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REShow: Trent Dilfer/Andrea Savage - Hour 3 (12-6-2022)

The Rich Eisen Show / Rich Eisen
The Truth Network Radio
December 6, 2022 3:24 pm

REShow: Trent Dilfer/Andrea Savage - Hour 3 (12-6-2022)

The Rich Eisen Show / Rich Eisen

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December 6, 2022 3:24 pm

Former NFL QB Trent Dilfer tells Rich why he went from “running away from coaching” to taking the HC job at Alabama-Birmingham, how he plans to use Tom Brady and his Super Bowl ring as big-time recruiting flexes, and says why he never wavered on his belief in Tua Tagovailoa.

Actress/comedian Andrea Savage joins Rich in-studio where she reveals how she reacted to the meeting co-star Sylvester Stallone for the first time on the set of ‘Tulsa King,’ reveals that she’s not all that familiar with ‘Step Brothers’ event though she was in the comedy classic, and more. 

Rich reacts to Jets Head Coach Robert Saleh naming Zach Wilson the team’s #3 quarterback for the 2nd straight week and weighs in on reports that the Giants have offered Aaron Judge a $360M contract.

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Rich Eisen
The Rich Eisen Show
Rich Eisen
The Rich Eisen Show
Rich Eisen
The Rich Eisen Show
Rich Eisen
The Rich Eisen Show
Rich Eisen
The Rich Eisen Show
Rich Eisen

This is The Rich Eisen Show.

Hour number three of The Rich Eisen Show is on the air. Great first couple of hours we went all over the Odell Beckham Jr. free agency tour ourselves released two-thirds of it with Sean McDermott, head coach of the Buffalo Bills and CeeDee Lamb of the Dallas Cowboys on the program. Warren Sapp joined us in hour number one and admitted he left the game last night when it was 16-3 New Orleans. That's when I texted him to have him come on so he could you know discuss what looked like another disappointing Bucks loss to the Saints. Instead Tom Brady did his usual and Warren admitted he left the game.

Can't do that. If you missed any of it we re-air right here on the Roku channel, channel 210, as soon as this hour is over and there's our YouTube page slash Rich Eisen Show. I just saw had a very nice chat back in our green room with one of the stars of Tulsa King, Andrea Savage. We had Sly Stallone on a couple weeks ago on a zoom. Andrea is here in person and it will be all kinds of delightful.

We saw earlier on the program Morocco dispatched Spain in the knockout round on penalty kicks and now Switzerland is taking on Portugal who which has benched Ronaldo even though Ronaldo most likely had his eyebrows done just for the occasion and that's our soccer breakdown in three two. Joining us now on the program though is one of my favorites. I've gotten to know him adore him as well and couldn't be more excited for him. He's the new head coach of UAB football and the Blazers are taking on Miami of Ohio in the Bahamas bowl in a couple weeks and joining on the on the Mercedes-Benz Vans phone line is the new head coach of Blazers football Trent Dilfer and Trent we all want to spend a week in Bahamas but this is this is pretty radical way for you to get that week don't you think Trent?

