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THU HR 1 092222

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
September 23, 2022 12:38 am

THU HR 1 092222

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Todd Starnes Show
Todd Starnes

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Find out more at slash Auto Navigator. The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries, and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. Changed our life to the center in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media, telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabassively cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world. A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom.

Who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you? You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left, with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this 22nd day of September 2022. Now tonight we have courageous Craig on the board. Good evening everybody. And we got him out of the boiler room and right live here in the studio.

Be blessed, no stress. There you go. That's radical Randy. And you know it's just, you know, boy I'm gonna tell you.

Leaping lollipops, right? It's little Lisa. Good evening everyone. All right she's been waiting all day to say that, right? Okay we have a lot to get done tonight.

A lot. Okay now every now and then I feel a real need to have the audience go out there all and join us in prayer. There's a lot of, a lot of, you can feel sometimes the presence of evil out there. I mean you can just feel it and it's always been, I've always been right. Every single time when I've had that feeling it's turned out that yes there we were gonna come under attack by some dark forces and the dark sinister forces.

They're always out there. A lot of people don't realize that there's continuously spiritual warfare going on around us. People often can't see it and they're often oblivious to it but God will often open our eyes and those of us that that have discernment and he'll show us what's happening.

And so in other times you can just feel it. You know it's just and so I'm gonna go to our audience tonight and ask Lord that they would all join us. The Bible tells you there's much much power in prayer. There's much power in prayer and if you get a people, a nation praying, if this nation was to do what God says we would not have any of the problems we're having today.

But it doesn't because of some belief, because of unbelief. So for those of you out there that do believe, would you join with us tonight as we we open this program in prayer. Heavenly Father, Lord God, I just want to again hold up this radio program tonight Lord and let and ask you Father God to host this radio program. Let your truth, your whole truth, nothing but your truth. Let the message Lord that you would have to reach the hearts and the minds of all those people out there listening to us tonight in times such as this. We know that they were right on the cusp where we're right there at the start of that time where we know it's called the evil day or the time of sorrows where everything is falling exactly in place that be your word for those of us that understand that that are following that we're seeing these things now we can also feel Lord in this in this evil day that we're in and we we have the wickedness you've told us in your words that when the righteous are an authority to people rejoice but when the wicked are an authority today the wicked Lord there there there everywhere out there the wicked we're surrounded by the wicked those that are unbelief in so many liars out there and it's it's so prevalent today the wickedness is well it's so wide and deep so Lord God again tonight as we do this radio program Lord let the information that you would have reached the hearts and the minds of the people out there and tonight and Lord we would ask to that come against those that are going with that and every night they try to somebody tries to take us down but come against the jitters come against us the screeching and the all of the other things that they try to use to take us down tonight and these things we ask in the name of the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus amen amen all right now so we're gonna start tonight where we left off and the title of the message was who is right and who is left and we're gonna start in Psalm 94 in verse 1 it says Oh Lord to whom vengeance belongeth Oh God to whom vengeance belong show thyself now it's an interesting thing how often Randy have you heard preachers preach on the righteous vengeance of God all my life all from you've heard of preaching on that oh you mean on no not on it no about it but not on the topic right okay so that's right because I very rarely have heard now in fact to tell you this there's only a handful that I know of that I've ever preached on that I'm gonna be preaching out again I preached out in the past and I'll be Lord's willing and I'll be preaching on that topic this Sunday you know there's an old saying from the pulpit we need to scare the hell out of them and scare them into heaven you know yes and so he goes to say lift up thyself thou judge of the earth render a reward to the proud Lord how long shall the wicked how long shall the wicked triumph how long shall they utter and speak hard things and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves now does that apply to today in America absolutely yes absolutely a