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American Hustle: How Grant Cardone Got Rich...and How You Can Too.

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
January 21, 2024 5:00 am

American Hustle: How Grant Cardone Got Rich...and How You Can Too.

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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January 21, 2024 5:00 am

Charlie sits down with Grant Cardone to discuss his intense past, hitting rock bottom, and becoming an incredibly successful equity fund manager with booming businesses, a huge platform, and a portfolio of more than $4 billion. How did he become the highly sought-after businessman he is today? Who is he backing in the 2024 election? And how can a young person today get involved with the business world right away instead of wasting years inside a system rigged against them?


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Hey everybody, happy Sunday. My conversation with Grant Cardone.

Very popular financial mind, very successful as we talk about markets, real estate, investment, depreciation, and more. Email us as always, freedom at Listen to all of our episodes, advertiser free, by going to That is

Check it out right now. Buckle up everybody, here we go. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

He's a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. You have a huge following, a lot of fans. Not as many as you.

That's very sweet. I do think I have more enemies. I don't know, bro. We can compare notes. Let's talk about hater wars.

We both have a fair amount of enemies, I think. I want you just to tell your story. It's a uniquely American story. I love following your stuff on social.

It's always high energy. It's about improving your life. Tell us the Grant story. I grew up raised by a single mother. My dad died when I was 10 in Lake Charles, Louisiana, a refinery town.

Your choices there were you were going to be in a refinery or you were going to probably work for some small company that was doing accounting work for a refinery. I didn't really fit either one of those. Or you were going to be a fisherman out of Cameron, whatever. So my dad died at 10 and my life like I was kept waiting, Charlie, for a for a male figure to show up. It's one of the things I'm most passionate about is when the father goes away in the family, things tend to go metrically negative.

And that was the case for me. I ended up on drugs when I was 15 years old. Daily drug user for the next 10 years.

Black sheep in the family. Grades went bad, like everything. I just like my whole life was destroyed.

And so at 25, I went to treatment center for drug addiction, kick the drugs, hadn't used drugs, thankfully, in 40 years. Wow. Yeah.

And and been building business, been building companies ever since rebuilding myself, my self esteem, my finances and trying to give back and help other people along the way. And now you have an incredibly impressive portfolio, upwards of four billion dollars. Is that right? That's right. That's right. How did that happen? There's about well, one deal at a time.

That's how it happened, you know. So I bought a single family home when I was 28. I didn't buy it to live in. I bought it to rent it because I wanted the income.

Bought a second one 20 days later. One of the tenants moved out, terrified me, sold the property. And then I started studying real estate, how to buy and scale so that if one person moved out or two people moved out, I wasn't being the manager. I didn't want I didn't want to be a manager. I didn't want to handle the tenants and the termites and the toilets. I didn't want to do the evictions. I just wanted the cash flow. I wanted the tax write offs, the depreciation, the big D, vitamin D, which I believe will keep people healthier than anything. Oh, that's funny.

Yeah. And and I wanted the appreciation, the long term appreciation. And so that was, I don't know, four and a half billion dollars ago. We have 20 other companies. I'm either a founder, CEO or an investor in that are probably worth another three or four billion.

I mean, to me, it's like mind boggling, like because I know where I was, where I started. I remember I remember not being able to make my my rental payments, you know, my my two seventy five a month. So, you know, you can you can come a long way in America if you stay focused.

What are I mean, you've written a ton of books and all this, and I don't want to share anything that people should go to your seminars to learn. But what are some of the principles, the eternal principles that guided you to the success you have? Well, I mean, the first the first thing for me was, you know, I had to clean up like if I wouldn't have cleaned up, I had like I had sobriety. Yeah, I had to quit using drugs. I didn't have an alcohol problem. I had a drug problem.

So I quit I quit drinking because the drinking always led to the drugs. I mean, at the end of the day, I had to change and probably the loss of my dad and being maybe marginally brighter than the other students. I was going to school with school was a disaster for me, dude. Like we pulled our kids out of the school system because it was a disaster. Every bad habit I've ever had I learned in a school in a classroom.