Rich thanks for having me man. Yeah this has been a whirlwind. I was coaching high school football state championship last Thursday and now I'm on the road recruiting in Mobile Alabama so it's it's been crazy. Life is amazing so why take this opportunity Trent? What do you got for me? Well without giving you that long-winded Dilfer answer uh I was with my wife about nine about nine weeks ago and I had all these ADs and presidents reach out reach out to me and they they had the last couple years and and I looked at her I said you know what I'm a piece uh we have our grandson just had a grandson he's five months old they live in Nashville. I love the boys what we've built we've built one of the top 10 football programs in the country with swim academy coming out of the dust when they were the 3,000th ranked team I think when I took it over um and I was just like you know let's do this let's do this for 10 more years and then we'll be grandparents and live at the lake and she goes you know what sounds really nice except you were made for more than this and it kind of shocked me and she's like you know what I'm ready we're empty nesters we'll make this work what you do is different you know you raise young men you make them better people you have a great staff you love your coaches and you know these kids can play great football because what you pour into their lives just go do it another level and it kind of got me thinking and right about that time UAB really started pursuing me hard Mark Ingram as an awesome AD President Watts cares about excellence those were two things that I really was looking for if I ever made the move and a donor base that approved their work you know some place that didn't have football and Bill Clark and the donor base brought it back out of the dust and built a really nice program the donor base was part of that so it just kind of started going down that road tried to keep it from my team and my community because I didn't want any distractions it got leaked our kids handled it amazing most dominant state championship performance in the history of Tennessee middle Tennessee football and now we're just rolling now I'm doing what college football is about recruiting is everything it is everything with capital D and I got the juice for it and I'm hitting schools and meeting coaches and establishing relationships and you know we're going to build a roster UAB that has a bunch of NFL dudes on it well in terms of that too you know you you kind of mentioned the UAB history here where they you know came up with a report on how to save money and they followed the report saying cancel football and for two years there was no football and football's back and you refer to that and the other aspect of it you know not to tell any tales at school is you know University of Alabama Birmingham there's a University of Alabama Tuscaloosa a lot of people think the powers that be in that state tip the scales in in that direction obviously Nick has his own way to tip his own scales but how do you how do you deal with that when you're in how do you tell people let's come here don't don't don't go to Tuscaloosa how do you do that so what I've had no experience with that and I mean that and that was definitely something that I had mentors tell me to ask about right the board of trustees has been nothing but incredible to University of Alabama Birmingham the Nick Saban piece is really interesting too I've known Nick a long time I have a great relationship with Nick you know Nick entrusted me with Tua during his training for the draft and coming off the injury I was in constant contact with him Nick was one of the first people that called me when I got this shot Nick Saban people can think whatever they want about him but that guy has nothing but class and is a keen maker you know he doesn't just hide assets and try to do it for himself he wants other people to be successful so Nick's been great to me listen we're we know who the grand poo pa is in the state of Alabama right but there are a lot of great football players in the state of Alabama and there are a lot of great high school football coaches and we plan on going to meet them all and finding the ones that are going to make UAB a power the college football playoff expands we plan on being there and I will yell that from the rooftops that we have two objectives right now in terms of the football build out now human development is the number one thing from the football development it is get to the college football playoffs in two years and have a bunch of scouts at our practices saying those you got 10 you got 12 you got 14 you got 16 NFL prospects we're going to build this on players at NFL traits NFL and tangibles and can play the game at the highest level brother I mean football journeys are amazing yours is in particular as well if I had told you that time where you showed up you know you're still playing you're trying to figure out you want a job in television or not or whatever if I told you you know not only would you have a successful career in television but you get into coaching and you you you you'd be a college football coach as well as a championship high school football coach you'd have said what to me on that night you're crazy you're crazy right like I ran from coaching I got offered management jobs out of the league I got offered NFL position jobs I've been offered coordinator job offered head coaching like I didn't I grew up the son of a coach I saw what this profession can do to families especially families with daughters um what really got me thinking having the three girls was two things Clyde Christensen so Clyde Christensen is my football hero like of all my 42-year-old football life my number one football hero is Clyde Christensen coach obviously me in Tampa be coach Peyton and in any outlets Peyton raised Tommy's coaching Tom