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Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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July 23, 2024 6:00 am

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In this episode, Dr. Shah talks about the current sermon series on the book of Judges.

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Where's my Mountain Dew? You're listening to Clearview Today with Dr. Abbadon Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm John Galantis, and you can find us online at

Or if you have a question for Dr. Shah, anything you'd like to write in, suggest we talk about here on the show, send us a text at 252-582-5028. You can also email us at contact at And you can help us keep the show going by supporting the show. You can share it online with your friends and family. Leave us a good five star review on iTunes or Spotify, anywhere you get your podcasting content from.

We're going to leave a couple of links right down there in the description so you can check those out. Today's verse of the day is coming to us from Revelation chapter seven and verse 10. It says, in crying out with a loud voice saying, salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb. And what that highlights for me is that God, he reigns. God reigns completely. Just like that old song, our God is an awesome God. He reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power, love, all that good stuff. God reigns, but with his rule comes salvation. There can be no salvation if Jesus Christ is not on the throne of heaven. And that's because the lamb of God, Jesus, who's the Messiah, the son of God, he was willing to be slain for us.

He was willing to take that punishment. And in that sacrificial death, there was triumph. Where there was apparent defeat, now comes the ultimate victory over death and sin and hell and Satan. So because of Jesus's faithfulness and his works as the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, right?

That's what John the Baptist said about him. We can be assured that when he does come back, when he does return, we're going to share that life with him in glory forever. That's what the book of Revelation ultimately points to. And that's the hope that we have.

We find that hope in God's word. And we do want to remind you guys that today's verse of the day is brought to you by the Date the Word app. Every single day connects today's date with God's word with the hope of making it more memorable for you.

You can download it for free right now on iTunes or on the, what's the other one, the Android one that no one ever uses, the whatever, the Android store, whatever, Google Play Store, whatever it is that you kooky kids use. But every single day does connect today's date with God's word with the hope of making it more memorable for you. Got a gripe vine for you guys today. And it's not that I'm alone here in the studio, once again, it's not that Ryan's off gallivanting and enjoying his anniversary and I'm here in the stony lonesome of the Clearview Today studio. This is a more domestic gripe vine. I should say, welcome to the gripe vine! Boink! I think I got a doink sound effect here.

There it is! This gripe is coming to you courtesy from the vermin that live in my house. So, my wife and I live in a pretty old house. I think this thing was built in like the 20s or something like that, 20s or 30s. It belonged to Meemaw. If you live in the south, you know everybody's got a Meemaw, right? That's your grandmother. And it's the house my mother grew up in. And so, then after Meemaw and Papa were gone, the house just sort of fell into disrepair. My mom said, hey, you and Ellie can move into it, fix it up, do whatever you want to do. You can treat it like your own.

And that's what we've done. But it's still an old house. It's got a crawl space, right? It's got a whole area under the house where vermin, like mice and slugs and even cats sometimes get up under there.

And I can hear them at night, right? And so, we've had the house treated for mice and for termites and everything you could possibly imagine, but something about summer just drives them to my house. I know that other people must have mice, but it seems like everybody just keeps it quiet. They don't talk about it because nobody wants to be the house that has mice in it.

Well, I'm going to do the opposite of that. I'm going to sit here and gripe about it on the radio. I'm blasted all over Christian radio because I'm sick of these mice in my house. We saw one.

Well, I shouldn't say we. My wife saw one in the vent the other day. I was at home. It was actually yesterday. It was a Monday. And I was at home and I just hear her go, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.

Just like that, right? And I'm like, what in the world is going on? And I come out and she's like, there's a mouse in the vent. There's a mouse in the vent.

Now, here's where as the husband, I feel like I kind of failed. Because the role is, all right, time to put on your big boy pants, put on your war boots and get that mouse. But I was like, I'm going to take the kids and get out of here.

You deal with the mouse. Because inside I was terrified. I was scared. I'm scared of the mice. And I'm not even going to pretend like I'm not. I know there's tons of blue collar men, red blooded men, listening to this right now being like, you scared of a little mouse? 100% I am.

