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July 8, 2024 12:03 am


What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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July 8, 2024 12:03 am

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey
In Touch
Charles Stanley

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Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio, where we change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media, telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world. A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bringing to light the enemies of freedom.

Grew up to steal your rights, your children and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left, the voice of the Christian Resistance on the seventh day of July 2024. And the title of the message tonight is you can lead a horse to water and a soul to wisdom.

And what is that all about? Well, you know, you can lead a horse to water. You can't make him drink, but you can sure make that old horse thirsty. There's ways of doing that persuasion and you can lead a soul to wisdom.

You can't make someone receive the word of God, but you can definitely let them know the consequences of rejecting God's word. And so tonight we start in Proverbs chapter two. Now, here in Proverbs chapter two, and we're going to go verses one through eight. We find first of all, we find in Proverbs two, Proverbs three, Proverbs six and Proverbs seven, all begin with King David calling Solomon, my son, referring to Solomon as my son. David is exhorting Solomon to listen very, very intently to God's word. He is telling him to cry out to the Lord and seeking direction.

And of course, you know, Solomon was said to be of men born of women, the wisest man ever. Now, David understood what only a very small percentage of this world's population today understands, how futile, how absolutely completely futile it is to ignore God's word and to cling to the lust of the world. And so here, you know, when we read this, when he says, my son, if thou wilt receive my words and hide my commandments with thee, so that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom and apply thine heart to understanding, if thou cryest after knowledge and liftest up thy voice for understanding, here, when he says that, here, this is a classic summary of how to attain true and in-depth understanding of God's word and his plan and purpose for the world and its people. And then he says here, if thou seekest her as silver and searches for her as hidden treasure, well, here now, the words of God are available. Now, in the Holy Scriptures, they're inexhaustibly rich.

And, well, you can say that they provide an infallible, an infallible guidance to every area of life and truth. And then he says this in verse 5. Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. Well, here, we know the concept of fear, of course, implies reverence.

Okay? Such a good son would feel towards his godly father. God may chastise his disobedient sons when necessary, just as an earthly father would do. And so, but you, again, it's out of reverence. You reverence him. And a lot of people don't quite understand that.

I mean, boy, you wouldn't believe some of the questions I get from people. But anyhow, he goes on to say, For the Lord giveth wisdom out of his mouth, cometh knowledge and understanding. He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous.

He is a buckler to them that walk uprightly. He keepeth the paths of judgment and preserveth the way of his saints. Well, here, there is no greater source of wisdom, truth, and knowledge than that of the word of God in the King James Bible. In it, we find a true, in-depth understanding of God's word. And as I just mentioned in his plan and purpose for the world and its people, there is absolutely no other absolute power. There is no other absolute power and absolute authority other than God and God's word. Now, even though I know the answers, I can't help but ask myself, why? Why the vast majority of the world's population, see, they seek to answer all of life's issues everywhere except for where they can be found. And that's right here in the word of God.

Now, when I said, even though I know the answer to that, and the answer is literally spelled out for me. In fact, I want to go over to 2 Corinthians chapter 4 and read verses 1 through 7. Therefore, seeing we have this ministry as we have received mercy and faint not, but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. Well, Paul had, well, I tell you, he was up against some, some, well, some real hard problems in that time. He, he had the Gnostics to deal with, he had the pagans to deal with, he had the Judaizers to deal with there. And so here, when he makes this point, that, but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, and not walking in craftiness.

Well, again, you had that back in those days, but that was nothing, nothing compared to the dishonesty and craftiness of today. You have the Apostate Church out there, United Methodist Church, United Church of the Antichrist, the Episcopal, you have these preachers, just like not long ago, Al Sharpton had come out and said that the Bible condones abortion. That's a lie from the pit of hell. They also said that the Bible condones sodomy, LGBTQ. That, too, is another lie from the pit of hell, okay? And so you have these people out there, but the biblically illiterate, they don't know this.

They don't know this. Here you got a guy that's got reverend behind his name. Oh, he's a reverend, but not of God, of Satan himself. And so here he goes on to say, But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost. If our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost. And that's exactly who they want to hide it from.

