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Friday, April 19th | Failing Biblically

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
April 19, 2024 6:00 am

Friday, April 19th | Failing Biblically

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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April 19, 2024 6:00 am

In this episode of Clearview Today, Dr. Shah talks about the often-feared reality in life… failure and how to properly handle it.

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And use that promo code, T-O-D-A-Y. Welcome to Clearview Today with Dr. Abaddon Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm Ryan Hill.

John Galantis. And you can find us online by visiting Or if you have any questions for Dr. Shah or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028. Or you can email us at contact at

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You know, today is April 19th, and that means our date. The word is coming from 1 Peter 4 19. It says, Therefore, let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to him in doing good as to a faithful creator. Your relationship with Christ and the Christian life in general reframes suffering in our lives. We all go through suffering, and my suffering is different than your suffering is different from the suffering that our listeners have at home. But all of us deal with hard things in life.

All of us deal with, you know, hurts and heartaches. But a relationship with God reframes suffering in two ways. Number one, suffering makes you more like Christ. It refines you. It refines those sinful areas in your life and teaches you to rely on God. And number two, it gives you a platform to speak into other people's lives. That's right. If John is going through something, and he makes it through the other side, and I'm struggling with that same thing, he now has the ability to speak into my life where he may not have had that before. Right. Equips you to be a blessing to other people.

We've said this so many times on the show, but if you're new and joining us for the first time, I think it's important you hear it too. The sufferings you go through in life are not just to get through. They serve a purpose, and they serve a very good purpose. And it's not always just to make you stronger. Sometimes actual good circumstances come from it. You know, we romanticize that, like, just, you gotta suffer because that makes you strong. It's like, yeah, okay, true, but that's so surface.

There are times where God works those sufferings into something good, and it may not always be to benefit you. Yeah. Guess what, man? That's maturity. That's right. And that's good Christian maturity.

That's right. And it doesn't mean it wasn't suffering in the first place. I mean, we'll never look at suffering or hardship and say, that is objectively a good thing.

No, no, that's a bad thing that you went through, but God can take bad and bring good from it. And here's a bit of good news. You can get these Date the Word verses on your smartphone every single day. Every single episode of the Clearview Today show is brought to you in part by the Date the Word app. That's where all these verses are coming from.

You can download it for free right now on iPhone or Android, and every single day connects today's date to God's Word with the hope of making it more memorable for you. It's Friday. It's Friday. That means it's time to throw around a little bit of money. I love that. I love that.

That's gonna set me up for success this weekend. Yeah, yeah. I love money.

So here's what I got. Actually, I'll say this, because I've been a credit hog on this podcast before. It's very, very important to my wife.

Why? I'm excited. Very important to my wife that I give her credit for this one. She was very proud of this. I think she's insane. This is a little crazy. So what I did was I upped the money. I'm gonna give you $3 million.

Whoo! Okay. All right. Because I think this is a crazy... We're living large.

This is a crazy scenario. Okay. You can't communicate with people at all.

That's done. You can't speak. You can't write. You can't text.

You can't think at people. You can't communicate with other people. You now have a three-year-old assigned to you who does all your communicating. This three-year-old is the only person that you can communicate with. You have to whisper what you want to say to their ear. But the thing is, they're just a three-year-old. So if you want to write something, you have to whisper it in their ear, and they have to write it down.

That's hilarious to me. Now, it sounds kind of funny, but it's like, think about all the ways you communicate to people. You're communicating right now. You and I communicate on a literally daily basis because of what we do. I just don't have a radio show anymore.

My son has to do the radio show. I have to whisper. You're not leading worship anymore. No. He is. I'm not talking to people. I'm not giving people my order at the restaurant.

That's why it's got to be three million, because it's so insane. I would have to come to the radio show and whisper, Kevin, listen to me. Today's date of the word is from 1 Peter 4.19. Today is 19. Kevin.

Today's date of the word. Kevin. Focus, buddy. Can we watch Mickey? I want to watch Mickey Mouse. I cannot watch Mickey right now.

I cannot watch Mickey. Or imagine past a shot up on the pulpit. He's like, all right, Kevin, listen.

He's like, John 3.16, for God so loved the world. I pooped. I pooped. So that's a tough sell. It's too rough. I think I'd take it. What? I think I'd take it.

