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July 20, 2024 8:00 am

Bodies In Christ - Chiropractic Care

Bodies in Christ / Micheal R James

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July 20, 2024 8:00 am

Michael has a conversation with this week's guest, Dr. Gilmore from The Crawford Chiropractic Clinic. Bodies In Christ provides helpful understanding to get you back on the path to better health.

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Hello, this is Matt Slick from the Matt Slick Live Podcast, where I defend the Christian faith and lay out our foundations of the truth of God's Word. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network.

The thief comes to kill and destroy. I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly. Bodies in Christ. It is time for Kingdom Health Transformation with Mike James.

All right, all right, all right. Good afternoon. This is Mike James with Bodies in Christ, a Kingdom Health Transformation. I'm excited to be here today.

It's always good to join in and share with the light family. And so I'm going to get into our topic today. As a matter of fact, we had this young lady on before with us and this session was so intriguing and inspiring that she's back again to share some more information. So I'm going to, as a matter of fact, going to share with you all some information as we get ready to bring on Dr. Renee Gilmore with Crawford Chiropractic Wellness Center. So, and they're located 1109 Summit Avenue in Greensboro, and you can reach out to them at 336-373-8344. But I want to bring Dr. Gilmore on and just share with you all the history of Crawford Chiropractic Wellness Center, and then also share some information about herself as well, because some of you may be joining us for the first time, but we're talking about Kingdom Wellness.

And so I definitely wanted to bring on their sponsor of the program as well. So Dr. Gilmore, are you there? Yes, I'm here. Awesome. That's good. Excited to have you back on with us. And so how have things been going? Things have been awesome. I'm glad to be back. I'm excited to add additional information to your show. And so, yeah, I'm excited.

Awesome. So listen, Dr. Gilmore, I want you to, if you don't mind, just share with us a little bit, because again, there's some people that's listening for the first time that may not have caught the other broadcast. And I know there's some historic facts behind Crawford Chiropractic Wellness Center and even your journey into the space of chiropractic care. So if you would share a little bit with us about the history and how Dr. Anthony Crawford got started here with Crawford Chiropractic Wellness Center. Dr. Crawford has been in Greensboro, North Carolina. He was the first African American doctor who, there's an echo. Is there an echo on your end? No. Okay.

Sorry about that. But Dr. Crawford was the first African American chiropractor in Greensboro, North Carolina, which is pivotal. He's been practicing or had his location for over 27 years. He's been very active in the community. There's things such as the annual Trunk or Treat, where over 500 kids come and we provide activities as well as treats during Halloween. He does back to school giveaways, various health fairs. They adopt schools and contribute financial or give financial contributions.

Also Thanksgiving drive, Christmas toy drives, Thanksgiving food drives. So he's been very active in the community. And I just relocated here from Charlotte, North Carolina, where I've had my practice over 25 years. And we're joining together as a force to continue to provide health and wellness to the community. Yes, that's good to hear because I've known Dr. Crawford, I believe since he's been in Greensboro and he has, I mean, the whole Crawford Chiropractic Wellness Center has been an integral part of the community. And I love the way, even some of the things you mentioned, that he gives back to the community.

He gives back and how the center gives back to the community as well. But I want to get into you a little bit more about chiropractic care and how it can become a part of our Listening Audience Wellness Program. And what are some of the benefits of regular chiropractic care?

Okay. Just to give a brief overview, Crawford Chiropractic focuses on diagnosing and treating neuromuscular skeletal issues, particularly those related in the spine. And then we utilize spinal alignment, which is also called chiropractic adjustments or manipulations and other alternative treatments such as exercise, traction, massage, heat, ice, low level laser therapy, nutrition. And the combination of these things helps to enable the body to heal itself without the use of surgery or medications. And we align ourselves with, there was a quote over about 121 years ago from Thomas Edison, where he stated that the doctor of the future will give no medicine, but interest his patient in the care of the human frame and diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. And so we align ourselves, the practice aligns ourselves with that. And so there are several things that we do in terms of, you know, when you come, if you get regular chiropractic care, we can correct things such as poor posture. And it's especially beneficial with, you know, people who sit for long hours at the desk or they use electronic devices.

Even if you have a very manual job, which you were in which you have to do a lot of bending and stooping and those things, things of that. So we help the human spine with that by enhancing the posture. And then chiropractic adjustments also can help improve range of motion of the joints and the muscles and making it easy for people to move and perform daily activities without discomfort. And of course, you know, pain relief. One of the primary benefits of chiropractic care is that we help to relieve acute and chronic pain conditions such as lower back pain, mid back pain, neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, knee pain, and those types of things can be effectively managed through chiropractic adjustments. One of the awesome things about chiropractic care is that it's drug free.

It's a drug free treatment. So we don't use any kind of painkillers. We may we may give you something natural, that natural supplement or herbs that could help decrease pain or facilitate an overall healing of like soft tissue or connective tissue.

