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Matt Slick Live Broadcast of

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
March 2, 2024 4:00 am

Matt Slick Live Broadcast of

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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March 2, 2024 4:00 am

The Matt Slick Live -Broadcast of 02-01-2024- is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. Matt answers questions on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues- -You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line- They will be answered in a future show.--MSL- February 05, 2024-Topics Include-- -CARM Online Schools--Freewill and Pharoah--Emergency Preparedness--The -Call- of God--MSL- February 05, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network.

Today's date is February 5th, 2024 for the podcasters. And if you want to give me a call, all you've got to do is dial 877-207-2276. Easy to do. You can also email me. Just direct your email to info at info at subject title there, radio question or radio comment, no big deal.

And if some of the stuff, the questions that come in. And if you want to give me a call, we have nobody waiting right now, 877-207-2276. I want to remind you that we have some online schools that if you are interested in checking them out, they're not accredited at some college or university. They're self-paced, but I'm going to tell you, they're good stuff. If I was asked to teach a college course, this is what I would do.

I would have these lessons and I would go through them because it's what I teach. And the schools are the result of a lot of experience and a lot of knowledge. Sorry, I won't be braggy, but it took me six months to write each one.

I've been doing this for 44 years. There's a lot of knowledge there. There's a lot of stuff put in there. I even want to go in and expand them a little bit here and there and add videos. That would be great, but that's a major project.

Don't have time for that right now. Nevertheless, if you want to get those, you can just go to and you can check them out. What I tell people is we charge $33 for each one. 33 times 3, excuse me, I would give them $99. And so what we do, because we have three schools, is we sell all three for $75. But I tell people that if you want them and you just can't afford them, all you have to do is email us and say you want the schools, you can't afford them, and can you have them for free? And we just give them to you for free.

We just give you a user name, password, and you have access to them. We're here to equip the body of Christ not to make money, but we do need to keep the lights on and pay the missionaries and all that kind of stuff. But there you go. All right. So why don't you give me a call?

877-207-2276. I would appreciate your prayers for myself and my wife, but it's been a rough past week and a half, two weeks. And just, you know, just generically could use your prayers.

Really could. I don't ask that very often at all. But there's just a lot of stress going on and just appreciate some prayers. All right. Having said that, let me see. Maybe what I'll do is get into some of the real questions and comments.

All right. Here's one from Don. It says, I'm a long-time listener. Enjoy your show a lot, but only one but serious comment.

But he only won. I don't know if it's you or the audio settings, but you have a wet mouth. It might be the microphone. We had trouble with the microphone, and now that I'm paying attention to that, I wonder if there's something, a setting there. That's interesting because I was actually thinking about using a different microphone. But maybe someone out there knows microphones really well. I don't use a boom mic microphone.

I use a headset with a boom mic that goes to the mouth so that it's always the same location. So that's interesting. I wonder if someone knows how to take care of that or what that is. You could give me a jingle. You could just email me at info at and say, yeah, here's what this is, how you solved that, and things like that.

It's like I have water in my mouth. Interesting. We tried different mics, and some of them would work and some of them would not work. So here, let me try something here. I'm going to move the mic away, so let's see if that makes any difference. I just moved it about three inches away. Don't be upset. I'm not upset. I do appreciate comments like that because it is helpful.

So turn the mic away. Tell me if that helps. Let's see. I listen to your radio show when I'm in the car at that time.

Thank you for your administration. You recently mentioned you have an information sheet there. No prepping. Actually, I spent an hour today and yesterday, well, on Saturday, I spent a couple of hours working on it. Today, maybe an hour and a half, I spent developing it.

Let's see. I'm trying to find it. Where is it? It goes right here. I have, man, a lot of stuff, and what I've been doing is modifying it, alphabetizing stuff, and I have probably 200 items, 200 things. I've got categorizations that I've been working on.

There we go. So we have baby supplies, books, clothing, cooking supplies, communications, contacts, electronics, emergency stuff, entertainment, starting, cooking, first aid, food. I'll get a lot of stuff in the food there.

Fuel generators, heat and warmth, hygiene, lighting and all. You're just going through. How many categories have I got working on?

Let's see. I'm looking at this, 27, 28. Twenty-eight categories, including something that's tradable. What I need to do is find – I'm trying to think how to do this, because there are certain things that you should get right away, and there are certain things, well, whatever. I think what I'm going to do is just put this list out there, and I have some notes attached to the top.

