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SUNDAY 09/17

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
September 17, 2023 9:17 pm

SUNDAY 09/17

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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See for details. The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned, my radio broadcast What's Right, What's Left is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. Changed our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this 17th day of September 2023.

And tonight the title of my message is Four Levels of Dark, the Dark State, the Four Levels of the Dark State. But before we go there I've got a prayer request and one of the solid members of our church Chuck Charles Reisinger needs some prayer. He needs a healing. He wasn't in church today and I know how much they loved to come to church and so we're going to offer up in prayer. He's got ailments with his feet and he was not able to walk today. And so if you would join me, remember, always remember this whenever someone calls you to prayer, everyone listening to me someday, they either need prayer right now or they will someday now.

That's a fact. And so we need to go ahead and you need to join me and lift him up because the Bible clearly teaches those to show mercy will receive it. So let's pray for Chuck. Heavenly Father, Lord God, we want to hold our brother Chuck up. It's hard. We know for him to walk we watch and sometimes as he's watching I know as many times as I've messed my feet up and my with swollen ankles and and broken and strained ankles and busted knees and all the things I know what it's like when when you have a hard time walking and so I just want to hold brother Chuck up and I ask Father God Lord that you would just touch him and Lord that he might receive a healing to take away the pain take away the pain Lord and bless him in every area where he could receive a blessing and Lord I know he's already received one he's he's got a wonderful wife a wonderful lady is a wife Claudia what a sweetheart she is to take care of him and so he's blessed in that area already these things we ask in Jesus name amen well I want to say thanks to all the good folks the doers of the word Baptist Church they threw me a surprise birthday party today but unknowingly I went walking right into the middle of it when they were getting it ready but anyhow that was all right it was just a little before it was to be announced anyhow but we and the ladies like always they just outdo themselves I'm telling you the ladies the doers of the word can cook if I wish we could get him there to cook every day and because of what a what great cooks they are and I know because I'm married to a great cook but they just did a tremendous job and I want to thank all the good folks that doers of the word for all the way they they spoiled me today they really spoiled me with a birthday party all right we're gonna pick it up I had one of the ladies in the church said to me I'd like to be able to understand better Ephesians chapter 6 verses 10 through 17 and and I had asked her what would you like to hear me preach on and that's when she answered and said I'd like to be able to understand this better so I thought well you know with all everything we do here when you're preaching the Bible the Bible is God's Word and it's precious but when unless you can apply the contents of this Bible to you to your life and and folks there's so many ways applications of this word which is happening today the Bible and current events is one of the classes we teach unless you can do that it's it's a wonderful read and it's very knowledgeable but it's basically a history lesson and so here tonight we're gonna show you how this applies to the days that we're living in right now today and that's one of the great things about God's Word the Bible it is the only it is first of all the only legitimate authority which is a perfect perfect in its truth it's the only authority right here this King James Bible of the past the present and the future there is no other source of knowledge creation where we came from what we're doing here and where we're heading the only absolutely perfect source of information on that and the only eyewitnesses eyewitness accounts from the beginning creation are found in this Bible this King James Bible it far far exceeds any other source of information in this world now I know a lot of people are yawning at that but I got to tell you this when everything else the time will come when everything on this earth is gonna pass away it'll be gone except for one thing that's the Word of God Jesus himself said heaven and earth the past but my words will never pass away and folks if God says it it'll happen believe me so we're gonna start tonight and again the title of the message is four levels of the dark state four levels of the dark state and we start in Ephesians 6 verse 10 finally my brethren to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of God that you'd be able to stand against the wise of the devil now the wiles here means the strategy or the schemes if you will of the one that deceived the whole world that's right the Bible says the devil is the god of this world the one that deceiveth the whole world effect if we go over to 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 I just want to jump there for a minute and I want to reach you verses 3 & 4 but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them and so here again we take a look at this so we're talking about the schemes the tactics of the enemy and we know that the enemy can he can appear as an angel of light and yet a roaring lion we read that in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 where he appears as an angel of light in 1st Peter 5 8 where he appears as a roaring lion so in fact let's go over there real quickly to 1st 2nd Corinthians 11 first I want to read you verse 4 it says for