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Trevor Louden Enemies Within The Church Jesus Did It Zach Vorhies Google Has Control Of The Hiway of information

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
June 7, 2022 7:25 pm

Trevor Louden Enemies Within The Church Jesus Did It Zach Vorhies Google Has Control Of The Hiway of information

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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June 7, 2022 7:25 pm

Trevor Louden discusses the back story of the Enemies Within the Church and how the state of Evangelical Christianity is worse than he had originally believed. They do not believe in the inerrant word of God.
Zach Vorhies Google Leaks Whistleblower discusses how Google culture is so far left and what this means for the elections of 2022. Control of the Medical truth and Vax injuries and the new strain is critical to their program of population control.

The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
Grace To You
John MacArthur
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram

Everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump. Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed.

Where did this robbery occur, the dispatcher asks. At pump number seven, says the man, can you describe them? Sure, they add flashing lights and a long trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter and is causing us all to have to rethink our lifestyles.

We have an answer for you. Green Fuel Tabs. Green Fuel Tabs by Green Fuel Global are a fuel enhancer and conditioner that actually accelerates the combustion process, reduces emissions and cleans the entire engine system without use of harmful detergents.

Our products are EPA registered and have been used commercially for almost two decades. So stop getting gouged at the pumps. Just drop a Green Fuel Tab into your tank and save from 10 to 20% on your next tank of fuel. Head over to That's

$2.50 will treat a 10 gallon tank. Get your order in today, drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. This is Adam Mundahl with State Air and we are sponsors of Chosen Generation and Pastor Greg. Sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and I want to encourage you to join me in sponsoring Chosen Generation and Pastor Greg. Call him today at 830-446-3624.

Once again, that's 830-446-3624. I know your business will be blessed as ours is and I challenge you to this blessing. Thank you. Hello, I'm Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow. Retailers, shopping channels and now even banks have tried to cancel myself and MyPillow.

During these times, your support has meant everything to us. My employees and I want to personally thank each and every one of you by passing the savings directly onto you. For example, you can get my Geeza Dream bed sheets for as low as $39.99 a set. That's a savings of 60% and the lowest price in history. That's 800-656-1943 promo code Pastor Greg. And remember, they're made with the world's best cotton, grown where the Sahara Desert, the Mediterranean Sea and the Nile River all meet.

They come with my 10-year warranty and I guarantee they'll be the most comfortable sheets you'll ever own. Hi, this is Pastor Greg. Use that code promo code Pastor Greg, 800-656-1943.

That's 800-656-1943 promo code Pastor Greg. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day.

And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio. I just want to remind you, we still have our $10 challenge, $10 challenge. If you would like to help us out, you can. We're just looking for $10 a month to help save America and also to help save India.

And $10 a month will help us to get that done. If you can go to forward slash Pastor Greg. That's forward slash Pastor Greg. Or you can send a check.

Do it the old fashioned way. Faith Harvest Church. That's Faith Harvest Church. And that's P.O. Box 3393, Bandera, Texas 78003. P.O.

Box 3393, Bandera, Texas 78003. You can look, you can check out our India ministry at That's And also be sure and check out our website. Get signed up over there for our emails. Lots of stuff going on. First hour, we got a couple of things out for you. In the first hour, we started out with Naomi Wolf and she has a brand new blog up. Dear friends, sorry to announce a genocide. And that letter is up at my blog at Children Generation Radio dot com.

If you're signed up, you got it in your email box. And then we also went ahead and put out again, Dr. James Thorpe's letter to the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology with with his findings with regards to pregnant women losing their babies because of the forced injection. So we kicked it off with that.

And then Matt Long and I got into a conversation. And you may have heard about it. But relative to the mandate, the mandates coming down, VAX mandates on our military chaps was here on Friday, we had broke that story last month here on chosen generation radio about the fact that the United States Air Force Academy was kicking out cadets who were asking for a religious exemption. And now the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has made that a blanket statement.

If you want a religious exemption and you are in the United States military, you will be removed from duty. They have already booted out I believe it's let me see I've got a number here. Give me one second. I'll pull that up for you. No different page.

The page that is trapped. There we go. So three fit 32 top gun pilots were were unceremoniously relieved of dirt of duty 32 of them 13 cadets three seniors after repay $165,000 4000 service members and 24,000 religious exemptions were rejected. And they are in the process of discharging 24,000 members of the service and they consider them by the way, to be domestic terrorists. They're they're a danger to the country, you know, those of us that won't take the vaccine, those of us that believe in, well, the Bible and and God and the Constitution, like my next guest, and good friend.