right now Clyde Christensen is one of the few that did it right uh he is an incredible husband an incredible father to daughters he has changed helped shape the lives of so many men that that were playing professional football but they'll all say yeah maybe a better player but maybe they're a man um he's turned out multiple coordinator and head jobs so he can invest in relationships with his quarterbacks in the in the quarterback room now he just did it right so I thought about him and then my daughters I was an empty nester you know that's something my wife said she was like you know we don't have them anymore it's just me and you and the dogs like let's go and you know her jews were 50 years old now she looks like she's 32 but I look like I'm 60 or 50 years old and we got juice I mean I'm sitting here I'm fired up I'm getting ready to walk into a field house here when I hang up with you I'm gonna go in there tingly I'm a fire breather like let's go I want to meet you coach I want to establish a relationship with you I want to talk to your players I want to find the best ones I'm making good men I'm making a great not a good a great football player and I'm getting fired up just talking to them since I was doing Dilfer's diamonds on Monday night when I jumped out of my feet my you know I had fire coming out of my mouth and that's how I feel and that's what this program is going to be built on is this type of juice and energy yeah I'm feel I feel that I feel the same way just listening to you Trent Dilfer UAB Blazers new head football coach here on the Rich Eisen show I know again I know you've got a lot going on and you're on the trail recruiting and meeting and making relationships but did you catch Monday night football last night Brady I did listen I didn't and I heard the lead in as I was waiting to talk to you I forgot it was Tuesday let me tell you listen we play a stop and do this in 36 seconds sure state championship game Thursday morning we dominate I get in that I go celebrate with my team have a cheeseburger jump in the car and not Chattanooga Tennessee drive to Birmingham call every high school football coach I have the phone number on in the state of Alabama congratulate state championship winners wake up Friday morning at 6 a.m I'm in the war room I'm watching our roster I'm breaking down our roster I'm grading our roster boom recruits we got to set the board we're setting the board I'm calling prospects I'm resublishing relationships with coaches I do that I don't go to bed I get up I don't even get up I change clothes I don't even shower Sunday morning back to Nashville got my high school banquet compliance allowed me to finish my banquet because it was a previously scheduled event you know those are my boys that's my community nail that Monday morning I'm UAV's head football coach I'm recruiting Nashville I drive from Nashville to Mobile seven hours get four hours of sleep wake up this morning and we're crushing a high school recruiting in mobile one of the richest talented places in the country that's what I'm about these days baby I don't have time for the NFL anymore well yeah stop me if you've heard this one before Trent Dilfer the the Saints were pulling a number on the Bucks and Tom Brady and the offense they show Brady on the sideline holding a tablet screaming things that you can't if you read lips say on television and then at the last second Brady put together two game winning drives including the latest touchdown pass to win a game he's ever had in his career to surpass Peyton Manning for most fourth quarter comebacks in the history of the game stop me if you've heard that story before not shocked one bit in fact I was talking to a prospect today in Florida he I said man you weren't even born I was playing for the Bucks but this is all you need to know Tom Brady's wearing my jersey that's all I want to think about is Tom Brady's wearing my jersey I let him wear number 12 good for you good for you and I said that's all you need to think about son you just think about that and think about being a blazer and we're good I love that what a great recruiting line Tom Brady's wearing my jersey I let him do it fantastic I got a better one for you I got a better one for you we're cleaning out my office Sunday I got the Lombardi in my office up at Lipscomb Academy I don't have everywhere to put it so I throw it in the back of my truck come on yeah so it's in the back of my truck I'm driving my truck I'm in Mobile I'm meeting with this coach this morning and I freaking put the Lombardi on his desk so when the players come in they get to see the Lombardi that's a flex man yeah that let's go yeah let's see Jim Harbaugh is my boy but let's go head to head Jim let's go baby let's go get the player let's see Saban do that let's see Saban put a Lombardi on the on the desk right come on let's roll let's roll all right well while you're flexing one last thing then before you leave the NFL world behind for for your UAB coaching experience is this the tour you were talking about all along that we're seeing right now Trent yes yeah I heard he had a stinker on Sunday obviously I didn't see it I was doing my thing but listen the kids is special you know it's fun you know I just hired Alex Mortensen as my OC at UAB Alex obviously recruited to a recruited Jalen recruited Bryce recruited Matt trained them like he's been the secret sauce of Alabama quarterbacks and we were in the war room talking before I hit the road and uh we're just like okay we're gonna have tools what makes to a special and I stopped I said hey there's one there's one two let's find guys that have trait like Tua but Tua's got the stuff he's incredibly accurate he's all the things that now people are seeing but bigger than that imagine being Tua and what he's gone through and everybody turning on him on the narrative and it only made