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MON HR 2 053022

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
May 31, 2022 12:10 am

MON HR 2 053022

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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May 31, 2022 12:10 am

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Donate and listen to the podcast at I am the unknown soldier who you refuse to know. A brother and a friend of yours who left so long ago.

Some call me P.O.W. the one they left behind. I am the unknown soldier, the one they never tried to find. I'm the one they never tried to find. I'm a farmer from Missouri, the soldier from St. Paul. I was the hero of my family and still my pictures upon their wall. I'm a poet and a scholar and the boy who lived next door. I am the unknown soldier, forgotten on a foreign shore.

Long forgotten on a foreign shore. I was someone's loving daddy. I was someone's pride and joy. I was someone's tender lover, a worried mama's a little boy. And if you should just forget me here, then should I forget you too.

Please won't you try to bring me home. For I'm someone who belongs to you. I'm still someone who belongs to you. I am the unknown soldier with no more tears to shed.

I'm just a fading memory, a part of the living dead. My country has betrayed me, yet I have forgiven you. And every night I pray to God. That somehow He'll forgive you too.

Yes, even somehow He'll forgive you too. I am the unknown soldier, the one for whom you cried. That familiar face that you can't face, the one your country told you died. I am the unknown soldier, with dreams you'll rescue me. And I am a man who understands. Only death might ever set me free.

Only death might ever set me free. I am the unknown soldier, and I'm black and blue and grey. I said I am the unknown soldier, and I die slowly every day. And I'm tired, and I'm hungry, and I'm lonely, and I'm cold. I am the unknown soldier, the one you bought and sold.

I'm the one you bought and sold. So lay down close beside me now, and gently stroke my face. And wrap your arms around me now, before we leave this place. Some called me P.O.W. Some called me M.I.A.

Some say I can't come home again, but I will return someday. Official statement, the struggle against the gospel and Christian legend must be conducted ruthlessly, and with all the means at the disposal of the Communist Party, or the Democratic Party. That was Radio Leningrad, August 27, 1950. Stalin, have we suppressed the reactionary clergy? Yes, we have. The unfortunate thing is that it has not been completely liquidated. Anti-religious propaganda is a means by which the complete liquidation of the reactionary clergy must be brought about. Cases occur when the certain members of the party hamper the complete development of the anti-religious propaganda.

If such members are expelled, it is a good thing because there is no room for such communism in the ranks of the party. That's exactly where the Biden regime is heading. Remember when he first got in office, what he said?

Anyone who is preaching the old-fashioned way against the sins of abortion and pedophilia and sodomy will be charged with a hate crime. And he hasn't been able to do it yet, but he will try. There you go. That's what's happening. So that's where we're at today.

Well, it started way back. The Founding Fathers had a view of liberty. Now, their view of liberty is very different from what is today. They understood that rights came from God, and that the government was instituted to protect those God-given rights. And what we have today is this modern view of self-fulfillment, fulfilling our desires, good feelings, good times, and everything.

But it's funny that the Founders warned over and over again about freedom. And you go back to Webster's 1828 Dictionary. This is one I have. I know Pastor Ernie has one. I think every American should have one. It's the only Christian dictionary in the world. And it gives definitions of freedom, independence, and what liberty really is. And it says, freedom, a state of exemption from the power or control of another. Liberty, the exemption from slavery, servitude, or confinement. Freedom is personal, civil, political, and religious. Beware of what are called innocent freedoms, liberty, licentiousness, not under the restraint of law or religion. Independence is the state of not being dependent, complete exemption from control or power from others, except God is the only one independent, you know, supreme.

We are all vowing to Him. But it goes on to say liberty, freedom from restraint, freedom from restraint applicable to the body, mind, or will. Natural liberty consists of the power of acting as one sees fit, except you're under the laws of nature and nature's God.

And civil liberty is where the liberty of men in a state of society, where liberty is abridged and restrained only as necessary and expedient for the safety and general interest of the society, state, or nation. So you look back, we've forgotten these old definitions, these old things that we are under God, under His restraint, under His laws, the laws of nature and nature's God. That is what is to guide and direct us.

