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Trevor Lawrence, Jacksonville Jaguars

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb
The Truth Network Radio
February 7, 2023 6:54 pm

Trevor Lawrence, Jacksonville Jaguars

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb

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February 7, 2023 6:54 pm

Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback Trevor Lawrence joins the show to discuss what he learned during his sophomore season in the NFL, how it felt to get his first playoff win in dramatic fashion and the future of the Jags.


The biggest game of the year, the Super Bowl, is on Odyssey.

And Westwood One brings it to you, streaming live for free, Sunday, February 12th on the Odyssey app. The Eagles have been the NFC's best team. Touchdown, Travis Kelce! It's the Eagles versus the Chiefs.

The Kansas City Chiefs, the Philadelphia Eagles, are going to the Super Bowl again. Catch all the action from Westwood One. Your Super Bowl, your Odyssey. Get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today. The biggest game of the year, the Super Bowl, is on Odyssey.

And Westwood One brings it to you, streaming live for free, Sunday, February 12th on the Odyssey app. The Eagles have been the NFC's best team. Touchdown, Travis Kelce! It's the Eagles versus the Chiefs.

The Kansas City Chiefs, the Philadelphia Eagles, are going to the Super Bowl again. Catch all the action from Westwood One. Your Super Bowl, your Odyssey. Get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today.

Joining us via zoom right now on behalf of Head & Shoulders, P&G, is of course the quarterback of the Jacksonville Jaguars in Trevor Lawrence. Trevor, appreciate the time. Thanks for coming on. How are you? Doing great, Zach. Appreciate you having me.

Well, thanks so much for coming on. This was just a wild year for you guys to be the number one overall pick, right? Back to back years. You're coming off your rookie season and you're number two.

You go to the playoffs and win a playoff game. How do you just look back at this year when you go through the memories of this season? Yeah, I mean it was like you said it was a crazy year. It was a wild ride.

Just start to finish, really. I mean we started kind of alright and then we went through a little five game losing streak and then we finished the year. I think we won seven straight.

So I have to check that, but just the rollercoaster, the ups and downs of the season. Obviously the big comeback playoff win just till the very end in Kansas City. I mean it was an awesome year. I think we learned a lot.

Obviously we feel like we left some out there still. There was more that could have been in front of us and that's something that kind of propels you into next year and you use that to carry you forward. So just the experience that we got this year is really gonna be good for us, for myself personally.

It was awesome. When you're building culture and you're trying to reshape an organization, you wonder when people are gonna buy in. At three and seven and you talked about what this team did down the stretch, why did this team not quit and why was the buy-in there from everyone in that locker room? Yeah, I mean we just you know I think we had shown I think we had shown glimpses all year of who we could be. And you look back even those five games in a row that we've lost all by one score. So we knew we knew we were really close to something special. We just had to find a way to either not make those mistakes down the stretch or find a way just to make one or two more plays to turn this thing around and to win those games.

So that was the message. I mean we stayed the same every week. I think that was the most impressive thing is nobody panicked. You know that it's there's a fine line you know when you start losing a lot of games like that it can go one or two ways and thankfully everybody stayed on board and we just really got better and turn it around. So that was that was cool to be a part of and just week to week to see the guys just continue to have faith and believe and then when it did turn around when we got that momentum and that confidence we just took off. I know once you win a playoff game it's on to the next but what did you think about when you're walking off that field after that crazy comeback against the Chargers? I mean honestly for a couple hours after the game I really couldn't believe it.

It was having just a game like that is something that I you know I haven't really had anything to compare it to. It was just such a unique different game obviously my performance not playing great in the first half and having to bounce back and then also just our team what we were able to do I mean it was it was special obviously the third largest comeback in playoff history and that kind of speaks for itself so it was kind of hard to believe after the game and you're just kind of sitting there thinking about it and you know thinking about every play and all that happened and it's kind of a lot to take in but like you said it's got to be short-lived because you got another game and at that point like six days so yeah. Well the best thing I saw this season I'm not just saying this because you're here Trevor Lawrence is after the game you go to Waffle House. You are such a likable person when you wind up at Waffle House after a big playoff game because someone your age and with all the money that you have available you may think you go to a big steak dinner you go to a club or something going to Waffle House is pretty badass.

