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Matt Slick Live Broadcast of

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
February 27, 2024 6:02 pm

Matt Slick Live Broadcast of

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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February 27, 2024 6:02 pm

The Matt Slick Live -Broadcast of 01-25-2024- daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--Call in during the show Toll-free at -877-207-CARM- 877-207-2276.-You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE- OR YouTube---MSL- January, 25 2024--Topics Include---Illogic of Polytheism--Freewill and Predestination--Liberal Churches - Women in Ministry--Should Christians -Mock- Others----How Do We Fulfill the Great Commission--


The following program is recorded content created in one of our most Hi there, Matt. How you doing? Doing all right.

Hang in there, man. What have you got, buddy? I got a couple questions. I listened to a debate between you and Dan Barker today, and in your debate, you mentioned how you converted from an agnostic to a Christian in less than 2 minutes. And you didn't elaborate because you were on a timer.

And I want to know more about your conversion story. My second question is... Let's do that then, let's do that first and then go to the second, okay? We'll do one at a time. Okay. All right?

Yes. It's a testimony I have on Karm and the short version is, that's when I met the Lord, it's when the Holy Spirit came on me with incredible power and holiness and just reduced me to tears. It was just an instantaneous change, instant. It was just, wham, and I was just on the floor, just weeping hard, just moaning and groaning in agony in the presence of God's holiness. And I couldn't get my face any lower to the ground. And then Jesus was just there, couldn't see him or touch him.

He was there, I remember it. And he stepped into me, it just entered, like the Bible says, he'll make his abode in us. That's what happened. And I was changed. The whole process took a couple minutes where the spirit conviction lasted for, I don't know, a minute or two, three minutes, I don't know how long it was, but it was tremendously intense. And that's how I got converted. Okay?

So I can look up further details on your website, right? Your conversion experience? Yes, yes, that's right.

What title is that conversion experience? Oh, I don't know. Let's see. I think it's from Matt Slick's testimony, I think is what it is. Let's see. That's what it is, Testimony of Matt Slick. So I wrote it there.

I need to do a video version of it. I should do that sometime. My second question is, I'm a polytheist. And if I was searching for the true God, what criteria must I have before I begin my search? What criteria must I use to determine which God is the true God? Jesus is the one who walked on water, rose from the dead, fulfilled prophecy, raised others from the dead, performed many miracles.

No one else has done that. So therefore, he's the test. He's the test. But how do you make it logically follow that he's God? I mean, couldn't there be a God above Jesus and Yahweh, and he just doesn't get involved in the affairs of man?

No. There's a logical problem with the idea of polytheism, and I'll see if I can explain it. If there's many gods of different types and different categories, then there are categories of gods. Then this means that whatever category any particular god fits into, fits into an ontological system, an ontological set, a category of gods. There's a category of trees, a category of cats, there's a category of rocks. Now there's a category of gods, which means all these gods adhere to the substance of the one category, which means that there's something apart from the gods that gives them the quality of being god, which means something ultimate is beyond them, because they fit into a single category, and there's one category that then designates multiple gods as gods. So then they're all submitted to the category of godness.

Now you have a problem. Where does this category come from? And how do multiple gods exist within it? And within this system of multiple gods, which is true? How do you have truth values?

I can get into some sophisticated stuff with primary and secondary substances, universals and particulars, but I don't want to do that right now. So see, the thing is that if you have this, it's like this. To ground something in truth, there has to be an ultimate. The ultimate means that there's nothing greater or nothing equal to it. So you and I exist.

We're talking. Well, where did we come from? Mom and dad. Where did they come from? Mom and dad. Where did they come from?

And it goes back. Well, whatever you want to say, you know, I don't believe in evolution. Some people say evolution, and I won't even get into that right now. Some say you were created.

Okay, fine. Either way, what was before that? And what was before that? Until finally, where did the universe come from? Because the universe. There has to be a single cause of everything.

Because if you don't have a single cause. Because if you have multiple causes, then you have multiple ultimates. And by definition, it's impossible to have multiple ultimates, which means there's an equality of multiple causations, which then means you're into the same category problem of how do you know the category of whatever it is that causes multiple things to exist.