I'm not an expert in this, but this is just information I've been collecting for a couple, three years now, four years, and putting it together. That's what I'm doing now, because someone asked me for this, and I started putting all my notes together into one place. Being the anal, retentive kind of person that I am, I'm putting it in alphabetized outline form with occasional hyperlinks to things that this is what I'm talking about, this is it, this is that. I have – let's see, how many more? I have about 90 more things to add to the list. Anyway, I'm thinking about that and how to organize. You know, for the people who are interested, please be patient.

Give me a few more days, and I will be able to publish it. And it's just a list, it's just a list, and I probably will put it under miscellaneous items and things like that, prepping, and have it there. And it is worth preparing, and I'm going to probably write an article to intro it, just something, you know, 100 or 200 words, is it biblical to prepare, does it mean we're not trusting God? No, it does not mean we're not trusting God. And I'll go through the reasons why in the biblical stuff. And various things, some stuff is expensive.

I have one item that's about $600 to $700, and another one's about $400, and then some stuff is $8, you know, just a variety of things. So there you go with that. All right, so how about that for a nice little quick – let me get back to the e-mails. All right, and let's see, love the show, long-time listener question. Greg Bahnson said that the Old Testament moral laws apply unless they are abrogated in the New Testament, like Peter's vision doing with the dietary laws.

Hope I don't miss it, Rick. I don't know Greg Bahnson's particular view on that exact thing, but I understand the sentiment of what is going on. Just think of this, there are three aspects of the law. The moral law, the civil law, and the priestly.

The priestly deals with the priests and the sacrificial systems and how they were to dress and sacred instruments and how to sanctify something for sacred use. So that stuff is done away with. Then we have the civil laws like scales and not moving your neighbor's border stones and things like this. Then we have the moral law, and that moral law is based on the character of God. So the moral law is still in effect. Now, eating the dietary laws, that's not a moral law. So the dietary laws, we could say that there's a fourth category, but some might say it's civil or priestly, but the dietary laws were for the reason, for the purpose of distinguishing the nation of Israel from the neighbors, from the foreign neighbors.

In other words, food requirements as well as dressing requirements and don't mix certain fabrics. This was to designate a separation culturally and practically that the Jews would maintain so that through them as a maintained nation unto itself with its own things it did, it would then stay more coherent within itself so that the Messiah could be born through this particular nation. Those things are done away with as well. So the three main categories of the law, we could add the dietary stuff. I like to call it the separation requirements because there were things like say to the sons of Israel, and these things are not for everybody but just for the nation of Israel. So I've written an article on that. I might modify what I'm saying. I say there's three main aspects of the law, but I like to add the idea of the separation requirements because those are maybe a subdivision of the civil or of the moral. I don't know. It just depends what the experts would say, how they would like to categorize those.

I'd like to know what the Jews did as a categorization thing, but the separation laws, the sanctification laws, you could say, and those are there. Some people might say that they're under the moral, but anyway, I'm just talking out loud about it, so there you go. All right, if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. All right, here's another question. Can you try to explain free will as it relates to Pharaoh and letting God's people go? In one verse, God tells Moses that he knows Pharaoh will not let it happen. In other, it says God hardened his heart. All right, so what we must do first is define our terms. Our terms here would be basically free will. All right, so free will is the ability to make a choice that is not forced upon you but is also consistent with your nature. The reason I say that is because God has free will, and his nature is holy, and he cannot choose to sin. So we have to define what free will is in relationship to God, not ourselves.

And so free will is the ability to make choices consistent with our nature that are not forced. So Pharaoh had free will. He was an unbeliever, and he's a slave of his own sin, and no one forced him to do those things that he was going to do. But with the plagues that came along, Pharaoh was weakening and saying, okay, well, let them go, but God didn't want them to be let go yet. And why? Well, one of the reasons is that the ten plagues could culminate in a destruction of the major deities used in the Egyptian context and also culminate in the shedding of blood, the lamb to the door that he would go through, the death of the firstborn, Jesus' firstborn, and so it typifies the Gospel.

So God wanted this pattern in place, which is why he hardened Pharaoh's heart to further accomplish his desire. There's the music. We'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, all you've got to do is dial 877-207-2276. Also, I just want to let you know that we stay on the air by your support if you're interested in, you know, well, having the show continue and other things with the ministry. All you've got to do is go to, C-A-R-M dot O-R-G, forward slash donate, and all the information needs right there. We ask $5, maybe $10 a month donation if that's okay with you, recurring, because that way we can plan budgets, and we do appreciate any donation, and we stay on the air by your support.