he that cometh preaching another Jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which you have not which you have not received nor another gospel which you have not accepted you might well bear with him okay now that where word bared there is not the way we use it today we bear means to to hold but that that word there means to push against to push against another gospel push against another Jesus that's being preached and then he tells you in verse 12 but what I do that will I do then I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion that wherein they glory that they may be found even as we in other words the Apostle Paul is saying look we're gonna cut off occasions we're not gonna let these false preachers these false teachers that come along here with another Jesus and another gospel and and they say well we're like Paul we're like Peter and we're like yeah we're we're apostles too and that we've seen this today folks you've got more apostates out there you've got more apostate preachers more wolves and sheep clothing people the vast majority of those in a pulp us today aren't even saved and it's exactly the way God's Word said it would be in the end times we're there he goes on to say for such a false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and marvel not for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing of his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness who then should be according to their works and I often will tell a story about how some years ago the mayor there in Cleveland invited a number of pastors down I was one wanted to discuss whether they should start opening a city the city town hall meetings or their city meetings with prayer so of course the men of God the men that God raised up the pastors that God raised up showed up of course yes because the Bible teaches us to pray without ceasing but the apostates also showed up and the apostates were against opening the meetings with prayer because they said it would be offensive to non-believers to other people that were there that were Muslim or whatever and so we had quite a discussion these are apostate these are Satan's children and as I was leaving there I had this fellow who was a an apostate Lutheran preacher and he walked alongside of me and he said now brother Sanders we I know that we disagree but we're still brothers in the Lord I says we are not brothers in the Lord you and I are not brothers we don't have the same father and you know it okay you embrace everything that God's word the Bible calls sin you embrace abortion you embrace sodomy you people are not we are not brothers and he was very upset that that why well the truth can hurt at times so now here we go and he says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood now here's what most people goes right over their head they're not picking up on this there he's he's giving you four distinct levels of a dark state or the corrupt government now today we are in constant combat battling the Bible believing Church those of us that are active in the pro life movement and the pro family movement out there active in preaching God's Word we're in constant combat with the dark side with the apostate Church but also four levels of corrupt government and what they call blue states today is that means that they have government that's been totally corrupted Chicago the city of Chicago Illinois Detroit Cleveland you take a look at these Washington DC especially San Francisco these are all corrupt totally corrupted Los Angeles totally corrupted New Orleans and so here he when he says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities now here that word principality it means if you look up the definition it means it starts out a principality could be a city or a county or a state okay and so here as we're taking a look at this tonight we're seeing we're starting with this the level of a city or county on a city or county level there and here in a city or a county level you could be dealing with a corrupt judge corrupt magistrates corrupt sheriff corrupt prosecutors corrupt commissioners even corrupt zoning inspectors and so this is what and of course we deal with us all the time we have to battle those of us that are pro-life activists in every area and again we're you know we're doers of the word not here is only deceiving our own selves so therefore we are going to be clashing with the dark forces and then he says here he goes against powers now powers that's the authority in fact the word up there if you look at the powers it means authority or jurisdiction or Dominion and so this powers this jurisdictions and dominions and moves it up to a state level where you have say a corrupt governor or a corrupt Attorney General corrupt state state Supreme Court or Secretary of State then you can have organizations within on and that too on the state level that are corrupt like for exactly plan predators on the state level that they're they're extremely are completely completely and totally corrupted there's Planned Parenthood there's not anything in them because they're even their name is a lie they've got nothing to do with parenthood their anti parenthood they're evil they're evil to the bone okay they kill babies they'd experiment they'll they promote every kind of lewd thing they promote prostitution amongst young girls they're evil to the core evil to the core and then it goes on and he says against rulers of the darkness of this world now you're moving it up to the rulers in the rulers that moves it up to a national level you have what is called a commander-in-chief which we don't well we have a commander-in-chief his name our legitimate commander-in-chief his name is Donald Trump well we have a false commander-in-chief you suit you sir sir that is in in the White House and here but that also would include a corrupt AG we have we have the most corrupt AG ever in the history of the country with Eric garden Merrick