100%. So I said, Ellie, here's what I'm going to do. I can't have the kids here with the mouse in the house. I'm going to let you figure it out.

You can do whatever you want to do. I'm going to take the kids and come to my dad's. And I ended up calling David. And I was like, hey, there's a mouse in the house. Unfortunately, I'm not home right now, which was the truth at the time. I need you to come and deal with this situation.

So he did. And then it was one of those things where I was like, well, I dropped my kids off at my dad's. And I was like, well, I can't just go back there. I may as well go get the traps. So I went and got the traps. And of course, I was like, well, I don't know if this store has the traps I need. I'm going to go to another store and find the traps.

I got back to the house. And David and Ellie were on mouse duty. So in that case, I would say A plus, got the mouse out of the house. But there's never just more than, there's never just one mouse. There's always going to be more than one mice.

At least I'm assuming that. So anyway, we called the exterminator this morning. He came over, spread some poison under the house. But man, this is just a gripe that I have that every summer mice just come in and they're just living in my walls. And now Gavin's excited because I told him that there's a mouse in the house. He thinks Mickey Mouse is here making friends in his walls. Like he's going to go to sleep at night and be like, leaning over to the mouse hole in the wall. Good night, Mickey.

Anyway, that's my gripe for the day. We're going to grab Dr. Shaw in just a moment. Maybe he's got some experience with this as well. If you've got some experience on how to deal with mice, how to get them out of your house, especially in the summer, write in, let us know, 2525825028. Or you can visit us online, Drop us a little email or a comment there.

I'd love to just get some, some good godly biblical advice on how to get rid of vermin in the summer. I'm gonna grab Dr. Shawn in just a second. We'll be right back. Hello, Clearview family. I'm Nicole.

And I'm David. And we want to talk to you today about the Clearview app. You know, there are so many churches out there that put their sermons on YouTube and their announcements on Facebook and their prayer list on Periscope.

I didn't even know Periscope was still functional. Oh, it's not. And that's why nobody can find their church's prayer list and nobody's prayers be getting answered. But here at Clearview, we believe in making our content as accessible as possible. That's right. Clearview produces so much content every single week, including Dr. Shaw's sermons, original music, a full online store, weekly prayer gatherings, and so much more. Not to mention the number one best selling Christian talk show of all time. I don't know if that's accurate.

Well, maybe not yet. But that's why we want people to download the app. If you're listening from the Triangle area, we encourage you to check out Clearview Church in person. But if not, you can still follow all of our content on the Clearview app. It's 100% free on the Apple Store and Google Play Store.

And best of all, all of our content is right there in one convenient spot. Make sure you download the Clearview app today and let's get back to the show. Welcome back to Clearview today with Dr. Abinan Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can visit us online by going to our website Clearview or you can always text in right into the show, 252-582-5028 with any questions or comments that any topics that you want Dr. Shah to talk about here on the show.

We are of course here today with Dr. Abidan Shah, who's a PhD in New Testament textual criticism, professor at Carolina University, author, full time pastor and the host of today's show, Dr. Shah. You know, my son is a huge fan of Mickey Mouse. He will be excited to know and you'll be excited to know that I have Mickey Mouse living in the walls of my home.

At that point, they're not that not that fun anymore. I was just I was just listening. I was like, I feel like I hear something scratching the walls. And I just heard, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, give me your money.

And I was like, oh, my goodness. Then I hear Ellie freaking out from the other room. There's there's a mouse in the vent.

There's a mouse in the vent. And then I hear the kids on the other room because we put them in the back room and we like lock the door. So they were there. They were there at the house. And so they were like, they were like, I want to see I want to come out and see. So I was like, the mouse got scared.

She ran under. We're calling David over to come get it. So I'm like, I think I see a way out of this. I'm like, I'm going to take the kids over to my dad's because they don't need to be here for all this. Then I took them to my dad's.

Come back. They still haven't found it. So I was like, maybe I'll just go get some traps.

We ended up getting it. How many do you think there was only one, right? Uh, probably.