Ryan. Yeah, I think I would. How?

I don't know. I feel like I could make it work. You're pretty good at talking to kids. I feel like I could make it work. I don't have the patience. I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. Imagine having to sit down and have a heart-to-heart conversation with my wife. Imagine budgeting our finances, for goodness sake. We would just be buying toys all the time.

I'm just thinking of counseling somebody and you have to give them biblical advice. I would not. So, I like dogs. Do you have dogs at your house? It's like I'm really considering quitting this job that I've been at for over 20 years.

I am a fireman. I'm like Paw Patrol. Or I'd just be like, Paw Patrol is on a roll. I would not take it. I think I would take it.

I would not. I think I would take it. I would take it for less than three. If it were one million, I don't know if I would take it for one.

Her original was one million. I said that's not nearly enough. Because this is for the rest of your life, right?

Yeah, I think it's got to be three. But I think I would take it. David, I know good and well you would take it.

He's like, yeah, heck yeah. That was easy. Nicholas, you taking it? 100%.

I can't see. You're not taking it? I wouldn't take it either. I'm proud of you, Nicholas.

You got a good head on your shirt. I think I would take it. Let's ask Dr. Shah and see what he would do. Write in and let us know if you would take that deal, three million, but you can only communicate in any and every form through a three-year-old.

Yeah, man. You're trying to write a book. You publish. He just sends crayon scribbles to your publisher. I don't know.

Three-year-olds are getting to the point where they can type pretty well. Maybe. So, I don't know. Maybe there's something to that.

Write in and let us know if you'd take that deal, 2525825028 or visit us online at We'll be back after this. What's going on, listeners? My name is Jon.

And I'm David. And we hope you are enjoying the podcast thus far. We really appreciate how many of you download the podcast every day, but we also want to remind you that we are first and foremost a radio show. Clear View Today is actually syndicated through the Truth Network, and we just want to let you know right now that in addition to hosting the all-time best Christian talk show of all time, hashtag Clear View Today, hashtag Clear View Today, the Truth Network also, as it turns out, has an extensive library of Christian programming. We really love everything they're doing at the Truth Network because the whole goal is to encourage, challenge, confront, and uplift listeners with the life-changing truth of Jesus Christ through Christian talk radio. And listen, we know we are not the only show wanting to expand its audience, so if you have a vision for your show or for your ministry, why don't you consider syndicating your show through the Truth Network because they rely on decades of experience of self-syndication with a full array of features for your long-form or short-form content. Make sure you visit the Truth Network online today at, or you can give them a call at 336-759-0363. Again, that's 336-759-0363. Well, John, are you ready?

I was born ready, my friend. Let's hop right back in. All right. Welcome back to Clear View Today with Dr. Abbadan Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You can visit us online at, or if you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text at 252-582-5028. That's right, and we are here once again in the Clear View Today studio with Dr. Abbadan Shah, who is a PhD in New Testament textual criticism, professor at Carolina University, author, full-time pastor, and the host of today's show, maybe soon-to-be millionaire. Dr. Shah, I want to ask you, I'm going to give you three million dollars. Okay. This one's rough.

That's why it's three million. Okay. You can no longer communicate with people at all.

You can't write a note, you can't text, you can't every... You're functionally mute. Okay. You have a three-year-old. That three-year-old, like Gavin, my son, he's your communication, so you have to whisper to him, you have to whisper in his ear what you want to say, and he has to communicate it.

Right. But he's still a three-year-old. So, I get how much? Three million. Three million.

It's really rough. I wanted to do... So, this is from Ellie. Okay.

Ellie came up with this. I said, I think it should only be phone calls, because he's still got to preach. He's still got to talk to people.

She said, nah, it's the only way you can communicate. And I said, I got to up it to three million. So, three million dollars, but I can only communicate through a three-year-old.

Through a three-year-old. For everything in life. For everything in life, yeah.

Three million dollars. That includes writing, right? I mean, that's books. That's teaching. Yeah.

That's what I'm saying. Is it for life, or is it for a limited period? I think it's forever. This is a lie.

Ellie doesn't play around. I thought this was too rough, but I think it's for life. That's how you communicate.