proud rule okay do we see the most wicked the wickedness out there today you've got well that wicked woman from Georgia Abrams she comes out now and she's saying that the babies up until six weeks don't have a heartbeat again that's a lie no it is a lie according to God's Word right here that she would she is an unclean woman that what is her name Abrams what's the first name I can't remember I can't remember first name either but I haven't seen but here these feminists and it's not just her that squat according to God's Word the Bible those women are unclean women now the idea is like well we don't feel that way today you know we don't really believe in all that old Bible stuff so if we don't feel that way if we'd refused to acknowledge that then then God's just gonna have to get with a program right but the other thing that the Bible says is there without natural affection who doesn't love a baby I mean seriously who doesn't love a baby Abrams all right Hillary yeah nasty Pelosi yeah yes Chuckie Schumer hmm Joe Obama Biden they hate babies yeah there's not enough innocent blood flow into the veins of these children quench the thirst of these these are wicked people now God's Word says they're wicked people this is what you're trying to get the point across that when when we're preaching this we're our opinions don't matter okay because we're not going to judge these people although we do and even though the Bible says we should judge everything but the judgment that counts comes from on high doesn't it that's right now is he already stated is it already been literally spelled out for us the definitions of wickedness yes it is and that doesn't this wickedness does that not apply to people okay that embrace abortion sodomy this transgender bestiality they do pedophilia all the things that these people embrace now God's Word the Bible says that they're wicked people okay and he goes on to say they break in pieces thy people Lord and afflict thine heritage now he's referring to the heritage when you afflict he's talking about God's children huh yes yes now they slay the widow and the stranger and murder the fatherless no who are the fatherless babies unborn baby unborn baby that's right yet they say the Lord and this is Stacey Abrahams okay the Lord shall not see neither shall the God of Jacob regarded this is that wicked woman out there in New York that's going against trying to prosecute President Trump this is Chuckie Schumer with his wickedness there in New York okay you know these people know there aren't some preachers to say well you should preach against sin but you shouldn't call him out is that what the Bible says no no no did Jesus call him out he sure did did the Apostle Paul call him out he did did John the Baptist call him out yes he does okay so we're to call these if you don't call them out are they going to know to repent to repent no okay and so here it says understand you brutish among the people and you fools when will you be wise now I don't think that these people are gonna make it okay either planted the ear shall he not hear he did form the eyes shall he not see see that's the whole point of these people say look we don't acknowledge God so if we don't acknowledge God he doesn't exist that day right so he doesn't exist but there's a problem with that because in each one of them God has put a conscience and way back in the back of their minds and that conscience haunts them doesn't it yes because they think what if there is a God what if I have to okay what if I have to stand before him right that's right okay and so you have you have that he goes on to say he that chastises the heathen shall not he correct he that teaches man knowledge shall he not know well that well that answers that question right I mean they're thinking that well certainly God doesn't see us we don't see him he doesn't see us but God does see him and so he said the Lord knoweth the thoughts of man that they are vanity blessed is the man whom thou chastises Oh Lord and teaches him out of thy law that thou may has give him rest from the days of adversity until the pit be digged for the wicked for the wicked again let's let's try to give a definition so these people understand you know right now let me ask this would it be a sin to vote for Joe Obama by yes okay it would be God's word the Bible makes it very clear there in Proverbs 24 and then in Proverbs 17 15 it would be an absolute sin to vote for these people right yeah yeah absolutely yeah and so not only not only do they sin but they flaunt it they'll put a sign out in their yard showing everybody that they're saying against God in country huh yes that's right okay so now if if they say well I don't feel that or I can separate my politics from my faith does that work that's impossible no it doesn't work does it that's right okay so now he goes on to say that thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity until the pit be digged for the wicked for the Lord will not cast off his people neither will he forsake his inheritance but judgment shall return unto righteousness and all the upright and heart shall follow it who will rise up for me against the evil doers or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity who's he speaking to he's done good to us the congregation was he also speaking to the pulpit yes yes yes are not the pulpits supposed to lead yes they are so the message he's given out here directly to the pulpit okay and the pastors is supposed to lead their people aren't they yes they