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MON HR 2 112023

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
November 21, 2023 1:18 am

MON HR 2 112023

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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November 21, 2023 1:18 am

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Watch any time on any screen for free 24 7 at and on local now channel 5 25 a service of say the media group donate and listen to the podcast at back and uh Joe here listen to this now remember we were telling you that joe baba biden and the surface is coming out as an ally to israel but under the surface he's supporting everything he can to cause trouble and make it hard for israel to win well he wants to dump another seven billion dollars into iran and you know exactly where that's going to end up right sure so here right to terror activities you know well look what just look what hamas did with all the billions they were given they built 300 miles of underground tunnels they stockpiled thousands of rockets ammunition they bought those underground tunnels took an awful lot of steel concrete timbers huge amounts of money basically 300 miles of underground tunnels is like building a small city you know and that's what they do with the money they're given and iran is no difference it supports uh in fact that uh ship was attacked dramatic video was out there of a big cargo ship being hijacked in the red sea it was a japanese cargo ship and sunday the ship was called galaxy leader big beautiful ship and the video shows a helicopter landing on the ship and uh armed individuals are rappelling down to the deck overtake the crew because the crew's not armed they were armed with automatic rifles and it was done by the hoodies near yemen in southern red sea and this ship was had left turkey going to india with an international crew without any israelis on board and they just a couple days ago they posted an illustration with captions in english hebrew and arabic arabic arabic i'm sorry we will sink your ships and they showed an image of the commercial ship ablaze in flames and then they said this seizure is only the beginning and the spokesman vowed that the additional attacks at sea will continue until israel stops and if they try and stop them from doing this they will burn these vessels and sink them and we're talking billions of dollars of cargo let alone the cost of these huge giant ships so we see the world getting to be a far more dangerous place and you can thank joe biden the money what is the money used for fancy helicopters training these were highly trained troops with a big fancy helicopter somebody paid for and it wasn't these hootie rebels that started out very poor unorganized unarmed and now they're trained fighting force so we know that the sponsor is iran period we know who's responsible it's the iranians well that's true too but also just in the past year so you had 120 000 um right now i wanted to say uh not our not iranians uh oh having one of my senior moments there romanians were were killed our armadians 120,000 120,000 armenians that's what you were thinking yeah the armenians were slaughtered they were slaughtered but and that was financed by this country by joe biden's people yeah our money well you know just if i could real quick uh it's amazing what our money uh joe biden just spent 17 million on social cohesion in sherlanka they're not too stable over there the us agency international development providing 17 million of your taxpayer money to enhance social cohesion whatever that means and uh it'll go to several projects uh overseen by the uh uh the nonprofit groups yeah anyway nobody really knows these vague definitions we're supposed to accomplish three goals reconciliation respect for human rights reduce social economic disparities with the exclusion of vulnerable communities and enhance community resilience now what they're talking about is going to push for protection for you know transsexuals and all this different stuff uh is what it's struck for and then you remember all that extra covid cash that was missing i don't know if you did this story but um oh yeah we did we did uh yeah billions of dollars missing well not only that but it went to higher hitmen there were the government department of justice has charged about 371 people with stealing 836 million in covid funds and many of these people were gang members with connection to violent crime some of the funds were used in murder for hire plots according to the prosecutors from the department of justice so far there have been additional 3 000 individuals charged the agency sees 1.4 billion in misused pandemic era relief funds and now they figured out those ppp funds had about 200 billion in fraudulent payments that's how good the government is of all that money or a little over 17 percent of all the loans that went out were bogus were fraud uh this is our government they spend money like drunken sailors and i'm going to have to apologize to drunken sailors because they can't come close to joe biden all right joe here's you got it uh biden u.s prepared to issue visa bans against a israeli settlers who are attacking targets in the west bank israel continues to launch airstrikes and increase its ground assault in gaza in an effort to rule out hamas which killed over 1200 israelis and kidnapped hundreds of civilians in mass terrorist attacks on