A three-year-old. I can do it. I'll do it. Dr. Shaw, no. I'll do it. Because if I know how to capture through him how to do that, it may become a bestseller.

Wow. It may be a series of books on life. Written by a three-year-old.

By a three-year-old, but I'm talking to him. And everybody will love it, because it's on their level. So, either you can use it as a hang-up or hindrance, or you can use it as a great asset. That's true.

It's just a book called Be Nice, Be Good. Yeah. I mean, there'd be more than that.

In today's market, that would sell. Yeah. And your son is pretty smart. He's pretty smart.

I mean, Jesus said, unless you are converted and become as a little child, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. So, I can explain textual criticism to him. Okay, buddy. You see the mistake? Okay. He made a mistake.

Tell him. He made a mistake. He didn't do that.

Yeah. Instead of Scrabble error, he'll just say, he made a mistake. He made a mistake. He made a mistake. He uh-oh'd. He made an uh-oh.

He'll do more than just an uh-oh. So, you talked about my son being smart. Gavin is three. And I was listening to the show the other day, and I was making fun of Ryan. And he knows. He was sitting in the back just really quiet, which is very uncharacteristic for him.

Yeah. And he was like, Daddy? I was like, yeah, buddy, what's up? Why do you talk to Mr. Ryan like that? I said, oh my goodness. I turned around and I said, huh? He's like, why do you talk to Mr. Ryan like that? I was like, buddy, I don't know. Gavin had my back.

He did. He was like, why do you talk to Mr. Ryan like that? I was like, maybe I need a change. From the mouth of a three-year-old. I mean, really, I was like, I don't know.

I thought it was funny, but maybe it's mean. He's such a sweet kid. He had your back. He's such a sweet kid.

So cute. It made me feel kind of like I had failed. You know what I mean? And I had felt like I didn't go into that dark place. But I was like, I feel like I might have failed my son a little bit because I was bullying somebody on the internet.

Or on the radio, I should say. Well, you're in luck because that happens to be what we're talking about today is the concept of failure. It's almost like you intended that to be a segue. It's almost like I wrote it in the run sheet. Man, that's crazy. Yeah. Dr. Shaw, what is the daily encouragement you want to leave with our listeners and viewers today?

It's 2416. For a righteous man may fall seven times. And you can change that because it's not man necessarily. You can say for a righteous person may fall seven times and rise again.

But the wicked shall fall by calamity. And the righteous there, of course, isn't masculine. But of course, you can also apply that to a woman. True. To girls, to females.

So everybody can take heart there that we may fall seven times or we will rise again. Yeah, that's true. You know, I remember, I don't know if you guys used to watch Peanuts when y'all were a kid, but Charlie Brown said at one time where somebody told him, you know, they're like, you know, Charlie Brown, I feel kind of old for liking this so much, but they said, yeah, you learn way more from your failures than you do success.

And he said, I must be the smartest person in the world. But that is kind of true. I think we talked about this at lunch the other day is that while that sounds great and it sounds like it makes you humble, I would much rather learn from the failures of others. Yeah. I would much rather see someone else's mistakes.

It's a lot less costly for us. And not have to make them. Yeah, there is a place for failures.

There is a place. I've had my failures. I've had my falls. And I've learned a lot from them. They have really changed my perspective on life, on God, on how he works in my life. It has brought a sense of humility.

It has brought a sense of dependence on God. So, yes, failures are very helpful. But if your life is nothing but a series of failures, then there is something wrong with that.

Right. And if your failures are big failures and tons of them, then I don't know what to say to you. It's time to reassess.

Yeah, you need to reassess everything. How does the Christian specifically, because we work in a way that we are serving the Lord, like even what we're doing right now, this is supposed to be a service to the Lord. And yet we do, because we're a show, we check the numbers and we check how many people are watching, how many people are watching, how many people are responding. What is the impact that we're actually making? Because I feel like what a lot of Christians do, and I think what I've done in the past is just make a blanket statement. We're here to make an impact.

Yeah. But I don't check to see if we're making an impact. And when I do, and I'm like, oh, I didn't make nearly the impact we thought or wanted to, how does a Christian deal with that? Oh, it's eye-opening. It's humbling.

