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CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley
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August 14, 2017 10:05 am

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley

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August 14, 2017 10:05 am

Unequal justice under the law;

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Let's partner for all of it. Learn more at Good morning. Jane Pauley is off today.

I'm Steve Hartman, and this is Sunday Morning. The words are inscribed over the steps to the Supreme Court. Equal justice under law. But in the real world, does that translate into equal justice for all? Not to hear many a defense attorney tell it.

And tell it to our leak how and they do in our Sunday Morning cover story. It's been more than a half a century since the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutional right that anyone too poor to hire an attorney should still get one. They're called public defenders. And while it is very public, some say there's little actual defending going on. For the 80% of people who are poor, we don't have anything that comes anywhere close to being equal justice under law.

A constitutional promise broken later on Sunday Morning. Ray Romano is a comic actor with a show title to his credit that everybody loves but him. Tracy Smith will tell us all about it in our Sunday profile. And you are pathetic and you don't deserve to be with anyone. Yeah, it's easy for you to say.

What was that? They don't play dead. For nine seasons, everybody loved Raymond, but Raymond always hated the title. Now that you have some distance between the title and the present day.

I still don't like it. But now with a new series and a new movie, he may be more loved than ever. There he is. Ray Romano ahead this Sunday Morning. We have a Q&A this morning with Jeremy Renner, an actor with at least one surprising entry in his resume. John Blackstone is doing the honors.

Is doing the honors. Before the punches were thrown in a string of action movies. Jeremy Renner paid the bills in an unexpected way. You were a makeup artist. Yeah, yeah, it was a great job because he's a young man and putting makeup on girl. It was great, man.

What's wrong with that, right? The Oscar nominated Jeremy Renner later on Sunday Morning. Look up. That's what millions of us will be doing a week from tomorrow, including our Martha Teichner. Seeing a total eclipse of the sun seems to inspire rapture. It was the most awe-inspiring, I dare say spiritual experience I've ever had with one headed our way. This line is the center of the 73 mile wide solar eclipse. I had this Sunday Morning. You can have an eclipse anytime you want.

You don't have to wait. A very American eclipse. David Martin will be exploring America's options in the standoff with North Korea.

Mark Phillips has the tale of some English homeowners grasping at straws. I'll visit a couple who are playing their song in a race against time and more. Welcome to Play It, a new podcast network featuring radio and TV personalities talking business, sports, tech, entertainment and more.

Play it at Play.It. Does our criminal justice system truly guarantee justice for all? Not if you don't have the money to hire your own top-notch attorney it doesn't. Our Sunday Morning cover story is reported by Lee Cowan. I was looking over the brief. You're about to hear some pretty strong words from this law professor.

So strong they're almost hard to believe. But listen carefully. When we pledge allegiance to the flag and we say with liberty and justice for all, that's just not true.

I'm sorry. So is the notion of equal justice under the law really just a myth? Oh I think it is, yes. Unless something changes we're going to have to someday sandblast equal justice under law off the Supreme Court building because for the 80% of people who are poor we don't have anything that comes anywhere close to being equal justice under law. Shocking right? His name is Stephen Bright. He currently teaches law at Yale University.

But he spent much of his career at the Southern Center for Human Rights fighting to help those charged with a crime but can't afford an attorney to defend them in court. They're hot okay so you know you got to blow them like we do. People like Shauna Shackelford. Is it good? So what did this do to your life? Ruined it.

Yeah. Tore it apart. Back in 2009 her home outside her home outside Atlanta caught fire. She wasn't home at the time but she had taken out a small insurance policy on that rental house and that made investigators suspicious. I thought that it was just a misunderstanding like they're gonna figure this out and it's gonna be okay.

But it wasn't. Shauna found herself under arrest charged with arson. My grandma was like you might need to get an attorney and talk to somebody. Did you have money for an attorney?

No. So she applied for a public defender. A court-appointed lawyer tasked with making sure the sixth amendment is upheld. That's the part of our constitution that guarantees any of us the assistance of counsel.

The next case on the docket is the case the state of Florida. It's a right that's been tested in court. Most notably in a case brought in the 60s by a petty thief in Florida named Clarence Gideon. I request this court to appoint counsel. Unable to afford an attorney Gideon was convicted and sentenced without one. He appealed arguing his right to an attorney had been violated and the U.S. Supreme Court agreed.

But while the constitution may promise everyone legal counsel it says nothing about the quality of that legal counsel and that's something Shauna noticed right away. How long did you have to wait to hear from your public defender? Two weeks and his response was I got a bunch of cases like yours so I'll get to it when I get to it. When he finally did get to it instead of going over the details of her case Shauna says he simply told her to plead guilty and take 25 years behind bars.