are okay so the question is who will rise up for me against the evil doers or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity now what's the difference between a shepherd and a hireling a hireling is not gonna give his life for the sheep he's not at all he's good he's in it for the money and and when it gets real and shall we say when the going gets tough then he gets going okay so with a hireling actually give in and conform to all of the rules of a wicked government in other words your wicked government says no you shut your doors then we shut our doors are they going to take Romans 13 and totally spin and pervert that passage to say that no matter how corrupt and how wicked the government is instead of standing up for righteousness instead of standing up who will rise up for me against the evil doers or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity will they instead of standing up against the evil doers will they say well God's word the Bible says we have to bow down and give in to the evil doers that's what a hireling would do he'll find a way right mm-hmm unless the Lord had been my help my soul had almost dwell in silence when I said my foots lip of thy mercy O Lord has held me up in the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul listen to this shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee which frameth mischief by the law okay now look I think about that no frame of mischief by law well you would would you say that that court of 1973 that declared God dead declared themselves to be God okay when that decision came down and when they say that there were emanations of a penumbra found in the Constitution that said a woman has the right to kill her child okay that was a lie told by liars was it not that was exactly right did that not come right from the pit of hell yes it did should not the past just have the courage to preach that they should preach the truth okay now if they don't have the courage if they don't stand do they are they not failing God they're failing God okay now does not the Bible teach very clearly that God has expectations of us and we have obligations to him yes we do and so therefore when they failed okay to stand up and fail to preach the gospel and fail to lead their people did they not fail God they failed God yes they did okay so here he says again shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee which frame is mischief by law they gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous and condemn the innocent blood is that not exactly what Obama Biden and the entire Democratic Communist Collective Party is doing right now that is exactly are they not going after the Patriots are they not going after the true Americans and is there not a hatred of growing hatred for Christ and his Christians yes yes okay but the Lord is my defense and my God is the rock of my refuge and he shall bring upon them their own iniquity and shall cut them off in their own wickedness yes the Lord shall cut them off so that we're seeing here with this as it applied for five thousand years ago it applies just as much today doesn't it yes it does and today we we really see we see what we just read today you know as clear as possible and so I wanted to go now over to Micah 3 and Micah chapters Micah chapter 3 now everybody knows I can read well let's give let them see that you can read read verse 1 through 5 1 through 5 yep and I said here I pray you Oh heads of Jacob and you princess of the house of Israel is it not for you to know judgment who hate the good and love the evil who who pluck off their skin from off them and their flesh from off their bones who also eat the flesh of my people and flay their skin from off them and they break their bones and chop them in pieces as for the pot as flesh within the children to five okay then then shall they cry unto the Lord but he will not hear them he will even hide his face from them as at that time as they behave themselves ill in their doings thus sayeth the Lord concerning the prophets that make my people air that bite with their teeth and cry peace he that put of not into their mouths there they even prepare war against him all right I'm gonna read the next three verses therefore night shall be unto you that you shall not have a vision and it shall be dark unto you that you shall not divine and the Sun shall go down over the prophets and the day shall be dark over them then shall the seers be ashamed and the diviners confounded yes they shall all cover their lips for there is no answer of God but truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord and the judgment and of the might to declare unto Jacob his transgressions and to Israel his sins now if we go back and if you go back to verse two read verse two again okay who hate the good and love the evil who pluck off their skin from off them and their flesh from off their bones okay now you say well surely that doesn't have an application today when he's talking he's not so much talking literally there but he's talking in a figurative way and who do you think he's speaking to he's speaking to a specific group of people to the rulers he's speaking to both the spiritual and the political leaders isn't he speaking to legislators okay what he uses the word princess that always refers to legislators okay yeah and so here now but how would that apply today in the literal today well I mean literally they harvest the the the you know the the children developing children and and I'm sure they probably