I've been there, and it really causes you to sit back and talk to God first and then rethink why you're doing what you're doing and what are the methods and means you're using and what needs to change. You have to go back to not only the drawing board, but also from the well, W-E-L-L, well from which you're drawing, because you may be drawing from a poison well. Good point. And drinking from a poison well, you may be using resources and ideas that are faulty. Good point.

Great point. So you have to really reassess that. So educating yourself, seeking out people who are experienced in the field, but also coming from a good foundation. So I want to know, if I'm going to read that person's book, who is that person? What is their theological system? I don't necessarily need everybody to line up perfectly with my theological system for me to learn from them. I've learned from people who are heretics. I mean, honestly, I've learned leadership from heretics. But I made sure I knew I'm not espousing their theology.

I'm just learning this one element that is really good. And then later on, I found somebody much better and more theologically accurate to follow. But yes, you can learn from anybody. But make sure, sooner or later, those things do matter. We're talking about failure today. And failure is part of growth. It is part of growth. And so I don't want to tell people, don't fail at all. Only one or two big ones. If you show me somebody who says that, I don't want to fail.

But I want something big. You're talking to somebody who has their head in the clouds, or they're very naive. Because success by itself requires risk. And risk, by definition, will at times fail. But hopefully, you have done enough research that you're taking calculated risks and not just risks. Right.

You know, when I think about risk and I think about the things that we do here at Clearview, I think about the ways that churches specifically operate under risk, which is almost not at all. Yeah. I'm glad you brought that up. There are so many that are just like, this is the fund, and we're not going to go any further than this, and we've got to protect this. No, we're not going to do that. We've tried that in the past.

I mean, it's just like this sense of being frozen, like not being able to move forward. Yeah, they want what's happening at Clearview. But they don't want to take the risk. And I get it. Then learn from somebody who has.

Yes. So that's the other half, the other side of this conversation. Don't go out there and fall and fail and learn in the process. There will be some amount of failure and falling.

Right. Learn from other people who have done that and have experienced life and decisions and risks and got back up. Learn from them. Have mentors in your life.

Have models in your life. Latch on to someone else's vision and see for a while, how did that work for them? Yeah, that's a good point. I mean, years ago, this is about 15 years ago now. I'm going back to like 2006. How many years ago was that then? 2016 would have been 18. Is that right? 18 years? I think so.

Could be. Yeah, I mean, this is 2024, 2006. 18 years ago. 18 years ago. I spent a lot of time studying Charles Spurgeon. Yeah, I got his biographies.

I got books on Metropolitan Tabernacle. I even had his book called The Modern Whitfield. This is before Charles Spurgeon became Charles Spurgeon. There was a book written about him called The Modern Whitfield. So I spent a lot of time studying that and then learning some of those principles that he operated under. And I saw his failures too, where he failed, where he could have done different things differently, especially with regards to his health. He didn't take care of his health as much as he should have.

Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, he died. I mean, I think he was in his...

He was young. Yeah, he was in his 50s when he passed away. Yeah. Do you think that's helpful to look... I mean, it's certainly helpful to look at the failures of other people, but I especially like that you're talking about an icon like Spurgeon.

Because I think we romanticize some of these icons and forget that they were real live human beings with real lives and real problems like we did and real failures. Yeah, did you find out how... 57. Yeah, he was 57 when he died.

Wow. Can you imagine if he had lived to like 77? Yeah, the impact he could have continued to make that extra 20 years on this earth.

Oh, 87? 30 years? Charles Spurgeon already made such a profound impact, but he didn't take care of his health like he should have. So I learned certain things just reading and studying, and this was at a time where I was just searching on how our church can grow, what needs to happen, where am I willing to take risks, and what should I prioritize?

But reading and studying, and that's just one. I studied many other people, many other famous pastors and leaders, movers and shakers who made things happen. And not just Billy Graham. Billy Graham pastored one church for a brief time, if I'm not wrong, right in the start of his ministry. I think he did that.

And that's it. So I shouldn't study him when it comes to pastoral ministry. Hey, that's a good point. That's a really good point. Just because he was a successful leader and speaker and profoundly influential person doesn't mean that he is the best model for what he did.

Pastoral ministry or church growth. Right. But I did study him when it came to evangelism.

True. Because I learned so much from him about how to keep things simple. I did learn from him how to collaborate, and I'm still learning that process.