We will be getting out within the next week or this week the end-of-year tax receipts that people have donated. It takes a lot of work. My wife actually is the one who sits and just does hours of data entry, and then she gets everything ready. Then I have to do some fancy Excel stuff, and I have to do a VLOOKUP thing, and then that takes me a couple hours.

Then I do verifications, and once that's done, then I have to call up a friend who knows a certain program really well for mass emails, and we do that. So it just takes a bit, but we're working on it. All right. So if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. Let's get to Rob from Pennsylvania. Rob, welcome. You are on the air. How are you doing, Matt? Oh, hang in there, man.

I'll get right to it. I know you've had some past experience with going to seminary, but I've been having some discussions with my brothers in Christ. I keep getting pushback when I say that there should be alternative routes to be ordained besides just seminary, and it seems like whenever I push on that button, ultimately they end up arguing that seminary is the only sound way to develop a biblical pastor. That's not true. The sound way of developing a biblical pastor is the man who is on his knees constantly before God and the Word of God asking for God to open his heart and mind and study and study and study.

That's what really it is. Seminary is very useful. Now, I went to seminary.

It was very difficult. It was a three-year program on a master's level, and I learned a great deal, and I benefited from it greatly. But a lot of times, like, for example, Calvary Chapel pastors, they generally don't have seminary degrees, and they do very well. I wish they did go to seminary because a lot of times they say things that aren't as theologically precise as I'd like to see. But they have strengths in other areas that are very relational, for example, and good at counseling.

A lot of this is just done by experience. So a lot of times, for example, in Calvary Chapel, I'll just use them as an example, people will attend there, and with their giftings they often get recognized over a period of years, and they get elevated to varying positions. And what that is is what's called the manifestation of the internal call. So generally in ministry there's what's called an internal and an external call. The internal call is you feel the need to teach. Maybe you'd be in ministry, you'd be a pastor, you're opening your heart to God saying, Lord, please use me, this is your will. You feel something, the inner call. The external call is the people around you recognize that you're called to be a pastor.

And so when both the internal and external calls are manifested, then what's happening is the body of Christ is recognizing the gifting God has given you. You don't need a seminary degree for that. You don't need a college degree.

You don't need any degree. The disciples didn't have any degrees except to say they were discipled by the Lord Jesus Christ himself, and then they went out. So there was a bit of training, and pastors do need to train. And just from saying this, I would like to be able to write a coursework for training for pastors on the theological level that is easy to know and understand so they can see the interrelatedness of theology so that they can better produce sermons and Bible studies. I'm not saying I get all the answers, but let's just say that I've heard a lot of pastors over the years and it's like, mm-hmm, not quite.

They missed that point there. But then 10 minutes later I might be listening to a sermon, and they'll teach me something I didn't know. So I don't know if that helps at all, but there you go, okay?

Oh, yeah, yeah. It's just that in my studies of church history and what I see in Scripture, it just seems more like a viable option would be apprenticeship. I mean, when you read Timothy and Titus, it kind of seems like they just kind of sat with Paul.

While he was being a pastor, he just kind of taught them, and then he turned them into leaders after kind of having hands-on experience with some teaching. That's right. Does it really, you know, I'm not saying that it has to be done that way, but it's at least a viable thing that I see in Scripture where in a seminary it would be tough to say that that's strictly derived from Scripture.

Right. Seminaries are very useful, but some seminaries are bad, and they teach crud. The one I went to was extremely orthodox and very, very dedicated to the inspiration of Scripture and the authority of Scripture, and I didn't benefit, and I'm not knock as seminary.

I don't recommend everybody go there, but anyway. So when I was in seminary, John Frame, Professor John Frame, he made a comment, but best of my recollection it was him, about a new way of doing seminary. And it was what you were saying. It was discipleship. Now, they had discipleship programs. You weren't supposed to work in a church during a seminary time, but I think what you're saying is the biblical way.

You just latch onto somebody, and he teaches you for a year, two, three, four, five, until he says you're ready. That kind of thing. Okay. Well, thank you for your time, sir. Thank you.

Okay. Let me ask you, Rob, because we have nobody waiting right now, are you thinking about becoming a pastor? I've thought about it ever since I discovered you eight years ago.