him stronger and that's the stuff that Tom Brady has that's the stuff that Peyton Manning has that's the stuff Aaron Rodgers has that's the stuff Jim Kelly has that's the stuff that we call the famers have is they got something inside of them that says you told me I can't wait and watch me do it and obviously it helps to have it helps to have a coach who can unlock it too what's McDaniel done do you think that other coaches prior didn't do with him found he he identified the magic dust and he reminded Tua and it takes a special person to do this is I'm going to find the magic dust in you and I'm going to remind you daily that that dust is who you are that magic is who you are and I'm going to give you a system I'm going to give you players where you can showcase that but nobody believes you in you more than me that's what my quarterbacks are going to hear is like you're here for a reason I could get any court there's not a portal quarterback I can't get right now there's not a high school quarterback I can't get right now I'm looking for the guy that has the stuff and when I get that stuff I'm going to make sure I remind him every single day I chose you and I believe in you and you were going to have bad days you're going to have stinkers you're going to have throw interceptions you're going to have rough roads but that doesn't define you your stuff defines you and I found that stuff I'm going to remind you of that stuff and you're going to be a first round pick and win Super Bowls and go to Pro Bowls because that stuff is what's going to carry you I love it and the thing I love about Tua is he's getting more and more salty too you know we're showing that side that I didn't know if he had you know like this is this is him saying after he threw a deep ball you know in a game and also in practice after you know the deep ball he threw in practice once was was thrown on Twitter for being too wobbly that's what he had to say I don't know about you but that looked like money I love that man I love it I just love this can you counsel him if you speak to him to be more salty I love the salty Tua I love it he's got he's got in him I remember when he was 17 and I called him out on his footwork that's a great story I called him on his footwork and I called his dad Nalo who's a good friend of mine called his dad I'm like what you guys doing with his feet like this is some garbage now I'm like Tua you ain't gonna be great like you should be until you fix this stuff and I got a video every day I get a video from Nalo and Tua there in this park in Hawaii bat field potholes in the field to the palm trees in the back and they're working NFL footwork working it working it working it so this was May when I saw him I'm getting these videos until about right before July 4th and we have the opening in Oregon which is the finals of 2011 in this big showcase and he gets there and his it looked like Kyle Shanahan and trained them trained them like it had changed 180 degrees until it goes man you know as soon as you told me I couldn't I just wanted to show you I could I can do any footwork there is here it is and I was like oh yeah that's that's what I'm talking about the kids got a chip on his shoulder in the right way and people keep criticizing him he'll get a little more salt I love it I love it hey Trent I'm so happy for you you know not to maybe throw any cold water here but you talked earlier about what you look like you sure UAB didn't think they were hiring Hasselbeck instead of you guys in the opening presser they said we thought you're a map but Matt lost 30 pounds and you've gained 30 pounds he's actually fit and I'm fat hello look at you brother you're great you're great I'm so happy for you uh and when are you scheduling Dion when is Colorado and UAB playing when are we going to get that I don't do schedules but man we'll play in a park let's go find the park in Kansas and we'll meet there and we'll go Blazers versus Buffaloes in the park I love it and then me and him will go hobble out there with our torn Achilles and chest bump you're the best Trent I'm so happy for you um I'll keep texting you and just saying hi and uh best of your family and I can't wait to watch this journey very much so I'll come on all the time if we don't talk about NFL I got you I got you we'll talk from Wolverine football let's roll baby okay sounds good congratulations Trent congrats thanks brother you got it that's Trent Dilfer everybody right here on the Rich Eisen show love that guy I think come on I think Trent looks great and so do I because you look like him and you look like a Hasselbeck you're like you're like you're like the uh the Billy Preston of Hasselbeck I have no joke been getting that I looked like Dilfer and Hasselbeck since high school I got it all right let's take a break let's take a break the one the only the delightful Andrea Savage I would not miss this if I were you do not tune out tune in it's going to be delightful Tulsa Kings Andrea Savage coming up the world tournament of soccer happening in Qatar is finally here and with all the weird kickoff times and all the other sports happening simultaneously it could be kind of hard to keep up so to make sure you're up to speed be sure to listen to Qatar Kickaround for the daily wrap-up of all the action from the tournament from the group stage all the way to the final Andy Lars and Peter are here for you with recaps and opinions of what happened that day in Qatar everything can be found at the the Cumulus Podcast channel on YouTube or wherever you listen Andrew Savage here in studio just saw a clip of Tulsa King how wild is it for you to be in scenes and working with Sylvester Stallone well you know me I come from comedy so this has been like a real left turn suddenly I you know you have those like out of body moments where I'm sitting in Oklahoma gazing at Sylvester