How do you collaborate for other people? Because Billy Graham was huge on that. Go into a city, collaborate with ministers and pastors across denominational lines, across racial lines.

So I learned that from him. And that's helped me tremendously in our hometown, which is Henderson. Absolutely.

Because we have such a divided community, white and black and Hispanic and all of that. So how do you bring people together? Right.

I learned a lot from Billy Graham. Yeah. It's a good point, and I think it also brings to light this idea that our failures not only...

I feel like we've romanticized them so much. We've romanticized failing and then learning and becoming stronger that we have sort of neglected this idea that you don't have to. Yeah.

It's optional. It's not optional that you're going to fail, but you don't have to learn every lesson the hard way. Right. So like you said, Billy Graham learned those lessons the hard way. You can read about it and you can learn from it. You can learn from your failure, but not every lesson you learn has to be from your own failure. Right. Learn from the failures of others. Yeah, that's true.

Listen, talk, subject yourself to mentorships, and make sure your mentors are mentors worthy to be mentors. I want to ask this because I feel like there's an individual... So there's this collective failure, but then there's also this individual either personal failures or moral failures. I feel like Christians, a lot of time, we subscribe to this old idea of penance or just brooding. I just need to feel bad about this for a set amount of time. Rather than actually ask the questions like you were talking about, these actual reflective questions that will lead me to an answer, it's almost like we need to just feel bad.

We need to show God that we feel bad about this. Yeah. Have you ever felt that when you counsel people?

Yeah. I mean, for their failures, they want to feel bad. Yeah, it depends on what the failures are. Is this failure as a pastor, failure as a father, failure as a husband? There are different categories in life that we can be failures in.

So yeah, there are people who just walk around moping and they feel like, I've made my mistake, buddy, I'll tell you what. So what? Yeah. Are you going to change? Are you going to do something different? Are you going to submit to God and allow him to use your failure to bless someone else? Is he going to change your life? Is he doing anything in your life? Are you submitting to his work in your life?

I don't know. So I don't want to be like that person that's walking around with my head down, this renegade who just has his cross to bear. Yeah, true. And there's no joy in that friend. Don't go down that road.

And some cultures and some strands of society celebrate that way. Don't fall for that. One of the people that you have turned me on to in the past couple of years is Warren Weersby. In fact, I bought from Clearview's store, I bought a Warren Weersby study Bible and I was reading it one day and Dr. Seuss said, You know, Weersby has really helped me.

He's great in a pinch. Like if you're about to get up and lead worship and you need something, you can always find that passage and Weersby's got some great thoughts. But one of the things that he said that I think has really helped me these past few days, because we talked about this a couple of days ago. He said that a lot of times what we think is humility over failure is really punctured pride. You know what I mean?

That's a good one. I feel really embarrassed about this failure. That's humbling me. I feel bad and I'm just going to camp in feeling bad.

I want you to celebrate this for me. I want you to understand, like I've had people sit in my office because they made a bad decision and now they're talking to me, but they want me to sort of cajole them and stroke them and say, Oh, poor thing. I mean, look, you know, we all.

Yeah, I just I just they're playing the victim. Oh, yeah. And I'm thinking you caused this. You started this. I am ready to give you encouragement, but not if you sit there and mope. Right.

Because, well, I'm not seeking your encouragement. I'm seeking your sympathy. That's it. That's what I want.

They want sympathy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the salve to this burn. Yeah.

The hard the harsh love or the the truth. They don't want gas in their tank. They just want put some put put put some gasoline in my tank. Yeah.

I'm going to smoke the whole way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Driving down the road. But it'll still get you going. You know, you can put gasoline in your car. It'll ruin your car. Yeah.

It'll get you going. Yeah. But that's not what your car needs.

It needs actual petroleum. Right. Exactly. And I think he also said it best when he said, this is a great quote that Dr. Shaw showed me. He said, punctured pride said, how could this ever happen to me?

How could this happen to me? But true humility says, I'm really shocked this doesn't happen more often. Yeah. Yeah. And when I read that, I said, oh my goodness. This dude. And it's one of those guys where it's like, he, I feel like he speaks to every person individually.

I was like, he just, that's me. Yeah. That's, that's what I should be saying rather than, I can't believe I let this happen again.