october 7 biden called for a two-state solution amid the conflict on saturday and suggested that both gaza and the west bank should be consolidated under a single governance structure while threatening to issue visa bans against attacking civilians in the later region according to the post so here we go we this i get so angry we've been teaching we've been trying to teach people for a long time the arabs the muslims do not want a two-state solution they want israel to be gone you know from the river to the sea they want every jew out of that area of land the land that god gave them god gave it to the israelis the jews and we go back to yasser arab that the israel sat down and they were so hungry for peace they said you can have gaza you can have half the west bank you can have half of jerusalem and yasser arab that that was half of all israel and all they had to do is say that they would not go for the death of israel that they would allow israel to live the right of israel to live and remain and arab that said he could not sign it if he signed it it would be his death warrant he would be murdered the next day so we know from history we know from right from the horse's mouth that they do not want a two-state solution so people like joe biden to keep pushing for it know it's a lie know the history he's been in washington he was there it was bill clinton's uh bill ross was the negotiator bill ross is the one who told the arab that story how he turned it down and why and joe biden's been in washington his entire life so he knows this so he is a liar from the pit of hell and all of this is just blowing smoke up yeah but you know joe that the radical muslims and the communists have a confederacy they have formed that confederacy joe so again remember biden is as much a communist every bit as much a communist you know as joseph stalin was or fidel castro and so and what he's doing what he's done yep he gets his orders from she okay and so that's exactly what he's doing she told him chinese premiere told him to keep the border open he's keeping the borders open told him to make sure that there's a good supply of fentanyl that comes into america he's doing that making sure his orders were to make sure there's a a good supply of young children for sex crimes and human trafficking so biden has done that and uh you know what biden is not doing i'm looking at the london daily mail and if you want news in america folks hey i get more real news there than i do from fox anywhere in america horrifying new nova festival footage shows some moss killers chasing down the mountain hills chasing down fleeing israelis the young the kids that were there at this festival grabbing one by her hair shooting her before executing her friend as she begged for mercy as terrorists shocking arsenal of weapons revealed this is the headline uh today london daily mail and you can see the actual footage they've got the pictures the footage uh it's sickening hamas took the pictures and there were some cameras there and they're showing actual footage of some of that event that happened well you also had people from the what they call the mainstream media joe nbc abc and cbs you had them embedded with hamas they were there writing with hamas right around like fox news had their reporters embedded with israelis with the israeli army so these pictures are real and you can see the horror this wasn't one army attacking an army attacking a military installation they're shooting young girls raping young girls and they've got a huge amount of it on foot and other parts of it they've got eyewitnesses that were there the lost family members you know daughters wives all kinds and joe biden just does not push the truth so no okay a lie by omission is as bad or worse than a lie of commission right lawmakers overwhelmingly vote for law establishing a right to life for the pre-born uh here this is an article by bridget silicky lawmakers in peru overwhelmingly passed a law november 9th that recognizes the pre-born children have constitutional right to life the new law passed 72 to 26 with abstentions congressman alejandro monati told aci prensa that the new law titled the law that recognized rights of the conceived was necessary to consolidate this is some very good news the right to life from conception this is what we we have to get past here and uh which is already established in our constitution and in the civil code and children and adolescents code he said he goes on to say within the law are a number of wording changes to the constitution including a new civil code that reads human life begins with conception the human person is subject of law from his from his conception the peruvian the peruvian state recognizes and guarantees respect for the dignity of the conceived child as well as his rights to life individual identity mental and physical integrity as well as to freely develop in the womb without external interference the new law also established the rights of the pregnant mother including a guarantee for the pregnant mother's access to health as well as the information required for health care and nutrition of the conceived child during the gestational process this is what we have to get past here this is what our legislators in ohio can do in another states if the people will awaken if those who profess to be christians will stand up and actually act like christians uh we can pass that here too but they can we