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REShow: Sean McDermott/CeeDee Lamb - Hour 2 (12-6-2022)

The Rich Eisen Show / Rich Eisen
The Truth Network Radio
December 6, 2022 3:20 pm

REShow: Sean McDermott/CeeDee Lamb - Hour 2 (12-6-2022)

The Rich Eisen Show / Rich Eisen

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December 6, 2022 3:20 pm

Buffalo Bills Head Coach Sean McDermott tells Rich how QB Josh Allen has grown into an NFL MVP candidate since being drafted, why he would have no reservations on signing Odell Beckham Jr. without seeing the free agent WR workout, if he calls WR Stefon Diggs “Him” and why his calm sideline demeanor belies his inner competitive fire.

Cowboys WR CeeDee Lamb tells Rich why he’d gladly welcome Odell Beckham Jr. into Dallas’ wide receiving corps, and reveals the rookie mistake he made that nearly led to him missing his first ever NFL game. 

Rich and Brockman debate if the Cowboys or Bengals have a better shot at reaching their respective conference championship games, and Rich lays out the playoff clinching scenarios for the Vikings, Eagles and Chiefs.   

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Go to or download the mobile app and enter code football to get your deposit match. Some restrictions do apply. See the website for details. Yes, indeed. Our number two of the Rich Eisen show is on the air. Warren Sapp was already on the program and it was a delightful chat with number 99. He was at the game last night watching his Buccaneers come back on the Saints.

Not actually. He left early and he was honest about it. We gave him grief for it and thankfully he's not that angry at us.

At any rate, it was a great conversation with him. CeeDee Lamb and the Cowboys about to come up. Trent Dilfer now coaching at UAB and the delightful actress and friend, to be quite honest. Andrea Savage will be here in studio hour number three.

But we kick off hour number two with a man whose team is currently top-seeded in the American Football Conference. In his sixth year as head coach of the Buffalo Bills, joining us on the Mercedes-Benz Vans phone line. Good to chat with Sean McDermott. How are you, coach? I'm great, Rich. How are you guys?

I am great. Let's just start off by hitting the wayback machine. What was it like being, let me get your title correct, assistant to the head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles in 2001?

Sean McDermott. What was that like back then? Yeah, that was an experience. I did a lot of things that probably most people wouldn't have wanted to do. I think my college teammates would kind of give me a hard time saying that I was responsible for all the toilets working properly at the old vet stadium there in Philadelphia. Oh my gosh. Want to talk about dirty work?

That would be dirty work. But how did you get on the radar screen of Andy Reid and the Eagles back in that day when you're starting out? I started on the marketing side with the Eagles and then worked myself over to the football operations side and then I got around Coach Reid and he brought me into the coaching side with him there.

And then you obviously worked your way up. What about that experience, that entire experience do you bring into your experience in Buffalo maybe every day or just maybe something that you don't even realize but you do, coach? You know what was unique about it, Rich, was even though there were some jobs, very, very small jobs, there were some jobs where I had a front row seat with Coach Reid alongside Coach Reid to do some things that a lot of people don't get a chance to do. There was learning about the salary cap and the collective bargaining agreement, run training camp, so the whole operation of the business I got to see from the ground up and it gives me a lot of appreciation for those currently in our building here in Buffalo that occupy those seats.

And what a seat you occupy right now, Coach McDermott, top seed in the AFC and then coaching a team quarterbacked by Josh Allen who from all angles appears to be the dream come true that he is when he's playing. So my question for you is when you see what he looks like now and has become now, how did this get nurtured? What was your plan for him that you now see the seeds that got planted then blossoming now saying, okay, we did that properly? Yeah, I mean when you draft a quarterback early in the draft, obviously you're drafting a quarterback to eventually become the face of the franchise if not day one somewhere down the road and we were with Josh and I had a front row seat as I mentioned earlier with Coach Reid in Philadelphia and watching us draft down to McNabb and then again in Carolina with Coach Rivera and watching us draft and develop Cam Newton. And so I learned a lot from those situations and we've handled it similarly here with Josh in terms of his development on the field, off the field. It's a total plan, not just what takes place on the field but what takes place off the field is just as important. Well, can you give me for example something he's doing now that part of your plan back then has allowed him to blossom?