Garland is the most I've said it many many times but we would be extremely hard-pressed extremely hard-pressed to find for Merrick Garland would be extremely hard-pressed to find someone to prosecute that is as corrupt as himself he has been totally corrupted he is lied under oath he is corrupt is corrupt from top to bottom then you you have obviously Chris Ray heading up the FBI and all of these and we've talked about this before all of these organizations the IRS all of them have been weaponized against us they've all been weaponized so that would include again the FBI the CIA by the way the CIA President Kennedy wanted to defund the CIA and you saw what happened to him Ronald Reagan wanted to defund the CIA and they try to assassinate him Donald Trump also wants to defund the CIA but then that would include a Supreme Court we probably got one of the better courts now that we've had in a long time but but boy I'm gonna tell you that court of 1973 1962 they were totally corrupted totally corrupted and so here we go on and he talks about spiritual wickedness in high places now that moves it on to another realm that moves it on to another realm of where Satan where Satan's influence and we're talking about of course Satan's influence and all this but a supernatural realm a supernatural one where you have fallen angels in fact now also within that that spiritual wickedness here you see Satan manifested himself in many ways he manifests himself through to the Church of Satan through trilateral Commission through the World Health Organization the world economic of course international plan predators again the most wicked organization Blackwater Blackwater it's another huge organization which is darkness and so then you have people like Klaus Schwab that Harari who is his minion who is is evil I mean just evil to the core then you've got things that will be you've got Bill Gates and you know George Soros out there so you've got all of these people Satan is using he as he's manifesting himself with also with these fallen angels and this is a the spiritual wickedness in high places in fact if you go over to very quickly I just want to jump over to Revelation chapter 9 or chapter 12 starting with verse 1 through 9 and he says that here and there appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the Sun now being clothed with the Sun here kind of takes you back to connection some people like for its connection with Joseph's dream but which he saw the Sun on the moon and 11 stars representing his parents and his brothers and that but here there's pretty important differences and this is in Revelation 12 we're going to take a as we take a look to this when we take a look at the the Sun a great wonder in heaven calling this miraculous scene in the heaven a sign the Sun represents authority the Sun represents the light and represent sense in this case well the authority of God light delighted like the moon represent the moon is a false light the moon doesn't produce light of itself it just has a reflection of light and here when it says there that you had a woman clothes with the Sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of 12 stars well here when you take a look at that the woman now there's there's about four examples here of a woman and one of the examples is the nation of Israel and here when we take a look at now remember this is a revelation what's happening here that she has the righteousness in the Sun represents the righteousness of God and under her feet is the moon which is which represents a false light and that is that the the logo of the sign of the Muslims the Muslims is the moon and here now the crown of 12 stars represents the 12 tribes of Israel but the woman here you have you starting back with Eve remember in Genesis 3 15 where he talks about the seed of the woman would bruised that would smash the head of the seed of the serpent and so that the seed of the woman and a seed which would be the Lord Jesus Christ which would smash the head of the the seed of the serpent the serpent today would be those on the left all of those on the left they're their children that they would bruise the hill which in other words you can survive with a bruised hill but without your head you're you're going nowhere okay and we have this kind of it represents our battles our continuous battles with those on the left now also the woman is represented here when you go with so it's represented first of the mother of all women Eve second Israel the nation of Israel is referred to as the wife of God the wife of God and then you've got the bride of Christ the church the church is the bride of Christ then ultimately you've got the mother of Jesus and so Mary Mary the Virgin Mary so it was through all of these came the Messiah the Messiah comes through all of these here okay and so as we go back as we continue here we read and she's being with child cried and travail in birth and planned to be delivered and so we go on and we read and there appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to devour to deliver devour the child as soon as it was to be born okay and so here the stars of heaven they're identified as Satan's angels and Satan's rebellion against God was to persuade a third of God's innumerable company of angels to follow him and they were cast out into the earth as a result now some even went into the lowest hell and some were bound in the Euphrates as a result of further specific there were very a very flagrant if you will says that they committed now remember what they did the idea was to keep the Messiah from coming into the world and this is what's happening what this here was representing to keep this the Christ child from being born now remember going back Satan Lucifer was he was a covering angel he was in the throne room of God he knew the plans and things that were gonna were happening and so he also knew and that that the Messiah would have to come down through