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Ken Thornberg a challenge for Christians / Matt Long will we see a true change if the red wave actually happens?

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
October 25, 2022 12:18 pm

Ken Thornberg a challenge for Christians / Matt Long will we see a true change if the red wave actually happens?

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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October 25, 2022 12:18 pm

Ken Thornberg a challenge for Christians to use the authority that Jesus Christ died for them to receive in battling in the realm of the spirit. Also, to get out a vote for those with a biblical worldview.

Matt Long will we see a true change if the red wave actually happens? Where does the real change occur? getting involved at the local level and being aware of the potential issues associated with this "lame duck" session.

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These are domestic terrorists. The 6th was all deception.

The level of sophistication. Hactic. People were putting on Trump stuff beforehand or taking it off afterward. It was members of our own government. He's been an FBI informant for a number of years. On January 6th, I said, are you working? He said yes.

This is truth. They want to criminalize dissent. I opened the shutters that had the battering rams. I hear... Then they told me to come out. A whole bunch of red dots all over my chest.

They're hunting down Trump supporters. I just walked into a crowd of people. We've been freezing. We've been fighting.

And now I want you to pay with me. I spent the next three weeks in jail. They put me in a cell by my cell.

Total solitary confinement in a cell not much bigger than a walk-in clause. FBI. Guns drawn.

Hands up, hands up, hands up. Put your hands on the wall, hands on the wall. This is psychological warfare. They didn't have a battering ram in it, but when they did have the turret on top, he was pointing his gun at all my neighbors ready to pull up anytime he needed to. They handcuffed me. They handcuffed you?

Yes. Oh! 147 days since my wife was murdered.

I've got to be her voice now. There's an old Chinese saying my ancestors learned before the Communist Party took over our country. The family is the essential unit of human society, and that you must have honor and defend your family, but it's not always easy to do.

When the regime gives the order, you have to kill. My heart was pounding. I felt my body bouncing and twisting on the floor. They put numbers on our shoulders, then separated us into rows of even and odd numbers.

I was number nine. My brother, he is still in prison, and my sister, she was sent to a labor camp without a trial. But there's one piece of evidence they haven't been able to destroy yet.

I left everything behind. If I can't expose what they did to us, then all of our suffering would be for nothing. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits, and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice from where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio, hour number three. Wow. Hour number three.

Man, oh man, oh man. If you've missed any part of our program today, I really encourage you to check it out. We began things by talking about the issue of mental health, and our special guest was Robert Marbut. We spent the entire hour talking about that and the holistic approach to homelessness and really helping people, and understanding that it's not an and, or, or an either, or, it's a both. There is a spiritual component, and there is a physiological component, and as someone who has dealt with clinical depression and battled that issue personally, I can just tell you that if you don't have the spiritual tools, you're not going to win. But if you don't understand the physiological aspect of it, and I use naturopathics, I have for many, many, many, many years now.

But if you don't understand how your body works and how to give your body the right kinds of nutrition and the amino acids and just all of those different things, it's so important that you deal with both aspects together holistically and then create other tools along with it. So great conversation with him. David Lowery and I talking about the race issue, and yes, I pulled it out of the bag. I said, well, what about white hate? What about that?

Okay. So we talked about that and a great brother, and then Victor Avila and I just finished a great conversation talking about border security, open borders, and what's happening down there, and President Trump was dead on, by the way, on Saturday with his comments and things that he shared, and we talked about fentanyl. We talked about illegal immigrants committing heinous, heinous crimes, and they just shouldn't be happening, shouldn't be happening.

So we talked about all those things. And now we're going to talk about the spiritual state of America, and you know, I wish that I could say that, oh, you know, it's all great and good. I mean, here's a piece of good news. Brand new Pew Report says 69% of Americans still consider themselves to be religious and that religion is important to them. 49%, according to a poll from just a year ago December, 49% say that religion plays a serious role in their lives.

But now we've got to get that 49% engaged in what's happening in a nation that I believe God has called for such a time as this to play a critical spiritual role. Ken, to you. Oh my goodness, okay. I didn't know my picture was up there, Greg. It's great to be with you today. Great to be with you, my brother. Freedom Encounters, by the way, Ken Thornburg, Freedom Encounters. We'll get the right graphic up. There it is, right there.

