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Draymond’s Deserved Suspension (Hour 1)

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb
The Truth Network Radio
December 14, 2023 4:06 pm

Draymond’s Deserved Suspension (Hour 1)

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb

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December 14, 2023 4:06 pm

How Long Should Draymond's Suspension Be For? I Would You Rather Have Dak Prescott Or Josh Allen?  I Transfer Portal Latest

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This contest is not being run in connection with the solicitation of or the marketing of an insurance product. Live from the police show yet not overly ostentatious studios of CBS Sports Radio here in beautiful New York City sitting on top of the 10th floor of 345 Hudson Street. Welcome on in to a Thursday edition of the Zach Gelb show across all the great local CBS Sports Radio affiliates, Sirius XM, Channel 158, the free Odyssey app and of course streaming on YouTube 855-212-4CBS is numbered to jump on in 855-212-4227 and you could always get at me on Instagram where I'm straight flexing or on the good old cesspool of Twitter at Zach Gelb that's Z-A-C-H-G-E-L-B.

Got Moist Mike and also Stuart Kovacs rocking and rolling with me all the way up until 6 p.m eastern 3 p.m pacific. Phil Simms former NFL quarterback, Super Bowl MVP, NFL on CBS analyst is going to stop by at the top of the hour and then in the final hour of the show one of my favorite NBA guests to chat some ball with Antonio Daniels will join us. Alrighty we start with the NBA and now we have a ruling somewhat of a ruling on the Draymond Green incident from the other day with Yusef Nurkic where Draymond Green and Yusef Nurkic got tangled up and Draymond Green is trying to break away from Yusef Nurkic and he turns around and he makes contact and punches Yusef Nurkic. When that happened there was nothing surprising about it. I don't think anyone was like oh my goodness gracious I couldn't believe that Draymond Green did that. Now Draymond said his intentions weren't to hit him but when you are Draymond Green and you're constantly kicking people in the cajones or grabbing people's legs or choking I don't know Rudy Gobert and then making contact with Yusef Nurkic I don't care what you claim your intentions were no one is going to believe what you say unless you get in front of the podium and say I was wrong I'm a thousand percent in the wrong here it will never happen again and no one would believe that but at least you have to be honest where you need to take full ownership of the situation and Draymond Green didn't really do that he kind of did like a half-ass apology where it wasn't my intention to do that if it was I would tell you and I wouldn't apologize for it but here's my apology to Yusef Nurkic. So from that Spineless Silver Adam Silver had a decision to make do you continue to have egg on your face and do you continue to get embarrassed by Draymond Green who just recently not that long ago you gave only a five game suspension when you had an unnecessary matter and he made it into a bad situation when there was a small a small kerfuffle that was happening and Draymond wasn't trying to break it up he was trying to further escalate it when Rudy Gobert was actually the one that was trying to break it up and you choked Rudy Gobert so that's only a five game suspension what were you going to do here and the NBA they do something that I do believe that in the last 24 hours or less it's going to be met with a lot of praise but I'm not going to praise it the NBA has indefinitely suspended Draymond Green now before you jump down my throat and go Zach why do you have a problem with an indefinite suspension Draymond shouldn't be on a basketball court for a while Draymond needs to to change you keep on saying they just let Draymond Green get away with it you're all right but I need to put a number on it because I don't trust Adam Silver to do the right thing and actually hold Draymond Green accountable so I hear from Draymond's agents and people close to Draymond right he's going to seek counseling and he's going to get the help that he needs and he you know he's going to eventually have to show Adam Silver that he's in a good spot we all know Draymond Green is a tremendous actor Draymond Green plays a role on the court on the court where in most cases if he is on your team you love him if you have to play against him you hate him but there's a fine line in being a provocateur in being a villain and being someone that gets under the skin of opponents and then just being a jerk and that's what Draymond Green is on the basketball court I'm not saying off the basketball court I don't know but on the basketball court he is a jerk and he takes things way too far and this is not just a one-off like if this was one little incident where he makes contact with Yusef Nurkic he would get the benefit of the doubt and he would probably get slapped on the wrist but now you're dealing with just multiple instances that roll right up the tip of the tongue where he had an incident with LeBron that cost the Warriors a championship and ignited a Cavaliers comeback you then just recently had him put Rudy Gobert in a headlock and try to choke him and now he's making contact with Yusef Nurkic those are just three incidents and there's about I don't know 15 or 16 more that we could further go down this road of showing you why Draymond Green has totally crossed the line and each and every time up until now really two things happen Draymond plays the victim card Draymond says oh it didn't it wasn't meant the way that it actually looked and then Draymond Green will really get no actual punitive action to him nothing serious happening to Draymond Green and look at it he punched a teammate in the face in practice last year in Jordan Poole and the greatest irony of all that is you would think a team