Stallone with a gun in my waistband going how did I get here um it was awesome it was great yeah it I mean yeah I could only imagine I mean when he came on I asked him more about Rocky than Tulsa King to be very honest with you did you ask him about me can you check the transcripts let me go back transcript it's just gonna take a minute um no we did it was odd he referred to you as Adrian though it was really strange oh did he put yo in front of it I get what's happening here but he referred to me as Burgess which really threw me yeah no you know sometimes you have to slap him across the face and snap him out of it you know what I mean it's like it's not 1976 anymore Sly like but you know I had to be less aggressive smack yeah yeah you know you should yeah but I did ask him about it like a lot because by the way this is this is tough talk about Rocky why wouldn't he why wouldn't he it's an amazing movie although I do think I may have offended him because somebody was wearing a sweatshirt that was referring to the gym from Rocky okay I've seen Rocky once I loved it but I it was a long time ago sure and he was like oh nice sweatshirt or whatever and I was like what's so great about that sweatshirt and he goes really seriously and I was like oh is this Rocky I kind of immediately knew and I was like oh sorry and he was like sorry I would not want to be on the business end of Sylvester Stallone looking at me with the words really seriously yeah like that would uh that would throw me it threw me yeah by the way the clip that we showed um the scene right after that is the first time I ever met him we'd never met until we got on set together the scene in which you were revolted by how old he is oh god thank god no no that was that was like the second date we'd ever worked um and I was like oh I'm about to look at him and be like you're how old you know um no where I walk up to him and I basically proposition him and be like hey you want to go back to your hotel room and we had never met until that moment and I was I was like what's about to happen there was a tornado warning in Oklahoma that morning I was told to get in my bathtub and put a mattress over my head which I didn't do and now I'm looking Sylvester Stallone and and you know having to like proposition it was just wild well it's a great show it really is it's it's obviously to be part of some we're having Terrence Winter and coming in shortly fantastic Taylor Sheridan oeuvre I mean that's what you want to be you want to be involved in that right now I I have to say I'm really I'm really excited I wanted to do something very different than the show that you also star in starred in called I'm Sorry um which is and our our show that we started together it was our show I appreciate you including me in that yeah well the classic franchise careful careful careful I always forget that we can't I know it's all right don't isn't there a delay or something um we'll see now there now there will be in about five minutes okay can we name it after me yes we can can we can we get a delay delay six second delay um yes that's fantastic yes that's right there you go um which I hope you still get by the way uh I do Andrew Savage here on The Rich Eisen Show yes I do uh I'm sorry the show was that three seasons it was honored well we were in the middle of shooting the third season when everything covid hit and then we got caught in a merger blah blah blah but it's still on HBO Max it's a a delightful show even though um in the same way curb your enthusiasm it's a delightful show similar yes where and and um me being on it and um handing out as a gift uh at children's birthday parties a goldfish and you then uh referred to me with that curse word the rest of the episode everybody does um I still because they all died I still get I still get well this is the funny thing too um for those well I mean it's a goldfish Chris I mean terrible terrible party favor for children this is one of the things I loved about your show is that it it would be a problem for a parent for a little kid to get as a party favor something that dies and presents and that did happen that's what it was based on oh yeah no uh when my daughter was uh it happened in preschool yes they were she was five they all got goldfish they all died and now we were all stuck explaining death to five-year-olds because of this godforsaken party favor would you rather than learn about death in preschool yes okay no you should not that answer back like your your son is about to be three he's gonna be three he doesn't have these questions yet oh no of course not would you like it to be front-loaded to you and Sarah earlier than you would ever want to because you took him to a birthday birthday party and they're like here's this gift that will present to you a conversation you will have to have with your children about death and something that they will be attached to yeah you will flush down the toilet yes or no no okay correct probably just like get a new goldfish so he thinks it's for him oh well that's good that's a great way to get through life what are you gonna do when their dog dies and then their grandma dies just keep getting new ones yes look actors need work need work oh my gosh what an answer but i i still get people yes do you tweeting at me curse words because they see your show all the time and that makes me happy that people are still swearing at you i don't know if i ever told you this i think i did is that when you you invited me to come on a program i'm like i'm all in and then you send the script to me and i look through it to see how many scenes i have i have just one and i'm a little bit disappointed that it's only one because i wanted to beat it more and then i see however that my name lives on in the most profane manner throughout the rest of the script and i just nodded my head i'm like okay i get it