Ken Thornburg, Oh my goodness, okay. Well, you know, last time we got together, a couple of weeks ago, we talked about something that I hadn't thought of ever bringing up and we spent almost the whole time talking about last day spirits, those that have been sent out upon the earth to impact followers of Christ only. And actually their job was to keep Christians from doing anything, just hanging on until Jesus comes and picks them up. Yeah.

Don't do anything, just hang in there, baby. That's what that old poster used to say with that cat hanging on something, you know, looked like it was, you know, totally freaking out. But that is their job and what I wanted to start with by saying is followers of Christ doing nothing or compromising the word of God and compromising the truth are the ones responsible for America becoming Babylon today. And God has spoken to my wife and I and said that America is Babylon, don't lament for Babylon but pray that the United States of America would become the nation I originally created. Now, here's the thing, those same followers of Christ who have compromised, who are doing nothing, they are the ones responsible for bringing America back.

If they do nothing, then they are telling the enemy that they agree with those who are working hard to totally stop and destroy this nation. Last month, we were going to talk about Romans chapter one and you had a great concern that you had written me about, about sexual sin and how there are certain sins that have a greater role in destroying the United States and our public than other sins and you are so right, California in the past month and I'm sure you've talked about it on your program once anyway, they approved a law legalizing infanticide. Now, you and I never dreamed that we would ever, ever, ever live, man, we've been in heaven a hundred years before anybody in America would legalize infanticide and that's allowing people to kill children up to 28 days after they are born. After they're born.

After they are born. That's child sacrifice. That is child sacrifice. That's child sacrifice. That is the spirit of Molech that is talked about in scripture.

Yep. And we have now certain professors, mostly back East, I don't even think we have one from Berkeley mentioned yet, believe it or not, but we do have some from back East that have publicly said that pedophilia is okay and that's natural. We should legalize pedophilia. Because they are now considered minor attracted persons, MAPs is what they call them.

They're no longer pedophiles, can't call them that, can't call them a pedophile, they're minor attracted persons. Well, as we were talking, it's amazing how, you know, this word speak has just been taken over by Satan and those spirits, the return of the gods, you know, that Jonathan Cahn has been talking about, is those gods that are really in full control right now, until Christians get out of their pews and into their shoes, when they begin to wake up and say, you know, I guess I'm just going to have to stand up for righteousness. I'm just going to have to speak the truth. I'm not going to care any longer about what everybody thinks about me. I have got to be the salt of the earth, the light of the earth.

I've got to project that salt, project that light. When followers of Christ begin to do that, then things are going to change. I just heard on a program yesterday, that of the 100% of believers who voted in the last presidential election, the prediction was that only 50% of those people would vote in the midterms. And I'm thinking, you know, the end result of this conversation was, if the other 50% voted that don't normally vote in the midterm, there would be absolutely no question as to who would control the House and the Senate in Washington DC, much less the legislatures and the county races and school boards and so many others that are important, you see, I have a phrase and I believe it is, he who will not vote has no advantage over he who cannot vote.

Let me repeat that again to our listeners. He who will not vote has no advantage over he who cannot vote. You see, if you don't vote, you have nothing to complain about in this nation and the laws and the inflation and the border security and abortion and all this kind of stuff. Can I add to that and just put this on there, we've got about a minute before we're going to go to break, but listen, I'm going to bring some conviction here that you, because I know that my viewers, my listeners are active, there are people that are out there that are voting that are voicing, I want to encourage you to voice this. America is like a talent that God has given us and the word of God is very clear.

Those who do not use their talent, those who bury their talent will be sent to the place where there is gnashing of teeth. Your vote and your voting is a talent for you to use in this country. We are a nation of the people, by the people, by the consent of the people. The consent of the people is expressed in that election booth when you vote. And we are co-rulers. The politicians work for us, not vice versa. Amen.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Putin-Krug administration. Make the products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical... Who was that masked man?

I don't know. Anyway... Oh, no, we're having way too... Oh, we are. We are. All right. In spite of the topic, in spite of the heavy stuff we're talking about, we... You know, listen, the joy of the Lord is our strength. That's right. That is... that is... that is so... absolutely, look at that.

The joy of the Lord is our strength. I'm going to tell you, folks, when I woke up this morning, I don't know if you've ever had one of these days, maybe you've had it, maybe you can relate to this, but man, I woke up this morning and I have to do... On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I do prayer time, I co-host and lead a prayer time with Pastor Carl Mitchell and Lady Dubon, and you can find us on Facebook and social media and iHeart and all over the place, and that's... he does that every morning at 6am. But I'm the co-host on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so Tuesday mornings I'm up, you know, at the crack of dawn. I really am.