Name one drugs, alcohol, doodle time, skipping school, stealing, driving too fast, lying, perpetual lying, putting stuff off, not doing it. You know, realizing nobody was going to actually hold me accountable, it didn't matter whether I got a B or C, nothing changed. So and then I spent five years in school, so I got the debt to go with it.

I wouldn't recommend no one ever spend 12 years in high school, much less another four or five in college. And so you started getting into the real estate game. What year was that? That was let's see, I was twenty eight. So this is fifty, what, at ninety eight. Yeah, ninety five.

Ninety five. Yeah. And so you start building this, but you built it with largely without leverage. Is that right?

So I bought the first two houses with leverage. OK, I guess this was eighty eight. Yeah, this is 30 years old, so it's eighty eight. They did not work.

And then in nineteen ninety one, I would buy my first apartment building. Wow. With with leverage. Yeah. One hundred percent. Yeah.

Yeah. I love debt. I mean, you can't do debt. You can't do deals. See, this is a little different than Mr. Ramsey. Come on. So what do you think about because he's like, that's the worst thing ever.

Don't do that. Dave stuck in an incident. There's long gone past and he's still stuck in it. It'd be like like Dave's like he had a girlfriend, it didn't go well, so he decided never to get married. That's what he's doing with debt. OK, he had one form of debt and now he thinks all debt is equal and it's not.

It'd be like saying, I'm not trying to pick on Dave. No, I'm not either. But but but I think people don't understand the kind of debt he's saying to avoid is I went and bought a belt and I used my credit card to do it. I have no credit card debt.

I have no personal debt of my own. Yes. Zero.

No, I totally agree with you. Yeah, I know you do. And so I own two homes. I own nothing on them. I own four and a half billion dollars worth of real estate. I owe two point two billion dollars on the real estate. I'm not paying that debt. And it comes with all these beautiful benefits, you know, that are just written by the congressman of this country.

Yes. You have two billion dollars in debt, which means that you write off probably four hundred million dollars in interest. I mean, that's every year I write off without limitation, 80 million. And just interest, interest, another 40 million in property taxes.

And then the depreciation is probably five hundred to six hundred million. Yeah, probably. I'm not trying to put you on this.

No, no. Look, the IRS knows Charlie can know. Yeah, OK. Like people ask me financial questions, by the way, anybody giving anyone financial advice. They're telling you that I respect that.

Yeah. Like I was just tell your audience, anybody's going to give you financial advice. Show me what you own. Show me your portfolio. Show me how much gold you have. If you're going to get gold advice, show me the gold. Show me the silver. Show me the Bitcoin. If you want, if they won't show you, you shouldn't listen to them. So every property, the beautiful thing about real estate, as you know, Charlie, is it's all recorded data.

Right. Like I can't really tell you how many books I've sold. I don't know, because nobody kept a record of the number of books I sold. Or I don't have a record to show you how many people paid for to come to an event or listen to me online. But I know the address of the Goldman deal that I bought from Goldman Sachs and put my name on.

I know what I paid is a recorded event. So you can't get tricked in real estate as easily. So the story kept to continue to grow.

And you what? Well, real estate wasn't the first money. I was hustling. I was basically I worked for a car dealer. I got out of a treatment center and the only place I could get a job was as a car salesman. And so I'm like, I took the job. I didn't want the job. I hated the job.

Had an accounting degree. I'm like, what am I doing being a car salesman? This is crazy. I'm going backwards. But it was my only choice. So I decided I made a commitment back to these principles you're talking about. I made a commitment to become great.

It's something that was disgusting. And that that has been a story of my life now for 40 years. Like, if I don't like something, I'm going to learn how to get good at it or I'm going to find somebody else that is exceptional. The next thing you know, I'm going to I'm a decent salesperson. And I started looking at the problems with.

You go into a car dealer and the experience was so negative. And I actually wrote a book about how that would change and went around and started teaching it to the manufacturers and the car dealers. And it became very successful. And so you now have 20 companies that you're either investor or you're involved in and everything from health to real estate.

And so. HVAC, solar, plumbing, chiropractors. What's the hardest business you own?

Here's the way it usually works. Let me guess that there's one business that's one percent of your revenue and ninety nine percent of your problems. Which one is that?

No, let me see which one. Look, the real estate is the best of all of them. OK, there is no better business.