He said well if you didn't do it then who did it and I said I don't know but I didn't burn it down and he was like well I mean looks like you did. He knew nothing about my case when he was talking to me he was mixing me up with some other case like he had no idea what was going on. Shauna's case is not unusual. Nearly every case roughly 90 percent in fact often end in a guilty plea largely because even if a poor defendant is innocent most can't afford bail or to wait in jail for trial which means losing their jobs their cars maybe even their homes in the process. Being arrested and spending four or five days in jail can be enough to ruin a person's life even if they're ultimately found not to be guilty of anything. But this is what we call the arraignment.

Take the city of Cordell, Georgia for example. There won't be any evidence presented. Watch how these defendants all plead guilty as a group. How do you plead? How do you plead? How do you plead? Bright calls it the meet him and plead him defense. You'll see a crowded courtroom and there'll be a lawyer there with his legal patent he'll be Miss Smith is Miss Smith raise your hand and they're trying to identify their own clients and this is getting ready to go before the judge in just a moment. Have a seat folks.

Keep it seated. We saw the same thing in a Miami courtroom where one public defender had to handle a crowd of clients all at once. I don't care who the person is I don't care how dedicated they are you cannot represent 500 criminal defendants at the same time and give those clients the representation that they're entitled to. Nowhere is the problem of indigent defense more acute than in Louisiana which has the highest incarceration rate not only in the country but in the world. Yeah hi this is Rhonda Covington at public defender's office. Take Rhonda Covington she is the sole public defender responsible for representing anyone too poor to afford a lawyer in her judicial district.

That case was dismissed. That district encompasses about a thousand square miles. Just ballpark figure how many people are you trying to defend every year? Probably uh five six hundred. Every year? Yeah. The professional standard according to the American Bar Association is about 150 felony cases a year and some think even that's too much.

Jimmy you still here? She has two paralegals and two contract attorneys who help with the load but they're only part-time. I really don't have time to go to the jail and check on it. That's not right.

No I'm sorry this was filed in the wrong file hang on a minute. It's mostly just her and her two cats named Liberty and Justice by the way. She even cleans the office herself. I can ask the judge to reduce his bond. Some people say well any defense will do and some people think well you know they shouldn't have representation because they've been arrested. My job is not to get people off when they've committed crimes. That's not what I do.

What I do is to ensure that their constitutional rights are protected. The bulk of the state funding for Louisiana's public defender offices comes from a pretty unpredictable source. It's traffic tickets which not on these country roads isn't exactly a windfall. Compared to the district attorney's office what's your budget like? His is five times six times more than mine. Out of that budget comes assistance and investigators and access to pay for things like DNA testing.

I've gone to crime scenes before with my my own camera taking photographs. Really? Yes. So each year it's always something a little less a little less a little less. Doing more with less is why she thinks she lost the case for this client. I believe you. I've always believed you.

56 year old James Waltman. I've decided to go ahead and file a second motion for new trial citing the the reason being that we had insufficient funds in order to investigate your case. Waltman admitted he assaulted his wife during an argument but the state also charged him with kidnapping and rape.

Sentence heavy crimes he insists he never committed. Covington believed with some investigation she could have at least lessened the charges but she didn't have the time or the money. I couldn't shut down my whole office for that one case.

You're being being innocent I had all the confidence in the world that uh I'd walk out but didn't have it. All across Louisiana public defenders in 33 of the state's 44 judicial districts now admit they're in the same boat Covington is in. They're simply too busy to ethically handle their caseloads. If you ain't got a paid lawyer you're gonna go through this.

Joseph Allen was arrested last year in Baton Rouge for a firearms violation as well as a marijuana charge. The court didn't even know he was in jail because his public defender didn't know he was in jail. Did it feel like anybody was on your side?

Not really no. Nobody there to sort of help you through the legal maze? Nobody to explain the charges?

No sir. I did all that on my own reading the law book. Now Allen and 12 others are suing Louisiana's governor and the public defender board in a class action lawsuit brought by the Southern Poverty Law Center. We're arguing that being appointed an attorney who doesn't know who you are doesn't investigate your case doesn't come to see you doesn't take your calls doesn't ask for a bond reduction doesn't investigate the evidence doesn't talk to any witnesses and doesn't do anything else to move your case file any motions that are particularized to you you don't have an attorney you have an attorney in name only. Lisa Graybill is the Southern Poverty Law Center's deputy legal director.