He is is one of the originators of enemies within the church. And I want to welcome Trevor Loudon to the program. Trevor, welcome. Good to have you. Oh, wait, great. Good to catch up.

It's great to have you and good to catch up with you as well, sir. So let's let First of all, I just want to tell you I folks and I've been I've been pushing this because folks need they really need to go and see this. I've got enemies within the church calm. So you can go you need to go and you need to support it. There's a pastor that that showed this in his service to his congregants. And and so he has this up on YouTube as well.

We did this with 2000 mules, they asked us to go ahead and record and share that recording because they want everybody to know what's going on. But I encourage people Yes, watch it here. But make a donation, support the cause because there's a lot more work to do when it comes to this situation. So enemies within the church calm, you can go there, you can, you can purchase and buy it and watch it online, you can get a DVD, they have a group rate program as well. I really encourage you to support what they're doing.

Because they had to go all in on this and and we need to get behind them. Trevor, tell me, you've talked about this matter, you and I met because of this film. And it was at your event. And I want to say it was a value voter summit, where I got introduced to Phil Haney for the first time. You remember that? Well, that's right.

But that's a few years ago, that might have been the first movie in the recent film, I think, okay, then we've we've sold out enemies, and then we've done enemies with the church. Ah, that's what it was. Right. Okay. Okay, yep, that was it.

It was it was the enemies within within, which is talking about enemies within the government. And that's how Phil and I came to be, you know, really good friends. And actually, I'm the pastor that talked to him.

And texted with him, I still got those texts, and prayed with him and his sister, Diane, she and I are still in very close contact and have become good friends. Right. But before they killed him, two days before he's been dead over two years now and found dead at the side of a rocker than California. They just the FBI has just said it was suicide, but they took two years to make that determination. And they talked about suicide boats, etc. None of which anybody had ever heard of until then.

Not even the family, I believe, and I stand to be corrected on that. But um, yeah, Phil was in both of our movies, enemies within the church and enemies within. He's a former Department of Homeland Security whistleblower. Now he was a terrorist hunter, and he found many terrorists, but that was bad. And he was punished for doing that. And, you know, he was ready to resume his career in Department of Homeland Security.

He had a new book coming out and he was found dead on the side of the road. So yeah, we put a memorial to him at the end of our enemies within the church movie because he's been such a great friend to us. Well, I'm glad to hear that. Well, and so you so from enemies within the then you went to looking at the church. We've known there's issues in the church. But one of the comments that I just recently got from my friend Don Jans is on with me on Fridays, who has studied communism and Marxism and and been to those countries. And I mean, he's a real expert in that particular realm.

And he may he messaged me by email. And he said, You know, I knew we had a problem. But he said I had no idea. It was this bad when when when this filming began. Did you did you already have the conclusion that it was going to be as bad as what you found?

No, it wasn't. See, my I was brought into this project really, for my knowledge of Marxism. And I knew historically, there'd been a major communist penetration of the mainstream churches, going back to the 1920s, or even earlier. And and obviously, the Catholic Church has got its big problems now with the Marxist Pope and many left wing cardinals and bishops, many of them. But I didn't realise the extent of the penetration of the evangelical movement, and the Southern Baptist, that that surprised me how deep it's gone. But but it shouldn't have because, you know, logically, if the left has control of Hollywood, and the unions and the Democratic Party and the universities and the media, and the mainstream churches, they would want to get hold of the Baptist and the evangelicals because they are the crazy people who went out and voted for Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump and set the left wing agenda back for years. So it just makes sense that the radical left, the communists would try and get inside the Baptist evangelical movement.

And unfortunately, they've succeeded to a higher and horrific degree. Talk to me now, when when when we say that, you know, Marxism has as made its way within the church there, there's, there's tentacles of it and and and and particular, I don't know, subtle twists that they use. What are some of the more subtle means that they've used to, to infiltrate the church?

And and get because I saw so many of these pastors that you just would go? Why do you realize what you're saying? That kind of thing?

Does that make sense? Yeah, well, we've heard the famous, you know, the white pastors, the white church workers and was Marxism. But a lot of the white pastors don't make that connection.