And it was amazing when we looked through this stuff, the warnings. Remember Alexis de Tocqueville, back in 1840, published an entire volume, and he gave a list of what he feared would be the devolution of America, that would bring America down. And he said this, poor education and a loss of morality would lead to material pleasure. He predicted the Constitution would be intentionally misrepresented, misinterpreted to make it easier to change, that would lead to bigger and better government. And when this happened, he foresaw political parties fostering divisions in society, enabling them to grow stronger, more powerful, followed by an increased coziness between government and financial and business organizations. And the result of all of this would be mounting debts, greater demands from the people of government money.

1840, I've got pages of stuff like this going back through history where we were warned over and over, and those words are very chilling today, everything he warned the Democratic Party has done to us. Well, it's happening here now, and you've heard a lot lately about what's going on with the baby formula. As I started to say earlier, today's situation update, when you're talking about to address the infant formula shortage that's causing widespread frustration, even panic across America, the very, very, very illegitimate Biden regime has invoked Korean War era emergency powers found in the Defense Protection Act, which is administered by none other than FEMA.

The act originally intended to allow emergency executive action to shore up critical infrastructure during times of war. It is now being used by the Biden regime to seize control over our food supply, raw materials, and force companies to deliver them to Abbott Laboratories to manufacture large quantities of heavily possessed junk food infant formula made with corn syrup solids and processed milk proteins. Again, you see, we at one time may have been the only people in the country that really understood, at least have felt that way, that we are in the middle of the depopulation, the World Depopulation Program, and that all of the Bill Gates, all of these people, we talked about this back in the 80s, Klaus Schwab, all of these people, George, are involved in killing off people. They're killing off people and they're aided and abetted by NBC, ABC, CBS, whatever, whatever George Soros and these people, whatever lie, whatever deception they tell them to bring upon the American people, they will do that. NBC, ABC, CBS, and Fox News, whatever, whatever what they call the narrative is, to deceive the American and betray the American people, those people will do that. That's what they're doing today.

They're keeping... The whole baby food shortage to start with was because the government gave a very special contract to one company to provide, now I can't remember if it was under SNAP or whichever assistance program it was under, but to provide food for the poor, and we used to call it the welfare food stamps, now I think they call it SNAP or something, but anyway, it cut off the competition. Instead of allowing competition, they did the government hand out the government benefit to this company, and then when something went wrong, they weren't paying attention, they weren't watching, they did everything wrong. Mexico here with all its problems with the cartels and the violence, they have plenty of baby formula. All over the world, there's no other country but the United States that's having a shortage of baby food, and right across one of the poorest countries around, one of the most violent countries, has plenty of formula, but it can't cross the border, but we can allow the people to come over, they can bring drugs and all kinds of things, they can traffic little girls and little boys, but oh god forbid you bring any baby food across the border, you'd be arrested. Well, Sleazy Joe actually has it for those that are invading our country, for the invaders, for those that are invading our country, Sleazy Joe actually has a big supply there on the border of that for them, okay? If you give it to them, you can't bring it across illegally, we can give them instead of giving it to Americans. Remember what they said, and I remember watching this professor in China talking to a huge group of college kids in China, I mean this huge assembly, huge, and he was saying that we will win this, we will overcome America, we own our people, we have people in all the high places in the American government, we own them, we own them. You know the Biden family got 35 million dollars that we know of, that we know of, 35 million dollars for the Biden crime cartel from the red Chinese, now who do you think they're working for?

I know they're not working for me. Hey, Pastor Ernie, you and I have been around a little while, you could say we're seasoned citizens, do you remember the national creed? Let me see, if I remember America's creed, it was something like, I do not choose to be a common man, it is my right to be uncommon, I seek opportunity to develop, okay that was the American creed that I'm talking about. Way back when America in April 1918, the House of Representatives accepted on behalf of the American people this creed, now this creed was recited daily in schools, public ceremonies throughout both world wars, and then somehow right after World War II was quietly removed from the schools and national life.

And I'm going to read it, it's very short, and then I bet you can tell me why they had it removed. I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people, whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign nation of many sovereign states, a perfect union, one and inseparable, established upon the principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity, for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies. Well again, here you're talking about the government of the people, by the people, and for the people, and again, this is here, the Communist Party, the Anti-Christ, Deathocratic Communist Party, they want to control, they want to control every aspect, they want it for them. Karl Marx had made this statement, or not Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, about here, who should have freedom, and who should have equality, and he said that should be chosen by the party, that who should have freedom and equality. That's exactly what the Deathocratic Communist Party decides, that's their mindset, and they don't understand that those of us that have known freedom, we're willing to die if we have to, and take them with us to keep our freedom, because we're not going to give it up, we're not going to let them take our freedoms away.