They want to hide it from them. And who's behind that? Well, the devil is using his agents, especially, too, today in the prosperity church movement. Well, I'm telling you, you've got some people that are demonically out there.

Kenneth Copeland, I would say, is demon-possessed. I've watched this man, I've listened to him, and yet he's out there and he draws huge crowds because they've learned, they've learned to handle the word of God deceitfully with craftiness and the manifestation of truth. Here and now, they've learned how to play off people's greed. They've learned, really, they've become experts with all of this prosperity movement.

I'm playing off people's greed. And so, he goes on to say, In whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. And, of course, here, how does Satan do that? Well, he uses people like the apostate church. These apostates, they're really, literally ministers of Satan out there.

Now, that's a reality, folks. All you have to do is sit and listen to what they're preaching and then pick up God's word, the Bible, and compare what they're preaching to what the Bible is teaching. And he says, For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who commended the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts to give the light of knowledge and the glory of God in the face of Jesus. Here, Paul draws a very beautiful analogy of our new creation in Christ and his creation of the world. Both the world and we were initially born in darkness. We're in spiritual darkness through innate sin. And the world and physical darkness, God called for a physical light to divide the darkness. He has divided the darkness in our hearts by the spiritual illumination of him, who is the light of the world. And therefore, there continues to be a conflict between day and night. We, as it were, so there continues to be a battle in our souls between the old darkness and the new light in the age to come.

However, there shall be no night there. And we shall always walk in the light, having made like unto him, having been made like unto him, for we shall see him as he is. And so here he says, For God has commanded the light to shine out of the darkness, has shined in our hearts to give the light of our knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure, that's the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and knowledge. We have this treasure in earthen vessels. Earthen vessels are our body, our physical bodies, where it is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.

But the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us. And so I want to go over to, well, I'm often taken back regarding the, well, the unsolicited and incompetent advice that I receive from, usually from very well meaning, but not so, not so biblically literate individuals. Here I've got a letter from a lady named Debbie. Now she seems like a very nice lady. She seems like a very sincere lady. And she seems like she actually believes what she's writing to me here. And so I'm going to read this letter from Debbie and then do some commentary on it. Now here's what she writes. She said, greetings and warm salutations to you and your wonderful fellowship of believers.

Well, she says to the honorable pastor, Ernest Sanders. I have not had the pleasure of meeting you in person. However, I stumbled upon your radio broadcast one day a few years ago when listening to 1500 WLQAM late in the evening in the Detroit Warren, Michigan area and loved what I heard.

You had a doctor, the natural health doctor, probably a Glidden, Peter Glidden on at the time. I was delighted to hear you had not bought into the COVID lie. No, we, in fact, Debbie, not only did we not buy into the COVID line, we were the first ones out there warning people. In fact, three weeks before the very first person took the very first shot, we were telling people this is not a vaccine, this is not a vaccine, this is a bioweapon.

Do not take this. We warrant every single test animal died. In fact, we even wrote up a paper and we put it in a couple of articles and sent it out in our newsletter, okay, to try to warn people. And here, unfortunately, not everybody paid heed. We had several people that I actually talked to, and they took the shot and died. And so here, he goes on to say, I was delighted to hear that you had not bought into the COVID lie and continue to this day to listen to you. That's been about two and a half years, closer to three years. Closer to three years of listening, and it is my intent to send you to your ministry some money, and at the time, I can afford to at least send $50 minimum, maybe even more in a donation.

But I'm writing to you today for what I consider to be an urgent concern. I've heard you preach or speak about biblical Christian doctrine that I believe to be unsound and actually false, with not one Holy Bible scripture to stand on if the Bible is rightly divided as it should be. I do not believe that the Holy Bible contradicts itself at all.

Well, I agree with you there. The Bible definitely does not contradict itself at all. Now, here, when it comes to one biblical doctrine, I can give you, well, not I, but the Bible itself can give you a truckload of biblical doctrine. And in the near future, maybe even next week, I will preach a message on this topic, maybe next week, maybe later, depending on where the Lord leads me. I believe you to be a scholar and a great man of God.