would know if any team in the league especially who their coach is and Steve Kerr who got punched once in the face by Michael Jordan you would think if anyone would have sympathy for Jordan Poole and know how to handle that situation and have something or someone be held accountable in response for a nasty action it would be Steve Kerr and the Golden State Warriors but the Warriors basically sent them on a vacation in the preseason he came back he took it as a joke you know talked about how he just spent a bunch of times with his kids you know made a bunch of jokes at the podium and then oh yeah by the way this off season they traded Jordan Poole and they thought it was an accident and they were thinking it was a necessity let me repeat that a necessity to bring back Draymond Green they said this team cannot win a championship moving forward without Draymond Green or even contend for a championship and I sat here in this studio and I blasted Steve Kerr and I blasted the Golden State Warriors when they gave him a hundred million dollar deal because the juice just isn't worth squeezing anymore with Draymond I said this all throughout last season I continued it in the off season they needed to get rid of Draymond Green because Draymond Green played a role Draymond Green played a role and a character for a long time that was very successful but now his role isn't putting the Warriors in a good enough position and he can't be counted on and he's still not as good as a player as he once was where all the other antics and all the other crap that you have to put up with is worth it like for example you go back to last dance and we will all watch that during the pandemic you know there were different rules for Dennis Rodman Dennis Rodman even though there was a lot that came with Dennis Rodman he was a player that could go vacation in the middle of the season because he needed a mental break and go to Las Vegas because the Bulls knew whether it was Phil Jackson or Jerry Kraus they knew when he got back into the building he did something exceptional on the basketball court and he would give it his all on the basketball court and I'm not saying Draymond doesn't give it his all on the basketball court but Draymond's all on the basketball court isn't a necessity anymore to win so this is a Warriors problem first and foremost because the Warriors because they were winning all these championships enabled and turned their head the other way when Draymond was acting wrong but now you have a declining Draymond where the juice isn't worth the squeeze anymore you have Klay Thompson who unfortunately will probably never be a hundred percent again and then you still have an all-time great player in Steph Curry who's still trying to win another championship but this core that once was great and they won a championship two years ago not even playing their best brand to basketball is no longer the right core to go win another title and there's a lot of times in sports and it's tough where you either pay people for what they will do in the future or you reward people with contracts based off what they did in the past and the Golden State Warriors rewarded Draymond Green and tried to talk it up like he's still essential for the future but they did so to reward him for the past and also I think they are afraid to actually hold Draymond Green accountable so with all that stuff being said this indefinite suspension yeah it's at least something by the NBA but it's very ambiguous because I don't know what the actual number will be for the suspension so I put myself in the shoes of Adam Silver and this is what I would have done I would have suspended him anywhere from 15 to 20 games and some people will say well just for the punch just for striking contact with Nurkic no it's a continuation of just dumb decisions it's a continuation of bad behavior and it's a continuation of malicious acts on a basketball court that just makes Draymond Green and the Golden State Warriors look like a bunch of buffoons so I would give him a suspension anywhere from 15 to 20 games and then I would say you need to complete a checklist of x, y, and z and after that 15 to 20 games if we don't feel that we're feeling that there is genuine remorse or you haven't done enough to put yourself in a better situation to prevent this moving forward we could add on to it but that's what I would have done I would have had a number and you gave him five last time clearly that didn't work so what triple it or quadruple it something like that to make it 15 or 20 and then he needs to complete certain certain requirements to show that he will change but ultimately I don't think Draymond is going to change because Draymond whether you like him or not no one can deny the work ethic and the success that he's had in this league and he has done more on the basketball court when he came out of Michigan State than anyone could have expected in the NBA but when you are that successful and when you have accomplished so much and you have been put in that status of being a king right being basketball royalty knowing you're going to the hall of fame and all that jazz and internally you may sense that you're not the right player anymore or the same player anymore or maybe you're naive enough to still think you're this great player you're gonna do what you know best and what Draymond Green knows best is to be a pest on the basketball court and get underneath people's skin and kick people and smack people and throw elbows and put people in choke holds because that's the role that he knows that even though he's been a malcontent he has won a bunch of championships made a ton of money and has had a lot of success physically on the court and then financially as well so I don't really think anything is going to change from Draymond and if Draymond just has to put on this show of all right I'll be back in two weeks I just got to complete a checklist and then