See that what the communists did, they used a lot of Maoist stuff. They, you know, white privilege is a big concept in many churches now. And that privilege, that concept was invented by two Communist Party members, Ted Allen and Oleg Natyev, to basically build out people to basically cause division in the way that the original communists use class to cause division, you know, the rich versus the poor. But that doesn't work very well in America, because class is very socially mobile here. So they instead they use race instead of the oppressed classes, like the bourgeois, the bruise, the bourgeois, and the proletariat and all that language.

Well, now it's there. Now it's the oppressed peoples of color, taking away the privilege of the white capitalist hierarchy, you know, the patriarchy. So this is what privileges a Marxist concept, critical race theory, which is all through the churches now, the Southern Baptists have adopted it for their church toolbook for dealing with issues of race. Well, that came from people like Derek Bell, a bona fide Marxist. And it was another way of using race instead of class for revolution, social justice, which is in many churches now, that's just the euphemism for forced redistribution of wealth, socialism, right, you know, global warming is another one welcoming refugees from across the border, because Jesus was a refugee. Jesus was a socialist.

All of these are Marxist, all of this is Marxism. But they put a bit of Christian veneer on top. And they sell it to millions of Christians as as some interpretation of the Bible. It's not, you know, Marx was, it was the opposite of Christianity.

And this is destroying the churches. Yeah, Mark, Mark's folks, Mark's marks came from decadent wealth, decadent wealth, and I'm not taking away from that his family worked hard, and they got what they got. But he came from decadent wealth. And then he sat there and said that, you know, anybody who had all that, but he never gave his up. He never shared as well. They didn't even share his wealth with his kids. He battled with children and his deathbed trying to hang on to it like he was going to take it with him somewhere.

No, and he was an atheist. Insanity is a Satanist more than anything, you know, cuz mark, hang tight. We're gonna we're gonna take a break by this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump. Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed. Where did this robbery occur, the dispatcher asks. At pump number seven, says the man.

Can you describe them? Sure, they add flashing lights and a long trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter and it's causing us all to have to rethink our lifestyles.

We have an answer for you. Green Fuel Tabs. Green Fuel Tabs by Green Fuel Global are a fuel enhancer and conditioner that actually accelerates the combustion process, reduces emissions and cleans the entire engine system without use of harmful detergents.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. Hi, this is Pastor Greg, host of the Chosen Generation radio show, reminding you that we have a two hour program Monday through Friday with great interviews on topics that impact you. Our goal is to return our country to a biblically based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers and what made our nation the greatest in the world for over 150 years. You are a part of that vision.

So please join us at,, and sign up for our emails today. Hi, I'm Kim Scheff, certified natural health practitioner. I want to introduce you to a product that I think will interest everyone. A product called Natural Sleep, available at

I've been seeing clients in alternative health industry for over 40 years. One common problem seems to stand out. People just can't sleep. Maybe it's too much stress.

Maybe they've gotten older. Whatever the reason, we have a solution you need to get a great night's sleep. You can find it at Natural Sleep uses a combination of vitamins, minerals, and some very healthy calming herbals to support relaxation and calmness before sleep. It's a fast-acting liquid formula that tastes great with no negative side effects or hangover effects in the morning.

And it's not a habit for me. The product's available in a 16 ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go. Get yours today at, coupon code chosengenerationradio at checkout, and get $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosengenerationradio. That's, coupon code chosengenerationradio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Hello, I'm Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow. Retailers, shopping channels, and now even banks have tried to cancel myself and MyPillow. During these times, your support has meant everything to us. My employees and I want to personally thank each and every one of you by passing this savings directly onto you. For example, you can get my Gee's the Dream bed sheets for as low as $39.99 a set. That's a savings of 60% and the lowest price in history. That's 800-656-1943, promo code pastor Greg. And remember, they're made with the world's best cotton, grown where the Sahara Desert, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Nile River all meet.

They come with my 10-year warranty, and I guarantee they'll be the most comfortable sheets you'll ever own. Hi, this is Pastor Greg. Use that code, promo code pastor Greg, 800-656-1943. That's 800-656-1943, promo code pastor Greg. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses.

My guest is Trevor Loudon. Please, please, please go to

I just so encourage you to watch this. It's about two hours, and you need to know because look, the only way this stops is if you stop giving money to these kinds of churches. The people who go and support this financially with your tithes and your offerings, that's how they're able to keep doing this.