But chiropractic offers a natural alternative to pain management by reducing that need for prescription pain medications, which can have, you know, significant side effects or risk of dependency. And because we're aligning the spine, it can it can boost your immune system along with the other 10 systems of your body, because the nervous system is the most important system of the body. And it controls all of the other 10 systems of the body. So the chiropractic adjustments can improve the function of the nervous system. And then it can help support all of the other systems of the body, which helps those systems to function optimally.

And then of course, reducing stress, because when the spine is misaligned, it can cause stress and tension in the body. So chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate the stress and promote a sense of well being and relaxation. There is also things such as what we we talk about in the office is diet and lifestyle, which is very important. We often give advice about healthy diet and exercise and certain lifestyle changes that can enhance the overall well being. You know, we know that regular physical activity is crucial in maintaining your health and preventing the disease. So it's chiropractic is also it's, its view is more of a holistic health, because we've realized that the body is interconnected.

We don't focus solely on just one particular area, because the body is the spine and the body is one entity, and everything is interconnected. So it's important to, you know, be physically, emotionally and chemically balanced. And what I mean by you know, cause physical is the spine being properly aligned and emotionally, you know, managing our stress. And then, and when we talk about chemical, those are the things that we put in our body and on our body, you know, chemicals can affect toxins and things of that nature can actually cause disease or illness. Now, one of the things though, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Okay. No, I just I had a question I wanted to wanted to ask you when you talked about the immune system, and how the nervous system plays a part in the immune, you know, in your immune system, because one of the things I talk about a lot on the show, of course, is one mindset and then eating around the Genesis 129 model, but in that being a factor in immune system, but you're saying that also, your spine health and nervous system plays an important role in overall immunity, your body's immune system. So yeah, I just wanted wanted to see if you can touch a little bit more on that if you know, if you don't mind, I was just curious as to how does that work with your nervous system playing a part in your immune system. So your nervous system consists of your brain and your spinal cord. And then there are branches of nerves off of your spinal cord. And then those nerves supply every organ tissue muscle throughout the entire body. And so there is a communication, the brain sends messages down through the spinal cord, those messages go out through the nerves, and they supply different organs.

Now, if there's any interruption or disruption of that nerve signal going to whatever organ tissue system, then it's not going to function optimally. So I give the analogy of say, let's say a water hose, right? Okay, you have a water hose that is supplying like a plant, right? And then you step on the water hose. Depending upon the pressure, if you have total pressure on it, then it's going to stop the water. And then eventually what's going to happen to the plant is not going to get the supply of water.

And so it's going to dry up and eventually die. But say if it's just slight pressure, so over time, what happens is you might have maybe some browning of the plant or you might have, you know, things are starting to not be as green or eventually over time, because you're not getting the proper water supply to that area, then the plant that you're watering will eventually have issues. So it's the same thing with nerve supply going to different areas, but let's say for instance, the digestive system, we'll just use that as an example. I know you're talking about the nervous system, but I think that this is more people can get a more visual on this. Say, it's this nerve is supplying your stomach, right? So with your stomach, we know we have all of these different actions in the stomach that allows you to break down foods. Now you're not getting optimum supply to that area, then you might start having small digestive issues.

And eventually you start taking medications because you're not breaking down the foods and you might have regurgitation of that food and having different issues. And all along is because you're not getting proper nerve supply to that particular organ. So the same thing with the nervous system.

The nervous system is so broad, it's just not because it's consist of so many different things that if your immune system is not functioning optimally, then your body's not able to fight certain infections off as well. So it's all interconnected. That's pretty interesting there. So yeah, we're going to take a break here in a couple minutes.

Well, a couple seconds here, Dr. Gitmo, we're going to come back and continue this conversation because this is pretty, pretty intriguing. And so if you want to reach out to Crawford Chiropractic Wellness Center, again, their number is 336-373-8344-1109 Summit Avenue in Greensboro, and we'll be right back. If you or your loved one are facing challenges of intellectual development of disabilities or mental health diagnosis, Choice Behavioral Health and Consultive Services understand, and they're here for you. Crystal Nickerson, owner and director, has been called by God into the role of pastoral counseling. She believes that the right relationship with God can transform lives, fostering right relationships with one another.

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Visit them online at All right. We are getting back into this great subject matter that we have here with Dr. Renee Gilmore with Crawford Chiropractic Wellness Center and just some fascinating information that she's been sharing about the correlation between chiropractic care and overall health. A lot of this is intriguing to me because a lot of times we may not think of the correlation between our nervous system and the different organs and how they play a part in making sure they get those signals from the brain.

And that's what I'm getting from what you're telling us here, Dr. Gilmore. And now the other thing when you mentioned stress. So now how do you all help as far as from a stress management standpoint? I know pain puts stress on the body period, but you know, how do those things take, you know, take a role in our overall health? Because I know stress also can lead to us holding on to extra weight. So how does chiropractic care help with with something like like stress? So misalignment in the spine can cause stress and tension. Also, when a person is stressed, typically they hold tension in their muscles.