Yeah, probably just one. I was here. Well, I was hearing sounds before I was hearing sounds before. Is it more like one of those, like somebody says, I got lice, then you start scratching your head starts getting itchy. The thing is we have the cats in our neighborhood and the sounds that I'm hearing are just normal sounds that I hear. Like cats get up under the house and they play and they wrestle and they probably are chasing mice or whatever. But uh, I was, I was, I'm fine until I see the mouse.

Okay. If someone tells me a hundred percent, there are mice in your walls, I'm cool. As long as I don't see it, if it starts running out in the floor, I'm like, ah, that's gotta go.

That's gotta go. Why are people scared of mice? I think cause they're so fast. Oh, I think cause they're so fast.

I don't, I don't know. So if they were slow, you'd be okay with it? I think I'd be okay. I'd just get a broom and just stun them. I don't know why they're scared of mice. Cause I am like, if I see it, I'm like, but if, if, if I just know they're in the house, I'm okay. I can pretend that they're not there.

I am not okay with it. You don't like mice? Have you ever had mice in the house?

I've had rats. Really? Not here in India. In India. In the house?

Oh yeah. What happened was, and I mean when I was really young. And then my dad was like, okay, we're going to solve this problem. And he put mesh and net and everything metal to block any possible way that anybody could ever get in.

He seems like the type where he's like, this is my house. I will not have. But I remember prior to that we didn't have any problem. And, but all of a sudden, I don't know what it was, maybe it was heat or whatever. And these rats started coming into the house, into the kitchen area. Were they big? Oh yeah.

As big as the palm of my hand. No, man. No, don't say it. And then they have the tale about this why.

Tell me that's not true, man. And so I remember going to the bathroom at night and you hear this crinkling, you know, they're moving around and they're running to hide. And my mom was like, you fix this to my dad.

He's like, you fix this and you fix this now. So then began the process of how do we rat proof the house? Not mice.

This is rat. And, but he went at it. He put a mesh over the drain pipe. He put, I mean, he had people come and do the work for him. Every corner of the house was cement concreted. I mean, everything like even in the, see, like here we have drywall ceilings back at home at one time. Then my dad worked on, changed all that. There was a roof, like a sloping roof.

So when you have roofs like that, there's a space sometimes that happens or piece of concrete may fall off and now the rat can just climb up. So they were getting in somehow. And so man, he went and he got all that taken care of. And so finally none. Like most of my teenage years, I would say we didn't have any. But I remember in the seventies and they were massive. Oh, I can imagine. I saw one in New York that was about the size of a cat one time and I was like, I'm really, really glad that I don't have this problem.

It's pretty, it's kind of funny because I feel like women and like moms and wives, they get a free pass. They're allowed to be scared, but it's like, what happens if your dad's scared? It's like, I'm just stuck.

We're just going to have rats. You're in a bad place, so you just got to do what you got to do. So I'm going to be honest. I manned up and I called David and I said, you got to come over. I manned up, I took on my husbandly duty and I called someone to take care of that problem. And I took the kids to safety. You're like, you're going to take care of the home front. Yeah, I got to work on the home front.

That's right. I got to get my kids to safety. What if that mouse would have jumped up and scratched his eyeballs out? Bro, here's the thing.

I thought about that. I was like, I was like, I can't have the kids here. Gavin is not like me. He's not scared of animals. He's not scared.

I'm talking about what he would have done to David. I'd be like, ah, bro, you got to do what you got to do, man. This is war. This is going to be casual.

So his eyes could be gouged out. Yeah, it is what it is. I'd be like, you didn't get him fast. You weren't quick enough.

I was like, next time I'll have to call someone else. That's kind of unfortunate. But he's blind for the rest of his life.

Yeah, forever. But Gavin's not like me. He wanted to come see it.

Yes. And I was like, you know what? I'm kind of glad because I'm going to raise him to not be scared like me.

He's going to get the mice out of the house while he's a teacher. Go do that. You need to go do that right now. Right now. I have 50,000 things on me.

You need to be tough like daddy and go get that mouse. You've been talking about feet. I'm going to see if I can pull the segue off like Ryan does. Holden's going to be like that too. I think so.