can no longer we're way past the time when the the few of us have to do the fighting for the many no everybody's got to start carrying their weight joe exactly well there's a couple of stories just what's going on in our world sorority gals vanished because they objected to the membership of a 260 pound male who was voyeuristically peeping on them while they were in intimate situations they saw this uh guy trying to live with them and he was walking around with erections as he stared at him they were complaining about him so they were expelled from the sorority because they wouldn't tolerate this 260 pound ugly man it was you know peeping on them all the time and uh this is what our world's coming to that they're supporting this pervert rather than all these young women and uh it was kappa trying to think of the name what was um yeah we were i reported on that before they it's an amazing thing you you've had these very strange things just like what did we report a couple years ago there i believe it was oregon where those boys went into the girls where the show were naked and the boys went in and started fondling them and the girls one of them was the girls where the show were naked and the boys went in and started fondling them and the girls one of the girls uh kicked complained and got in trouble well no he didn't want to complain she she kicked him uh she kicked him where it hurts where it counts oh that's right yeah and so what happened was she got they wanted to prosecute her you know that's what i remember that part she's the one that got in trouble and what she did is the right thing but we did the story about this guy but when the girls were kept complaining about it didn't want to go back then they kicked her the girls all the girls are complained out now then you've got new jersey well those girls parents those girls parents they have an obligation to go after that with a vengeance they really do they should be suing they should be doing all kinds of things people this is what you're saying we need to stand up and fight remember uh riley gains you know is out there fighting to for the female athletes to you know boycott these trans men or they call them trans girls but they're really men dressed like girls i call them trans things yeah transgender swimmer at rampapo college new jersey they'd been going there for three years competing as a male didn't win anything so now he switched here just recently and this weekend broke a record school record competing with the girls um they called and the thing is they call her a she fox news she came in first place she's not a she she is a he you know pretending to be a girl still got male anatomy and uh so here we have all said this guy breaking records in another school and the same thing keep repeating he said his hero was that uh thomas character uh what was his first name ian or leah leah thomas they call her him says she admired he admired leah thomas the uh university of ken swimmer uh another one of these fake females so all this stuff is going on why do you think joe why do you think it is joe that they were on fox news with these why do you think it is joe on fox news when when the uh those anchor people they know when when they know that that it's a he they know it's a male i mean they they'll tell you that physically but they'll refer to it as she she right even though even stories that's why it was she she even though they know joe even though that they know that it's a it's a he uh they will do it they will do that uh because they're told the narrative they must cling to the narrative right yeah i would not do that i mean we we would never do that we would always do it the way tell the truth and that's the problem and they'll complain that they have to do it well they have to do it is because they do it uh if they were refused to do that which they should they should refuse to do that right and uh i would refuse yeah i mean this is you know i was trying to do this like he she they call her a she but she's not a she she's a he you know it oh it's crazy hey this is why they got rid of people like uh den bojino bongino you know yeah because he wouldn't go along tucker carlson uh because they because they wouldn't go along that's why that's exactly why because they said no we have so shouldn't these like steve doozy and some of these others shouldn't they have higher standards too shouldn't they say no you know what we're going to be i'd rather i'd rather lose my job and keep my integrity right yeah i i would hope you know newsmax keeps saying we'll take people there's other uh new online things that are breaking out with the journalists and people doing podcasts it's like we need a rebellion in this country and it's got to be a rebellion for freedom against this communist takeover and it's going to take some big names like that saying no we're not going to go along with this uh political correctness this narrative this revolution starts standing up i've got three quick things here here's the democratic party headlines democrat for congress panics after she's outed his dominatrix 41 year old courtney cosgrove democratic candidate running for oregon's first district was outed by somebody she had been working at a bsm bdsm dungeon in manhattan charging people 500 an hour and she panicked after videos of her working in this dungeon were posted to social media well she had the videos taken while she was at work and