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My Father’s Car Will Be A Car Of Prayer

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
February 10, 2024 12:39 pm

My Father’s Car Will Be A Car Of Prayer

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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February 10, 2024 12:39 pm

Robby interviews Scott from the "Jesus Labor Love" as they receive a call from Christian who has been helped by the foundation, Special bonus treat from Christian Car Guy Theatre "Famous Fairytales" with special voice Ann Ault Famous Author.

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This is the Truth Network. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show. I say this calls for action and now nip it in the bud. Nip it in the bud.

You got to nip it in the bud. My father's car will be a car of prayer today on the Christian Car Guy show. Yes, my father's car will be a car of prayer. And so that may sound a little interesting to you. Like, what's Robby talking about? Well, let me show you what God's been kind of teaching me and really kind of hitting me between the eyes with this is that, you know, Jesus clears the temple in all four gospels. And so clearly there's a message there, a giant message. And obviously it was a, you know, a really strange act.

You know, we think of Jesus as this fairly meek and mild individual, but he sure was not and he sure is not in this particular situation. And so obviously something happened here that really upset him. And apparently it was the situation with his father's house because this was in fact the temple, a very holy place. And so, you know, what is the structure here?

What's the, how does this exactly work that he would be so upset about this? And then you begin to think, as I had this weekend, in fact, Jim Cymbala does amazing, if you want to see an amazing sermon on this idea, Jim Cymbala did it on YouTube. Well, it was actually done at a praise conference years ago. But the whole idea of my house will be a house of prayer and he's speaking mostly to the church. But as I began to think about the temple doesn't exist anymore and it was the most holy place, right? And the reason it kind of doesn't exist anymore, in my opinion, is God's trying to paint a picture of where, you know, as we were told by Jesus that our bodies were the temple of the Holy Spirit.

And that being the case, actually, Paul said it, but Jesus certainly implied it, that if that is the case, then our bodies are clearly what Jesus wants to clear of the money changers. And so at the beginning of that, you might have heard, you know, Bill Murray saying, you know, me, me, me. And then you heard the seagulls in Finding Nemo going mine, mine, mine, mine. Yeah.

Yeah. And then, you know, the idea of my temple, unfortunately, especially when I'm driving, and that's why I said my father's car will be a car of prayer. Like, I don't know about you, but, you know, one of my biggest struggles out there is to keep in that framework of my father's car while I'm driving.

Because as soon as somebody goes too slow, they do something wrong, immediately my heart goes, just like Bill Murray, me, me, mine, mine, mine, mine. And lately I've been feeling Jesus trying to clear these, turning over the tables of the money changers, because the idea of that, the money changers are obviously all about their own profit. They're thinking about me and mine.

I know that they were extremely wicked in so many different ways, but when you think about my own heart and these situations, it's a pretty difficult, you know, thing to realize. But then also there's this interesting—in Mark, it's a little different take on things than in the other gospels. He says, And they would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple. And so what's up with that? Well, from what I understand, actually in Jim Simbla's sermon, he talked about that these people were carrying these vessels because it was a shortcut across the way.

In other words, they were taking the shortest way, putting in the least amount of effort to carry these vessels, and in doing so, Jesus realized that it was, again, all about me, all about mine, but it was disturbing other people's worship. Well, I've never thought about the fact that other people could be in their car worshiping and my shenanigans, right, based on my taking the shortcut, my trying to get, trying to wear out me, me, me, mine, mine, mine, mine. And so you see where all that's going.

So I'm wondering, have you ever considered that, and if so, you know, what might be the money changers in your heart? I would love to know that. I would love to know your story, what this brings to mind for you. 866-348-7884 is the number to call in and share.

866-348-7884, and of course I do have my good friend Scott, who's with the Jesus Labor Love, and clearly the Jesus Labor Love is all about our Father's house and prayer, right? Absolutely. Because that's a big part of what that is. And so, Scott, what does that bring about in your mind when you hear that? Oh, I totally agree. I can totally relate me, me, my, my, my, especially when we're out there on the road or just focusing on ourself and our own needs.