and they kidnap people for body parts too they literally do that right there Oregon Harvey Harvey they're doing that this were last night you know 500 we just were talking about it 550 children ended up missing there from yeah one so called children's services okay or areas so and of course we were over the years reporter all the word of all these children gone well they're saying well you know we think maybe they ran away no they didn't run away okay they were taken away okay yeah that's happening it's it's wickedness is evil okay the Democratic Communist Party are up to their eyeballs in pedophilia and child sacrifice that's the reality and more and more of it will come out now here come on China gave five hundred and twenty eight million dollars to Planned Parenthood and and that's for the for the tissue heart for the DNA no there's something very specific about that because yeah they wanted to use that knowing where did that come from and they use it to create biological weapons right you know but but these are in extremely wicked people like in the University of Pittsburgh where you know you will have women will will carry a baby to full term because of the amount of money because they're giving a huge huge amounts of money for a full nine-month-old baby they might get ten grand for one okay and they're what these are wicked women okay yes these are modern day wicked whorish women who are are cruel and evil just like you know when Solomon had to deal but he had the two women right they came before him there the two whores and one of them had killed her baby and when he was trying to decide which one of them was the true mother the one who went wicked she would be what you would call a Democrat of that day sure she said cut the baby in half divided that way yeah that's the wickedness the mindset of these people out here today no but that's the reality isn't it yes it is now here he says who also eat the flesh of my people and literally use tissues of babies for for food putting in food well come on you get people like the actor Tom Cruise they eat the placenta and all of that stuff okay so here it goes on break their bones and chop them in pieces as for the pot and his flesh with a cauldron then shall they cry unto the Lord but he will not hear them he will even hide his face from limit at the time as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings let's say at the Lord concerning our the prophets that make my people error see the whole idea he's telling them the people were these these leaders were supposed to be leading the people guiding the people meeting the been serving the people and instead they were they were doing they were enslaving the people and just as we just read that's right in his face from them at a time as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings thus saith the Lord concerning the prophets that make my people air that bite their with their teeth and cry peace he did put not into their mouths that they even prepare war against him therefore night shall be unto you you shall have not have a vision and it shall be a dark unto you and you should not divine and the Sun shall go down over the prophets and then that day shall be dark over them so here Micah the Prophet Micah remained true to his callings and he proclaimed God's work here in total total absolute contrast to these false prophets whose messages were geared to their favors huh then he says this then shall the seers be ashamed and the diviners be confounded who are the seers and the dividers the actually the the fortune tellers the people who were kind of planning all this out and in our society it's like the the political leaders in that really it's like saying the back the vaccine won't hurt those kinds of people you would apply also to the schemers huh yes yeah okay but truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord and the judgment and of might to declare unto Jacob his transgressions and to Israel and sin and to America is sin we'll be back right after this don't go away more to come the song you are about to hear is true though some of the events described have not occurred in the life of the author they have occurred in the lives of thousands of other revenue oppressed Americans the author disclaims any responsibility or liability for any loss incurred as a consequence of the use and the application of any of the following information which is not provided for the purpose of renting any legal advice or professional service in other words this song is totally frivolous and without merit not last April right around tax time along with my 1044 sent the IRS a message to tell them they was wrong and I told them I was sick and tired of playing their cheating game and that's why all my honest hard-earned wages to them they never had no claim because I never worked in Puerto Rico nor lived in Washington DC I wasn't under their jurisdiction and there was nothing they could do to me since I've never ever been an employee of the federal government I ain't liable for the subject to know I've never owed you one red cent but let me tell you it's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong they'll trample down your eyes as they break inside your home they'll terrorize your sweet bride as they put the hard lean on this is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong now it didn't take a very long before they garnished all my hard-earned pay then they repossessed my pickup truck and had it towed away and then they up and seized