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Chuck Woods: Parents are Getting Tired of Their Kids Being Indoctrinated / Clare Lopez Discusses the Iranian Acquisition of Nuclear Weapons

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
September 14, 2022 1:28 pm

Chuck Woods: Parents are Getting Tired of Their Kids Being Indoctrinated / Clare Lopez Discusses the Iranian Acquisition of Nuclear Weapons

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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September 14, 2022 1:28 pm

Chuck Woods shares how parents are getting tired of their kids being indoctrinated and is doing something about it. Online school from home, that is faith based and directed at helping parents interact with their child's education.

Clare Lopez with Co Host Rick Manning discusses the Iranian acquisition of nuclear weapons with no resistance from this administration. In fact, this administration is helping facilitate the process. What are the risks? China and Russia play a role in these events.

Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
Grace To You
John MacArthur
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
Grace To You
John MacArthur

Music Playing We are all born sinners in that God in His grace and mercy sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and that if we will confess our sins, He is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I believe salvation is not just accomplished in a little prayer, but that it is found in how that transformation is lived out. Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives and we should follow biblical precepts. This is not legalism or works, but a life lived out in love and honor towards the One who died for my sins. Faith without works is dead and is no faith at all. I believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart and that God will ultimately bring us into perfect action through Jesus Christ, spirit man perfected and soulish man in progress. I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame when we fall, but we repent and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness that God will heal our land.

I believe that as a Christian I must occupy till He comes and that to call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts is a part of the mandated Christianity. That to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters, even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me. It means that I must risk scorn to stand for truth and that I can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life. That does not make me weak but strong, not silent but bold and not fearful but courageous. Therefore if you are my friend, while we may not fully agree, know that I share what I share because I care.

If you strongly disagree with these beliefs they are not debatable for me and you can if you choose unfriend me. I do not say this in anger but in love. I wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and that God, not man, gets to decide what is truth, life and the way.

God bless you. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits, and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses.

And very, very excited to have my next guest with me. We're going to get right into this because we've been talking about this and I talked about it yesterday afternoon on a program with Pastor David Lowery and Chrisanne Hall. And we talked about it yesterday morning with Pastor Lowery. Folks, our children are under assault. This is the standard for the national sex education for eight-year-olds. Explain common human sexual development, including masturbation. Teach eight-year-olds about masturbation in school.

I thought you sent your kids to school to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic. Describe the potential role of hormone blockers on young people who identify as transgender. Eight years old. Eight years old. This is the national sex education standard.

That means that every school across the country, starting in third grade, is required to instruct using these guidelines, defining the difference of cisgender, transgender, gender, gender, non-binary, gender expansive, and gender identity. And they wonder why kids have gender dysphoria. My next guest has an answer for us and I'm so glad to have him with me. Chuck Wolf is educating using parental values and I'm so glad to have him.

Chuck, welcome to the program. I can't think of a more timely time to address this particular issue than right here and right now. People need answers. They need solutions.

You have some. Well, good morning, Greg. Thanks for having me on the show and I think you're absolutely correct. I think we're at a crossroads in America around what's going on in education and I believe you're starting to see the initial tremors of what will be a seismic shift in the educational landscape over the next several years. Well, Chuck, it just seems to me, you know, we homeschooled our kids for the most part, our last three kids in total, complete homeschooling. Our first two were a mix of homeschooling, public schooling, and private Christian schooling, predicated on our shifting economic landscape. But, you know, the bottom line is, especially now, and this has been going on for a long time that people don't realize how long the indoctrination period has been happening, but that's what's going on in our education system. It's an indoctrination and for the most part, these are values that are incompletely and totally counter to just traditional American values.

You're absolutely right. I know I was a product of public education, but that was during a time where there was kind of a coexisting harmony between the schools, the churches, the community. Everybody seemed to be in sync in understanding what the role of education was, that the parents were the primary authorities over children's life. You know, we used to always joke with friends, like, you know, I didn't mind getting in trouble at school, but I didn't want to see what was going to happen when I got home, right? And I think there's been this slow drift over several decades.