a righteous line and so here he knew that that Cain to the line the Messiah could not come through the line of Cain but Abel the Bible says that Abel was a prophet he was the first prophet he was a righteous man and a prophet so what he came to Cain slew Abel but then God gave birth to Seth he had Eve gave birth to Seth and Seth was a righteous righteous man so that was one of the first attempts and then of course we saw during Genesis 6 what happened there was these fallen angels they came and what did they do they took women as their wives and what did that would happen that happened that they changed the DNA the idea was to change the DNA they were would not be fully human the offspring okay would not be fully human and that's where you've got these creatures when they said they took wives it's not like today if you take a wife you proposed to woman and she says yeah now when they took wives they literally took them from their husbands okay who were men because they had no defense against these these fallen angels and so and then again the idea was they were going to pollute the bloodline and pollute mankind but then again God brought on the flood now you often see today all the rainbows but out there today the LGBT these the sodomites their rainbows are six colors which are the number for men God's rainbow has seven colors and the number of perfection and rainbow is mentioned four times in Scripture Genesis chapter 9 Ezekiel chapter 1 revelations 4 and revelation 10 and it's always assigned first for judgment and then for mercy and just to give you an example here in Genesis 6 the judgment was upon God's judgment upon approximately 8 billion people and and his mercy was that he saved eight people and that was his mercy and so here then you see next you see the Pharaoh the King gave orders to the midwife shiffer impure to you know kill all the male children that were born to kill them all they wanted to eliminate all the male children and of course they refused to do that and God blessed them but they were actually employed by the Pharaoh's government they were employees of the government and so they actually invoked the doctrine of the lesser magistrate and then remember over in the book of Esther you had Haman who had come up with a way to decide to totally eliminate all of the Jews and he got the king's permission to do it but and even built a gallows for Mordecai but God intervened and Haman was hung on that very same gallows that he built for mortifying and then of course you all know that Herod during the birth of Christ put the order out to kill all the male children all the male children up to two years of age trying to trying to kill the Messiah but that but he failed and later you had you know you had Hitler and other instances throughout the history the Spanish Inquisition and that were they tried to kill off all all the remaining Jews but again the God said that ain't gonna happen and so that was the the plans in the wilds there of the devil and so going back to where we left off here he said stand therefore having your loins grid about with truth now the whole armor of God right we're talking about here involves seven units the gospel you've got one truth you've got to business you've got the gospel of peace you've got the shield of faith the helmet of salvation and the Word of God and prayer now here when we see this when he says having your loins girt with truth and having on the breastplate now here the Lord Jesus himself said I am the truth I am the light okay and so that truth is the Word of God truth is simply the Word of God and all of its console that is the truth and so and what are we to do well in John 844 the Lord Jesus himself referred to Satan as the father of lies having your feet shot with a preparation the gospel of peace now Paul often used Roman soldiers as an example in the military because you know that's they were very prevalent in his whole life where he was there and the Roman soldiers when they would go to battle they had to make sure that they had their sandals were sandals that had grips on the bottom that they they couldn't slip up when you got into battle you had to be sure footed and one slip would be your last okay and so he's talking about having your feet shot with a preparation of the gospel of peace and now how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel Romans 10 15 now Satan would no doubt bring doubt and rebellion and death but the whole gospel from creation to redemption is consummation being assurance folks and what is the brain it brings peace and life and then it says above all taking the shield of faith where with you should be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked well here the Romans used their shields were metallic and often in those days they would they would shoot fiery at their arrows would have would be on fire they'd have they would shoot these arrows to start fires and often it wouldn't take a whole lot in those days to get some old dry wood or on fire and of course if you're a soldier you don't want to get hit with an eight arrow that's on fire and so the Romans would use these metallic shields and they would do in such a way that they would work they would go to their knees the shields would go over them and when if the fiery arrows come they would simply bounce off the shields and so they were famous for that being able to protect against the fiery and so he's talking about here when he talks about the shield of faith the shield is faith and faith in God's promises okay so here the victory that overcometh the world especially that promise that to the Creator the Son of God and also become our turtle Savior we're going to take a longer look at this as we go through here tonight so and then he's talking about here and take the helmet of salvation and the Word of the Spirit which is the Word of God well the helmet of salvation the helmet is called the hope of salvation the second that actually