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Psalms 119:164 - Seven Judgements A Day

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
April 18, 2022 10:32 am

Psalms 119:164 - Seven Judgements A Day

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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April 18, 2022 10:32 am

Psalms 119:164 Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments.

Just what we need the power to make us like Jesus, seven judgements a day. The power of refinement and all that went wrong last Saturday to help me understand.

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Unbelievable. Again, we're always talking about these anointings that are in Isaiah 11 and they are wisdom and understanding counsel might Might would be the one that we're on today. That's number four So the fourth verse in English reads seven times a day.

I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments So as always the the verse would begin with the letter of shin and that letter Excuse me, the number seven Begins that word in Hebrew So, I mean that's absolutely beautiful when you think about it because again in the talking about the letter shin It has so much to do with that fire and oxidation and refining So you picture that sheep that's sitting there chewing on the Word of God that is the letter shin and from that you get the idea of Shabbat like resting as you're standing there chewing on the word or Shalom Which we're gonna get to very mightily in the next verse but then the number seven gives you this idea of the time to to process this and I just absolutely love this verse and I didn't want to teach on it until it actually spent some time doing it So I took it upon myself For a few days here to actually try to accomplish this and and from a standpoint like knowing that his righteous judgments have everything to do with the letter shin because You know that that letter shin is in the word judgments because it's so much part of the refining process. And so You know that fire that comes into your world and so to give you a practical example of that it you know Every time that I would see something that would happen that would actually upset my world What kind of build a fire in me then I would stop Write it down and praise God specifically for it so to give you a good example of how that worked out last Saturday because again, I was You know working on this idea if I wanted to praise God seven times for the things that were going wrong from my perspective in the day With the idea being that you know, God has things going the way God has them and that's part of the refining process You know like consider it pure joy when you face various trials Well as I was going through my day the way that I've applied this verse and again If you've got another idea by all means email me text me tell me whatever You know you think but the way I was applying this verse is okay I'm gonna try to find seven times a day where something does not go my way and I'm gonna praise God that he's obviously Finding me through this process of what's going on. Well Saturday to Begin with you know, I usually do the Christian car guys show and one of the immediate things that happened that went wrong Was this the show kicked off the Christian car guys show one of the mics didn't work and so my guest who happened to be Jerry from raised body shop sitting there talking and The mic doesn't work and that's always frustrating. There's no doubt about that But even worse after that, you know, that's number one number two was oh my goodness we We're doing kingdom pursuits and I was supposed to have a guest that was supposed to be there at 1045 and Trans world radio was supposed to connect via another system that we have into the show Well, so at you know, the the moment of time that show was supposed to start I heard trans world connects So I assume they were on and but my guest had not arrived In fact, he didn't get there until like five minutes left in the show And so literally for the first time in the history of that show there. I was I had no guest and it's a guest driven show Like oh my goodness, here's an interesting way and thing about to praise God well after I left there you know, I had to um, I didn't have to I had the joy of doing a Passover Seder because you know this particular Saturday was involved in Passover right before Easter How fun is that and it's a very involved process a very involved process of? Like oh my goodness, and so God must have known I needed seven Things like this on Saturday to praise him but in rapid order, oh my goodness things went wrong You know, we were driving to this venue which was literally You know an hour in some odd ways from from our house and someone out of the car picked up a stick and all of a sudden Unbeknownst to us it started going back back back back back and where it started to do That is called Death Valley in Greensboro because the traffic is so horrible and there's no place to pull over And this thing sounds like it has a flat tire and I could have sworn it had a flat tire by the sound of it But when I looked at the tire inflation thing it all the tires had air in them So I pulled over, you know, my wife was like you got to stop the car and we're you know working through this Oh my gosh, it's been us. Oh 20 30 minutes trying to work on this stick that was making all this noise in the cars so that made us late for the entire Seder and while we were pulling over then I got a call from the first of several that would We're gonna come to the thing that backed out that we're like that somebody got sick and somebody else, you know didn't Have a ride and oh, you know You're expecting these different people to come and actually some of them are special needs friends from that class. And so You know these things were we're happening rapid fire and as a result of that right then the The Seder got behind and to make matters just a little bit more complicated as God was refining me, right? the the Grill that was cooking the lamb stopped what? Unbeknownst to us for some period of time which threw us another, you know, 30 or 45 minutes off That's so the lamb didn't get done and people were looking for water And then some people showed up late.

In other words. I got my seven in easily Like oh my goodness But the really really cool thing is I was thinking about this as they were going on I was stopping and I was praising God and then you get to the part of a Seder I don't know if you've ever done one, but very very cool at the very beginning You do what's called a kaddish where you sanctify the day and you light the candles and you know There's a there's a blessing a Baraka that goes with that This is you know, blessed are you Lord God King the universe that brings forth the order to you know? sanctified this day by the by igniting the holiday lights And the idea there is to bring order out of chaos because we here we've had this Unbelievable chaos that has led to the Seder and my whole day that had been you know All laid out there and then you know We had an opportunity to pray and I looked out of crown there were like 27 people that came to this It was wonderful and I said, can we just you know, let the chaos all go, you know on what we've all experienced over the last You know hours two hours and just get in here and Set apart this time to be with God to hang out with him and just love each other and have a great time and believe me It was it was Shabbat. It was Shalom. It was all about You know this idea of being able to sit back And enjoy that, you know the seventh day in which was in this case Passover for us the Sun was still up so You know really really neat verse and I don't know if you you know, if you want to attempt this but you know Seven times a day, you know, I rejoice because of your righteous judgments. You ought to give it a try Happens I'm continuing to do it because it really does a lot for my oh like man What a neat thing to when I when something happens it that goes the wrong way. Oh, this is one of my seven today So away you go. I hope you enjoy this one on His righteous judgments very helpful
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-04-30 08:54:05 / 2023-04-30 08:57:39 / 4

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