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The Bart Winkler Show Bart Winkler Logo

Brewers head to Wrigley for their 9th straight victory, foul ball etiquette, Packers cut a punter

The Bart Winkler Show / Bart Winkler
The Truth Network Radio
August 29, 2023 6:00 am

Brewers head to Wrigley for their 9th straight victory, foul ball etiquette, Packers cut a punter

The Bart Winkler Show / Bart Winkler

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August 29, 2023 6:00 am

Bart is live after the Brewers win their 9th straight game and he's joined by many favorites of the Winklerverse. Some real good Brewers talk for about 30 minutes! And then it goes off the rails, per usual

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