I'm up at 4.45 every morning. So at any rate, here I am, and I'm trying to... you know how you have that gas pedal inside of you that you kind of push on, that you get going? Man, I pushed that pedal to the floor this morning, folks, and my engine went... Greg, the problem is you had morning sickness. Is that what it was?

That's what it was. Yeah. Morning sickness thing, it's morning and I'm sick. Mornings. Yeah, morning and I'm sick. So what I'm about to take here, by the way, just a word of encouragement, but what I'm about to take here is my second dose of these products right back here. This is Vibe Ultra Shot and Resvante, okay? I take this four times a day, throughout the day, Go to It truly makes a difference.

Yahoo. Now, that's going to be hard to change the subject. No, we've got to get back to spiritual.

That was the physical... Oh, and that's the point. In Romans 1, it talks about people supporting these things as being reprobate and debased. I mean, those were the scriptures. Heavy duty.

March the 24th, 26th, 28th, 32th, okay? These are people without conscience, corrupt and perverted, debauched. Now, here's my question for our listeners. Now, if we have just a group of listeners who are voters and they're solid citizens and they want to speak up and share everything to help America recover when it is lost, hallelujah, but their job now is to get people in their Bible study to vote, to get their pastors to speak up and encourage 100% of their congregations to vote, to set up people in the congregation who can help register people to vote who aren't even registered, and so on and so on and so on. We have to spread ourselves.

That's what it means to be light, to be salt. If we don't help flavor society, we're allowing the Marxists, the leftists, the socialists, and others to win and steal the freedom that God gave us. We cannot do nothing.

We have to do more, even more than just go to the polls. We need to encourage other followers of Christ to do the same thing because otherwise, Greg, the only winner in this is Satan and his demons that are telling believers to compromise, to have fear of man, to have fear of losing their quote reputation or being labeled a racist or terrorist or homophobic. It's the best way to overcome that and say, yes, I am homophobic because Jesus Christ created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

Hello? I mean, is he, it pleased the Father, the Word says, to make Jesus Christ of no reputation. So hey, do we obey the thoughts of the enemy coming to us, telling us to just hang in there baby until we're zapped out of here, or do we toast those demons with a fire of the Holy Spirit and follow the Lord Jesus Christ's example to us if we go out and say, oh, I want to be like Jesus. Well, you know what? That doesn't just include the marshmallow time around the fire with the disciples.

It includes death to the old nature. Alright, we got about one minute left. Oh boy. Yeah, I know. Do me a favor. Pray us out. All right. You bet.

Absolutely. Father God, we read in your scriptures, especially Romans 2, 2 through 4, that those who do or say nothing to oppose are those that are actually fitting into the same mold, but that you have given us power, you've given us authority, and you've invited us to die to ourselves so that we can honor and glorify you. So Father God, I pray that those listening will take their eyes off of themselves and that they would instead seek to do nothing, nothing but glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in everything they say, everything they do, that they express your opinions and not their own, that they express what your word has to say and stick to it and hold to it and not compromise, not have a fear of man, Father God, I just pray that the Holy Spirit in each of our listeners would come and speak to a person if they begin to react to respond with that fear of man.

Father God, we pray that right now we would glorify you, we would lift you up, we would honor you, we would praise you, and we would worship you, and I pray this for all of our listeners in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh. Amen. Amen. Amen.

All right, folks, our number three continues, we'll be back right after this with Matt Long. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional Vibe and mineral tablets, wasn't really feeling any different.

So I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all-in-one Vibe and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, full-food-sourced, non-radiated, gluten-free, and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging, and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use for a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes.

I started thinking clear, even believe I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code chosenjinradio at checkout, and receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosenjinradio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump. Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed. Where did this robbery occur, the dispatcher asks? At pump number seven, says the man, can you describe them?

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That's $90 off. Generation with your host, Pastor Greg. Pastor Greg. And don't forget, you can get more Chosen Generation at And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic's off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And I'm very excited, as we do each and every Tuesday in this time frame, to welcome the Matt Long Show and Hill Country Patriot Radio to the Chosen Generation Radio Network. Great to have you with us here, and also on TECN TV, Great to be with all of you there.