now she's upset so what did she do about it did she apologize no she's now using this as an opportunity to reclaim her sexuality she's created a playboy profile and selling racy photos for 150 dollars a pop while she's running for office two stacy abrams brother-in-law was just arrested on human trafficking charges he met a 16 year old girl in a hotel tried to pay for sex with her going on he was charged with one felony count of human trafficking for commercial sexual activity according to court documents daily caller and remember this is the brother-in-law of stacy abrams it just keeps going like this then do you remember who secret the interior secretary dead halen turns out her daughter works she's a total radical and her daughter works for this pueblo action alliance it's a activist group based in new mexico for indigenous solutions to dismantle eradicate white supremacy capitalism hetero patriarchy all kinds of things that goes on about how they've donated money given money to leftist groups and then this group functions as new mexico's then ceramos brigade the brigade is a group that takes work trips for americans to visit communist cuba established with the help of cuban officials to indoctrinate i'm quoting for indoctrinating recruiting american leftists arranging and coordinating meetings between international terrorists sponsoring terrorist activities among puerto rican americans providing training for rican americans providing training for terrorists and this is according to a report by our own department of justice so the government knows that this pueblo action alliance is helping send people through this group this brigade to cuba for training to be a terrorist and her mother is the one that joe biden picked to be interior secretary and her mother is a radical leftist to start with so i mean these are democrats this is corruption insanity and why we're letting these people run our country i do not know people keep voting for this kind of insanity it's like do you know do we want to commit suicide out there do we want to destroy america because if that's what the people want and we're well on our way well joe they do joe you see you know with the communism only two percent of of the total in communism joe are actually carrying car carrying members okay and so here what you have and that's the very same thing you have the so-called party elite today uh and and they you know they're the ones that's behind all this they're the ones that have the money now the democratic party itself is flush with pedophiles i mean it is the pedophile party it has become that uh everything is changing as far as they want to recognize the aclu is a is an extremely evil organization and they want to they want to legalize pedophilia uh it is has gotten you know this is exactly what we talked about earlier these are signs of the time uh where the lord jesus said you know that uh those are those that would harm a child one of the little ones that would be better off to have a millstone hung around their neck and drown whatever comes before god whatever god loves the most they hate the most they hate children which is children it's always the children isn't it yeah it is i'm going to open the phone lines joe and take some calls so uh the phone lines are now open at eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three that's eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three if you have a question or a comment give us a call on all of what we've been talking about here tonight there's a whole lot of things that are happening out there and and folks where you're really going to need to run to this battle and uh there's some of us are really fighting back we're fighting back hard this is one of the reasons tactical civics is so important uh we can start taking our back county by county the communist party knows that uh that that there's a rising there's a rising um you can hear it you can feel it in the air amongst the patriots the the patriots are getting stronger we're seeing what happened in that that uh county in michigan where they ousted all the city officials all the county officials they just tossed them out because they had enough the people are taking back the counties we're saying now joe out of 3 400 counties in the united states 1 000 of them now have have chapters tactical civics chapters where the citizens are working now to establish standing militias joe and so there there's a big movement we're seeing also i've been notified by so many of the different pro-family pro-god uh organizations wanting to again join all of our forces and that's happening on a much greater uh quicker to now we're but what we we we have to do we've got to clean up the voter rolls they're they're horrible uh joe you have so many thousands of dead people voting out there today and uh it's just we've got to stop it so let's go and take cliff cliff you're in there yeah how you doing um a couple of things that were interesting um you know and then i have a scripture uh the uh life site news had an article last week uh with an emphasis on the ukraine and what they're doing now is they're asking or uh demanding that any woman between 18 and 60 that has a medical uh expert experience or expertise including pharmacists must be in the military but they are free to leave the country i think that's what i would do i would just leave the country so but this is uh this is the you know time