though that's not it's believe it's first Thessalonians 5 8 yet is and such a hope is indeed a hope involving absolute full insurance right into the very end with us where do you hear that well you read that over in Hebrew 6 11 salvation who falls in it involves an eternal future salvation as well as the past acceptance and present assurance it is the certain hope that protects the believers mind as he seeks continually to be casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God and and breaketh into captivity if you will every thought to be to the obedience of the of Christ and then lastly when he talks about the Word of God the sword of the Spirit okay when he refers to the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God is that we're actually there is not logos that is in fact this word you read in Hebrews 4 12 this is a word that is different it's Rhema and so this is kind of an individual text or saying of the word that is apical in each particular situation and under each particular satanic attack is what he's referring to hear this so that's Jesus defeated Satan at each temptation merely by citing the appropriate scripture so that's what he was referring to and then when he says praying always with a prayer and application in the Spirit and watching there into all with all person perseverance and supplication for the Saints well here preserving prayer is the invisible but powerful weapon that assures that the guy himself and his angels are also fighting for us not just for personal deliverance but also as a supplication for others so we see that there's there's around us all the time and you can't see it but sometimes there are times when you can feel it there's a spiritual warfare going on around us there's things that are invisible to us but not to that spiritual realm not to that angelic realm out there and so then when he says about the mystery well here this is referred to so many times the mystery is God's plans that had previously been kept secret from from God's people and so I want to go over now but before I could do that I gotta stop and wet my whistle this is the third time today on this message that is very cold and that is very good and thank you Lord now I want to go to first John chapter 4 and the first John chapter 4 verses 1 through 6 beloved believe not every spirit but I try to spirits for the day of God because many false prophets are going out into the world but we have more false prophets today than we've ever had and as we get deeper and deeper into the apostasy and closer and closer to the imminent return of our Lord these you're going to have even more and we're seeing we're seeing actually the more and more of that what is called the Democratic Party there is really no more Democratic Party they've gone all the way over to the so far that they're completely and totally communist now most of the actual Democrats have left there the ones that are still there many of them you'll see leaving as they start jumping ship but here when he says leave not every spirit but try to spirits but they are of God because many false prophets are going out of the world hereby know you the Spirit of God every spirit confesses that Jesus Christ is coming in the flashes of God now he says every spirit that confesses he's not saying that every spirit that knows let me tell you every demon in hell knows every demon in hell knows Jesus is the Christ but they don't confess that Jesus is the Christ okay and then he goes on to say and and what is the Christ well and every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God and this is the spirit of Antichrist wherefore you have heard that it should come and even now already is in the world well there is a lot of them out there today that don't profess that Jesus is the Christ the Christ is the Messiah the Christ is the deliverer okay the Christ is God with us here and you have a number of people today that don't don't acknowledge the Christ in fact is they have Jehovah's Witnesses that do not believe in the deity of Christ you've got many Seventh-day Adventists that do not believe in the deity of Christ Unitarian Church don't believe in the deity of Christ now there are well this is an amazing thing there is a small group of Jews Judaism that actually do believe there they're there and more every day that that understand and now understand that Jesus is the Christ the deity the Son of God and God the Son but and then you've got all of the Muslims and the Hindus they don't believe that that Jesus is the Son of God now here he goes on when he says you are of God little children and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world now who is in us a lot of people the Bible says we have Christ in us we have Christ in us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit this is why the Bible says that the believers have the mind of Christ we have the mind of Christ and so that he that is in us is greater he is greater than he that is in the world and that goes back and often you have I hear people saying I'm talking about adults Christians that are talking about their guardian angels well if you're a saved adult you don't have guardian angels the Bible says that your guardian angels are assigned to you until you receive salvation once you receive Christ as your Savior you're in dwelt with the Holy Spirit now the Holy Spirit is the one that provides the power the authority to the angels so when you have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you now angels still are intercede on our behalf on a regular basis and that that's happening like I said in an invisible way around us I I know of a number of experiences I've had where angels have interceded on my behalf and I actually believe that I saw two angels appearing at one time during an accident and well I believe that they were angels I can't prove that right now but anyhow so he goes on to say we are of God he that knoweth God here with us he