Is there one that's a disproportionate amount of headaches that doesn't necessarily bring home the. Yeah, probably the event business. We do big events. You know how hard we do events.

Yeah, so it's hard. We don't have to make money on them because we're a nonprofit. We just try to break even.

I don't know how you guys do it. I try I try to make money on everything. I highly recommend this is a thesis. Make money on everything, folks, you deserve to you live in the greatest country in the world and you trade your time for energy. You had an idea. Make money on it. Like, why not? But but I get a lot of hate for that comment right there. I agree with it completely.

No, I. He's all driven on the money thing. No, you should be rewarded and you should be rewarded in a way that you consider to be that whatever value is, that's how you should be rewarded. And if it's it's money, so be it. So you think we're headed for a correction? What do you what do you mean by that?

Walk us through it. We will. We will. I believe that we'll experience the greatest real estate correction in my lifetime. Sixty five years more than oh, one hundred percent.

So you're a 40 to 45 percent correction. But it will not be in housing. It will not be in single family office. It's going to be an office.

It's going to be a multifamily. These large complexes from Tempe. And why are you buying them then? Because I'm stealing them.

They're going down in value. I'm stealing stuff right now. Literally, I woke up this morning and said, please don't arrest me today. Let me get away with this for another two years. This is the biggest correction in my lifetime. So you're you're saying the correction is already underway? It's underway. It's happening right now. And the American public does not know what to look for because the American public is still trying to buy a house. And you shouldn't be. This is not a house moment.

This is a neighborhood community moment. So the housing might go down five or 10 percent? Maybe. Maybe. And maybe it might not go down any. Like, I believe that when it's time to agree with you.

Yeah. That housing, I think, is actually more stable than people realize. Forty nine percent of all the homes in America are renters living and I'm not an owner.

Most people don't know. That's 30 percent. Forty nine percent. Forty nine percent.

Yeah. OK. Ninety percent of all the loans in America on single family homes are below five percent. Ninety percent. Forty five percent remaining on their loan. No, no. Ninety percent of all the loans under a five percent interest rate. Oh, right.

They're locked in there. Seven or half or eight percent. Forty percent of all the loans on American homes today are under three percent interest. There's no there's on a 30 year mortgage. Now, on the other side of that is all these large apartment complexes, retail, you know, strip centers.

Yeah. Office buildings where the debt is now sitting at eight, nine, 10, 11, 12 percent. And the way these guys structure their deals, they go to buy a building and they get debt, as you know, on part of the building. And then they borrow equity from a pension fund. These are these big monster or insurance companies or insurance companies. They're big players. Well, that debt is in massive trouble. There'll be seven hundred billion dollars of that debt expired this year, much of which is unadjustable and much of which is in trouble right now. And so what does that look like? Looks like an opportunity for me.

So what do you think that why you're buying office buildings? Do you think that they're going to come home eventually? Yes. One hundred percent.

There's always you think that the work from home thing is just the work from home thing is one of the biggest disasters in the history of the work. You don't think it's a permanent. No, not 100 percent.

So it's a phase. Yeah. The only people that want to keep working from home are people that are home, barely working the whole thing. Every CEO that said all the woke CEOs said, let's go. Oh, yeah, let's stay home. Let's stay home that every one of them reversed. There's not one man standing now that believes remote and Elon started.

He stood up from the beginning. That's not happening on my watch. And we have two companies, three companies, three different locations with almost a thousand employees the entire time, even through covid.

They were coming to work. No, I think that's great. And so you're looking at two places of opportunity corrections underway. Yeah. So how much has let's just say nothing compared to what's going to happen. OK, so you're still happy buying at the near top then if you think that there's a big correction.

No, we're already getting it. Like we just bought we bought a deal in Tampa last week. What, 12 million?

You know, we're 12 million behind what they paid for it. Oh, wow. I'm stealing, man. I'm telling you.

But if people are out saving money or looking for a five and a half percent return on a treasury bill or trying to, you know, pay their house off, you're not going to see these opportunities because you're not looking for them. But people need to look at these big complexes there. And people have spent like, why would I not build what you asked me, right? Yeah. Yeah. If that's because they're going to build and they're going to spend 100 million and I'm about for 80 million.