Silver will cave because he has no spine and the next thing you know I'll be back on the court that doesn't do anything so that's why I thought they needed to put a number on this suspension and then with a caveat you could go through the suspension but if you don't do what we want you to do as well we'll add on more to it so that's where I'm at with this Draymond Green situation I think the indefinite suspension is very ambiguous and with how much the NBA caters to the player I don't know what they will actually end up holding Draymond Green accountable so I thought it would have been better to put an actual number on the Draymond Green suspension what say you 855-2124 CBS 855-212-4227 what do you think needs to happen with Draymond Green moving forward and do you expect him to ever change because I do not we'll take a break on the Zach Gelb show on CBS Sports Radio when we come on back in five minutes big matchup on Sunday between the Dallas Cowboys and the Buffalo Bills and you know what I said the Dallas Cowboys for a reason usually I would tease something and say oh the drama Dallas choking Cowboys but the Cowboys have walked away from that name at least for a week but when you get to this game there's a big quarterback matchup it's Dak Prescott it's Josh Allen who would you rather have for the rest of the season we'll discuss that when we return selling a little or a lot Shopify helps you do your thing however you cha-ching Shopify is the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business from the launch your online shop stage to the first real life store stage all the way to the did we just hit a million orders stage Shopify is here to help you grow whether you're selling scented soap or offering outdoor outfits Shopify helps you sell everywhere from their all-in-one e-commerce platform to their in-person pos system 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at your local auto zone get in the zone auto zone restrictions apply so real quickly i just want to go around the room here before we talk a little bit about dak Prescott going up against josh allen tonight's highly anticipated thursday night football matchup between the lowly los angeles chargers and the dreadful las vegas raiders what is one reason outside of money i'm talking about a storyline that will carry into tomorrow that will get a lot of people buzzing from this game that we could talk about tomorrow if you had to make a prediction stew you know both these teams pretty well being a raiders fan and notice as you can see stew on the youtube stream no raiders gear today that means he's done he's out on the raiders and he's embarrassed as embarrassed as he's ever been because usually you at least have like a small little emblem like a little logo sure with the little logo yeah yeah you usually wear that on game day so before i ask you for the storyline what the heck is up with your attire today no that's it i'm not i don't want them to win i want them to lose so there's no reason to wear the shirt i'm retiring for the year okay so you'll see it again in the spring time even if they win tonight no raider shirt tomorrow i don't want them to win no i'm no raider shirt okay so what's the storyline storyline coming out of this game that we'll be talking about tomorrow between the chargers and the raiders it's gotta be something khalil mack related and him getting like a million sacks against the raiders once again because he torments the raiders he likes to torment me so it has to be something along those lines that's why i went to stew first before sampler because i knew stew would give you something that is so zany and that no one else will give a crap about except the raider fan but that is the perfect analysis where khalil mack is going to torture you tonight and just go like the chargers defense is not good they have some good players and khalil mac's having a very nice season and that's the most like raider fan ever like who are the guys that we met at the draft that one year uh one of them dresses up like the gorilla the famous uh raider fan and then uh you also had that other guy i think his name was wayne too uh where he dresses up in a bunch of uh garb they would probably have similar right yeah yeah yeah they would probably have a similar answers as stew just gave you so khalil mac is the story tomorrow according to stew i can guarantee you this we are not leading the show tomorrow talking about khalil mac sampler how about you what's the storyline i got two words for you easton stick four-time fcs champion at north dakota state now is going to step in he's going to wally pip justin herbert he's going to win out for the chargers the rest of the way he's going to be the future of the nfl easton stick is the storyline tomorrow we may have to start drug testing santor i'm serious i like you've been hanging out with rogers too much what in a few weeks we're going to get this notice from santa that you're going into some cave and you're going to be doing ayahuasca on your own because there is no like i'm not saying ayahuasca right now i could tell um like i'm not saying that eastern stick can't be a storyline tomorrow because it has been the year of the backup quarterback we have talked about more backup quarterbacks probably this year than any other year where there's always been like an individual storyline of a backup quarterback to step in and have a really uh successful season but there's so many backup quarterbacks that are actually playing well right now and are alive to go make the playoffs so we could talk about eastern stick tomorrow but wally pipping justin herbert you know they just gave him a new deal a little bit overboard because i'm trying for the cameras a little bit interesting but like yeah eastern stick could be a storyline i mean listen we've seen north dakota state quarterbacks have success in the nfl right i mean carson months for like about two years yeah and