this is great this feels right it didn't feel right you were so great in it it was so much fun i loved it it was super fun and then had there been another season i i forwarded you an idea that that that i thought would have been great yeah that was born out of an experience at the school that our kids went to school together that's right did i tell you this chris tell me how great of an idea this would be okay okay so our kids were in a school play together and we were attending the school play together and we're in the audience and the teacher who's in charge of the school play asks all the parents of the kids in the play who are integral in helping the play work and make sure behind the scenes and volunteering please stand up so we can all give a round of applause i thought to myself what if i who had nothing to do with it stood up just to take i did not deserve and put the other parents who did have the reason to stand up and wave in the position of having to call me out on it yeah and i would be the goldfish guy again and you would have to call me out and you would be outraged sitting there that i'm standing waving by the way my character would not have been outraged my character would have loved it and been like this is genius everyone else would have been outraged i would have been like of course why wouldn't you stand up and take them you've done other good things right victory left a little victory left nothing to do with i almost did it by the way i almost didn't i didn't because suzy would have killed me that is uh andrea savage here on the rich eisen show uh do you have anything in the sports world that interests you in any way shape or form i'm a baseball fan but it is not this time of year um i'm lightly following the world cup the world cup uh mostly because uh there are a lot of countries i'd like to travel i did just hear that spain lost they did and i lived in spain oh my gosh spain is like a special place in my heart so i was not happy about that so a little bit of you was you felt slightly nationalistic when they lost a little uh un poquito parte oh yeah wow not a big deal guys i speak spanish wow what is i don't know what you said a little part a little part a little a little part yeah no i did i lived in seville i lived in seville and i love spain and i said but i also had a great trip to morocco so i was torn okay no i really my loyalty no um uh i sort of look at it and go which countries have i visited and which ones that i like and which ones are still in and a lot of great countries for traveling too are okay but i know nothing really about soccer by the way neither do we no nothing yeah neither do we um put up a picture of ronaldo um so um put up a picture oh does he do his eyebrows what do you think yes or no first blush do them yeah does he does he have them uh i feel like they're lightly shaped but i feel like there's definitely much more aggressive options that can be out there that doesn't shock me in some sort of oh whoa kidding i thought this no because i feel like if he was really grooming them there would be there's too much going on on the under part there's some plucking that needs to happen there really okay i mean he's an attractive man it's not i mean portugal just went up to nothing oh there you go without him oh wow that's got to be pretty disappointed um i've been to portugal not a big deal there we go this world cup update brought to you by tulsa king it drops weekly sundays exclusively on on paramount plus right here on the rich eyes show with andrea savage um so so terry's coming he's coming terence winter what do i need to know what do you think he's a monster oh like honestly no he's lovely he's fantastic he is great he's honestly the heartbeat behind the show okay and he's who i actually knew and he's the person who thought of me for this role okay and brought me onto the show he and i hung out in oklahoma we went to the pigeon museum together the what the american pigeon museum which is located in oklahoma city okay so now all right uh-huh yeah being from new york uh-huh um i know what you're thinking no i mean i've seen pigeons you haven't seen pigeons like these never looked at one and thought to myself they should make a museum for these things well you know what thelma they're like flying rats aren't they flying rats that's what you think you don't know that's the crap pigeons there is a beautiful other species of pigeons that are gorgeous there's a pigeon cast system is yes there's honing pigeons there's racing pigeons there's and beautiful plumage in some of these pigeons what the hell's happened to you i've become a pigeon fancier that's what they're called they're called fanciers yeah they are and terry and i went and they're people who love their pigeons in a deep profound way and they race them and they love them and we went and we learned all about them and we had a great time so you know when you go to google and you look up something and it says people also ask yes okay right so i'm on the uh the pigeon museum uh the one in oklahoma city google page the one in oklahoma city yes it's closed right now it opens at one o'clock on friday by the way it's only open for about six hours a week and you have to really hit it they make it hard to get in are they serious yeah yeah it doesn't open until again until friday okay so there you go the first option they're having trouble staffing the pigeon museum unclear the first the first option on the people also ask what is the highest price paid for a pigeon and that's any guesses you want to go around the horn here to buy a pigeon the highest price just go to washington square in new york city ever paid for a pigeon thirty thousand dollars oh jeez 45k the world's most expensive pigeon is a belgian racing bird worth 1.8 million dollars there is a hall of fame i'm not kidding i'm not making this up of pigeon