I don't believe in filing lawsuits unless you really have to right if there were a way to avoid filing it we would have but this injustice has gone on really for too long it's unacceptable. Back in Georgia Shauna Shackelford spent years researching her case by herself. Her public defender was too busy with other cases she says. In the process she lost two jobs and her home after all who wants to hire or rent to a suspected arsonist. Had it not been for Stephen Bright the only person who would seriously look into her case Shauna would probably be in jail.

His investigation which he did for free proved that the fire was the result of faulty wiring not arson. It took him just two weeks to get Shauna's case dismissed. Just two weeks worth of work. Two weeks that's all it took somebody to do a little research and try. All right come on let's get in. It still took Shauna Shackelford though three more years to get the charges off her record but now with the nightmare finally behind her she started a new.

She's opening her own business and focusing on being a mom to her two-year-old son J Ben. You did get justice but not the way it should have come or at the price. It was almost like having to give up my life for my freedom and that's what I had to choose in the end. I had to give up so many years in order to get to the point of freedom.

And now a page from our Sunday morning almanac August 13th 1930 87 years ago today. The day singer and musician Don Ho was born in Hawaii. Following service in the Air Force in the 1950s Ho started performing at his family's bar with no thought at first of becoming a big-name performer. Still his popularity grew around the islands and in 1966 he scored his mainland breakthrough with his big hit Tiny Bubbles.

From then on the name Don Ho was all but synonymous with Hawaii and he was a frequent presence on the nation's TV screens as in this guest appearance on the Brady Bunch. You have a little trouble with that aren't you? I sure am.

Can you play one? I think I remember. Thanks. You're a lot better than Bobby. Thanks again. Famous for his laid-back style Ho jokingly alluded to his popularity during a campaign pitch for Robert Kennedy during the 1968 presidential campaign.

Though that was never to be Don Ho was known as Hawaii's informal goodwill ambassador and long after his death in 2007 at the age of 76 that goodwill continues. Nothing tiny about it. Coming up weighing the options. Behind the fire and fury rhetoric there is one very hard fact captured in this picture of the Secretary of Defense visiting the ballistic missile submarine USS Kentucky. If the U.S. were to unleash its military power against North Korea it would result in Secretary Mattis's words in the end of its regime and the destruction of its people. Compare U.S. nuclear forces to Korean nuclear forces.

Well it's just no comparison whatsoever. Before he retired Admiral James Winnefeld was the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff the number two man in uniform during the Obama administration. He knows that one submarine like the Kentucky can by itself carry enough nuclear weapons to annihilate North Korea. Were Kim Jong-un for whatever reason to launch a nuclear weapon at the United States would he in essence be committing suicide? Absolutely.

I mean there's just no question that we would undertake a proportional response but in the case of a nuclear weapon that proportional response would be overwhelming and would probably mean the end of the Kim regime and he knows it. But people say this guy's different. Young, brash, unpredictable. Do you think the logic of overwhelming force really means much to him?

I think it does. The people I've spoken to in the intelligence community and elsewhere in my own judgment is that even though he's young and he's brash he's not irrational. He's not suicidal. But Kim knows one other thing. Even in defeat he could cause horrendous destruction to his enemies in South Korea.

As Defense Secretary Mattis made clear to John Dickerson of Face the Nation in his only television interview. A conflict in North Korea John would be probably the worst kind of fighting in most people's lifetimes. Kim would take tens perhaps hundreds of thousands of innocent people down with him.

The North Korean regime has hundreds of artillery cannons and rocket launchers within range of one of the most densely populated cities on earth which was the capital of South Korea. Kim like his father and grandfather before him has lived under what he believes to be the constant threat of an attack from the South. That fear, some would call it paranoia, is what is driving his quest for a nuclear weapon. He wants to have what we would view as a credible nuclear threat so we won't attack him which is sort of ludicrous because we don't have any intent to attack him in the first place. So this is his great equalizer against the great American superpower?

It's his insurance policy and his view. Although Kim has tested missiles with a range great enough to hit the United States and is credited with being able to produce a nuclear warhead small enough to go on top of those missiles, he is not yet insured. To have a reliable weapon his scientists still must develop a nose cone that can shield that warhead from the heat and vibration of entering the Earth's atmosphere. The Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency estimates that could happen as soon as next year. Eventually they're going to get there they constantly test their systems. So the day is coming?

It is. US military has been preparing for that day for the past 15 years spending 40 billion dollars on radars and interceptor missiles to shoot down an incoming North Korean warhead. Earlier this year the ballistic missile defense system shot down a mock North Korean ICBM launched from an atoll in the Pacific. No systems perfect to be sure but I've got a lot of faith in that system. No system is perfect but when you're dealing with nuclear weapons one getting through is an absolute catastrophe.