Exactly. You know, with that, when I was reading that, back in 1932, George Counts was a Fabian socialist, and I kind of mentioned it earlier, he taught there at Columbia University Teachers College, and he said this, America had entered a new age where ignorance must be replaced by knowledge, competition by cooperation, trust in providence, trust in God, by careful planning and private capitalism by some form of socialized economy. Here we have a socialist elite teaching in America's biggest and best teachers college, teaching the teachers who would teach America's children, and it was those same teachers that studied under George Counts that started withdrawing the America's national creed to the public full system. Imagine that, Pastor Ernie, his students taking the creed out of the schools in the late 40s and early 50s. Alrighty, here's the American creed. You ready?

This come about the same time. I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon. I seek opportunity to develop whatever talent God gave me, not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled or dulled by having the state look after me.

I want to take the calculated risks to dream and to build and to fall and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence, the thrill of fulfillment, to the stale claim of utopia. I will not trade freedom for benefit and innocence, nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any earthly master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid, to think and to act myself, to enjoy the benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly and say, this with God's help I have done, all of this is what it means to be an American. That was the American creed. And it came from, you know, that was beautiful, it came, you go back to that Webster's dictionary one more time where it talked about independence. Quote, a state where one does not rely on others for subsistence.

You just talked about that. Two, the ability to support oneself. I'm not going to get a government handout, I'm going to work.

And three, it's a state where a person asks, acts without bias or influence of government. I wanted to, we were just talking about that with the food supply. Remember how they tried to stop us from using hydroxychloroquine because they wanted people to die. They tried to cut off supplies of ivermectin because they wanted us to die.

They tried to cut off quercetin, they wanted us to die. And here now, they want to control the food supply. An Amish farmer faces a $250,000 fine, jail time and losing his farm for processing his own meat.

What they've been doing for years and years. Amos Miller's private food club members say they don't want their grass fed meat treated with chemical preservatives required by the USDA approved processing. That Amos Miller says that he is being persecuted by the federal government for practicing his religious freedom to raise and prepare food the way he believes God intended food to be raised and prepared in accordance with nature. Miller practices rationalized grazing on small, holistically managed, century old farm in Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania. His heritage breed cows are raised on organic pastures with the chickens following behind, eating the bugs from their droppings. And way fed pigs, trampling all the fertilizer back into the ground after that.

Around 4,000 customers of his private members owning food buying club were dependent upon his meat, eggs, dairy products as well as fermented fruits and veggies. And they're willing to spend top dollar to get it shipped to them all over the country as they don't trust food from the grocery stores. But you see again, control, control. They want to add, the deathocratic communist collective wants to control every aspect of our life. They want to be the ones that says whatever freedoms we have will be freedoms given to us by them.

Right. In fact, they want people out of rural America. I live in a place where if I want to build a barn, I can go build a barn. I don't have to get a permit. I don't have to ask anybody if I want to add on to my house. Do I have to get a permit?

No. I can do whatever I wish. I raise my own chickens. I raise my own garden. We raise our own beef. We, you know, I have it, I'm getting too old to slaughter a cow, so I send the steer in for slaughter, but Mennonites do the work. That's like the Amish.

And the government just hates it. Most of the farms around here, we have chickens that lay eggs, sometimes that are green and blue, beautiful colored eggs. Well, it's against the law. I can't sell them. I can go to church and feed 300 people, you know, egg salad or whatever, deviled eggs, whatever I want, but I can't sell them because they're colored. And in fact, if you look at your grocery store, your grocery store has a permit to sell brown eggs. Now, this is amazing because anybody that lives in the country knows that eggs are white. All eggs inside any bird, I don't care if it's a robin, a quail, a grouse, a turkey, chicken, duck, you name it, every egg is white. They are colored by the secretion that helps pass that big egg out of a little tight hole. That's what gives an egg a color. So there's no difference between a brown egg and a white egg. It's just the color of the secretion that comes out. So green eggs, blue eggs, brown eggs, all eggs are basically the same except, you know, chicken and duck egg are a little different, but all eggs are white in all birds across the world. And yet your government says you have to have a permit to sell brown ones and there's no way you can sell green and blue eggs. That's illegal. Well, let me tell you this, Joe. The government wants control.