Yeah, it's a struggle. And so interestingly, you know, I was originally called to do this show. What God made very clear to me that I was supposed to do when I did the show, and sometimes I drift. But what he said was, Robbie, I want you to get on the air and talk about what breaks your heart every day.

Well, and that's changed over the years. You know, different things have broken my heart in different seasons. Well, clearly this is one that really is disturbing to me, not for anybody else, but for me. And, you know, my family would tell you this, my kids, you know, Dad can be all about himself at times, and it really is a struggle when you realize, man, I have totally lost, you know, that love and feelings, so to speak. You know, totally gone, you know, totally on that situation. And so, you know, you may have heard, and I really liked it, there's a group, apparently it's called Allen Hamlin FBC Kids. Must be First Baptist Church kids that did that first lesson on I-516, right? Rejoice, always pray.

And, you know, when you look at that, that's a significant challenge. I don't know if it is for you, but, you know, give thanks in all circumstances. And so this morning, actually, you know, as I was driving with all this in mind, on my way to the show, right, this gentleman, who I'm sure was worshiping, pulls out in front of me. And then proceeds to go about 20 miles an hour under the speed limit, you know. And naturally, just the way that it happened was, you know, these lights go yellow, which he about runs that light and leaves me because, you know, had he not, I would not have been stopped by the light. And, of course, I'm anxious to get in the studio. Maybe it shouldn't be, of course, but it was. And so I'm sitting down there at the light going, okay, I'm supposed to give thanks for this somehow.

Because this is all circumstances. And, Lord, you know, this man, he got to go through that light. That's really great. And I'm, you know, and I'm just trying to, you know, God help me with this particular situation. How about you?

866-348-7884. I've got to tell you, a very, very cool episode of Christian Car Guy Theater coming up at the bottom of the hour. And so, you know, you may have heard me talk about three or four weeks ago that Anne Ault is really struggling. She has a brain tumor. She has been the star of Christian Car Guy Theater. She has always casted it for us, always put together all these amazing talents. But with this brain tumor has come a real difficult time with her memory. And so she actually wasn't going to be able to record with us anymore because she couldn't remember that she had an episode to do or couldn't remember that she needed to get on the computer. Or even if she did, she couldn't remember lines, right? And so what I was able to do is get her on the phone and talk to her about, we could do your lines over the phone. I'll feed you the line. You say it.

I just say it to you and you turn around and do it. And then Ellen Kennedy, just an amazing gifted writer that has written many episodes of Christian Car Guy Theater. She's actually a mystery writer.

Not anymore. Well, she has been for Christian Car Guy Theater for 15 years. But anyway, she wrote a special episode for Anne. It's only about four minutes long, you know, because we couldn't do just a whole lot based on Anne gets tired easy. And so I think you're really, really going to like it. It is called Famous Fairy Tales and it has to do with the end of the story.

Something that's going on after what you're familiar with in the fairy tale. And so we have one on Snow White coming up featuring Anne Ault in that role. And you can see how talented she is because, again, from her standpoint, when I'm giving her this line, this is the first time she's ever heard it. And most of these were her first take on that line. Like when you hear her say it, you know, that's how gifted she is. She's amazingly talented. And you may know she starred in many an episode of Adventures in the Odyssey and often played one of the bad evil people in that. But it was, you know, Ellen wrote it so that there's the evil queen and Snow White, right?

And I certainly thought that Anne would want to play the evil queen, but as I had each of them do the parts, Anne is going to be playing Snow White. So you're going to hear that at the bottom of the hour. In the meantime, we do have a caller, and I want your call. Besides the caller, they're called. 866-348-7884. 866-344-TRUTH. My Father's Car will be a car of prayer.

We'll be right back. You're listening to the Truth Network and And now time for Christian Car Guy Theater with today's episode, Famous Fairy Tales, The Rest of the Story, Episode 1. Yes, it's another episode of Famous Fairy Tales, the radio program where you learn the rest of the stories from your childhood.