And I didn't go through the stress of having to build. Now, what's going to happen in this cycle? Like, oh, wait. OK, it'll be two or three or four years. Twenty five. Twenty six. Twenty seven. All building will stop between now and twenty seven. And night in twenty twenty eight, we'll look up and have the greatest.

Housing shortage and the biggest spike in rents that we've ever seen in this country. You seem really confident about that. I'm very confident. Yeah. You're putting your money where your mouth is.

Yeah, exactly. And I'm extremely conservative with money. Like I'm the most frugal person you've ever met. And so the regardless of what you see about me doing on Instagram. No, no. That's just attention getting the attention stuff. Totally.

I think it's great. Yeah. Yeah. So the whole part where you say you buy helicopters to know about a helicopter, I bought two helicopters.

That wasn't the attention getting thing. No, that was that was me trying to whack the IRS. No, tell me. But I think this is fascinating. Tell me about.

Yes. So so I've done this before. I mean, the first time I did this, I had a big tax bill, massive tax bill.

And look, you know, I'm happy about it. I'm like, oh, dude, I produced enough that, you know, when I have an accounting background. So I actually know how to read an accounting statement and an IRS form. And I'm like, oh, I got a tax issue in October.

And so I need to pay attention to this. November comes. I hadn't done anything about it.

December. I'm like, bro, I got like I got a private jet tax problem. So I went to my accounting guy and I said, hey, what can I do? And he's like, nothing you can do about it. So any time I hear nothing you can do about it, I'm like, I know there's something I can do about it. So I call Gulfstream up.

I don't own a jet. What year is this? This is 2000. Seventeen. So before the heavy machinery deduction, 100 percent. It was still on.

So it was like 18 or 19. Yeah. OK. And I said, look, guys, I want to buy I want to buy a Gulfstream file. You call up Savannah, Georgia, and you say I want to buy a Gulfstream.

I want to buy a Gulfstream. They don't know me. I don't know them. Yeah. I had a little jet at the time. Right. So. So. So you got like an 80 million dollar depreciation. Yeah. So I call them up and they said, we don't have a jet.

It's it literally have I have 14 days left in the month of December. But you have to fly one business trip. That's right. One one out one 20 minute flight. We know the whole deal. You looking for a jet. The only people that know this is people that are looking at jets.

I hang around a lot. OK. OK. I don't have Gulfstream money yet. So maybe one day the show will get you.

I guarantee you will rush Limbaugh program. Yeah. So they said we don't have a jet to sell you until next year.

We could deliver next year. I said, OK, thank you. I had my CEO find out what their routing numbers were for their wiring department.

We wired full amount for the jet. Call the president back and said, look, check your accounting department. He said, hold on. Said, what do you got, Grant?

What are you doing? Well, I said, look, just look, check. He's like, God, nobody's ever done. So I wired the entire amount and they found me a jet. That was the first year. So I whacked the IRS. So just so everyone knows what's going on is that President Trump put forward a measure.

Good old Trump. If you you if you had a piece of equipment that was heavy machinery over what pound? Five thousand pounds. Ten thousand pounds, right?

Yes, definitely over five thousand six thousand pounds. So, you know, included jets, included RVs, jet RVs, all the trucks, Range Rovers. If you used it for a business purpose. So if you bought it in the end of December, then the next fiscal year, you could even use it personally or whatever. And it's. Yeah, but you write it off like I bought the full deduction. Yeah. One hundred percent of the let's say sixty five million dollars was written off in the year I purchased it, even though I'd only flown it once and I would keep it forever. I mean, it's one of the greatest loopholes in the world.

The following year we had another tax problem. OK, I continue to grow. That was a good thing. I'm growing.

But but all I got to do is read, just read and be committed. And so we bought two Augusta 139 from what, Pfizer? Yeah, they were selling a lot of products. Yeah, they were they were getting because they own three of them and they were getting three more doing the same thing I was doing.

Just doing it a bigger scale. For those that don't know, Augusta is a helicopter helicopter. It's a two engine. Yeah. Unbelievable. It's an Italian company.

I think it's an Italian company. Yeah, that's right. So what other ways do you beat the because you say you want to go broke twice a year. That's your point.