It is. But look at it from Kim's point of view. He could not be certain a nuclear armed missile would get through but he could be certain that if he tried it would be the end of his regime.

Well I think at the end of the day two essential facts stand out. The first is it's very unlikely that he will ever willingly give up his program but it's also very very unlikely that he will ever use it as long as we don't try to overthrow his regime. Can the US live with that?

It's up to the Commander-in-Chief who has said he will not allow North Korea to threaten America or its allies. Still to come actor Jeremy Renner. I always love the freedom that a motorcycle gives you. And later fade to black. Welcome to play it a new podcast network featuring radio and TV personalities talking business sports tech entertainment and more. Play it at What's the best way to go about disarming one of these things?

The way you don't die sir. It's Sunday morning on CBS and here again is Steve Hartman. That's Jeremy Renner as a bomb disposal expert in the Iraq war film The Hurt Locker.

His success was a long time in the making as he tells our John Blackstone in a round of questions and answers. In Jeremy Renner's new movie Wind River it's winter in the mountains of Wyoming and there's a body found in the snow. Sorry what is it what is it that you do again? Hunter. You're a lion hunter? I hunt predators.

Good so why don't you come hunt one for me then? Renner plays a man who has a lethal skill but is still vulnerable. It's my daughter Emily. She passed three years ago. I like that he's a father and the father dealing with loss. She's such a good girl.

Let me let her guard down. And that's something I haven't played. I know there was a lot of restraint in the character. There is little restraint and other characters Renner has played in three movie franchises. A spy in Mission Impossible. A secret agent in the Bourne Legacy. And he's now a fixture in the Avengers superhero movies wielding a bow and arrows as Hawkeye. Don't get me wrong I considered like I know the energy the time to do this but I'm like yeah these are awesome movies.

I'm an idiot not to say yes you know. In 2008 Renner played a more realistic hero. A military bomb disposal expert in Iraq in the Hurt Locker.

There's too many locks it's too many I can't do it I can't get it off I'm sorry okay you understand I'm sorry. The Hurt Locker was largely shot in Jordan in a hundred degree plus temperatures with Renner wearing a real bomb disposal suit. Couldn't they have given you something that didn't weigh a hundred pounds? Yeah they actually thought about it but then it walked differently in it. Everything about that movie was authentic as you can be you know it's just one of those experiences this wasn't a movie. It changed me a lot. When he was nominated for an Academy Award he made a phone call that can still touch his emotions. You call your mother? Yeah yeah yeah well I called her to to ask her to be my date.

That was a really cool thing. She said of course I'll be your date. Renner is the oldest of his mother's six children a family that lived modestly in Modesto California. I grew up with no money I'm used to having no money. Hollywood was not in his plans. So you're not thinking of going into acting when you're in high school? No no I knew how to go to college I should go. So his father suggested the local community college. Pick a class and go take it like okay go fail. I always had love and that go fail son empowered me to go succeed or try so I did I went on just tried stuff you know and one of them was an acting class. Once I tried that acting class it stuck. He left for Los Angeles determined to be noticed. I gave myself 11 years don't know why 11 years you know but you know 11 years I'll need be in a movie movie big enough that's gonna play in Modesto and be in a role they didn't have to tell my parents well you know I'm the guy on the red shirt in the background is one of being a like you'll see me that movie. That movie turned out to be National Lampoon's senior trip. Want to cut and go to a party?

Come on I know you like me. That was my first job ever. It's not a bad job for a first job. But after that promising start it would be almost seven years before Renner had his next major role. Took time, took time. His break came with Dahmer in 2002 playing serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. The next year he was cast as a rogue policeman in SWAT. For the first time he had a bit of money and found something to do with it. That's when I got the first house about the first house of my brother and so we pulled our money together barely and fixed it up and the rulers like oh I can sell us for this number. Like what?

Okay. It was the start of Jeremy Renner making his mark on Hollywood as a house flipper. And often you were sleeping in those unfinished houses. Always. That part sucked.

Yeah that part of it. Yeah during the hurt locker I was we're in a house in the lecture so you don't run the water. I was sleeping in a tent. My tuxedo was in that little tent. I had to step over some nails and get my tuxedo on and go on a limo to Starbucks, brush my teeth.

Like all right I'm ready. How many houses have you done now? This is the 27th. 27th. 27th that we built yeah. He drafted the plans for remodeling the home he lives in today with a swimming pool fit for a theme park.

