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Psalms 119:106 - Getting Our Souls Right

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
January 12, 2022 9:00 am

Psalms 119:106 - Getting Our Souls Right

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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January 12, 2022 9:00 am

Psalms 119:106 I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments.

Robby has an apology for yesterday's episode and mistaking the Spirit - Rauch with The Soul -Nephesh and here he allows God to make it right and see the connection to how our souls want righteousness.

Psalms 119:106


Hidden Treasures of the 119th Song. Well, admittedly, it has been a difficult morning for me as I realized early in my prayers this morning that I'd made a huge mistake in yesterday's episode. And so, please forgive me. I thought I knew what I was talking about, but clearly the Holy Spirit showed me that I didn't. And so, as I was talking about yesterday, the transition between the Mem and the Nun, that, you know, after the Mem of Jesus came, you know, the Holy Spirit. Well, we are going to get to the Holy Spirit, which is the Rach, and I know that if I got my spirit mixed up with my soul. And so, we are going to get to the Holy Spirit, but the soul is what is the Nun, because that is the Nefesh, which is in Genesis. When you look at the word soul, you'll see that it's Nefesh, and that is a huge difference when it comes to what we're learning about.

And so, I just ask your forgiveness, and it was a mistake. Of course, the idea that we're getting our candle lit is clearly the case, and what's getting lit is our souls. And that's more significant than clearly what I was discussing yesterday, so the Holy Spirit pointed that out to me. And it was kind of important, apparently, he wanted me to see that, but also it was important because of the verse that we're going to talk about today. Which, that was verse 105 we talked about yesterday. And again, well, I'll discuss more about that in a minute when we get to verse 106 in the Nun section. So, yesterday's verse in the Nun section would have been the wisdom. The wisdom that our soul needs is that the word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our past. So, what would be the understanding, which is the second anointing of the Holy Spirit, that would line up today with the understanding of the Nun?

Which is, again, Nefesh, our souls. And so, here we have the psalmist with a very, you know, when I first read this, it's just peculiar, and working through it is interesting. So, and you can kind of see, I feel like, how the Holy Spirit and God took me through what happened yesterday so that I could see better what this is today. Anyway, verse 106 in English reads, I have sworn and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments. And so, you know, you have this idea of that's interesting, which we know that wisdom is to keep, you know, God's word, and then your understanding, as it is in Deuteronomy 6, is to do it.

So, when we see the wisdom of the Nun, obviously, is to keep the word of God, but the understanding here is to actually perform it, as it's described here. So, I have sworn and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments. And as interesting as we study the Nun, you're going to find out that judgments is repeated time and again, and I think that has a lot to do with what happened yesterday and today for me, because our souls want things to be right. And certainly, I wanted yesterday's episode to be right, and I've even, you know, had a long prayer session of, don't you want me to go redo that episode? And I clearly felt the Holy Spirit impressing upon me to leave it that way so that people will see better this whole idea of wanting to perform righteous judgments. In other words, our souls need things to be right, but the way that this works out is that it was my mistake, and so God needs to be the hero of this deal, and he's the one that makes things right.

It isn't me that can make it right, it is him that is going to make it right, but it's so interesting to me that my soul is so drawn to wanting to make yesterday's episode right, but I can't make it right, only he can make it right. And so this idea of our performance, you know, with this, I have sworn and I will perform it that I will keep thy righteous judgments, it's a very, it's a dichotomy, I guess would be the best way to put it. Maybe I'm not using that word well, but it's just, it seems like you got two sides of a coin that shouldn't necessarily come together, but they do if God makes it right. And God does make it right, and so we do our part, he does his, right?

And I got to admit, it was, you know, to come on and say, man, I really blew it yesterday, it really afflicted me, which is going to get to tomorrow's verse, and so this lesson that he has me on here, because I'm sure, you know, as any time that you go to teach something, you've got to first learn it. And so, you know, God is teaching me along these lines of the nun, and again, the idea of the nafesh, you hear the end sound at the beginning of that, and the idea of the nun is often faith, and it's also a seed. And so as we see these things, that our faith is obviously improved, as we see things made right, we're looking for things to be made right. And of course, one of the things we want made right the most is us, which is what Jesus did on the cross. And so he is the one that can quicken us, he is the one that makes the righteous judgments, it's our job just to keep them, right, to know what they are, to know what's in his word, and to allow him to be the judge of things.

So, you know, again, you've got some really interesting words in this verse, where it says, I've sworn, and I will perform it, well, that word sworn, the word saba, but he puts a nun in front of it, in order to say that it's his soul that's swearing this, and then the word perform is really to rise up and to establish. And so isn't it interesting that God has given us the dignity of establishing his judgments. In other words, as we describe these misfit, which is the way he makes things right, the way he makes things good, as we describe how he did that, when we share Jesus with somebody, it's our dignity to take part in what he is going to make things right. Or if we see a situation, like maybe you were listening to yesterday's episode and said, Robbie, the nafesh is not the rach, and you thought this needs to be made right, you need to call me and tell me, Robbie, you made a mistake here, it needs to be made right.

Well, it gives us the dignity to do that when we do that in love, right? And you may remember that in the 23rd Psalm, that these idea of soul and judgments or this idea of soul and righteousness are connected there, because what he says is, you know, you are my shepherd, I shall not want you makes me lay down in green pastures, you lead me besides the waters, you restore my soul. You guide me in paths of righteousness for your namesake and see righteousness comes right after this idea of a restore soul. And you might remember that back when we were in the gimel section, what it says was my soul breaketh for the longing that it hath for thy judgments at all times. And so here, once again, we're seeing a connection to our souls and judgment, or our souls and righteousness. And so that beautiful conviction, I believe that we get when we begin to see that while our souls are not right, and we need something we don't have, which we turn outside ourselves, and God comes and lights our candle. In other words, he is the one that quickens our souls. He's the one that originally breathed into our souls. And not to mix the soul and the spirit again, because there's a fine line there and I know it's hard to hit. But I don't want to miss the connection between how our souls want this righteousness. And this is so clearly connected and something we can all learn from in spite of my mistakes. I thank you for your patience with me, and thank you so much for listening to today's episode.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-06-28 17:50:25 / 2023-06-28 17:54:08 / 4

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