listen trey lance was a top three pick he hasn't had success but like north dakota state is a legitimate football program and there's players who succeed in the nfl all i'm saying is eastern stick could look pretty good we could talk about him tomorrow i was like maybe he gets a shot somewhere i'm glad you brought up trey lance we have not said oh trey lance was the talk of the off season you know the 49ers you're gonna get on the field is he gonna be able to beat out brock purty usurp brock purty then he gets traded to the cowboys and how wrong were so many members of the media that were like up this is the first step dak prescott on his way out of dallas and now dak prescott's having an and i don't think he should win the mvp but he's having an mvp caliber season i think there's two storylines that could come out of this game tomorrow number one and i think this has already played out because it's embarrassing that he's still there but brandon staley they lose this game or they have another boneheaded decision we already are all in agreement that brandon staley should be fired but it would just be throwing more salt in the wound of like the seven chargers fans that still exist or it would just further just be burying the dead body and digging deeper and deeper into the ground of the brandon staley era with los angeles charger so that's one the other i think there's a chance and this has gone away because antonio pierce has come in even though the raiders have not been really good the chaos and the drama since we already got the one domino to fall and it was a big domino in josh mcdaniels leaving that even when the raiders play poorly at least they like their coach now and they respect their coach in antonio daniels but or i'm sorry antonio davis um uh tony pierce geez i'm talking about antonio daniels uh later but regardless um i think the story could come out tomorrow with devante adams if he does not play well tonight or he doesn't get the targets the further speculation maybe after the game if he's embarrassed with the offensive performance once again that maybe he sits there and maybe he starts to open up more as we're in the final few weeks of the season and set the foundation for an eventual departure from the los vegas raiders because i do think there's a lot of people that believe that devante adams next year and in this off season even though right he left more money on the table in green bay to to go to the raiders and he wanted to be a raider and he wanted to live close to home and he wanted to see his family and then also at the time play with his college teammate at fresno state in derek carr i could see a scenario where devante adams next year after what is a crazy off season gets traded again and he's playing for the jets and reuniting with aaron rogers it would be very i don't want to compare this player to kyrie irving but it would be very kyrie irving like in terms of right kyrie felt like he needed to leave lebron then he left lebron then he wasn't happy without lebron because kyrie's not happy about anything and he tried his hardest to reunite with lebron james the last two years and find a way to the los angeles lakers that could kind of be without all the drama and without all the craziness that is spewed from from kyrie irving and all the anti-semitism as well that came from kyrie irving that could be the the devante adams kind of approach this off season in just terms of simply thinking i got to get back to aaron i've already proved i could be an all pro last year without aaron rogers and that was so important to devante adams but if your goal is to go back to a quarterback that you're happy with you could see him going and teaming up with aaron rogers the only thing i will say is how much longer is aaron rogers going to play in the league so is this just like a hold off like a one-off where rogers plays one more year maybe two more years max and you go find another quarterback or do you try to identify a younger quarterback i don't know like a patrick mahomes that needs some wide receiving help and maybe devante adams which they would never do that the raiders trading him to the cheese but you get the point maybe devante adams finds himself a younger quarterback that they could have a longer relationship since rogers is towards the end of the road so those i think the two storylines potentially emerging from tomorrow uh once again us all dancing on the grave of brandon staley and then potentially uh future destinations for devante adams now in terms of sunday we have dak prescott and we have josh allen this season dak prescott is playing better football than josh allen but for the rest of the season and also on sunday who would you rather have and my answer is still josh allen because if i put josh allen on the dallas cowboys man it would be very tough to sit here and say that the cowboys aren't going to the super bowl and josh allen even though he's played in fewer years he has accomplished more on the field and he's been more feared on the field than dak prescott has and even though dak is having a really good season and i'm not taking anything away from dak prescott we all need to see if that could get the job done in the big moment in the big game now some people hearing that will say but zach last time i checked josh allen's ever been to a super bowl no you're not wrong but there was that playoff run where josh allen and back-to-back games did things in the playoffs that some people don't even do in their career in the postseason and that was just every drive getting the ball and scoring up against the patriots in the following week i tossed at least four touchdowns to gabe davis i forgot how many actually tossed in the game but he was not the reason why they lost up against the kansas city chiefs in that divisional round game the famous divisional round game where shawn mcdermott with 13 seconds left didn't do the squib kick kicked the ball