Welcome aboard. Are we good? All right. There we go. Hey. We're here with you.

We are. Matt Long joins me in the Matt Long Show. Welcome to the Hill Country Patriot Radio and the Matt Long Show to the Chosen Generation Radio Network and TECN Great to be here at TECN.TV, as it is, but you can find us at Everything is contained at the website,

You can listen, you can watch, and you can get also our articles there if you sign up for the email. Well, Matt, lots for us to discuss. We are, man, we're almost about a week away from the big day. Two weeks, November 8th is two weeks from today, and unless one of us is confused, maybe we should both look at the calendar. No, we've got to do this. We're in early voting right now, though, here in Texas.

Right. Yes, we are, and I prefer to tell people, don't early vote. There's too much concern with all these ballots floating around for two weeks, and I believe we need to get out of this habit, but yes, early voting has begun, but election day is two weeks off. And the question, what's the question today, Pastor Greg? Well, I think the big question is, okay, so let's say that the pundits have it right this time around, and that history holds true, and we end up with a red wave. We suddenly end up, and the red wave is everything we hope that it is, and we end up with a majority in our House and a majority in our Senate, and in your local state legislatures, there's movement there as well, and some of these incumbent Democrats are tossed, and new blood comes in, but in reality, in reality, do we believe that we are actually going to see a change if there's no change in the leadership and the folks that are actually making the decisions? You know, when Pastor Greg posed this question to me yesterday afternoon, I said the first thing that came to mind was, meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

I think we need to kind of split this into several different races. I think at the federal level, let's just speak federally for just a minute. At the federal level, if this big red wave is as big as people are now predicting that it's possibly going to be, how different are things going to look in Washington? And I would lay out on the floor right now that we will not see some kind of massive change. If folks are expecting some great big turnaround, and all of a sudden the Department of Justice and the FBI and all of those and Fauci, Anthony Fauci are all going to come around and say, oh golly gee, we had it all wrong all this time. I don't think that's going to happen. I think we're going to see some hearings. I'm afraid of hearings because they seem to go on and on and on and on and on and never finish. And it seems like all we do is hear things.

There's never a decision made. I don't think there'll be a huge change, but I think we'll see small changes. What say you, Pastor Gregg? Well, here's what I think. I think that the level of change that we will see is going to be directly reflective of the level involvement of We the People. If We the People continue to be apathetic and if our side gets this red wave and then goes back into their shelters and just kind of sits back and does nothing, then I don't think we see a big change. But as I shared with you last night, the problem that we have is not even just in changing the faces within Congress or the faces within the Senate.

We're going to run into some very serious issues in the next probably 45 days. And what I'm talking about, Matt, are the issues that are associated with a quote unquote lame duck session that in years past historically out of just the idea that the will of the people should carry. And so if there's a red wave, then the will of the people is that they want to change in how governance is taking place. And so the lame duck session would then be reflective of that attitude and stop the momentum of the direction that the nation is going in.

That has been the historical status quo, the historical operation. By the same token, if there were to not be a red wave, if that suddenly dissipated and it appeared that the people were in support of the direction that the nation is going, then in that lame duck you would see a continuation of those policies and things being passed. My concern in this instance, Matt, is that you have a lot of rhinos, you have a lot of people and potentially major face changes within the Senate who are no longer going to be concerned about what the vote is going to be and how their vote is going to be perceived and who may well, you know, they're talking about, for example, H.R. 5, which is a dangerous, dangerous bill. This is a bill that would pretty much put biblical churches, biblical-minded churches, directly in the cross hairs of this radical department of justice and there is a suggestion that in this lame duck session that there are 60 senators that would in fact vote in favor of H.R. 5 after the election and that's dangerous.

Wow. And you know, one of those, you talk about rhinos, one of the things we've learned over the years is that when a senator pretty much let's it be known that it's his last term or even a House, even a member of the House says, yeah, this is my last term, they don't have anything to fight for as far as being reelected. And so someone comes to mind, oh, I don't know, let me think, John Cornyn can pretty much do whatever he wants to. If Cornyn can jump over with the Democrats as he already has shown us, I believe in two bills in the last couple of months where, because Cornyn's not worried about reelection and so you're going to grab rhinos like Cornyn and if the Dems really want to get something through, I think, well we already know they have at least seven, there was a recent vote that seven Republican senators went along with the Democrats, I think we could see that happen again and if they get to ten, then they can withhold, they can beat the filibuster.