magazine gave uh zielinski man of the year and this is the great democracy that is being supported by nato and the u.s. another thing that was interesting is from the sergeant reports podcast i think it was the interview with matt the uk uh correspondence Pfizer had within the couple of million pages they were leased and submitted to the fda uh a side a secret uh group that of 500 people that they tested an alternative shot on that had e.coli according to their own submission and fragmented dna intentionally put them to the shot that they uh on this little secret side study so that's pretty insidious that it shows right there that they weren't intentionally doing it it wasn't an accident but uh talking in one scripture i'd ask you about is psalm 1010 before we go then let me just say that tomorrow night tomorrow night lords willie we're gonna have a guy named brian festa with us uh we've had him on once before and he made it he's made a video and in this video they go in depth and they show you all of the people that are dying from the covid shots from the kill shots uh and so it's it's really something here uh hang tight we'll be back right after this remember learning how a bill became a law i'm just a bill yes i'm only a bill well issue one is trying to make our laws using a different kind of bill 58 million of them from george soros new york millionaires foreign billionaires even blood money from partial birth abortionists and all that money bought a lot of ads to deceive ohio voters it also protects the essential reproductive medical care like the miscarriage care that saved my own life and access to birth control no issue one was not about miscarriage care or birth control it was about abortion until birth and bringing back partial birth abortion into our state but issue one violates our state and federal constitutional right to life which according to article 1 section 1 of our ohio constitution is inalienable that's what our legislators swore to uphold as the supreme court stated in the dobbs decision it's time to heed the constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people's elected representatives not to the mob with the most money just as we wouldn't put slavery to a popular vote no matter the mob and no matter the money inalienable rights and our children are not for sale to the highest bidder while the courts are able to issue rulings our state constitution grants the authority of the court's jurisdiction that is what they're allowed to rule on to the state legislature so while the pro-aborts are right now picking their favorite judge to strike down our protective laws article 4 section 18 makes it clear the jurisdiction of the courts is directed by law the constitution specifically says reigning in out of control courts is the legislator's job so let's call on the legislators to do their job to use their constitutionally granted right to represent us and to keep pro-abortion judges from repealing ohio laws based on an amendment that doesn't even mention a single ohio law you see the national strategy of the abortionist is to roll over the will of the people and our inalienable rights just like they did in michigan vermont california and they're planning to do all across the nation but there is one state that is saying no foreign billionaires don't get to crush the will of the people and our inalienable rights representative jen gross and bill dean are standing against the abortion machine are you willing to stand with them ask your representative and senator are you willing to use your constitutionally granted tools to stop the abortion machine are you just going to talk about it make your first call to senate president matt huffman then call on those in the state house to stand for the constitution and prevent the courts from stripping us of all our laws and our inalienable rights all right very very good folks this is what we have to do uh and this was our plan b that we had we knew we were in for a battle and by the way listen there is no way in the world we we lost that vote with 69 of the vote being mail-in here folks you again like i told you if it had been a voting day and it had been where people went to the polls it would have been just the opposite we would have been one but the corruption the democrats are so good they're so slick uh they're and stuffing ballots where you you have so many i mean it's just unbelievable when it comes to voter and election fraud they're just you know again like i said they're they're to election fraud what elvis wants to rock and roll they're the best all righty what did you have cliff you had a question yeah okay som 10 verse 10 i believe i think it was som 1010 uh or was it not 10 i think it's 1010 it talks about how what they're doing the the predatory killers basically assume a posture where it's almost like yeah we're here to help you uh we're all in this together uh yeah you you really think you're you're a girl but you you're really a boy that type of thing so they they form like a posture and i see that depicted in that verse sometimes first time all right he crouches and he humbleth himself that the poor may fall by his strong ones and so yeah this is what he does is he's he's slick and uh in other words well you know when he when he humbly pretends that he's going to be on your side there but he has his people standing by to do you damage well look at what the clintons did with haiti i i mean