Something specific on that? When you're talking about just the way you handle things specifically off the field with the media for example and making sure that he's groomed the right way with media and we keep the main thing, the main thing is he develops and learns the league and so because if you don't do your job, the fame of the job will go by fast. If you groom yourself the right way and go about it the right way and handle your business the right way, that fame will come after you're having great success on the field which is what Josh has done. I've got Sean McDermott of the Buffalo Bills here on the Rich Eisen Show. Let's jump a little bit more into the here and now. What was the meeting with Odell Beckham Jr. like over the weekend, Coach? I found it enjoyable. It was a good, solid meeting. That was my first time to meet Odell in person. I certainly coached against him for a number of years. It was great to meet him. We had a good interaction. I think he enjoyed his time around our building, around a few of our players here as well. We just have a lot of respect for what he's been able to accomplish to this point in his career. Who were some of the players that were available or you made available or you wanted to speak to?

Anything like that? How did you choose who he got to connect with? It was more just kind of organically. He interacted with a few of our captains, a couple of our veteran players as you'd expect and then being around the building and just rubbing elbows with guys that were in the building as well which was good to see. I thought it went well.

Obviously, he'll have a decision to make at some point here. I think we have a good team and more importantly, we have a good group of players in the locker room with good character. Jerry Jones was on his radio show today, you're on mine, which I'm greatly appreciative of, but he said that he's hesitant to sign somebody who's coming off of knee surgery and did not work out. Did you get him to work out?

Did you see him run on the field coach? No, we didn't do that. We didn't feel like it was necessary. We feel like we've got a pretty good feel for where he is in terms of his rehab process. But no, we did not do that. So then there is no hesitancy from you to bring him on board based on not seeing him cut, move, eye test? There's always a little bit of a projection, right? But that's where you put your faith and trust in the doctors and then individually in the player.

Everything, all the I's are dotted, all the T's are crossed. He's come back from significant injury before so once we get that far, I'll put my faith and trust in the medical team. And is he wanting more than just a commitment for this year from you in Buffalo, coach?

Yeah, I don't want to get into all that. We're just going to take it one step at a time. Okay, then let's talk about this year then. How significant of a contribution do you think he can make? And I understand when you're talking about this, you are very happy with the team you currently have, as well you should. But how much of a contribution would you expect him to make if he does say let's go to Buffalo and you say come on in? Yeah, I think again that's a conversation for another time. I would start off by saying I'm extremely confident in the team and the players that we do have.

So the other piece of that is really just a conversation for another time if it gets that far. Sean McDermott, Buffalo Bills head coach here on the Rich Eisen Show. When you take on a team for a second time as you're about to do with the Jets, what is the challenge on that front for you? Well, I mean they play extremely hard. They're physical. I'll start on their offense on that side of the ball. They've done a great job.

Mike White I think has done a great job with taking hold of that quarterback job and moving the football. And then you look at the defensive side and they've been good for, they've been very consistent this season. They're physical up front.

They come off the ball. They've got pass rushers, talented on the back end. And then, especially teams-wise, they've got a really, really good returner. And Zurlan, their kicker, he's had a heck of a year with a lot of long-range field goals. So they've got it going in all three phases and Coach Sila's done a phenomenal job. So when you look at them on film now and what Mike White is doing compared to Zach Wilson in the first time you saw him, is White presenting a bigger challenge for you defensively? Mike White I think they're two different players. And Zach's obviously very mobile and brings some things to the table in that regard. And then Mike brings some other things to the table, maybe different than Zach.