So one of the things that we like to do is to make sure that people are breathing properly because having the proper breath, it actually relieves some of the tension, and then making sure the spine is in proper alignment. And then another thing that is very helpful is there are different nutrients or nutritional supplements or herbs that you can help to help adapt with the stress. And then things such as exercising, you know, we encourage that because by exercising, you release endorphins, which are chemicals that will help or just think of them as happy, happy chemicals that help you to release and to release tension and also to help mitigate the stress.

So we just try to implement certain things going out in the salt and light. These are things that people can do because that helps serotonin, increased serotonin, and that boosts your mood. So there's little things that you could do such as breathing, you know, making sure you're taking deep breaths in and breathing slowly and relieving, you know, the stress.

So anywhere from inhaling five seconds in and actually six seconds out, there's actually been research studies done on that, like breathing, that can actually help to release your blood pressure. And like you said, getting out in the sunlight. Notice how when the sun is out, a lot of time that boosts people's mood. And like I said, exercising and then also staying away from things that can stress the body like sugar. Sugar can cause inflammation. It can make the body stressed. And so eating healthy, you know, this is a good, great time where you can eat a lot of because of summertime, a lot of great fruits and vegetables, eating more of a plant based diet and staying away from refined or packaged foods.

Absolutely. So that's one of the things that we we talk a lot about here is, you know, again, that that whole plant based regimen when it comes to what you eat, because that definitely does promote, you know, overall health. So if someone comes into the office with like acute pain, like back pain, which I know there's a lot of people out there that suffer from back pain. And one of the things that you said earlier was that your modality is to help people without, you know, having to having them take medication, because, again, you know, there are some things that, you know, can be toxic from medications and things like that.

You mentioned the addictive factors. So now when someone's coming to you all, you know, specifically for pain management, what's involved in that and in kind of how do you help someone that has those type issues? So first, is a thorough examination to determine actually what is the cause of the pain.

And that can also entail x rays as well. And we do kinesiology or muscle testing, and that helps us determine like where the misalignments are coming from. So just doing a thorough examination to help us determine where the pain or the purpose or the outcome or the purpose or the underlying cause of the pain. So is the pain due to inflammation? Is the pain due to like a bone being out of alignment that's causing pressure on the nerve?

Is there a disc bulging from the spine that's causing pressure on the nerve? So really trying to get or is it just misalignment and you have improper biomechanics? And what we want to do is get to the root cause. And once you get to the root cause, then you can help whatever the issue is versus just providing pain, you know, medications and not really finding out what the problem is. So that's one of the things we try to do is when you come in and complete an examination, x-rays and figure out what's going on, and then we do a customized treatment plan for that patient. So that might then tell them coming in an x amount of times a week or for x amount of months and then in addition to chiropractic, there might be those alternative things such as implementing certain stretches, traction, massage, heat, ice, laser and nutrition. Okay, okay that's awesome. And again folks, if you want to reach out to Dr. Anthony Crawford and Dr. Renee Gilmore at Crawford Chiropractic Wellness Center, you can do that.

They're located at 1109-1109 Summit Avenue in Greensboro and then also you can reach them at 336-373-8344 or online at So yeah, this has been good. I'm glad you were able to come back. You know, we have a couple minutes left here. So is there anything, Dr. Gilmore, that you'd like to leave the listening audience with as kind of a, you know, parting advice or something you'd like to share?

Oh, absolutely. First and foremost, realize that your body is the most important thing and we have to absolutely take care of it and do not ignore symptoms. Symptoms are assigned to let you know that something's not quite right. So whatever ache or pain that you have, that is your body communicating to you to let you know that something's not right. And always get to the root cause.

Figure out whatever the issue is, whether it's back pain or whatever disease or illness that you have, be it autoimmune, cancer, whatever the cause or whatever the case may be in terms of what you have going on. You have to figure out the why of it because we don't have, our bodies weren't made to have these diseases and illnesses. It's because of the environment and other things that's causing disease and illness in the body. And what we put in our body is crucial because it can either make or break you. And I want people to know, because a lot of times people say that, you know, this is hereditary. But I want you to think of this word is the word called epigenetics. And what that means is, is that you have a gene, you might have a gene for a certain disease or illness, but you can either turn that gene on or you can turn it off. And you can turn it on by environmental factors and what you do to your body and what you are exposed to. So we are in control of our own health. And so, yes.

So there you have it. I certainly appreciate you coming on today, Dr. Gilmour. And there you have it folks is Crawford Chiropractic. Of course, they offer a natural non-invasive way to manage pain and improve your overall health and wellbeing.

And if you're struggling with chronic pain or want to enhance your health and wellbeing, do call Crawford Chiropractic at 336-373-8344 or visit them on the web at And again, thank you so much, Dr. Renee Gilmour for joining us today. And I'm sure our listening audience got a lot out of this and hey, who knows? We may have you back a little bit down the road. So folks again, thanks for tuning in and yes, the best is yet to come. God bless. This is the Truth Network.
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