This is not just a pool I mean this is an event. Well I wanted to be like a playground for all the kids in my family and then a playground for all the adults in my family. No one in his family is more important than his four-year-old daughter Ava. He shares custody with ex-wife model Sonny Pacheco.

I think right now my attention is to be a father. That's my best role to date. In a pool house he converted to a music studio. He writes and records his own songs. It was my first love you know music. May you play me something that you've recorded? I can I can play you something. I'm not sure what I want to reveal to you. No one hears this stuff. The song Garden of Stone is for Ava. That's why I don't release music you know.

It's such a personal thing. After Wind River he will be kept busy with more Avengers sequels. His acting career may have had a slow start but in Hollywood Jeremy Renner is now much in demand. What's gonna happen next? I have no idea. Yeah I'm excited to see. Decided to grow. Decided to see what's gonna happen. Now you see it? Soon you won't. Just ahead. Expect plenty of cries of look up a week from tomorrow.

Umbrofilia is sweeping the nation and our Martha Teichner is hardly immune. 45 million pairs of customized eclipse glasses. That's what American Paper Optics figures its factory outside Memphis has turned out. Right now we're producing over 500,000 eclipse glasses a day. Now do you understand how big this eclipse will be?

CEO John Jarrett. We think of it as the Super Bowl of the sky so it's so big because we're talking about 300 million people looking at the sky and they all need eye protection. Ready or not here it comes. Eight days from today for the first time in 99 years a solar eclipse will cross the entire continental United States. Its path of totality from Oregon to South Carolina approximately 70 miles wide. A partial eclipse visible elsewhere. What is a solar eclipse? It's when the moon passes between the earth and the Sun. The darkness is the moon's shadow. When the Sun is about halfway or three-quarters of the way covered if you have a shade tree around and you look at the sunlight filtering down through the leaves of the shade tree and look down on the ground you will see crescents on the ground because the leaves act like pinhole cameras. Retired NASA astrophysicist Fred Espenak is known as Mr. Eclipse. Just before totality the sky starts getting dark and you get one bright bead on the edge of the of the Sun's disc that's called the diamond ring effect and then the Sun's disc is completely covered and the corona is revealed in all its glory. Maybe you've seen those eclipse postage stamps. If you press on one your body heat makes the eclipse go away and the face of the moon appear.

They're Espenak's photos. He's witnessed 27 solar eclipses. Met his wife at one. So it should come as no surprise that he lives in the Arizona desert far from city lights in a development called Sky Village where residents all have their own observatories. Get a good view of Saturn in the Rings.

Wow I see the Rings. The name for an eclipse chaser like Espenak, umbraphile or lover of shadows. I have seen five total eclipses so my first was in Aruba in 1998.

Science writer David Barron is another self-proclaimed umbraphile. It was the most awe-inspiring I dare say spiritual experience I've ever had and I say this as a science journalist. Barron's new book American Eclipse recalls an earlier era's eclipse sensation. July 29th 1878 the path that the moon's shadow took went right across the Wild West from Montana Territory down to Texas and dozens of American astronomers headed out to the West to observe that eclipse. The most prominent scientist to come out that year was Thomas Edison. Edison had just invented the phonograph.

Even by today's standards he was a media star. So Edison's involvement in the eclipse definitely helped raise the profile of the eclipse overall and the very day after he returned from the eclipse he started work on a new project and that was the light bulb. The 1878 eclipse was critical to the prestige of a nation not yet taken seriously as a force in science and was one of those key events that really did lead the country not too much later by 1900 to be an equal with Europe in terms of science and then really to excel and exceed Europe. So what's this line? Well this line is the center of the 73 mile wide solar eclipse. As for prime eclipse viewing spots if the Wild West seemed exotic in 1878, Makanda, Illinois population 600 might qualify today. Why orange?

Well we had orange paint. According to Dave Dardis the path of totality runs right through the workshop where he is making and selling eclipse art. Happily expecting to cash in on his amazing good fortune that totality here will be longer than almost anywhere else on earth.

Two minutes and 40 seconds. And there are going to be hundreds of people wanting to stand on this line. I guess. And if they if they stand on the line here and they want to wear a funny hat or anything like that I'm gonna charge them money.

Ah and how can you manage that? Well I could tell what a funny hat looks like. It's the probability of not hundreds but thousands of people showing up in Makanda. Are you excited or are you terrified?