they they acted like they were forwarding the money to them none of that money was forwarded 100 of it they pocketed among their friends that that was that that type of thing they posed as like in helping out helping forward the money all that money yeah only three percent of it actually went to haiti three percent all of it with the went to the clinton mob and all those to buy people they they buy everyone they have to buy all the heads of all the agencies are bought and paid for but how how bad is that these that's like murder because those people were out without shelter and the hot sun without food so that's essentially like murder what it is it is like murder it's intentional letting people die uh you know by because you were stealing from them what was rightfully theirs i would call that murder wouldn't shoot pastor or anything but it's i would call that murder wouldn't shoot pastor yep absolutely but we have it here you know and it's in america we're blood guilty of abortion euthanasia uh you know and and listen when you allow when you allow drug dealers to bring in tons of fentanyl over the border and make it available to the children that's murder that's murder yeah well look what the cdc and uh you know the covid shots all of those look at all the people killed that was murder by injecting something that wasn't a true uh one of them i think uh what's the word help me vaccine it was not a vaccine and it didn't do anything to kill people and harm people that's well bill gate says as long as it's planned as long as you've got a well-thought-out plan on how to depopulate then it's not really murder or genocide it's acceptable but we got to move on like synagogue of satan to me yep let's go to jack jack you're in the air yes uh the last time i talked to you was about a week and a half ago and i told you that tri-city hospital in oceanside california was pretty much shut down from a cyber attack now since then donovan prison in california has been shut down from a cyber attack and the city of long beach is undergoing a major cyber attack now if somebody was to take a gun and go into a bank and rob it it'd be a big deal and it'd be all over the local news right but hundreds and sometimes thousands of times a day there's bank robberies that you never hear about it's the cyber warfare i recently been about three weeks ago had a friend of mine she's 82 she's still in the real estate business and she was subject to a cyber attack they somehow got into her checking account and by time she notified the bank uh they had taken out over thirty thousand dollars out of her checking account so the bank said to her you're going to have to fill out a police report and bring it to the bank and then we'll give you one of our claim forms to fill out and then we'll investigate it for about a month to see if you get your money back or not now most of the time it's my understanding that the customers if they're not involved in the fraud themselves will get their money back but here's my question that i cannot find the answer to and believe me i've talked to bank officials i've talked to the fdic i've talked to the occ which regulates the bank the office of the comptroller of the currency what i want to know is since this these losses are massive that the banks are taking are the banks insured are they self-insured now i had one banking officer said oh yes your money is insured by the fdic i said wait a second not for fraud the only thing the fdic ensures your money is you're not going to lose your money in the bank that fails it does not protect you against fraud so we what i want to know is how many of these banks are being robbed every day how much are their losses and who's eating the losses and none of our politicians including donald trump is talking about this here's a chance to really help the average person i don't want to have to spend my time worrying about is somebody going to steal money out of my banking account now they got home title theft where they're actually stealing your home why don't these politicians our lawmakers do something about this well that's a very good question and uh well you know again there's there's a lot of money if you pay for the services for those people uh to protect your home but but uh privacy locks but that shouldn't be that that should not have to happen are you talking about like life lock the insurance that's supposed to protect you against the cyber fraud yeah yeah okay here's the deal when it comes to a cyber attack nobody not even the government can stop a cyber attack stop a cyber attack all these insurance companies like lifelock do is they let you know that it's happened and there's what they're telling is they're going to let you know that it happened faster than you'll find out and they'll help you fix the problem but none of these insurance companies uh say they will stop it they they will not say we will prevent you from being a victim of cyber warfare it can't be done well it sounds to me like you've got a calling and you've got a challenge so go for it jack and whatever i can do to help you i'll help you but get after them let's find out let's make them do something about it right well i think i just think that the public would be shocked if we actually knew how many times every day is the bank being robbed through the cyber warfare um and how many times do the people not get their money back and when they do get their money back