And the only way that's going to stop is if you say no more. I want the gospel. I want the message of the cross of Jesus Christ. And I'm not going to give you money if you're going to continue with your woke social programs.

Trevor, talk to me about some of the really dangerous pieces in this. I think one of them was was the LGBTQ and how that has infiltrated the church. Well, yeah, like, you know, the modern LGBTQ movement used to be called the gay rights movement was started by a Communist Party member called Harry Hay back in the 1950s. He was a communist till the day he died. He was in radical theories.

He was the North American Man, Boy, Love Association. He started the movement. You know, the Gay Liberation Front was named after the Liberation Front of Vietnam, the communist guerrillas. And the leader of it openly talked how it was there to bring down wasn't about gay marriage, it was to bring down the US government.

So what we you know, the whole movement is run by Marxists. It has heavily infiltrated the church. And it's nothing to do with the rights of a sexual minority of homosexual people. It's all to do about disintegrating families and destroying the male as the head of the household.

You know, a friend of mine said the other day, you know, fix the man you fix the family, fix the family, you fix the country. So the LGBTQ agenda, the radical feminist agenda, all of which are rampant in the churches now are both Marxist concepts designed to destroy America by destroying the family. And this is now in the churches, you've got gay friendly churches all over the place. You know, churches who once believed that homosexuality was a sin, now relegated to some special place.

You know, it's almost, you know, it's better to be homosexual. Well, and if they do want to call it, you know, some kind of a sin that then they want it, they want to bring it down. You know, when Paul separated things out, in Romans explaining and bringing some Old Testament forward, and so on. One of the things that he did was is he separated out sexual sin from the food issues and things of that nature. And he specifically said that the things that you do to the temple are still critically important and bad if there's abuse of the temple. And he said the sexual sin is one that is is the worst because it touches the spirit, the mind and the body. All three are impacted by sexual sin. And it's not hate to tell someone that what they're doing is destructive to them. But then the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ is this and this, Trevor, you and I talked about this last night, the thing that I believe the church doesn't preach is the finished work at the cross.

I talked with a buddy of mine and he's going to be on on Thursday, George Carneal, he and I had a great conversation about this last night as well. George is a former homosexual who practiced in homosexuality for 25 years and has written a book called From Queer to Christ. And we talked about it and I talked to him about freedom, and about freedom in Christ, and about about how that old man is crucified on the cross with Jesus Christ. And you can have freedom now. And of course Marxists don't want Christian liberty and Christian freedom. And so the heart of America's freedom, and you talked about this in the film, somebody did about the Chinese study.

Can you talk about that for a minute as we close out? Yeah, well, the Chinese Communist Party did a study of America over many years. And they want to find out why America was so much stronger than they were. And first they thought it was their military, but that was wrong. Then they thought it was their economy, but that was wrong.

Then they thought it was a political system, but that was wrong. They determined what made America great was its Christian faith. The religion was the backbone of America, and they have been trying to bring it down and destroy it with a sin. And now you have pro-Chinese communism, Black Lives Matter, et cetera, being taught in churches all across America, Chinese communism taught in churches all across America, posing as Christianity. And here's the thing, folks, to understand relative to this, when you look at the CCP, there are two groups that they really attack in China, and that's the Christians and Falun Gong. Because of the spirituality of Falun Gong, the purity of their spirituality, and because of the spirituality of Christianity and the purity of Christianity, it is the greatest threat.

And they understand that to Marxism, and they have just about killed it here in America. You've got to see enemies within the church. It's always a remnant, Trevor, and I believe we're part of that remnant. God bless you, my brother. Thanks for being with me. We'll get you back on again soon, and Lord bless you and your travels. Thank you.

Bye-bye now. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump. Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed. Where did this robbery occur, the dispatcher asks. At pump number seven, says the man, can you describe them? Sure, they add flashing lights and a long trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter, and it's causing us all to have to rethink our lifestyles.

We have an answer for you. Green Fuel Tabs. Green Fuel Tabs by Green Fuel Global are a fuel enhancer and conditioner that actually accelerates the combustion process, reduces emissions and cleans the entire engine system without use of harmful detergents.

Our products are EPA registered and have been used commercially for almost two decades. So stop getting gouged at the pumps. Just drop a Green Fuel Tab into your tank and save from 10 to 20 percent on your next tank of fuel. Head over to That's $2.50 will treat a 10 gallon tank. Get your order in today.

Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Hi, I'm Kim Schaff, a certified natural health practitioner. I want to introduce you to a product that I think will interest everyone. The product is called Natural Sleep, available at

I've been seeing clients in alternative health industry for over 40 years. One common problem seems to stand out. People just can't sleep. Maybe it's too much stress.

Maybe they've gotten older. Whatever the reason, we have a solution you need to get a great night's sleep. You can find it at Natural Sleep uses a combination of vitamins, minerals, and some very healthy calming herbals to support relaxation and calmness before sleep. It's a fast-acting liquid formula that tastes great with no negative side effects or hangover effects in the morning.

It's non-habit-forming. The product is available in a 16-ounce bottle for home use or a very handy 1-ounce travel packet for life on the go. Get yours today at Coupon code chosengenradio at checkout.

Get $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's Coupon code chosengenradio. That's Coupon code chosengenradio. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Hello, I'm Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow. Retailers, shopping channels, and now even banks have tried to cancel myself and MyPillow.

During these times, your support has meant everything to us. My employees and I want to personally thank each and every one of you by passing the savings directly on to you. For example, you can get my Geeza Dream bed sheets for as low as $39.99 a set.

That's a savings of 60% and the lowest price in history. That's 800-656-1943. Promo code Pastor Greg. And remember, they're made with the world's best cotton, grown where the Sahara Desert, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Nile River all meet.

They come with my 10-year warranty, and I guarantee they'll be the most comfortable sheets you'll ever own. Hi, this is Pastor Greg. Use that code Promo code Pastor Greg. 800-656-1943. That's 800-656-1943.

Promo code Pastor Greg. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses.

And let me get the right picture up here for my viewing audience. I want to show you my next guest, and I'm very pleased to welcome him to the program. He is the Google Leaks Whistleblower, and he has a great website, by the way. It's Zach V-O-R-H-I-E-S. Zach

I encourage you to pick that up and pick up the book, Google Leaks. It will blow your mind, and I'm very pleased to welcome Zach Voorhees to the program. Zach, welcome. Good to have you back. Thank you, Pastor Greg. Good to be back on your program.

Oh, man, I always, always enjoy our visits. I know last time we talked about shootings and such, and of course, we had another one, the one that we had down in Uvalde here, and I'm developing some information on that. I've told my audience, I believe this was a cartel hit. The cartel started giving messages in January and February that they were going to start going after Customs and Border Protection family members, and that school, the children in that school, the majority of them were the children of Customs and Border Protection. I know this personally because my son was the manager of the Radio Shack in Uvalde and lived in a complex, and every time we'd go visit him, there would be just literally a parking lot full of CBP vehicles, guys that were, you know, there on the overnight and then back to the border in the morning or, or on their, you know, four on three off. So yeah, it's anyway, but what I want to talk to you about today is this Google, CIA, former CIA, and Pfizer meeting to discuss how they're going to silence quote unquote, the same information that we put out this morning with Naomi Wolf, about what's happening and Dr. Jim Thorpe, and what's happening to pregnant women, and 1200 deaths they knew about four on the day of the vaccine 42,000 adverse effects, that the 100 microgram dose was too high of the Moderna, they lowered it in their internal tests, but then released it in full. The thousands of cardio, injuries, strokes, hemorrhages, and, and neuro injuries as well.

And then of course, Tom Renz, and his testimony before Ron Johnson was shocking. But Zach, talk to me about Google's involvement, as you would see it with the CIA and Pfizer, and and what they're doing to control information. Yeah, well, you know, Google owns most of the search market. And so if they, if the globalists want a piece of information to disappear off the internet, the best person to talk to about that is Google themselves. And so this meeting that Google is having with the CIA is part about how to control the information landscape in an upcoming, you know, crisis, which appears to be, you know, monkey pox, or maybe COVID-19 2.0.

We all know that there is some event, some plot card that's about to be played. And these Bilderberg meetings, in my opinion, are, is where such censorship is going to be talked about, discussed, planned, so that they've got a contingency ready to go when the crisis is actually released. All right, let's let's go back into we've talked a little bit about this when you've been on before, but but for any new audience that might be listening in, talk to me about your impression of the culture. I mean, you've had some pretty strong words to say about what you observed to be the culture and and the leadership there at Google. Can you talk about that for a minute?