Yeah. What do you mean by that? If I have money, I want to get rid of it. I want to add assets. By the end of the year, I want to have more assets than cash assets that I can write off assets that provide me a cash flow. Assets are a business that I don't have to work in. Real estate just happens to be the best device in the world. Short of me going to start my own business because there's nothing better than your own business. So that's the other thing is you'll deploy capital into businesses where you get deductions because of payroll and because of.

Yeah, the payroll doesn't help me enough. You know, at that point. Right.

So I need I need something you need to see. Then see, like a house for the audience can it gets written off over twenty seven years. So two million seven hundred thousand dollar house for some simplicity. You can write up one hundred thousand dollars a year. But a twenty seven, two point seven million dollar apartment building, I could write off the whole thing, virtually the whole thing.

The first 30 minutes that I own it and it would take me twenty seven years to do that with the house. So the are there. Do you own stocks?

Can I just say, go ahead. You know, the it's very important for the audience to start paying attention to this because your biggest expense is not your mortgage or the gas bill, the electric bill, the water bill, the utilities. It's taxes. And it should be your desire and your goal to reduce your federal tax bill to zero or below, meaning refunds. Now, paying me, I paid 40 million dollars in property, local property taxes. I don't mind paying those.

I don't like you almost can't avoid those. But but I'm supporting my community. I don't want to support the White House in a war.

Yes, I'm not interested. And for all of you that are against that, you need to figure out how to stop doing that because you're funding this. No matter how you vote, you're funding the federal government. What other deductions are popular for entrepreneurs to trucks?

I bought about a G G wagon before the end of the year because it weighs seven thousand pounds. Is it still one hundred percent on every machine? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Or last year. Yeah. So I like I literally I'm a buy a car.

OK, what car can I write off? That's how I put it in. I'm going to buy a belt.

All right. Rather than me buying a boss belt for forty nine dollars. I'm going to buy I'm going to have a personal belt customized that says 10 X on it. And then it's a write off of the shoes I have on. I would never buy these shoes or nine hundred bucks.

They get somebody gave them to me as a gift. Now, if I was going to buy this shoe, I'd put my brand on it or my name and then I'd write it off. So advertising, marketing, like I bombed one year, million dollars worth of marketing in December and assume that problem that resolved that problem that year, even though the the marketing might last longer than that. Yeah. You could you could phase it out and you could have I mean, you could space it out and all that. Yeah. Yeah. But you need cash to do that. Right. We need money to make that move better to invest than to give it to the Internal Revenue Service. That's my that's it's better to invest in this. You're one of the few people I've heard that's actually isolated that problem. Yeah.

Yeah. And it's better to invest than it is to spend. It's much better to invest than spend.

And it's better to invest than pay taxes. What where do you fall or in your portfolio if you're comfortable talking about it in stocks, bonds, mutual funds? I have I have like, you know, I have a little bit of Bitcoin. I hate stocks.

You know, why don't I know bonds? I hate paper. We made up one piece of paper.

They put In God We Trust on it. Do you like gold then or no? I hate gold. OK, that's not paper. Yeah.

What is it? That's the thing is silver from Noble Gold Investments. I don't know what to do with it, dude.

I love Noble Gold Investments. They're good, dude. Yeah.

No, I put it in your teeth. I know. Yeah.

Yeah. But I don't know what to do with it. OK, so I like cash flow. I like like cash flow. You like things that pay you back. I want to be paid no more.

I want to do something. OK, let me play devil's advocate. You got a stock that pays a dividend. They only pay every quarter and most dividend stocks. Apple pays a point zero one percent.

OK, Campbell's Soup is like five percent. But no, I hear you. OK. OK.

I'm not even saying I'm not. I'm with you. I love the conversation. Yeah. I love that. You know, the dialogue, as long as the friendly debate without defamation.

I got you. Which we do want to talk about. Yeah. But no.

What would somebody say? Hey, dividends are the greatest thing ever. You buy Campbell's Soup.

They give you four percent. Yeah. But those stocks don't typically do well.

No, that is true. And there's a reason why they're offering you that dividend because they don't want you to sell the stock. Exactly. So, you know, but the great tech stocks. Look, if you take the S&P 500 last year and you take seven stocks out, you have a loser.

