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Psalms 119: Prayer - Bet Section thru Hey

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
November 18, 2021 5:00 am

Psalms 119: Prayer - Bet Section thru Hey

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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November 18, 2021 5:00 am

As Robby is at Bootcamp he is praying the Psalm  this episode is the The Bet Section through the Hey Section

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Hidden Treasures of the 119th Psalm. So, continuing on yesterday as I'm away at boot camp, I wanted to share this prayer with you as I've been working on memorizing the 119th Psalm for some time, and it gives me an opportunity every morning to pray at what I feel like is really from my heart, since the Holy Spirit guides me on how to remember all these verses. And so, as I go through this, I may forget something or misspeak or something, but understand I'm just doing it from my heart as God has allowed me to memorize this, and it's so precious to me. And I certainly want you to feel prayed for, as we're going to do it in the third person, I always do.

For everybody on my prayer list and as my listeners, you're certainly on that list. And so, as we go through it, I want to mention again that sometimes I'll change the word commandments for mitzvah. It's translated in English commandments, but the word in Hebrew is mitzvah, and I like that word a lot. Sometimes I use the word lovingkindness, sometimes I use the word hesed.

They're the same thing, and lovingkindness is hesed in Hebrew, or tav is goodness. So, it's hard to say what I'll do, but it's just what I get there, you know, that's kind of where I go. And so, we're going to start, you know, yesterday we did the aleph, and so we're going to start today in the bet. So, how shall a young man cleanse his way, Lord, by taking heed thereto according to Thy word? With our whole hearts we have sought Thee, Lord.

Let us not wander from Your mitzvah. Thy word we have hidden in our hearts, that we may not sin against Thee. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach us Thy statutes. With our lips we have declared the judgments of Thy mouth, all the judgments of Thy mouth. We have rejoiced in the way of Thy testimonies as much as in all riches. We will meditate on Thy precepts and have respect for Thy ways. We will delight in Your statutes and Your word we will never forget.

So, gimel section. Deal bountifully with Thy servant, O Lord, that we may live and keep Thy word. Open our eyes that we may behold wondrous things out of Thy law.

We are strangers on the earth, Lord. Hide not Your mitzvah from us. Our souls breaketh for the longing that they have for Thy commandments at all times. Thou has rebuked the proud curse which do ravish Thy mitzvah. Roll away our reproach and our shame, for we guard Thy testimonies. Princes also did sit and speak against us, but Thy servants have meditated on Thy statutes. Thy testimonies are our delight and the men of our counsel.

Dalud section. Our souls cleaveth under the dust, Lord. Quicken Thou us according to Thy word.

We have declared our ways and Thou hurtest us. Teach us Thy statutes. Make us to understand the way of Thy precepts and so shall we speak of Thy wondrous works.

Our souls melteth for heaviness. Strengthen Thou us according to Thy word. Remove from us the way of lying and grant us Thy law graciously. We have chosen the way of the amen, the way of faithfulness, and set Thy judgments before us. We cling to Thy testimonies, O Lord. Let us not be put to shame. We will run in the way of Thy commandments when Thou enlarges to our hearts.

Hay section. Teach us the way of Thy statutes and so shall we keep it to the because. Give us understanding that we may keep Thy law.

Yea, we'll observe it with our whole hearts. Make us to go in the way of Thy mitzvah, for therein is our delight. Incline our hearts unto Thy testimonies and not to covetousness. Turn our eyes away from beholding vanity and quicken Thou us in Thy way. Establish Thy word unto Thy servant who is devoted to Thy fear. Remove the reproach that we fear, for Thy judgments are good. Behold, Thy servants have longed for Your precepts. Quicken us in righteousness. And we will just say amen and amen for today and continue tomorrow with the vav section in 119 Psalms. Thank you for listening.
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