Yeah, yeah. What can I say about the, so the people there are pretty left, right, like San Francisco's pretty left, but within Google, it was more radical than even San Francisco. And what was really interesting is that in the final three years, there was a push by Google to remove Americans and replace them with H-1B visa holders. And right now we've got a situation where a significant portion, I mean, when I was at YouTube, I, my rough estimate was around 50% up from 25 in 2016 to 50% in 2019 of the employees are foreigners. I don't know whether they're all H-1B holders because they can't look at each and everyone.

But my assumption would be that that would be true. And so you had to ask yourself, what kind of respect are these people going to have for our culture, our constitution, our way of life and our law when they come from a communist country and that communist country being, you know, China. And my understanding is that they don't really care that much.

You know, they're here to work, they're making a fantastic paycheck. And as soon as they don't comply, they are on a plane back to China. So right, because of the H-1B visa program, and the control that the company can have over them as a result of it, and I assume that many of them are used to this manipulation. So the ones that they accept are the ones that the CCP says, yeah, take this one, this one's okay.

Yeah, exactly. And what's interesting is that when the Facebook project whistleblower, Project Veritas whistleblower came out, one of the documents that they released was an HR document saying that Facebook should prioritize the diversity hiring from China and Korea. And so these people, you know, this whole diversity and inclusion is a Trojan horse to replace American workers with Chinese imports and another immigrant, mainly China, just because it's got 1.4 billion people. And they've got some sort of special status where they're able to get a lot of their citizens over to America.

Well, and let's be clear to as to because the thing we need to understand I do, I do a lot of work with people that are falling gong. Let's be clear that what we're talking about here to our handpicked individuals by the CCP that are in alignment with the ideologies of the Google and the Facebook relative to their communist Marxist leftist leanings. We're not talking about the Chinese people that come over here that have fled the country because of that oppression, trying to escape and and embrace our liberty and our freedom. And and as Kenny Chu talks about are being excluded from the Yale's and the Harvard's, right, because they don't line up with with their ideology. They're not lying into, you know, their nonsense. I just want us to be clear about who it is that they're bringing over. And how brainwashed these individuals are.

Talk to me about the culture. My wife and I were having a conversation about that last night, and maybe I'm mistaken. But I thought that that either you or Ryan and I thought it was you Zach that was saying that that your impression of the culture of the leadership with Google was is that they are they are they are evil people. They are but they are they are atheistic evil, and they want to crush Christianity. You know, they go along with the flow, right? It's not just that Google wants to crush Christianity, it's that society that's projected by the media wants to crush Christianity.

And in and they go along with it. They are atheists. You know, and they don't celebrate like it's funny, Google will celebrate pretty much every communist hero through their Google tools.

But you'll notice that they don't ever celebrate anything involving Christianity. Nobody like George Washington, right? George Washington was a what do they refer to him as he was? He was a pseudo monarch that had, you know, racist tendencies or whatever something along that line.

Right? You talk about George Washington? Yes.

Yes. Well, the left's folks, I'm saying the left's view the truth about Washington, of course, is is that, you know, he was a godly man. He rejected the notion of becoming the king of America. He he fought I mean, if I mean, Washington won the Revolutionary War for us, we would not have a free America were it not for George Washington. And and he was selfless, and and Christ centered. And you know, and and believed in freedom and liberty for for all he happened to live in a state where were where slavery existed, but but Washington, that that was not Washington's heart, his heart was to abolish slavery, his heart was the equality of all men.

And that's why he was a part of the Declaration of Independence and part of the Constitution. All right, we're gonna take a quick break. Zach Voorhees Google leaks whistleblower is my guest. When we get back, what let's we're gonna talk about.

So you know, if Google owns the internet, how do we interact with this? How do we how do we get the right, you know, not blinders, but how do we get our eyes opened correctly and and and how do we see the right way with all of this mix coming? My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a war war two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

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All right, Zach Voorhees is my guest, Google Leaks whistleblower. So I know we wanted to talk about, you know, what we can do. But there was something that you said in the break that I wanted to bring back up on air that I thought was, you know, important for us to make sure that people are aware of. I should have made a note of it.

But it had, maybe it had to do with manipulation. You remember what? About how the founding fathers of the country denigrated in order to soften it up for a revolution.

Yes. And that was my yes, the revolution when you said that because I have been feeling in my heart and in my spirit, and I've said it a couple of times, folks, but I've been feeling very strongly that what the left wants more than anything, what they're prepping for what they're getting ready for. They think at what they think they can they can win.