Wow. Since you discovered me, so now I'm curious, and what about my radio show, I guess, prompts you to possibly think about going into the ministry. Just curious. We're a lot alike. I'm more of a live, biblical-based person.

I probably am on the spectrum somewhere. So people, not a strength, but theology is. Basically, I kind of count you like Paul as my spiritual father, though we don't agree on everything. But, yeah, I would say you kind of, when I was an atheist, and God spoke to me and converted me, you were kind of one of the first people to kind of start teaching me what the Bible teaches. Well, praise God, you know. It's nice that God uses people on the spectrum to help others. So praise God.

But let me tell you something. You've probably heard me say this before, that if you want to go into ministry, you need to be willing and able, not just willing, but also able, to deal with people who are Christians, who love the Lord and will stab you in the back. They will hurt you. They will speak evil of you while they're trying to be good.

And you have to love them. I'm going to get back from the break here. I'm going to talk about that. Because that's a side of ministry nobody talks about.

But it's a very important one. We'll talk about it in a little bit if you want to hold on. Hey, folks, there's the break. By the end of the hour, if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Okay, sorry. Let me explain. This happens every now and then.

I start laughing after we're in the chat. So this guy named Randall says, okay, Matt. Because I corrected his grammar on something. And he said his speak is slow. And I wrote, your speak is slow? You know, give him a hard time.

And he goes, okay, Matt, it's on. And I said, I'm going to check my grammar. So I said, LOL, good. I'm going to judge grammar more fastly and gooder. And then he wrote, education is important, but phishing is importanter. And so I got a kick out of that right when I was getting ready here. But it's a good point, though.

Phishing is more importanter. So, hey, Rob, are you still there, buddy? Yes, I am, sir.

All right. So, look, I just got to tell you something, okay? If you're on this spectrum like I am and you have Asperger's like I do, it's going to be an extra challenge. One of the things about ministry is you have to deal with people. And people are sinners. And so if you have a weakness in a certain area because of spectrum disorder, whatever it is, and you don't know body language, you don't know tones, you don't know social cues as well, that's going to be a detriment.

I'm not saying don't become a pastor. You'll become a detriment. But if people know you have this problem, generally they're very good to deal with and very giving. But we excel in our weaknesses as well as our strengths, just as we can fall in our weaknesses as well as our strengths. So just to pay attention, just to have that.

But here's the thing. I can cite experiences and various things. This is a side of ministry few people are aware of. You're going to be dealing with people, and you're going to be calling them up, counseling them, and you'll be giving your best to them.

In your sermon, your very best. And you offended somebody, and you have no idea why. And you are willing to talk to the person and make it right, but they won't talk to you. And then they start going into the people and talk about how bad you are.

And so now what do you do? You go to the person, and you talk. But if you kick the person out because they are unrepentant and gossiping, then it looks bad on you. You go to your fellow elders, and you raise it to the elders.

Now, the elders want to get involved. And you can make you look bad because it looks like you're trying to get them. And you may give word of something that you said in private that's out of context. And because you've got the honor of not telling people what is said in private in a counseling session, you can't really defend yourself too much. And so while they're doing what they think is right, and you have to do what is right, you are the one who just drove through the mud and made it to look bad. Does that make sense?

Yeah, yeah. I've experienced that. My strength is truth and bluntness. And I think that we're in a season where we need men in the pulpit wanting to say what needs to be said and not care so much about how it makes people feel to a certain degree. And that's definitely a strength of me, but it also gets me in trouble sometimes because people don't like to hear that necessarily all the time. What is that like to be getting in trouble for things you've said that are truthful and biblical?

I wonder what that's like. Sometimes it can send me spiraling because if enough people say something, you at least want to consider that maybe there's something I can do, a different way I could say it. And then you kind of get stuck inside in your head about trying to go over your head about how to say it better or something like that. And then I usually just chalk it up to I don't really know how to solve that really issue.

Right. And then you give it to God and you move forward. And then another problem you have to deal with is not the people but yourself because then in the situation I just said, which I've experienced, many pastors have experienced, then you have to deal with your own anger and pride and self-righteousness that always surfaces.

And then you realize as God is allowing a trial to come to you to expose more of what you are to yourself and to Him. And you have to deal with that. And that's even harder. That's even harder. In my opinion, the spiritual attacks is more of something that I face pretty often.

I wouldn't say possession, but I would say oppression, attacks, the temptation and stuff like that. I know that especially in the last three years I've really faced a lot of that. How old are you, if I can ask? About the term 40.