Today we join the Princess Snow White as she visits an inmate at Fairyland Maximum Security Prison. My, my, just look at those massive gray stone walls. This place certainly looks grim. Did I just make Apanas and the brothers grim? Steady now, I am here on a serious mission.

This must be the main gate. Whatcha want? I am here to see the evil queen slash witch. What's your business with her? She's my stepmother, the one who tried to kill me with a poisoned apple. Oh, beg your pardon, Your Highness. Ride away, Your Highness. Princess Snow White finds herself just outside a dank prison cell, which is indeed grim. My, my, this is a dank prison cell. Hello, you there in the corner? I've come to visit you.

Who's that? Oh, it's you. Have you come to gloat? Oh, no, I've come to visit you. Oh, I brought you some gifts.

Look, here in my basket, I brought some soap. You definitely need it. And a warm sweater. It's awfully cold in here.

Some cough drops and a book. Oh, and how about an apple pie? Oh, no, you don't. I already tried that apple trick. The effects are only temporary, as you well know. Oh, but you're mistaken.

We checked all the apples in the orchard and declared them fine. Oh, no, the cook made this pie for you. You see, your initials, E, Q, right there in the crust. I must admit, it does smell good.

Here, let me break you off a piece. There you are. Mmm, delicious.

I like the extra cinnamon. Here's a napkin to wipe your fingers. Thanks.

Say, why are you here anyway, after the way I treated you? Well, it's all in this book. I brought you a copy. What do you mean? Well, here it is.

I was in prison and you visited me. What book is that? Oh, the Bible.

Here's your copy. It's from Matthew chapter 25. So that's in the Bible. I never knew that. In fact, I never read it. Oh, that explains a lot. And you ask me why I'm here after how you treated me? Well, in Colossians, it says, remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. It says that?

Oh, that and a whole lot more. Read it and find out. I will. And thanks for coming to see me. Will you come back again?

Of course I will. Oh, hey, is that an actual smile I see in your face? And I don't think I've ever seen you smile the whole time that I've known you. How about that? I didn't know I had any smiles left in me.

Well, get used to it. That book you have there is full of reasons to smile. As you can see, listeners, the words happily ever after are much more complicated than you might think. Tune in again next week when we hear about Cinderella and her dysfunctional family on Famous Fairy Tales, the radio program where you learn the rest of the stories from your childhood.

Yes, that's Famous Fairy Tales, the rest of the story, and I have a real treat. I was not expecting this, but how cool. We have Ann Ault actually on the line with us. Very talented. Very talented Ann Ault. Welcome to Christian Car Guy today, Ann.

Thank you. My goodness, you know, that touched me so much. Needless to say, you really know how to make a girl cry, don't you, Robbie?

But the thing is, I've done acting for years, became a Christian in 74, but Christian Car Guy Theater has been the best. I mean, honestly, Robbie, using our gifts to honor the Lord, and you are the captain of the good ship, you know, moving right along with Jesus. And what an honor. What an honor just to – I mean, I love – oh, dear. My phone just rang. Oh, it's okay.

It's all right. Yeah, but anyway, I mean, to be part of, you know, Christian Car Guy Theater, and if this is indeed – who knows? Only the Lord knows, but I mean, towards the end of my career, for one reason or another, but what an honor, you know, and meeting you, becoming friends, part of Christian Car Guy Theater. And I keep saying this because it's so important for people out there to know, well, first of all, support, you know, Truth Network and all these incredible shows they do, but to realize that, you know, that our gifts, God gives us those gifts. You know, ask him what gifts are the most important for him to honor him, you know what I mean? And then to glorify his name.

And who would have thought, you know, at my age and stage, to kind of end, in a sense, a career, but to be able to honor what you have created as led by God, you know? It's just – it's so incredible because they will know the truth, and the truth will set them free, and this is all part of, you know, getting people's attention in a way that nothing else can, you know what I mean? Well, I am, you know, again, just – I've had so much fun. Yeah. And then, you know, Ellen, she is such a gifted writer, and the joy that she had, and, you know, as soon as, you know, we came up with the idea to do these little episodes, you know, she jumped on it, and I am just so grateful, and I know what a good friend she is of yours.