They want a revolution. That's my opinion. You're, you're on the inside.

You were on the inside of YouTube, by the way, I'm banned there for life. You're on the inside at at at Google, which is really one in the same. Talk to me about from your perspective, how how big of a of a push do you think they're making towards some kind of revolution? Pretty certain right now that they're pushing for a revolution.

It's also going to be covered up with a collapse going to be kind of the same thing, actually. And as Chris Dodd, who is very popular in Infowars stated, is that the choice is between just America going into economic collapse of the entire world, going into economic collapse. And so what he says is that the financial debt bubble, the printing of money, the use of the dollar is the world's reserve currency. That system got itself a little bit of a life extension with the printing of money that happened during the COVID crisis.

But this debt level is unsustainable, and the reign of the US dollar is going to go down with it. And with that crash will be the crash of the American economy, the destruction, the wiping out of many jobs as the system resets, as you've heard the great reset, which is coming. And essentially right now, big tech is getting ready for this event that's coming. It's coming closer every single day, gets closer. And you can see all the different systems get ready for it.

And also, there's crazy things like monkey pox that Dr. Robert Malone just stated on his podcast that it looks like it was genetically engineered, so it's more violent. So we've got a lot more fun times ahead as it's closer to this inevitability. And you know, like, that is unsustainable, if it gets out of hand, you know, there is exponential increase in the money supply, most of that debt. We owe that debt to a private central baking cartel, which owns the Federal Reserve. Right. Which by the way, the President of the United States can cancel with the stroke of a pen.

That's right. I mean, seriously, that can be it because because this was this was all done with, you know, government contracts and arrangements and so forth. And and America, the strike of a pen would eliminate the debt, it would it would be no more. I mean, that's why they killed. That's why many believe they killed Lincoln. It certainly is why they killed Kennedy.

There's quotations of him saying that I want to throw something else in here real quick for you to and then you can kind of run with this in in future conversations you have with others. But Dr. Judy Mikovits was here on the program. I'm sure you know, Dr. Judy, I'm positive you know, Dr. Judy.

But she's talked about this since 1962. The the vaccines, the injections have been incubated in monkey brains. And so the bacteria that's, that's what this is.

This is the bacteria and it and it literally resides every person born since 1962 has some of this sitting in your system somewhere some way, because you were injected with it even if it was as a child and you and you were like, you know, you didn't know. And so now you're older and you say no, I haven't had a flu shot in years and I won't I'm not taking any more shots. You're done with shots. I've got two vax affected kids, I'm I'm done with shots. But I still have some residue left over in my system. And that's why I take the supplements that I take in the things that I take that are that are basically blockers to block the ability of the of the of any of the but they're injecting it right into you, Zach, they put it right inside of you. Right.

Yeah. And what, you know, what's really a big problem is these retroviruses, these zoonotic retroviruses, which exist in a whole bunch of animals. They use an enzyme called reverse transcriptase to take their RNA and convert it back into DNA that integrates the host cell. And so, you know, it's like herpes or, you know, Epstein Barr. Yeah, once you get this virus, you have it for life. And what's also bad is that it appears that this reverse transcriptase as it integrates virus genome into the host cell, sometimes it also has a tendency to activate ancient viruses that have sort of gone dormant within our genome, right, is called the herbs, which are human endogenous retroviruses. And and it's these vaccines which are triggering the ancient viruses to reawaken.

They're not fully formed viruses, but the parts of them are still being expressed. And so the inflammatory parts of these viruses include its capsid cell called herb H, this capsid cell goes around, does a bunch of damage causes neural inflammation, enrages the astrocytes in order. And then what the result is that, you know, you've got degraded brain activity as the immune system literally starts attacking it. This has been shown as a mechanism with ADHD, right, and also, more recently, right. And ALS and multiple sclerosis have been linked to this ancient virus. Well, and I and I believe that it's also from what Dr. Judy's research seemed to indicate it's it you know, these this this activation part of this activation is activating a the dormant bacterias that were inserted into our system when we got injected with the vaccine that was incubated inside of the monkey's brain.

And so so now they figured out a way to activate that inside of you and it makes you sick. The good news is, is there's, there's two things and Jesus is the beginning. At the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me, What did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem? How did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check?

How did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness? Did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message? Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men, seeking their own comfort and reviling me?

No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world. That no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up and in spite of the hate, I will love in truth.

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