Yeah. If you take out Amazon, Microsoft, the big magical seven out and they won't be magical forever. My apartment buildings will be around longer than Google.

Google, Facebook, Microsoft, all those companies can get wiped out at any tech boom. So you've tried to solve this problem, which I think is super unique. You allow everyday people to invest into your deal, which I got to give you credit. You have chutzpah, man. Because, you know, why do you say that? You know the risk. Well, yeah.

I mean, I mean, I think about this stuff. I mean, if you're going to take on how many limited partners you have, 10,000, 13,000 and growing. I want it to be 130,000. I want it to be a million one day. How big is your compliance department?

I mean, just to be able to feel. Because, look, if I could distribute, we sent out 13,000 checks last month, seven million dollars. November, we did the same thing. October, the same thing.

September, the same thing. Like every month we sent money out to people. As a distribution.

As a distribution. OK, now I'm a sales guy. I've been selling. I've been hustling people my whole life.

Hustling. I got something to sell. I got an idea. Buy this, buy this, fund this. But, you know, I've raised hundreds of millions of dollars for charity.

I don't like apologize about any of that. I think that's very important for people to learn how to do. But I am most proud that I send money back to people like this is you. You made an investment with me that these are life insurance quality real estate. This is the best real estate people can invest in. Blackstone, BlackRock, Goldman, J.P. Morgan, Allstate, MetLife.

I mean, these are the biggest. These are trillion dollar companies that invest in these products. So rather than them buying it, these wealth, wealthy institutions, mostly wealthy institutions and country club money.

I buy it every day guy and I do it amongst regular everyday people. I will not take money from the banks or the institutions. Now, they've never offered me enough to tell. Now, just so I'm clear, you said you have two point two billion in debt. Is that issued from banks or is that. Oh, yeah, that's bank. That's long term bank money, though. Fannie Mae. What do you mean you'll never take you won't take investment money from banks or banks.

Banks are heavily involved in the equity portion of the real estate. So you won't take them as limited partners. Yeah. But again, I've said it's only because they've never offered me enough money. If they came to me and said, hey, we'll give you a billion dollars in cash, I'd be like, you'll have them issue some debt, obviously. And not that there's anything wrong with it.

Right. Well, no, we would put long term debt. We would put long term debt on our deals. OK, right now in this cycle, we're not using that banks or institutions for either the equity or the. That's amazing because the banks are not friendly right now. The banking system is we I think we have three hundred bank failures in the next twenty four months. I think we have three hundred three hundred.

Wow. And I think we have multiple pension funds that will fail as well. And we will have institutional syndicators. You're talking about a systemic collapse. I'm talking about something that the federal government will have to step in and lower rates back to zero.

Yeah. Which means inflation will go to 20 to 30 percent, whatever. But you've got to save the system. So, you know, the inflation thing also like I don't think printing money is the cause of inflation. Personally, what is the cause of inflation? People doing stupid with money.

So misallocation of research. I give you like you give me fourteen hundred. You give me a billion dollars. I'm not going to be stupid. I'm going to pay what something's worth.

It doesn't matter how much money you give me. But if you give a billion people a billion idiots a billion dollars, they're going to do stupid. Just like they did during covid. We said they sent out fourteen hundred dollar checks to help people live.

And what they do? They went bought shoes. Luxury goods. The wealthiest man on the planet was the Louis Vuitton guy from France.

It's crazy. They didn't buy Gucci stock. They bought Gucci's.

So anybody that did that. Inflation is caused by supply and demand. It is not caused by the printing of money. If you print money or the federal government prints money and fills this building up with money, there's nothing happened. Nothing changed. No pricing change.

They just did a print. If they distribute that money to responsible people and we don't go overspend, we don't create inflation. But when you give a billion dollars or seven trillion dollars out and people do stupid with it. Well, guess what? You're going to inflate everything.

Malinvestment. Yeah. So let's talk for a second here.

You recently had some pointed advice to Gen Z as to why they can't get ahead. Yeah. What did I say? I forget.

I write a lot of stuff. So I don't know. What did you say? Well, I probably said go to work. Because I read the headline and I just said Grant Cardone has advice for Gen Z.

It would be go to work. Oh, by the way, those guys are a lot brighter than my generation. Let me just say that. You guys don't believe in homes and you're right.