my bank account says they auctioned off a family farm and to keep me from proving my innocence well the shackled me and I now let me tell you it's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong they'll trample down your eyes as they break inside your home they'll terrorize your sweet bride as they put the hard lean on this is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong now the truth about the IRS code is that it's fraudulently misapplied because the legal definition of taxpayer is exclusively derived so all you agents of the evil IRS are in reality a bunch of thieves who are working for the foreign bankers to bring America to her knees so listen up you international bank stirs and all you traitorous congressman and all you lowdown lion even cheating lawyers better leave the country while you can when people find out the truth about how the income tax is based on fraud they're gonna rise up all across this nation they're gonna route you vipers out my god to use the famous words of Andy Jackson we're gonna route you vipers out my god and then it's gonna be dangerous because we're right and the government is wrong we'll trample down their eyes as we break inside their home we'll terrorize the sweet prize as we put the hard lean on this was dangerous because we're right and the government is wrong this was dangerous and the government explicit reservation of all rights without prejudice per UCC 1-2 oh 7 right my old buddy Carl claim now folks gotta tell you this okay we've been waiting and waiting and waiting for our 2,000 mules and they kept saying well you know we're working on it we'll get them to you we're having a problem now finally we find out guess what here's the problem there's an injunction that's right there's a court order that they can ship the 2,000 mules now I'm pretty sure that we've already paid for them now but folks listen up listen up do you understand if there's an injunction if there's a court order against shipping those 2,000 mules that is telling us how effective they've been how effective they have been now we have been able to get to and run around the line liberal media and you know and have you noticed that none of them would even take a look at this and none have you noticed that not one of those talking heads out there would come on this radio program and set across from me they wouldn't they wouldn't do it or I have me come on their program because that 2,000 mules have got all the times all the dates all the facts it's all right there all the documentation is right there in front of them so red bear you know when you say where's where's the evidence where's the proof it's right there and you know it bread bear and you know it's Susan Smith you know Neil Cabuto you know these were Fox News people that that well as far as I'm concerned they they betrayed us they turned on us and folks you have to understand Randy's gonna be reading an article here in just a minute and when he does that there's some things that are happening this is one of the reasons we started out with prayer today as we get closer to the Lord's return deeper and deeper into the great apostasy things and the Antichrist movement is going to become stronger and stronger and you really need to be prepared and you got to be understand that you know you can trust God but you know there's gonna be a lot of those people we've told you time and time again that mark the ones that have Joe Biden signs in the yard out there for election those people have betrayed you they've openly said now here's the other thing the fake news media they keep telling you that Joe Biden's popularity is increasing they're telling you that he's up now to 45% and it's going up and people are becoming more and more satisfied with him that is a lie told by professional contracted liars okay they're literally contracted to lie no his popularity is not going up around the country it may be going up with within the collective the Communist Party because they want to reduce America to third world status now here I'm going to give you five reasons the corrupt FBI will lose in court after a raid in Merrill Hargo and stealing president Trump's documents that implicate their own crimes that's an article by Joe Hoff now I hope that Joe is right I mean he should be right on that okay they would lose if they got into a legitimate court if we could get this I believe in to that court DC that calls itself supreme if we could get that case there we would win we would never win in the Justice Department because the Justice Department today they want to do everything they can they're trying to hide their own crimes I mean really trying to hide their own crimes folks believe me it's got nothing to do with justice it's as far from justice as possible and here Merrick Garland okay again I've said it before and I've said it time and time again would be very hard-pressed to find someone as corrupt that has violated the law the Constitution as often as he has he would find someone that corrupt very difficult to find one that corrupt to prosecute so let me read this very quickly there Andy we've been telling folks about what's coming this way probably in December according to Joe Obama's executive order I don't think he could do it with an executive order but then again remember they don't they don't go by the Constitution they totally ignore the Constitution exactly right okay the FBI raided the home of president of the United States this is the same president whom the FBI attempted to prevent