Oh, yeah. And the way that you guys could work together on that again just meant the world to me. So, you know, God gave us a platform, and we get to reflect it back, and it's just really, really cool, isn't it? Oh, it sure is. I mean, and it's because you have persevered.

I mean, it isn't easy to raise up a platform, you know? And, I mean, all the hard work you've done through the years, but, I mean, and especially people's, and especially children's imagination, you're, you know, Christ has a path into their hearts because of these kinds of, you know, even warped fairy tales, you know, just making points of holding tight to Jesus Christ our Savior. Yeah, that's always been your heart, and it's been mine. Yeah. That the next generation is actually this generation, right? Yeah.

And they're the future leaders, maybe, but they're right now, and, of course, anything that we can do to share. You know, I just think it was beautiful how Ellen wrote the Bible into that episode. I know.

I mean, it was amazing who would have thought that, you know, that those types of characters could, oh, and, oh, here's a book, oh, the Bible. I mean, it's perfect. It really is. And so I am very grateful for you, my friend. And, of course, I know you're moving to live with your brother, right? Yeah.

So we can help take care of you. That's beautiful. Yes. And, Ellen, so we can keep doing what we're doing over the phone. Absolutely. As long as we can keep doing it, and so.

Absolutely. And it was such, actually, it was kind of fun. You'd say the line, and I'd, you know, repeat it, and it was fun, you know, and it always is, but, again, first and foremost, the fact that you've created this whole platform by God's leading and grace to touch people in a unique way, as only this can, you know, be a particular platform, you know, of theater and drama and different characters that spark the imagination, and look what you've done, I mean.

Oh, it was God's idea all along. Oh, yeah, I know. It really was, and it's been fun.

Well, of course, we've got to go to a break, but thank you, my friend, and we will talk soon. You know that. Oh, yes, absolutely. Yeah, yeah, it made my day.

Yeah. The whole episode. The whole thing is just really— What a pleasure.

It's God-ordained. Oh, thank you. You have a great weekend, my friend.

We will talk very soon. Okay. Bye. Love you guys. Bye-bye. I love you, too. Bye-bye.

All right. Well, we've got to go to a break. When we come back, we have Ms. Jay. Again, we're talking about, right, our father's car will be a car of prayer, and how does that work out in your life? So much more coming at you, 866-348-7884 is the number to call in and share your ideas.

We'll be right back. And now time for Christian Car Guy Theater with today's episode, Famous Fairy Tales, The Rest of the Story, Episode 1. Yes, it's another episode of Famous Fairy Tales, the radio program where you learn the rest of the stories from your childhood.

Today, we join the Princess Snow White as she visits an inmate at Fairyland Maximum Security Prison. My, my. Just look at those massive gray stone walls. This place certainly looks grim. Oh, did I just make Apanas and the brothers grim? Steady now, I am here on a serious mission. This must be the main gate.

What you want? I am here to see the evil queen slash witch. What's your business with her? She's my stepmother.

The one who tried to kill me with a poisoned apple. Oh, beg your pardon, your highness. Right away, your highness. Princess Snow White finds herself just outside a dank prison cell, which is indeed grim. My, my.

This is a dank prison cell. Hello. You there in the corner. I've come to visit you.

Who's that? Oh, it's you. Have you come to gloat? Oh no, I've come to visit you. I brought you some gifts. Look here in my basket, I brought some soap. You definitely need it. And a warm sweater. It's awfully cold in here.

Some cough drops and a book. And how about an apple pie? Oh no, you don't. I already tried that apple trick. The effects are only temporary, as you well know. Oh, but you're mistaken.

We checked all the apples in the orchard and declared them fine. Oh no, a cook made this pie for you. You see, your initials, E, Q, right there in the crust. I must admit, it does smell good.

Here, let me break you off a piece. There you are. Delicious.