I'm more excited than terrified but a good portion of me is terrified. That has volunteer eclipse coordinator Joe McFarland a little panicky. Again look around you how many people could fit in this little tiny valley? This is it. This is it. So it's about withstanding the eclipse as opposed to just enjoying it. It is. Now a little further along the path of totality, Hopkinsville, Kentucky. The message here is bring it on. The economic impact of an anticipated 100,000 visitors 30 million dollars. In addition to a prime Hopkinsville location to view the shadow of the moon, Casey Jones Distillery is offering moonshine 100 proof corn liquor $40 a bottle.

We guarantee the lights out you can have an eclipse anytime you want you don't have to wait and I assure you if you have an eclipse with this it's gonna last a lot longer than two minutes and 40 seconds. Well you actually have gas burners. Arlen Casey Jones makes the stuff by hand in the same kind of still his grandfather the original Casey Jones used during Prohibition. Cheers. Cheers.

Lights out. It is potent. It is potent. A little moonshine might prepare you for what will be happening nearby in Kelly.

The eclipse will coincide with the annual Kelly little green men festival. The actual encounter took place over here in this little wooded area. Exactly 62 years to the day after Geraldine Sutton Stith's father and ten other friends and family members claimed to have had an alien encounter. They saw this little three three and a half foot tall beam coming out from the woods. And it looked like what? Huh, well nothing they've ever seen before.

It had a huge head, huge ears, big glowing eyes, its little arms almost touched the ground and it was floating on top of the ground. Given the spooky timing will they be back? In a way I would love it to happen because anybody would prove it and in another way I'm like oh my god you know just you can come but don't take me with you. Let no one say that the great American eclipse will not be memorable. Fred Espenak, Mr. Eclipse has this advice for anyone seeing a total eclipse for the first time.

The thing to keep in mind is not to get so carried away with cameras and stuff that you miss the event itself. Comparing natural phenomena on a scale of one to ten a partial eclipse might be a three or four and a total eclipse is a million. We just told you about the great eclipse but in my orbit this has been big news for almost a year now. My son George, the one who insisted on dressing as the solar system for Halloween, the one whose New Year's resolution was to quote get a shrewd idea of how the multiverse works. My nine-year-old has been prepping me for this for months and preparing me with handwritten space quiz questions like when did the Big Bang happen 13.5 13.6 13.7 or 13.8 billion years ago.

It's great to show your kids what you know but the real joy comes when they show you what a dummy you are. I got a 20% on his last quiz if you want to take it. We'll post George's space quiz to our Facebook page later this morning.

We are rolling. Coming up playing their song. To welcome us to Portland Oregon, 67 year old Steve Goodwin would like to play one of his songs for you. You have no idea how much he would like to play one of his songs for you. What key is it in? It made me almost hate the piano but then I realized it's not the piano's fault. You know how to do this. It's this thing that's going on in my brain.

How about I play something else? Three years ago Steve was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. He had to give up his job as a software designer but his wife Joni says the cruelest part is the toll it's taking on the music he composed. Losing the songs would be like losing him. Steve and Joni have been married 47 years and along the way Steve composed more than two dozen songs mostly for her. He played them daily and they became the soundtrack of their lives. Unfortunately he never wrote down most of them. So when his memory started failing and the songs started fading there was no way to get them back until a family friend a professional pianist offered to launch a rescue mission. I said if he can at least play through it even in pieces I can learn it. And so for the past two years Naomi Laviolette has been reconstructing his compositions note by note. No just on the one the downbeat the one downbeat yes.

We are rolling. And of course they're recording the songs never to be lost again. I realized there was a part of him that wasn't going to fade away. But this may be the best part. With Naomi's help Steve was able to write a new song.

Although he forgets entire conversations and can no longer add even single-digit numbers somehow his mind dreamed up this. Alzheimer's steals a lot but today we score one for the beauty left behind. Right on. Still to come. Why everybody loves rain.

And later drive top this. It's a thatched roof. Welcome to play it a new podcast network featuring radio and TV personalities talking business sports tech entertainment and more play it at play dot it. This one's not accurate enough.

Flip over. It's Sunday morning on CBS and here again is Steve Hartman. That's Ray Romano with the late Doris Roberts. Romano won a huge following with this TV series everybody loves Raymond. These days he's still charming audiences on stage and screen.

Tracy Smith has our Sunday profile. We saw you perform at the Comedy Cellar the other night. He saw a good one. Yeah to us it looked like you killed. That one was one of my best ones I've had there.

I got like I hope you have footage of it. Actor Ray Romano is still at home on the stand-up stage. We've been married for a long time. His act has always been about family especially Anna his wife of 30 years.