But I've been very impressed in the two games that he's played and obviously they've put up a ton of yards, I think 900-plus yards in two games. So, Sean McDermott here on The Rich Eisen Show. Have you referred to Stefan Diggs as him in any way, shape, or form in any conversation? Mike White I love how you bring it back to reality here for me. Mike White Sure, him.

He's him. Mike White Yeah, so he refers to himself as him. Mike White It's like who's on first, right? Mike White Yeah, he does. He's him. Mike White Who are you? Mike White I'm me, you're you, and he's him. I think we got that accurate.

I think we have. Mike White But you don't refer to him as him? To him? Mike White No, not to him. I think he refers to himself as him. Mike White I see, okay.

This is like an Abbott and Costello routine, I agree. Mike White But just watching him, hold on, watching Diggs, him, perform, can you compare it to anybody you've seen? Mike White Obviously, you've been on teams with some wide receivers of note who have even made the Hall of Fame. Mike White What do you say about Diggs and what he's been able to do with your quarterback?

What do you got for him? Mike White Yeah, it's been a joy watching him, Diggs in this case, come here and play at a high level and then just really develop from a leadership standpoint as well. Mike White And when you trade for a player, you never quite know what you're getting. It felt like we knew the player, and now to watch Mike White I'm a wrestler, so I think maybe I'm just good at hiding it. I don't know, I'm pretty intense inside. Mike White Okay, so what do you mean by an ex-wrestler for those who might not have been a wrestler?

What is it? So you're screaming inside? Are you, you know? Mike White I got a little bit of fire going inside, yeah. Mike White Okay, so between a wrestler and Ken Dorsey, what is happening inside you during a game?

Like, where are you closer to? Mike White What do you know about Ken Dorsey? Mike White Well, I saw on the camera, you know, where he kind of rearranged his workspace at the end of a game, which by the way, I loved. I kind of, I loved it.

I loved it. But, you know, do you have that? Is that going on inside you too, coach? Mike White Yeah, I think we've all been there. You know, after a challenging day's work, I think we've all been there, at least in our minds, and that just happened to play itself out on national television there. But we're all competitive.

If you're in this business, and I'm sure, you know, in any business, if you want to be good at something, you've got to like compete and you've got to have that drive, that internal drive that makes you want to be the best. Mike White And again, you've been around a team that's made a Super Bowl, that's for sure. So does this team have that feel for you, coach? Mike White We'll see.

You know, we'll see. We're just going to continue to take it one game at a time. The next game is the most important game for us. And it's, like I mentioned, a good Jets football team. Mike White Sean McDermott, I appreciate you coming on. I really enjoy watching your team. I love your quarterback, man. I love talking to him. I love what he does with kids after the game and before the game.

I just think he is all kinds of him in his own way, you know? So thanks for coming on. I greatly appreciate it. Mike White My pleasure.

Appreciate it. And you guys have a great rest of your week here. Mike White Right back at you. There is Sean McDermott here on the Rich Eisen Show. Rich Eisen He has no idea how he can affect my mood this weekend.

He might have an idea how he can affect my mood this weekend. Oh, I'm not referring to the Jets. I'm talking about having Gabe Davis on my fantasy team. Mike White Me too, Rich. Mike White It's all three of us. Mike White All four of us. Rich Eisen Oh, I should have known.

I should have said, can you get it to Gabe? By the way, he's not calling the place. What a dumb question that would be. Mike White He does not call the place. Rich Eisen He's not calling the place.

Ken Dorsey up there. Mike White But he can like say, hey guys, Rich needs Gabe. Mike White Hey, we need a Gabe Day. I would love a Gabe Day on Saturday. Rich Eisen Oh, we need a Gabe Day.

Do we? Where are you? Mike White I need to win. Rich Eisen Where are you? Mike White I am five and one my last six games, so I'm kind of out of the playoffs, but I'm the hottest team in my league. Rich Eisen And we know where Jay is. He's getting ready to get tattooed.