racers and their pigeons it is on display at this museum so is there is there a conversation about pigeons on steroids that should be in the hall of fame that are not in the hall of fame do you think people aren't doing some weird shady stuff when they're racing these pigeons it is a hot ticket and people are serious about it i feel like there should be like a mike tyson wing or something did you know that pigeons when they're flying their heart rates are at 600 beats per minute and here i was going to ask you how you prepared for your role as an atf agent and your i went to a pigeon museum that's how i prepared yeah so should i ask terence winter about the pigeon museum you should because we had a lovely day he will be thrilled to talk about the pigeon museum he was a little skeptical when i brought it up to him and he agreed to go and we had a lovely time fantastic you're welcome i just set you up you certainly did you certainly did and now i'm in the people also ask wormhole has your daughter seen stepbrothers yet no at what age will she see stepbrothers you know it's interesting she is zander started to watch it the other day and i watched the first 40 minutes with him and each passing minute got that much more uncomfortable for me like because i forgot how profane and wrong that you know i've only seen the movie once i saw it at the premiere and that's all i know so i actually don't remember everything i know i know i know and people quoted at me all the time and i don't know what they're talking about i swear to god and people do my own lines i mean i'm like i'm sorry what and they're like sorry you're in stepbrothers right and i'm like uh-huh and they're like that was actually a lot oh anyway and it's awkward and i should watch it well no i mean that's you'll for you you do remember how profane and terribly wrong well not really my whole life is slightly profane and wrong so it all bleeds in together you know rich oh you know me don't touch the drum set that's all oh right right remember that one i do remember that i remember that one yeah yeah don't touch it oh i remember the catalina wine mixer you know what do you remember about being on the set of that though i remember just will and i sitting on set during like you know it was a therapy sound stage you know set and we just improvised for hours really our i mean we just went on and on and on and then you know you see it you're like oh there's like two little quick things but it was just so fun it was all a bunch of friends and it was just one of those like for a comedian person like dream set did when will you show it to your daughter she's 14 you know what i think it's not that i have an issue showing it to her she has no interest in seeing stuff i do really yeah like that kind of thing it makes she doesn't like seeing me on camera it weirds her out she's like i don't like seeing you being you but not really you okay yeah huh so i don't know take her to the pigeon museum and just cut cut it by half right there by the way that's where we're spending christmas season two of tulsa king is already been cleared because when you see tulsa king you know it is a hit show sundays exclusively on paramount plus is when new episodes drop as they say andrea savage thank you for coming here thank you it's so nice always always to have you here and thank you for helping us break down soccer in a very appropriate way you're welcome that's the way we roll here because you know i mean all we talk about is stuff like eyebrows getting done yeah and for chris and i uh i i don't understand how the hairstyles the pomade whatever they put in their hair i mean they're running around for 90 minutes the part is perfect in minute 90s it wasn't it's a it's a thick pomade i didn't know yeah it's like a wax world cup pomade everybody oh and there's there and there's he's live right now those eyebrows are not done you're saying those are not i think maybe they're lightly done but not i mean let's be honest we've seen some eyebrows done in our lives those are not all right upsetting that's that's by the way that's an upset that's more of an upset than Morocco Spain that's exactly right Morocco beating Spain is less of an upset than you confirming in your mind that uh ronaldo did not get his eyebrows down for the world naturally born that way paramount plus tulsa king check it out twitter and instagram at andrea savage here on the show anytime come back thank you you bet back here on the rich isin show in a moment with the latest from the new york jets front i'm gonna chime on on that in a sec we're back here on the rich isin show to our radio uh affiliates we uh we apologize for the f-bomb um and uh i i you know it just we're when you get two friends talking these things happen she has a potty mouth why do we have to apologize uh because um there are some there are no there are there are some radio audiences that uh and radio stations that uh would appreciate it if we didn't do it so i just want to pay respects to them uh and we just also uh uh kind of showed the video from from when will ferrell and john c riley were here together in stepbrothers and talking about how uh he wants uh will ferrell as ron burgundy called a hockey game and insulted half the audience all right uh fun show man what a great fun show we've had right here um robert sala has made an announcement on his quarterbacks for the buffalo bills game two you remember the last time the uh the jets took care of business in division against the buffalo bills zack wilson was the quarterback in that one and then he went up to new england and faced the patriots and we all know what happened there and the mike white arrow was born unless it's not an error unless it's still just temporary and that was asked of robert sala and he basically said there's still an intent to play zack this season and that won't happen