Then whatever is beyond those gods and the created thing is what's ultimate. Do you have anything I can read on your site about polytheism? Yeah, I mean, there's, well, I need to, actually, I don't think I have anything on this, because this is a sophisticated thing, and I've only been working on it for the past three to five years.

I've not really articulated it in a written form, but I think I need to. And so what it demonstrates here, this issue, is it demonstrates that polytheism is logically impossible because you don't have any ultimate source or beginning of them, since they're multiples. And then we get a sidestep into what's called the problem of the one and the many.

And I won't get into that either, but it can get sophisticated. And so polytheism can't account for truth. It can't account for anything, because where did these multiple gods come from?

If they're all eternal, then you're saying that there's equal ultimates of many things, and that is logically possible. Maybe there is, though. No, there can't be. Don't you think AB Christian presuppositions lead you to believe there's only one God when there may be many? Nope, there can't be.

Let me show you another way, check out another way. The laws of logic, and I'll try this, like the law of identity, something is what it is, the law of non-contradiction, the statements, you can't contradict each other and both will be true. Basic statements like this are, they occur in the mind. They only occur in the mind. They don't occur under rocks.

All right. Well, these laws are called abstractions, they occur in the mind, and they're universal. Where do they come from? If they come from a single universal mind, then everything makes sense. If they come from multiple minds, then we have a problem of why do the multiple minds think the same thing, and how can they be the source of these abstract entities called the laws of logic, and they can't, because if they're identical in their minds, then they're not polytheistic. But if they're polytheistic, which god or gods, or how does it work, are the conditions by which the single abstract entities of the laws of logic have their existence.

And polytheism can't account for that. That's what I was asking, is how do you determine between all the gods which one is the right one? Because even the Jehovah or Yahweh admitted there are other gods beside him.

He says- No, he did not. He shall have no god before me, and that sort of acknowledges on it that there are other gods beside him. No, what he was saying in Exodus 20, he was saying, you shall have no other god, because they believed in many gods. Not that there were gods, but they believed in them, and they have none other besides me. In Isaiah 43, 10, 44, 6, 44, 8, 45, 5, God says, there aren't any, he doesn't even know of any others. So the Christian god Yahweh is saying, there aren't any others, he's not even aware of any others. So when he says, don't have any gods before me, he's just talking to the Jews saying, don't follow false gods, there are other gods. And even in Galatians 4, 8, and 9, when you did not serve, you served by nature those which are not gods.

And so he's talking about those, the pagans who believe in other gods, but they're not really gods. By the way, Matt, I've got one more question to ask you. If you want to elaborate on that, fine, but I need to find out how to hear you on the podcast. I've got you on the screen right now, on my laptop, and I don't know how to turn on the sound. I'm sort of new with computers, and I don't know how to turn you, I want to listen to you off the phone, finish what you're saying, because I'm a little struggling to try to hear you on the laptop. Do you have a Macintosh? I got a Windows 11. The bottom right hand corner of Windows 11 is a speaker icon in the system tray.

You right mouse click, and you go to sound settings, and that's where you go to do that. I used to teach computers and stuff. So look, here's the thing you've got to look at. Jesus Christ, Jesus the Lord, he fulfilled prophecies in the Old Testament, all kinds, and he raised people from the dead. He spoke, and a storm obeyed. He commanded others to come forth from the dead, and they obeyed.

This is him. If he is, as he says, God in flesh, then you would expect that his birth would be special, born of a virgin, after prophecies fulfilled about this. You'd expect his life would be special. I don't have Christian presuppositions, so I can't assume Mary was really a virgin. You follow what I'm saying? I have different presuppositions than you do.

I know. But look, if God's going to become one of us, wouldn't his entrance into the world be special? And wouldn't his life here be special? Yeah.

I would think so, yes. And his life would be special, and he could rise from the dead and do miracles. That makes sense.

That's exactly what Jesus did. You see? Yeah. Hold on.

We've got a break. Okay, hold up, buddy. Hey folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody, welcome back to the show.