Wow. You sound young. Forty is a good age. And if you're 39, that's the number of mercy in the Bible. I don't know how old you are, but that's the number of mercy. And 40 is a general thing of a generation where new things come in. So, you know, whatever.

I like numbers, okay, and I'm 67, so I'm ancient. I'm up there. But, you know, the thing to do is to be praying and just ask God to shape you for wherever He wants you to go, wherever that will be and however it will be and whenever it will be. And it is. It's hard. It is.

It's constant. Well, I certainly appreciate the advice. Certainly God's been working on me the last year and a half of being better with people and having more of a heart for people and learning to recognize opportunities to address concerns and stuff like that that I didn't usually spot before. Yeah. God has a way of revealing things. And these trials and tribulations are often the thing that reveal two things. They reveal more about yourself and they reveal more about God. I like what I find in God. I never like what I find in myself. Never. So this is what we've got. Yeah, I'm not a fan of myself either.

What's that? I said I'm not a fan of myself either when it's in comparison to Christ, you know. Yeah.

Not to take Paul's words and use it towards me, I think if you really know and understand the law and then you look at yourself, if you don't not like what you see, you're not really understanding the law. Right. Well, good for you, Ben.

Good for you. And I would recommend that you study excessively to know your doctrines very well. They will become the skeleton upon which ministry is produced. People don't think that that's the case. They think, oh, no, just love people. That is a doctrine to love God, love your neighbor. This is doctrine. All of it is doctrine because it's the revelation of God's word and people need to know it well.

So anyway, okay. Well, what would you say is the best way to refresh yourself on like doctrine? Like I've read a lot of books, Matt, but like what's the quickest way that you would recommend if somebody has like a lot of knowledge, what's the quickest way I could jump into a book and just refresh? Write one. So what I would recommend you do is take your knowledge and put it in an outline form because that's something that you will then have permanently. You can go to Google Docs and you can just create an outline.

I use Microsoft Word and I have it stored on the web. My document, for example, on Roman Catholicism is 201 pages. I've been working on it constantly, and it's just going to grow.

It's going to continue to grow. So knowledge is something that we get exposed to and we need to retain. So what I recommend is what you know, put in an outline form, you know, soteriology, theology, anthropology, hematology, and you study whatever groups, whatever system you do, and you write down what you know. You do quotes from books. You do whatever it is because that will cause you to have to remember and to codify and understand how different theological perspectives relate to each other. And then I'd recommend you go into online chat rooms where people deny those doctrines and then you teach, you answer questions, you do apologetics. That's what I do three, four, five times a week for an hour or two. This is why I have so much in my head because of that. Yeah, I would say out of those ten years, I would say about five or six, I try to do that as much as I can, although in my experience, over those ten years, it gets harder and harder to have real conversations with people. People look for quick ways to get out of conversations that are actually in depth, and it's much more surface level than when I first started. Then you go into places where unbelievers are and false Christians like Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, or oneness Pentecostals, or liberals, believe in women pastors and elders.

You pick one topic and you discuss the believers out of it for a week or two with your outline open, adding what you learn and articulate in there. This is how you anchor it. Okay, buddy? There's the... Okay. God bless. Thank you. I enjoyed talking to you, Rob.

You're welcome. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. At the last segment of the hour, give me a call at 877-207-2276. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right. Welcome back to the show, as usual. We're having fun in the text chat. When I said I was 67 and old, people started talking fossils.

Why do I fit in? Then someone said that they were non-Bidenal. I said, hey, I'm non-Bidenarian, so I identify as non-Bidenarian, so we're having fun. Then we had to define what Bidenarianism is.

It's the ideology of spitting in the face of citizens, giving away our assets, regarding illegals, rewarding illegals, raising taxes, hating goodness, promoting homosexuality, punishing the good, you know, basic Bidenarianism. All right. Let's get to Monique from Greensboro, North Carolina.

Welcome. You're on the air. Hello, hello.

Good evening, of course. I actually had one question, but then the gentleman talking, if you could and would answer kind of both. They're apropos, not of one or the other. But when he was talking about being an apologist and dealing with people, and I had that question too, if being an apologist is more, obviously, of course, giving out the word of God, the focus is more on the fact and the truth of the scripture per se, and then not necessarily ministering to the person as in the kind of heartfelt, as we would call it, ministering to. So where I'm going, the Hebrews, let me read it so it's clear. When he talks about Hebrews 5, okay, starting here. For every high priest taken among men is ordained in the things pertaining to God that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins.