We were going to dinner she goes can I go to dinner in this is this okay for dinner and I looked at and I say yeah and she looks at me she goes I don't even know why I asked you. It's helped make him one of the biggest names in the business but at 59 Ray Romano still has other dreams to chase. In Get Shorty a new TV series based on the Elmore Leonard book. He's a small-time film producer making a big studio movie with money from some hardcore gangsters.

Which movies you make? Like everything else in the show which premieres tonight on Epics, Ray's character is over-the-top. Just look at the hair.

Okay I may look like a small fish in a big pond but I'm strictly legit. But oddly enough Romano sees a lot of his neurotic character in himself. So getting into a character who's like that is a little bit easy it's a little organic. I've always said even though I'm sick you know I appear as successful that insecurity that neuroses stays there it's just at a different level. My saying is before all this I thought my cab driver hated me and now I think my limo driver hates me.

It's just moved on to another level. Truth is Ray Romano's hang-ups have kept us laughing for years. You know how you feel the day before you get the flu?

Well this is the day before that. From 1996 to 2005 Everybody Loves Raymond ruled the prime time landscape. A real-ish TV family where people could see a bit of themselves. I'm a damn fine nurturer. Now get out of bed.

Romano who has four children of his own was a natural as the big-hearted dad. Still his success on the show didn't erase his own insecurity. I mean you joke about these neuroses.

Yeah. But you really are a happy content guy. Yes but there's still times where I struggle with things. Look my kids are all good people. My wife is a good person. I have a happy marriage. I have I can do what I want to do so I am grateful and happy for that but I'm no different than anybody else really I think in that sense. That's why everybody loves you.

I hate myself enough to balance it out. On the show Ray was an average Joe from Queens with a loving but often annoying family including his older brother a New York City cop named Robert. Will you wear the uniform everywhere now? I'm on a lunch break.

They make us wear these for work. Ray's real-life older brother Richard who actually was an NYPD officer helped show us around the Queen's neighborhood where the Romanos grew up. Yeah so this was the main school yard. First of all it was the softball center of Queens. So were you not you've cut school?

I was a horrible student. Yeah I drove my mother crazy because it's funny because now that I have kids I feel like every time I every now and then I go I have to apologize to my mother because what they're doing to me I did to her. When they weren't on the ball field the three Romano boys Richard, Ray and Robert would hang out down the street at Lillian Pizzeria. The old place is still here and 40 years later so are the owners Tony and Lillian. Ray says they make some of the best pizza in New York.

They definitely have the best music. Sure it's the star treatment but Lillian Pizzeria's favorite customer has been on kind of a roll lately. You've never talked to people about 9-11? No what's your stance?

In the movie the big sick Romano and Holly Hunter are worried parents getting to know their critically ill daughter's Pakistani boyfriend played by Kumail Nanjani. You ever play uh you can't rhyme it? How does that go? It's basically you know you try to find a word a real word that nobody can rhyme.

Stonehenge. So you would win. The film and Ray's performance are getting rave reviews but Romano is humble as ever maybe because of a note his big brother wrote him long ago before Ray left for Hollywood. My brother Richard he put a quote from the Bible about I'm not gonna get it right but it the essence of it was what is it profit a man who gains the world but loses his soul and I guess his it was his way of telling me good luck but just remember us and who you where you came from and let's bring that okay anyway yeah so that was that. But it meant something yeah yeah they're both my heroes you know because I one's a cop one's a teacher and I tell jokes about poop and I make so much more money than them.

My youngest son is 16 I don't know how to describe him. In the end it's family that helped make Ray Romano a big star and keeps him the modest guy everybody still seems to love. You know like my wife and I are in the kitchen and he just walks through having showered in four days. Do they give you a hard time about using them in your act?

No they don't the kids love it. My wife on occasion oh but whenever she complains about me using her as material I tell her to go cry in a bag of money. Look she gives me a lot of stuff she gives me a lot of material. The big sick came out one of the reviews was Romano is stunning and I read that to her and she said they must have spelled stupid wrong.

So I thank God I have her because it's half my act. Coming up feels awfully solid for something that's basically grass. The last straw grasping at straws is all the rage among a growing number of British homeowners as Mark Phillips now shows us.

When it comes to housing design it's got to be tight if it's not tight it won't hold the water out. It's hard to get more retro than this. Get mallet drive the spa in.

It feels awfully solid for something that's basically grass. Chris Dodson is a fourth generation thatcher and then a family firm going back about a hundred years business has never been better. If I were lucky enough to have a thatched cottage and needed your services when could I get you? For full refatches you're looking booking at least two years in advance.

