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Song of Songs Verse 4 - Disiple's Follow At A Run

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
May 19, 2022 11:28 am

Song of Songs Verse 4 - Disiple's Follow At A Run

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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May 19, 2022 11:28 am

Song of Songs 1:4 Draw me, we will run after thee: the king hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love thee.

The nuggets of following at a run, we get to go to the Holy of Holies and be glad and rejoice and like wine that gets better with age so will our memories of His love. The comes an amazing study in Iniquity verses Equity - What are your memories better than wine?




Darrell Bock This is the Truth Network. So verse four, draw me, we will run after thee. The king hath brought me into his chambers. We will be glad and rejoice in thee. We'll remember thy love more than wine.

The upright love thee. And so you can see you got several phrases that somewhat seem disconnected, but oh boy, do they come together. When you really think about what it's like Solomon had this crystal ball, he was going to look into the future. Because when you really look at these words in Hebrew, you can see that this is the journey of the disciple for so many levels. The idea of draw me is, is like take me. And when it says we will run after thee, that means to follow me. In other words, he's taking someone and putting in a position to follow him.

And what would you call that? Jesus calling disciples or calling you to follow him, right? I loved in the series, The Chosen, how, you know, that was his word, you know, follow me, follow me. And then it says, we will run after thee. And that idea of running in Hebrew has everything to do with freedom.

That the idea of servants didn't run, but the free people did run. And, you know, Jesus is all about freedom. And the point is, is we're not just going to, as when we have this choice to serve him, we're not going to just walk like we did in the 119th Psalm. We talked about I will run in the path of thy commandments when thou and largest my hearts and so our hearts. So as we look at this, we think, OK, here we go.

He's going to put us in a position to follow him. And then we're going to run in that path because of, you know, the fact that he enlarged our hearts like it like we talked about in the Dalit section of the 119th Psalm. That's the miracle verse in that particular section. And then it says, and this one just kind of goes, wow, the king hath brought me into his chambers. OK. And, you know, the clear understanding of that one, if you look, that's back to the bedroom.

OK. In the in the most innermost part. And, you know, this is the holy of holies.

Right. And the whole book is about the song of songs, which the Jews teach is the holy of holies of scripture. Well, our hearts, if we think about our bodies or the temple of the Holy Spirit, then our hearts are the holy of holies. And so here the king is taking us into his heart and we're taking him into our heart, as the case may be. And what an amazing place to be. And when you get there right in your presence is fullness of joy.

So why not? We will glad we will be glad, just like in the 118th Psalm, we will be glad and rejoice in thee. Well, if you think about the disciples.

Right. He took them into his inner chamber, so to speak, and they ran after him. And then you could, you know, while the bridegroom was with them, they were rejoice. They rejoiced and they were glad in thee.

And then I love I love, love, love. We talked about wine previously in two verses ago when we're talking about kisses being better than wine. Here we have we will remember thy love more than wine with, again, that idea of wine gets better with age. And, you know, I don't know about you, but the memories of serving with Jesus just keep getting better and better. In other words, when you think back to things that you did in serving Christ, you know, I've got so many different ways that God has given me this opportunity to do, whether it's the Christian car guy show or the Jesus labor, love or in my special needs class or when I do the devotions, which I'm just coming back from.

And I can remember those times where my one hundred and four year old friend Miss Beck would play the piano. And and as as time goes on, those memories are more and more precious, like the idea of wine gets better with age. And when you think about it, since we're headed to eternity because we're going to be in the king's chamber. Wow.

I mean, these things will just keep getting better and better. And then it says this is one of the things I really wanted to land on here. It says the upright love thee. Now, that idea of upright. You might remember, as we were studying the one hundred nineteen Psalm, when we get to the seventh verse in the alif section, it says we will praise you with upright hearts when we have learned your righteous judgments.

Well, there is one of our land here is the word upright is probably more or better described. When you look at the definition in the Hebrew would be equities. In other words, you've got this idea of inequity that we talked about in one hundred nineteen Psalm in the I think it was the third verse.

Right. It says they also do no inequity. And they walk in his ways is the third verse of the alif section. And so between the seventh verse and the third verse, we have both ideas, this idea of uprightness, which is, again, equities versus inequities or inequity. And it's interesting when you look at those two words that the idea and I'm just not going to go through it letter and letter for.

I'm just going to give you the ideas. I would interpret these these letters and the words of what they mean. So when you look at inequity, it has to do with having faith in your own vision or believing that what you know is going on has to do with you right here. This constant. It's not fair.

It's not fair. That's an equity. OK, because we're centering the world by ourselves and we're going on what our vision for things should be rather than God's vision. Well, the idea of equities or this idea of the upright that's described in this verse is like the polar opposite from a standpoint of that. You believe in your heart that when something happens, even if it seems tragic, that it's going to work together because God's plan is it's all coming together. And he's using these judgments in order to bring about the draws or turn up the heat, so to speak.

So the draws will come, but he will be in that fire when you're in the fire. But at the end of the day, when something like this happens, does your heart go to faith or does it go to fear? Do you believe that God was behind this and he's for you?

Or do you somehow or another buy into the idea that God is judging you, you know, that God is not on your side? And that would be that it's just not fair, meaning iniquity. Well, here he's telling us that those, you know, when it says the upright love thee. It's beautiful that here again, we've had a an opportunity to talk about the two different kinds of love in the first verse, because it says that we'll remember thy love more than wine.

That's that word. The aled vav daled love, the idea of serving that we talked about in the second verse. But here it says the upright love thee. And these are the people that are equitous. In other words, these are the people that believe God is for them and that things are working together for good.

That idea of equity. Well, these people love. Ahab thee. And so we're seeing this contrast that, you know, those who are out there serving and whatever, that's one kind of love, the beloved, the David. And then this is the hob that the idea of, you know, that an expression of the father, how he really feels about us.

And so I think it's absolutely beautiful. I really do that when we think about those services, things we did that that love is going to be remembered by us better than wine. And we think about just how upright how God is working things with those are an expression of his love for us. We can kind of see the difference in the way that we use this word love. And actually, in the third verse, which we talked about last episode, when it says that the virgins love thee, you know, there in that there is that Ahab love again versus the daled vav daled love. And so as we go through this whole Song of Solomon, so we talked about the daled vav daled love, which is the beloved, which King David was the beloved. And you get the idea is that of serving, of serving. But so there there's an idea of serving that has to do with that kind of love. And then here's the other kind of love, which is an expression of how the God, you know, how the father, you know, takes care of us, so to speak. So beautiful, beautiful. Thank you for listening again as we dig into all these concepts in this idea of what is a statute as we draw closer to God. Right. And we fall more in love with him. We're literally gathering the sheep. And that, as I'm understanding more and more, is this idea of a statute, which is het, the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and kuf, which we'll talk about much in upcoming episodes. Thanks for listening.
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