And to be honest, you know, and there's actually a blessing that came out of this, I think that we're starting to see the pandemic opened a lot of eyes. I mean, there had been a passivity, I think, of parents toward education. There was this assumption that our kids were going to school and they were being taught what they needed to be taught and everything was fine. And parents weren't really engaged. They weren't paying attention. They weren't involved in the day to day of their child's education. And then everyone was sent home and all of a sudden parents had a window into the school through Zoom, right?

Right, right. And they peered into the schools and they were horrified. And man, I think you hit the nail on the head, you know, and it was interesting to me because as someone who's been paying attention to this, and I'm not picking on anybody, I'm just saying, I've been paying attention to this for many years now and trying to warn people about the indoctrination level of what's been taking place. And people like us, and I know you were in that same ball game on that same team, they looked at us and they looked at us like we were from another planet. It was like, you're crazy.

You're nuts. There's none of that going on. There isn't any of that happening in schools.

Well, hello. They can't deny. And now, of course, the radical other side that they didn't want to believe existed is now saying that if you're a parent that actually wants to engage, wants to get involved, wants to have a conversation with your school board or your administration at your school, you're a domestic terrorist. You need to be put in jail. The doors need to be locked and barred so that you can't come in and say anything. Chuck, our kids are being taken prisoner and we've got to just say it the way it is.

Yeah. For too long, I think public education has been about the adults in the room and not about the kids. Everything is designed to maintain the status quo and benefit the adults, whether that be the teachers' unions or the administration. And there's a lot of great public school teachers out there and administrators who are trying to do their best, but they're fighting against a current that is getting faster and deeper with every year. And I'm constantly being contacted by teachers who are saying, I can't do this anymore. I love teaching, but I'm being asked to teach things that I just cannot ascribe to. In good conscience. I can't.

In good conscience. And we've gotten so far away from what our fundamental focus should be, which is helping kids actually learn sound basic knowledge and critical skills and learning how to develop a foundation of learning that is going to serve them well through life. And so you're right. I think we're at a place where parents really have to look closely and deeply at this moment and say, what is best for the future of my child and, frankly, for the future of our communities and our country? And you hit on something right there.

Thank you for bringing it to that. Because, you know, good citizenship and being a good citizen was something that was a part of the instruction process. And it's quite obvious when you look at what's happening in our cities around the country that good citizenship is not something that's being taught. You know, I mean, there's actually rules and regulations in schools that suggest that if you act out or you act inappropriately, you should just be left alone.

Nobody should say anything to you about your behavioral issues. Right. I mean, you know, for so long there was these basic underlying premises of what it meant to, I think, to be a good citizen and to be a neighbor. And, you know, the great commandments are, you know, love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, love your neighbor as yourself.

There was always a focus on others, a respect for authority and a focus on serving and caring for others. But our culture puts self at the center and says it's all about me and what I feel, what I think, what I determine. And that's really a dangerous place. And only if you think and feel the way they want you to think and feel as well, because there is that authoritarian side of this that's driving the equation, which is the indoctrination, going back to what you originally said about, you know, the blessing of the pandemic and parents looking at these books and looking at what their kids are being instructed on and saying, whoa, hold the fort. This is not what I want.

This is not what I'm sending my kid to school for. Right. It's really a matter of who's responsible for rearing their children and making the decisions of what's best for their children and their family.

And that's, I think, the battle. Is it the state? Is it the government? Like you said, is it this totalitarian mindset of government will know what's best and make all the decisions for you? Or is it truly the individual that God has given inalienable rights to and parents the responsibility for helping their kids grow up and become those productive citizens, hopefully with the blessing of the Lord behind them? You know, the pandemic did, I think, three things.

One, it got parents engaged, but then it got them enraged. But now it's moving them to a place of empowerment. And that empowerment is either we're going to go and try to change the system. And you've seen that recently with several school board elections in the last couple of weeks where conservative members have gotten the majority of their school boards back to say we're tired of what's going on. But there's, you know, 15,000 or so school districts in the United States, and that's a long uphill battle. Well, and there's, and Chuck, there's a textbook issue as well because the textbooks that are available to those teachers are predicated on an even higher level of hierarchy that is determining what is in the classroom that the teacher has availability to be able to present. Yes. And the other element to that, Craig, is the teacher themselves. Because we've seen that throughout the country where, you know, the school might have a position, but an individual teacher will take it onto themselves to push ideology or their own agenda upon the students.