They have, it's totally stupid, there's no rationale, no science, but I'll bet it was Easter egg companies that make, die for Easter eggs that made the laws. I'll bet you money. Let me tell you this, Joe. Down in the Amazon jungle, there are these small chickens like bantee, bantee hens, they're small. They're in between a regular sized chicken and a bantee, just a little bigger.

Let me tell you, Joe. These hens will lay, one hen will lay multicolored eggs. You might have one nest.

I couldn't believe it when I first saw people telling me, I thought they were playing a joke on me, but it's true. You would have, one hen might lay a blue egg or a yellow egg or a green egg, all in the same nest by one hen, and that's an amazing thing. So now, with that... God is amazing in his creation, but the government is stupid. No, it's about control. This is the anti-Christ world system that God has told us would come. This is the anti-Christ world system, real time, it's here now. We realize this, Jesus tells us all about this, and so that's where we're at.

And now he also has told us how we deal with this. We run to this battle. We resist tyranny unto blood or unto death. And again, we don't worry about dying, we're all going to die, but what we want to do, we want to hear those words, well done my good and faithful servant, huh? Amen. Do we want to hear that?

Meanwhile, while we're here, when he says to occupy, we have to do whatever we can to replace this totally corrupted, I mean totally corrupted government with a new government according to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but more so according to the Bible. So here, US Democrats use the Ukraine biolab profits for campaign funding. Big Pharma, the Pentagon, and leading deathocrats are implicated in a secret research scheme. Democrats in the US have partnered with Big Pharma, companies, friendly foundations led by George Soros, Bill Gates, to set up biological research in Ukraine using the project to generate additional funding for, and guess whose pictures they have? The Queen Amin, Hillary Clinton, there he is with Joe Bama.

It needs to be said that the ideologies of the US military biological research in Ukraine are leading the deathocratic party, said Lieutenant General Igor Krilov, the head of the Russian Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Protection Force. Well, you know, they knew that, we did too. Alright, we're coming up to a break, and when we come back, Joe, why don't we give everybody an opportunity to call in and just have, this is Memorial Day, and I want to say that, and I think back, my friend Roger Grubbs, Dave Lacy, Dave Toth, Pat Deal, just amongst a few that, whose names are written on that Vietnam War memorial, as we went through there, I went through there a couple years ago with my Deacon John, and we were just taking down the names of our friends who died during that war. But I want to dedicate this radio program to going back, as we mentioned, all the way back to the war for independence in this country, for all of those that stood and fought and bought the freedoms that we've had, Joe, those that shed their blood for the freedoms that we have.

We'll be back right after this. Face the flag of stars and stars, of red and white and blue, a flag that guarantees the right for men like me and you. Face the flag, son.

Read what's written there. The history, the progress, the heritage we share. Our flag reflects the past, son, that stands for so much more. In this age of Aquarius, it still flies in the forward.

It leads the forward movement, shared by all mankind, to learn, to love, to live with peace of mind, to learn the mysteries of space as well as those of Earth, to love each man for what he is regardless of his birth, to live without the fear of reprisal for belief, to ease the tensions of a world that cries out for relief. Face the flag of stars and stars, of red and white and blue, a flag that guarantees the right for men like me and you. Face the flag, son.

Take a good long look. What you're seeing now can't be found in a history book. It's the present, the future, son. It's being written now.

And you're the one to write it. The flag can show you how. Do you know what it stands for? What its makers meant? To think, to speak, the privilege of dissent. To think our leaders might be wrong to stand and tell themselves. These are the things that other men under other flags will never know. But responsibility, that's the cross that free men must bear.

If you don't accept that, freedom isn't there. Face the flag of stars and fires, of red and white and blue, a flag that guarantees the right for men like me and you. Face the flag, son, and face reality. Our strength and our freedoms are based in unity. The flag is but a symbol, son, of the world's greatest nation.