that is not of God here with us not hereby know we the spirit of truth in the spirit of error and so begin those that deny that Jesus Christ is the Virgin was born of a virgin that he was the Savior the anointed one the Messiah the deliverer and king of kings so I want to go over to actually to John first John well no actually I want to go over to Romans now let me go over to Romans Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 verses 31 to 39 and here as we read starting verse 31 we shall what shall we say then to these things if God be before us who can be against us he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he how shall he not with him also freely give us all things well of course he's talking about all things it's that's in the will of God okay and so he goes on to say who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect it is God that justifies so people will say well what are you talking about pastor Christians are being blamed look at all the bad things that people say about us Christians the media the news media the Democrats you know all of the things they they talk about us we're radical we're homophobic you know all of these different names they call us because we stand against sin and so we're you know they've called us Nazis before because we stand against sin and so he goes on and he says again who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect it is God that justifies so what he's telling you here is look they can say anything they want they can call us whatever they can make all these false accusations but it doesn't matter not a twit because and end the end of this thing it's God is the judge and God's decision is final their decisions mean nothing he goes on to say who is it that they condemn it it is Christ that died yes rather that is risen again and who is even at the right hand of God which also make in a session for us who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness that what does he do he's given you it's an interesting things here because here it's there's 21 times in the scripture here where refers to Christ said he's at the right hand of the Father but and he's given us 17 he's giving us 17 examples here 17 things that can never separate us from the love of God and now that's important in that number of 17 because it's a combination of the number 10 and 7 10 means completion 7 means perfection and says he goes on to say who shall separate us from the love of Christ our tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we are encountered as sheep for the slaughter nay and all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us look the world out there right now you see the persecution of the church around the world we're being killed by Muslims by Hindus by communists you know but all of those people that are killing our people will someday die too they're all gonna die everybody's gonna die those that are killing them those that are being killed they're all gonna die now the difference is this when we die we go to a much better place we get a promotion we go from here to glory when they die they go south and it couldn't be any worse than to die on your sin now that's the reality you see well how do you know for sure I know for sure because God's over 1800 prophecies has been exact okay and he has always done and there's there's history for the last six thousand years where God has a perfect record of always doing and some of these these prophecies were made four thousand years in advance look at Genesis 3 15 so God has always done what he said when he said how he said where he said every single time without failure because God can't fail he can't fail so he goes nay and all these things we are more than conquerors more than conquerors through him that loved us for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor death nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord now think about that he takes you to the very realm of life there's nothing in all of life he takes you to the very realm of death there's nothing in all of death he takes you up to angelic beings there's nothing in the angelic by the way folks when he's talking about separating you from love of Christ he's talking about taking your salvation you can't lose your salvation you can't lose your salvation because you don't keep it as kept by God himself such a precious gift God did not put it in our hands to keep it was paid for with the most precious quantity that ever existed that was the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ his son so salvation is kept by God in heaven because see if we could lose our salvation we would lose our salvation also would take as one sin and so that's what he's talking about here and now when he said nor principalities and now in other words that's what we were talking about earlier the dark deep estate that we're up against the battles were fighting they may be able to put us in jail like they did in January 6th they put the Christian patrons and murder they murdered about four or five of the our Christian patrons were murdered by by dirty very very very dirty cops but here we end up being more than conquerors more than conquerors with them and so here when he talks about our powers nor things present so there's nothing in the present nothing in the present that can take away our salvation nor things to come so there's nothing in the past the present or future that can take away our salvation nor height nor death he's describing the entire universe out there there's nothing out there there's nothing in existence anywhere that can take away our salvation and then he goes on to say nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is the Christ Jesus now I want to go to the first John chapter 5 real quickly in the first John chapter 5 we're reading just verse 2 verses 4 & 5 for whosoever is born of God over cometh the world and this is the victory that over cometh the world even our