I thank you for those nights towards Debbie. But dear man of God, I deem you incorrect in doctrine known as once saved, always saved. Dr. Charles Stanley, the renowned Baptist minister, also preached the doctrine in his entire ministry. I have often could not listen to him because I consider him to be in full and complete error. Well, Debbie, I got news for you. Virtually, I've been preaching these messages for over 50 years now, and I have in that time made acquaintances with many, many, many of the best known, world's best known Bible scholars. And guess what?

As far as I can see, probably at least 95% of them believe in eternal salvation, believe that you cannot lose your salvation. And there's a lot of reasons for that. I mean, I could give you some very fast and simple reasons here, or I could wait and give it to you in a very long message. But to cut to the quick, Debbie, I can tell you this. The most valuable substance that ever existed was the blood of Jesus Christ. Now, it was just the most valuable. It's the only thing, okay, that could buy you eternal life, to live forever. That is worth more than owning every planet in outer space. Okay, there's nothing out there that can compare with eternal life.

There just is not. Now, I was saying that here, God the Father in His wisdom, and I mean great wisdom, and when I say that, I mean absolute and complete wisdom and understanding. Now, He would never, no not ever, allow people to take and throw away the most precious substance that ever existed, and that's the blood of His children. And that's what would happen if you could lose your salvation. You see, if you could lose your salvation, you would lose your salvation. Every single person that has ever been saved, if they could lose their salvation, would lose their salvation. Now, the Bible makes it very, very clear that Christ was sacrificed once for all. If you lost your salvation, and I hear people say, well, I was saved, but then I lost my salvation, but then I got it back.

No. In order to get your salvation back, Debbie, Christ would have to go and hang upon that cross again, and that's never going to happen. He said, it is finished, it's over. Once for all, He has sat down at the right hand of the Father.

But you see, now here's another reason, Debbie. You don't have your salvation to lose. You don't have it to lose. You see, the Bible teaches very clearly in Ephesians 1 that your salvation is kept in heaven. Your salvation is kept in heaven, and the Holy, it's sealed.

It's sealed by the Holy Ghost, and the Lord Jesus Himself is the Sealer. So, you can't lose it because you don't have it, and it's not kept in your possession. God would never allow people like us, weak sinners, to have and to hold and be responsible for such a precious thing as eternal life, such a precious thing that His Son died a horrible death on the cross to obtain. And so, here again, in order for you to lose your salvation, you'd have to find a way to get to the third heaven, and that's pretty difficult in these bodies that we have today.

That's just not going to happen, okay? And so, then you'd have to wrestle away from God, and that's not very likely. And so, again, the prospects of, well, I've heard people say, well, maybe you can't lose it, but you can give it away.

No, you can't. In order to be able to give it away, you have to have possession of it, and you don't have possession of it. God has possession of it, and so you can't give it away, because, believe it or not, in our weak, weakened state, we could do that.

People could be tempted to such a degree where they would surrender their salvation, but you can't do that. So, but Debbie, I can go into real deep on this. I mean, but not tonight, because we have to move on here tonight. But let me just go on, if you're listening out there, Debbie, to say this. Here, you say, who am I?

Now, Debbie, you spoke of errors, and there's some very clear errors here. Who am I? No one you could say with any notoriety. Only the Lord knows who I am, actually. When I am saved, filled with the Holy Ghost, and with the evidence of speaking in tongues. You see, Debbie, right there, what you just said, you referred to as one of the sign gifts, Debbie, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Now, it's an interesting thing. I've preached in Pentecostal churches, and I've debated Pentecostal theologians on this.

Never lost a debate on this. But here, Debbie, I gotta tell you what the Bible teaches. Now, there's only one category of people that the Bible absolutely forbids to speak in tongues. Let me read it to you. If any man speak in an unknown tongue... Now, you notice this. You notice what he's saying. If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two or most by three, and by chorus, and let one interpret. Now, if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church, and let him speak to himself and to God. Now, you notice some things here, Debbie.