Yeah. He'll pick it up and eat it. He'll just be like, oh, buddy, don't don't do that. You're talking about fear. Like when you when you live in a house with pests and you live in it, you can you can it gets stressful. You know, it gets to be where it's like you're kind of afraid to walk out into your room. You're kind of like always on edge. And people feel that way right now in America. We don't know what's coming.

That was that was a fantastic segue by the way. I got to just give that to myself. Ryan would be proud. It's kind of funny because people feel this way. They're like, I don't know what to do.

I don't know what to say. I don't know what's coming in our country. And Dr. Shaw, we've we've kind of been on this this theme of America because you've written a devotional with your wife, a 30 day devotional called 30 Days Praying for America.

Right. Daily devotions to heal our nation because our nation is wounded and has been wounded for the past, I would say, 12 to 16 years. It's been rough. And it is sad to see Americans of all walks of life, all color, all backgrounds. Not only hurt, but also fearful of the future of our nation. What is happening? What's going to happen next?

Yeah. Who's going to be in charge? How are we going to make it? What are we leaving for our children and our grandchildren? It's because, you know, we're going to survive it.

We know we've lived through worse and we'll somehow make it. How about them? How about Gavin?

How about Holden? What world will they face in the next 20 years? It's funny how my priorities have shifted since having those kids, because before I would have been like, man, look, America, I mean, maybe the glory days are over. Or even don't think it's as big a problem. Yeah, it'll be all right.

It'll be all good. But now that I see my kids and I'm seeing the world that is kind of forming right before my eyes, I'm like, man, this is really a problem. Maybe the adults in my life who've been worried about this this whole time were right.

Maybe they knew what they were talking about. And it's kind of fun too, because right now we're going through a series on the Book of Judges and we're seeing these parallels between the people of Israel who just did whatever they wanted and what we're going through right now. Where people really, they're saying, do what you want to do.

Just be who you want. Right. The series is called Who Will Be First? And we have used a Western theme of cowboys and the Old West and the Wild West to help people understand the message behind the Book of Judges. And really the reason we're doing the Book of Judges is partly because of you, John. You're writing a book right now. You're writing a series right now on Samuel and leading into the Kings. You want to talk about that?

Yeah. So that was something that Dr. Shah and I had kind of talked about. And one of the things about working at Clearview that's so great is there's always a long-term vision. Dr. Shah will sit down with each of us and say, what do you want to do with your life? Not just here at Clearview, but with your life, what do you want to do?

And for me, it took a long time to kind of figure out. I was like, well, I want to film movies or I want to record albums. And all of that is true, but at the heart of it is I want to tell stories.

I want to write fiction. So we said, okay, cool. How can we do that with what we're doing here at Clearview? And it came to be where it was like, we formed this idea.

We want to tell a fictional sci-fi or high fantasy story set in the Old Testament or set not in the Old Testament, but tell the story of the Old Testament. And so we said, well, how far back are we going to go? Do we want to go to creation?

Do we want to do like a C.S. Lewis thing where we chronicle the world? And we landed at Samuel, because that's the beginning of the nation of Israel. Now you've also done Judges. We sort of set it aside for the moment, but we're going to go back to it. So Judges came about because the more we tried to dive into Samuel, the more we realized.

I'm sorry. Jacob. Jacob.

Yes, yes. That was one that we wanted to write in a different universe. We wanted to do a sci-fi story in Jacob, a fantasy story set in the book of Samuel. But we've started to realize, how do you do Samuel without the judges? How do you understand who Samuel was and where Israel was without the story of judges? The context in which Samuel went up and down north, south, east, west, uniting the tribes of Israel. You can't understand that unless you understand the landscape of the judges, because this 400-year period of the judges was very critical, because that set up the stage for the coming of a man named Samuel. That's right.

That's right. The 400-year period was kind of like the Old West. Just lawless. Yeah, it was lawless. It was a new frontier. There was law at times, just like in the Old West. It depends on the community, depends on the people that were in that town or in that settlement or in that frontier town. Depends on how organized they would be or how responsive they would be to law and order, how much they would listen to Washington.