faith who is he that overcome with the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God now again he's speaking to Christians here and this does not include fallen angels and so here I want to go now to Matthew chapter 16 and in Matthew chapter 16 I don't think I'm gonna have enough time to finish this tonight so as we're as I'm looking at the clock in a Matthew chapter 16 here this is an interesting thing I want to start with verse 13 because you're gonna read now this whole thing I deals with the identity of who is the Messiah who is the church built upon who did Jesus build the church upon so verse 13 when Jesus came into this coast of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that I the Son of man him well that the the question is deals with the identity of Christ the identity of Christ now the next verse and they said some say that thou art John the Baptist some Elias and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets again this first deals with the identity of Christ next verse he that saith unto them but whom say you that I have again that deals with the identity of Christ and Simon Peter answered and said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God again it ideals with the identity of Christ next verse and Jesus answered and said it to him blessed art thou Simon bar Jonah where flesh and blood has not revealed it to thee but my father which is in heaven build what the identity of Christ so here all five of those verses are dealing the topic is the identity of Christ and then he goes on to say I say unto thee that thou art Peter now that word Peter is Petrus Petrus meaning a stone and upon this Petra this rock meaning himself I will build my church Jesus is saying upon this right see you can't build a living church upon a dead person okay I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against him and so there are those that teach that see that that Peter that the the Peter was the rock but Peter himself tells you that no he was a living stone in fact we go over to John the Gospel of John in verse 40 chapter 1 verse 42 the Lord Jesus is speaking himself and he brought him to Jesus and now and when Jesus behold him he said thou art Simon the son of Jonah thou shall be called Cephas which is by interpretation a stone so there you go you've got the Lord Jesus referring to Peter as a stone Peter referred to him as a stone here and now so Peter was not through the rock and I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in him so what he's telling them is this that that you're eating you're not going to bind anything that has not already been bound in heavens already been decided everything you're gonna do has been decided in heaven what you bind is good it's already been decided what you lose has already been decided in heaven and so they weren't left up to them to them their own abilities they were guided by God we're out of time for now so I gotta say folks out there let me tell you there's only one thing in this whole world that will never change and there's only one thing that you can count on and that's right here God's word the Bible and here's what he's saying he's saying that every one of you out there listening someday will die and then the judgment and here's what God says God says you're gonna end up in heaven or health it doesn't you can believe whatever you want but what God says is what's gonna happen and that's the way it is that's the way it's always been so if you are apart from the Lord Jesus if you have not called upon the name of the Lord Jesus by now I'm hoping out there you're listening to me you need to do that it's simple Jesus said pray to the Father as ask for forgiveness of your sin pray to the father and ask for forgiveness of your sin and then ask the Lord Jesus to be the Lord of your life all of your life and they will honor that commitment and then once you've done that you will become a new creature a born-again a believer an heir of the kingdom and then you will be indwelt by the Holy Spirit you've got God's Word upon that but I would go to the Gospel of John chapter 3 read it go to Romans chapter 10 and read it and so we're coming up to the end of the program here tonight I want to I hope all of you have a blessed resurrection no a blessed Sabbath blessed Sunday today hope you attended church today how much time do I have Josh and so again I want to thank all the good folks out there doers of the word Church for that wonderful wonderful birthday party they gave their old preacher today I really really do appreciate it a lot and also starting tomorrow is pledge week starting tomorrow's pledge week folks out there we've fought a good fight and I can honestly say in 50 years we've never ever given anything less than our best in 50 years we've never stood down we've never backed down we've always ran to the battle and I want to praise the good Lord for that ability now we're at that point that we get to every night at this time where we always start up by saying God bless and then we say good night and then we always say and always always always ready always always always keep fighting the fight thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance what's right what's left hosted by pastor Ernie Sanders to learn more about our ministry please visit us online at please tune in next time for another edition of what's right what's left the preceding program is sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content this is the smell of the leftover tuna fish sandwich you left in your lunch box over the weekend in a wimpy trash bag and this is the smell of that same sandwich in a hefty ultra strong trash bag ah smell the difference hefty ultra strong has arm and hammer with continuous odor control so no matter what's inside your trash hmm you can stay one step ahead of stinky and for bigger jobs try the superior strength of hefty large black bags
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