know what the number of the beast is. That's a much better way to spend our energy, to share the gospel so that others will not experience this great tribulation and know the identity of the beast.

But I want to go one step further. An even better use of our energy is to make sure that we're not one of that number in the great tribulation, who experiences the wrath of the beast and ultimately the wrath of the Lamb of God that will endure forever and ever. The most important thing to do is to make sure in this generation that you're a part of the group that will escape the great tribulation, that you don't have to experience this period of tribulation for you and your family, and that you never have to fear the wrath of the Lamb of God on your life because you died with your sins unforgiven. I close today by going back to 2 Thessalonians 2, verses 11 and 12. And for what reason did God send this deluding influence? Verse 10 says, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.

Please listen to me. I don't understand this, but I know it and I've seen it in 40 years of ministry. It is possible to say no to God once too often. It is possible to so harden your heart against the gospel or just to neglect the gospel so many times that you reach a point where you are not able to believe. Where instead of offering you grace, God offers you judgment instead.

Don't ever say no once too often. If today you have the understanding that you are a sinner who needs God's forgiveness and that Christ is the one, the only one, who can offer you that forgiveness, don't wait one moment longer and risk experiencing the wrath of the Antichrist, or even worse, the wrath of Christ himself. Ignoring the warnings in the book of Revelation bears serious consequences, and it's my prayer that you will say yes to the call of Jesus today.

In closing, let me explain that today's original presentation included far more teaching than we had time to share on this program. But in my book, you can dig deeper with me so that the 13th chapter of John's Revelation becomes familiar territory for you. My book about Revelation is called Final Conquest, and right now you're invited to request your copy when you give a generous gift to support the ministry of Pathway to Victory.

I'll be the first to admit that John's Revelation requires intense personal focus to understand. But my book Final Conquest is written in a style that's easy to understand and will become your go-to book on biblical prophecy. Together, we'll look at the many signs and symbols used throughout Revelation and learn why we should take them seriously. And we'll examine the events that will culminate with the return of Jesus Christ. I believe God gave me this teaching on his final conquest for such a time as this, because it's very obvious that in light of the growing tension around the world, we are sensing the birth pains that precede the Lord's coming again. You can own a copy of this large volume on the book of Revelation called Final Conquest by responding with a gift today. And thanks for giving generously. Your support of Pathway to Victory will be used to keep our ministry strong. Now, here's David to explain how to get in touch with us today. Thanks, Dr. Jeffress. When you support the Ministry of Pathway to Victory by giving a generous gift, we'll say thanks by sending you a copy of Final Conquest. That's a verse-by-verse commentary on the book of Revelation by Dr. Robert Jeffress. Call 866-999-2965 or go online to

Now, when your gift is $75 or more, you'll also receive the complete CD and DVD teaching sets for this month's series on the book of Revelation, Final Conquest. One more time our phone number, 866-999-2965, or go online to You could write to us at P.O. Box 223-609, Dallas, Texas, 75222. Again, that's P.O. Box 223-609, Dallas, Texas, 75222.

I'm David J. Mullins. The first time Jesus came to earth, he brought salvation to all who would believe. But the next time Jesus comes to earth, he'll bring judgment to those who reject him.

Hear a message called, God's Terrible Swift Sword. That's Tuesday on Pathway to Victory. Pathway to Victory with Dr. Robert Jeffress comes from the pulpit of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. Picture yourself relaxing aboard a luxury cruise ship as you sail the Mediterranean Sea on the Pathway to Victory Journeys of Paul Mediterranean Cruise. This 11-day journey will take you to unforgettable destinations in Italy, Turkey, and Greece.

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