And so there's multiple layers of opposition that have to be fought if you're going to win that battle within the public structure. We need to take a break. We'll be back with more with Chuck. When we come back, we've got a solution for you.

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Get yours today. These statements have now been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and if your products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. We've been talking about the challenge parents face. I'm a father of five.

They're all basically grown. And, you know, so we're kind of past that stage, but I've got three grandkids, and they're all home schooled. But here's the challenge, parents, and that is how do we get back responsibility? How do we get back control of our kids? One of the things we talked about yesterday afternoon in this program with Chris Ann Hall is a legal premise by which essentially now, when you drop your kids off at school, you have given, the school is viewed by much of the government and legalese as a co-parent with you. You're co-parenting with that school.

You don't realize that, but that's what's happening. It's time for parents to take their children back and stop letting that institution make decisions that are going to alter the course of your children's life. Chuck Wolf, has a solution. Chuck, talk to us about and how people can take back control of their children's minds and education. Absolutely, Greg.

Thank you again for having me on the show. You know, I'd spent the previous 14 years working in the area of online education with a company called Stride K-12, which is the leading provider of online education around the country. They've been doing it for over 20 years, and I helped start one school, was head of school for another, and I spent nine years as the vice president of school development, creating new online programs around the country. And over that time, I really grew to appreciate and value how the online model worked and how it could really serve families and parents who needed that. And most of the kids who choose online learning do so for particular needs, might be social needs, physical, health, whatever. But I always thought this would be a tremendous model in a Christian context, because it's very individualized and it's personalized. It actually requires the parents to be very engaged in the learning model.

And so God kind of planted that on my heart. And when the pandemic came, it was the perfect storm of things to launch what is now known as Faith Prep Academy. And it's basically a network of online Christian schools for grades K through 12. And Faith Prep Academy can serve students anywhere around the United States and even most countries around the world. And then we also have in particular states, state programs that we've created with Christian schools in that state to offer the program throughout their state.

So for example, in Indiana, Florida, California, we hope to launch Texas and Michigan at the semester break, but it's the exact same program. Wherever kids live around the country, it's going to be the same model, the same structure, the same cost. And my whole goal around creating this opportunity is coming out of the pandemic, a lot of families were sent home to learn online. And what they experienced was really poor.

It was remote crisis management by school districts and teachers who weren't prepared or set up to be successful. But what families found was they liked the model, right? The kids were less stressful. They were more focused, more productive. Parents could actually be involved and see what's going on. And so there's a lot more people now that are wanting that type of environment.

But then you couple that with what we've talked about earlier, which was the craziness that's going on in the public system. It really becomes a tremendous opportunity for parents to have their kids get a solid academic experience, but know that it's coming from a Christian worldview with Christian teachers and is focused on not just academics, but the other elements of life that are critical. So, for example, our mission statement is pretty simple. We want kids to pursue academic excellence, develop Christian character, and discover their gifts, talents, and purpose, but follow God's calling in life.

I think every student kind of, whether they know it or not, right? You know, say those again, please. That's so important.

Give us those again. We want kids to pursue academic excellence, develop Christian character, and then discover their gifts, talents, and purpose to follow God's calling in life. And to me, this helps students answer the three big questions in life which shape our worldview, which is where did I come from? Why am I here?

And where am I going? Those issues of origin, purpose, and destiny. And every child is made in the image of God.

And I believe that every child redeemed by Christ has a unique identity, male and female, in that identity. Or a particular purpose for which God is going to endow them with passions and gifts and talents. And so school can't just be about the academics.

It needs to be. That's foundational. But we really want to focus on helping them develop their character in Christ and what it means to live out their faith.

How are they going to apply those academics in their life? And that's the character issue. That's the virtue issue. That's the self-value issue. How will I apply what I know when no one's looking?