uh who's taking the loss i did know that in the past losses that they're high i do know that just in the past year there's been about three thousand banks that have closed closed and failed yeah it failed so that's a lot but you're right he knows the news is not reporting on this and that's another question why is this not newsworthy why is the news in fact it could be something uh have you addressed something like news max have you tried to write or anything to news max with a question does anybody the epic times usually the big times have you sent anything to them no but uh that would be a good idea for him to do that i've got my hands filled with trying to save babies right now and uh you know we've it's not like i don't have enough on my plate right now trying to we have a a major major battle ahead of us planned predators the out-of-state dirty money is coming in here and things are going to rapidly move very rapidly so we we really have to circle the wagons and get prepared for what's coming all right who do we have next did you say all right i'm not hearing you okay already okay there you go i tell you what we're coming up to the time we've got time for maybe one one more phone call or two but actually joe you know the the days that we're living in right now more than ever i preached last week on making your salvation sure sure and today today i was talking to some people we were sitting there and we were just talking about how many just like in our ministry in our church and just in our church alone uh i've had here just in the past few years i've had my associate pastor luke went home to be with the lord pastor tom went home to be with lord pastor jim went home to be with the lord pastor bruce went home to be with the lord and the last one that just went home to be with the lord well pastor kenny but the last one was was pastor fred so we've lost all of these these men of god these God these the good men of God and right now there's only two of us we went from eight pastors in our church to two and I think God's calling these people home I think he's taken them out of here for things get really nasty you know he's yeah he's and but we need we need some younger men some bold younger men I know we have a lot of a lot of places in the ministry here at doers of the word church in this ministry here this radio ministry we need volunteers we need some bold bold righteous Christian young men to come to stand in the gap and it used to be Joe when I was a young man there was a number of us when we came up we stood up into the gap and today it just we're at that point where just like the young men don't seem doesn't seem to be much interest and serving God all right I'm sorry who did you say we have we have time for one more phone call Ryan you're in the air hi this came to mind when I was looking at Jack I had an issue with $300 I couldn't get back from internet thing and my credit union they got the money from PayPal and I surprised how much the credit union you did and so I don't know but I think they get the money back I think the banks they think they try to get so they're not out the money they try to get the money themselves that's what happened to me yeah they do and I know used to be you could go and you know withdraw with up to $10,000 you know out of your own checking account now I've heard some reports where some of the banks have limited the amount of money you can withdraw at one time to $600 you know that that's a little scary there okay this real quick I was trying to find this sound of freedom it's out now for a Christmas present and I couldn't find anywhere but I don't go to Walmart they had it and they headed with their new DVDs and blu-rays they had it in there and even some of the others didn't have it I couldn't find any other stores like that as much as I don't like Walmart at least they're here who carries it yeah well that's good people can get it yeah I used to go to Myers and I surprised they don't have it anyway they didn't have it at all did you see that police state have you seen that yet yeah I was going to tell you I was surprised picture in my mind that the January 6th people I thought they had you know I thought really kind of a mud hole or something but they had to show the little it's a little room that they're in but at least it's clean I mean those cells are very very small yeah but at least it's not filthy you know it's like I just fiction my mind they're in like this filthy place but at least they have it better than what I thought I mean after that anybody when you when you've been in so it was a very thin cot on the floor there was a five gallon bucket like all the farmers have for you know different purposes and it had like a toilet seat on top of a bucket and the person said you know it got cleaned up before they let a picture go out and so I have the feeling that it was a little sanitized version that you saw from what all mrs. have said they live in you know we'll be playing we'll be playing some clips from that from that dirty Jill and we'll be talking to the inmates here in the very near future so oh that's good already good what you said about the guy that making the video yeah Jack laying he's managed to be able to do that oh are you talking about the video about the coven yeah yeah I mean we're gonna be talking about that tomorrow night the kill shot that's because look forward to that already very good yeah having a