out of the end zone and then the defense played uh way too far back and allowed travis kelsey and company to get in field goal range to make the field goal and then get the game in overtime and then travis kelsey had the walk off and all the euphoria in overtime but i but i just trust josh allen more and also for the rest of the season i think josh allen is going to play some of his best football where yes last year we talked about dak too many interceptions this year he's cut down on the interception so credit to dak josh allen's always going to have a lot of turnovers because really in the year of 2023 josh allen is a more athletic and a bigger version of brett farve they ask him to do so much they put basically all of it on his plate and they ask him to take risks and when you take a bunch of risks and when all the food is on your plate and they don't really share it with the great run game you're going to have some fumbles individually you're going to have some interceptions as well but through all that in every single thing that could go wrong pretty much has gone wrong on the field this year for the bills and there should be like zero reason to believe in the buffalo bills and how many times they've been written off this season they're a seven and six football team they are seven and six football team and i actually expect them to be eight and six after this weekend and we've seen before doesn't happen every year now it's like some years it's one and one in the one and one in the super bowl or one and two or you know usually division winners in the super bowl but we've seen years before where the wildcard team becomes a story when you go back to the green bay packers when they won the super bowl with darren rogers and this is a year where we sit here every monday or tuesday and we say there's not many great teams in the nfl or whoever that team is that you you fall in love with and you say oh this is the team then the next week they go down and they go down the week after that so in a year where it's still wide open i think buffalo can still go make a run and the reason why i think they could go make the run is because of 17 and for the last two years we tried to take some of that food off of the plate of josh allen and you saw it sometimes this year james cooks you know had a good game uh last two three years we've seen times where devin motor single terry has got hot for two weeks but now this team has their back up against the wall and as i talked about earlier with draymond like draymond knows he needs to change something in his career because he's not as good but even with all that being said you're going to do what you have always done in the past because your role and what you know best really defined what your career was and got you to a successful level and i believe in these final four weeks of the season josh isn't going to be worried about how many times they hand the ball off i don't think joe brady's going to be worried about that as well they're going to say josh here is the football we just need you to be good and you just being good can find a way to get us in the playoffs and can find potentially a way for us to win multiple games in the postseason so even though dak is having the better season i still think the better player is josh allen and i think more people still fear josh allen than they do dak prescott in the year of 2023 advancing to 2024 who would you rather have this weekend in the rest of the season is it dak prescott or josh allen eight five five two one two four cbs eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven we'll take a break here on the zack gilb show on cbs sports radio malik murphy is leaving texas kyle mccord isn't going to nebraska and dj ui unga lele and cam ward are visiting florida state we'll do a little transfer portal update when we return to the zack gilb show on cbs sports radio update time first here he is pete mccarthy i'm kate abdo the host of kicking it a new weekly show from the cbs sports galasso network where clint empson charlie davies mo edu and i connect with the biggest personalities from global soccer and beyond to learn about their journeys and what makes them tick this is the place for football fans to hear unfiltered conversations with the game's most familiar faces so what you're waiting for follow and listen to kicking it on the odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts this portion of the show is brought to you by nitsa whether you get pulled over or get into a crash drinking and driving will change your whole world drive sober or get pulled over paid for by nitsa zack gilb shows cbs sports radio so santor and i were talking about this last night as it happened malik murphy who was highly sought after many sec teams last year and he could have left texas and and go somewhere else he elected not to do that he stayed at texas we know arch manning committed there just spent his first year there and then quinn ewers uh you know obviously had to come back and quinn ewers had a very successful season this year and now texas is in the uh semifinals where they're going to go up against washington on new year's day and the winner of that game will go off to the national championship so we just had fosse whitaker on that was probably like three four weeks ago and he was the one that said even if quinn ewers comes back because the expectation is that quinn ewers even though he hasn't officially said it he's going to come back for one more season with texas don't expect arch manning to transfer but expect malik murphy to transfer and fosse whitaker was the same person before the season who told me and this was like way in the in the off season that he doesn't even even think that arch manning was going to be the backup to quinn ewers this year and it was going to be malik murphy so he's a a very successful former longhorn he is now part of the radio booth for the texas longhorn radio