I like the extra cinnamon. Here's a napkin to wipe your fingers. Thanks. Say, why are you here anyway, after the way I treated you? Well, it's all in this book. I brought you a copy.

What do you mean? Well, here it is, I was in prison and you visited me. What book is that? Oh, the Bible.

Here's your copy. It's from Matthew chapter 25. So that's in the Bible. I never knew that.

In fact, I never read it. Oh, that explains a lot. And do you ask me why I'm here after how you treated me? Well, in Colossians, it says, remember, the Lord forgave you. So you must forgive others. It says that?

Oh, that and a whole lot more. Well, read it and find out. I will. And thanks for coming to see me. Will you come back again?

Oh, of course I will. Oh, hey, is that an actual smile I see in your face? And I don't think I've ever seen you smile the whole time that I've known you. How about that? I didn't know I had any smiles left in me.

Well, get used to it. That book you have there is full of reasons to smile. As you can see, listeners, the words happily ever after are much more complicated than you might think. Tune in again next week when we hear about Cinderella and her dysfunctional family on Famous Fairy Tales, the radio program where you learn the rest of the stories from your childhood.

Yes, that's Famous Fairy Tales, the rest of the story. And I have a real treat. I was not expecting this, but how cool. We have Anne Ault actually on the line with us. Very talented. Yes, very talented, Anne Ault. Welcome to Christian Car Guy today, Anne.

Thank you, my goodness. You know, that touched me so much. Needless to say, you really know how to make a girl cry, don't you, Robbie?

But the thing is, I've done acting for years, became a Christian in 74, but Christian Car Guy Theater has been the best. I mean, honestly, Robbie, using our gifts to honor the Lord, and you are the captain of the good ship, you know, moving right along with Jesus. And what an honor. What an honor just to – I mean, I love – oh, dear. This is my phone just rang. Oh, it's okay.

It's fine. But anyway, I mean, to be part of, you know, Christian Car Guy Theater, and if this is indeed – who knows? Only the Lord knows, but I mean, towards the end of my career, for one reason or another. But what an honor, you know, and meeting you, becoming friends, part of Christian Car Guy Theater. And I keep saying this because it's so important for people out there to know, well, first of all, support, you know, Truth Network and all these incredible shows they do, but to realize that, you know, that our gifts, God gives us those gifts. You know, ask him what gifts are the most important for him to honor him, you know what I mean? And then – but to glorify his name.

And who would have thought, you know, at my age and stage, to kind of end, in a sense, a career, but to be able to honor what you have created as led by God, you know? It's just – it's so incredible because they will know the truth, and the truth will set them free. And this is all part of, you know, getting people's attention in a way that nothing else can, you know what I mean? Well, I am, you know, again, just – I've had so much fun. Yeah. And then, you know, Ellen, she is such a gifted writer, and the joy that she had, and, you know, as soon as we came up with the idea to do these little episodes, you know, she jumped on it, and I'm just so grateful, and I know what a good friend she is of yours.

Oh, yeah. And the way that you guys could work together on that again just meant the world to me. So, you know, God gave us a platform, and we get to reflect it back, and it's just really, really cool, isn't it? Oh, it sure is. I mean, and it's because you have persevered.

I mean, it isn't easy to raise up a platform, you know? And, I mean, all the hard work you've done through the years, but, I mean, and especially people's, and especially children's imagination, you know, Christ has a path into their hearts because of these kinds of, you know, even warped fairy tales, you know, just making points of holding tight to Jesus Christ our Savior. Yeah, that's what's always been your heart, and it's been mine, that the next generation is actually this generation, right? Yeah.

And they're the future leaders maybe, but they're right now, and, of course, anything that we can do to share. You know, I just think it was beautiful how Ellen wrote the Bible into that episode. I know. I mean, it was amazing who would have thought that, you know, that those types of characters could, oh, here's a book.

Oh, the Bible. I mean, it's perfect. It really is, and so I am very grateful for you, my friend, and, of course, I know you're moving to live with your brother, right? Yeah.