The Cleveland Browns elf tattooed on his ass. Mike White Yeah, I guess I have to do it. Rich Eisen Wow.

Are you in last place for sure? Mike White I might get out of last place. Rich Eisen But you have to still be. Mike White But it doesn't matter. Rich Eisen But you're not going to catch River, right? Mike White No, River isn't first.

I'm not going to get him. Rich Eisen Oh, it's between you two. Rich Eisen It's over. Rich Eisen Yeah, it's a wrap. Rich Eisen It's ice. Rich Eisen It's ice. Mike White So where do I put it? Rich Eisen It's a wrap.

Mike White It's right above, it says River already? Rich Eisen I don't know, man. Mike White How big? How big are we talking? Rich Eisen Small as possible.

Mike White As big as it is on the 50. Rich Eisen This is the dumbest fantasy bet ever. You've got to stop doing this. Stop doing it.

Stop betting your friend like whoever finishes worst, he's got to get a tattoo of the other person's design. Mike White This was one of your callers. You didn't come up with this. Rich Eisen Oh, is that what it was? Mike White Yeah, that was his thing. Rich Eisen We didn't have to agree to it. Some caller, you know, accused me of being Satan yesterday.

I'm not going to take it to heart. Mike White He accused you of being in the synagogue of Satan. Rich Eisen I have no idea what that was.

I just assumed that he thought I was satanic. I don't know what it is. Don't even tell me.

I don't need to know. Mike White So you have a whole leg open, right? Rich Eisen Yeah. Mike White Let's go full thigh.

Rich Eisen No, we don't. Mike White No. Rich Eisen You're not going to go sleeve. He's not going sleeve.

This is the whole thing is dumb. Mike White All right. Rich Eisen Fellow, just know this, my boy Nathan Zagora, he calls the Browns games for them. If you get that tat, I'll send him the picture.

Maybe they'll pop you up on air or something. Rich Eisen By the way, I'm going to see said elf in person. Mike White Oh.

Rich Eisen And I are calling that Saturday game Browns and Ravens on NFL Network in a couple of Saturdays. Mike White Just the two of you? Rich Eisen Just the two of us. Mike White Really? Rich Eisen Yeah. Mike White Okay. Rich Eisen Just the two of us.

And then the following week will be all four of us in Pittsburgh. Mike White Wait a second, Rich, I don't like this, man. You're starting to call more games. Are you trying to tell us that you're going to leave us to become a full time broadcaster? Rich Eisen Or it's just like, Rich, I'm so glad that you're expanding your portfolio. It makes you more valuable.

And thus the show we're on on together that much more valuable. Mike White I hope so. I don't want you to leave. Rich Eisen I have no intent.

What are you talking about over there? Mike White Can you hug? Rich Eisen Should we hug it out? Mike White Rich, let's go to break. Rich Eisen We need to go to break.

Mike White Because we can't have fun with Chris. Rich Eisen Is HR is shining in on how we should go to break? Mike White We need to go to break. Rich Eisen God forbid HR just let me get a fat tattoo.

Mike White Let's have some fun at work. Rich Eisen We need to go to break. Rich Eisen 844204 Mike White I'm all about thigh tattoos. Rich Eisen That's horrible for HR. Rich Eisen Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Mike White Oh, yeah. Rich Eisen We're going to find out what Mike White I need to grab my hat. Rich Eisen We just found out about Odell's visit to Buffalo. Mike White Yeah. Rich Eisen Let's talk about Odell's visit to Dallas with CD Lamb. Mike White Ask him where he was last night, by the way. Rich Eisen I know where he was last night. Nope. I know where he wasn't last night.

Good. We'll ask him about that. Why isn't he at the match game? Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way.

Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way.

Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break because CD Lamb's about to join us. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break, by the way. Rich Eisen We'll ask him where he was last night, by the way. Mike White Let's go to break, by the way.
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