Right. Well, and again, I just, I really, that to me, that's my greatest concern. My greatest concern is what will happen with regards to that and so then we talked about last night, you know, what do we do, how do we protect ourselves, how do we defend ourselves. Victor Avila was on with me earlier in the program and we were talking about, you know, the Article 1, Section 10, paragraph 3 and at your gathering there, at the Boots and Barbecue gathering, I stood up and I challenged the panel that, you know, hey, okay, so if we're going to do that, if we're talking about state sovereignty and we're talking about making that a platform, which I think that we should be talking about, Matt, but if that's the case, then we need to go all in on that. We need to get our National Guard defending our border and we need to demand the release of the prisoners of war that are being held right now in the American gulag. Texas needs to stand up for its own and we have a lot of illegal stuff that is going on both from the tyrants as well as from the illegals that are coming across our border.

Man, I'm telling you, there's so many things to unpack in there. I will say, here's one thing I can guarantee, that if there is a red wave, the filibuster will not go away. You know, they've been having this threat for a long time of getting rid of the filibuster in the Senate, but you only, only get rid of, you only drop that bomb if you know you're going to retain control, because to get rid of the filibuster right before you just, you know, go into session and you're the minority, so I think that is the one good thing is that the threat of the filibuster going away, that won't happen. But all the others, we need to come back and it needs to be local, it needs to be Texas. One of the articles I'm going to cover for later on in today's program has to do with what Ken Paxton has started saying about whether Texas should defend their own borders. Some very, very interesting things, but my prediction on the federal level, I have not given up on the United States of America, but I'm telling you what, it's getting awfully close Pastor Greg, we need to say Texas and states that, and all states need that, because you've got a national audience, those folks that are out there listening in other states, you need to start looking into what state sovereignty means and how to fight back against a federal overreach. Amen to that. Well, one of the ways you do that is the Constitutional Sheriffs and Police Officers Association,,, I got a hard break I got to jump into Matt, God bless you, God bless the hill country, appreciate all of you so very much and folks, your engagement is making a difference. I just pray the rest of the nation will follow our lead here in Texas.

I'll be back with more after this. My passion is to fight the freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns, instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

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Get yours today at, coupon code chosengenradio at checkout, receive $20. Look, I am for marriage between a man and a woman. I am for life from conception. I am for following the Bible and I believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles.

I am in support of our military and believe that America should play a role in world security. I believe our constitution was intended for a moral people and that the Bible contains the only true moral code. I believe we are all born sinners and that God in His grace and mercy sent His son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and that if we will confess our sins, He is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I believe salvation is not just accomplished in a little prayer but that it is found in how that transformation is lived out. Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives and we should follow biblical precepts. This is not legalism or works but a life lived out in love and honor towards the one who died for my sins.

Faith without works is dead and is no faith at all. I believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart and that God will ultimately bring us into perfect action through Jesus Christ, spirit man perfected and soulish man in progress. I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame when we fall but we repent and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness that God will heal our land.

I believe that as a Christian I must occupy until He comes and that to call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts is a part of the mandated Christianity. That to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me. It means that I must risk scorn to stand for truth and that I can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life. That does not make me weak but strong, not silent but bold and not fearful but courageous. Therefore if you are my friend while we may not fully agree know that I share what I share because I care.

If you strongly disagree with these beliefs they are not debatable for me and you can if you choose unfriend me. I do not say this in anger but in love. I wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and that God not man gets to decide what is truth, life and the way. God bless you. Welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses my very special guest Rafael Cruz and listen again I just want to say thank you to all of you that have been sharing the program. I really started talking about this earlier in the week.