So we can help take care of you. That's beautiful. Yes. And, Ellen, so we can keep doing what we're doing over the phone. Absolutely.

As long as we can keep doing it, and so. Absolutely, and it was such, actually, it was kind of fun, just you'd say the line, and I'd, you know, repeat it, and it was just, it was fun, you know, and it always is, but again, first and foremost, the fact that you've created this whole platform by God's leading and grace to touch people in a unique way, as only this can, you know, this particular platform, you know, of theater and drama and different characters that spark the imagination, and look what you've done, I mean. Oh, it was God's idea all along. Oh, yeah, I know. It really was, and it's been fun. Well, of course, we've got to go to a break, but thank you, my friend, and we will talk soon, you know that. Oh, yes, absolutely. Yeah, yeah, it made my day.

The whole episode, the whole thing is just really. What a pleasure. It's God-ordained, so you have a great weekend, my friend. We will talk very soon. Okay. Bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. All right. Well, we've got to go to a break. When we come back, we have Miss Jay. Again, we're talking about, right, our father's car will be a car of prayer, and how does that work out in your life? So much more coming at you. 866-348-7884 is the number to call in and share your ideas. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Truth Network and

Mine, mine, mine, mine. My father's car will be a car of prayer today on The Christian Car Guys show, and I've been thinking a lot about this verse, too, this week. In 1 Timothy, chapter 2, obviously, or maybe not obviously, Paul is teaching Timothy, you know, what's first?

He's given him some priorities here, and of course he's a young pastor and he's going to lead this church, and what does he tell him? I exalt therefore that first of all supplications, prayers, and intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men. And when you break down those words of what are prayers, what are intercessions, what are giving thanks and supplications, those are fascinating ideas. I was actually just studying them this morning, and the idea of intercessions has to do with taking your favor and giving it to God. Like Moses did, you know, it was a serious intercession, right, when he was about to, you know, wipe everybody out, and Moses interceded, right, because he's saying, you know, these people are my favorite, you know, and so when we share our grace, you know, our favor with God, you know, just like we had a chance to do with Devon a little while ago, right, that we're interceding for Devon, because man, I mean, we can see, you know, how God made his mother and how God has got to clearly be working in Devon's life, and so, you know, it's our chance to intercede. And also, prayers are a great deal. The reason why I wanted to tell you that this show is brought to you by the Hebrew letter nun is because the nun has to do with your faith, but also has to do, the first letter and the first prayer in the Bible is a nun, because if you don't believe God's there, why talk to him, right? And so not only do you have faith that he's there, but you've got to have faith he's good.

Yeah. I just wanted to comment about intercessory prayer, Robbie, while it was on my heart. I think a lot of times we overlook the importance and the impact of intercessory prayer, because we don't, sometimes we pray after the fact, once we've already got into a jam, whereas if we practice regularly intercessory prayer, we can pray for wisdom and discernment before the fact, or pray for our loved ones before they go on that journey, before they ask that young lady to marry them or something, that they have wisdom and discernment.

So I think intercessory prayer is... Yeah, because it's about your Father's house, and it's not about me, me, me, mine, mine, mine. This is about all the other people, and then, you know, God's going to be delighted in those kind of things. Well, we have Ms. J speaking with Jesus Labor Loefflin. How are you today? Hey. Hey, Brother Robbie. I'm going to give a shout out to Brother Scott.

How are you doing? I am blessed. So good to hear your voice. You got a song or some poetry for us? Oh, my God. You guys are so on point with what I was talking, what I'm about to say, but I need an equal knot, too, to go back and forth to my mother.

Wouldn't that be nice? So y'all be in prayer with me. My car is, right now, it needs repairing.

It's kind of expensive because of the car I have. But I believe, God, He's going to get me there. Right now, I'm planning to go back and forth by train, or I'm praying, taking me up and back, whoever I can get to take me back and forth with her. Before my surgery, I'm due to have surgery on March 1st, and I just thank God for my second knee. And I think I can get there.