from winning the 2016 election and then attempted to remove from his office entire presidency but the FBI leaders from the corrupt Obama Biden regime hired a Russian and used his made-up information as the basis to attempt to remove the legitimate president of this United States of America on August 9th the FBI the very very corrupt I mean extremely you had the dirty 30 what they call the dirty 30 corrupt FBI agents these guys well actually we talked about that the five categories of whores and they fall into that category of dirty cops don't they no yes here they they raided the president's home and they stole president documents stored their mayor Largo that that corrupt FBI claimed they had no reason to do that they had a reason to do so and that was lawful and that they had the rights to take these documents many believe that the documents provided ample evidence of the FBI's crimes and this is why the president took them with him and why the corrupt FBI took them from the president now the corrupt an anti-american anti law and order FBI is trying to justify their criminal actions but they cannot their actions are criminal and they need to be brought to justice attempting a coup is a very serious crime with very serious penalties the Trump team brought the FBI to court to get to the bottom of the FBI's action the Trump team has the law on its side the FBI does not this is why the FBI commits crimes attorney Michael Davis who worked with the Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch shares that the president has the right to disclassify any documents he wants and and I heard Trump's aid I those were all ID I declassified all of them looking also Davis notes that the president has the right to take whatever documents he wishes and to claim they are his that's of course that it's his right to do okay now this is the president's right by the way they found Obama with all kinds of documents classified still mark classified kept in a warehouse someplace that they came out of the news today this is the president's right and the FBI cannot override the president's decision this was decided in the case involving the Clintons president Trump has declassified all of these documents Davis calls the FBI actions unprecedented unnecessary and unlawful he also points out that the judge to sign off on the raid is biased he recused himself from another Trump case he also involved with Jeffrey Epstein Davis also notes that the raid was intrusive because President Trump was working with the very corrupt FBI Randy you've got an article there now this is what this is what mine is trying to do virtually that's correct so go ahead and let them have this is the executive order actually the actual date of the executive order was March 14th 2022 and basically what it says here is that executive order 1 4 0 6 7 update will paper currency really end in the United States on December 13th 2022 and be replaced by government-controlled cryptocurrency it calls for the creation of a central bank digital currency and it's a CBDC which is in the case the United States would be administered by the Federal Reserve the conspiracy theory is that once the currencies are implemented the government can instantly shut off money access to anyone who's not being obedient but there's a gentleman by the name of Jim Rickards is a lawyer and author and now he's predicting he predicted the to 2008 recession now he's predicted C day letter C day several alternative news sites are covering it C they will take place on December 13th 2022 US paper dollars will become completely worthless and you'll only be able to use Biden books the new cryptocurrency and what he's saying is is that is that the United States is unlikely to fully implement digital currency and eliminate all the currency on December 13th because the end game is a socialist credit system and the government play had planned fully to implement this by 2020 but it didn't happen in various for various reasons Randy didn't China has been working on that for 10 years yeah the article here talks about the fact that but even with 80% of the population in favor of it in China they still haven't been able to fully implement it so what they're saying here is that there's no way the United States can implement a social credit system or even an infrastructure on a widely accepted government cryptocurrency payment by December 13th it's what they're saying there the article further goes on to say that at some point before the year 2030 paper fiat currency will be eliminated and every American will be forced to use Federal Reserve on cryptocurrencies and that's a and and and I think that that's really the gist of the article that until we have a credit system like China then we're not going to have that they pointed out though that this is not unprecedented that Kennedy did did something similar to this with bill one one one one zero when he did it with two and five dollar bills this was in 1963 just before he got assassinated and needless to say this believe that the bankers assassinated him because he had debt-free currency Americans also aren't going to let that happen just as the Chinese did it says the for CBD check changes are coming probably within the next one to three years but it's not going to happen on this December well there was a whole different thing we candidate it wasn't even you know close to that now first of all we can only try to do is put us back on the gold standard all right yeah and and so the other thing to the