Yahoo Finance. Grant Cardone to Gen Z. Yeah. These money mistakes prevent you from getting rich. Is that what you call an interview? You just read headlines like most people. Hey, I go a little I go to the second paragraph. OK. I things are more expensive. College debt sucks.

Finding a job is hard, but that doesn't mean getting rich is impossible. Let's talk about Gen Z. They'll say this. They'll say, Grant, love your story.

Love the ambition. You're the outlier, not the rule. I can't own anything.

I can't afford anything. And I don't agree with them. But there's a sliver of truth.

It's harder to get in the game. I agree with that. I agree. But let's just say what they do right. First of all, they they believe that people are working too hard and not getting paid anything for it. I agree with that.

OK. They believe the house is a scam. They watch their parents lose their homes in 2008. Unfortunately, everybody's forgot about that.

Now they think that the house is a great deal. They believe the banking system is a complete scam. I agree with you guys on that. They believe that college is a complete waste of time. And you guys are right on that. I don't know where you're at on college.

There you go. Complete scam. And everybody should read that book.

I wrote the whole book. The college. I didn't go to college. It is its biggest scam. And I went so I can attest to it.

It is its biggest scam. It's ever been perpetuated on the American public that you have to go to college, particularly on black and brown communities that are told this is your only way up. You have to go to college. It's not true. So that's Gen Z. I think that's Gen Z.

What age is that? Gen Z's like 18 to 29. Now, the other thing is you guys can't all be influencers and make a living. That's what you say here. Allow social media influence your spending. It's a stupid job to think you're going to be an influencer. Everybody cannot be an influencer. And you're just being a bit of a prostitute. Yes.

Let's keep it real. Like it's just another form of I'm an influencer, whatever that means. You're going to get likes and followers. You're not going to get money. There's no money in most influencers.

So even the big influencers don't actually make any money. So you also have you have 10 X, which is kind of your big 10 X is my brand. Yes. Look, I wrote riff on that. The 10 X rule. It's a bigger thing.

It's like, OK, you like that that generation of people. Like if you think you need to do one thing to get something accomplished, multiply times 10. And that's really what it's going to take. If you think $10 is going to make you happy, multiply times 10. If you think a million is going to make you happy, multiply times 10. If you think 10 friends or 10 employees or 10 trips are going to get it done, multiply times 10. And you're going to be closer to the truth.

You have 10 X health as well. Talk about that. Yeah, it's a company we bought two years ago. Gary Breck is our partner. You might have seen him online. And I was a customer.

It I think at 62 years old, I got involved with it, helped me immensely. And I said, Gary, I want to buy the company and make sure tens of millions of people can be on this rather than a handful. And it's grown like it's grown like wild. Yeah. Yeah. So I want to end with some politics. OK. Countries and countries a mess. Yeah. Where do you think you're a man of predictions.

OK. Of trends. OK. Where do you think this thing ends politically as you're kind of not really in politics, but you see things other people don't see. Thank you. So tell tell tell our audience truthfully if it's bad news.

We want to hear it. No, I think I think I don't think Joe runs. OK.

They pull. I think that's smart. Yeah.

That he doesn't run. No, I agree with you. I think that. Yeah, I think I don't think he runs. I've been saying this. I don't think he's going to make it.

I don't think it's about making it. I think he drops. I think they move him out. I don't really understand politics the way you do, but I think they pull him. I actually think Michelle runs. I think even with no experience or whatever she's hiding, she still gets 80 million votes without even a platform. I think she's done everything based on what he did, what Barack did prior to. She's done. She's checked every box. She's come in public now. She just did Shetty show.

So she did a light show, I think, to like give her coverage and see what the response is. So and I think she would be a problem. For us, I agree on the other side. Yeah. And so are you your supporter of Trump? Very much so.

Tell the audience why. Look, I know him and I know when he's an admirer of yours, too. Yeah. Thank you.

Yeah. He's a good dude. He's a good dude. And, you know, when people people that do know him know who he really is.

And I'm just I'm I'm a mass supporter. I have for 40 years of my life wanted a non politician to tell me the truth. I don't care how you say it to me, by the way. Don't water it down. Don't change it.