this week though he will be quarterback number three for a third straight week the reset continues and the reset that the team and robert sala said he needed uh would would be aided by him not even preparing to be the number two quarterback emergency number three so it's another hooded sweatshirt earbud day for zack wilson the number two overall pick in the draft it will be mike white going for the jets with joe flacco backing him up against the buffalo bills what i said yesterday i watched it back as i do when a video that uh emanates from this show goes a bit viral viral and um did sound a bit harsh what i said i said i don't care if zack wilson doesn't start another game for the jets ever yeah don't care that's what you said don't take it back you meant it i'm not taking it back i i did mean it okay good i did mean it and i know it sounds harsh and i just want to reiterate it's because it's not like it's not like i think he's useless or i'm angry with him or i have something personal against him i'm saying that if mike white continues to play the way that he is playing you need to see if he can be the guy and the fact that they can still make the playoffs even though they missed how many teams can miss on a number two overall pick quarterback and still make the playoffs or top five quarterback and still miss the playoffs the answer i think is the san francisco 49ers not that they've missed on trey lance that is still an open question we haven't seen him play they haven't seen him play they they haven't they haven't needed him yeah and brock purdy may be the latest quarterback to say that the 49ers may not need trey lance and that is still something that they don't have to answer yet and they also don't need to make a decision on trey lance at all because it's a moot point he's not coming back this year zack wilson though is a different ball of wax the guy chosen one spot above trey lance because apparently the niners didn't even bother to knock on the jets door they knew that they were going to take zack wilson number two overall and they knew trevor lawrence is going number one overall so all he had to do is get to three and they get the quarterback that they wanted out of justin fields mac jones and trey lance and the quarterback there at this point in time they could see what they have in purdy or they can ride him and they have no choice but to do that the jets have a different story and you know just like in san francisco the coach and the general managers right and the same way i said in new york and so why does zack wilson have to be such a sacred cow if they can win with mike white that's my point and all i will do is reiterate here i don't even if mike white does one of those nine for 24 two tuck two interception games like one even if he does that against buffalo i still want to see him the next week against detroit that's what i so to me in the same way to use a similar analogy or it might be apples and oranges that it didn't matter if tcu won or lost they were still going to be three as long as it was you know close they were still going to make the playoffs win or lose same thing for michigan same thing with georgia win or lose i want to see mike white again i want to see how he handles the adversity the bounce back if he does get his lunch handed to him i want to see how he handles that i think he's earned that already in the first two starts and that zack wilson i don't know to be number to be number three that's that's kind of curious to me so he's really learning the hard knock life right now you know he's really learning that where he's got to sit back and watch one last item to hit before we go chris rich there's a report that the san francisco giants have chimed in on the front of a man who was wearing the mike evans jersey last night in tampa florida correct new york yankee star aaron judge who's from the san francisco giants um who's from what uh he's from the fresno fresno fresno there's just not anywhere that's not like san francisco it's norcal it's not southern central california but go for it go for it chris what's the what's our good buddy john hayman said the giants are in with a big offer to judge believed to be 360 million neighborhood no that's an assumption belief among rivals that the yankees still remain the favorites yankees are hopeful but say they still don't know okay so my two thoughts on that is the first of all the uh jack walsh line from the brilliant film midnight run that's a it's a very respectable neighborhood so 360 guess what 360 yankees go 361 like price is right okay like price is right 361 they can do it they can do it yeah and and you're already seeing the yankees and whatever the hell house steinbrenner is thinking whatever the hell cashman who got a four-year contract is doing you're already seeing verlander's getting his and you know uh the grom got his and tray turner got his you were you you're gonna have to fork it over for this guy you're gonna have to you know i already see they're trying to trade josh donaldson and all that and aaron hicks you think here's a problem though rich because the padres reportedly uh offered 342 to tray turner and he turned it down no no because he wanted to go to the east coast so you're saying because that's where he's from i got it i'm just i'm just saying there's a precedent aaron judge is now from new york and he also lives by the way in tampa that's why he was at the game last night and you know where the yankees spring training complex is bottom bottom line is whatever narrative you're trying to cook up the yankees can absolutely overcome all right with dollars and cents i'm pulling for you no you're not those were friends no you're not didn't their fans boo him at the end of the whatever it was it was a rough ending of the season but we'll take them back
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