Two things that you can do, two actions that you can take. Number one, tell people about the show. Share the program with your friends. Share with your friends. We're live 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Monday through Friday Texas time. Share that with your friends and you have been doing it and we have a 150% increase in our viewership just this week based on you doing that okay and all I ask was is last week we had 41,000 viewers, a million viewers, 1.05 million viewers so far this year and the second thing is would you buy me a cup of coffee just make a donation buy me a cup of coffee forward slash pastor Greg forward slash pastor Greg or on cash app dollar sign pastor Greg CGR dollar sign pastor Greg CGR or at pastor Greg CGR on venmo just just buy me a cup of coffee that'll help us with the radio ministry and it will help us with what we're doing in India where we have 550 pastors, 32 freshwater wells, our fifth sewing school, 64 widows have been trained and welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass is my very special guest and so they can feed their families we have 36 and welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass is my very special guest Rafael Cruz and listen I again I just want to say thank you to all of you that have been sharing the program I really started talking about this earlier in the week two things that you can do two actions that you can take number one tell people about the show share the program with your friends share chosen generation with your friends we're live 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Monday through Friday Texas time share that with your friends and you have been doing it and we have a one hundred and fifty percent increase in our viewership just this week based on you doing that okay and all I ask was this last week we had 41,000 viewers a million viewers 1.05 million viewers so far this year and the second thing is would you buy me a cup of coffee just make a donation buy me a cup of coffee forward slash pastor Greg forward slash pastor Greg or on cash app dollar sign pastor Greg CGR dollar sign pastor Greg CGR or at pastor Greg CGR on venmo just just buy me a cup of coffee that will help us with the radio ministry and it will help us with what we're doing in India where we have 550 pastors 32 freshwater wells our fifth sewing school 64 widows have been trained to sew they're now seamstresses with their own sewing machines their own businesses so they can feed their families we have 36 women in class right now we're going to need to buy 36 sewing machines we have an opportunity to buy rickshaws to put Christians to work in Punjab India as taxicab drivers with rickshaws they're asking for those things we can help people to fish there all I'm asking buy me a cup of coffee if half the people watching this program bought us a cup of coffee man it would make a huge impact Raphael it's engagement it's just getting people involved absolutely well why don't you explain a little more what you mean by buying a cup of coffee absolutely so if if what you're doing is is you're making a donation and and it would be as if we're sitting in the coffee shop and you said you know what pastor let me buy you a cup of coffee today and you made that three to five dollar donation and you can do it at forward slash pastor Greg forward slash pastor Greg if you like the show if you believe that we're making a difference if you believe that a biblical worldview and biblical values are critical to saving America if you believe in the expanse of the gospel in the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven not only in America but then also with our work that we do with orphans and widows and the oppressed look that oppression that's happening in India is coming right here to America don't don't kid yourself it's coming right here and India is the second largest population in the world and we have an opportunity to have a huge impact in that nation through the gospel of Jesus Christ and you can help and that's what a cup of coffee just a cup of coffee even just this week one cup of coffee this week would you buy me a cup of coffee forward slash pastor Greg well pastor Greg I'll tell you let me just speak to your audience for a minute I have known pastor Greg for many years this is a man of God this is a man of principle this is a man that in spite of the challenge that he went to in the hospital for years when he with that incredible love of a father stood through himself in front of his daughter to save his life and as a result of that he spent over a year in a hospital and five years because before he could stand up and yet he never stopped sharing the gospel and I'll tell you this is a ministry worth investing in and pastor Greg the Lord just told me I need to become a monthly partner of your ministry and I commit before you today I will become a monthly partner we'll talk after the program but I encourage each and every one of you listening support this ministry this is a godly ministry this is the man of God that is touching a whole country that is touching generations to God be all the glory to God be all the glory to God be all the glory thank you pastor Raphael and and I want to just say how much your prayers meant and have meant to my healing process I know you pray for me every day and my wife I know you do I know you do brother yes I know you do and I feel those prayers and my wife will never ever forget your phone calls and prayers while I was in the hospital while I was battling literally you know in a way for my life even though I knew and and we believe that God was going to restore me and and is doing that is is restoring me fully but even still those prayers meant so much so I thank you I thank you so much for that we are gonna take a quick break again folks please consider finding a cup of coffee would you just one cup of coffee will make a big difference three bucks five bucks forward slash pastor Greg forward slash pastor Greg or at the cash app dollar sign pastor Greg CGR dollar sign pastor Greg CGR same thing at venmo at pastor Greg CGR back after this 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drop a green fuel tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings hi this is pastor Greg and you're listening to chosen generation radio get more at that's chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass at the end of the day when I stand before my God I do not want him to ask me what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem how did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check how did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message did you call evil good and good evil did you forsake my love for that of another lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men seeking their own comfort and reviling me no at the end of the day I want him to simply say the evidence is in well done thou good and faithful servant I love my God and I love his creation and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world that no matter the evil in the world I will never give up and in spite of the hate I will love in truth God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest.
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