Yeah that one was for the city you gotta there's certain things you live in Jacksonville there's certain things that just fit fit your city and that's one of them so no it was it was awesome we got a group we all went it was a great night. And whenever I see a Waffle House now I just think of that image of you walking into Waffle House with all your friends and family as you're going to place a big order there's actually a Waffle House here in Phoenix right across from my the street of the hotel but what do I have to order give me the Trevor Lawrence order at Waffle House. So I mean it depends I kind of switched it up I've been going to Waffle House since my whole life so I've been I'm an avid Waffle House guy. You're the vet. Yeah so I have some experience but what I got after the game I got the Texas bacon cheesesteak and get the onions grilled and then I got hash browns with cheese and a pecan waffles that was what I got and that was a pretty pretty solid order there. Not bad were you at all concerned about maybe some stomach problems throughout the week after devouring that meal? No like I said I'm built for it so I've been training for my whole life so. What stood out to you Trevor Lawrence right away when Doug Peterson came into that Jaguars locker room and took over as your head coach? I think the first thing is just our interactions and his interactions with the team the way he carried himself really just you know I'd say I say this in a respectful way but just like a regular guy he's a guy you come up and talk to he's just willing to help with whatever I think the way he carried himself always stays even keel he has the same demeanor whether we are had lost five straight or one five straight he was the same guy I think that's a big reason why we were able to overcome so much this season it's because he's not he's not super emotional he doesn't he doesn't react to the ebbs and flows of the game of the season he just stays the same and I think that's really really important when it comes to someone that's leading their team especially it's so stupid what we do and I'll be the first person to say that because for three years everyone's talking about you being the next great quarterback in this league and a transcendent star and then after the first year people are wondering you know it is Trevor Lawrence really the guy did you ever doubt yourself after that rookie season as you always knew you could get back to that level no I mean I never never doubted myself I wouldn't say that I think there were times you know during my rookie year at different points where you lose a little bit of confidence and it's difficult you know obviously it's tough this league is tough especially the circumstances that we had my rookie year so that was there was times where it was challenging and you start to maybe lose a little bit of confidence but I never lost that that ultimate confidence and belief and what's ahead I knew there was great things ahead and I believe that there's still even better things down the road so I always had that belief and I think that's been something that's been big for me but definitely there were times where your confidence gets a little shaken and you gotta find ways to bounce back from it and I think that's another thing that you know coach Peterson our staff has done a great job and has helped me with they've always had that faith and trust in me and it's been really really awesome you got a little taste of success in the NFL everyone's talking about the Super Bowl this week you're in the divisional round this year where you lost to Kansas City how close do you think this team is from taking that next step and not just being only a playoff team but maybe one the biggest game of the year the Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free Sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app it's the Eagles versus the Chiefs the Kansas City Chiefs the Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl catch all the action from Westwood one your Super Bowl your Odyssey get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today day a Super Bowl team yeah I mean it's hard to that stuff question how close are we I think we have everything that we need to do that honestly I think you look at the the talent the players that we have the staff all those things to experience I think we have all those things so I mean it starts fresh every year you start from scratch everyone starts the same record at the very beginning and you got to climb climb your way up the mountain so it's week to week but I know that we have everything it takes and you look at our season this year I mean I don't think it's there's any question that we can beat we can be anybody you know it's just a matter of you got to play clean especially in the playoffs you can't the team that makes the least amount of mistakes typically wins you know it's kind of an outlier our Chargers game but typically that's the case and but I know that we have that confidence that we can beat anybody we just have to do it consistently that's what we did at the end of the season we just kind of we got to do that the whole year so we have that confidence and looking forward to building this thing and I think a lot of people forget I know you don't but when we're just talking about the Jaguars you guys are getting Calvin Ridley I can't wait to see him return to a football field you got to be pretty pumped up about that Trevor yeah I'm really excited just you know we have some guys that know him that have played with them in college or at different points and heard great things got a chance to talk to him a little bit when we traded for him and I'm just really really excited to have him I think he's gonna I know he's gonna make us a better team and obviously you just watch the tape he's he's super talented it's gonna be a great player for us and I'm excited for him just to join you know our culture everything that we have going right now I think it's in a great spot I know he's super pumped he's just gonna be a great fit for us you're familiar Trevor Lawrence with both of these quarterbacks in Jalen hurts and Patrick Mahomes and then also more