Don't have anybody write your book. Just give me like it is. And then I'll decipher for myself whether you say it to me the way I want to hear it or not is not what I wanted.

I want the truth. And I expect him, by the way, to be self-serving to some degree. I am self-serving, but I don't hurt anybody around me. And I like that about me, that I'm self-serving, trying to help myself and my family. But I've done I do it in a way where other people benefit as well.

And I think that's what Donald Trump does. We asked our audience to send in some questions because we mentioned you were coming on. Somebody's one. They wonder about your daily routine. Try to beat the sun up. I didn't do it today because I've been traveling. I did three cities in the last day and a half.

How many days do you travel a year? I don't know. I don't know. Last year, maybe. I don't know. I don't know.

I don't travel a lot anymore. We do massive amounts of work. You try to beat up the sun. Try to beat the sun up.

Try to eat good every day. Spend time with my kids every single day. And I'm a very active father.

We homeschool our kids. And as soon as I get to work in the morning, the first thing I look at, a piece of paper like this comes to me with my accounts, every one of my accounts, where they're at. And so I pay attention to my money. So you're in the office by 730, 8 a.m.?

No, probably not. We do a meeting every day. Sometimes I'm at that meeting, sometimes I'm not. And then we get going. Then I take whatever comes my way during the day. And get home around? Try to get sleep at 9, 10 o'clock at night.

Try to stay away from too much political stuff. Yeah. And fitness and health.

Where does that fit? I work out every day. Every day?

Yeah. So I do my best to work out every day. My body needs it. It likes it.

It wants it. And then I fast probably till about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Oh, wow. So big fasting window.

Doesn't feel like it's a big thing. And then you've also- I think people eat, like, they just eat to eat. Correct. And then if you- No, fasting's amazing. Yeah.

Yeah, the benefits are- Every Monday I would not eat that day. And it was just a thing for me to trick myself into believing I had more discipline than I have. Final advice, thoughts, things you want to plug? Well, yeah, sure, man. You guys need to fight harder. Like, that thing dropped today about this defamation suit. Yeah, yeah.

Talk about that. While I can't, you know, talk about exactly about the lawsuit itself, you know, I just got put in a situation with this gentleman where I had no alternative but to say, hey, look, dude, I've told you once, I've told you twice, you're the ex-CEO of T-Mobile. I can read the story if you'd like me to. Is that helpful for you, Grant? No, I mean, I'm just- I want to help you out here. Yeah, whatever. Go ahead. So it's New York Post finance guru Grant Cardone slaps telecom big John Legere with $100 million defamation suit. And it says here that he called you some bad stuff. I'm not going to repeat it.

You're on air. It's not worthy of repetition. And you're suing him for $100 million? Yeah, yeah.

And it'll probably be worth more than that. So and what's happened, Charlie, as you know, by the way, there's- and this is just one guy. I don't know what's going on with this cat. He knows better. He ran a $140 billion company that's based on brand and reputation. Now, this has become very popular online with podcasters, clickbaiters, YouTubers, influencers.

They get to say whatever they want about whoever they were. I know you are. So this fight is not just to protect my brand, my name, my reputation and my businesses. And there's been hundreds of millions of dollars in damages.

It's also- provable damages. Oh, I can 1000% validate and prove. This is done every day to everyday people with a podcaster that wants to build their YouTube channel. And they use your name or my name or someone's name, add some terrible click baity, attention grabbing fraud, stole $100 million. Like none of this has research or due diligence, no package to back it.

There's nobody done any homework. And they say it and they pretend to hide underneath. You're a public figure and I have my First Amendment rights. Well, you don't have the right to defame or slander. To knowingly defame.

That's right. Particularly if you're a guy that ran $140 billion publicly traded company. So this is also to send a message to him and to others that have tried to benefit, raise money off my name or build an audience off my name and then get sponsorship off my name. I'm hoping I can do something good to put put that to rest. Well, I thank you for standing up against people that spread lies. Yeah, it's important.

There's nobody's holding them accountable. Well, Grant, great to have you here, man. Thank you.

You're expanding here in Arizona. Yeah, I love it. I love seeing the expanded presence and it's great to meet you. Appreciate it. God bless. Thanks. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to Charlie Kirk dot com.
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