Two years in advance. There's always been plenty of work for thatchers the roofs need periodic maintenance even replacing every 20 to 40 years. The top bit the ridge needs the most frequent work and is the most distinctive feature. Each thatcher's got their own signature. That's a thatcher signature.

You can tell just by looking at someone. Joe did that one. Tom did that one.

Pretty much. It is difficult to find a village or hamlet without a profusion of thatched roof cottages. Thatch was not originally used because it was a fashion statement. It was used because it was cheap. But thatch is making a comeback not just on three or four hundred year old so-called chocolate box cottages.

Now thatch has become cool. It's now a high-end market. It's gone from poor working class to high-end.

It is a mirror of what it was 50 or 60 years ago. This place is on the market for about a million and a half dollars. So if you're looking for a period property it's hard to get more period than one that's got grass on it.

I'd say so yeah. Once the thatch roof might have put buyers off all that maintenance and the fire risk but now there are modern fire resistant coatings to reduce the risk and Sophie Gannon the real estate agent says thatch is a selling point. Will you have some people coming to you and saying look what I want is a thatch cottage.

Yeah we do get people specifically coming and asking for that. We're into organic food, we're into organic fuels or we're now into organic rooms. Yeah I mean it's very trendy. Everyone wants to be environmentally friendly.

You just don't know what. Even it seems people building new ultra modern homes. Was there a pregnant moment of silence on the part of the builder when you said and the roof's gonna be thatch?

It was a excitement more than anything. It's a striking contrast of a new structure wearing a classy old hat designed by architect Alistair Godfrey. So is this a traditional roof in search of a modern house or a modern house in search of something different in the way of a roof? I think it's a modern house with a cozy covering if that's not to find a way of putting it. And whether it's a modern house or a 400 or so year old one coziness counts. And according to Christine and Brian Marshall who have lived for 40 years in the house where Chris Dodson is fixing the roof there's something else a thatch roof provides.

You get this feeling of comfort and you know it's peace. Which is something any architect would like to design in. Do you see this as a way of the past or as a way of the future?

I think it's a viable product to use in the future where people are looking for something different and long-lasting recyclable it's got a place definitely. You don't have to mow it. No. Let's be clear not every man who interrupts is a man-terrupter. Up next mansplaining explained. For all the talk about greater gender equality it's still a man's world or so says our Faith Salie. If you don't know what mansplaining is or man-terrupting or man-spread then you're probably a guy. Here's mansplaining when a dude explains something in a condescending manner usually to a woman who might even know more than he does. You are not an expert on this my brother because you are not a woman walking in the street. No no but I am more of an expert I'm more of an expert than you and I'll tell you why cuz I'm a guy and I know how we think.

More than you guys will ever know. Here's man-terrupting which speaks for itself or tries to. And man-spread?

That's this. And it's gotten so bad that cities like New York and Madrid have resorted to campaigns that actually ask men to stop behaving as if each of their knees needs its own seat and their genitalia deserve another. Man-spread, mansplaining, man-terrupting, all of it whether conscious or not diminishes women's voices minds and bodies. Now let's be clear not every man who interrupts is a man-terrupter and women explain women interrupt but I'm just gonna woman-numerate a few stats for you. Women on the Supreme Court get interrupted three times more than their male colleagues.

That's not just. You know have a good time folks. In the first 2016 presidential debate Hillary Clinton interrupted Donald Trump 11 times and Trump interrupted her 55 times. Donald she has a name.

Her name is Alicia Machado. But who's counting? Mansplaining may be a newish term but it's not a new phenomenon. But here's why these recently birthed words are a good thing because they name something and when you name something you raise consciousness. The conversation is now in the cultural table and it cannot be interrupted, explained away, or squished to the side. We're seeing this now with pop star Taylor Swift appearing in court to assert unapologetically and unequivocally that she was sexually assaulted. She's come a long way from this. I'm really happy for you. I'm gonna let you finish.

But Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. And if none of this resonates then I was the wrong messenger. Ask a man to explain what I mean. I'm Steve Hartman. Please join Jane Pauley here next Sunday morning. Hi, podcast peeps. It's me, Drew Barrymore.

Oh my goodness. I want to tell you about our new show. It's the Drew's News Podcast. And in each episode, me and a weekly guest are going to cover all the quirky, fun, inspiring, and informative stories that exist out in the world because, well, I need it.

And maybe you do too. From the newest interior design trend, Barbie Corps, to the right and wrong way to wash your armpits. Also, we're gonna get into things that you just kind of won't believe and we're not able to do in daytime television. So watch out. Listen to Drew's News wherever you get your podcasts. It's your good news on the go.
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