And like I said earlier, if you want to give me a call, all you've got to do is dial 877-207-2276. I don't know. I guess we lost him. Maybe the producer could activate him if he's there or not.

Looks a little strange on the screen, so won't worry about that right now. Let's get on the air. Then to Buskman from the highway.

Buskman, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. I just want to thank all the Ohio senators that overrode the veto of Governor DeWine's veto as allowing our children to be just as God created them and won't allow boys to play in girls' sports here in the state of Ohio.

Go Ohio! God bless. I've got a question, Matt.

Islam versus Armenianism, and I guess probably there was a book by Mr. Dave Hunt. I let a friend of mine know, Matt, that I was a Reformed theologian, and it broke his heart actually. He was actually concerned.

Yeah. And I love this man, Matt. I love him.

He's a dear, dear friend of mine, and he's like, you've got to read Dave Hunt's book. So Matt, if you wouldn't mind, and I can take your answer off the air, sir. I don't want to take up a whole lot of your show. Well, hold on.

No, no. Stay on the air. Stay on the air. But go ahead. Go ahead, sir. Go ahead. No, stay on the air. I want you to stay. I will. I will. Thank you, sir.

Could you briefly go over the main points of Reformed theology and Armenian, you know, we choose to walk with God and it's our choice. Could you briefly, because he is a very learned man, Matt, and you can explain it better than I can, brother. Is he listening? He probably is, sir. He probably is, sir. Yeah, I would not trust Dave Hunt, first of all, to be very knowledgeable about what Reformed theology is.

I've not been impressed with him in some other areas, but I'm very qualified to be able to speak on what it is and defend it. And you know, I have no problem, I'll be glad to talk to the guy, you know, over the phone if he wants, ask all kinds of questions, and then I can ask questions that I don't believe he'll be able to answer from his Armenian perspective. Now, before I tackle this really seriously, I want to say that I believe Armenians are Christians and you don't become a Christian by becoming a Calvinist, and Calvinism is not the gospel.

So that's the way it is. Now, I'll be speaking at a Reformed conference next month outside of Nashville, Tennessee. So I'll be speaking on, believe it or not, Calvinism and the gospel. All right, so what Calvinism does is simply look at the scriptures and recognize certain aspects. For example, Reformed theology, Calvinism, Reformed theology recognizes the sovereignty of God, that he can do with his creation as he desires.

He's the king, not us. And we also recognize that he elects people, and we know that from the scripture because he says he elects. Those whom he chose, he also, well, we have been chosen from the beginning for salvation, 2 Thessalonians 2, 13. As many as had been appointed to eternal life believed, Acts 13, 48.

Now what Arminians tend to do is, in my opinion, they introduce humanist philosophy, you know, the scriptures, man-centered ideology. What they'll say is, well, God looks into the future, or he knows who will pick him under certain conditions, and he picks them. That is a violation of the aseity of God and the independence of God and the non-contingency of God, because God himself does not make choices based on our goodness.

That would show partiality, and that's rejected by James 2, 2 through 4. So what we would say is, as the Bible says, in Isaiah, assuming Jeremiah 17, 9, the heart desperately wicked and deceitful, no man can trust it. Or Ephesians 2, 1, it says that we are dead in our trespasses and sins, Ephesians 2, 3.

We are by nature children of wrath. Romans 6, 14 through 20 says that the unbelievers are slaves of sin, and Romans 3, 10, 11, and 12 says that the unbeliever doesn't seek for God, doesn't do any good. And 1 Corinthians 2, 14, talking about the unbeliever, says he cannot receive the things of God. So the Bible says that the unbeliever is a hater of God, doesn't seek for God, is wicked, is dead in his sins, by nature, child of wrath, cannot receive spiritual things. And so we know that that is correct, because that's what the Bible says. We ask the question, how does someone like that just believe the Gospel?