As long as it keeps flying, there's cause for celebration. So do what you gotta do, but always keep in mind, a lot of people believe in peace, but there are the other kind. If we want to keep these freedoms, we may have to fight again, God forbid. But if we do, let's always fight to win. The fate of a loser is futile, it's bare. No love, no peace, just misery and despair. Face the flag, son, and thank God it's still there.

Thank God we will. Okay, we're going to open the phone lines at 888-677-9673, 888-677-9673, and I want to remember, Joe again, I want to remember my parents, that my father, who was one of the hardest working men I've ever known, and my mother, who would always put her children before herself and everything. She would always put all of her children first. Those are the kind of parents, parents in those days, that loved their children. And I wanted to say this for you parents in the New York school system, who are allowing now these drag queens to come in and have story time, for you to keep your children in that school system, I'm going to tell you, you're an absolute shame on you. And I can't believe just how, I can tell you this, you certainly don't care much for your children. Phone lines are open, 888-677-9673.

What do you have? Go ahead. One quick line from James Lowell, one of the original people in our country. Once to every man and nation comes a moment to decide, in the strife of truth with falsehood, for the good or evil side, some great cause, some great decision, offering each the bloom or blight, for the choice goes by forever, twixt that darkness and that light, then it is the brave man chooses, while the coward stands aside. Amen. It is not free, folks.

Never has been, never will be. We have Claudia in the air. Claudia, you're in the air. Yes, I just want to say thank you both, both of you. Thank you. I just, God bless you. God bless you for what you've done for this country, what you are doing, and what you are going to continue to do for this country. Just God bless both of you and keep you healthy and safe and strong and keep fighting the fight. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Have a blessed evening.

Thank you very much. It's nice to hear things like that. As a lady, as you are, Claudia, blessed to be the pastor of a church full of ladies like you, Claudia, which are true ladies, I mean, which are, thank God for you, and thank God we don't have people like those on the P.U.

of the View, but thank God for real ladies, and what a blessing it is for me to be a pastor of a church full of real ladies. Alrighty, there you go. Phone lines are open at 888, okay, Cliff ain't no lady, but Cliff, you're in the air.

Yeah, how you doing? You know, it's funny you're talking about property rights. I was listening to episode 300 of the Sergeant Reports podcast, and as this woman, Diana X, was kind of a Hollywood insider, so she's giving some stories about Hollywood and the problems with that, and then she was on things with the newscasters.

She said these people are just reading right from the scripts that kind of like, they're for their looks, and they don't really, they can't really talk like off script. But then she went into a divorce now, she's doing real estate, and Black Rock is coming in, but the anecdotal thing was they were talking about a guy in Italy, he left his house, I don't know the details on a vacation, came back and people from Somalia were occupying his house and they said, now it's our house. Now the Italian police didn't do anything about it, he had to go to the mafia to reclaim his house. So it's not only, I think, in the United States, I think worldwide property rights are just being expunged, but I was thinking like, when the Bible says, Cliff, the Bible talks about a time of lawlessness, a time of lawlessness, this is what we have, we have a time of lawlessness. When you look at Nebuchadnezzar, when he had that statue of gold made, I mean, that's totalitarianism. It would be one thing if he did it just for himself, then he wants everybody else to go along with that concept, bow down to this golden statue. He must have been extremely wealthy, too. So I see this as totalitarianism, but I don't see Nebuchadnezzar being as bad as these people.

What do you think about that? I mean, God still dealt with him. I don't think these people are redeemable at this point. Well, in both cases it's idolatry. In both cases it's idolatry because one of them is, you know, where they're worshiping his statue with Nebuchadnezzar. The other time they're worshiping what they're promoting. And so in both cases they're talking about idolatry. Right. So that's what we're really thinking about.

It's idolatry, basically. Yep. You have a blessed, blessed moral day. I've got to move on, because we've got to take these calls. God bless. Really quickly, I wanted just to say this, too.

Phone lines are open at 888-677-9673. But I wanted to hit on, very quickly, because, you know, the 2,000 Mules. Joe, did you get your 2,000 Mules DVD yet?

I sure did. I'm setting up about three different showings, and we'll be starting, I think, Friday night this week. Okay. We've been setting out. Let me tell you this.

