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God's Timing is Comedy Gold

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
July 30, 2022 2:07 pm

God's Timing is Comedy Gold

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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July 30, 2022 2:07 pm

Today, Robby brings us a wonderful show filled with many guests. Despite shenanigans, he speaks with comedian and brother in Christ Tim Hawkins as he promotes his new Live Tour beginning in New Burn NC. Robby also talks with Ryan Hill, John Galantis, David Williamson, and Kelsey McKeel with Clearview Baptist Church about their amazing upcoming concert, "Defend Your Faith" Where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. 

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This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into Kingdom Pursuits. Now, live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. Welcome to Kingdom Pursuits, and we've got a wonderful show lined up for you today, actually almost mind-blowing when you think about it, because we have such amazing guests. We have stand-up comedian Tim Hawkins, right? If you're familiar with the YouTube found sensation, Cletus Take the Wheel, well, he launches his new multi-city Tim Hawkins live-in concert tour coming up this, actually, August 20th, in New Bern, North Carolina.

It's coming up in Roanoke on August 10th, Glen Allen, Virginia, on August 19th, so we got all that going on. And we got a number of other people with, a number of other people, Ryan Hill, John Galantis, David Witherspoon, and Kelsey McKeel, all with the Clearview Baptist Church, and I'm trying to understand how we can get them all on the air, because is Tim Hawkins on another line? They're all going to be on the same line. Even Tim Hawkins?

Yes, I believe so. They're all right there together. All right, well, Tim, can you hear me? Tim, can you hear me? How about Ryan? Hey, this is Ryan. Okay, well, that's... Hand it to Tim. Tim, are you there?
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