Based on that, there was law and order. If they were like, we don't care, we're going to do whatever we want to, then that's where you get the sayings like, get out of Dodge. Yeah, you better get out of Dodge. My dad used to say that to me.

If I used to make him mad, he'd be like, son, I'm going to just say, you might want to get out of Dodge. Right. It's a little more colorful than that. Yeah, and Dodge is Dodge City in Kansas. I've been to Dodge City with Nicole and the kids. Nicholas, do you remember that? Dodge City?

No, you don't. You went to Dodge City? You might've been a little baby.

Been too young. Dodge City, just to kind of take a detour here, is not a very big place. At least the parts we went to. And when we began to come closer, like the outskirts of Dodge City, you can smell cows. Really? Oh my goodness. Cows, cows, cows. And then we come in and found a hotel and all that and walked around town and they have places where, you know, this is where Wyatt Earp was, this is where Bat Masterson was.

And then they have this sidewalk where different Hollywood movie stars, Western stars, you know, they put their hands, handprints, everything. But even in this, this was 2009 when we went to Dodge City, even then it was like, we got to get out of here. Really? There's nothing here. Just cramped and small.

Nothing here. I was just like, huh. But depends on who the people were, they were lawless or they were law abiding. Very much like judges. There were times that the people followed God. Then there were times they were like, we will do whatever we want to.

Yeah. We fell on something really special when we discovered that, really when you kind of pointed that out, because the parallels really are very, very interesting and they're compelling. And I don't think anybody is telling that story. And maybe we should be careful talking about this on the radio. Someone else steal our idea. But I think it's really cool because you think about like the American West, right? Like you get this big purchase of like this huge, vast swaths of land and people just go out there. It's like, how am I going to take the central government in Washington, D.C. all the way out there? And expand it over the territories. There are territories right now, right? Nevada territory or New Mexico territory and Colorado, Arizona. I mean, they're territories. So in a sense, they belong to America, but they don't have the same system of government yet.

Right. And even if they did, like, how do I enforce something from the East Coast all the way? I mean, this is something I didn't realize until starting to travel with you guys as well. I don't realize how big America is. America is big. There was a there was a British TikToker who talks about that. And he's like, I'm so sick of hearing people say that Americans aren't well-traveled.

Do you know how big America is? He was like, I could get from England to France in forty five minutes. You can't get from one city to another in forty five minutes. You can't leave your state.

And that's true. But anyway, all that to say, I think about the book of Judges as well, when the Israelites are like spreading out into this new land and it's like, we don't have a central government. We're tribes. We're tribes of people who are told to capture the the land that God has given to you. Drive out the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hittites, the I mean, the the the Girgashites and all these tights, drive them out, take the land.

This is your promised land. And they didn't always do that. There may be something to that in that part of the Israelites probably went through.

You said the period of Jesuits was four hundred years. That's almost as long as like America has been around. Could it be that America is in the situation that we're in? Because like the ancient Israelites, we tolerated sin. We tolerated things that were going on where it was like, well, it's bad. We don't agree with it. But hey, you got to live and let live.

You just got to we can all share this land together, even if we don't agree. And in the process, they were losing their own values, their own identity. And keep in mind, God was going to bring his son into this world through them.

And they not only disregarded that, but they were actively doing everything they could to corrupt their own selves. Oh, my goodness. It's a it's a sad story. And I I understand the I understand the consequences of that. Right. And I understand. It's hard. It's hard. You know what I mean?

Because I don't ever want to jump on the Israel deserves what they got bandwagon that people that can very easily lead to anti-Semitism at the same time. It's a tragic story. It's a really tragic story that takes some understanding and some some reflection. You know what I'm trying to say?

Yeah. I mean, the common refrain in the book, several refrains are in the book. One of them is in those days, Judges 21, 25.

In those days, there was no king in Israel. One did what was right in his own eyes. I feel like that's the motto of where America is right now. Doesn't that sound like the Old West? Yeah.

Yeah, it does. I'll do whatever I want. I'm going to do what I want to. I'm going to come in, blow into town and look, your lawman might can take me out, but it's up to him to take me out. Right. I may just take him out.