I want to see her before I get into my surgery. That's what one of my prayers are. But my money changes up in my spirit because God is the living God, and He draws within our temple is the things. These are my things here, thinking that I know what and how He wants things done.

Not praying beforehand, like God was saying, y'all were saying. He was so on point with what I was wanting to say. And it's wrong not to consult Him. Because we represent Him. When we're representing Him, we need to confront Him before we go to anybody. Even if we're interceding on somebody's behalf. We've got to be there like, Lord, you can't even just be able to do this once you acknowledge it. And then you want to know how you want to pray for that person, or what's the best way you want me to do this.

So those are my money changes that I go back and forth with now. He kind of kicks everything out of the way because I'll make a plan, and the plan ain't there anymore. I'm like, oh, okay, God.

I'm just going to have to sit back and wait. He's turned over my tables. He's turned over my tables many times.

You know, like, okay. But the idea is He enlarges our hearts, right? We get too tight, right?

And then our structure becomes so narrow that there's no freedom in that. And He really is doing it. I never really had considered what all I've been considering lately is, He was really doing those guys a huge favor. Like, you know, sometimes you need to be told, you're messing up here. Yeah.

Kind of a forceful way. I think they got the message, yeah. Yeah, and so, you know, that's beautiful. And I love, you know, how God has put different people in our hearts in order to do that kind of thing. You know, to give us an idea of, wow, because I heard this message from Jim Simbola, Ms. J, and it just convicted me all over the place that, you know, and he goes on to say some other strong things like our house should not be a house of preaching or a house of singing. Now, interestingly, he's not saying that those things aren't good.

They're wonderful. But first is what, you know, Paul told Timothy, first of all, prayer. And that's almost from the standpoint of if I'm in prayer when I'm listening to the sermon, then, but if I'm not listening, if I'm not in prayer when I'm listening to the sermon, how can God get to me, right? Right. And so the sermon is very, very important, but if I'm not prayerfully listening to it, I could be in bad trouble, right? That's true.

Absolutely. You've got to be in love with him. But I do have a song.

OK. Well, good, good, good. I'm in love. I'm in love and I'm falling fast. I'm going deeper and deeper in his sea of love. When I'm down, he's my up.

When I'm wrong, he's my right. When I'm sad, he's my joy. When I'm mad, he's my smile. He just loved me one more, although I never known a love so strong. I've never known a love so wide, so deep and so high, deep and so high.

He's my supernova, master of the universe, creator of the galaxies, ruler of my heart. That's my love. I love it.

I love it, love it, love it. Did you write that? Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. Scott, you know, the thing that this point taught to me.

By God, of course, you know that. Yeah, it is. But, Scott, you were saying earlier, before we even got on the air, how important these relationships to Jesus' labor are.

Because that's how we met, Miss J. Absolutely. And, you know, to be able to have this, you know, kingdom relationship with all of you, it just is amazing that God put us together, right? Yeah, you're right.

You're right. It's so important. And you've got all these folks, right?

Quite a few, quite a few. I hope to do some more in-depth work with Brother Scott, you know, after I get my legs together. Well, you know, my wife, to encourage you, she had two knee surgeries, one in September and one in December. And we went from a mile walk yesterday, and she had no pain. That was just a month ago, wasn't it? Yeah, in December she had the surgery. Oh, December.

So be encouraged, Miss J. A mile? It's going to be.

We walked a mile yesterday with no knee pain at all. It was amazing. That is. The best we've been able to do. So be encouraged. Thank you for your call. Yes, thank you as always, Miss J. Thank you for all the calls and for, you know, all the prayers. And we pray also with you that, you know, our cars will be a house of prayer this week. So as you're thinking about that, we should always remind you, because it's kind of our thing, you know, slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went, got it all done in 33 years. And as I was thinking about Ann Alden, what she was saying, I am so grateful for all the radio stations, and certainly Stu Epperson's vision and the vision of all the station managers that carry this show, because clearly they allow for the platform. You know, God makes it happen, obviously.
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