In our approach to that, it's a little bit unique. We just hit our time limit. We're going to bring you back. Chuck Wolf,

I'll be back with more Children's Generation Radio right after this break. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went under issue to a product that changed my life. The product's called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

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$2.50 will treat a 10-gallon tank. Get your order in today, drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank, and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And I want to welcome our guest, Claire Lopez, to the program. Claire, welcome. Good to have you. Thanks for being here. Thank you, Pastor Greg. Good to be with you. And I also want to welcome my co-host, who is on the phone with us in his early morning hours. He's on the opposite coast today. Could I say that?

Is it all right to say that you're on the opposite coast? Well, yeah, I mean, I don't think they're going to be coming after your cell phone anytime soon, I assume, but who knows? Well, what makes you think that? Well, yeah, exactly, right?

I mean, it's hard to say. They went after Mike Lindell's cell phone yesterday, and they've picked up his cell phone. And, you know, I had David Summerall on who did the documentary. And, you know, he said, you know, any of us, any of the 1.5 to 2 million of us that went to Washington, D.C. on January 6, 20, what was it, 2021? You know, they're doing facial recognition on every person. They're trying to gather cell phone geodata on every person.

And anyone who was in D.C. on that day potentially could be picked up. It's really quite insane, in my opinion. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. And for those who think, you know, the demonization of people who disagree with the ruling political class is historically a classical move, historically.

It is what it has, and it never ends well. And that is exactly what this White House is doing. They just basically confiscated information from Amy Kramer, who took out the permit for January 6. She didn't go to the White House, or down to the Capitol, by the way. She was at the rally that had nothing to do with what happened at the Capitol. But she just had her information, her electronic stolen.

Her daughter, who also was there, had her electronic stolen. So it is a, so yeah, there's the dog whistle that Joe Biden blew last week. We're going to have to go in his speech.

It's because it all has been heard, and the tyrants at DOJ are busily implementing. Well, and if you've read the article, if you take the Epoch Times, and you've read their article on January 6, prisoners and families exposed brutal truth about jail lockdown. If you've read that article about how those people are being treated, and what's happening to them, it's an atrocity. It's an absolute...

It's a POW camp. Yep. There's no question.

No question. Yeah. I haven't been in the jail. I've been down there protesting a couple times when members of Congress attempted to get in. And the hostility that the people who are running that federal jail, federally funded jail anyway, the hostility that they have towards anyone who might stand up for basic human rights, basic liberties for the prisoners is just overwhelming. And so you know what's happening inside the jail, and the hostility emanating from the leadership towards anyone who cares to want to question it was so transparent, so ugly. Yeah, it's... It's hard to imagine that's happening in America.

We've got Claire Lopez on. Well, I'm going to tie this into our topic because there's a direct tie in to the topic that I want to talk about today. And that is Claire, you wrote about Iran and Iranian nukes. And when you think about these kinds of authoritarian and just brutality, the Iranian regime, this is the kind of brutality that you would see in a country like Iran against those that would oppose that government, whether it be Rossi or the imam or what have you, there is a brutality that is unleashed. That is, if you read this article, it is another level, I get that. But I'm just saying, you know, we're experiencing in America, the kinds of things that you write about with these kinds of regimes in the Middle East.

That's stunning, Claire. You're right. I've not yet read the article you're talking about.

I'll have to go find it. But you're absolutely right. There is a commonality among oppressive totalitarian regimes. You know, be it the Islamic Republic of Iran, be it Putin's Russia, be it Xi's China, be it, you know, Kim Jong Un's North Korea, Maduro's Venezuela, Castro's Cuba.

The commonality is an enmity towards the people, and therefore then an oppression and suppression of individual liberty of the people. That's what's happening here. Yeah, it's really stunning to, you know, again, to just consider, and I'm going to go ahead and send you, Claire, right now, just basically, I've copied and pasted it so that it's in your email so you can read the story. It's just really stunning.

Thank you. Let's talk about Iran and their nuclear capabilities and what's happening with regards to that. Because when you introduce a fully nuclearized Iran to the Middle East, and you look at the aggression, their hunger to have power and full control, the rise of a potential caliphate, this is an incredibly dangerous situation, it would seem to me.