good Thanksgiving you do the very same have a blessed Thanksgiving and so right now we come up to the time how much time do I have left there Eric or Derek okay so we're coming to the most important part of the program like we were talking about before folks out there you really need and I know a lot of you out there don't really stop and think when we talk about making your salvation sure how important this is okay there's a whole lot of people that are gonna be in for an extremely extremely rude awakening like I said you know I had when I was driving and I was listening to my radio I wasn't paying attention to what was on until I heard that woman yell out they can't it couldn't get any worse oh god why didn't I listen and it makes me think of how many times how many people are going to say why didn't they listen you know the preacher preached to him the people witness to him they had the opportunity time and time again to repent of their sin and often they you know they just they didn't take it seriously unbelievable and then the time will come let me tell you that when she said it couldn't get any worse she wasn't talking about hell she was talking about because her cheek she got caught in her sin and her husband caught her with another man and divorced her but here that's nothing at all compared to going to hell folks let me tell you yeah it's it doesn't get any worse God's word the Bible is clear hell was created for Satan and his angels it's not a pleasant place at all it's an extremely extremely unpleasant place and so when you when you say that sinners prayer you have to realize a couple things first yeah avoiding hell is a wonderful thing avoiding hell is a very smart thing but you really need to understand something here that get out of hell free card comes and it wasn't free the Lord Jesus paid one heck of a price for that now God's word the Bible says something when when when the Bible says that Christ suffered like no man ever suffered and and you say well certainly as horrible as the cross was there are even more horrible ways of dying well that's not what it means it means that the sins of the world past present and future were put on him now this is something when that that is far far above our comprehend we can't even begin to comprehend the gravity of such a thing is having taking the sins of the world upon yourself and the very fact that God the Father cannot look upon sin without punishing it for a minute all instant he had to turn his head away from his own son upon that cross listen folks out there if you have not received Christ as your Savior here's what you do listen repeat after me right now Heavenly Father Father Lord God Lord God it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God so father God right now I'm asking you so right now father God I'm asking you to forgive me of my sins to forgive me of my sins Lord Jesus Lord Jesus my sins were sins that were laid upon you as you took my place upon that cross Lord Jesus my sins were laid upon you as you took my place upon that cross I can't imagine the pain that you've felt I can't imagine the pain that you felt but I'm asking you to forgive me but I'm asking you to forgive me for the pain that I inflicted upon you for the pain that I have inflicted upon you I'm asking you to be the Lord of my life I'm asking you to be Lord of my life all of my life all of my life first and foremost first and foremost without any reservations at all without any reservations at all knowing that you always honor one's true commitment knowing that you always honor one's true commitment for right now right now I'm a new be I'm a new born again believer born again believer an heir of the kingdom and there of the kingdom a child of God the child of God I'll be in what with the Holy Spirit now I will be in dwelt with the Holy Spirit now thank you father thank you father thank you son thank you son thank you Holy Spirit thank you Holy Spirit in Jesus name I pray in Jesus name I pray well Joe thank you for doing that and I hope you folks out there did it I hope you meant it and we're out of time soon at this time we always say good night we always say God bless and then we always say and always always keep fighting the fight thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance what's right what's left hosted by pastor Ernie Sanders to learn more about our ministry please visit us online at please tune in next time for another edition of what's right what's left the preceding program is sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is when I grow up I want to work for a woke company like super woke when I grow up when I grow up I want to be hired based on what I look like rather than my skills I want to be judged by my political beliefs I want to get promoted based on my chromosomes when I grow up I want to be offended by my co-workers and walk around the office on eggshells and have my words policed by HR words like grandfather peanut gallery long time no see no can do when I grow up I want to be obsessed with emotional safety and do workplace sensitivity training all day long when I grow up I want to climb the corporate ladder just by following the crowd I want to be a conformist I want to weaponize my pronouns what are pronouns it's time to grow up and get back to work introducing the number one woke free job board in America red balloon dot work
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