I might take him out. And now I kind of run the town. Right.

It's just as simple as that. And in this time period, First Samuel begins at the end of the Judges. First Samuel begins.

And it begins with a man who has two wives. Right there, we have a problem. Yeah, big problem. You know, because he himself is not living because this is not the way God wanted his people to live. Yeah. And people tend to think, well, back then it was it was all good.

It was never, never, never right. And in verse 10, 11, she was very sad. And she prayed and said, God, if you give me a male child, I will give him to you all the days of his life.

He'll be yours. So God used this little boy to then begin to change the nation. Amen. Unite the people and, and prepare them for the coming of the king. And of course, they ended up getting Saul because they jumped the gun and they wanted a king like everybody else. That's not what God wanted to do. He wanted to give them a king, but a man after his own heart.

Yeah. But since they jumped the gun, God gave them Saul. And if you read the book of Judges, at the end of the Judges, it's the tribe of Benjamin that is really messed up. And out of the Benjamin group was the town of Gibeah. That was like the worst. Was Saul from Benjamin?

And from Gibeah. Okay. Okay. That makes sense. I didn't know that. That's a little, that's a little piece of a little piece of history. It's cool how the story works out that way. And, you know, all these parallels between ancient Israel and the book of Judges and America, we're going to talk about that more as the, you know, as the weeks go on or the days go on. But I think it's something for us to take heart in because just as Samuel appeared in this story to transition them into what God had in store for them. So also maybe 2024 is our year of transition.

You know, maybe that's what our hope is. You know, the typical reactions people have right now to this election year or what's happening in America is threefold. One is either people reminisce. Oh, I remember the good old days. You remember the time? You remember how things used to be? And that doesn't help anything.

That doesn't help anybody reminiscing over the past. Or they resign. I don't even care anymore. I don't care for anybody. They're all corrupt.

I just want to do my own thing. They resign. Or the third approach, which again is also not good, which is they retreat. They retreat into their own world. And they're sort of connected. Reminisce, resigned, retreat. They're all connected.

But none of those approaches are good. And the retreat for me is the worst kind. It's almost like Jesus is a king. Yeah. It's like they hunker down and just wait for him to come back. It's like, we're just going to let this world go to you-know-where in a handbasket. And we're just going to hunker down, wait for Jesus to come back. Y'all. He is the true king. That's right.

And I'm like, who's arguing with that? Yeah, I believe he is a true king. But doesn't he tell us to be the salt and the light of the world? Be like Samuel. Be like Hannah. I mean, Hannah, what a powerful woman.

She's at a time of the judges. When this season in Israel's life is coming to a close, she said, God, give me a child. And I promise I'm going to raise him to be your next man. Amen. And God gave her a child. And wow, what a job she did. And then sacrificially, she gave him back to God.

True. Think about how that's something you don't think about is how hard that must have been. What a leap of faith that was to pray for something you wanted so much. Get it. And then immediately, in a sense, give him up to the Lord.

She did. And look what God did. Amen. Samuel. Amen.

And we're still talking about it all these thousands of years later. Dr. Shaw, thank you for being here. We're going to be talking about this a little bit more, because if you know people in your life who are retreating, resigning, reminiscing about the good old days, there's still hope for America. And we want you guys to feel that.

One of the best ways that you can do that is to pick up Dr. Shaw and Nicole's new book, 30 Days of Praying for America, Daily Devotions to Heal Our Nation. We're going to leave a link right there in the description. It's available right now. Make sure you pick it up. Write in and let us know what you think of it. 252-582-5028 if it's helping your spiritual life. We've already had a bunch of people write into the show.

We'll read some of those maybe later on in the week. But a lot of people are writing in and saying, man, it's changing my devotional life. It's giving me hope for our country. So we just want to thank you guys.

Again, that number is 252-582-5028. Or you can visit us online, and make us a donation there. Everything that you give helps us to make the show as excellent as we possibly can. We love you. We've got some more content heading to you tomorrow. I'll cleave you today.
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