He, him, man. Let the prophet speak two or three, and let the others judge. If anything be revealed to another that seteth by, let the first hold his peace. Are you getting a picture here, Debbie? For you may all prophesize, one that all may learn, and all may be comforted.

And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets, for God is not the author... Listen, Debbie. God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. Now, here we go, Debbie. Listen carefully. Let your women keep silence in the church. He was speaking about the speaking in tongues here. Let your women keep silent in the church, for it is not permitted unto them to speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also sayeth the law. Now, Debbie, I preached in a number of Pentecostal churches, and I can tell you this. If there's eight people speaking, or let me just say, if there's ten people speaking in tongues, eight of them will be women. Now, and again, they're the ones that are categorically told not to speak in tongues.

See, I didn't write any of this, Debbie. I just read it to you, right from God's Word, the Bible, in 1 Corinthians, chapter 14. Now, she goes on to say, I'm a long-time Bible student. I'm not going to give her age, because women don't like you to do that, and have been baptized in water four times.

Now, listen to this. I've been baptized in water four times. As an adult, in Jesus' name, one, I was baptized in Jesus' name, two, I was baptized in the name of the Father, and then I was baptized again in the name of the Son, and then I was baptized in the name of the Holy Ghost, and then again, I'm baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

So all of these are a correct way to be baptized, of course, according to different church doctrines. Debbie, what is not important, okay, is church tradition. What is important is doctrine. What is important is doctrine. Now, the Bible tells you very, very clearly, one time, you're baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

That is the Trinity. You're baptized in the name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Ghost. You're not baptized four or five times. You're baptized once, okay?

Allow me to ask you this. How many times was Jesus baptized? How many times were the apostles baptized? I've been baptizing people for decades, for half a century, Debbie. And I go by what God's Word, the Bible clearly teaches, Matthew 28, verses 18 through 20.

So I appreciate your concern, and I appreciate your letter, and I hope what I've said tonight helps you somewhat. And when I can, when the Lord leads me, I will be preaching on that very subject. But now I want to move on to another one, is how to pick a deacon. How to pick a deacon. We've had some people telling me that, well, here's how we should pick deacons. That the pastor should go ahead and pick out a couple men he thinks might be good deacons, and then send them to the church and have the church vote on them to vote them in. And if you have three candidates, whoever gets the first most votes is exactly what the Bible does not teach.

No, no, the Bible does not teach that in any way, shape, or form. The Word of God teaches that people are to recommend to the pastor, totally up to the pastor, to pick his deacons. Now, myself, what I do is like what we did today, for example. I brought all my deacons together and with a new candidate. And we brought the new candidate in, and we questioned him, we examined him, because this candidate actually requested he wanted to become a deacon. He felt that the Lord was leading him to that. And so we did, we examined him, and I appointed him as a deacon.

But it was solely upon me to do that. It was my decision to appoint him, not to bring him before the church for a vote. On when a person should be baptized. Recently, I had mentioned to an individual that their son needs to be baptized. Your son should be baptized. He's, I've already talked to him, and he's fully aware of what it means to be baptized. And he has made a profession of faith that Jesus is Lord and Savior. And he said he wants to be baptized. Well, this individual said no, just like that, because for some reason, he didn't feel that his son was ready to be baptized. Now the question, my question is this, who is better qualified to know when a person is ready? Someone who has examined and baptized many over the last 50 years, many people, or those that have never baptized anybody?

I think the answer is pretty clear. And so, and then the last one that I was dealing with here, I've had a little pushback. As you know, we are an activist church. I pastor an activist church. Now, we're a very tight knit church, okay? See, what happens is, when you're in a church like ours, because they have an activist pastor who is a no-compromise pastor.

I don't back down, I don't compromise, I don't honor the offering plate more than the Word of God. And so, again, I wanted to say that we are not a 501c3 corporation. We saw right through that.

We saw right through that. We understand the difference between, once you become a corporation, you know what, you cease to be a church. Okay, now you can write church on every brick in the building, but if in fact you sign that contract, then you agree with the state that you're a corporation. That's a non-living creation of the state. The church is the living body of Christ, the living body of Christ.