They can't. Because if they could, just of their own free will, then Jesus would not have said something like, in John 6, 65, he wouldn't have said, to you it has been, you cannot come to me unless the Father grants it to you. So if you can come to God just by your own wisdom and your own ability in your enslavement to sin, then why did Jesus say, you can't come to me unless it is granted to you by the Father, in John 6, 65. And why is it then that God is one who grants that we have faith, Luke 1, 29. And people say, well, they just believe of their own free will. This is humanist philosophy. Now, we're not saying that we don't have free will, Calvinists believe in free will, it's just that they believe that free will is under the sovereignty of God. He works all things after the counsel of his will, Ephesians 1, 11.

We're free, but people are only free to act in a manner consistent with their natures. And the unbeliever's natures, the hater of God, doesn't want to seek for God, doesn't do anything, et cetera. And so God regenerates people by his choice. He causes us to be born again, 1 Peter 1, 3. We're born again not of our own will, John 1, 13. And as such, because of that, we're able to freely choose, because God works in us. Well, people say they don't like that idea.

Well, I don't care if they don't like it. That's what the Bible says. I'm quoting the scriptures to show you. And then we can go to Romans 9, 9 through 23, where it clearly teaches the sovereignty of God. And no, that's not about nations. It's about individuals, because individuals are the ones that are spoken of there. And the word vessel in there in Romans 9, 22 through 23, vessels, when it says a vessel, it always means an individual.

And I've gone over this a hundred times with people. And so what we believe is also an eternal security, because God chose us from the beginning. He did. 2 Thessalonians 2, 13 says, you've been chosen from the beginning for salvation. And before the foundation of the world, God chose us in him, in Christ chose us, and that we would be saved, that we'd be predestined to adoption as sons. So he's the one who did all this stuff.

We don't want to take credit. God gets all the glory. In Arminianism, and let me exaggerate a little bit to make the point, in Arminianism, it's up to you and your free will.

All you need is just the right information, and it's up to you. And so you will decide, and it's up to you to believe, and it's up to you to continue. It's humanist philosophy is what it is. And so I don't say Arminians are not saved.

I say that Arminians just don't have all their dots connected theologically. And I can go on quite a bit more, but I won't. Okay? How's that? Okay, so here's what he said is, he goes, how can God destined humans to go to hell? So could you answer that part, Matt? How?

Yeah, I could. Well, I don't know. I mean, I believe that God works all things. He even makes the wicked for the day of evil. I believe he makes the wicked for the day of evil.

Okay? Maybe he's saying, no, he doesn't. Well, let me read Proverbs 16, 4, the Lord has made everything even for its own purpose, even the wicked for the day of evil. See, I just quote what the Bible says, as though it's my words, and people say, no, I don't agree with that. And then they find out that that is what it says, and then they reject it. What if God, this is Romans 9, 22 and 23, what if God, although willing to demonstrate his wrath and to make his power known, endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, and he did so to make known the riches of his glory upon vessels of mercy, which he prepared beforehand for glory. Now, anybody would say, well, God doesn't do that.

Then you've got to deal with Proverbs 16, 4 and Romans 9, 22 and 23. We've got a break, so get some more notes from him. He should just call in. I'm going quickly on this. Hey, we'll be right back. Hold on. Hold on. Okay. Yeah. And stay in line too. Okay.

Let's get back on the air with Buskman. Are you still there? I am still here, Matt. All right.

All right. Now, I know I went through it quickly, but basically all the objections that Armenians raised to me I can answer. And then when I ask them difficult questions, they can't answer them. And they don't know that there's difficult questions to be asked against their view. And I know how to ask them.

I know what they are. So if he wants to call in, have a friendly conversation. I'll be glad to do that or field questions about that or teach on it sometime. Okay. I greatly appreciate that, Matt. He listens to your program.

He loves your show. But he did say to me once, Matt, he says, I just can't agree with him on the idea of Reformed theology. God sovereign, we're not. God sovereign, we're not. Right. And then go to Colossians 2.14 and see what Colossians 14 says because it's an incredible verse.

Colossians 2.14. Sound good, buddy? All right. Anything else? Anything else? You got another question or comment? That's it.

No. You are awesome, Matt. Thank you, Stu Epperson, for the Truth Network here in Dayton, Ohio that we just hear Matt slick live. Greatly appreciated, Matt. Love you, brother.