But here's the part. Who can have compassion on the ignorant and on them that are out of the way for that he himself is also compassed with infirmity, and you had made the comment about dealing with people that are Christians and who love God but then will totally stab you in the back. Is that component described in Hebrews, though as I understand it is specifically talking about the pastor position, does that incorporate itself into apologist? No, no, this is about the issue of the high priest and the high priest to offer both gifts and sacrifices for sin. He can deal gently with the ignorant and misguided since he himself is also beset with weakness. You could say this is the kind of idea that an intercessor would do, and if you call the pastor an intercessor in that sense, then yeah, it would apply. But it's mainly for the issue of the high priest. What I believe what Hebrews is doing is showing the necessity of having the true high priest, which is Jesus Christ. He's talking to the issue of the high priest, but there's a principle there. He can deal gently with the ignorant, misguided, and compassionately since he also is beset with weakness. This is one of the reasons God lets us go through trials.

Boy, to temper us. So yeah, I think you could apply it now or make it a matter. Yes, somewhat of a correlation. And yes, I do understand the high priest is talking about where the Lord is not touched with the feeling of our infirmities. And so thank you for that. So I was just wondering how much of it weighs in, I guess there's no written rule, but how much of it weighs in for an apologist whose main mission, or I should ask you then, what is the main mission of the apologist instead of me kind of putting it together for myself? I should have understood the question. What's the question if you'd said in a sentence what was it? Yes, so what would you say is the said, for lack of a better term, purpose of an apologist?

To defend the Christian faith, to equip Christians, to give answers. It could be defensive and offensive, okay? Okay, okay.

I can kind of put it together. And the other one, like I said, had nothing to do with that. You've been obviously real vocal and strong on your stance about women preachers and that kind of a thing. My question would be, so in the context of just a personal home, you know, in a marriage, and of course either person could learn from the other person, but if a woman is, for all effects, teaching her husband out of a specific scripture, and just more of a discourse of just really kind of teasing out something for him, would that be, obviously not in a domineering attitude, but would that be considered a preaching to your husband? Or would it be more of a ministry?

No, that's fine. So let's just say we have a woman who's, she's a Christian for several years, and then he gets saved. He's going to go to her, and rightfully so, and say, what about this, what about that? And she'll be teaching him.

And that's okay. But the context of women not being pastors and elders is in spiritual authority over men. So she's not to be in spiritual authority with her husband. She's still under his authority, and it's a delicate balance to work in such a situation. But if she were to elevate him, as she's supposed to do, with respect and honor, whether she likes it or not, she's supposed to do that. It'll have a very good effect on the man. Most women don't know that and don't want to do that because they're so emotionally led that they don't care.

And they've got to deal with that. Yeah, I've never related to that. I always think that's strange, because I've never related to that feeling. Of course I'm a believer, and I've been for a while, but that answers, yeah, so when, just to clarify, so when she's teaching him maybe a scriptural principle that he doesn't understand, but not, of course, in a domineering way, and not, of course, letting that lead her to think that she's, you know, going to be the one to fear everything, I would think that would still be in a rightful way, and in a loving way, in the truth way. You know, my wife can't really go to church right now, so yesterday, Sunday, we had a little devotion, and then we had communion, and I asked her, you pick the scriptures, whatever you want to go through, and we went through Hebrews chapter 4, the entire chapter, read through it. So, you know, I know a lot of stuff, so I'm generally the one who would teach. All right, let's just say that she would say, well, I think this might mean this or that, and I would instantly start listening, because she might have an insight that I don't have, she might have an insight from the Lord that I just missed, and so, and if she did, which she has done before over the years, I was like, oh, that's a good insight on that verse.

Certainly accept it. She's not in spiritual authority over me. She's just exercising her good thing that God has given, and that's fine, and that's fine, and we men should not, we should not neglect the wisdom that our wives often have. Okay, I'm really glad to hear that, because it would seem some people actually do get that out of balance, like if you tell them anything, then now you're, quote, preaching to them, or not even that, but taking authority, taking the position of authority simply because you've just no more been walking the Lord longer, deeper. I would think that would be a good thing, and I know the scripture also says, you win them with the conversation of your, you know, even silently sometimes.