And so we are the living body of Christ, and there's a lot of things that go along with that. It makes it very clear, once you become a corporation, that the state is your head. The Bible clearly teaches the church only has one head, and that's the Lord Jesus Christ. And once you sign that, then the pastor becomes an agent. He's listed as an agent, and there's two definitions that they use out of Black's Law. One is intercessing between the assembly and the state.

The other is a spy, an agent for the state and against the assembly. And so we are an actual New Testament church, not a 501c3 corporation. Now, again, we believe what the Bible teaches about the righteous are as bold as lions. We hold to that, without any compromise. In 50 years, in 50 years, we've never compromised, not one time.

We've never compromised our values and our beliefs, and we've held tight to it. And so we believe what the Bible clearly teaches, that we must obey God rather than men. We must obey God rather than men.

We understand the Bible makes it very, very clear on what legitimate government is, what legitimate is, and what illegitimate is. And this is why we put such emphasis on studying the teaching of the Word of God, and that's why we take it to a little bit of a higher level. And I've had more people tell me that. Now, because of all of this, some of what our standards... Because we have high standards that do as the word, very high standards. And because we have very high standards, that appears to be, for some people, too high.

It's more than... They want to have some leeway where it comes to having some compromise. They want to be in the world, but not entirely void of the world. In other words, they want to keep one foot in the world and one foot in the church. Well, the Bible says you can't do that.

You can't do that. You can't serve Christ in Belial. You can't serve Christ in Manman.

Okay? In fact, that's where the Bible is very clear. It tells you to come out from amongst them, be you separate from them.

And so, we are separatists at the words of the word, Baptist Church. Again, like I said, we have very high standards, and sometimes our uncompromising positions are... In other words, I've actually had some women say to me, don't you have any gray areas? I mean, does everything have to be black and white?

Well, I'm looking at the pages of the Bible right here in front of me. It's black and white, folks. Can't you find some gray? Can't you find some compromise? Can't you find accepting people that aren't perfect? Well, it's not as above to decide who's perfect and who's not, but we can. We do understand what the Bible teaches, and we are to love the good and hate the evil.

And we do understand that like you have no fellowship, no fellowship with darkness. And so, here, I want to go over to Ecclesiastes chapter 3. And Ecclesiastes chapter 3.

Here. Now, it's an interesting thing here, because what you have... You have 28, a listing of 28 times. He says, and there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

So he lists 28 times, 14 pairs of opposites here in the very first verse. There's a time and a purpose, a season, a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. Well, here, everyone, everyone should have the right. Everyone has the right. God has declared that everyone has the right and inalienable right to be born. But the wicked, the wicked, the wicked, and I mean wicked, and most of the preachers just don't have... They just flat out don't have the courage to call the wicked, wicked. And the wicked have denied many people that inalienable rights to life to be born. And so, God calls it murder.

We've done that. They've become murderers. Oh, now, now, come on, Pastor, you can't call it murder. It's legal.

Listen, legal doesn't mean anything. What's lawful, when you stand before the Almighty, it's what lawful in the Bible makes of it. God has already declared that. Killing a child, abortion is murder, period.

Period. It's a horrible sin. It's America's national sin. And our rivers have run red from coast to coast with the blood of innocence, and that blood has cried out to Almighty God.

And most of the pastors have failed God, and they've failed to boldly preach against that horrible, horrible sin. He says, in a time to be born and a time to die, well, there is a time to die. And that time, God chooses. God chooses. Only God has the right to decide when and how we should die.

And so, folks, here, people say, what about suicide? If you commit suicide, do you lose your salvation? No, you don't lose your salvation, but let me tell you what you've done, okay, by committing suicide. The Bible says you are not your own, right? You have transgressed God's dominion. You've transgressed God's dominion. It's like breaking into God's house and stealing from Him. And it's not a good thing.

And if you are saved and you do have crowns, you're going to lose some for doing that. And so, he goes on to say, a time to pluck up and a time to be planted. Well, he's talking about harvest and planting season.

It's a harvest and planting season. A time to kill and a time to heal. Well, a time to kill. Well, there's times in war and times in self-defense. And if you had a legitimate government, it would be capital punishment.