Amen. God bless. Thanks a lot. Appreciate it. All right. All right.

There we go. Hey, we have three open lines. If you want to give me a call, you can, 877-207-2276. Let's get to Kevin from Ohio.

Kevin, welcome. You're on the air. Thank you. Can you hear me okay? Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Okay. Just wanted to make sure. You never know with a cell phone.

I live in a rural area. I've got two questions for you. This is my first-time caller, but I've been reading the CARM articles for more years than I can name.

Big fan. You were talking Monday about women pastors, and I agree with you completely on that, but you hit on something that I had suspected, but you hit it rather quick, and I would like you to elaborate on it. You had mentioned the progression.

I can't remember exactly the numbers you gave, but something to the effect of churches that affirm female pastors within a generation or two tend to be gay-affirming, the percentage of that. I would like you to elaborate on that. I've got another question, not related, that I think will be maybe a little bit tougher, but I'd like you to elaborate on that, because I found that. You found that? You found it what? Are you there? Yes, yes.

Okay. I wrote these articles more than 10 years ago, so it's hard to remember exactly where, because I did my research, but if you go to CARM and you go to the section on apologetics, and then you go down to women in ministry, you'll see a lot of articles that I've written on this topic. In there, if I remember correctly, let's see, I'm looking at the articles, and I believe it is denominations, women ordination, and other errors.

So when you click on that, I don't see the number percent there, which it might exist someplace else, but there is where I did a chart or chart or table where I go through denominations American Baptist, Anglican, so American Baptist, for example. Ordained women started in 1964 and then improved homosexuality in the year 2000. Now Christian Science is already ordained women, and I don't have any stats listed there. The Episcopal Church in 1976 ordained women, in 1973 supported abortion, in 1996 supported homosexuality. The evangelical Lutheran Church ordained women in 1970, and in 1991 promoted abortion, and in 2006 homosexuality. Now there are other groups that don't fall into that, like National Baptist Convention, which ordains women, 1895, but I couldn't find anything supporting homosexuality. So it's not like every one of them does it.

The PCUSA, they started ordaining them in the 30s and or 50s, depending on how you want to divide and what they say, and in 1987 started promoting homosexuality. And so you see, it just goes on, and it's there. And I think that's where I, it'd probably be worth it for me to go through and do another update because it's been over 10 years since I've written that. So there's the information, okay? I think that'd be great, because you were, Monday when you were talking, your primary focus, you were answering questions about female pastors. So this was really a rabbit trail you just kind of, you touched on and didn't go down. It really intrigued me.

So I will look for that article. My second question, this one, a little bit more difficult, I love Bible study. When I say I'm good at, I'm not saying that I'm good at, comparatively. When it comes to the historicals, the Gospels, the Epistles, I don't struggle with them nearly as much as I do with the prophetic books or the poetic books. And I'm just looking for maybe some generic advice to help make those a little easier to understand, because compared to the other ones, the ones that have, I guess you'd say, more hard facts to them, are just so much easier for me to wrap my head around. But the prophetic and the poetic, I'm not a poetry kind of guy, you know? So just some generic advice on maybe wrapping my head around them a little better.

Sure. Easy, because I'm not a poetic guy either. So if you really want to understand them better, it's easy. Get on your knees and always be praying that God would open up the truth of his word to you. And you ask him to teach you.

And over a period of time, he will open the doors and give to you what you need to understand those things better. Okay? I can't.

Can't argue with that, can you? Are you there? I'm still here. What? Yeah, go ahead.

I said, I can't argue with you there. Yeah. There was a, there was an old, I'm trying to remember his name. And he wrote a whole commentary series, I think, and Charlie, if you remember Charlie, he was the guy who taught, oh man, oh wow, I hate this, Barnes, Peter, no, anyway, anyway, there's a guy, I can't remember his name, and it's been so long since I had to draw this fact up.

He had no college degree, no seminary training, and he was one of the best exegetes of scripture. And he said, what his technique was, was to spend time on his knees, asking God, as you read through, teach me. And I never forgot that. Okay. So it's, it's, it's amazing. You know, those things, but sometimes you have to rehear them.