You're absolutely right, of course, Pastor Greg. When you think about the ideology to which the entire top leadership of the Iranian regime ascribes, meaning, you know, from the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, on down through the IRGC, excuse me, the Quds Force, intelligence service, all the apparatus of the upper ranks of the regime, believe in the Islamic Shiite doctrine of the 12th Imam. And just very briefly, this is a belief that this is their messianic figure. This is the Mahdi who will return at the end of time to usher in the day of judgment. But the scary thing about this is that while most Muslims, including Sunnis, believe the Mahdi will come back whenever the Mahdi is ready to come back, he decides. But this group of Twelvers, as they're called, who follow the 12th Imam, believe they can hasten his return to earth to usher in the millennium.

That's why they call the millennialists, thousand years of Islamic rule on earth, they can hasten that by causing enough chaos and strife and warfare on earth that he's going to feel compelled to come back sooner than he might otherwise have done so. So that belief, combined with the pell-mell drive for deliverable nuclear weapons on the part of this regime, it should be alarming. But even more alarming is that our own national security leadership seems utterly clueless about any of what I just told you and wants to enable the Iranian regime to go nuclear.

I'm convinced they want them to go nuclear so that they can dominate the Middle East, counter Israel, which they loathe, and its Sunni partners now, the Abraham Accords and those others supporting it, like the Saudis. The irony to me in this, just to stop and think about theologically, is that in the Christian realm, you have the rapture idea. And so the idea of a lot of the people who are waiting for the rapture to happen is, we're going to disengage, hoping that it will become chaotic, because then God will come back and fix it. So it's really, I know, right? So isn't that, that's like, whoa, so here you have the really bad guys that are trying to create the chaos, thinking that their God's coming back. And on the other side, you have the Christians that are sitting back in their four walls, hiding, saying, well, let's let it get really, really bad, because then, you know, Jesus is going to return.

I mean, it's, whoa, wow. Talk about a recipe for disaster. Well, the real recipe for disaster is this administration, the Biden administration, trying as hard as it can, with the same officials, many of them, as were in the Obama administration to begin with, when the first nuclear deal was reached back in 2015, trying as hard as they can to beg, crawling on hands and knees to Iran's regime, to be allowed back in the deal.

The one, I don't know, maybe sticking point is the way to put it, right now, what it looks like, is that the IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency, led by their Director General Rafael Grossi, an Argentinian, is demanding that Iran come clean about its prior nuclear weapons work and unexplained traces of uranium and rich uranium they found in their region. Hold that. We'll be right back. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. So we were talking about reading my mail. No, I'm just...

I thought it was Tom Hanks and Ryan. You got mail. You got mail. There you go. There you go.

All right. So Claire Lopez is our guest. She is our national security expert. And Claire, you were talking about who is standing in the path of the finality of this unbelievably ridiculous Iranian nuclear deal.

Share that piece with us. And then I think what Rick was talking about in the break is important to understand, because I think the average American truly does not have... They don't have access.

Well, they have access, but they don't know they have access. And that's why you're here. Well, thank you. And I take Rick's point, too, as well. I mean, he's right.

You are, too. So what the sticking point currently to a renewed JCPOA deal seems to be is that the IAEA and its director, Rafael Grossi, are insisting that Iran come clean about its prior nuclear weapons work. They have found enriched uranium traces at three or four different locations which were not declared. And these violations are not just violations of the JCPOA 2015. They're violations of the much earlier Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, to which the Iranian regime remains a signatory, meaning it is obligated to comply with the provisions, which include telling the IAEA about all of its nuclear sites and allowing inspections by the IAEA personnel. And they're not doing that.

So the interesting part about this is not just that the IAEA is standing in the way, but that they're basing their objections on not the JCPOA or violations thereof, but of the NPT. Rick, to you. Did I lose Rick? I did, myself.

I was like, where did he go? Okay, go ahead. Claire, let's put that into kind of a context so people understand a little bit more about what this means. We know that the Biden administration has been desperately seeking a deal with Iran. If they succeed, if the international nuclear agency sits there and says, you know, we're out of the way, or it gets ignored, you know, flat out ignored, which is probable. What happens? Are there any inevitable outcomes?