Normally we have people that go out to the post office, but I went to the post office myself because we had so many DVDs, and I was in there for an hour and ten minutes because we had all these DVDs to mail out. And here, folks, we've got another whole shipment coming in. It's very, very important. This is your opportunity, because you've got to set there, and you normally don't have a voice over NBC, ABC, CBS, or Fox News with their propaganda.

But you can do this. You can make them null and void by showing that film, showing that film at church, showing that film at the library. We're going to be showing it, I think, at the next Tea Party meeting that we have. But we're going to continue to show these films out there, and we're going to try to continue to get more and more of those.

And I want to say hats off to Salem Broadcasting, to Salem Communications for being bold enough to go against the grain and to market that and to produce that movie. Okay, who did you say we had next? Craig, who? Timothy, you're in the air. Yes, good evening. Happy Memorial Day to both of you.

I know Pastor Ernie served. To you, too. Thank you.

Thank you as well. And thanks to you, and I don't know if Joe had served. If he did, then thank you as well for playing your life on the line. Joe certainly did. Joe was a chopper pilot.

All right. I just thought that anyone and everyone that's part of the show that's not there that might be listening, and even if they're not, they know who they are, I want to thank any and all people that have dedicated their lives to defending freedom. And they had courage as the main ingredient in their love of country. And today, the two most important songs to me were Battle Hymn of the Republic and The Star-Spangled Banner, our two national anthems. And I believe that I read today, I pulled it up, it was an essay by Peggy Noonan that was written about Ronald Reagan on courage. And I would suggest that anyone that wants to get a dose of encouragement and the fighting spirit to read that entire essay and to read the lyrics and listen to the song, The Battle Hymn of the Republic, it'll reinforce why we believe what we believe. So 2415, when you read it every day, if you meditate on the word as often as we should, we're choosing who we serve every day. And when we look out there and we see in society all of the things that are raising their fist and their middle finger up to Jehovah and Yahweh, that's even a greater reason why we have to dig our heels in and stand up for what we believe in and to not waver.

And I believe that Philippians 1.6 will come true for everyone that puts their trust in that cross and Jesus Christ. And the only true president that we had recently was Donald J. Trump. I don't refer to Joe Biden. Well, he still is our president. Let me tell you, there's a whole lot of people in the government, a whole lot of people still even in the government, Timothy, that recognize Donald Trump as the legitimate president.

I never called and I never will call Joe Biden president and Kamala Harris vice president. They're illegitimate. They're squatters and they're residents of their end.

They're illegally and they need to be evicted. And when we get the brooms out in November of this year and in two years after that, when we get Donald Trump back in his rightful place, we can pick up where we left off. And knowing him, he's one of the hardest working people in that office that I've seen since Reagan. And he might even be harder working than Reagan. And I believe that DeSantis, I just seen his special on Laura Ingraham and he had a lot of good things to say.

And we need more people like that that have a couple stones and a backbone. You're right. Absolutely.

I got to move on because with the lines are lit. Thank you. Blessed Memorial Day. Who do we have next there?

George, you're in the air in Portland. Interesting. OK. Well, I want to point out that if the wars that the United States has been involved in, the kids are not being taught that the very first person, the casualty of the Revolutionary War was a black man. And they know their name.

I don't I can't remember his name, but I did it one time. But the thing is that I the question was I had from some people here was what I heard about this. It's very distasteful and horrible. The elite have this drinking baby blood or something. And there's a there's some kind of element in there that they think confers immortality or something or long or longevity.

And it also is gives them a big hit of dopamine. Yeah. Hey, Craig.

Craig, are you there? Yeah. It seems like people are having a hard time hearing me.

Do you have my mic cut down or something? OK. Well, anyhow, it seems like they're you know, they're not having any help when he was asking about was the chemical in the blood of the children. That's a program we're going to do another one. There's a film out now. But yes, it's the Democratic Communist Party is rapid with child abuse and it's rapid. The whole anti Christ world system with child sacrifice.

What do we have next? Sean, you're in the air. Hey, God, brother, thanks for what you do. And you were in the service here, right, Pastor? Yeah, sure was. Yep. Well, thank you for your service.

I do appreciate it. I had a brother. I was in he was in 82 or 80, 84. He was close to going to Granada situation. He didn't go. Thank goodness. They did have an uncle. I was in Vietnam. He's still alive.