You know what I mean? You just need to, need a, need a reminder to start, start there and, and, and work out from that point. I appreciate it very much. Thank you. You're welcome, man. No problem. I, I will be, I'll, I'll be calling again. I, I, I appreciate this.

I said a first time caller, but I've been using the articles for a long time and I will, you'll be hearing from me again. All right. Sounds good, buddy. God bless. Thanks a lot. God bless. Bye. You too.

All right. Hey guys, if you want to call me, all, and girls, if you want to call me, 877-207-2276. Donald Gray Barnhouse. It was either him or the teacher of Donald Gray Barnhouse. I'm trying to remember, and thanks for that, Mr. Bill. That was the name, one of the names I'm trying to remember, but that's a, it's a, one of those trivia points that I got back in the early eighties. So it's like, Whoa.

You know, I had to rip the cobwebs out of that one in order to, to, to make sense of it. Okay. Let's get on the air here with Alberto.

Alberto, welcome. You're on the air. Yeah.

Good evening, Max. Let me ask you a question. Should Christians mock unbelievers and their tragedies, like watching them be all drugged up and alcohol or, or they're all having addiction with cigarettes, like they mock us when I'm believer pastor falls and sin, they start mocking them, making fun of them on TV shows. Should Christian do the same thing to them when they mock the unbelievers?

No. No, we shouldn't be mocking of them. The Bible says in the last days, mockers will arise. So they will hate the things of God and we're not to return evil for evil, but, uh, if they slap them in one cheek, turn the other or to show love and patience with them as much as possible. Uh, and it's a, it's a, so the unbeliever, okay, okay, so the unbelievers, so the unbelievers get the mark, the Christians, but they want tragedy comes, who, who they first run to the Christians, right? They don't run to the, to the very markers, right?

I can't say, I can't say all do or don't, but how Christians are supposed to behave with unbelievers and with sinners within the Christian church is, uh, is this way. I'll, I'll read it to you. Okay. This is how it's supposed to be done. He says, uh, love is patient. Love is kind, is not jealous, does not brag, is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly, does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth.

We're supposed to be living that and it's not easy. Hey, hold on. I got a break. Okay. Hold on. Hold on, buddy. Hey folks, we'll be right back after these messages.

If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody. Welcome back to the show. We're kind of, I'm yawning between the breaks and we are, um, we're talking to some of the people in the chat room and stuff like that about the five-hour epic thing I did last night defending the Trinity and it was a lot of fun. For me, there were some real rude, obstreperous people, but anyway, okay, let's get back on the air here with Alberto.

Alberto, you still there? Yes, sir. Yeah. My question is too, is like, should Christians make fun of other Christians because of their exposure, sin, and even though it's not like they claim, preachers claim to claim, preachers or claim to the government bill of sin, but it's all, it's all rigged up and set up or gossip. Or should Christians not attack other Christians? I mean, you asked so many different things right there. If you did one question that was a simple question instead of who, why, them, or because that and then you go on, I don't know how to answer that kind of question.

So in other words, should Christians attack other Christians in other words? Depends on what it is. It depends. It depends.

It's a mop. Well, ask a simple question then hold on, okay? Okay. So they attack other Christians. Well, it depends on what's going on because if they're rebellious and they're in sin, then yes, they should do that.

Not publicly, you should go to them privately. You do it in order. Okay.

All right. Before you go, what's that thing you're talking about just now about the five hour trinity thing? What is that? It's on YouTube or something or what?

Yeah. It's on Standing for Truth. I thought it was going to be a debate and, you know, I didn't know, I supposed to defend the trinity. And it was on, is Jesus the father or is the father of Jesus or one of those.

And well, it's easier to say, no, he's not, you know? And so we get on there and Donny, Babinski's great guy, you know, I find out and he told me, I just got so much doing, it's like, whatever, you know, I forgot. And he goes, we're going to have people come in and like 200 people were waiting or something like that and just fire questions at me. And they did.