Yeah, and some of the worst of them. Does it go ahead to get nuclear? Yeah, I mean, in addition to allowing Iran once again openly and with international legitimacy to continue its progress towards a deliverable nuclear weapon, it also would open up a lot of a financial windfall for that regime.

Billions of dollars in the next couple of years, a trillion by 2030 or more. And what that means is that they would be allowed openly and without the threat of sanctions anymore to be selling, you know, their oil and other things on the international market. They're already doing that, but in contravention of the sanctions, it also opens up the ability of Russia to trade with Iran free of sanctions, secondary sanctions in that case, which would enable Russia then to throw more funding into its aggressive war against Ukraine, which thankfully they seem to be on their heels right now. But a windfall, financial windfall, would aid the Russians as well as the regime in Iran. Aren't the Russians, Chinese and Iraqis all kind of doing trade anyway?

Yeah, they are. So I think from a big picture perspective, and we only have a minute or two, but are we looking at a, you know, China in particular becoming, and Russia to some lesser extent, becoming even more emboldened on the world stage because they have a controlled actor in the Middle East that can create havoc in the Middle East, without any international approbation. And that just opens up a third front that we have to deal with while the Chinese are pressing in the Pacific and the Russians are pressing in Europe. Isn't that essentially opening up a third front of the World War?

Yeah, absolutely. You might have seen that Iran has just been admitted as a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Council, and there is an axis among the three, Iran and Russia and China. Iran is already providing Russia with armed drones for its war in Ukraine.

Thankfully, a lot of them are defective. But nevertheless, it would be legitimized with this deal to go through. So the danger point, the danger point is that what we're seeing is a consolidation of an axis of evil to steal regular... A legitimization, really, yeah. A legitimization, consolidation, axis of evil that is, that creates a three front war at a minimum. And given the fact that the Iranians have developed the missile capacity to reach Europe, it allows for Iran to enter the European theater without... and really become a threat to Europe as well as the Middle East.

Yeah, absolutely. I remember being in Brussels, Belgium some 15 years ago trying to brief NATO members or NATO leadership there about the Iranian nuclear and ballistic missile threat. And they absolutely blew me off.

But now, now, maybe it was too soon to tell them, but now it's... You're exactly right, Rich. This is threatening Europe as well with the reach of those ballistic missiles and the warheads that they can carry. By the way, I am one of those who believes that Iran probably already has a small handful of warheads.

Me too. Which they maybe have not yet managed to attach to the nose cones of their missiles. Very difficult technical challenge there. But once they do, I think that is the final red line for Israel and it's going to have to go. It'll have to act in its own self-defense and rightfully so. Well, I think there's... Yeah, I agree with you, Claire.

I think there's no question. And we've been talking about this for quite some time. I believe that Iran has already made the development and I think that Israel is sitting back saying, okay, you know, they're right at the edge of believing that it's going to become necessary for them to take a preemptive strike. And some of what they have done, taking out some of the command and some of the other things that they have done in the last year or two, three years, I think has been a direct result of their knowledge of how advanced Iran is in this process. One last piece, final minute here, and that is this relationship between Xi and Putin and what's happening with regards to that. And I had Nan Su on a day before yesterday talking about that they're using Yuan and rubles now in the purchase of oil and gas between those countries. They are no longer using the US dollar.

Yeah, they are. And for what good it does them. You might have seen that a senior member of the Chinese regime, the CCP, issued a statement, I think it was yesterday, more unambiguous than any that preceded it that I know about, in support of Putin's invasion of Ukraine, just at the point when the course of the war has turned a corner, if you will. Notice that timing.

Notice how they waited until that timing. And I'll throw in one last bit to leave us with a smile. The Xi Jinping family cat died yesterday. That's understood to be a very bad sign. Well, that's terrible.

Almost like a black cat crossing the road, right? That's kind of the idea. All right, we're going to take a break. Claire, thank you so much for being with us. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your insight with regards to that.

I know we didn't get into the whole Mar-a-Lago thing. We'll do that next time. We can get that in next time and that might even be something that you'll write about. We'll have to see. Rick Manning, my co-host, and we'll be back with more Children's Generation Radio coming up right after this brief break.

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