There's times for traitors, for treason. But our judicial system is so corrupted. You see, I am for the statute of the death penalty, as given to us by God, an annoying covenant. But because you have to be legitimate in administering the punishment.

Whenever, in the state of Ohio here, and I know, because I've been in the prison ministry for over 50 years, and I visited up on death row for 45 years, that folks, when they execute, by the way, we got about seven inmates off of death row that were innocent. But when the state of Ohio puts someone to death, you simply have one criminal administering punishment to another. That's what you have.

And so that's what you have. One criminal administering punishment to another. And so here, he goes on to say, a time to kill and a time to heal. Time itself, time itself is really required in the healing process.

When you lost a loved one or there's been a tragedy in your life. A time to break down and a time to build up. We have some biblical examples of that. If you take a look at Jerusalem, where you had Nebuchadnezzar came in and he broke down Jerusalem. Boy, he broke them down big time.

And then later you had Zerubbabel built up Jerusalem. A time to weep and a time to laugh. I don't have to explain that. You have good times and bads. A time to mourn and a time to dance. Of course, we mourn the loss of loved ones. We mourn, you know, so many things to mourn out there today. I mourn our country to see how bad it is going with what has happened to our country. How America was once great because she was good. She's no longer good. But there are good people.

And as David danced before the ark, you know, the good people in this country, they're coming together more and more are coming together to dance before running the wicked out, running the wicked, the deep state. The Democratic Communist Party is completely and totally corrupted. There is no redeeming merit at all. None is completely void of any redeeming merit. It's completely void of it. A time to cast stones, to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones.

Well, he's talking about here. The casting away is planting a vineyard or planting a garden. You have to get the stones out of the ground before you can plow it up. But then, in times to gather stones to build the walls and to build the buildings, you need to gather the stones. A time to get and a time to lose. Well, all of us people my age know that, you know, I've spent quite a lifetime and during that lifetime acquired a lot of things. A lot of what I've acquired, actually, I didn't acquire on purpose.

People giving me things, okay, and I appreciate that. But here now, with all of these things that I have, and I have a lot more things, a lot more things than I need, and most people my age, a lot of us here in America do, although with the economy I feel so bad because with the high and unlawful property taxes that we have, many people my age are losing their homes. But here, we're all going to lose all of that property. I'm not going to, when I leave this world, I won't take anything with me. As I'm speaking to you, I'm thinking about my collection of books.

I have some very rare and old books, I mean, a lot of them. And I'm going to leave all that stuff behind. There's a lot of things I'm going to leave behind here.

I'm not going to take any of that with me when I leave this world, neither any of you. And so he says, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. Well, you know, that actually, if we go over, and we got just about enough time to do that, too, Corinthians, 1 Corinthians, chapter 7, 1 Corinthians, chapter 7, here.

And here's what we read. A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. Start in verse 1.

Okay. Not concerning the things whereof you wrote unto me, it is good for a man not to touch a woman. Paul is talking about abstaining abstinence. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

See, it goes, one man, see, the man is the husband, and the woman is the wife. That's the way, folks, that's reality. I mean, I know it's not reality in the woke world. The only reality in woke world is lunacy.

It's lunacy. But here, in order to avoid fornication, you have a man who will have his wife, and the wife have her husband. Let the husband render unto the wife do benevolence, and likewise also the wife unto her husband.

In other words, wives should not deny their husbands sexual activity, okay, or vice versa. It used to be, you know, a lot of times, you know, women would use sex on their husbands to punish their husbands, okay? And I remember, or a lot of times, they just didn't feel good. And I remember one day, just as a joke, I came in, and I gave my wife a bottle of aspirin. She said, what's that for? I said, for your headache.

She said, well, I don't have a headache. I said, that's what I wanted to hear. And so sometimes, folks, you know, again, the Bible's clear here. Listen, the wife have not the power over her own body, but the husband, and likewise also the husband have not the power over his own body, but the wife. So you do not deny each other the sexual pleasures.

Defraud you not one another. Now listen to this, okay, except it be with consent for a time. Now that's where you refrain from embracing.