Kennedy did was he wanted to eliminate the CIA he said they've gone wrong rogue and that they had too much power and basically they turned into their own little government okay so that's another thing that he did well the other thing is that the currency was debt-free in it it said a United States no not a Federal Reserve note and that was the other prop that I think that was one of the main reasons that the bankers decided that they weren't going to have any more Kennedy now with what with what Joe Obama wants to do this social credit what it does it they go into your entire history everything about you okay before you then that determines what you what you can have okay in other words anyone who let's just say so when it would vote for President Trump that you would be considered oh you lose social credits and you could probably yeah it would determine where you can work where you can go on vacation how much you can make where your kids go to school it did the social credits are based it would you'd be based on everything and the idea behind it obviously in our in our system would be that if you were a good person then you had have access to your money if you're in a bad person then you have less access and they would do it in degrees is what they would so what they're doing in China right now they've gone in and they've taken the people's currency they've taken it away and and those that stood against many and went to jail for winning their own money now I want to go back to where I was at on the 2,000 mules folks what we're going to do it doers of the word because of this look because of what they're there this injunction they have in the 2,000 of mules and trying to keep it from being shipped we're going to show that 2,000 of mules every Sunday between now and the election we're going to show that in the afternoon about four o'clock we want an invite to people out to watch it now remember there's going to be another election two years from November should the Lord Terry and should we actually have actually have an election come November because the opposition the death of credit communist deep state wants to stop it they know there's no way in the world they can survive a fair and honest election they can do it okay and they and they they don't even like to attempt anything that's fair and honest that they are corrupted to the core from top to bottom they are totally corrupt now what we have to do is this for those folks out there at some point that injunction should be lifted and we'll get those 2,000 mules and when we do get them we'll ship them out to you as quickly as we can hopefully this will be settled before November hopefully it'll be settled right away and we can get this to you folks out there believe me it's had one huge effect it's had one huge effect remember they were hoping to get to sell two million of them to make it they've sold now I believe it's about 24 million like 24 yeah like about 24 million and I think about this if if just two people watched every one of those that's 48 million people that have seen it okay they know the truth that's 48 million people that know the truth and I know we've showed it to a number of people and we want to continue to do that and I'm asking all of you out there listen this is a very important there's no time for you to slack off right now Ronald Reagan said it instead of people are going to wonder why those that had the most to lose did so little to to keep what we have so I'm asking all of you we've shipped out over 300 of those things and I'm asking all of you folks out there that have that to show it to show it as often as you can between now and then remember NBC ABC CBS all they really feel you're stupid they're telling you as things continue to get worse and worse as more and more people become unemployed as grocery food prices milk prices keep going up as as things get harder and harder as more people are being are losing their homes and we're getting calls from people all the time that have been evicted as things continue to get worse they're trying to tell you that you're telling them that you like it that way that the worst things get the better you like it folks and that's what they're telling you the fake news media with these fake polls that they're telling you how job on was popularity is growing so with that go ahead leap and lollipops Lisa you got one okay let me hear let me see already I'll tell you what we'll do okay let me see do this one do that one there okay yeah well here's another one about the FBI by Jim Hoff it's hiding Epstein's records again and he says your humble author Jim Hoff says as promised is involved in litigation to extract records from the federal government it's easy to talk about current events the more difficult part is suing federal agencies for documentation of the wrongdoing this involves initiating FOIA requests which are rarely answered quickly or completely out of our 75 plus requests from this past year only one was answered quickly and fully that's a small miracle that was where we obtained CDC emails disclosing how they changed the definition of vaccine because of the efficacy problems with the Pfizer Moderna mRNA vaccines then there are the records we must fight for one development we can divulge is our effort to obtain the FBI's records on Jeffrey Epstein we made a simple request hand over all FBI interviews with Epstein we know these records are out there and we were the first report that he had been a source for the FBI and but we're not convinced