It was only for five hours. And some of the guys were just obstreperous. One guy kept interrupting me over and over. And I finally said, you got to stop doing that if you asked me a question and he'd interrupt me. And I'd say, would you please not interrupt me? He goes, I'm not interrupting you. And I go, dude, I said, I don't interrupt you.

You just interrupted me while I'm asking you not to interrupt me. It was like that. And then another guy came on and he, he was even worse. He had no interest in dialogue. He only had interest in telling me what the truth was, and I had to submit, just stuff like that.

It was never, you know, some jerks, but, uh, well then with some other guys who didn't leave when the Trinity came on and we had good discussions. Where is that at? What watch is that at? Well, if you go to, uh, I believe if you go to forward slash calendar, uh, it should have, uh, the link there for it for yesterday. Let's see. calendar. I'm just, you know, right now and, uh, uh, let's see. Well, how come it's not there? It was there. It was there yesterday. Okay.

Laura, what happened? Um, it was there yesterday. So unless this is only the weekly, you're going to hit the weekly thing. Uh, yeah, I don't know. It I'm confused. It was there yesterday.

I don't know why it's not there now. Okay. So just go to a standing for truth. Look for that.

Standing for truth. Okay. On YouTube. YouTube. Okay.

Yeah. I have the same problem too. My deacon of church has to go up north. He's constantly interrupting me. He's not willing to hear what I have to say. He is willing to listen. They can't have a dialogue with people like that. They don't want to respect your views and stuff that just cut you off and screaming. Yeah.

I have the same problem too, which is just a go to. That's right. All right. It does happen. Yeah. I found the URL and if you go to sending for truth on a, on their open debate is Jesus the father. Okay.

Matt slick and stuff like that. So there it is. Okay. All right.

On YouTube. All right. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Okay. Yeah. I actually got upset with some of those guys. Wow. I actually did.

I got upset with some of these guys who told him to stop, you know, cause they were so bad. So rude. Hey, let's get on the air with, let's see, that'd be Tamar from North Carolina. Welcome. You're on the air. Hi. Thank you so much. So I was calling in, it's my first time listening in and I, you know, just listening in for the short amount of time, one of the questions that arose was, you know, um, where does it come into play or how important do you feel like it is when it comes to obeying what Jesus has commanded when he said, you know, to go out his last, what he commanded was to go out and to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, son, and the Holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things that I've commanded you.

It's very important because he said it, we should do it. Yep. Mm hmm.

So what does that look like? How do you, how does, how, how does that get explained and what is that from your perspective, you know, how would you say to a new believer, what does that look like? Because I was listening to the last gentleman, um, also, and part of the, the part of, you know, the church, um, part of the church's job is to instruct, to correct, right. Um, and also you're doing, wait, wait, but you're doing several questions now, so I'd like to do one at a time because, because you have good questions, so that's all right.

It's all right. So what does it look like for us to make disciples? Well, it can take many forms for different people. So me, for example, I do radio, I do debates, I write books, do website, but what if you have a, a mom, just a good Christian mom raising kids, is that making disciples? Absolutely.

Yes it is. And if she's raising the kids in a godly way, what about a mechanic or a waiter, a waitress? See they have jobs and they're supposed to do them under the Lord and use their giftings, whether it's financial or peripheral or by hands, going out and trying to evangelize. Now they can go door to door if they want, or they go on the net and do it like I do, or they can be supportive of people in ministry, they can tithe and then they can give tithes and offerings to help support ministries that do that. There's lots of, of a variety of ways people, I remember once, I loved this, this is my favorite once, when we had babies, you know, my wife and I had babies, we found a ministry of women and I just loved this.

They would knit little caps, head caps for the bald babies and take them to the new moms at the hospital, you know, and they would use that opportunity to witness. I thought that is awesome. So it can be different for different people. Okay.

You there? Okay. So it's different for different people, but Jesus, he gave like specific instructions. Like, so I do agree, you know, that when it comes to, when it comes to, you know, being a mom, you know, maybe you have to, you have to think outside the box, but, you know, making disciples is, is more than, it's a student, you know, and in order to teach someone, you know, you have to have a relationship, right? And I think about, like, when I look at the Bible and I look at the Word and I look at how Jesus taught people, one of the things was he was an example and so they followed him. Um, and that was, he gave the example of what discipleship was. Like he even talked about, he did what pleased the father, right?