network he's plugged in to all things texas and to no surprise malik murphy the other day i was actually surprised it took him this long he goes into the transfer portal now the interesting part about this isn't the fact that he has elected to go into the transfer portal because next year whether quinn ewers comes back or not you're gonna have really either quinn ewers be the starter or he goes to the pros and if he does not go to or if he does go to the pros you know arch manning is going to be the next quarterback even though malik murphy was listed in front of arch manning on the depth chart this year but i was reading that steve sarkeesian said we support your decision to go into the transfer portal and we want you to do what's in the best interest for you but we'll leave the option on the table for at least you to finish out the season which would mean being the backup quarterback in the semi-finals and malik murphy who was very appreciative of steve sarkeesian had nothing but high words of praise said no i'm going to go into the transfer portal now and i'm going to start to look at my next team and there will be teams that are going to be interested in malik murphy like ohio state it looks like they're not in on cam ward i don't know why because cam ward's one of the hottest names on the market and the transfer portal for the guys that remain you would think him and ryan day would be a good fit so maybe malik murphy takes a look at ohio state or maybe you know i don't know where else he'll go uh could washington potentially be a fit they're still going to need a quarterback because they're losing michael penix jr and you know oregon and both those teams are leaving the pack 12 anyway they're going to the big 10 oregon just got dylan gabriel uh to replace bow nick so maybe washington makes sense for malik murphy maybe a place like ohio state makes sense for malik murphy but i do find it very compelling here sampter because could you imagine and quinn viewers it's not like we're just saying oh stay and then someone gets hurt quinn viewers got hurt last year remember where he had that nasty injury and then drew breeze looked like an idiot uh getting on social media saying oh you should go back in the game that's what quarterbacks do blah blah blah and then this year he missed some time as well with another injury so it's not as if you've never had a quarterback there that hasn't got hurt and the next thing you know you you go jump into a national or a semi-final game to maybe lead your team to a national championship game whatever offers you're getting now nil or uh whatever boosters are promising you could you imagine what the stock of malik murphy would be if let's just say quinn viewers gets hurt with like three minutes left in the first half of the of the semi-final game up against washington and then malik murphy comes on off the bench and he lights it up and he didn't light it up when he got in and when he took over this year like he was fine but he wasn't like oh wow malik murphy's the stud but if he lights it up whatever your offers are now you could double them even those schools are going to make their decisions schools are going to go get their guys but you'll be able to get a ridiculous amount of money so i thought it was an interesting decision on that front where i don't know how this works but it seemed like from what i read he could have still be like go transfer but then also finish out the year with this texas team and he politely declined that offer from c sarkeesian and we hear about college players all the time skipping bowl games because they're worrying about their future i get that but when your bowl game is the playoff then not only are you screwing up potentially your future by not being able to play now maybe listen maybe malik murphy never plays doesn't matter yeah but like but even if they run a trick play like let's say like how many times you get into these big games and teams empty out their playbook there and maybe they put malik murphy on the field in in a wildcat situation with quinn you were spread out to wide to the right and then malik murphy makes a big play in the game like even just off one play your name image and likeness like should it increase by the crazy amount but in this world now it does well and then not only is it just about the nil and the amount of money and endorsements that he could potentially be losing by not playing in the biggest stage but it feels like he's just quitting on his team it's one real transfer i mean what i wouldn't say that goes down listen we we all have faith that arch manning can step in but like what have we really seen let's say it's the third or fourth quarter and quinn years who gets hurt a lot he's been hurt every single year he's been hurt multiple games and every year that he's played college football what if he gets hurt in the third or fourth quarter now listen arch manning might step in and have some epic comeback or some great play that's epic and legendary but at the end of the day if you're if you're texas you probably have more faith right now in malik murphy and you're just quitting on your team you're saying listen i had to focus on my future i can't say forget about what we've done this year quitting seems a little severe to me this is just the nature he's walking out in his team in the playoff this isn't the car quest bowl but but he's not the starter so in this world that we're playing out ewers has to get hurt and he has to get hurt when the game is still a game and then murphy comes in and gets that opportunity there's a chance that that could be half that that could happen and i just talked about it for the last five minutes but i don't think it's likely so i don't think it's quitting on your team it's just doing what's in the best interest of yourself is the way that i would word it and that's being like so many other kids in uh in the sport now that aren't the starter