But he told me some stories. I just want to say thank you for all the soldiers out there, the families who have died and those who are still alive who served. You know, we need to stand up for freedoms. It's got to come from the Bible. You know, it's got to come from God's word. You know, if we don't start teaching and teach it to young kids, they're going to keep doing shootings.

They're going to keep killing themselves and so on. But we got to stand our ground, stand our ground according to the Constitution, most of all, according to the Bible. Thank you, guys. God bless. Keep keep up the good work. Keep the fight. You, too, have a blessed Memorial Day. Tina, you're in.

We got to move fast because we're almost at that time. Go ahead. Yes, I have I have a quick question for Pastor Joe. Since he's a farmer, a family member went to the market and she sent me pictures of a video of a bunch of chickens. And she saw it. It's called they're called silky chicken. They're all black. And I said to her, what is this?

And she said, I've seen them on TV, but this is the first time I've seen them live. And I'm thinking, are these frankenfood? Yes, I've got about 14 black chickens.

I can't remember what the name of them is. They've got a fancy name, but it is very common around Amish country. They're a big spree. They lay eggs and they're good to eat. Oh, yeah.

I can't think of a fancy name. There's a lot of black chickens. They're frozen. They're black. I haven't seen them before.

That's why I thought I would ask. No, that's that's common. We have we've had them. We've had we used to have I used to have a lot of free range chickens, too. And, you know, you know, and those those to those guinea hens, Joe, the ones that are good to eat.

Yeah. All righty. Well, we thank you. Have a blessed Memorial Day. This will be the last call. This will be OK. All righty. Joe, you've got four minutes right now to give an invitation.

I did it last night. All right. I'm thinking I wanted to start with Galatians Chapter five, verse 13 for brethren, ye have been called unto liberty, only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another for all the laws fulfilled in one word, even in this, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. God understood our world. He understood us and he understood our sin nature. And as Romans eight, nine and 10 explain it, but ye those of us born again are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if so be that the spirit of God dwell not in you, so be that the spirit of God dwell in you. Now, if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is not of his and of Christ be in you. The body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life because of righteousness. When we are born again, we are made new. We see that in Second Corinthians. Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.

All things are passed away. Behold, all things become new. Jesus said succinctly, I am in the Father, the Father and me, and I am in you by what? By the Holy Spirit. And the only way you can have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is to be born again. And to be born again, it means to call upon the Father. Confessing your sins, confessing that your sins put Jesus Christ, the greatest, I think in a way, the greatest soldier that is living today, that has ever lived. He went to the cross and he took my sins, Pastor Ernie's sins, any of you out there that are born again believers on a sinless, spotless soul.

He took all the ugly sins of the world, all the emotional hate, all the anger, all the mayhem you can think of. And he took that and he knowingly went and died for us. So if we confess with a truly, truly repentant heart that we're sorry that our sins put Jesus Christ on that cross, we will be forgiven. And then we are to ask Jesus to come into our life, to become Lord of our life, all of our life, without hesitation, without reservation. We are to give ourselves to him. And then we ask Jesus to give us that indwelling of the Holy Spirit, that it's our down payment on immortality, everlasting life. And we have, we become then the temple of the living God. We become sons and daughters of God himself, joint heirs with Jesus in everlasting salvation and everlasting life. You will become that born again believer, that new person, that new creation, the new spiritual being. And then you truly will start to understand with that indwelling of the Holy Spirit, things will be clearer, Scripture becomes alive, and you will feel God directing, guiding you daily with you, walking with you, talking with you. The greatest thing that ever happened to me was being born again. And God gives us free will, choice to accept him or reject him.

You can choose to be blessed with heaven or cursed in hell. He makes it very easy. The only thing you have to do is call upon him and repent. The first word he said in his ministry, repent for the kingdom of God is at hand for you if you call upon him and do it now. All right, Joe, you're right, and not only that, but it's the greatest thing anyone could ever do. Oh, amen to that. There's nothing that anyone could ever do to mean as much to them as receiving Christ as their Savior.

There's only one way to the Father, and that's to the Lord Jesus, and God said that. So we are out of time again tonight, like we come to this time every night. So, as we often say when we get to this point, we want to say good night, God bless, always, always keep fighting the fight. Please visit us online at Please tune in next time for another edition of What's Right, What's Left. The preceding program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content.
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