So even Jesus did, he was following what the father did. And so even though like when, you know, your tithing is different than discipleship because tithing is giving, not giving of 10% of your money, whereas discipleship is a student college of the church. Can I ask what church you go to? Can I ask what church you go to? I go to a church called Newness of Life. Called what? It's called Newness of Life.

Newness of Life. Is it Church of Christ by any chance? Nope, it's non-denominational. Oh, okay, good. Okay.

So, because, I won't tell you why, but um, okay. So the church as a whole, the church you go to, the pastors are supposed to equip the Christians for the work of ministry, Ephesians 4, 8 through 12, they're supposed to do that. And a lot of pastors in my opinion are not doing that, they're just babysitting them. So they need to equip them with doctrine, with knowledge, with how to evangelize, with all this stuff so that they can start doing that. So when they do their things, whichever way that the Lord ordains for them, that they would then hopefully work with them and disciple them on a regular basis. Well, tonight for example, I teach Bible study and people come over and people watch.

I do radio, I've been doing radio for 23 years. So there's different ways of discipling. So you, that you said just now, I love what you said just now because you made it a point to say that people come to you, to your house and they watch you. So that would be more so discipleship because you're teaching them, right?

You're watching them, right? And you're giving them scriptural based teaching from the Word. You're teaching them how to live before God, I think is an example. So that's a little different than you giving for someone or you caring for someone, right?

Because if you're doing that, I mean, that's an act of kindness, love and decline. I got you. Do you have another question though? You have a question related to all of this? Yeah. So my question was just centered around, you know, what does, does that, you know, true discipleship, you know, look like? How does that, how important is it to obey?

What does it look like? Yeah. So what does true discipleship look like? Yeah.

Yes. Like I said, it's different for different people because different people have different abilities and callings by God. The church as a whole is supposed to equip them to be able to do what they can where they are. It doesn't mean you always, in every instance, everybody has to have people that come over to their house or that they're discipling like that. It doesn't mean that, but it can mean it for some people, but not for others.

Different people have different needs and different abilities and giftings, but overall that's supposed to happen. Okay. Discipleship is, is that what you're saying? Yes.

Okay. If you have a mom, for example, who's raising kids at home and share, that's 90% of her life right there and I'm not knocking, that's a wonderful thing. Is she going to build up and disciple a bunch of other women?

Maybe, maybe not. You know, my wife, for example, she has medical issues and when she was raising our kids and I was working, she wasn't able to go do a whole bunch of stuff because she physically couldn't do it. She has some rare conditions and so her job primarily was to be with the kids.

You know, it was, I went to work, you know, that kind of thing. So her situation is different than mine or yours, so we can't say one size fits all. The instructions that Jesus gave was to the church as a whole and how that works with individuals is different because you go to 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 to find that different people have different giftings and that's it. He didn't reference the giftings when he gave that instruction. He just said to obey him and to teach those to obey him.

I got you. The thing is, the scriptures as a whole tell us that some people are gifted in different ways by the work of the Spirit. So we take the whole of scripture and so different people have different callings. I agree with that. You do take the whole of the scripture, however, you know, I'm just, I'm trying to get understanding like from your perspective just on that because, you know, I don't, you know, I don't live your wife's life side. You know, I can't speak from necessarily that perspective, but I can speak from the perspective of being a mom and a wife and all that. And I think that Jesus sees your situation and that he makes a way for you to obey him. Yes, he does.

It's different for different people at different times and we should all seek to serve our Lord Jesus wherever we can and to expand the kingdom of God. Okay. All right.

There's the music we got to get going there. Okay. Okay. Thank you. All right. God bless. All right. Sorry, Anne from Virginia. Why don't you call back? We could talk about that, about the poetry stuff tomorrow. Hey folks, we'll be right back, or not back, we'll be back tomorrow. God bless. We'll be right back with another program powered by the Truth Network.
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