importantly in the game preparation for both their defense is going up against them this year what stands out to you about the Eagles and the Chiefs coming up on Sunday yeah I mean really both the two really good defenses so I think obviously people know that about the Eagles thing that's talked about a little bit more but really I think the Chiefs have a great defense their scheme is really good they have great players Chris Jones is just a nightmare up front he's tough tough to handle so they do a lot of great things there their pressures you know like I talked about their scheme their pressures their disguise and coverages they do so many different things they can be a little bit difficult to prepare for so I think all you met you marry all those together and I think they have a really underrated defense and it's gonna be a fun game to watch and it's gonna be it's gonna be a challenge for both teams so I'm excited Trevor Lawrence what advice by the way if you've talked to him or that you would continue to give to Kate club Nick now taking over at Clemson yeah I really haven't had too many conversations with Kate I've met him early on I can't remember exactly when that was I met him and I've heard really great things about him from everyone in in that program but my advice would be just I think consist consistency is really an underrated characteristic and what we do not only on the field I think everyone talks about the field but off the field just being the same person every day whether the storm there's gonna be ups and downs you see this year for him I think that the team had a pretty good season but being a freshman and playing a little bit and kind of in and out of games then finally getting a shot at the end of the year there's going to be some challenges moving forward and the expectations you're gonna have a lot of those but really just you know hold yourself accountable to your expectations and to your your team and your coaches expectations and that's all you can really listen to other than that block out the noise and just keep being the same person were you surprised that the DJ on galal a conversation really didn't meet what it was the last two years where we thought he was going to be this wonderful great player at Clemson and it seems like it just didn't work out at the end of the day yeah you know I know DJ pretty well played with them for a full year at Clemson you know I really really enjoyed being around them I think he's a really good person I think he's a great player too so obviously it's disappointing I think for both parties Clemson and for DJ for it not to work out but sometimes that's just the way it goes you look at a lot of guys who were in the league now even Jaylen Hertz is a perfect example who had some had some struggles and some some problems are not problems I should say that but on the field as far as at Alabama that was able to get an opportunity went to Oklahoma and took off and then now you know he's one of the best quarterbacks in the league he's having a great year and then the Super Bowl so I think that's the main the main message is just no matter what's happened you still have everything in front of you still have an opportunity I think that's what DJ is looking forward to is just getting that chance and get a fresh start I think it'll be good for them and I'm excited to watch them tell me about PNG head and shoulders everything that you're doing today with the fine folks there yeah so PNGs hosting its first ever battle of the paddles tomorrow night Wednesday you guys can stream it at 7 p.m. through twitch sports it's gonna be a lot of fun so it's a ping-pong tournament between eight NFL players we're playing head to head I think it's double elimination so we're gonna we're gonna play we're all represent something different I'm representing head and shoulders ironically you know people always ask me when I'm gonna do something with a with a haircare product or shampoo or something like that and this is my first one actually so say two years to get here so I'm proud of it and head and shoulders whole whole slogan is never not working so I think that fits you know we're gonna be we're gonna be grinding on the ping-pong table whether that's on the field off the field having a product that that believes in that is cool would you ever get a buzz cut just wondering I have had one you know we someone asked me about this earlier I had one eighth grade I buzzed my hair off Marissa still remembers that I've known her since fifth grade she still remembers that it's not a big fan so I don't see a buzz cut coming in the near future but yeah I've had to go through some awkward stages for sure to get to get the long hair ninth grade was there's some funny pictures my freshman year high school well you have to probably send them to us Trevor Lawrence great to catch up we appreciate the time thanks so much appreciate it Zach enjoyed it man the biggest game of the year the Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free Sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app it's the Eagles versus the Chiefs the Kansas City Chiefs Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl catch all the action from Westwood one your Super Bowl your Odyssey get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today the biggest game of the year the Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free Sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app it's the Eagles versus the Chiefs the Kansas City Chiefs Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl catch all the action from Westwood one your Super Bowl your Odyssey get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today the biggest game of the year the Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free Sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app NFC's best team it's the Eagles versus the Chiefs the Kansas City Chiefs Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl again catch all the action from Westwood one your Super Bowl your Odyssey get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-02-07 20:08:28 / 2023-02-07 20:15:38 / 7

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