I can't believe I'm so dumb that I didn't see this. Or look at the other person or whoever is your superior to say, you caused this. Yeah. Or you're putting me in a bad situation. And so learning from that, I've had people correct me. I've had mentors in my life who corrected me.

I promise you I did not like them in the moment I resent them in the moment I'm not happy with them. Now y'all better not try that with me. So I'll kick your behind. But yeah, that's, that's, I was like, you don't understand. You don't know. You don't know though. Given time you go, they're a hundred percent right. Yeah. They're a hundred percent right.

I just don't want to face the facts. Yeah. And that's the mark of a great mentor. Instead of somebody who would just come in, she's kind of like, oh, they're there. It's okay.

You did your best. Yeah. And, but they do provide hope and go, okay, so now this, but here's what you can do, right?

This is what needs to happen for the future. So that, yes, they do correct me, but then they said, this is what needs to happen. And once you see that, you go, okay, yeah, I see my mistakes. Yeah.

I see my limitations and I know what I need to do. So I don't need to resent this person. I don't, I don't enjoy it, but okay. All right. And it takes me time. Yeah. True.

It takes me time each time. Yeah. Very true. And it's, it's, it's one of the things that I've learned as well and it's really helped me out is knowing that it's not blame, you know, there's, I don't gain anything by blaming myself. I gained something by taking responsibility and learning from it. Right. And you know, even, even lately that's helped me a lot. You say that before in times when I've been struggling, Dr.

Shot, it's like, it's, it's not your fault, but it is your responsibility. Yeah. And that's a different, that's a different perspective.

That's a different shift. John Maxwell has a great book called, I think it's Failing Forward. It's a great book.

I, you know, I respect John Maxwell a lot and I've learned a lot from him through the years. And he talks about that in that book, how yeah, failure is not final. Yeah. Don't, don't stop there. Learn from it. Change. Move forward. If you don't fail, it's because you're not taking any risks. Yep.

It's because you're not growing, you know. People have come to John Maxwell and said, hey, I want to make a really, really good investment in something that's absolutely risk free. What suggestions do you have? Yeah. Is there a risk involved?

Yes, you may fall, but hopefully you're taking calculated risks because you have done your homework, your research, and when you do fall, you have people helping you, you're learning from them. You're learning from other people's mistakes. Good point. I've been there. Yeah. I've been there in all those stages. Maybe, maybe a future book club on the horizon?

Failing Forward? I would love to talk about that. That's a great book, by the way. Yeah. Great book. Maybe we'll, maybe we'll bring that one in for May.

We'll bring that one in for May. Absolutely. It's such a helpful concept, especially if you're out there listening and you, and you're, the failures in your life are glaring. They're looming large. Failure isn't final.

That's right. Learn from them. Learn from the mistakes of others and chart a course forward. If today was helpful for you, write in and let us know, 252-582-5028, or you can visit us online at

You can become part of our Clear View Today Show family by scrolling to the bottom, clicking that giving button, and supporting what this show is doing to impact the nations with the gospel of Jesus. John, what encouragement do you want to leave our listeners with? I would say exactly what Ryan and Dr. Shaw said, don't let your failures defeat you.

Don't let your failures define you. I would say, get in church, go and sit under some biblical preaching, go and worship the Lord this weekend, and come back on Monday ready and refreshed to hear some more biblical wisdom from the Clear View Today Show. Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend. We'll see you Monday on Clear View Today. What's going on Clear View Today family, John here, and I want to let you know about a movie being produced right here in North Carolina called Resurrecting Eden. This is a love story.

It's a period piece set in the southern United States between two slaves who find themselves on opposite ends of slave society. There's an executive team who's putting this movie together, and they're calling for actors and sponsors right here in North Carolina, Triangle Area, and beyond. There's two very important meetings happening on Saturday, April the 20th. There's a sponsorship breakfast happening at 930 a.m., and then the casting call for the movie is happening later that same day from 2 to 4 p.m. And both those meetings are being held at Clear View Church in Henderson, but it is happening very soon. So if you're an actor or a potential sponsor in the North Carolina area, you can reach out to 252-572-2358 to register. Again, that number is 252-572-2358, and we're going to leave all the relevant information in the description below.
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