that was the only time he spoke with the FBI how the FBI respond not by denying the existence of any records instead the FBI is hiding behind for his law enforcement exemption stating that the production of the Epstein records would interfere with ongoing law enforcement investigations which it does not very good and I want to say look it's it's not the entire FBI that's gone bad there it's the upper echelon in the FBI you know you're you're hearing for so many of the FBI agents saying you know we didn't sign up for this we did not sign up for this this is not what you know what we are here for and but it's the leadership that has gone so corrupt and I feel bad for the regular agents that have to pay the price okay now proof of a cover-up Israel knew about very very serious safety problems with COVID jabs while pushing them on people with and hiding the harm we this you know we did this two years ago we talked about this two years ago remember in March in March 9th of 2019 2019 what do we do we said we told you that these things were not vaccines they were not vaccines they were bioweapons okay here here's little Lisa okay little Lisa's wedding around she lost she lost her articles okay now but here and we told people near COVID back this is an article here by Ethan huff COVID vaccines were unleashed under operation warp speed and widely distributed for a full year before the Israeli government decided to look at any of the safety data according to shocking new revelations this is not new we knew this we were telling people that okay now dr. Sharon all Roy prees head of public services at Israel's Health Ministry upon learning that the shots were deadly a full year in set on the information until now as millions upon millions of people rolled up their sleeves for injection all Roy prees is a part of a cohort that deliberately withheld the truth about Fauci flu shots from the public and and all the while lying to the public about how safe and effective they supposedly are he goes on to say I think I'm going to say if I can get my articles apart okay now we are not taking talking about mild side effects upon injection site swelling by the way serious long-term health problems were identified very early in the conjunction with the jabs including with neurological damage with no apparent in see this is one of the biggest cover-ups in this country right now that's right it's a huge huge cover up people are dropping dead at a huge rate and funerals you know are up I mean every day you go out there there's funerals everywhere you look but the but are we hearing any of this at NBC ABC CBS of course not because they contracted to cover it up the side effects were also established in a follow-up research as being casual meaning Israeli authorities knew the shots were responsible for them and then yet they pushed him anyway because quite frankly there was as still as a whole lot of money to be made from the operation this is something no one else had been able to establish before wrote Steve Kirsch in an in-depth assessment of what had been uncovered it is definitely worth the read they don't know how serious the harm is because the only they only looked at the data for the top five categories cardiovascular so that they only looked at a fraction of the data says the side effects data came from the Israeli version of theirs vaccine adverse event reporting system it's difficult to say how to prevent these side effects how prevalent these side effects truly are but that it is beside the point the biggest point to be made is that here is the fact that Israel knew all along that the shots were exceptionally dangerous but rather than pull them off from them off the market or at very least notify the public as part of the informed consent process the Israeli government kept the truth in a secret while trying while lying to the world well isn't that exactly what they did right here in this country that's what they did worldwide they're still doing it aren't they yeah they are already they are it's it it's mandatory you know and and you were talking we're talking back about social credits I mean in in a way that's what you get here with that card the little card that they're giving people yeah that you have to carry that you can't go anywhere do much with you know because I'd love for in China like you can't go into Shanghai unless you have the little card and that that's what yeah you gotta keep facing them yeah you can't go into Shanghai in China yeah unless you have like the the what they call the QR and I the little card that you know the credits and that sort of thing but that's done here but that's what they want to do here too already we're coming up to a break and when we come back for the break we got a whole lot more to go yet I mean a whole lot of you so don't go away folks we're gonna find out the Biden amidst the pandemic is over but refuses to give up emergency powers be right back right thank you for listening to what's right what's left the voice of the Christian resistance to support this ministry head to WR that's WR mail your donations to what's right what's left ministries 14 781 Sperry Road Newberry Ohio 4 4 0 6 5 if you missed part of tonight's program you can check out the podcast at the word Cleveland calm the word Cleveland calm once again thank you for listening and supporting what's right what's left ministries the voice of the Christian resistance stay tuned the second hour is coming up next
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