This is where you refrain from embracing, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again. That Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. But I speak this by permission.

So here Paul speaks of having direct divine authorization from God. But I speak this by permission and not by commandment, for I would that all men were, even as I, myself, but every man that hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner and another after that. And so here, going back to where I left off, a time, a time to get and a time to lose, we talked about that, a time to keep and a time to cast away, a time to rend and a time to sew, referring to changing of garments. A time to keep silence and a time to speak. Well, now, here, there are some times when you keep silence, when you're at a wedding and the preacher says, if any man have any reason why this couple cannot be joined together, let them speak out. Now, if you don't have a reason, keep silent.

Don't say anything. Okay, okay. Or if you're at a funeral, well, I'm going to tell you, I've done some funerals over the years and where siblings have picked the exact wrong place in the exact wrong time to argue over the estates. That is not the time and it is not the place. And, boy, I'm going to tell you, sometimes I just feel like putting my boot right on someone's backside for doing that. That is so disrespectful to do that. And yet I've seen that on several occasions and it's just not the right thing to do. Okay, so you should keep silent there, except for when it comes at a funeral.

Unless you want to give a good and a positive eulogy, it's not a time to say negative of the deceased, nor it's not a time, okay, to argue with the siblings. But at the same time, there are times when we are not to remain silent, where we speak out. Abe Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, said for men to remain silent when they should speak out makes cowards of men and destroys nations. And, boy, see, that's been the problem coming from the pulpits in this country. The pastors have failed to such a high degree to speak out when they should have, to stand up and use the bully pulpit and to speak out and say, thus saith the Lord God, and to speak out against these horrible sins of abortion and sodomy. They failed, they failed to go to march in Washington, D.C. and put these corrupt judicials to supreme only in their corruption and their treason against God and country. They failed, they failed and over and over again. Again, there was a time to speak up, and then he goes and he says, a time to love and a time to hate.

Well, fairly simple. We are to love what God loves and to hate what God hates. We are to love the good and hate the evil. And that's what God's word, the Bible actually teaches.

We're to love the things God loves and hate the things God hates. A time of war and a time of peace. Well, there is times if the cause is a righteous cause, if the cause is the righteous cause, there's a time of war to defend life, liberty and freedom against wicked evil, ungodly communism. And the peace comes in victory. After there is a victory, that's when the peace comes. What prophet hath he that worketh? And where in he laboureth? And so I'm running out of time for tonight now, but a very good lesson that we were speaking on, eternal life, folks.

It's an interesting thing because God's word, the Bible clearly teaches that there are many, many people that are deceived, that many are deceived, that many are going to come on that day and say, Lord, Lord, in thy name. And he's going to say, Depart from me, you work iniquity. I never knew you. I never knew you. You were never really saved. All the things you did, you did for the applaud of men or for your own benefit. I didn't know you.

You never called upon my name. Now, folks, I'm just going to tell you this. If you are saved, if you have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, you know, there's a saying, if you take a bird, if that bird's got life in him, if the bird's got life, you throw him in the air, he'll fly. If you take a fish, and if that fish has got life in it and you put it in water, it'll swim because that's what fish do.

Birds fly, fish swim. And if you are a born-again believer with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, you will have a burning in your belly to serve God. How many times have I said this? Now, folks, don't say, well, by my standards or by my means or by my opinion, don't say my opinion, don't do that.

Don't do that. Go with what God's word, the Bible, teaches. And if you have not received Christ as your Savior, don't run out of tomorrows tonight. And if you think you're saved, you better, if you don't have that burning in your belly to serve the Lord, then you had better make your salvation sure.

You really need to do that, okay? You need to go to your knees, pray to God, and show Him how you want Him to make your salvation sure. You want to, you need to know for sure if you're saved.

And the evidence would be a burning desire to serve the Lord. And so we're out of time tonight. So as I get this time, every night at this time, we always say good night, okay? Thanks for being here with me and God bless. And then I know that Ken just waits for this minute. Always, always, always keep fighting the fight. Please tune in next time for another edition of What's Right, What's Left.
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