at one place won't be the starter next year and he's trying to find that right partnership and that right duo for now that will elevate his success for not only the next year or two but for future years down the road if he's going to be a professional football player as well i think this is just making us like in a way even though you could get more money and even though you could be a hotter commodity if someone gets hurt and then you play well i think this is the safe business decision right now and like we wouldn't say like i don't think you would operate this way like someone entering the transfer portal right now like for example kyle mccord kyle mccord's entering the transfer portal right now obviously isn't going to play for ohio state in their new year's six bowl did he quit on the team no he felt like he wasn't wanted there anymore and he's electing to to pursue his nfl or his college future somewhere else but again i don't necessarily begrudge guys for giving up on a rant even if it's a new year's new new new year's six bowl game say that if it's the fiesta bowl or whatever the playoff actually means for a championship yeah winning the backup winning the sugar bowl or whatever it's nice but it's not winning a national championship and yes he might be the backup quarterback but the quarterback is the most important position on the field so the backup is technically yeah the backup of the most important person on the field and so yeah i mean listen maybe there's a defensive tackle who is part of the rotation and maybe he only gets a third of the snaps would we be saying the same thing if if he walked away yes i would be no one else would we wouldn't even be talking we wouldn't even be talking about the backup defensive tackle or a star defensive player who was some michigan running back just entered the portal because he's he's not even playing and he's not he's not going to go play in this run for michigan they can win a national championship too the only reason we're talking about this because it's a quarterback yeah and we've seen the quarterback play and he'll be a highly sought after quarterback in the transfer portal that michigan running back because there's probably nine other running backs on the roster this guy has no chance to play or i mean you have nine guys have to go down one guy who has injury history has to go down at the most important position in the playoffs it just feels like you know transfer what are you missing out by practicing with the team for a couple weeks what's he going to be doing for the next few weeks finding his next destination going on those tours finding that next school you could do all that anyway you could do that during this break anyway there's a three-week break go on your tours now cam board visited oh yeah but they're preparing you they're preparing for this game right now right but he could go visit these teams so they have let's say these other programs they have practice practices yeah well hold on they have practice on a wednesday and let's say florida state hits up malik murphy we want you to come visit our campus on that wednesday you're not going to go to practice then we're going to run them available saturday when i don't have practice i'll come on saturday fsu will say yeah i don't think you could do both either make the decision to stay and stick through it or you end up uh going man you're really fired up about this you're throwing things you're losing your mind again i wouldn't care if there's any other bowl game it just feels weak now listen at the end of the day i think it's actually going to play out as fans great because if something happens to you we get to see arch manning we get to see our hundred percent and if arch manning comes in and does you imagine amazing and it's just like the the legacy bills then it adds drama also to next year if quinn years does come back and arch manning had this great you know wonderful moment how do you say no to well not only that with with yours there it could kind of be like a brady blezzo situation from 2001 because if you recall in that afc championship game brady suffered i believe it was an ankle injury and then blezzo came in and blood so remember was the highest paid quarterback at that point throws a big touchdown pass in that game was that david givens i believe it was either david givens david patton i forget who i i think you're actually right it was david givens in that right corner of the end zone and then from there it was only a week because remember that was same year of 9 11 so they took a week off they only had a week in between the super bowl and bill waited until like blutz just told me the story that wednesday night called them both in the hotel room and told them who was starting but there was a big debate and could you imagine the weak debate or so that would happen if let's say quinn gets hurt in the third quarter it's still a close game arch manning comes in leads them to victory oh that and then is able to play in the national championship game that would be one wild debate uh kyle mccord is not going to nebraska a lot of people still think dylan riola is going to flip his commitment go from georgia to nebraska but we'll see and dj ui ungula lei and cam ward are both visiting florida state so that's the latest with the transfer portal phil sims going to join us next at gilb show cbs sports radio selling a little or a lot shopify helps you do your thing however you cha-ching shopify is the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business from the launcher online shop stage to the first real life store stage all the way to the did we just hit a million orders stage shopify is here to help you grow whether you're selling scented soap or offering outdoor outfits shopify helps you sell everywhere from their all-in-one e-commerce platform to their in-person pos system wherever and 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