Yes, which is very powerful if they would do it properly. So here's the thing, let's say my wife, you know, she's not able to do a whole bunch, so she's in bed a lot, she reads. Let's say she reads and gets interested in a particular topic, biblical topic, and she just goes to town and learns for two weeks, and she said, wow, I'm going to say, well, what have you learned? And I'd be delighted for her to say, well, I learned this, oh, I didn't know that, that's really interesting.

You know, that's how I would receive it, as long as it wasn't heretical. Yeah, that's great. I learned not to assume, I would think that's how any godly man in a marriage would do that, but okay, I just wanted to hear your thoughts on both of those, and I appreciate it. That's good. And I do, I've always prayed for your wife ever since you mentioned about her some time ago.

Very deep connection to praying for that, because I walk through that, yet alone, but I walk through that. So much props to her, and thank you for seemingly being a good husband to her. Oh, I'm trying. I'm not perfect, that's for sure, but I'm trying.

That's all you can do, that's all you can do. So praise God for that, and I pray that continues and blesses you both, and that she gets right out of that bed, according to the will of God. And God bless you, thank you for answering the question. You too, well God bless, thanks.

Thank you. Well, that was Monique from North Carolina. Let's get on with Julie from North Carolina as well. Julie, welcome, you were on the air. Hi, how are you doing? Hanging in there. Can you hear me? Yes I can, I can hear you fine.

Okay, I'm just driving down the road, and I don't know, turn the radio on, and there you are. I don't know how that happens, but I was wondering, I had a question. I heard you saying you listed a lot of Christian denominations that you call were fake Christians.

Which ones are they exactly? Roman Catholicism is not true Christianity. Eastern Orthodoxy is not true. Church of Christ is cultic. United Church of Christ is cultic. United Pentecostal is bad. Generally speaking, churches with the word united in them, as a rule of thumb, are liberal and are bad. Though the United Reform Church is a good church. And then there's Presbyterian churches which are good, and then there's some that are bad, like the PCUSA, Presbyterian Church, United States of America, for example. And then there's the ELCA, Evangelical Lutheran Church. Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, and that's a bad group also.

So there's a lot of liberal ones. United Methodist is very bad. Episcopalian is, you kind of take your gambling with which group you're in, which church you're in there.

Wow. All Christ-based churches you are considering bad. I heard you one time saying that Billy Graham was evil. Do you think he's evil too?

No, no, no. He wasn't evil. He made some theological mistakes later in his life. He said some things that were not biblically said.

Even the apostles didn't agree on everything. No, no, no. That's different.

No, no, no. That's different. Billy Graham said it was basically teaching a form of universalism at the end. And inclusivism and some other stuff. We won't get into all that, so that's wrong. Inclusivism? Inclusivism? That's a good thing, actually.

You want to include all the kids at a party, you know, things like that in school and stuff like that. I can't understand. I'm sorry. And you know, the Bible says God loves the liberal. God loves the liberal and giving spirit. So it's not an evil thing. Liberal is not evil.

No, wait, hold on, hold on. The Bible doesn't say God loves the liberal. It never says that. It doesn't say God loves the liberal spirit or giving spirit.

Yeah, a liberal giver. Yes, he does. No. It's a different use of the word.

Yes, it does. No, no, no. I said he doesn't say to love the liberals, as in liberals, you know, the leftists. You're very political. You're really political. You're really far crazy right.

Well, why don't you call back tomorrow? You don't even hate a lot of people. I would love to talk to you. I'm very rightist. Let's talk to you.

We're almost out of time. You're crazy. I am crazy? You mean because I believe the Bible?

What do you believe? No, because you hate on a lot of people. You hate on a lot of people. Oh, are you hating on me?

Are you hating on me? I'm calling you out. I'm calling you out. I'm calling you out.

Why don't you call... My husband doesn't... Why are you so rude? Okay, wait a second. Look, you won't even let me say anything on my own show. Okay, we've got to go.

Bye. Oh, that's often how liberals are. They don't want to have conversation.

They just want to control. And I'm hoping she still listens and I would hope... Because we're out of time here. We've got to go.

The music is going to go here in a second. I would hope that she would call up tomorrow and maybe she'll be more polite and we can have an adult conversation. I would love that. I politely challenge her to do that.

See if she can back up her liberal views and see if they're cogent or not. I like when people call me up like that. I do. I enjoy that. So anyway, may the Lord bless you and by his grace, we're back on here tomorrow.
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